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SP 152a

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1/94 Form #245

Model SP-152A


Misuse and or abuse of these instruments cannot be prevented by any
printed word and may cause injury and or equipment damage. Please
A.W. SPERRY INSTRUMENTS INC. follow all these instructions and measurement procedures faithfully and
245 MARCUS BLVD., HAUPPAUGE, NEW YORK 11788 adhere to all standard industry safety rules and practices.
Phone: 800-645-5398 Toll Free (N.Y. and Alaska call collect 516-231-7050)
Fax: 516-434-3128
Phone: 800-645-5398 Toll Free (N.Y. and Alaska call collect 516-231-7050)
Fax: 516-434-3128
Section Title Page


3-1 Description 3
3-2 Features 3
3-3 Specifications 4
3-4 Packaging 4
3-5 Front Panel Identification ?


5-1 Voltage Measurement 6
5-2 Current Measurement 7
5-3 Resistance Measurement 9
5-4 Battery Measurement 10

6-1 Battery Replacement 11
6-2 Fuse Replacement 11
6-3 Cleaning 12


Note: Subsequent revisions to this document may exist.

Use for general references only.
Before returning your Analog Multimeter for repair be certain
that the failure to operate is not caused by:
1. weak battery
2. open test leads. A.W. Sperry Instruments, Inc., warrants that this
A.W. Sperry instrument has been carefully
If these conditions do not exist and the instrument still fails
to operate properly or is damaged, return the instrument and tested, inspected, and warranted for one (1) year
accessories prepaid to: from the date of purchase by the original end
A.W. Sperry Instruments, Inc. user, provided the instrument has not been
Attn: Customer Service Dept. misused, damaged due to negligence, neglect or
245 Marcus Boulevard unauthorized repair, abused or used contrary to
Hauppauge, NY 11788 the operating instructions. Instruments and proof
State in writing what is wrong with the instrument. If the of purchase in the form of a legible copy or
warranty period is still in effect you must include your name, original of the sales receipt clearly identifying the
address and phone number. Repair estimates will be distributor, model number and date of purchase
furnished if requested for out of warranty instruments.
must be returned to A.W. Sperry Instruments,
Inc., Attention: Customer Service Center, 245
Marcus Boulevard, Hauppauge, New York
11788, postage prepaid for examination and
verification of manufacturing defect under
warranty. A.W. Sperry Instruments, Inc., shall be
the sole judge of such defect. The liability of
A.W. Sperry Instruments, Inc., shall be limited to
the repair or replacement at its sole option of any
defective product.

12 1
Sec. 1 INTRODUCTION 2. Turn instrument upside down and lay on a soft flat
Congratulations. You have purchased an A.W. SPERRY surface which will not scratch the scale window.
Analog Multimeter manufactured to the highest quality 3. Remove the phillips head screw and lift off the
standards. A minimum amount of maintenance and an back case.
understanding of these operating instructions is all that is
4. Remove the battery by prying up near the center of
needed to keep this instrument in excellent working
the battery using a coin.
condition. If you should have any questions regarding this
product or would like a catalog on our other products please 5. Replace the battery with a new 1.5 Vdc, AA size
write to us at: battery, A.W. SPERRY part B-1. When installing
the battery make sure the polarity matches that
A.W. Sperry Instruments, Inc.
indicated in the battery compartment.
P.O. Box 9300
Smithtown, NY 11787 6. Replace the back cover by sliding the end with the
or call us Toll-Free at small tab in first. Then replace the phillips head
screw and tighten to a snug fit. Do not over tighten
800-645-5398 or 516-231-7050
Please take the time to read these operating instructions
thoroughly and completely. Failure to follow these 6-2) Fuse Replacement
instructions may result in electrical shock, instrument 1. Follow steps 1-3 in Section 6-1.
damage and/or damage to the equipment under test. 2. Remove the fuse and replace with a miniature
Always use extreme caution when working on or around glass type fuse, 1/2 Amp, 250V, 1/4" X 11/4",
electrically operated equipment. A.W. SPERRY Part #F-1 or approved equal.
Sec. 2 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Do not short fuse out of the circuit, or use a fuse with higher
Always inspect the instrument, test leads and other rating than 1/2 Amp, or alter circuit to eliminate the fuse. These
accessories for damage prior to every use. actions negate the safety purpose of the fuse, can cause
Always consider electrical and electronic equipment to be extensive damage to the instrument and/or injury to the user.
energized (live). Never assume any equipment is de- 6-3) Cleaning
energized. The exterior of the instrument can be cleaned with a soft dry
Never ground yourself when taking electrical cloth to remove any oil, grease or grime. Never use any
measurements. Isolate yourself from ground by using dry liquid solvents or detergents. Do not polish the instrument.
rubber insulation mats to cover all exposed grounded metal. If the instrument gets wet for any reason, dry the inside and
Stand on rubber mats and wear dry clothing. outside of the instrument using low pressure air, less than
25 PSI.

