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Jee (Advanced) Online Test Series: Class XII

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e-Learning Programmes Division (eLPD)

Academic Session 2017-18


Class XII
Schedule of JEE(Advanced) Online Test series
Test Test Physics Chemistry
Date Name Maths

Rec linear mo on, Projec le mo on,

Rela ve mo on, Geometrical op cs
(Introduc on, Laws of reflec on, Plane
mirror,Mo on of object,Reflec on
through curve surface and Focal length Mole Concept,Quantum Mechanical
PT-1 Fundamnetals of Mathema cs, IUPAC Nomenclature & Structural
5-Aug-17 of mirror,Mirror formula, Examples on model of atom (QMM)Periodic Table
JEE(Adv) Quadra c Equa ons Isomerism
spherical mirror, velocity of image and (PT)
magnifica on.,Combina on of curved
mirror & Plane mirror,Refrac on at
plane surface, Slab,Total internal
reflec on)

Fundamentals of Mathema cs,

Quadra c Equa on, Matrices &
Determinant,Sta s cs, Straight Line
(Coordinate System, Distance Formula, IUPAC Nomenclature,Structural
Sec on Formula and associated isomerism, Structure Identication,
examples, Phisicial organic Chemistry ( POC-
I), General Organic Chemistry
No on of slope,Std equa on,slope
(GOC-1)(I effect, + I, – I, their order
form,two point form,
Rec linear mo on, Projec le mo on, and applications, Resonance :
CT-1 area of triangle,area of quadrilateral, Mole concept, QMM,Periodic Table &
21-Aug-17 Rela ve mo on, Geometrical op cs, Denition, condition and writing
JEE(Adv) Determinant form,Parametric form of Real Gases
Newton's Law of Mo on(NLM), Fric on resonating structures,Stability of
line and its examples,
R.S., R.E., application of resonance
Angle between the lines,,Point and
eg., stability of alkenes,
Line-posi on,linear inequali es,
B.L.,Mesomeric effect eg., +m, –m
perpendicular distance,image and
effect, Application of m effect i.e.,
foot,Centroid,orthocenter,circumcente e– density, B.L.,)
r,incenter,Locus problems,Line and
Line-Distance bet parallel lines, angle

GOC-I (I effect, + I, – I, their order

and applications, Resonance :
Denition, condition and writing
resonating structures,Stability of
R.S., R.E., application of resonance
eg., stability of alkenes,
B.L.,Mesomeric effect eg., +m, –m
Matrices & effect, Application of m effect i.e.,
Determinant,Sta s cs,Straight Line, e– density, B.L.,Hypercongugation
Circle, Binomial Theorem (Binomial and their application B.L., stability
Geometrical op cs, NLM, Fric on,
Theorem for posi ve index of alkenes,Application of electronic
Work,Power,Energy (WPE), Circular
PT-2 Theorem+basic proper es, General effect,Aromaticity, denition,
28-Aug-17 mo on, Electrosta cs (Electric charge, Real Gases, Chemical Bonding
JEE(Adv) term, middle term, Coefficient of xk in condition, Aromaticity in cations
Coulomb's Law,Problems of Coulomb’s
(ax + b)n),Num greatest coefficient, anions,Annulenes, Azulene anti
Num greatest term, aromatic compounds)& GOC-II
Remainder, Sum of series (upper index (Carbocations : Structure, shape,
is constant) hybridization and stability of
carbocations.,Rearrangement of
carbocations, Stability of F.R.’s ,
Carbanions,Acidic Strength of
organic compounds,Basic strength
of organic compounds,Denation,
Conditions of Tautomerism, Enol

Fundamentals of Mathema cs, Mole Concept, QMM, Periodic Table,

Quadra c Equa on, Matrices & Real Gases, Chemical Bonding,
Rec linear mo on, Projec le mo on, Determinant, Sta s cs, Straight Line, Chemical Equilibrium, Ionic Equilibrium IUPAC Nomenclature,Structural
CT-1 Rela ve mo on, Geometrical op cs, Circle, Binomial Theorem, Permuta on (Elementary) (Acid base concept, Isomerism,Structure Iden fica on, POC-
JEE(Main) NLM, Fric on, WPE, Circular mo on, & Combina on (P&C ), Probability Ostwald dilu on law, Proper es of I, GOC-I & II, Basic Inorganic
Electrosta cs , Gravita on (Basics defini ons, Classical defini on water ,pH calcula on of Acids & Nomenclature(BIN)
of probability,Addi on theorem of Bases,Salt hydrolysis (WA + SB, SA +
probability, Condi onal probability) WB,WA + WB) )

