BFGXR - Rulebook
BFGXR - Rulebook
BFGXR - Rulebook
I t has been ten thousand years since Mankind returned to the stars to reclaim that which was lost in the cataclysmic wars
of the Age of Strife. Led by the Immortal God-Emperor and his sacred Primarchs ten millennia ago Mankind rose
again from the mire of barbarism and cast back the darkness in the legendary times of the Great Crusade. A new age was
forged, the Age of the Imperium.
The glittering achievements of the Dark Age of Technology have been all but lost, obscured by uncounted centuries of superstition
and fear. The worlds of Man are scattered across the galaxy, with vast gulfs of wilderness space separating one from another. But the
Age of the Imperium has cast the Emperor's Divine Light across a million worlds. It has established an iron regime only maintained
through flesh and blood, endless toil, monumental sacrifice, and unthinking loyalty to distant Terra. Man has learned to embrace
war as its religion; billions take up arms against a galaxy of foes. Great ships sail the void, their guns charged to rain death upon the
enemies of the God-Emperor.
Still it is not enough to guard the fragile worlds of Man from a cruel and uncaring universe.
Still it is not enough to guard against the unnumbered horrors which lurk upon forgotten worlds, the alien races which prey upon the
scattered outposts of humanity and the heretics who dare to defy the Emperor's will.
And even these dire threats pale before the ancient and implacable hatred of the traitors who took up arms against the Emperor in
the earliest days of the Imperium. Traitors who gave their worship to the dark and terrible gods which dwell in the Realm of Chaos.
Traitors who wounded the immortal Emperor unto death and forced him to seek solace upon the Golden Throne from where he rules
still, his essence maintained only by the sacrifice of supplicants from across his vast realm. By the Emperor's supreme sacrifice these
minions of evil were defeated and driven forth from the sight of Man to join with their foul masters in the outer dark. Ten thousand
years has not slaked their thirst for vengeance and their plots to bring ruin upon Mankind are pursued with undimmed malice.
This is the Age of the Imperium, A time of war and carnage among the stars, of great fleets and mighty armies, selfless heroism and
blackest infamy.
If you dare enter these dark times, read on.
Original Game Design and Development
Andy Chambers, Gavin Thorpe, Jervis Johnson
Revised Edition
Plaxor, Afterimagedan, The Specialist Games Community
"Y ou are expected at all times and in all situations to conduct yourself in a manner
appropriate to, and mindful of, the great duties and traditions of the Emperor's Most
Glorious and Honourable Navy."
Opening line of the Imperial Navy Articles of War
Expanded Revised - Rulebook 2
At this early stage in the book it’s worth establishing In keeping with this principle, movement distances 3D OR NOT 3D?
some initial principles about the Battlefleet Gothic are measured from the stem on the ship’s base and As well as being very big, space is also infinitely
game. distances for firing weapons (and other ship-to-ship wide, high, deep, etc. Despite this, Battlefleet
effects) are measured from the stem of the ship’s Gothic is played on a flat tabletop. To allow for the
base to the stem of each target model. Players
SCALE may always pre-measure these distances unless
vagaries of three dimensions and the vast distances
First of all - space is big! Very, very big. Take your involved, ships can move and fire past each
conception of a long way (i.e. down to the shops everyone agrees otherwise. other without any risks. It’s easy to imagine that
when it’s raining hard) and multiply it by a million, individual ships are just a few hundred kilometers
then another million... and then by another million The base of a ship model represents close range higher or lower than each other and so have plenty
and you’re still not even close to how far apart around the ship. At this distance, all kinds of of clear space in which to maneuver.
things are in space. In order to include interesting dangers can affect it, such as ordnance, explosions,
and exciting features such as planets and moons asteroids, and even debris blasted off of the ship The reason for the lack of 3D movement is twofold.
on the battlefield and have ship models which are itself. For game purposes, if something affects an Firstly, making the game work in three dimensions
not the size of molecules, Battlefleet Gothic takes area of the battlefield, like ordnance markers or would add little to the tactics of it, because unlike
some liberties with scale. In short, the ship models celestial phenomena, a ship is affected if its base aircraft combat, where the force of gravity means
are designed to look good and be nice to paint, but comes into contact with it. The diagram below whoever is highest has an advantage, combat in the
they are not intended to be in scale with planets and demonstrates this principle on an Imperial cruiser: zero gravity of space would turn fighting in three
other celestial bodies. To prevent this becoming a dimensions into little more than a range modifier.
problem in the game it is assumed that the ships Secondly, for the mechanics of the game, working
actually occupy the point in space shown by the in 3D would complicate the rules immensely.
stem on the model’s base. The diagram below
demonstrates this principle on a model:
There are lots of occasions in a battle when you
have to roll dice to see how a ship’s actions turn out
- how effective shooting is, what damage is done to
an enemy ship, how well captains and their crews
react to the stress of battle, and so on.
"The whole principle of naval fighting is to be free to go anywhere with every damned thing the Navy
-Captain Grenfeld of the Hammer of Justice
You may also be told to roll a number of dice Re-rolls Secondly, it is used to find out what aspect a target
together, which is written as 2D6, 3D6, and so In some situations the rules allow you to ‘re-roll’ is presenting to a ship firing at it. In this case the
on. Roll the indicated number of dice and add the the dice. This is exactly as it sounds - pick up the bearing compass is placed over the target in the
scores together, so that with a 2D6 roll, two dice dice you wish to re-roll and roll them again. The same way as described previously. The aspect of
are rolled and added together for a result between second score stands (and may not be re-rolled again the target is shown by which quadrant faces the
2 and 12, while 3D6 totals between 3 and 18, and by any means), even if it means a worse result than attacking ship.
so forth. the first.
A diagram of these quadrants is shown below. For
Other types of modifier may require you to multiply
a dice score by a certain amount. This is applied
THE BEARING convenience, some players will mark them directly
on a ship’s base to speed up gameplay.
directly, so D6x5 means the result of a D6 roll COMPASS
multiplied by 5, giving a value between 5 and 30. A vital instrument in the game is
the bearing compass, a circular
Sometimes, a combination of these methods may card template with a hole
be used. If this happens, add any dice together first, punched through the middle. It
then multiply the result, and finally add or subtract is used for two purposes. Firstly to check the fire
any remaining modifiers. So 2D6+5 would yield arcs of your own ships to see which weapons they
7-17, while 3D6x2 would yield 6-36! can bring to bear against the enemy. Doing so is
simple: place the template over your ship so that
In a few rare cases, you may be told to roll a D3. the hole in the center is above the center of the
Since there’s no such thing as three-sided dice, flying stand and the two arrows are pointing along
use the following method for determining a score the length of the ship. This places the 90° quadrants
between 1 and 3. Simply roll a D6 and halve the so that one is in front, one is behind, and one is to
result, rounding up. So a result of 1-2 becomes each side of the ship. Fire arcs and ship’s gunnery
‘1’, a result of 3-4 becomes ‘2’, and a result of 5-6 are explained in more detail in the Shooting Phase
becomes ‘3’. section.
Battlefleet Gothic allows you to fight space battles Escort Ships are the most common warships in any SHIP DATA SHEETS
amidst the cold, bright stars of the Gothic Sector fleet. They are fast, lightly armed and capable of In each faction’s codex document, you will find
and beyond, during the various periods of raging running rings around the heavier ships which they a complete set of characteristics for each vessel
war and unbridled destruction heralded by such are usually assigned to protect. They are also used available to that faction. These characteristics
monumental conflicts as Abaddon the Despoiler’s for independent actions such as scouting, raiding, tell you how fast, maneuverable, well-armored,
Black Crusades or the Wars for Armageddon. protecting transport ships, and chasing pirates. and viciously armed they are. Note that while it
Throughout these times, Imperial and Chaos ships is perfectly fine to use models that do not match
of all sizes clashed in deadly confrontations, while Satellites and Ground Facilities are special types the images on your ships’ data sheets, you must
aliens in bizarre and exotic spacecraft pursued their of units in Battlefleet Gothic, used for defending a be clear with your opponent about the identities of
own unfathomable goals. Massive battlecruisers planet during some scenarios. Together, these units each unit in your fleet list.
joust with burning lances of fusion fire, lumbering may simply be referred to as Defenses. Don’t worry
battleships duel with coruscating salvos of cannon about these for now; their special properties are The table below shows the characteristics for a
batteries, and agile escort ships dart through the described in later sections. For now, simply treat typical Imperial and Chaos cruiser, in this case a
fray to slash at the battling leviathans. them as ships. Lunar and Murder class cruiser, respectively.
The miniatures used to play Battlefleet Gothic are
referred to as ships or vessels, with the exception of NAME: AGRIPPA CLASS: LUNAR LEADERSHIP: 7
planetary defenses which are described later. In any TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS
case, each unit is an individual playing piece with
its own capabilities. Different units can have very Cruiser/8 20cm 45° 2 6+ Front / 5+ 2
different capabilities, so they are separated into ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC
the following types: battleships, cruisers, escorts, Port Lance Battery 30cm 2 Left
satellites, and ground facilities.