2 11
5-4) Battery Measurements Never take resistance measurements on energized(live)
1. Follow the Preparation for use procedure in sec. 4. electrical or electronic equipment.
2. Read all safety precautions in sec. 2. Use one hand, instead of two, whenever possible to take
3. The SP-152A comes with two separate battery measurements. If two hands must be used, use extreme
check ranges that enable you to test 1.5Vdc or caution not to contact any energized conductors with your
9Vdc batteries. hands. Be certain test lead probes are dry and clean.
4. Connect red probe to + Jack, black to - Jack. Do not hold the instrument when taking measurements.
Place the instrument on a clean, insulating surface prior to
5. Set the range selector switch to 9V battery check
taking any measurement.
Don’t become part of the circuit. Think Safety.
6. Connect the test leads to the 9Vdc battery under
Act Safely.
test. A good 9Vdc battery will read in the green
portion of the Arc.
7. To check 1.5Vdc batteries follow the above 3-1) Description
procedures with the range selector switch set to The A.W. SPERRY SP-152A is an Analog Multimeter
the 1.5Vdc range. capable of:
8. The “?” section on the scale plate shows that the Measuring 7 functions on 20 ranges. A mirror scale is
battery may be starting to decay. provided to reduce the possibility of parallax errors. Small,
light weight and rugged construction. This meter was
SYMBOLS designed for the amateur, hobbyist and professional

V— DIRECT VOLTAGE (DCV) needing to make electrical and electronic equipment
V~ ALERATIVE VOLTAGE (ACV) measurements.

