Louzis Et Al (2012) - NPL
Louzis Et Al (2012) - NPL
Louzis Et Al (2012) - NPL
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This paper uses dynamic panel data methods to examine the determinants of non-performing loans
Received 10 November 2010 (NPLs) in the Greek banking sector, separately for each loan category (consumer loans, business loans
Accepted 13 October 2011 and mortgages). The study is motivated by the hypothesis that both macroeconomic and bank-specific
Available online 25 October 2011
variables have an effect on loan quality and that these effects vary between different loan categories.
The results show that, for all loan categories, NPLs in the Greek banking system can be explained mainly
JEL classification: by macroeconomic variables (GDP, unemployment, interest rates, public debt) and management quality.
Differences in the quantitative impact of macroeconomic factors among loan categories are evident, with
non-performing mortgages being the least responsive to changes in the macroeconomic conditions.
Keywords: Ó 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Non-performing loans
Greek banking system
Macroeconomic determinants
Bank specific determinants
Dynamic panel data
0378-4266/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
D.P. Louzis et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 36 (2012) 1012–1027 1013
in the Czech banking industry from 1994 to 2005. They also pro- The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 briefly
vide empirical evidence in favor of a negative relationship between presents the evolution of NPLs in the Greek banking system. Sec-
decreased cost efficiency and future NPLs. Both papers focus solely tion 3 provides an overview of the theoretical and empirical liter-
on bank-specific determinants. Li et al. (2007) finds that incentive ature on the determinants of problem loans and formulates the
contracts have a positive effect on managerial efforts to reduce hypotheses relating bank-specific variables to NPLs. Section 4 de-
NPLs in the Chinese banking system. Finally, Breuer (2006) exam- scribes the econometric methodology, while Section 5 presents
ines the influence of a very wide range of institutional variables on the results of the empirical analysis. Finally, Section 6 summarizes
NPLs. our findings.
The present study aims to contribute to the NPLs literature in
three ways. First, we examine the determinants of NPLs across dif-
ferent loan categories, rather than the aggregate level of NPLs. The 2. Evolution of non-performing loans in the Greek banking
majority of previous studies focuses on aggregate NPLs. This ap- system
proach may obscure significant channels through which credit risk
fluctuates.1 In particular, macroeconomic and bank-specific vari- Before the liberalization of the Greek financial sector, which
ables may impact each type of NPLs in a different way. This can be started in the early 1990s, the regulatory restrictions determined
attributed to institutional settings creating different incentive struc- to a large extent the risk attitude of the banking institutions.
tures for each loan type with regard to the costs of bankruptcy.2,3 According to (Tsakalotos, 1991, quoted in Gibson and Tsakalotos,
Moreover, differences in the sensitivity of various NPLs categories 1992) decisions on extending bank credit were frequently made
to macroeconomic developments may be related to differential ef- on the basis of non-banking criteria such as ‘‘personal contacts
fects of the business cycle, especially economic downturns, on and social pressure’’ which lead to inefficiency as regards risk man-
agents’ cash flows and collateralized assets’ values. Therefore, we agement and to problems with NPLs.
distinguish between consumer, business and mortgage loans and On the contrary, the changing economic environment within
investigate separately their corresponding determinants. which the banks operated, and which was clarified around the
Second, the paper focuses on the Greek banking system, which late-1990s,4 changed the mode of operation of Greek banks with re-
due to the recent economic developments in Greece, may serve as a gard to the way they handled risk. In order to achieve satisfactory
benchmark for the study of the public debt and banking crisis levels of profitability and survive in the face of intensified competi-
nexus. Reinhart and Rogoff (2009), for instance, concentrate on tion, as a result of financial liberalization, the banks were forced to
the temporal direction from a banking crisis to a debt crisis, moti- improve their risk management efficiency and adopt sophisticated
vated by the financial turmoil in the US. The case of Greece, how- technology.
ever, provides an example of a fragile public finance condition Taking into account the evolution of the banking sector in
leading to a deterioration of the NPLs. In this paper we investigate Greece it is logical to assume that the determinants of NPLs must
the effect of the sovereign debt on the banking system through the have changed over time. In the place of determinants related to
NPLs. public policy directions, market forces are expected to have taken
Finally, the paper considers two distinct types of determinants, over as the major drivers of NPLs. Our investigation is thus re-
namely macroeconomic (systematic) and bank-specific (idiosyn- stricted to the post-liberalization time period.