Starboard Lance Battery 30cm 2 Right
Battleships are the largest fighting ships in space. Port Weapons Battery 30cm 6 Left
They can absorb a tremendous amount of damage Starboard Weapons Battery 30cm 6 Right
and mount weapons batteries capable of laying Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30cm 6 Front
waste to entire continents. These vessels are so huge
that they are comparatively slow and ponderous to
maneuver, so they need support from other vessels
to bring the enemy to battle.
Cruisers are the workhorses of any fleet. They
are maneuverable, well-armed ships capable of TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS
operating away from a base for extended periods. Cruiser/8 25cm 45° 2 5+ 2
This means that cruisers are used for long-term ARMAMENT RANGE / SPEED FIREPOWER / STR FIRE ARC
patrols, blockades, and raiding deep into enemy-
Port Weapons Battery 45cm 10 Left
held space. In a major battle, cruisers screen the
approach of the fleet in support of the escorts and Starboard Weapons Battery 45cm 10 Right
form the gun line once the battle begins. Together, Prow Lance Battery 60cm 2 Front
cruisers and battleships are called capital ships.
Speed: The Speed characteristic tells you how far Range/Speed: The maximum range of weapons
Name: All ships deserve a name! Well, except a ship moves in one turn. Vessels can potentially is shown in centimeters. In the case of ordnance
escorts maybe. Most ship data sheets include a list move faster than this but the additional power weapons which move towards their target, such
of famous vessels of the same class, so feel free to output needed will divert energy from weapon as torpedoes or fighters, the speed and/or type of
use those or make up your own. systems. The Chaos cruiser has a slight edge over the weapon’s ordnance is shown rather than its
the Imperial one in terms of speed, which gives it maximum range. As you can see, the Lunar class
Class: Ships are not all the same, so they are listed an important advantage in combat. cruiser mounts more weapon systems than the
as belonging to a particular class. Different classes Murder class, but they all have a shorter range.
may be approximately the same in terms of size and Turns: Ships can usually turn just once during their
weight but vary a lot in details. What is basically move. This characteristic shows how sharply it can Firepower/Strength: This number represents how
the same hull may carry different weapons, bigger turn. In this case both ships can turn up to 45°, effective a weapons system is when it shoots - the
engines, more or less armor, etc. Ships may even which again is about average for cruisers. higher the number the better. Special weapons
be converted from one class to another in the systems like torpedoes and lances have a strength
course of a major refit. The two ships shown on Shields: Nearly all ships are protected by powerful rating instead of a firepower value. In this case the
the previous page are a Lunar class Imperial Navy force field generators that can absorb or shunt aside greater firepower of the Murder class is counter-
cruiser and a Murder class Chaos cruiser. You will incoming hits. Shields are rated according to how balanced by the lances and torpedoes of the
notice that while they are the same type, their actual many hits they can absorb before they temporarily Imperial ship.
characteristics are quite different. collapse. Both the ships shown have shields capable
of absorbing two hits. Fire Arc: Weapon systems may only fire in
Leadership: A ship’s leadership value indicates particular directions depending on where they are
the level of experience and training of its crew, and/ Armor: The ship’s Armor rating shows how well mounted on the ship. These arcs correspond to their
or how cunning its captain can be in the heat of protected it is and/or how difficult it is to damage. respective quadrants described in the rules for the
combat. In a one-off game of Battlefleet Gothic, the When the ship is fired upon, the attacker needs to bearing compass. Both the cruisers shown mount
leadership value of ships is randomly generated at roll equal or better than its Armor rating on a D6 in most of their weaponry in broadsides on either side
the start of the game. If the ship fights in an ongoing order to score a hit. The Chaos cruiser has Armor of the ship. Few vessels mount any rear-facing
campaign, then its leadership value can improve or of 5+ all around, while the Imperial cruiser has an weapons - their engines are too massive and the
worsen depending on how well the ship performs in armored prow which makes it Armor 6+ against thermal ‘backwash’ they create makes targeting
each of its battles. shots from its front almost impossible.
In Battlefleet Gothic, the expertise of a captain and with the whole squadron sharing the value rolled.
"A magnificent ship, no doubt, but I would his (or her) crew is shown by the ship’s leadership Each capital ship rolls individually for leadership,
rather have a crew who knew their airlaps value: the higher it is, the better the captain and even if it is part of a squadron. The complete rules
crew. Leadership is very important, because ships for squadrons are detailed later, so don’t worry too
from their transons."
must test against this value if they wish to use much about it right now.
-Admiral Rath special orders.
Even the very smallest of stellar craft is a marvel STARTING LEADERSHIP VALUES During a game, various modifiers may be applied
of engineering, packed with machinery and As mentioned earlier, in one-off games you roll a to your ships that may increase or decrease their
D6 to determine each ship’s leadership value before leadership value. However, under no circumstances
technology of the highest sophistication. The truly
the start of the game. Look up the result of the dice can a ship’s leadership be modified higher than 10
massive interstellar warships are almost impossible
roll on the table below to see what Leadership after taking all bonuses and penalties into account.
to comprehend in their complexity, with thousands In effect, a leadership check roll of 11 or 12 always
value the ship has. Escorts roll once per squadron,
of crew members performing millions of tasks to fails unless specifically stated otherwise.
keep the whole vessel in working order. It is said
that no single man could fully understand all of the If a ship is reduced to leadership 1 or less, it cannot
machinery and systems that work together to make 1 Untried (Ld6) voluntarily attempt special orders or leadership
such a vessel function. Nonetheless, it is ultimately tests of any kind unless some combination of effects
2-3 Experienced (Ld7)
the captain and crew who will determine how brings it to leadership 2 or greater. If forced to take
well a ship performs in combat. A ship under the 4-5 Veteran (Ld8) a leadership test with leadership 1 or less, the ship
command of an inspiring captain with a dedicated, automatically fails. Note that a ship’s leadership
6 Crack (Ld9)
well-trained crew can defeat almost any enemy. value cannot be reduced below zero.
"The Emperor is master of the galaxy, but the captain is master of his ship."
Popular Imperial Navy saying
There are six different special orders that a ship Reload Ordnance: Each time a ship To represent this uncertainty, a vessel undertaking
may use, each one allowing the vessel to perform deploys ordnance, it must ‘reload’ its special orders must first pass a Command check.
better at something, such as gunnery or navigation, launch bays, torpedo tubes, and so on A command check is resolved by rolling 2D6 and
during its turn. A ship or squadron may only ever before it can deploy another wave or comparing the result to the ship’s leadership (Ld). If
be on one special order at a time, unless specifically salvo. To do this, a vessel must successfully use the roll is equal to or less than the ship’s Ld value, it
stated otherwise in its special rules. the Reload Ordnance special order. As this does not has passed the check and goes onto special orders.
drain weapon or engine power, the ship’s movement Other than Brace for Impact, all special orders last
Special orders are declared during the movement and shooting effectiveness remains unchanged. until the start of the vessel’s next turn.
phase by choosing a vessel or squadron, declaring
the order, resolving the associated command check, Brace for Impact! This order is unique If the roll is higher than the ship’s Ld value, it
then moving the ship or squadron. You must resolve in that it can only be used during the fails the check and may not go onto special orders.
this process completely, including any movement, ordnance phase or during an opponent’s Furthermore, once you have failed a command
before continuing with the next ship or squadron. turn (usually when a particularly deadly check for one ship in your fleet, you many not make
salvo is about to strike the ship), and may be used any further command checks to use special orders
All Ahead Full: A ship going All Ahead even if the ship is already on special orders. Power in the same turn. It can be imagined that the delays
Full directs more power to its engines to from systems is redirected to shields, blast doors, and confusion in trying to get that particular ship to
produce an extra burst of speed, gaining and other defenses, while the crew hunkers down perform special orders means that the opportunity
additional movement distance (allowing at their stations. The vessel gains a saving throw has passed for any further orders to be issued.
it to either escape or close with the enemy) at the against incoming hits at the cost of reducing its
cost of its weapons’ effectiveness. combat effectiveness and preventing it from using With all special orders except Brace for Impact you
any other special orders for a full turn. must attempt the command check in the movement
Come to New Heading: The ship phase, before moving. Remember that a ship must
diverts power to its directional control Complete descriptions for each of these special then resolve any required movement immediately,
thrusters in order to change course more orders can be found in the appropriate sections of and no ship may be on multiple special orders at the
sharply, allowing the vessel to turn the core rules. Furthermore, a simplified summary same time unless specifically stated in its special
twice during its movement phase, at the cost of its can be found on the next page and on the Battlefleet rules. However, there is no restriction on how many
weapons’ effectiveness. Gothic quick-reference sheet. ships and/or squadrons in your fleet may be on
special orders at one time. Of course, you may find
Burn Retros: The ship directs additional COMMAND CHECKS that sometimes you do not want any ships in your
energy into its retro thrusters in order to In the midst of battle a captain may order his ships fleet to go onto special orders.
kill some of its forward momentum and to perform special maneuvers or direct more of his
hold position. Again, this impairs the ship’s power to weapons or engines. However, a If your fleet has access to special rules that grant
vessel’s ability to bring its weapons to bear against vessel’s crew is never perfect; miscommunication, the ability to automatically pass a command check,
enemy targets. mistakes, and slow response can prevent a ship from such abilities may only be used before a command
enacting its captain’s orders exactly as instructed. check is failed unless specifically stated otherwise.