MA — DIRECT CURRENT (DcmA) 3-2) Features
EARTH (GROUND) TERMINAL 1. 7 Functions - 20 Ranges
DOUBLE INSULATION 2. Limited One Year Warranty
Sec. 6 MAINTENANCE 3. Ruggedized, Impact Resistant
6-1) Battery Replacement 4. Industry Standard Safety Recessed Input
! WARNING: To avoid electric shock, disconnect Terminals and Shielded Banana Plugs
measuring terminals before removing cover. 5. Mirrored Scale Plate
1. Disconnect test leads form any circuit and then 6. Safety Fuse Protected
disconnect test leads from the instrument. 7. Diode Protected Meter Movement
10 3
8. Battery Test Function the test leads from the circuit under test, then
9. Handy Tiltstand/ Carry Handle remove the test leads from the instrument.
10. Perfect for the Homeowner, Hobbyist and 5-3) Resistance Measurements
Professional 1. Follow the Preparation for Use procedure in sec. 4.
3-3) Specifications 2. Read all safety precautions in sec. 2.
Sensitivity: 20KΩ/VDC, 9KΩ/VAC CAUTION
Resistance measurements must be made on de-energized
Accuracy: DC ± 3% Full Scale
(dead) circuits only. Impressing a voltage across the instrument
AC ± 4% Full Scale terminals while set to any resistance range may result in electric
Ω ± 3% Arc Length shock, instrument damage and/or damage to equipment under
Fuse: One (1) 1/2 Amp. 250V, 1/4" X 11/4", test. Be certain equipment is completely de-energized.
A.W. SPERRY Part #F-1 3. Completely de-energize the circuit or device
Power Source: Two (1) 1.5V AA size batteries which is to be measured. Set the selector switch
A.W. SPERRY part No. B-1 to the range desired. Hold the test lead tips
together and adjust for a “0” ohm reading using
Size: 5.4"H x 3.7"W x 1.8"D
the “0Ω adj” knob. If a zero reading cannot be
(137 x 95 x 45mm)
obtained, a weak battery is the most probable
Weight: 9.5 oz. (270 g) cause. See section 6.1 (Battery Replacement).
Ranges and Accuracy 4. Connect the instrument to the points between
DC Voltage: 0-2.5/10/50/250/1000 Vdc which the resistance is to be measured. Read the
AC Voltage: 0-10/50/250/1000 Vac resistance on the uppermost “OHMS” scale.
DC Current: 0-5m/50m/500mA/20Adc Multiply the reading by the range the selector
switch is set to. For example a reading of 10 on
Resistance: 0-10K/100K/10MΩ
the “x1K” range equals 10K ohm (1K = 1000Ω).
(50/500/50KΩ Mid-Scale)
NOTE: When reading resistors in circuit, there may exist
Battery: 1.5V/9Vdc
more than one conductive path. When this condition exists,
Continuity Buzzer the reading taken is a combination of the circuit paths.
Decibels: -8 to +62dB When trying to read one resistor, it is advisable to remove
that resistor from the circuit before measurement to avoid
3-4) Packaging
reading multiply conductive paths.
Comes complete with one set TL-56 Test Leads, two B-1
“AA” type Batteries (installed in the instrument), one F-1
Fuse (Installed) and Form #245 Operating Instructions.
4 9
The 20A range is unprotected and has a very low internal This procedure should be followed before each and every
resistance. Do not attempt to take a current measurement if the use.
current is unknown or above 20Adc.
WARNING Before attempting to use this meter be certain to read this
The instrument must be connected in series with the circuit to be operating instruction thoroughly and completely. Failure to follow
measured. Do not impress voltages across the “COM” and “V-Ω- these instructions may result in electrical shock, instrument
mA” terminals when set to the mADC ranges. Doing so may damage and/or damage to equipment under test.
result in electric shock, instrument damage and/or damage to 1. Inspect the SP-152A Analog Multimeter for any
equipment under test.
signs of damage to the thermoplastic case. Do not use
5. Remove power from the circuit to be tested and if cracked, distorted, excessively dirty or any other
discharge all capacitors and inductors. abnormal condition exists. Refer to sec. 7.
6. Connect the test leads into the circuit so that the 2.Rotate the selector switch one full turn. Check that
meter is in series with the circuit where current is to the switch clicks into each of the 20 positions and has
be measured. The current should enter through the no excessive play in each position. Do not use if the
red lead and leave through the black lead in order switch is loose. Refer to sec. 7.
for the meter to indicate in an “up-scale” direction.
3. Inspect the TL-56 test leads for any signs of damage.
7. Turn on power to the circuit under test. Read the Check for cracks in the insulation, broken or damaged
current on the black DC scale and use the full scale probes, loose probe pins or bent probe pins. Do not
numbers which correspond to the range selected use if any abnormal conditions exist. Refer to sec. 7.
(in the case for the 20A range 0-20).
4. Place the SP-152A Analog Multimeter on a flat
WARNING horizontal surface. Using a small screw driver adjust
Before changing ranges always de-energize the circuit
the “zero adjust” screw until the meter movement
completely. An open circuit exists between the test leads during
range change. pointer lines up with the “0” reading on the left side of
the scale plate.
8. If the reading is less than 1/2 amp, repeat steps 5
and 6 with the switch set on the 500mA range and 5. Insert the black test lead into the “-” (Com) terminal
the test leads in the V-Ω-A terminal. Repeat the of the SP-152A and the red test lead into the “+”
above procedures until the reading is in the upper (V-Ω-A) terminal. Make certain that the leads are
half of the scaleplate. seated all the way into the SP-152A and fit snugly. If
the fit feels loose do not use the SP-152A or the test
9. Turn off the power to the circuit under test.
leads. Refer to sec. 7.
Discharge all capacitors and inductors. Remove

