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36 PVplant Modeling Gorgan

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PV Plant Modeling for Power System

Integration using PSCAD Software

Conference Paper · May 2015

DOI: 10.1109/ATEE.2015.7133916


2 821

4 authors:

Bogdan Gorgan Stefan Alexandru Busoi



Tanasescu Gabriel Petru Notingher

SIMTECH INTERNATIONAL Polytechnic University of Bucharest


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May 7-9, 2015
Bucharest, Romania

PV Plant Modeling for Power System Integration

using PSCAD Software
Bogdan GORGAN1, Stefan BUSOI1, Gabriel TANASESCU1, Petru V. NOTINGHER2, Member IEEE
SC SIMTECH INTERNATIONAL SRL, Amurgului St., No. 45B, Ilfov, Romania
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Splaiul Independentei St., No. 313, 060042, Bucharest, Romania
bgorgan@simtech-international.ro, sabusoi@simtech-international.ro, gtanasescu@simtech-international.ro,

Abstract-PV Plants connected to the medium voltage grid do not specific requirements concerning the possible application of
contribute to the grid stability. In order to prevent grid PV plants to control the reactive power and to participate in
instability, directives (codes) for connecting PV plants to the
medium voltage power grid have been released. The supply and voltage regulation [3].
control of the reactive power from the renewable generation Details of this can be found in the Italian, German,
plants are becoming important issues to be studied, because they Canadian, Australian and North American regulations [3]-[5].
can facilitate the integration of PV in power grids. In this paper, In North America, the required power factor range is 0.95
two new models of a 6.09 MW PV plant, used to analyze its grid lead (capacitive)/lag (inductive) at maximum power output
integration according to the grid code, are presented. The first is
a simplified model, without taking into account transformers and must be supplied at the CCP [4]. Most grid codes in
and cables, while the second one is a more complex model which Europe recognize that reactive power capability depends on
includes these components. The model was developed using voltage conditions and contain specifications to that effect.
PSCAD-EMTDC software. The final part of the paper presents Thus, in Germany, the power factor design criterion is 0.95
the active-reactive power (P-Q) charts, calculated at the common lead/lag at full power output [5], which requires inverters to
coupling point (CCP), for different levels of solar radiation (0%
to 100%). Based on these charts, it is determined the maximum be oversized or de-rated. This standard also requires dynamic
output power level which can be generated by the plant, reactive power support during voltage variations [4]-[5]. In
according to the current grid code. Romania, the required power factor range is 0.9 lead/lag at
Keywords: common coupling point, P-Q chart, PSCAD software, maximum power output and must be supplied at the CCP [6]-
PV plant, reactive power control. [7]. Regulation [7] adds up a new deadline for PV plant grid
integration and maximum allowed limits for reactive power
I. INTRODUCTION generated during the night, in comparison with [6].
The major issues encountered when a PV plant is
There is an increasing interest in renewable energy sources,
connected to the power grid (stipulated in the grid code) are
explained by changes occurred in the electro-energetic system
the difficulty in operating at full power (taking into account
(manufacturing quality increase, lower equipment costs,
that the plant must operate at a certain power factor –
renewed interest in environmental pollution, continuous
lead/lag, which implies generation/absorption of reactive
decrease of classic fuel energy sources and worries regarding
power to control the voltage at CCP), low/zero voltage ride
nuclear energy) [1].
through (LVRT/ZVRT) function and no reactive power
Until 2012, the installed PV capacity all over the world
generated/absorbed during the night [4]-[7].
exceeded 100 gigawatt (GW) [2]. Statistical data show that
Models regarding hybrid or single type power plants
PV systems are now developing in two directions: in large-
behavior (wind/PV/diesel) and financial issues studies were
scale grid connected PV systems and in small-scale PV
developed [8]-[20]. In [8] is presented a PV plant model
systems integrated with other distributed generators in micro-
which takes into account environmental working conditions
grids. Large-scale grid connected PV systems are generally
(temperature and wind speed) and specific plant
connected to the utility on the medium (20 kV/35 kV) or
configuration, for performance analysis and power production
high-voltage side (110 kV), with the rated capacity ranging
forecast. In [9] are presented two models for wind and
from 1 MW to hundreds of megawatts or even more [2].
photovoltaic power plants, which can evaluate (forecast) the
PV units were operated to maximize the production of
output power. In [10] is presented a steady-state model of a
energy in the past, regardless of the possibility of using
grid connected power converter system and electrical
reactive power as a resource to improve the performance of
characteristics of the power converter under different control
the energy system. During recent years, the possibility of
conditions. Also, a solar cell model is presented, which is
using PV plants as service providers has also been analyzed.
used for energy transfer and grid integration study of the solar
Moreover, it is a matter of fact that several transmission
PV system by incorporating together electrical characteristics
system operators (TSO) are introducing in their grid-code
of the power converter and extracted power characteristics of