cratic). Our aim is to identify the most significant bank-specific Since the 2000s the Greek banking system can certainly be
determinants, after controlling for the macroeconomic environ- characterized as a relatively mature financial sector, where market
ment. The methodology is to estimate a baseline model, which in- forces govern its functioning. This period encompasses a part of the
cludes only general macroeconomic indicators and then examine if booming period (which started since the mid-1990s) and the cur-
the addition of bank-specific variables contributes to the explana- rent financial crisis. Therefore, all phases of the business cycle are
tory power of the model. The choice of the bank-specific variables included in our empirical analysis.
is based on hypotheses which have been put forward in the litera- In addition to the concerns raised by the current financial crisis
ture. Under the assumption that the macroeconomic situation and for a further NPL ratio deterioration, the steep credit expansion,
the business cycle constitute fundamental determinants of NPLs which occurred during this decade (see Fig. 1), also poses the ques-
for all types of loans, this approach enables us to isolate the tion whether the quality of loans granted during this euphoric per-
bank-specific features, which have an impact on NPLs per type of iod was accurately evaluated by the banking system. Generally, the
loan. high rates of credit growth during the 2000s can be attributed to
There is no standardized approach to analyze the factors influ- rightward shifts in both the demand and the supply curves. On
encing NPLs in the literature. Data availability represents a major the supply side, the liberalization of the financial system, which
limitation, constraining to a large extent the methodological op- took place in the 1990s and the ensuing competition between
tions available. This paper utilizes a panel data set comprising nine banks for market share, fueled credit growth. On the demand side,
Greek commercial banks spanning from the first quarter of 2003 to the increase in debt ceilings, brought about by bank competition,
the third quarter of 2009 and a loan portfolio broken down into induced households to attempt to smooth their consumption
mortgage, business and consumer loans. Our results are intuitively through borrowing.5 Furthermore, high rates of growth that pre-
expected but have not been documented before. For example, vailed in Greece since the mid-1990s,6 motivated firms to undertake
empirical evidence is provided that macroeconomic and bank-spe-
cific variables should be combined when modeling the NPLs evolu- Eichengreen and Gibson (2001) provide a comprehensive review of the Greek
tion and we show that there exist both qualitative and quantitative banking sector’s development during the 1990s.
In a theoretical contribution, Antzoulatos (1994) argues (using a stochastic
differences among the effects of these variables on the various NPL
optimization framework) that increases in the debt ceiling may lead to increases in
categories. optimal consumption. Debt ceiling is assumed to be exogenous in his model, so that
one can interpret it as a choice variable for bank policy. Antzoulatos links this
theoretical result with the observed decrease in savings, presumably related to
Sinkey and Greenawalt (1991) analyze the determinants of loan loss rates, improved consumer access to credit (caused by financial deregulation), across a
separately for various loan classes. diverse set of countries. Furthermore, the proposed model implies that improved
For an international comparison of bankruptcy laws see Kolecek (2008). access to credit primarily affects middle-income groups.
3 6
The regulatory framework e.g. the time period within which banks are obliged to For a periodization of the growth phases for the Greek economy see Bosworth and
write off NPLs is another factor that affects the observed value of NPLs. Kollintzas (2001).
1014 D.P. Louzis et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 36 (2012) 1012–1027
Consumer loans
Business loans
Source: Bank of Greece
Fig. 1. Credit expansion per type of loan.
investments, leading to increased debt obligations for the business explicitly the probability of default. This model implies that bor-
sector as well. rowers with low incomes have higher rates of default due to in-
creased risk of facing unemployment and being unable to settle
3. Determinant factors of NPLs their obligation. Additionally, in equilibrium, banks charge higher
interest rates to riskier clients. Rinaldi and Sanchis-Arellano
3.1. (Systematic) macroeconomic factors (2006) extend Lawrence’s model by assuming that agents borrow
in order to invest in real or financial assets. They argue that the
Several papers in the banking literature examine the relation- probability of default depends on current income and the unem-
ship between macroeconomic environment and loan quality. In ployment rate, which is linked to the uncertainty regarding future
this line of research, it has been hypothesized that an expansionary income and the lending rates.9
phase of the economy features relatively low NPLs, as both con- Based on the aforementioned literature, we use the GDP
sumers and firms face a sufficient stream of income and revenues growth, the unemployment rate and the lending rates as the
to service their debts. As the booming period continues, however, primary macroeconomic determinants of NPLs and estimate a
credit is extended to lower-quality debtors and subsequently, baseline model using this set of variables as regressors. In the Sec-
when recession sets in, NPLs increase.7,8 Indeed, Carey (1998) tions 3.2 and 3.3, we undertake a review of the literature in order
argues that ‘‘the state of the economy is the single most important to select additional NPLs’ explanatory variables, which may have
systematic factor influencing diversified debt portfolio loss rates’’ an effect on NPLs.