8 5
6. Please the selector switch on the SP-152A into the 4. Apply the test leads to the two points in the circuit at
“X1K” position, hold the tips of the Red and Black test which the voltage is to be measured. When
leads together and adjust the “OHMS adjust knob” measuring DC voltage the black lead should be
until the meter movement pointer reads “0” on the connected to the more negative point of
OHMS scale located at the extreme right side of the measurement. When measuring AC voltage the
scale plate. If a “0” reading cannot be obtained a polarity does not matter.
weak battery is the most probable cause. Follow the 5. To read DC voltage use the black “DC” arc directly
battery replacement procedure in sec. 6-1. below the mirrored arc. Use the numbers whose full
Note: The battery is only used for resistance scale reading matches the range selected by the
measurements with the selector switch in the “X1”,”X10” or “selector switch”.
“X1K” positions. The SP-152A can be used in all other 6. To read AC voltage use the red “AC” arc. Use the
ranges with a weak, dead or missing battery. numbers whose full scale reading matches the range
7. The SP-152A is now ready for use. Follow the selected by the “selector switch”.
Measurement procedures in this manual for all 7. The dB scales can be used to measure the milliwatt
measurements. Read all Safety Precautions in sec. 2 power dissipation in a 600 load by measuring the AC
before proceeding. voltage across a 600 OHM load. An AC voltage of
0.775 Vrms across 600 OHMS is equal to 1mW or “0”
Sec. 5 OPERATION dB. When converting an AC voltage measurement to
5-1) Voltage Measurements dB take the dB readings from the lowest arc on the
1. Follow the Preparation for Use procedure in sec. 4. scale plate and then add the appropriate dB correction
2. Read all Safety Precautions in sec. 2. as listed in the chart printed in the lower right corner of
CAUTION the instrument scale plate.
1000 Vac/dc is the maximum voltage that can be measured
using this meter. Attempting to measure higher voltages may
5-2) DC Current Measurements
result in electrical shock, instrument damage and/or damage to 1. Follow the Preparation for Use procedure in sec. 4.
equipment under test. 2. Read all Safety Precautions in sec. 2.
3. Select an AC or DC voltage range using the selector 3. Place the function switch to the 20A position,
switch that is higher than the maximum voltage to be always start with the highest range.
measured. If the maximum voltage may be higher 4. Place the red test lead in the “DC20A” terminal, and
than 1000 Vac/dc, do not attempt to take a the black test lead in the “COM” terminal.

6 7
6. Please the selector switch on the SP-152A into the 4. Apply the test leads to the two points in the circuit at
“X1K” position, hold the tips of the Red and Black test which the voltage is to be measured. When
leads together and adjust the “OHMS adjust knob” measuring DC voltage the black lead should be
until the meter movement pointer reads “0” on the connected to the more negative point of
OHMS scale located at the extreme right side of the measurement. When measuring AC voltage the
scale plate. If a “0” reading cannot be obtained a polarity does not matter.
weak battery is the most probable cause. Follow the 5. To read DC voltage use the black “DC” arc directly
battery replacement procedure in sec. 6-1. below the mirrored arc. Use the numbers whose full
Note: The battery is only used for resistance scale reading matches the range selected by the
measurements with the selector switch in the “X1”,”X10” or “selector switch”.
“X1K” positions. The SP-152A can be used in all other 6. To read AC voltage use the red “AC” arc. Use the
ranges with a weak, dead or missing battery. numbers whose full scale reading matches the range
7. The SP-152A is now ready for use. Follow the selected by the “selector switch”.
Measurement procedures in this manual for all 7. The dB scales can be used to measure the milliwatt
measurements. Read all Safety Precautions in sec. 2 power dissipation in a 600 load by measuring the AC
before proceeding. voltage across a 600 OHM load. An AC voltage of
0.775 Vrms across 600 OHMS is equal to 1mW or “0”
Sec. 5 OPERATION dB. When converting an AC voltage measurement to
5-1) Voltage Measurements dB take the dB readings from the lowest arc on the
1. Follow the Preparation for Use procedure in sec. 4. scale plate and then add the appropriate dB correction
2. Read all Safety Precautions in sec. 2. as listed in the chart printed in the lower right corner of
CAUTION the instrument scale plate.
1000 Vac/dc is the maximum voltage that can be measured
using this meter. Attempting to measure higher voltages may
5-2) DC Current Measurements
result in electrical shock, instrument damage and/or damage to 1. Follow the Preparation for Use procedure in sec. 4.
equipment under test. 2. Read all Safety Precautions in sec. 2.
3. Select an AC or DC voltage range using the selector 3. Place the function switch to the 20A position,
switch that is higher than the maximum voltage to be always start with the highest range.
measured. If the maximum voltage may be higher 4. Place the red test lead in the “DC20A” terminal, and
than 1000 Vac/dc, do not attempt to take a the black test lead in the “COM” terminal.