Lock On: The ship maintains a steady
course and draws additional energy
from its engines to fire its weapons "He who seizes the moment, he is the right man."
in multiple salvos. A vessel that is
locked on cannot turn, but improves its shooting -Fleet Admiral Hawke
effectiveness dramatically.
1. THE MOVEMENT PHASE Note that ships must always move at least half 3. THE ORDNANCE PHASE
This is when a player moves his or her ships. their speed unless they wish to use the Burn Retros Both players may move any Ordnance markers
special orders in order to hold position. See the (such as torpedoes or fighter squadrons) which
The player begins by removing any special order Movement rules for more details about how to were launched in the shooting phase or are still on
dice placed on his or her ships’ last turn (except for move your ships. the tabletop, having been launched in a previous
ships on Brace for Impact orders. They are stuck turn. See the Ordnance rules for more details.
with them for this turn). 2. THE SHOOTING PHASE
This is when a player fires his or her ships’ weapons 4. THE END PHASE
Next, the player moves his ships and squadrons one and/or launches their ordnance. Both players may attempt to repair critical damage
at a time. In this phase he may also take command which has been inflicted on their ships: D6 blast
checks to institute special orders before moving a The player can shoot with any of his or her ships markers are also removed by the player whose
ship or squadron. Remember that if any command that are within range of enemy vessels, and launch turn it is. See the End Phase rules for more about
check, is failed no further checks may be attempted ordnance at the end of the phase. See the Shooting repairs, removing blast markers, and other End-
in the same turn. rules for more details about how to resolve shooting. phase actions.
"W ith the blood of an enemy shall the marks be made upon the missile. Then bless the missile and present unto the mounting. Say the prayer of firing and
curse the target. Do this rapidly lest the wrath of the weapon be wasted. Point the eye of the weapon so that it may see the object of its wrath. When
the weapon has uttered its curse and eaten the soul of its victim, then shall you take up the next missile..."
Imperial Rite of Firing
"The Imperium! How mighty its aspect! How far-reaching its boundaries! As one world dies ten more are brought into the
fold. Fear us, for we count the lives of planets, not men!"
Cardinal Morius Blate
A player may move each ship up to its standard Minimum Move Distance A ship can turn by a maximum of either 45° or
move distance each turn. Once a ship has completed Ships moving under engines retain enormous 90°; how sharp a turn it can make is included in the
its movement, the player selects another and moves amounts of momentum. If a vessel slows down ship’s characteristics. A ship can only count forward
that one, and so on until all of his or her ships have without the correct preparations, it is so big that movement made in the current movement phase as
moved. This can be summarized as: there is a very real chance that its structure will part of its minimum movement before turning. By
be damaged because the whole of its vast length way of example, the Imperial Lunar class cruiser is
1. Choose one of your ships to move. isn’t moving at the same speed. Because of this, able to make turns of up to 45°.
2. Move the ship up to its maximum move distance. ships must always move at least half of their speed
3. Choose another ship to move. unless they use the Burn Retros special order. Ships Large ships have to move a certain distance before
who are unable to move half their speed (due to they are allowed to make a turn. The distance they
At no time do ships count as moving simultaneously damage, blast markers, and so forth) must move the must travel depends on their type:
(even if part of a squadron), and must always be maximum possible distance instead.
moved one at a time, in any order desired by the • A battleship must move 15cm before it can execute
owning player. Overlapping Bases a turn.
As ships are able to fly over or under one another, • A cruiser must move 10cm before it can execute
Normally, a ship must move unless it uses the Burn it is possible to “stack” ships (such that their bases a turn.
Retros special order to remain stationary. A ship overlap or take up the same space) during a game. • An escort ship can execute a turn at any point in
that does not move at least 5cm (for any reason) When ships’ bases overlap, it is common practice its move.
counts as Defenses against the Gunnery Table. See to remove the models from their flying stems. To
the Shooting rules for more details. keep things clear, it is usually best to have a few
stemless flying bases around with a straight line
Ships are pushed through the firmament by the most
powerful engines anywhere in the galaxy. In space
draw from the central hole to the bases edge to
indicate direction, which maybe used in place of
an overlapping ship. If desired, numbered contact
"H is great art was to be in the right
place at the right time - others
were not so cunning."
markers can be used for this as well. As a rule, ships
combat, the thrust available to a vessel can mean
should only be stacked or overlap as an unavoidable
the difference between survival and destruction.
consequence of movement or to attain a particular
-Captain Compel Bast
shooting solution, and should not otherwise do so of Lord Admiral Ravensburg
All ships can move at up to their normal speed.
solely because it is allowed.
Speed varies from one ship to another, but by way
of example, an Imperial Lunar class cruiser has a
speed of 20cm.
"T he warp is a vital tool to us, a means of communication and transport. Without it, there would be no Imperium
of Man, for there would be no quick bridges between the stars. We use it, and we harness it, but we have no
absolute control over it. It is a wild thing that tolerates our presence, but brooks no mastery. There is power in the
warp, fundamental power, not good, nor evil, but elemental and anathema to us. It is a tool we use at our own risk."
The Arch-traitor, Horus Lupercal
"T he Incendrius shuddered as the fire from our gun-decks continued. Broadside after broadside was leveled into the grand
cruiser's prow, smashing through her shields and making a ruin of her bow armor. The enemy tried to turn sharply to
bring her own batteries to, bear, but Captain Grendl was expecting this and we moved with them, still pouring a torrent of
plasma into the twisted and wrecked prow. Flames were licking along the port side of the traitor's hull now, as ruptures in her
armor sent pressurized air flooding into the ether, ignited by the plasma bolts that were continually raining down."
Excerpt from the log of Third Lieutenant Brass on the destruction of the Bringer of Despair by the Incendrius
Direct firing uses a ship’s weapons batteries, lances FIRE ARCS TARGET PRIORITY
and nova cannon. A player can make direct fire Weapons have a limited field of fire depending on Enemies at close range pose a much greater threat
attacks with each of his or her ships during the turn. than those thousands of kilometers away, so a ship
where they are mounted on the vessel. The different
In order to make direct fire attacks, the firing ship will typically focus its attention on the nearest
must have at least some weapons within range and fire arcs are: front, left, right and rear.
enemy ship or squadron.
fire arc of the enemy. Once one ship has done all its
firing, the player selects another and fires that one Normally, each weapon that a ship chooses to fire
and so on until the player has fired all of the ships must target the nearest enemy within its firing arc.
he or she wants to. This can be summarized as: However, if the ship passes a leadership test (also
called a target priority test), its weapons may be
1. Choose a ship to fire. fired at any targets within range and firing arc.
2. Check the ship has targets within range.
3. Check the ship has weapons within fire arc of the A vessel firing at enemy ships and defenses may
target. ignore enemy ordnance markers when determining
4. Resolve firing. the nearest enemy and vice versa for ships firing at
5. Choose another ship to fire. enemy ordnance.
Measure the range from the firing ship to the target A weapons system must have a target within its fire arc in
vessel. Then look up the range of the firing ship’s order to be fired.
weapons on its characteristics: any weapons which
are out of range may not fire. Because ships vary
immensely in size and shape, we use the stems of
the models’ bases as a pair of convenient center
points for checking range.
9 8 6 5 3 2
10 9 7 5 4 2
11 10 8 6 4 2
12 11 8 6 4 2
Gunnery Modifiers 13 12 9 7 5 3
Sometimes conditions will affect how difficult a 14 13 10 7 5 3
target is to hit. Ships at very long range or behind 15 14 11 8 5 3
debris will be hard to hit and at close range they will 16 14 11 8 6 3
be easy to hit. Even weapon batteries that always 17 15 12 9 6 3
count as closing can be affected by these modifiers.
18 16 13 9 6 4
19 17 13 10 7 4
Modifiers are applied in the form of column shifts.
20 18 14 10 7 4
A good modifier means that you move across the
Gunnery table one column to the left when you Notes: To save space, both cruisers and battleships are referred to as capital ships on the Gunnery table. Defenses
work out how many Hit dice to roll. A bad modifier (both satellites and ground facilities) and ordnance are not affected by orientation, and will always use their associated
means you move across one column to the right. column (plus any applicable column-shifts), even when shot at by ships which normally count all targets as closing.
The weapons carried by some ships are powerful Roll a D6 for each hit scored on a ship (but not point of damage scored on a ship, regardless of its
enough to reduce entire cities to plains of radioactive against its shields). On a roll of 1-5 the hit causes source (unless otherwise specified).
glass. Ships are armored and shielded in order to no extra effects. On a roll of 6 the hit causes critical
resist outright destruction, with reinforced hulls damage. Roll 2D6 on the table below to see what Critical Hits on Small Targets
that can survive the horrific impact of gigawatts effect it has. Do not roll for further critical hits for Escorts and defenses with less than 3 starting hits
of energy. But within every ship is a crew all too any damage caused by a critical hit. Note that a suffer one point of damage whenever they suffer a
vulnerable to the fires of battle and the deadly check for critical damage must be made for every critical hit, instead of rolling on the table.
cold of the void. Ships are often crippled by crew
casualties long before hulls crack or drives explode. CRITICAL HITS TABLE
When a ship is damaged, note the number of hits it Dorsal Armament Damaged. The ship’s dorsal armament is badly damaged by the hit - power lines are
has taken on your fleet roster. Once a ship has lost 2 +0 severed, traverse mechanisms crippled and many gunners are killed. The ship’s dorsal armament may not
half its damage points (rounding up) it is crippled. fire until it has been repaired.