(Carey, 1998, p. 1382).
Other empirical studies also tend to confirm the aforemen-
tioned link between the phase of the cycle and credit defaults. Qua- 3.2. Debt
gliarello (2007) finds that the business cycle affects NPLs for a large
panel of Italian banks over the period 1985–2002. Furthermore, The interlinkages between sovereign debt crises and banking
Cifter et al. (2009) provides empirical evidence for a lagged impact crises have been recognized after the recent financial crisis and
of industrial production on the number of NPLs in the Turkish the consequent sovereign debt events. Reinhart and Rogoff
financial system over the period 2001–2007. Salas and Saurina (2010) present ample empirical evidence that banking crises most
(2002) estimate a significant negative contemporaneous effect of often either precede or coincide with sovereign debt crises.10 None-
GDP growth on NPLs and infer the quick transmission of macroeco- theless, they also note that ‘‘A causal chain from sovereign debt crisis
nomic developments to the ability of economic agents to service to banking crisis [. . .] cannot be dismissed lightly’’ (Reinhart and
their loans (see further Bangia et al., 2002; Carey, 2002). Rogoff, 2010 p. 26). In fact, the latter temporal sequence has taken
The primary macroeconomic determinants of NPLs may be se- place in Greece, but also in other countries that entered the financial
lected from the theoretical literature of life-cycle consumption crisis, while in a fragile fiscal situation (see for example BIS Annual
models. Lawrence (1995) examines such a model and introduces Report, 2010). 11
7 9
For a model explaining the countercyclical variation of credit standards see The probability of default, in this model, also depends on the amount of loan
Ruckes (2004). taken, the volume of investment and the time preference rate.
8 10
The inability of lower-quality debtors (either households or firms) to service their The mechanisms at work include either the taking over of massive debt on the
loans during a recession is also caused by the decrease in asset values which serve as part of the government which undermines its solvency or the collapse of the currency
collateral and the subsequent contraction of credit as banks become more risk-averse which inflates foreign currency debt.
(see e.g. Geanakoplos, 2009). For the temporal sequence of credit crises see also Reinhart and Rogoff (2009).
D.P. Louzis et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 36 (2012) 1012–1027 1015
Two channels of transmission of a sovereign debt crisis to the Banks’ diversification opportunities may also be related with
banking system have been identified. First, deterioration of pub- loan quality. We expect a negative relation between diversification
lic finances places a ‘ceiling’ on the market evaluation of credi- and NPLs, since diversification lowers credit risk. Some authors use
bility for the national banks and consequently banks become bank size as a proxy for diversification opportunities. In this line of
hard-pressed for liquidity (Reinhart and Rogoff, 2010). In this research, Salas and Saurina (2002) find a negative relation between
context, banks have to cut lending and thus debtors cannot refi- bank size and NPLs and argue that bigger size allows for more
nance their debts. Moreover, a rise in public debt may lead to diversification opportunities. Hu et al. (2004) and Rajan and Dhal
fiscal measures, especially cuts in social expenditure and the (2003) report similar empirical evidence.13 Nonetheless, diversifi-
wage component of government consumption (Perotti, 1996). cation opportunities can be also proxied using the non-interest in-
This may render unserviceable a number of outstanding loans, come as a share of total income, on the grounds that this ratio
as households’ income will experience a negative shock, while reflects banks’ reliance on other types of income, except for loan
second-order effects in corporate loans may take place due to making, and therefore on diversified sources of income.14 Stiroh
decreasing demand. Thus, the following hypothesis may be (2004a) does not find evidence of benefits from diversification in
formulated: the form of reduced risk, for the US banking system, since non-inter-
est income growth was highly correlated with net interest income
(1) ‘Sovereign debt hypothesis’: Rising sovereign debt leads to an during the 1990s.
increase in NPLs. Thus, the following hypothesis may also be formulated:
Table 1
Definition of variables used to test the various hypotheses.
Notes: All ratios are expressed in percentage points. The expected coefficient signs are shown in parenthesis.