978-1-4799-7514-3/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE

the PV generator. A detailed dynamic model, containing the conductors and insulation. All these elements contribute to
control and simulation of a smart grid-connected PV/WT the final active and especially reactive power generation and
(wind turbine) hybrid power generation system, is proposed absorption, thus they must be taken into account. The PV
in [11]. The dynamic behavior of the proposed model is plant model is based on [14] and [21], where more
examined under different operating conditions. Solar information is given about the configuration of photovoltaic
irradiance, temperature and wind speed data is gathered from modules, dc-dc converter, inverters power control/command
a 28.8 kW grid connected solar power system [11]. In [12] is and transformers.
presented a simulation environment for the analysis of PV The studied PV plant (which is in operation in Romania)
generators connected to a micro-grid. An optimal planning consists of a number of 29232 photovoltaic modules of rated
model for investment in large-scale solar PV generation (5 power 240 W, 406 inverters with the rated power of 15 kVA,
MW and above) from the perspective of an individual 4 transformers with rated power of 1600 kVA (20/0.4 kV).
investor is proposed in [13]. In [14], a 260 kW grid-tied PV There are two types of underground power cables (with cross
plant model is described, as well as harmonic distortion sections of 70 and 240 mm2 and lengths of 0.6 and 1.7 km)
analysis. connecting the transformers with the common coupling point.
This paper presents two new models of a PV plant located The power of the PV plant is limited by the inverters’
in Romania (P = 6.09 MW). The first one is a simplified maximum active power and is also called the installed power.
model and it takes into account PV modules, inverters, The model uses real data for each equipment, given by the
transformers and the grid, without taking into account the manufacturers and client.
reactive power influence of cables and transformers. The In Figures 1-3, the entire PV plant model, split into three
second one takes into account the transformers and cables parts for better resolution, is presented. Fig. 1 presents the PV
reactive power contributions at the common coupling point. plant model containing the photovoltaic modules and the
The models were developed to study the issues which appear inverters. Parameters Vpv and Ipv are the dc voltage and
during the PV plant grid integration, according to the current current at the solar panels output. These parameters are
grid code (the difficulty in operating at full power, low/zero adjusted by the dc-dc converter to ensure that the PV plant
voltage ride through (LVRT/ZVRT) function and no reactive active power is maximum at a given time and also that the
power generated/absorbed during the night [4]-[7]). input voltage value of the inverters is dcVltg = 900 V. The
Such studies require a complete modeling of the PV plant inverters feed the transformers (0.4/20 kV) by converting the
in an electromagnetic transient software environment. For this dc input voltage in three phase ac voltage (Vinv). Also, the
reason, PSCAD with full facilities was chosen to simulate the inverters are the key elements for the active and reactive
PV plant model. PSCAD is a powerful and flexible graphical power control of the PV plant. By reactive power absorption
user interface to the world-renowned EMTDC simulation (lag/inductive reactive power) or generation (lead/capacitive
engine. Also, PSCAD’s interface is designed in a way that is reactive power), the inverters control the voltage level at the
easily used [14]. common coupling point, around the rated value of 20 kV
In the second part of the paper, the mathematical model of (given by the transformers), by lowering it (inductive regime)
the PV plant is presented. The models for solar panels, or increasing it (capacitive regime). The inverters control the
inverters, transformers, cables and grid are described. active (P) and reactive (Q) power using two PI (proportional-
The third part refers to results and discussions of the integral) regulators, which were developed based on [14].
simulations (maximum output power level which can be The next part of the PV plant, including transformers and
generated by the plant and the reactive power generated cables, until the common coupling point, is presented in Fig.
during the night). A comparison between the results of the 2. The switch breaker BRK_SM is used to simulate the PV
simplified and the complete model is made, which shows that plant operation during the night, by putting the inverters in
to be in accordance with the current grid codes [6]-[7], the “night mode”.
reactive power influence of subcomponents like transformers Active power losses and reactive power contributions of
and cables are of utmost importance. transformers and cables can be determined using the meters
(P, Q and V) found in Fig. 2. The active power P is calculated
with the equation [21]-[22]:
To study the grid integration of a PV plant, the developed P = 3 ⋅ V ⋅ I ⋅ cos(ϕ) , (1)
model should take into account all the equipment installed
on-site. Usually, in a simplified model, transformers and where V is the phase to ground RMS voltage, I is the RMS
cables are simulated as resistances and inductances in series line current and φ is the power factor angle.
and parallel [10-12]. The model presented in this paper The reactive power Q is calculated with the equation [21]-
contains special modules for transformers and cables used to [22]:
take into account parameters like transformer magnetizing
current, short-circuit voltage, load and no-load losses, cable Q = 3 ⋅ V ⋅ I ⋅ sin(ϕ) , (2)
dielectric parameters, length and diameters of cable
Fig. 1. PV plant model using PSCAD software. Part I - photovoltaic panels, inverter.