When a ship has lost all its hits, it is out of action Starboard Armament Damaged. The starboard armament is taken off line by the hit. The ship’s starboard
and a roll needs to be made on the Catastrophic 3 +0
armament may not fire until it has been repaired.
Damage table to see if it explodes in a spectacular Port Armament Damaged. Heavy damage silences the port side weaponry. The ship’s port armament may
fashion or simply drifts helplessly. 4 +0
not fire until it has been repaired.
Prow Armament Damaged. The ship’s prow is ripped open. Its prow armament may not fire until it has
Crippled Ships 5 +0
been repaired.
A ship which loses half its damage points is Engine Room Damaged. The engine room is rocked by explosions, forcing all hands to tend to the reactors.
crippled. Crippled ships halve their lance strength, 6 +1
The ship may not make any turns until the damage is repaired.
ordnance strength, gunnery firepower, turrets, and
Fire! Oxygen lines are broken, leading to fires in many compartments. Each fire that a ship fails to repair
shields values (rounding up) and reduce their speed 7 0
(extinguish) in the end phase inflicts 1 point of damage on the ship.
by 5cm. Crippled vessels may not fire their nova
Thrusters Damaged. The ship’s thruster assembly is disabled. Reduce the ship’s speed by 10cm until the
cannon, if they have one. When a crippled ship is 8 +1 damage is repaired. This penalty is not cumulative, but all thrusters must be repaired before the ship regains
on Brace For Impact special orders, the firepower its normal speed.
of its gunnery weapons and strength of its lances
Bridge Smashed. The armored fortress around the ship’s captain and his officers is smashed. The ship’s
and ordnance are halved again. 9 0
Leadership is reduced by 3. This damage may not be repaired.
Shields Collapse. The shield generators overload and burn out, leaving the ship virtually defenseless. The
For example, a standard Lunar class cruiser has 8 10 0
ship’s shield Strength is reduced to zero. This damage may not be repaired.
hits and is therefore crippled when it has suffered 4
points of damage. 11 +D3 Hull Breach. A huge gash is torn in the ship’s hull, causing carnage among the crew.
Bulkhead Collapse. Internal pillars buckle and twist, whole compartments crumple with a scream of
12 +D6
tortured metal. Just pray that some of the ship holds together!
The weapons used in space are so destructive that Notes: If a ship suffers multiple (repairable) critical hits to the same location, they must all be repaired before the
when a ship is hit there is a chance that a vital system functions again. However, any effects of these critical hits are not cumulative unless otherwise specified. If a
location will be critically damaged. Critical hits critical hit is rolled which cannot be applied, or multiple critical hits are rolled for a location that cannot be repaired,
can temporarily knock out a ship’s weapons and apply the next highest result instead. For example, a ship with no prow weapons that suffers a ‘Prow Armament
engines, start fires or even breach its hull. Damaged’ result would suffer an ‘Engine Room Damaged’ result instead.
"A ttention all vessels, this is Lord Admiral Rath. It is clear to me that we cannot win this fight by utilizing conventional
weapons of warfare. I order you all to disengage and withdraw. The Dominus Astra shall be the fiery sword of
retribution that ends this war. I repeat, disengage and pull away. The Emperor's blessing be upon you!"
Final Transmission of Lord Admiral Zaccarius Rath
All ordnance attacks are represented by markers in mind that being crippled and/or braced still affect SHOOTING AT ORDNANCE
that are moved across the tabletop during each the strength of all ordnance armaments normally. Ordnance may be fired at in the shooting phase
ordnance phase. Ordnance markers interact with with direct fire weapons. Ordnance is subject to the
ships and other ordnance when they make physical Attack Craft Limits normal rules for target priority, but remember that
contact, regardless of whose turn it is or what phase When launching attack craft, a player may not have ships firing at ordnance only count other enemy
of the game is being resolved. more markers in play than the total number of launch ordnance markers for the purposes of determining
bays remaining in their fleet. Note that this does not the nearest enemy.
restrict which types of craft may be deployed, nor
LAUNCHING ORDNANCE which vessels may deploy them - only the total
Ships armed with torpedo tubes, mines and/or launch Unless otherwise specified, all weapons treat
number of markers on the board. If a fleet’s launch ordnance markers as having an Armor value of
bays can use ordnance. Ordnance is launched at the
capacity is reduced below the number of markers it 6+, because they are such difficult targets. If an
end of the shooting phase (the marker is put on the
currently has in play (due to critical damage or loss ordnance marker or wave is hit by enemy shooting
ship’s base to show it has fired its ordnance) but the
of ships, for example), the owning player may not it is removed from play.
ordnance moves and attacks during the ordnance
deploy any further attack craft until the total number
phase. Once a ship has launched its ordnance it may
in play is reduced accordingly. Ships with random- Note that gunnery weapons firing at ordnance use
not launch again until it has reloaded via the Reload
strength launch bays may always use their maximum the ‘Ordnance’ column on the Gunnery table. This
Ordnance special order.
possible value to determine attack craft limits. is because ordnance targets are relatively small
Note that a ship which launches any ordnance must and fast moving. Target aspects are not taken into
Recalling Attack Craft account, but column shifts for range, blast markers,
be reloaded regardless of the number of markers
Before starting the ordnance phase, attack craft on or other special rules do apply.
actually deployed. For example, a carrier with four
the table may forgo attacking and be removed from
launch bays cannot place two markers and ‘save’
play to ‘free up’ a fleet’s launch capacity.
the other two for later. This same concept applies to ORDNANCE ATTACKS
torpedoes and mines as well. If an ordnance marker comes into contact with a
MOVING ORDNANCE ship’s base or an enemy ordnance marker it will
The only exception to this is a ship with both In the ordnance phase both players move and attack immediately attack it with the effects detailed on the
attack craft and torpedoes/mines. For such vessels, with any ordnance they have launched, including following pages. Other than torpedoes, ordnance
launching torpedoes and/or mines does not affect ordnance launched on previous turns. Note that the will typically be removed from play after attacking.
its ability to launch attack craft later, and vice versa. player whose turn it is always moves all of his or
In other words, if a ship equipped with both types her ordnance first. Unless otherwise specified, all ordnance attacks
of ordnance launches only one or the other, it may ignore a target’s shields and affect the target vessel
still launch the other without needing to reload. For All ordnance has a speed value that dictates how immediately upon contact. This includes if a ship
example, if an Imperial Dictator launches its attack far it moves during each ordnance phase. Ordnance contacts an ordnance marker in the course of its
craft but not its torpedoes in one turn and then fails markers in a wave or salvo must be spread in normal movement. Ordnance must attack the first
its command check for Reload Ordnance special contact with each other and cannot be stacked. valid target they come into contact with, but are
orders in the subsequent turn, it may still launch its not required to move into contact with the nearest
torpedoes in that turn. Different types of ordnance have different rules for enemy target.
turning and attacking - these rules are covered in
Finally, any ship that has ordnance loaded will later sections. Remember that any ordnance marker If two ships are so aligned that there is no way to
remain loaded for as long as it does not launch or wave which moves through blast markers must visually identify which of two overlapping ships is
it, regardless of how many turns go by or what test to see if it is destroyed on a D6 roll of 6, as actually closer to attacking ordnance, the attacker
subsequent special orders the ship receives. Keep described in the section for blast markers. decides which target is being attacked.
TORPEDOES If a torpedo marker contacts a ship’s base (friend or Premature Detonation
The term ‘torpedo’ has always been used to describe foe) it attacks. Roll a D6 for every point of strength A salvo of torpedoes can be triggered prematurely
any long-range missile carried by a spaceship. A in the torpedo salvo. Each dice result which equals (removing it from play) by any of the following:
typical anti-ship torpedo is over 200 feet long and or beats the ship’s Armor value scores one hit,
powered by a plasma reactor, which also acts as applying the appropriate effect for the torpedo’s • On a D6 roll of 6 while moving through any blast
a sizable portion of its warhead, turning it into a type, as described in its special rules. The torpedo markers.
devastating plasma bomb. The area of a ship given salvo continues moving after the attack but its • If the salvo is fired on by direct fire weapons and
over to the torpedo tubes is a massive space criss- strength is reduced by 1 for every hit it inflicted. any hits are scored.
crossed by lifts, hoists and gantry cranes for moving Torpedoes that re-roll missed attacks must do so, • If the salvo hits another torpedo marker.
the huge missiles from the armored magazine silos even if the target is already destroyed.
where they are stored to the launch tubes.