The reverse direction of this effect is also possible, as in the management becomes more efficient leading to lower NPLs.16 Fi-
model of Rajan (1994) who aims to explain the correlation be- nally, Azofra and Santamaria (2011) find that high levels of owner-
tween changes in credit policy and demand side conditions. In this ship concentration benefit both the bank’s profitability and
model, credit policy is not determined solely by the maximization efficiency for a sample of Spanish commercial banks.
of banks’ earnings but also by the short-term reputation concerns
of rational banks’ management. Consequently, management may (9) ‘Tight control’ hypothesis: Higher ownership concentration
attempt to manipulate current earnings resorting to a liberal credit tends to promote prudent risk taking through tighter control
policy, defined as a ‘negative NPV extension of credit’. In this man- of the bank’s management. Therefore, ownership concentra-
ner, a bank may attempt to convince the market for its profitability tion is negatively related with NPLs.
by inflating current earnings at the expense of future problem
loans. A bank may also use loan loss provisions in order to boost Table 1 presents the bank specific variables used in the econo-
its current earnings.15 Consequently, past earnings may be posi- metric analysis and their correspondence to the specific
tively linked to future NPLs: hypothesis.
correlated. This suggests that lags of order two, and more, of the We test the ‘sovereign debt hypothesis’ by formulating Eq. (6)
dependent variable satisfy the following moment conditions: as follows:
A second source of bias stems from the possible endogeneity of DNPLhit ¼ aDNPLhit1 þ bh1j DGDPtj þ bh2j DUNtj
j¼1 j¼1
the explanatory variables and the resulting correlation with the er-
ror term. In the case of strictly exogenous variables, all past and fu- X
þ bh3j DRLRhitj þ b4 DDebtt4 þ ghi þ ehit : ð7Þ
ture values of the explanatory variable are uncorrelated with the
error term, implying the following moment conditions:
E½X its Deit ¼ 0 t ¼ 3; . . . ; T and for all s: ð4Þ We choose the lag order of the Debt variable after a ‘general to
specific’ exercise, which resulted in retaining only the fourth lag in
The assumption of strict exogeneity is restrictive and invalid in all three types of NPLs.
the presence of reverse causality i.e. when E[Xiseit] – 0 for t < s. For Next, we add each of the bank-specific indicators of Table 1 to
a set of weakly exogenous or predetermined explanatory variables, the baseline model of Eq. (6) in order to examine its additive
only current and lagged values of Xit are valid instruments and explanatory power.19 The number of cross sectional units poses lim-
the following moment conditions can be used: itations on the number of instruments that can be used in the esti-
E½X its Deit ¼ 0 t ¼ 3; . . . ; T and for s P 2: ð5Þ mation and subsequently the number of exogenous variables that
can be added to Eq. (6).20 Consequently, we implement a ‘‘restricted’’
The orthogonality restrictions described in Eqs. (3)–(5) provide GMM procedure (Judson and Owen, 1999),21 i.e. we use only a lim-
the underpinnings of the one-step GMM estimation, which pro- ited number of lagged regressors as instruments and moreover, as it
duces, under the assumption of independent and homoscedastic has already mentioned, we add just one bank-specific variable at a
residuals (both cross sectional and over time), consistent parame- time reducing the need of additional instruments. The number of
ter estimates. The two-step GMM estimator (Arellano and Bond, instruments is determined so as their total number does not exceed
1991), which utilizes the estimated residuals in order to construct the number of cross sections. Thus, we extend the baseline model in
a consistent variance–covariance matrix of the moment condi- Eq. (6) in order to account for the additional microeconomic
tions,18 may impose a downward (upward) bias in standard errors variable:
(t-statistics) due to its dependence on the estimated residuals. This
may lead to unreliable asymptotic statistical inference (Bond, X
2 X
2002; Bond and Windmeijer, 2002; Windmeijer, 2005), especially DNPLhit ¼ aDNPLhit1 þ bh1j DGDPtj þ bh2j DUNtj
in data samples with relatively small cross section dimension (see j¼1 j¼1
We test the overall validity of the instruments by implementing þ bh3j DRLRhitj þ bh4j X hitj þ ghi þ ehit ; ð8Þ
the Sargan specification test, which, under the null hypothesis of j¼1 j¼1
P 2 2 P P 3
4 4 4 Table 2
j¼1 b4j 6 Var j¼1 b 4j Co v j¼1 b4j ;ð1 aÞ VarðaÞ 7 Descriptive statistics for the NPL ratios (%) per type of loan.
