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Chapter 1-5 Thesis Outline Revised 9/11

Chapter One: Definition of Problem

Write this chapter in present tense. Use double spacing, 12 point Times

New Roman or Arial font. Indent every paragraph by 5 spaces. Use level one

headings for the key sections – center, bold and title case. Write a brief

introduction to your topic. Capture your reader’s attention. Preview the headings

for the entire chapter: purpose of the research, preview of literature, preview of

methodology, significance of research, and definition of key terms.

Purpose of Research

Articulate the research questions for your study.

Preview Literature

Identify the 2-5 key areas of your literature review. Cite the leading

authors of each area.

Preview Methodology

Describe the kind of research you will conduct (qualitative/quantitative).

Briefly describe the steps you will take to conduct the research. Cite any authors

that you are modeling your research after.

Significance of Research

State how this research can improve education. How will it affect students,

teachers, administrators, families, and the community at large? How will it build

upon previous literature? Is it filling a gap? What educational practices will it


Summary of Chapter

Summarize the heading topics and transition to the next chapter.

Chapter 1-5 Thesis Outline Revised 9/11


List in alphabetical order all the terms in your research questions, abstract,

literature review and methodology. This is your opportunity to clarify how you will

use these terms. Check with your chair on where the definitions should go: at

end of chapter or integrated throughout chapter one.

Chapter 1-5 Thesis Outline Revised 9/11

Chapter Two: Literature Review

Write this chapter in present tense. Write a brief introduction to your topic,

recapping the research questions. Preview the key literature review themes.

___________ (Theme One)

Articulate the first theme in the literature. Do not summarize the articles.

Avoid writing an annotated bibliography. Rather present the research as a theme

and then use the research and key authors to make a case for the theme.

Distinguish between the different research studies. Articulate how each work

supports or opposes each other. Lay out a foundation of the work that supports

and informs your research. Provide enough detail about the context and key

findings of each study to explain how it relates to your work.

___________ (Theme Two)

Articulate the second theme in the literature. Do not summarize the

articles. Avoid writing an annotated bibliography. Rather present the research as

a theme and then use the research and key authors to make a case for the

theme. Distinguish between the different research studies. Articulate how each

work supports or opposes each other. Lay out a foundation of the work that

supports and informs your research. Provide enough detail about the context and

key findings of each study to explain how it relates to your work.

___________ (Theme Three)

Articulate the third theme in the literature. Do not summarize the articles.

Avoid writing an annotated bibliography. Rather present the research as a theme

and then use the research and key authors to make a case for the theme.
Chapter 1-5 Thesis Outline Revised 9/11

Distinguish between the different research studies. Articulate how each work

supports or opposes each other. Lay out a foundation of the work that supports

and informs your research. Provide enough detail about the context and key

findings of each study to explain how it relates to your work.

(Provide as many themes as needed. Make sure you cite all authors with

the name and date. Include the page number if you use a quotation. If you quote

more than 40 words indent to follow APA format.)

Summary of Chapter

Summarize the heading topics and transition to the next chapter.

Chapter 1-5 Thesis Outline Revised 9/11

Chapter Three: Methodology

This chapter is written in past tense. Write a brief introduction to your

topic, recapping the research question and previewing the methodology for

conducting the research. Preview all the sections of the chapter: design,

participants, setting, instruments, procedures, and analysis.


Describe the type of research you will be conducting (qualitative verses

quantitative) and a brief description of the procedures. For example, qualitative

focus group interviews. Explain how this design is a good match to answer the

research questions.


Describe who will participate in the research study. Share selection criteria

and demographics of the population.


Describe the setting for your research: geographic location, political

climate, community, school and demographics. Describe some of your

considerations based on this setting data.


Describe and provide copies of any tools you will use to conduct the

research. For example if you are doing interviews, provide the recruitment flyer,

interview questions, interview process and analysis tools.

Chapter 1-5 Thesis Outline Revised 9/11


Describe in detail the chronological steps you will take to conduct the

research. If you have written an IRB, pull it out as a guide for writing this section.


Describe the theoretical lens you will use to analyze your research data

(grounded, critical, postmodern theory…). Describe what process you will use to

make sense of the data. What will you look for and why? Will you model your

analysis after another researchers?

Summary of Chapter

Summarize the heading topics and transition to the next chapter.

Chapter 1-5 Thesis Outline Revised 9/11

Chapter Four: Data Analysis

This chapter is a presentation of the research data. For the introduction to

the chapter, write a paragraph recapping the problem statement and how the

research conducted addresses this problem. Preview the names of all of the

headings for this chapter. As per APA format, do not use a heading for the


Data Presentation

Describe the research findings within the setting, research questions and

field of education. You may organize the findings to reflect the themes in the

literature review. Provide visual representations of the data, such as tables,

figures, quotes, photos or other evidence.

Data Analysis

Analyze the data and explain how you made sense of the findings. The

analysis can be a separate section or you can combine it with the data

presentation above. Consider how the reader will make sense of the data

presentation and analysis based on the flow and format.


Interpret the data and analysis as related to the research questions. How

do the findings relate to education practices? How can education benefit from the

research? What insights can be gained from this research?

Chapter 1-5 Thesis Outline Revised 9/11

Summarize the key concepts of the research questions, data findings,

analysis and interpretations. Provide a transition to chapter 5 – the educational

Chapter 1-5 Thesis Outline Revised 9/11

Chapter Five: Thesis Recommendations

This chapter is your personal reflection on the research process. You can

write this in first person. For the introduction to the chapter, write a paragraph

recapping the problem statement and how the research conducted addresses

this problem. Preview the names of all of the headings for this chapter: Summary

of findings, interpretations, educational implications, limitations, and future

research directions. As per APA format, do not use a heading for the


Finding Summary/Interpretations

Recap the findings and educational interpretations as related to the

research questions. Assume that the reader did not read any of the previous

chapters. This chapter needs to stand alone to explain your work. Provide

reference to past research and educational needs, including student


Lessons Learned/Educational Implications

This can be 1-10 paragraphs long. Describe what you personally learned

by conducting this research. What can you recommend to educators based on

what you learned? What can you recommend for best practices and educational

research? Suggested process: 1. Write a list of the lessons you learned by

conducting this research; 2. Cluster the lessons by theme; 3. Write a paragraph

for each theme cluster.

Chapter 1-5 Thesis Outline Revised 9/11

Limitations of Research

What are the limits of this research? What do you wish you had done

differently if you had endless resources and support?

Future Research Directions

What do you suggest for future educational research, curriculum

development and instruction? How can this research lead to curriculum

development? How can this research lead to effective instruction? How can this

research be extended?


Summarize the entire research - chapters 1-5. Include the key concepts of

the research and provide a meaningful and engaging ending.

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