Fig. 2. PV plant model using PSCAD software. Part II - transformer, cables and busbar.

Fig. 3. PV plant model using PSCAD software. Part III - grid model.
where V is the phase to ground RMS voltage, I is the RMS
line current and φ is the power factor angle. The total reactive
power absorbed by the transformer (ΔQt) is calculated with
the equation [21]-[22]:

ΔQt = ΔQsc + ΔQ0 = k

(usc ⋅ Sn )2 − Psc2 + (i0 ⋅ Sn )2 − P02 , (3)

where ΔQsc [kVAr] is the reactive power absorbed by the

transformer during operation, ΔQ0 [kVAr] – the no-load
reactive power absorbed by the transformer, k [%] – load, usc
[%] – shortcircuit voltage, i0 [%] – the magnetizing current,
Sn [kVA] – the rated power, Psc [kW] – the active power load
losses and P0 [kW] – the active power no-load losses.
The total reactive power generated by the cable (ΔQc) is Fig. 4. P-Q capability curve for one inverter.
calculated with the equation [21]-[22]:
It can be seen that the active power at grid voltages of (1-
2 2 1.1) Vn (respectively, 20-22 kV) is greater than if the value is
ΔQ = 3 ⋅ C ⋅ ω ⋅ V = 2 3 ⋅ C ⋅ π ⋅ f ⋅V , (4) 0.9 Vn (18 kV). This type of inverter can supply a reactive
power value of maximum ±9 kVAr. This capability curve was
where C [F] is the cable capacity, ω [rad/s] – the angular extended for the entire PV plant and was used for all the
frequency, V [V] – the grid voltage, f [Hz] – the grid simulations.
frequency. For each level of solar radiation between 0 and 1000 W/m2
The total active power loss of the transformer (ΔPt) is and cell temperature of 25 oC, the active and reactive power
calculated with the equation [21]-[22]: desired at steady state have been established at inverters
output, according to the capability curve presented in Fig. 4.
2 Then, in steady state regime, the reactive power contributions
ΔPt = ΔPsc + P0 = k ⋅ Psc + P0 , (5)
of transformers and cables in CCP were determined, by
reading the monitors values in Fig. 2.
where ΔPsc [kW] is the active power loss of the transformer The results of the two models (with and without
during operation, P0 [kVAr] – the active power no-load transformers and cables reactive power contributions) are
losses, k [%] – load and Psc [kW] – the active power load presented in Tables I-III and Figs. 5 - 6. For grid voltages of
losses. 20, 18 and 22 kV, the P-Q charts in CCP are presented (Figs.
The total active power loss of the cable (ΔPc) is calculated 5 - 6). The corresponding voltage levels were simulated by
with the equation [21]-[22]: modifying the secondary voltage of the transformers from the
grid model.
2 ⎛ k .S n ⎞ A. P-Q chart in CCP at grid voltage V = 20 kV
ΔPc = 3 ⋅ R ⋅ I l = 3 ⋅ R ⋅ ⎜ ⎟ , (6)
⎝ 3 ⋅V ⎠ Table I and Fig. 5 present the models’ results in CCP for
grid voltage V = 20 kV. The values for reactive power at the
where R [Ω] is the cable resistance, Il [A] – the grid line common coupling point, when the model does not take into
current, k [%] – load, Sn [kVA] – the rated power and V [V] – account the contributions of transformers and cables, are
the grid voltage. The grid model is presented in Fig. 3 and it smaller than the values for the case when the model is
consists of a power substation with rated voltage of 110 kV, a completed with the respective contribution. The differences
20 MVA power transformer (110/20 kV) and line consumers are up to 0.4 MVAr, on inductive regime. On the capacitive
(represented by a 5 MVA transformer). regime, at the same voltage, the differences between the
reactive power values are up to 0.3 MVAr. At full power, the
transformers’ losses have high values, in comparison with
cables’ losses. This is the reason that the differences between
In this section, the P-Q charts in the common coupling the two models are bigger on the inductive part. Thus, the
point, using the simplified and the complex PV plant models reactive power contributions at CCP level of transformers and
are determined. The simulation is faster for the simplified cables have to be taken into account.
model due to the absence of cables and transformers. When According to Romania’s current grid codes, the maximum
these are taken into account, the simulation time increases by active power values at which the PV plant can operate are P =