GOC-I & II, BIN, Stereoisomerism

Mole Concept, QMM, Periodic Table, (Defini on, Condi ons of G.I., cis-trans,
Real Gases, Chemical Bonding, proper es of G.I.,Syn-an , oximes,
Rec linear mo on, Projec le mo on, Chemical Equilibrium, Ionic Equilibrium number of G.I. and E, Z,Plane polarized
Rela ve mo on, Geometrical op cs, (Elementary), Coordina on light, S.R. chirality, P.O.S.,
Fundamentals of Mathema cs,
NLM, Fric on, WPE, Circular mo on, compounds (General Introduc on, C.O.S.,Alterna ng axis of symmetry,
Quadra c Equa on, Matrices &
Electrosta cs , Gravita on, Current ligand & Oxida on Number , Den city axis of symmetry,Applica on of
CT-2 Determinant,Sta s cs,Straight Line,
9-Oct-17 electricity, Capacitance, Centre of mass of ligand,Nomenclature of symmetry opera ons fischer projec on
JEE(Adv) Circle, Binomial Theorem, P & C,
(Defini on and calcula on of coordina on compound,Theory of formula, wedge-dash formula
Probability,Sets & Rela on,Func on &
COM,Mo on of COM, Momentum coordina on compounds (Werner enan omers and their
Inverse Trigonometric Func on (ITF)
conserva on,Spring mass system & theory& Effec ve atomic number), proper es,Diastereomers, R/S, D/L,
Impulse) VBT- Hybridisa on/ Geometry/ configura ons,Racemic mix, resolu on,
Magne c Behaviour,Crystal field % Enan omer excess,Total number of
theory ) op cal isomers & op cal ac vity
without chiral carbon atom)

Stereoisomerism, Organic reac on

Rec linear mo on, Projec le mo on, Fundamentals of Mathema cs, Mole concept, QMM, Periodic table, mechanisms-I (ORM-I)(Electrophile,
Rela ve mo on, Geometrical op cs, Quadra c Equa on, Matrices & Real Gases, Chemical Bonding, Nucleophile & Nucleophilicity, Leaving
CT-2 NLM, Fric on, WPE, Circular mo on, Determinant, Sta s cs, Straight Line, Chemical Equilibrium, Ionic group ability & Solvent,Introduc on to
JEE(Main) Electrosta cs , Gravita on, Current Circle, Binomial Theorem, P & C, Equilibrium (eleminatry), Coordina on reac on mechanism & Reac on of
electricity, Capacitance, Centre of mass, Probability, Sets & Rela on, Func on compounds, Surface Chemistry, s- acidic hydrogen, Nucleophilic addi on
Rigid Body Dynamics (RBD) & ITF, Limits, Con nuity & Derivability block elements reac on of carbonyl compounds (HCN
& GR))

Stereoisomerism, Organic reac on

mechanisms-I(Electrophile, Nucleophile
Chemical Equilibrium, Ionic & Nucleophilicity, Leaving group ability
Equilibrium (eleminatry), Coordina on & Solvent,Introduc on to reac on
compounds, Surface chemistry, s- mechanism & Reac on of acidic
block elements,p-Block Elements, hydrogen, Nucleophilic addi on
Qualita ve Analysis (anion), reac on of carbonyl compounds (HCN
Electrosta cs, Gravita on, Current & GR),SN2Th reac on of acid
P & C, Probability,Sets & Rela on, Electrochemistry (Wri ng cell from cell
PT-3 electricity, Capacitance, Centre of mass, (Estrifica on),SN2Th reac on of acid
27-Nov-17 Func on & ITF, Limits, Con nuity & reac on and vice-versa, E, Eº, Ecell,
JEE(Adv) RBD, Simple Harmonic mo on (SHM),
Derivability, Applica on of Deriva ves Eºcell, Standard Hydrogen Electrode, deriva ves (RCOOH, ROH, NH 3, RMgX,
String wave
Electro series & its applica ons.DG & CN–, LiAlH4 & Hydrolysis),Electrophilic
DGº, Calcula on of SRP of an Aroma c subs tu on reac on
electrode from other SRP values, (Halogena on, nitra on sulphona on)
Nernst equa on & Ques ons based on & ORM-II (Direc ve influence & o/p
it.Concentra on cells) ra o, Friedel cra Alkyala on,Friedel
cra Acyla on reac on & its
limita ons)

Fundamentals of Mathema cs, Stereoisomerism, Organic reac on

Quadra c Equa on, Matrices & mechanisms-I & ORM-II(Direc ve
Rec linear mo on, Projec le mo on, influence & o/p ra o, Friedel cra
Determinant, Sta s cs, Straight Line,
Rela ve mo on, Geometrical op cs, Alkyala on,Friedel cra Acyla on
Circle, Binomial Theorem, P & C, Mole concept, QMM, Periodic table,
NLM, Fric on, WPE, Circular mo on, reac on & its limita ons,Free radical
Probability, Sets & Rela on, Func on Real Gases, Chemical Bonding,
Electrosta cs , Gravita on, Current subs tu on of alkane, Free radical
& ITF, Applica on of Deriva ves, Chemical Equilibrium, Ionic
electricity, Capacitance, Centre of mass, subs tu on by NBS & Free radical
CT-3 Limits, Con nuity & Derivability, Equilibrium (eleminatry), Coordina on
11-Dec-17 RBD, SHM, String wave, sound addi on reac on,Electrophilic addi on
JEE(Main) Indefinite Integra on, Definite compounds, Surface Chemistry, s-
wave,Electro Magne c Effect reac on of alkene(X 2, HOX,
Integra on & Its Applica on(Newton- block elements, p-Block
(EMF)(Magnet, Magne c field due to
Leibnitz formula and graphical Elements,Qualita ve Analysis (anion), HX),Electrophilic addi on reac on of
moving charge, biot Savart’s +
interpreta on of definite Electrochemistry, Metallurgy alkene (H 2O / H ,(CH3COO)2Hg,H2O /
law,Magne c field due to straight
integra on,Proper es of D.I. (P-1 to P- NaBH4,& B2H6 / H2O2),Electrophilic
wire,arc, ring)
5)) addi on reac on of alkyne (X 2, HOX,
HX, H2SO4 / Hg2+& B2H6 / H2O2)