Var bLR
4 ¼ 2 4 P 2 2 P þ 5;
ð1 aÞ 4 4
j¼1 b4j ð1 aÞ
ð1 aÞ2
j¼1 b4j Mortgages Business Consumer
ð10Þ Mean 5.291 8.011 8.381
P P4 P Median 4.880 8.467 8.159
where Var j¼1 b4j ¼ j¼1 Var b4j þ 2 j–l Cov b4j ; b4l . Maximum 9.246 10.075 14.576
Minimum 4.092 5.321 6.316
It should be noted that the estimation of the long-run coeffi- St. dev 1.346 1.537 1.876
cient variance in Eq. (9) accounts for the covariance between the Skewness 1.653 0.470 1.849
estimated parameters, b4j, providing accurate and robust statistical Kurtosis 4.992 1.846 6.538
inference for the total effect of the lagged variables. It is also evi- JB test 16.756 2.495 29.463
p-Values [0.000] [0.287] [0.000]
dent that any multicollinearity between the lags of the regressors,
resulting in misleading statistical (in)significance of the individual Notes: JB denotes the Jarque–Bera normality test. The p-values of the JB test are
lags, is taken into account when we consider the long-run standard shown in brackets.
the business NPLs, underlying once again the differences among the 2003 onwards, which is abruptly reversed after the outbreak of the
three NPL categories and the importance of adopting a disaggregated financial crisis (the trend reversal is evident in the last two quar-
approach in our analysis. ters of 2008). Moreover, business NPLs are noticeably lower com-
Fig. 2 depicts NPL ratios for all loan types. A common feature for pared to the consumer and mortgage NPLs during the crisis
all three NPL categories is that they exhibit a downward trend from period, while this does not hold for the pre-crisis period.
Source: Bank of Greece
Table 3
GMM estimation results for the models with macroeconomic variables.
Notes: t-statistics are reported in parenthesis. The p-values for the Sargan and the m2 test are reported in brackets.
Denote significance at 1% respectively.
Denote significance at 5% respectively.
Denote significance at 10% respectively.
1020 D.P. Louzis et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 36 (2012) 1012–1027
Table 4
GMM estimation results for mortgage loans NPLs (models with bank specific variables).
b b b
Model 6 Model 7 Model 8 Model 9 Model 10
Panel A: Individual lag coefficients estimation
Constant 0.025* 0.033** 0.034** 0.040* 0.037*
(1.917) (2.485) (2.565) (1.878) (1.919)
DNPLh 0.033 0 0.039 0.033 0.008
(0.804) (0.006) (0.676) (0.644) (0.166)
DGDPt1 0.222** 0.198* 0.247** 0.238** 0.224**
(2.032) (1.748) (2.238) (2.372) (2.185)
DGDPt2 0.024 0.03 0.056 0.054 0.063
(0.318) (0.452) (1.140) (1.006) (1.042)
DUNt1 0.147* 0.135 0.156* 0.141 0.133
(1.903) (1.618 (1.704) (1.432) (1.365)
DUNt2 0.006 0.036 0.055 0.06 0.059
(0.088) (0.522) (0.876) (0.959) (0.899)
DRLRhit1 0.064 0.086 0.078 0.087 0.087
(0.987) (1.412) (1.37) (1.438) (1.422)
DRLRhit2 0.024 0.092 0.059 0.071 0.084
(0.307) (1.201) (0.824) (0.945) (1.091)
SIZEit 0.627** ROEit1 0.005 OC 1it 0.136 OC 2it 0.74 OC 3it 0.596
(2.395) (1.282) (0.303) (0.893) (0.895)
LRit1 0.181*** 0.004SIZEit ROEit2 0.009**
(2.917) (1.150) (2.103)
LRit2 0.016 0.003SIZEit ROEit3 0
(0.183) (0.640) (0.024)
LRit3 0.118** + 0.005*SIZEit ROEit4 0.008**
(2.384) (1.796) (2.281)
LRit1 0.111* 0.006**SIZEit
(1.795) (2.150)
Panel B: Long-run coefficients estimation
DGDP 0.255** 0.228* 0.293** 0.283** 0.285**
(2.204) (1.640) (2.573) (2.655) (2.578)
D.P. Louzis et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 36 (2012) 1012–1027 1021
Table 4 (continued)
b b b
Model 6 Model 7 Model 8 Model 9 Model 10
*** **
DUN 0.159 0.099 0.097 0.078 0.073
2.71 (2.496) (1.523) (1.092) (0.949)
DRLR 0.091 0.178** 0.133* 0.154** 0.170**
(1.086) (2.049) (1.872) (2.073) (2.204)
SIZE 0.648** ROE 0.012** OC1 0.131 OC2 0.717 OC3 0.591
LR (2.437) (2.491) (0.312) (0.906) 0.909
0.197 + 0.007SIZE
Sargan test 165.7 135.8 109.1 111.8 119
[1.000] [0.807] [0.908] [0.874] [0.746]
m2 2.012 1.881 2.011 2.052 2.064
[0.044] [0.060] [0.044] [0.040] [0.039]
Notes: t-statistics are reported in parenthesis. The p-values for the Sargan and the m2 test are reported in brackets.