10 %. 5.63 MW (inductive regime) and P = 5.39 MW (capacitive
In Fig. 4 the P-Q curve for one inverter, given by the regime). The power limitations were done based on the
manufacturer, is presented. complex model’s results. To limit the PV plant output power
is one possibility, the other being the installation of additional B. P-Q chart in CCP at grid voltages V = 18 kV and V = 22 kV
compensation devices, which can supply the necessary Tables II-III and Fig. 6 present the models’ results in CCP
reactive power, so that the limitation line can be heightened for grid voltages V = 18 kV (capacitive regime) and V = 22
closer to the rated active power (P = 6.09 MW). On the other kV (inductive regime). The inductive regime for V = 18 kV
hand, as it can be seen in Fig. 5, the necessary reactive power was not simulated because it would decrease the voltage in
of these devices should be approximately 3 MVAr, on both CCP below the existing relay protection at minimum voltage.
inductive and capacitive regimes. During the night (P = 0), Also, the capacitive regime for V = 22 kV was not simulated
the reactive power resulted from the simulation (given by because it would increase the voltage in CCP above the
transformers and cables), by opening the switch breaker existing relay protection at maximum voltage.
BRK_SM (Fig. 2), is Q = 84 kVAr capacitive (Table I), The differences between the two models’ values are up to
which has to be compensated by installing a coil with the 0.42 MVAr, on inductive regime (V = 22 kV). On the
same reactive power value. The reactive power given by the capacitive regime, at V = 18 kV, the differences between the
simplified model is zero, because the contributions of the reactive power values are up to 0.43 MVAr.
reactive components are neglected (Table I). According to Romania’s current grid codes, the maximum
active power values at which the PV plant can operate are P =
TABLE I 5.64 MW (inductive regime) and P = 4.9 MW (capacitive
regime). To operate at full power with respect to Romania’s
CABLES INFLUENCE AT V = 20 KV. grid codes, as it can be seen in Fig. 6, the necessary reactive
Q CCP Q CCP power of the compensation devices should be approximately
Solar P CCP Q CCP Q CCP cap – no ind - no
radiation cap
cap ind transformers transformers 3 MVAr, on inductive regime and 2.5 MVAr on capacitive
[W/m2] [MW]
[MVAr] [MVAr] and cables and cables regime.
[MVAr] [MVAr]
0 -0.007 -0.007 0.084 0.084 0 0
100 0.126 0.126 3.609 -3.702 3.561 -3.456 TABLE II
200 0.872 0.872 3.686 -3.667 3.639 -3.422 ACTIVE (P) AND REACTIVE (Q) POWER IN CCP WITH AND
300 1.616 1.616 3.596 -3.693 3.548 -3.449 WITHOUT TAKING INTO ACCOUNT TRANSFORMERS AND
400 2.328 2.328 3.552 -3.706 3.45 -3.412 CABLES INFLUENCE AT V = 18 KV, CAPACITIVE REGIME.
500 3.076 3.076 3.52 -3.73 3.387 -3.409 Solar P CCP Q CCP Q CCP cap -
600 3.591 3.591 3.489 -3.799 3.315 -3.441 radiation cap cap no transformers and cables
670 4.035 4.035 3.424 -3.84 3.215 -3.449 2
[W/m ] [MW] [MVAr] [MVAr]
700 4.206 4.206 3.441 -3.85 3.217 -3.448
800 4.905 4.905 3.368 -3.909 3.088 -3.457
0 -0.005 0.07 0
870 5.382 5.382 2.785 -3.333 2.501 -2.877 100 0.1 3.585 3.338
900 5.436 5.436 2.488 -3.059 2.202 -2.601 200 0.692 3.579 3.328
940 5.666 5.666 1.903 -2.49 1.615 -2.032 300 1.392 3.579 3.313
975 5.928 5.928 0.972 -1.561 0.679 -1.098 400 2.019 3.549 3.259
1000 5.978 5.978 -0.428 -0.428 -0.726 0.038 500 2.626 3.508 3.19
600 3.186 3.468 3.118
670 3.601 3.429 3.055
814 4.499 2.794 2.381
880 4.919 2.201 1.777
940 5.255 1.416 0.984
1000 5.438 -0.408 -0.846

Solar P CCP Q CCP Q CCP ind -
radiation ind ind no transformers and cables
[W/m ] [MW] [MVAr] [MVAr]
0 -0.008 0.112 0
100 0.204 -3.598 -3.334
200 0.912 -3.62 -3.352
300 1.743 -3.621 -3.343
400 2.256 -3.652 -3.356
500 2.918 -3.662 -3.345
600 3.683 -3.677 -3.325
670 3.984 -3.712 -3.346
700 4.3 -3.73 -3.347
800 4.917 -3.78 -3.363
870 5.278 -3.204 -2.784
900 5.43 -2.913 -2.493
Fig. 5. P-Q diagram in CCP at grid voltage V = 20 kV. Comparison between 940 5.648 -2.348 -1.93
the models with and without taking into account the transformers and cables 975 5.929 -1.418 -0.996
reactive power contributions. 1000 5.975 -0.227 0.195
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