A torpedo salvo may never attack a target that is not
Space-borne mines almost always follow similar
Once a torpedo has been launched, the plasma drive actually in its firing arc, no matter how close it is or
designs, regardless of which race constructs them.
propels it forward at high speed, whilst beginning whether the marker contacts the target’s base. Also,
Although little more than self-guided explosives,
an energy build-up that culminates in its detonation. torpedoes may never attack a single target more
mines are quite dangerous to enemy warships, and
Torpedoes have a limited ability to detect a target than once per full turn, even if they are already
pose a substantial threat in large numbers.
and will alter course to intercept if they pass within in contact with it at the start of the movement or
a few thousand kilometers of a vessel. ordnance phase. For example, a torpedo marker
Space Mine Rules
that ends its movement overlapping the base of a
Each mine launcher on a vessel may launch one
Torpedo Rules vessel will attack it upon contact, but will not attack
mine per turn (the number of mine launchers a
Torpedoes are launched by ships with torpedo that same ship again at the beginning of that ship’s
ship has is often called its mine launcher strength).
tubes, which are typically fitted to the prow of a movement phase. Vessels in such a situation may
Mines are represented by 20mm square markers,
ship. In Battlefleet Gothic, torpedo salvos have a assume the torpedoes have flown off behind them like attack craft, but may never be grouped into
strength value and a speed value, which are shown and move off of the torpedo marker. waves or salvos. Once launched, a mine activates
on a vessel’s profile. The higher the strength, the and will continue to function until it is destroyed.
more torpedoes there are in a salvo; the higher the Mines move exactly 10cm directly towards the
speed, the faster they move across the battlefield. nearest enemy vessel in every ordnance phase.
All torpedo salvos are represented by 2.5cm wide If a mine contacts an enemy vessel it attacks it
markers. In older editions of Battlefleet Gothic, this immediately, rolling 8D6 against the target’s
is equivalent to a ‘Strength-3’ torpedo token. Place Armor value to hit. Unlike other ordnance, damage
a D6 (or two) next to each marker to indicate the from mines may be blocked by shields. If a ship
actual strength of the salvo. with mine launchers suffers critical damage to the
launchers’ location, it suffers an extra D3 damage
Torpedoes move in a straight line once launched as some mines explode!
(although certain types may make limited turns
before moving), traveling a distance equal to their In the diagram above, a Strength 6 torpedo salvo moves Mines follow all the regular rules for ordnance
speed in each ordnance phase until they detonate or in the ordnance phase and hits a ship. 6D6 are rolled to regarding moving through blast markers, shooting,
leave the battlefield. Unlike ships, torpedoes must attack and three dice score hits on the target. The salvo and so forth. Except for fighters (which will remove
always make their full move in each ordnance is reduced to Strength 3 and continues its full move of mines just like any other ordnance), mines are not
phase, keeping the marker’s center on the same 30cm. If any other ships were in this path, they would affected by, and do not affect, any other ordnance
point along the line of fire at all times. also be attacked. markers on the battlefield.
Guided Torpedoes surveyors they use to detect enemy ships are easily Hits from melta torpedoes inflict no damage points,
Guided torpedoes are directed via laser telemetry blinded by blasts and debris, leading to premature instead, each hit causes an automatic Fire critical
from the ship which launched them, allowing them detonation. Vessels armed with seeking torpedoes hit (even on vessels whose critical hit tables do not
to be guided onto a specific target or enemy ship may only launch one salvo of them per game, due normally have a ‘Fire’ result). If a ship which is
even amidst the confusion of battle. Although tight to their rarity and expense. carrying unused melta torpedoes suffers a critical
beam communication links are used to control hit to the location of its torpedo launcher, it
the torpedoes from the parent ship, they are still Each subsequent ordnance phase after launching, a suffers an extra D3 Fire critical hits as some of the
vulnerable to enemy interference and jamming. seeking torpedo salvo will turn up to 45° (following torpedoes detonate!
the rules for turning torpedoes) such that it is
Guided torpedoes can make a turn of up to 45°, pointing towards the nearest enemy ship. If several Vortex Torpedoes
following the rules for turning torpedoes, but only ships are an equal distance away, it will turn to Vortex torpedoes carry warheads which implode to
if the ship which launched them passes a leadership attack the largest (where Defense > Battleship > create a highly unstable and dangerous rift in warp
test. If the leadership test is failed, one enemy Cruiser > Escort). Furthermore, seeking torpedoes space. The damage inflicted by even a single vortex
ship can attempt to give the torpedo salvo false will ignore any friendly ships and attack craft that torpedo is horrendous – whole sections of the ship
instructions by passing a leadership test itself. If they encounter. However, seeking torpedoes which and its crew are ripped asunder and sucked into the
the enemy ship is successful, that vessel’s owning move through blast markers will detonate on a D6 warp. However, constructing and transporting such
player is allowed to turn the torpedoes instead! roll of 5+ instead of only on a result of 6. Each hit weapons is extraordinarily hazardous. As such,
Each hit from guided torpedoes inflicts one damage from seeking torpedoes inflicts one damage point they are perhaps one of the rarest armaments in the
point on the target as normal. on the target as normal. entire galaxy. Vessels armed with vortex torpedoes
may only launch one salvo of them per game, due
Seeking Torpedoes Melta Torpedoes to their rarity and expense.
The art of building self-guided torpedoes is almost The warheads on melta torpedoes are fitted with
lost to the Imperium, but they are still manufactured fusion detonators, which explode into enormous Each hit from vortex torpedoes causes one point of
in tiny numbers at the great Adeptus Mechanicus conflagrations of nuclear fire upon impact. The damage and automatically inflicts a critical hit. If
temples on Mars. Logic engines and matriculators flames will burn through even the outer hull of a ship which is carrying unused vortex torpedoes
aboard the torpedoes themselves enable them to the largest battleships, threatening to consume the suffers a critical hit to the location of its torpedo
identify the attack vector most likely to result in entire vessel in a hellish inferno. Ships armed with launcher, it suffers D3 points of additional damage
the salvo reaching a target. The disadvantage of melta torpedoes may only launch one salvo of them and an automatic critical hit itself as some of the
seeking torpedoes (other than their rarity) is that the per game, due to their rarity and expense. torpedoes detonate!
In a hit-and-run attack, a select force of warriors is Vs. Escorts & Small Targets
dispatched to infiltrate and attack a specific location Against small units which do not use the Critical
on an enemy ship, planting demolition charges
and killing crewmen in an effort to neutralize the
Hits table, such as escorts and some defenses, there
is a good chance that a hit-and-run raid will put the
M any naval commanders and captains were
inspired tacticians and strategists, but
some of the greatest plans were born out of sheer
vessel’s combat capability. A ship can quickly be vessel or station out of action. Against such targets, desperation. For example, Captain Cornwallis
left helpless from damage inflicted by repeated hit- a hit-and-run attack causes one point of damage on of the Invincible rammed a Chaos vessel he had
and-run raids, giving its enemies the freedom to a D6 roll of 4+, applying any modifiers as normal. crippled, just as it activated its warp engines. The
finish it off with conventional gunnery weapons at two ships locked together and as they drifted
their leisure. For example, a Space Marine Thunderhawk, which through the warp, several boarding parties from
benefits from a +1 bonus to its hit-and-run attack, the Imperial cruiser managed to deliver the
Hit-and-run attacks are usually caused by assault would need to roll a 3+ to inflict damage on an killing blow.
boats and boarding torpedoes, although fleets may enemy escort. Similarly, a boarding torpedo that
There were also several reports of bomber crews
have access to other methods as well (such as hits a Tyranid escort would need to roll a 5+ to
making suicide runs against enemy ships, driving
teleport attacks, which are described later). damage it, as it must subtract 1 from its roll due to
their craft into the hull of their target when their
the Tyranids’ special rules.
bombs and missiles had run out. Similar cases can
Vs. Capital Ships be found in the actions of assault boat crews. The
Against capital ships or other targets that can suffer Hit-&-Run Bonuses boarding parties set their Sharks to self-destruct
critical damage, simply roll a D6 and look up the As previously stated, a ship will sometimes have after they had deployed onto the enemy vessel,
score on the Critical Hits table, and then apply the a bonus to its hit-and-run attacks. Where this is ripping gaping holes in the side of the target ship,
corresponding result immediately. A score of ‘1’ or the case, any bonus to the ship’s hit-and-run raids and then fighting to the last man to inflict as
less has no effect - the raiders have been defeated. also applies to any ordnance the vessel launches, much internal damage as they could.
Note that this means ships or fleets that benefit from unless clearly stated otherwise. This holds true for
a bonus to their hit-and-run attacks will normally both faction-wide bonuses as well as any refits, From A History of the Gothic War
never fail to inflict some critical damage. upgrades, or special crews a ship has purchased.
"Speak not to me of Abaddon, blackest of hearts, basest of fiends. Who else amongst the hosts of the
traitors embraced Damnation with such a fierce glee?"
Attributed to Roboute Guilliman,
Primarch of the Ultramarines
Expanded Revised - Rulebook 34
The end phase is a good opportunity to tidy up the DAMAGE CONTROL BLAST MARKER REMOVAL
table top, count victory points, check up on scenario Both players can attempt to repair critical damage With time, the debris and shock waves represented
victory conditions and break out the biscuits. There during the end phase. Repair crews will be working by blast markers will dissipate sufficiently to be of
are also a couple of things to resolve before moving continuously of course, welding up hull breaches, no further impediment to ships or their weapons.
on to the next turn. re-routing power conduits, putting out fires and
generally trying to keep the ship functioning. To represent this, the player whose turn it is rolls
For your first few games, the important actions to a D6 and removes that many blast markers from
complete during the end phase are the following: In each player’s end phase, every capital ship with the table. Blast markers in contact with ships’ bases
repairable critical damage rolls 1D6 per hit point may not be removed, but otherwise the player is
1. Attempt to repair critical damage. it has remaining. Each result of ‘6’ enables a ship free to choose which ones will go.