18-Dec-17 JEE(Main) Full Syllabus Full Syllabus Full syllabus Full Syllabus

25-Dec-17 JEE(Adv) Full Syllabus Full Syllabus Full syllabus Full Syllabus

Fundamentals of Mathema cs, ORM-I & II, Reduc on, Oxida on &
Rec linear mo on, Projec le mo on, Electrochemistry, Metallurgy, Hydrolysis,ORM-III(Nucleophilic
Quadra c Equa on, Matrices &
Rela ve mo on, Geometrical op cs, Chemical Kine cs, p-Block Elements Subs tu on Reac on S N1 (Alkyl halide,
Determinant,Sta s cs,Straight Line,
NLM, Fric on, WPE, Circular mo on, (Boron & Carbon Family), Solu on &
CT-3 Circle, Binomial Theorem, P & C, Alcohol and Ether),Nucleophilic
Electrosta cs , Gravita on, Current Colliga ve Proper es (Solu ons of
1-Jan-17 JEE(Adv) Probability,Sets & Rela on,Func on & Subs tu on Reac on S N2 (Alkyl halide,
electricity, Capacitance, Centre of mass, Solid and Gases in Liquids, General
ITF, Limits, Con nuity & Derivability, Alcohol and Ether),Nucleophilic
RBD, SHM, String wave, sound wave, Introduc on & types of
Applica on of Deriva ves, Indefinite Subs tu on Reac on S N2 &
EMF, Electro Magne ce Induc on (EMI), solu on,Vapour Pressure, Completely
Integra on, Definite Integra on & Its SNi,Nucleophilic Subs tu on Reac on
Alterna ng currrent (AC) miscible liquids: Raoult’s law)
Applica on SN2Ar)

Applica on of Deriva ves, Indefinite

Integra on, Definite Integra on & Its
Reduc on, Oxida on & Hydrolysis ,
Applica on, Differenital Equa on, Electrochemistry, Metallurgy,
PT-4 ORM-III,ORM-IV(Elimina on Reac on
Sound wave, EMF, EMI, AC, Modern Vector & 3–D (Addi on of vectors, Chemical Kine cs, p-Block Elements
15-Jan-18 JEE(Adv) E1 & E2 & E1cb) & Aroma c compound
Physics–I, Nuclear physics posi on vector, distance formula and (Boron & Carbon Family), Solu on &
(Prepara on of phenol,Chemical
sec on formula,Vector equa on of Colliga ve Proper es
reac on of phenol)
straight line,Scalar product of two
vector,Vector product of two vectors)

29-Jan-18 Full syllabus Full syllabus Full syllabus Full syllabus

Vector & 3-D, Complex Number, Conic

Sec on (Parametric equa on of
parabola (Standard),Chord joining t1, t2
Wave op cs, Fluid mechanics, Surface
, Posi on of a point w.r.t.
tension, Elas city and viscosity, KTG and
parabola,Posi on of a line w.r.t. Reduc on, Oxida on & Hydrolysis,ORM-
PT-5 thermodynamics (Assump ons of KTG Solu on & Colliga ve Proper es, p-
parabola, Length of intercept, III, IV,Aroma c
12-Feb-18 JEE(Adv) and Internal energy,Work done by gas in block elements (13 to 18),
Tangent,Normal, Length of tangent, compound,Hydrocarbon,Carbonyl
different process and indicator Thermodynamic & Thermochemistry
Normal, Subtangent, Subnormal, Pair compounds
diagram,first law of thermodynamics &
of Tangents, Director Circle,Chord of
its applica on)
contact, Chord with middle
point,Important proper es of

26-Feb-18 Full syllabus Full syllabus Full syllabus Full syllabus
5-Mar-18 JEE(Main) Full syllabus Full syllabus Full syllabus Full syllabus

12-Mar-18 JEE(Main) Full syllabus Full syllabus Full syllabus Full syllabus

19-Mar-18 JEE(Main) Full syllabus Full syllabus Full syllabus Full syllabus

23-Apr-18 JEE(Adv) Full syllabus Full syllabus Full syllabus Full syllabus

30-Apr-18 Full syllabus Full syllabus Full syllabus Full syllabus
14-May-18 JEE(Adv) Full syllabus Full syllabus Full syllabus Full syllabus

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