The 95% confidence interval of the leverage marginal effect is shown in Fig. 3.
The ownership concentration data are available from 2005 q1 and onwards.
Denote significance at 1% respectively.
Denote significance at 5% respectively.
Denote significance at 10% respectively.
5.2. Dynamic panel data estimations Unemployment has a significant impact on all NPL categories
with business NPLs being the most sensitive. Therefore, it seems
5.2.1. Models with macroeconomic variables that firms cut their labor cost before they face debt servicing prob-
Panel A of Table 3 presents the individual lag one-step GMM lems. Additionally, unemployment is a leading indicator of con-
coefficients estimations for the baseline models with macroeco- sumer NPLs implying that a rise in unemployment affects
nomic variables and for all NPL categories, while Panel B presents households’ ability to service their debts. Mortgages are again
the corresponding long-run coefficients estimations.29,30 For each the least sensitive NPL type. This can be explained by the fact that
model, we also report the Sargan and the m2 test results at the bot- in Greece mortgage loans are mostly extended to civil servants and
tom of the table. high-skilled workers of the private sector, who are less likely to get
The coefficient of the lagged dependent variable (see Panel A, unemployed (Mitrakos et al., 2005; Mitrakos and Simigiannis,
Table 3) is negative and statistically significant in the case of busi- 2009).
ness and consumer NPLs. The implication is that NPLs are likely to The coefficients for the real lending rates are positive as ex-
decrease when they have increased in the previous quarter, due to pected. Consumer NPLs are the most sensitive to changes in lend-
the write-offs.31 On the other hand, this coefficient is statistically ing rates. It should be noted that the vast majority of both
insignificant for mortgages. Particularly for mortgages, macrofunda- consumer and business loans are floating rate loans. On the con-
mentals are the main drivers of the NPLs. In the rest of the paper, we trary, there is a significant part of fixed rate mortgage loans which
concentrate on the long run coefficients in order to assess in a more explains to an extent the relative insensitivity of mortgage NPLs.
transparent manner the differential impact of all explanatory vari- Moreover, consumer loans are not easily refinanced, as banks tend
ables (see also Section 4.2). to resort to tighter credit policies with regard to consumer loans
For all macroeconomic variables, the estimated long-run coeffi- during recessions. In contrast, firms facing difficulties in servicing
cients are statistically significant and have the expected sign, com- their debt are able to renegotiate a debt restructuring.
patible with the theoretical arguments surveyed in Section 3. The Overall, the most striking implication of the estimation results
NPL ratio is negatively affected by a slowdown in economic growth is that there are significant quantitative differences between the
for all loan types. The overall effect of GDP growth rate is found to different NPL types as regards macroeconomic variables. Focusing
be stronger for business NPLs. This result points to a strong depen- on specific macrofundamentals, the real GDP growth has the stron-
dence of the business sector’s ability to repay its loans on the phase gest effect on business NPLs, as does unemployment. On the other
of the cycle. Moreover, the small average size of Greek firms hand, lending rates have a noticeable impact on consumer NPLs. Fi-
(Voulgaris et al., 2004) is probably another contributing factor to nally, the mortgage NPLs are the least responsive to the macroeco-
this effect, as they tend to be less diversified and thus more vulner- nomic conditions.32
able to adverse macroeconomic shocks. Consumer and mortgage We also find strong evidence in favor of the ‘sovereign debt
NPLs are also negatively related to the GDP growth rate. Neverthe- hypothesis’. Specifically, the coefficients of the Debt variable are
less, the quantitative impact of GDP growth rate on mortgage NPLs positive and statistically significant for all NPL types. The impact
is attenuated compared to the NPLs of the other two loan types. of public debt is more pronounced on consumer NPLs. We have
also tested the ‘sovereign debt hypothesis’ using the sovereign
bond spread as an additional explanatory variable and the results
are qualitatively the same.33
The Blundell–Bond system GMM estimator (Blundell and Bond 1998) has also
been proposed in the literature. However, using the Sargan – difference test we reject
its underlying assumptions. 5.2.2. Baseline model with bank specific variables
For all three baseline models, we check for the existence of multicollinearity. We Tables 4–6 present the GMM estimation results for all NPL cat-
find that all the variables in all models have VIF value (Greene, 2003, p. 57) less than egories when bank-specific variables are included. Specifically,
6, while most of them have VIF value of 2 or less. These results indicate that there is
no multicollinearity (e.g. see Kutner et al., 2004, p. 409). The results of the VIF test are
available upon request. Another possible explanation for this empirical regularity is that home ownership
Sorge and Virolainen (2006) report a negative coefficient for the lagged is highly valued in Greece, a feature that may be considered as a social specificity.
dependent variable in their estimated equation of loan loss provisions for the Finnish The sovereign bond spread is defined as the difference in yields between the
banking system. The economic interpretation for the negative coefficient in both Greek and the German 10 year bond. These results are available from the authors
cases is similar. upon request.