2. Remove dissipating blast markers. to repair one critically damaged system. However,
due to interference from debris and shield impacts, You have now read all the most important rules
Later, once your gaming group has become more ships in contact with blast markers only roll half as that you need to play Battlefleet Gothic. At this
familiar with the rules, you can add teleport attacks many dice (rounding up). If both players need to point we suggest that you try playing Scenario
and boarding actions to this list. These are described make repair rolls, the player whose turn it is rolls One: Cruiser Clash (which can be found in the
in the Advanced Rules section. for his or her ships first. BFG:XR Scenarios list) to test them in action.
"The universe has many horrors yet to throw at us. This is not the end of our struggle. This is just the
beginning of our crusade to save Humanity. Be faithful! Be strong! Be vigilant!"
The Emperor of Mankind
O Eternal God Emperor; who alone spreadest out the heavens and rulest the raging of the warp; Who hast compassed the void with bounds until day and night
come to an end;
Be pleased to receive into thy Almighty and most gracious protection the souls of thy servants and the fleet in which we serve; Preserve us from the dangers
of the void, and from the violence of the enemy;
That we may be a safeguard unto our fellow man and his dominions, and a security for such as pass through the void upon their lawful occasions; That the
inhabitants of our Imperium may serve thee, our Saviour and that we may return in triumph with the fruits of our labors;
And with a thankful remembrance of thy mercies to praise and glorify thy Holy Name;
Through thine eternal rule;
Common Prayer of the Imperial Navy
ALL AHEAD FULL: Furthermore, a vessel attempting to ram must still
abide by the restrictions of All Ahead Full special
RAMMING SPEED! orders, meaning that it cannot turn at all, and must
A ship moving at All Ahead Full may attempt to complete its full move (assuming it survives the
ram a single enemy vessel as it moves. A ship may attempt - even if only as a wrecked hulk)! Other
never ram more than one enemy in a single move, than this, it may still shoot, board, launch ordnance,
as the 2D abstraction of the table-top means that and so forth, provided that it meets the criteria for
vessels which appear to be along a straight line may doing so after resolving the ramming attempt.
actually be hundreds of kilometers above or below
one another. Resolving Damage
Ramming is determined by base-to-base contact. If
The intent to ram a chosen target must be declared any part of the ramming ship’s base contacts any
after passing the command check for All Ahead Full part of the target’s base during the course of its
special orders, but before rolling to determine the movement, the ram is considered to be successful.
vessel’s speed bonus. Once declared, a vessel may If so, roll 1D6 for each point of the ramming ship’s
neither abort a ramming attempt nor change targets, starting damage capacity. Any dice that equal or
even if it ends its movement in base contact with beat the target’s Armor value (on the facing struck Ramming example: The Agrippa, a Lunar class Imperial
more than one enemy or does not reach the intended by the ramming ship) score a point of damage on cruiser, rams the Unclean, a Murder class Chaos cruiser
victim. Likewise, the number of vessels a ramming the target. This damage is not deflected by shields.
in the starboard side. The Agrippa has a starting damage
ship ‘moves through’ during its movement is also
irrelevant. Note that the choice of enemy ship is not capacity of 8, so it rolls 8D6 against the Unclean’s Armor
The ramming vessel may well suffer damage too,
affected by target priority - any enemy vessel may 5+, rolling 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, thus scoring 3 points
so the ship being rammed also rolls a number of D6
be nominated as a ramming target. as follows: if the two ships are hitting front-to-front of damage. By way of return the Unclean, which has a
(or the rammed target is a defense), the number of starting damage capacity of 8, rolls 4D6 (because it was
Check Course dice is equal to the rammed unit’s starting damage hit on the side) against the Agrippa’s 6+ prow armor,
Before engaging its drive systems, a ramming ship capacity. Otherwise, it only rolls half that amount rolling 3, 3, 5, 6 and scoring 1 point of damage.
must ensure its course is precisely aligned. The (rounding up). Any dice which equal or beat the
vessel must take a leadership test when the ram is ramming vessel’s front Armor value score a point
declared: if the test is passed, the captain skillfully of damage. This damage is not deflected by shields. "Perhaps today is a good day to die. Prepare for
maneuvers his vessel into a ramming position. If ramming speed!"
the test is failed, the ship misses the target and must Note that any damage inflicted during a ramming +++
complete its move normally, without resolving any attempt is resolved immediately upon contact. This
ramming (but still on All Ahead Full orders). means that if either ship explodes due to damage "You fool! You failed to realize that with your
from a ramming attempt, any subsequent hits from armor gone, my ship will tear through yours like
Obviously, it is easier for an escort to ram a cruiser the explosion must be resolved before the ramming tissue paper!"
or battleship than the other way around. Thus, the vessel finishes its move (if any). Likewise, if the
leadership test must be taken on 3D6 if the target rammed ship explodes, the ramming ship will +++
vessel is of a smaller type than the ramming one always be slowed by the resulting blast markers. "AAAAAAAARRRRRGHHHH!"
(where Defense > Battleship > Cruiser > Escort).
On the other hand, if the target vessel is of a larger Once a ramming attempt has been fully resolved, -Famous quotations from
type than the ramming one, then the leadership test the ramming ship continues its move (assuming it Captains attempting to ram
will be rolled on just 1D6. did not explode).
RESILIENT ATTACK CRAFT Further Interactions Three Tau Manta bombers are intercepted by two
Some attack craft are so large and heavily armored Since resilient attack craft that use their save to Eldar Darkstar fighters. The Eldar player chooses
that interception by enemy fighters may not always remain in play may continue to interact with enemy to begin with DS #1 attack MT #1.
guarantee victory. Likewise, some fighters have ordnance, a resilient marker which intercepts or is
expanded fuel reserves and armaments, allowing intercepted a second time in the same phase will If both pass their saves, both markers remain in
them to operate away from their mother ship for be removed just like regular ordnance. Note that play. Since they are still in contact, the Eldar player
extended periods of time. This is represented by a attack craft squadrons always resolve interactions decides to have DS#1 continue attacking MT #1,
‘resilient’ save noted in an attack craft’s description. one at a time, with the player that is moving his or removing both markers since they have both used
her ordnance attacking first (and choosing the order their save for that phase.
Attack craft that are resilient have a save (usually of attacks). The following is an example:
4+) against other ordnance. When resilient attack DS #2 now attacks MT #2. The Darkstar passes its
craft intercept or are intercepted by enemy ordnance A wave of two resilient Space Marine Thunderhawks save and the Manta fails, leaving DS #2 and MT #3
markers, roll a D6 for each resilient marker - if the (which can behave as fighters) move into contact remaining. DS #2 must then continue its attack and
result is equal or better than the squadron’s save with a wave of two Swiftdeath fighters. Here, the be removed (since it is a fighter). However, MT #3
value, it remains in play rather than being removed. Space Marine player attacks first, and considers passes its save and remains alone, as all the other
the following scenarios: markers in the encounter have been destroyed.
Resilient attack craft can only attempt this save once
per phase, regardless of whether they are attacking TH #1 begins by attacking SD #1, removing it. Now, Splitting Waves
or being attacked. Furthermore, if they pass their if TH #1 passes its save it may continue to attack, If a wave containing resilient attack craft intercepts
save and remain in play, they must immediately removing SD #2 and being removed itself (since or is intercepted by enemy ordnance, any markers
stop where the interaction took place and cannot it already used its save to intercept SD #1). This which use their save (and stop moving) may be
move any further (although fighters on combat air leaves TH #2 free to continue its move and attack immediately split from the wave normally, allowing
patrol will still move with their parent ship). In all other targets. any remaining squadrons to continue on as normal.
cases, resilient attack craft that fail to make their
save are immediately removed. Conversely, the Space Marine player may decide to
BOARDING ACTIONS • Boarding value is higher than enemy’s............ +1 Look up the results of the boarding action on the
Boarding actions are brutal, bloody, and usually • Boarding value is double or greater................ +2 table below. Then, make a single critical hit check
desperate battles between ships at very close range. • Boarding value is triple or greater.................. +3 against each ship involved (regardless of who won),
The boarding vessel maneuvers close to an enemy • Boarding value is quadruple or greater.......... +4 comparing the score to the appropriate requirement
ship and sends a wave of armed crewmen across shown in the third column. Resolve any subsequent
via teleporters, shuttles, life pods and sometimes Crew Damage Bonuses critical damage in the usual manner.
even pressure suits to grab a foothold on the outer Some factions in the 41st Millennium are especially
surface of the enemy ship. The attackers then blow adept at boarding actions. These fleets apply a crew RESULTS TABLE
breaches in the hull and swarm inside, hoping to damage bonus to their boarding roll as described in
Difference in Boarding Winners / Losers
overcome the defending crew in the ensuing melee. their respective rules. Ships may only use the largest Scores Result Suffer Critical Hit On
Boarding actions are dangerous for both sides: applicable bonus, unless otherwise specified.
1 Stalemate 5+ / 5+
even a victorious ship may suffer critical damage
Resolving a Boarding Attempt 2 Heavy Fighting 5+ / 4+
in the fighting or a prospective victim may explode
with catastrophic results. All boarding actions are resolved in the attacking 3 Driven Back 6+ / 3+
player’s end phase, before damage control has been 4 Stormed 6+ / 2+
Moving in for Boarding attempted or blast markers are removed. Naturally, 5+ Overwhelmed None / Auto
To initiate a boarding action, the attacking vessel the target must still be in base contact - if it has
must first move into range of the target. The owning somehow moved or been destroyed, the attacking When a ship is reduced to 0 damage by a boarding
player must declare the intent to board as soon as vessel cannot choose to board some other enemy action, do not roll for catastrophic damage. Instead,
base contact is achieved in the movement phase. ship in base contact instead. To resolve the action the ship immediately becomes a drifting hulk. Any
Vessels that have initiated a boarding action may both players roll a D6 and add the appropriate excess damage still counts towards the boarding
not fire their weapons or launch ordnance in the modifiers from the following list: result and a critical hit roll must still be made.
same turn, because their crews are too busy trying Note that ships which are reduced to 0 hits due to
to reach the enemy ship. • Enemy ship has blast markers in contact........ +1 critical damage are not subject to this rule and must
• Enemy ship is on special orders...................... +1 roll on the Catastrophic Damage table as normal.
Boarding Value & Base Damage Bonus • Enemy ship is crippled..................................... +2 Otherwise, any vessels that survive boarding may
During a boarding action, the vessel with the largest • Base Damage Bonus...................................Varies move off normally in their next movement phase.
crew will usually be able to overwhelm the enemy, • Crew Damage Bonus..................................Varies
regardless of any differences in fighting skill. This Drawn Combats
is represented by the vessels’ boarding values, Boarding Action Results If both players have the same score after modifiers,
which determines one side’s base damage bonus. The player with the highest total wins the boarding the combat is a draw. In this case the ships grapple
action. The losing ship then suffers damage equal together and will continue fighting, repeating this
Before a boarding action is resolved, both sides to the difference in scores. This damage cannot be process in each end phase until one of the ships is
must determine their boarding values and compare absorbed by shields or saved by Brace For Impact reduced to zero damage. While locked in combat,
the results. A vessel’s boarding value is equal to the special orders. neither ship may move, shoot, launch ordnance,
number of damage points it has remaining, with the or disengage. Furthermore, they do not add their
defending ship also adding its current number of Furthermore, due to the intensity of close-quarters remaining turrets to their boarding value. In all
turrets (after any other modifiers) to its score. The combat, the chance that a ship might suffer critical other respects the ships may fight normally (such as
side with the higher boarding value gains a base damage is much higher. As such, damage inflicted defending against ordnance, using special orders,
damage bonus to its boarding roll as follows (only by a boarding action does not cause critical hits in teleport attacks, etc). Once combat is resolved, the
apply the highest possible modifier): the usual way. Instead, do the following: surviving ship may move off in its next turn.
Small ships, such as escorts, stand little chance of SQUADRON LEADERSHIP SQUADRON COHERENCY
damaging larger ships on their own, so they are Using squadrons enables the Admiral of the Fleet To remain part of a squadron, each member must be
normally grouped into squadrons. A squadron will to give orders to groups of ships at the same time, no more than 15cm away from another ship in the
maneuver closely together and mass its weaponry instead of having to relay orders to each ship in his squadron, so that they form a continuous chain with
to attack more effectively. Although cruisers and fleet individually. Furthermore, squadrons of ships `links’ of up to 15cm between each ship.
battleships normally operate alone, they can also be are often experienced at fighting together, and thus
grouped into squadrons for a major battle, where will be less prone to miscommunication and errors. If a ship is forced to break formation, it no longer
their awesome firepower can be put to good effect. These advantages are represented by the following counts as part of the squadron until it moves back
Squadrons may have all sorts of different names, special rules: to within 15cm of another member. If a squadron
such as formations, flotillas, packs, patrol groups or breaks into multiple groups, simply designate one
forces, but they all work in the same way. Capital Ship Squadrons as the ‘main body’ of the squadron that the others
Each capital ship in a squadron rolls for leadership must rejoin, and treat the rest as out of formation.
FORMING SQUADRONS individually, as normal. However, if a capital ship
In general, a fleet’s largest vessels will not always squadron contains ships with different leadership Any ships out of formation must move to restore
fight as squadrons, except in the fiercest of battles. values, the squadron will always use the highest squadron coherency as soon as possible, and cannot
However, most races’ escort-class ships function leadership value among its remaining members. benefit from the squadron’s special orders until
almost exclusively in groups. As such, squadrons they have done so.
are formed a little differently depending on the type Escort Squadrons
of ships involved. Before the start of the game, each escort squadron
only makes a single roll to determine the leadership
Capital Ships value for the entire squadron as a whole.
Squadrons of capital ships will be formed at the
beginning of a game, before any ships are deployed Command Checks & Other Rolls
for battle. See the ‘Forming up the Fleet’ section All squadrons have the highly desirable advantage
on page 56 for further details regarding capital ship of only needing to attempt a single command check
squadrons. to place the entire squadron on special orders.
As mentioned earlier, ships in a squadron combine
their firing together, totaling their firepower and/or
weapon strength before resolving shooting attacks.
When a squadron’s shooting is halved for whatever
reason (such as being braced), escorts always add
"T he klaxon was sounding all across the ship now. I tried to enter the lower bridge, but the emergency bulkheads had shut. Sporadic bursts from the engines
were pushing us to starboard and dipping the stern down towards Proxadis' outer moon. I heard one of the Tech-Priests reporting over the internal
comm-net that the artificial gravity had failed along the starboard quarter gun-decks. With the bridge presumed destroyed, I was left as the highest authority
on board. I ran into a party of ratings trying to jettison the blazing remains of the tertiary starboard lance turret and I ordered them to get to the savior rafts.
Another explosion shook the ship, sending us flying in all directions. Rushing up to the secondary aft bridge, I took stock of the situation. We had lost all
helm control, the fifth, ninth, and eleventh reactors were discharging plasma and the number three reactor was going to endphase overload. I ordered the
general abandonment and led the aft bridge crew to the rafts at the end of 'C' Deck, port quarter. Just as we jettisoned, I saw the outside of the ship through the
port. Plasma was slowly engulfing the whole of the engine section. A gaping hole had been torn through both quarter galleries and fires were burning up on
the bridge section. We had perhaps got 12,000 away when the reactors blew, sending a sheet of gas and flame surging towards us. It passed by about 4000 away,
but the shockwave buffeted us badly, and the engines cut."
The loss of the Invincible by 4th Lieutenant Burns, one of only 1,250 survivors.
1 Solar Flare
2 Radiation Burst
3 Asteroid Field
4 D3 Gas/Dust Clouds
5 D3 Gas/Dust Clouds
6 Planet (roll a D6: 1-5 = Small, 6 = Medium)*
The following types of celestial phenomena are GAS AND DUST CLOUDS ASTEROID FIELDS
tabletop features, meaning they are placed directly Gas and dust clouds represent areas of space with Asteroid fields orbit most stars at varying distances.
onto the tabletop to represent a specific object or a notably greater density of (mostly) hydrogen gas They are generally thought to be debris fragments
region that will affect nearby ships. Remember to or tiny particles of matter. These clouds may be left over from collisions between planets during
leave plenty of empty space between them. fragments left over from the formation of stars and the formation of a star system. Asteroid fields may
planets, the outer fringes of nebulae or protostars, or also be left over after the destruction of a planet or
Determining Sunward Table Edge even gasses ejected by solar flares. They represent moon, or represent an area of wreckage resulting
Tabletop features are generally placed in relation to a moderate navigational hazard to shipping: basic from a space battle.
the nearest star. This is because nearly everything shielding is sufficient to prevent damage but ships
caught in the inconceivably gross gravitational pull must reduce speed to pass through them. Gas and Placement
of a star will be in some kind of orbit around it. dust clouds impair targeting by weapon batteries Each asteroid field is D3x5cm wide and D3x5cm
and may destroy ordnance however, making them long. Use rocks or gravel to represent them on the
When placing tabletop features, always start by useful areas to exploit in ship-to-ship combat. table, with the long direction running parallel to the
determining which table edge is closest to the sunward table edge.
nearest star, described as ‘sunward’ in Battlefleet Placement
Gothic. To do so, roll a D6 and compare the result Each gas/dust cloud is D6x2cm wide and D6x5cm Effects
to the following diagram: long. Use flock or cotton wool to represent them on Asteroid fields block line of sight for direct fire
the table, with the long direction running parallel to attacks such as lances, gunnery weapons, and
the sunward table edge. nova cannon, and any torpedoes that strike one
will automatically detonate. Hulks which drift into
Effects an asteroid field are also destroyed. Attack craft
To ships in base contact, gas and dust clouds have squadrons which move through an asteroid field
the same effect as a single blast marker in all are destroyed on a D6 roll of 6, just like for blast
respects (such as for shooting, movement, shields, markers. Opposing vessels in an asteroid field may
etc). Note that if a ship with no shields whatsoever fire upon each other with battery-type weapons and
(not those whose shields are just overloaded) takes lances, but at no more than 10cm range, and all
damage from a gas or dust cloud and explodes, the weapons do so at half strength/firepower (and no
explosion is resolved at the point where the ship column-shifts for close range). Crippled or braced
made contact with the feature. ships in an asteroid field may not fire at all.