1022 D.P. Louzis et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 36 (2012) 1012–1027
Table 5
GMM estimation results for business loans NPLs (models with bank specific variables).
Table 5 (continued)
Notes: t-statistics are reported in parenthesis. The p-values for the Sargan and the m2 test are reported in brackets.
The 95% confidence interval of the leverage marginal effect is shown in Fig. 4.
The ownership concentration data are available from 2005 q1 and onwards.
Denote significance at 1% respectively.
Denote significance at 5% respectively.
Denote significance at 10% respectively.
Table 6
GMM estimation results for consumer loans NPLs (models with bank specific variables).
Table 6 (continued)
Notes: t-statistics are reported in parenthesis. The p-values for the Sargan and the m2 test are reported in brackets.
The 95% confidence interval of the leverage marginal effect is shown in Fig. 5.
The ownership concentration data are available from 2005 q1 and onwards.
Denote significance at 1% respectively.
Denote significance at 5% respectively.
Denote significance at 10% respectively.
Panels A and B of the aforementioned tables present the individual for reckless risk-taking and short-termism for reputation reasons.
lag and the long-run coefficients estimates respectively. As in the In addition, due to the small number of banks, regulatory authori-
baseline models, we concentrate on the long-run coefficients in or- ties tend to have an accurate on-site overview of the riskiness of
der to determine which of the hypotheses presented in Section 3.3 each bank’s loan portfolio and thus they can intervene accordingly.
find support in the Greek banking system. Therefore, the empirical As a result, the potential of bank managers causing high levels of
evidence presented in Table 7, regarding the tested hypotheses, is NPLs due to moral hazard incentives is minimized.
based on the sign and the statistical significance of the long-run Furthermore, the diversification hypothesis is clearly rejected.
coefficients (Berger and DeYoung, 1997). When the size variable is used as a proxy for diversification, nei-
A general remark is that the incorporation of bank-specific vari- ther do the corresponding coefficients (for mortgages and business
ables in the baseline model does not affect the differential quanti- loans) have the expected sign, nor are they statistically significant
tative impact of the macrofundamentals on the different NPL (for all types of loans). It can be argued that size may not fully cap-
categories. Specifically, for all NPL categories, the estimation re- ture diversification (see also Section 3) or that there may be count-
sults indicate that the coefficients of the macro-variables are fairly ertendencies to the degree of risk-taking from increasing size e.g.
stable across different models with different bank-specific vari- large banks may engage in activities that are inherently more risky
ables and very close to the estimations of the baseline model. compared to the activities of smaller banks. Nonetheless, our re-
The coefficient of the inefficiency index is positive and statisti- sults do not change even when the non-interest income ratio is
cally significant for all NPL categories, thus, lending support to the used as a proxy for diversification. Specifically, the sign of the
‘bad management’ hypothesis. Moreover, its impact is quantita- non-interest income coefficient is negative for all three types of
tively similar for all types of NPLs. It should be noted that our NPLs, as expected, however the coefficients are not statistically sig-
empirical evidence, providing support for the ‘bad management’ nificant. These results can be attributed to the potential ‘‘dark
hypothesis, is consistent with the findings of Berger and DeYoung sides’’ of diversification, as noted by Stiroh (2004b), namely that
(1997) and Podpiera and Weill (2008). as managers enter a business where they are not experienced, or
On the other hand, banks’ risk attitude, as proxied by the sol- the bank does not have any comparative advantage, bank’s risk
vency ratio, does not have explanatory power for all NPL types. increases.
Thus, the ‘moral hazard’ hypothesis does not find support for the Our empirical results are in favor of the TBTF effect on risk-tak-
Greek banking system. A possible explanation is that the small ing. Specifically, within the actual range of size values, i.e. for a
sized market for bank managers in Greece creates disincentives bank size up to 30% of the total banking system, leverage has a
D.P. Louzis et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 36 (2012) 1012–1027 1025
Table 7
Empirical evidence for tested hypotheses.
Notes: The empirical evidence is based on the sign and the statistical significance of the long run coefficients. In the case of the too-big-to-fail hypothesis the empirical
evidence is based on the long-run impact of leverage conditional on bank’s size.
0.6 0.5
0.1 0
0 20 40
0 20 40
-0.4 -0.5
Bank size as a percentage (%) of the total banking system Bank size as a percentage (%) of the total banking system
Fig. 3. Marginal effect of leverage on mortgages NPLs. Fig. 5. Marginal effect of leverage on consumer NPLs.
granting, does not differ substantially among banks. Empirical sup-
port for the ‘bad management II’ hypothesis is also consistent with
the aforementioned finding that lagged cost inefficiency is posi-
tively related to the problem loans through the ‘bad management’
0 hypothesis. Hence, both the performance and the inefficiency indi-
0 20 40 cators may serve as proxies for the quality of management and
both have explanatory power over the NPLs. Furthermore, the ‘pro-
cyclical credit policy’ hypothesis is rejected, as it implies a positive
relation between past performance and current NPLs.
-0.5 Finally, when the ownership concentration dummies are added
Banks' size as a percentage (%) of the total banking system as explanatory variables we obtain the surprising result that
increasing concentration, i.e. greater than 25% and 50%, is posi-
Fig. 4. Marginal effect of leverage on business NPLs.
tively associated with business and consumer NPLs. This is in con-
trast with the predictions of the ‘tight control’ hypothesis. The
explanation for this result lies in the particularities of the Greek
positive and statistically significant effect on mortgage and busi- banking sector and specifically in two main factors. First, a number
ness NPLs up to a certain size threshold (20% and 5% for the mort- of previously state-controlled banks focusing on specific market
gages and consumer NPLs respectively, see Figs. 3 and 5 segments, e.g. agriculture and commerce, had, historically, high
respectively). These results hint at a TBTF effect up to a size level levels of NPLs. Despite the fact that some of these banks are no
indicating that leverage tends to increase NPLs, but this effect oc- longer state-owned, they are still characterized by highly concen-
curs only up to a certain size threshold. After that threshold, lever- trated ownership while also retaining relatively high levels of
age conditional on size does not have any statistically significant NPLs. Second, there are relatively recent entrants in the banking
effect on NPLs, implying that among the largest banks there is no sector with a high degree of ownership concentration which had
differential TBTF effect on NPLs. On the other hand, for the business embarked in the past on aggressive lending as a strategic choice
loans portfolio, a TBTF effect on the quality of loans cannot be in- in order to gain market share.
ferred (see Fig. 4).
The ROE indicator is statistically significant and negatively re-
lated to the mortgages and consumer NPLs while it is insignificant 6. Concluding remarks and discussion
for the business NPLs. The findings for mortgages and consumer
NPLs provide evidence in favor of the ‘bad management II’ hypoth- In this study we use dynamic panel data methods to examine
esis. This may signify that the effect of management quality is the determinants of NPLs in the Greek banking sector. We find that
mainly reflected on the efficiency of households’ credit granting macroeconomic variables, specifically the real GDP growth rate,
procedures, which are primarily based on the development of the unemployment rate, the lending rates and public debt have a
quantitative modeling techniques, while the quality of case-by- strong effect on the level of NPLs. Moreover, bank-specific variables
case assignment procedures, which characterize business loans such as performance and efficiency possess additional explanatory
1026 D.P. Louzis et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 36 (2012) 1012–1027
power when added into the baseline model thus lending support to where n = 4 and
the ‘bad management’ hypothesis linking these indicators to the !
quality of management. Furthermore, evidence for the existence X
n X
n X
of a TBTF effect is found for mortgage and business loans up to a Var b5j þ b6j SIZE ¼ Var b5j þ SIZE2 Var b6j
j¼1 j¼1 j¼1 j¼1
size level. In addition, the empirical results indicate that the quan-
n X
X n
titative effects of the various NPLs’ determinants depend on the þ2 Cov b5j ; b5i
category of loans. Particularly, consumer loans are the most sensi- j¼1 i¼1
tive to changes in the lending rates and business loans to the real i–j
GDP growth rate, while mortgages are the least affected by macro- X
n X
economic developments. þ 2SIZE Cov b5j ; b6j
j¼1 i¼1
Our findings have several implications in terms of regulation
n X
and policy. Specifically, there is evidence that performance and þ 2SIZE2 Cov b6j ; b6i :
inefficiency measures may serve as leading indicators for future j¼1 i¼1
problem loans. This suggests that regulatory authorities should i–j
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