Note that asteroid fields do not block damage from Ships moving into a warp rift must pass a Typical Template Sizes
exploding ships for any reason - resolve explosions leadership test on 3D6 to navigate it successfully. The following are typical sizes for your planets:
as though the field were not there. If the ship passes the test, it may be repositioned up
to 2D6x10cm away from the rift, pointing in any • Small planet (equivalent to Mercury, Pluto or
Firing on Asteroid Fields direction. If it fails, the ship disappears from the Mars) - up to 15cm diameter.
In rare instances, players may wish to fire upon an battle altogether — lost in the warp! • Medium planet (equivalent to Venus or Earth) -
asteroid field. To do so, a ship or squadron must 16-25cm diameter.
first pass a leadership test (regardless of range, and Roll a D6 for each ship lost in the warp after the • Large planet (equivalent to Saturn or Jupiter) -
even if it is the only possible target). Shooting at game: on a score of 1, it is trapped forever, doomed 26-50cm(!) diameter.
an asteroid field is resolved normally, counting the to drift on the tides of the immaterium until its crew
field as ordnance. For each hit inflicted, place a wither and die - count the ship as destroyed. On Effects
blast marker in contact with the edge of the field, a result of 2-6, it is only temporarily lost and will Planets are represented by a template or model
as close as possible to the direction of shooting eventually find its way back to the fleet - count the placed on the tabletop. The template blocks line of
(without overlapping other markers). ship as having disengaged. sight for direct fire weapons, and any torpedoes that
strike it are detonated (much to the distress of any
local life-forms!). Hulks which drift into a planet
"Contact with alien races always renews one's faith in humanity. It is my belief are also destroyed. Ships may move ‘through’ a
planet (passing over or under it). However, line of
that foreign travel narrows the mind wonderfully." sight is not blocked to any such ships that are on or
touching a planetary template, and torpedoes fired
-Helem Boesch from within the template are removed when they
reach the edge.
The following types of celestial phenomena are SOLAR FLARES RADIATION BURSTS
tabletop effects, meaning they will affect everything Most stars periodically release explosive bursts of As well as solar flares and often in conjunction with
on the table regardless of where it is. Remember to energy over small areas of their surface. Of course them, a sun will frequently emit bursts of radiation,
make a note of any tabletop effects, as they are not small, in solar terms, means areas hundreds of including electromagnetic and radio waves. These
represented by any models or templates. millions of kilometers across! These huge flares temporarily scramble any communications traffic
of energy rush outward at tremendous speeds, between ships and even disrupt ship-board comm-
FIGHTING SUNWARD flooding the vicinity with highly charged particles nets. Commanding a ship under these conditions
It is sometimes easy to forget that a star is quite an and magnetic shock waves. A shielded vessel can is extremely difficult, and for this reason most
impressive phenomenon itself, and no less relevant find its protection virtually overwhelmed by these captains assiduously avoid the flare region and
to an admiral than an asteroid field or gas cloud. In events and a vessel without shields is sure to suffer mercurial zone of the local star.
battles close to the center of a system, the presence damage.
of the local star has powerful effects on a ship’s Effects
ability to detect other vessels. At extreme ranges, Effects At the start of each turn, roll a D6 per radiation
the glare of the sun will tend to obscure the energy At the start of each turn, roll a D6 per solar flare burst generated on the celestial phenomena table. If
signature of enemy vessels, making them difficult generated on the celestial phenomena table. If any any dice score a 5 or more, a radiation burst occurs
to target accurately. In close proximity, an opposing dice score a 6, a solar flare occurs. Note that a solar (limit one per turn). If this happens, roll a D6 to see
ship with the sun behind it is easier to pick out and flare may only occur once per game - afterwards, what the interference level will be. All ships on the
track using reflection surveyors and image capture no further rolls are made in subsequent turns. When table reduce their Leadership value by that value for
devices. a solar flare occurs, each ship on the table has one the duration of the turn. For example, if a radiation
blast marker placed in contact with its base, as close burst occurs and a 3 is rolled for the interference
Effects as possible to the sunward table edge. Any vessel level, all ships suffer -3 to their leadership.
In the outer parts of a solar system, the light from without shields (whether overloaded, collapsed,
the distant star has no effect on combat. In battles etc) suffers one automatic hit and will take critical In addition to the reduced leadership value for the
taking place from the Flare Region to the Inner damage on a roll of 4+ (rather than 6). Finally, roll interference, Fleet Commanders may only use their
Biosphere, the intense light from the sun provides a D6 for each ordnance marker on the table - on a re-rolls on command checks for their own ship or
the following effects: score of 4 or more it is removed from play. squadron during radiation bursts.
"I n my high seat I gaze into the immaterium and see the shadow that our own universe casts into depthlessness. This
eye... this eye sees gentle flows of soul-stuff where the becalmed mind might starve to death, and tides and churns of
genius and hate. The warp mocks the power of words to describe. But what I can never turn my back on is the power and
the beauty of the Emperor. I see His soul shine out from Earth and His presence fill every corner of the immaterium.
I am scorned for what I talk of seeing, scorned by my family - so be it. Some say that every one of us sees a face of the
warp meant only for him, a warp that none other shall ever see, but it makes no matter. I have known from the first time
I beheld it that I could do nothing but follow that light with my life."
Peshto Vask Zemlya, Navigator
PLANETARY DEFENSES System Ships patrol the trade routes within a star From Your Points Limit
In certain scenarios, one player may be allowed system and may often be sent into battle when an In addition to the two previous methods, if you are
to select planetary defenses as part of their forces, enemy fleet attempts to break through the defending the defender in any scenario with a planet present,
generally to assist in protecting a planet against forces and land on a planet. System ships follow all you may spend up to one third of your points limit
an attacking enemy fleet. Planetary defenses the same rules as normal ships of their type. on planetary defenses. This allows you to use larger
also include minefields and some types of small space stations whose high costs would normally be
defensive vessels which have no warp drives. The following rules detail the different ways that prohibitive in regular games.
The complete rules for planetary defenses can be fleets may include planetary defenses in games of
found in the BFG:XR Fleet Support list. Defenses Battlefleet Gothic: In a Campaign
are broken up into three types: orbital satellites, If you are playing a campaign and you know which
ground facilities, and system ships. Scenario Driven type of system you are fighting in, you can use the
Some scenarios (like planetary assault) specify that following table to decide the level of planetary
Satellite units may not move as they are stationed the defender can spend a certain amount of extra defenses. Remember, not all the battles in a system
in orbit around a planet or moon, or occasionally points on planetary defenses. In this case, the player will take place around the primary world - there
in deep space. Their weapons are typically able to chooses his or her planetary defenses from the may be a different type of inhabited world, or the
fire all round so they do not worry about fire arcs BFG:XR Fleet Support list (as well as any special two fleets might be fighting around an uninhabited
at all. Since they are targeted as defenses, they also defenses in his or her race’s fleet list document), up planet.
ignore matters of orientation (closing, abeam, etc). to the points value indicated in the scenario.
You can also use the table below to generate a planet
Ground facilities protect planets from spaceships If a Planet is Present type during a non-campaign game if desired. Roll
getting close enough to send troops down to the If a planet is generated as a celestial phenomenon, 2D6 and see what type of planet you’re fighting
surface. These huge anti-ship weapons cannot move you may assign it planetary defenses as follows: around. In this case, the number of planetary
because they are concealed in deep underground defenses are determined by the planet’s type rather
silos for their safety. Ground units are limited to a • A small planet will have D6-2 defenses. Small than its size.
single 90° fire arc extending up from the planet’s planets should not have ground facilities unless
surface, as shown in the diagram below. Note that both players agree otherwise.
ground facilities ignore all of the usual restrictions • A medium sized planet will have D6-1 defenses.
• A large planet will have D6 defenses. 2 Forge World D6+1
for firing weapons and/or launching ordnance while
on the low orbit table. 3 Hive World D6
If the scenario requires an attacker and a defender, 4-5 Civilized World D6-1
then the defender is assumed to have control of 6-7 Uninhabited D3-1
the planet (although you could switch this to fight
8-9 Agri-World D6-2
defensive battles in an enemy-held system). If there
are no attackers and defenders, both players roll a 10-11 Mining World D6-2
D6 to see who controls the planet and its defenses. 12 Penal Colony D6
Each planetary defense can be worth up to D6x5 Bear in mind that while you can use any of these
points (roll for each separately). You may combine rules to include planetary defenses in your normal
the points of several defenses to buy a single, more games for added variety, it’s not something you
expensive one - for example, you may give up three should feel compelled to do every time you stick a
30-point defenses to buy one 90 point defense. planet on the tabletop!
In addition, you can read up on all the history of the Gothic Sector and the galaxy of the 41st
Millennium in the BFG:XR - Gothic Sector and Beyond document.
Once you’ve had your fill of individual scenarios, get a few friends together and try out a
campaign from the BFG:XR - Campaigns document, or get together and make up your own;
the possibilities are as endless as space itself!