6 7
The 20A range is unprotected and has a very low internal This procedure should be followed before each and every
resistance. Do not attempt to take a current measurement if the use.
current is unknown or above 20Adc.
WARNING Before attempting to use this meter be certain to read this
The instrument must be connected in series with the circuit to be operating instruction thoroughly and completely. Failure to follow
measured. Do not impress voltages across the “COM” and “V-Ω- these instructions may result in electrical shock, instrument
mA” terminals when set to the mADC ranges. Doing so may damage and/or damage to equipment under test.
result in electric shock, instrument damage and/or damage to 1. Inspect the SP-152A Analog Multimeter for any
equipment under test.
signs of damage to the thermoplastic case. Do not use
5. Remove power from the circuit to be tested and if cracked, distorted, excessively dirty or any other
discharge all capacitors and inductors. abnormal condition exists. Refer to sec. 7.
6. Connect the test leads into the circuit so that the 2.Rotate the selector switch one full turn. Check that
meter is in series with the circuit where current is to the switch clicks into each of the 20 positions and has
be measured. The current should enter through the no excessive play in each position. Do not use if the
red lead and leave through the black lead in order switch is loose. Refer to sec. 7.
for the meter to indicate in an “up-scale” direction.
3. Inspect the TL-56 test leads for any signs of damage.
7. Turn on power to the circuit under test. Read the Check for cracks in the insulation, broken or damaged
current on the black DC scale and use the full scale probes, loose probe pins or bent probe pins. Do not
numbers which correspond to the range selected use if any abnormal conditions exist. Refer to sec. 7.
(in the case for the 20A range 0-20).
4. Place the SP-152A Analog Multimeter on a flat
WARNING horizontal surface. Using a small screw driver adjust
Before changing ranges always de-energize the circuit
the “zero adjust” screw until the meter movement
completely. An open circuit exists between the test leads during
range change. pointer lines up with the “0” reading on the left side of
the scale plate.
8. If the reading is less than 1/2 amp, repeat steps 5
and 6 with the switch set on the 500mA range and 5. Insert the black test lead into the “-” (Com) terminal
the test leads in the V-Ω-A terminal. Repeat the of the SP-152A and the red test lead into the “+”
above procedures until the reading is in the upper (V-Ω-A) terminal. Make certain that the leads are
half of the scaleplate. seated all the way into the SP-152A and fit snugly. If
the fit feels loose do not use the SP-152A or the test
9. Turn off the power to the circuit under test.
leads. Refer to sec. 7.
Discharge all capacitors and inductors. Remove

8 5
8. Battery Test Function the test leads from the circuit under test, then
9. Handy Tiltstand/ Carry Handle remove the test leads from the instrument.
10. Perfect for the Homeowner, Hobbyist and 5-3) Resistance Measurements
Professional 1. Follow the Preparation for Use procedure in sec. 4.
3-3) Specifications 2. Read all safety precautions in sec. 2.
Sensitivity: 20KΩ/VDC, 9KΩ/VAC CAUTION
Resistance measurements must be made on de-energized
Accuracy: DC ± 3% Full Scale
(dead) circuits only. Impressing a voltage across the instrument
AC ± 4% Full Scale terminals while set to any resistance range may result in electric
Ω ± 3% Arc Length shock, instrument damage and/or damage to equipment under
Fuse: One (1) 1/2 Amp. 250V, 1/4" X 11/4", test. Be certain equipment is completely de-energized.
A.W. SPERRY Part #F-1 3. Completely de-energize the circuit or device
Power Source: Two (1) 1.5V AA size batteries which is to be measured. Set the selector switch
A.W. SPERRY part No. B-1 to the range desired. Hold the test lead tips
together and adjust for a “0” ohm reading using
Size: 5.4"H x 3.7"W x 1.8"D
the “0Ω adj” knob. If a zero reading cannot be
(137 x 95 x 45mm)
obtained, a weak battery is the most probable
Weight: 9.5 oz. (270 g) cause. See section 6.1 (Battery Replacement).
Ranges and Accuracy 4. Connect the instrument to the points between
DC Voltage: 0-2.5/10/50/250/1000 Vdc which the resistance is to be measured. Read the
AC Voltage: 0-10/50/250/1000 Vac resistance on the uppermost “OHMS” scale.
DC Current: 0-5m/50m/500mA/20Adc Multiply the reading by the range the selector
switch is set to. For example a reading of 10 on
Resistance: 0-10K/100K/10MΩ
the “x1K” range equals 10K ohm (1K = 1000Ω).
(50/500/50KΩ Mid-Scale)
NOTE: When reading resistors in circuit, there may exist
Battery: 1.5V/9Vdc
more than one conductive path. When this condition exists,
Continuity Buzzer the reading taken is a combination of the circuit paths.
Decibels: -8 to +62dB When trying to read one resistor, it is advisable to remove
that resistor from the circuit before measurement to avoid
3-4) Packaging
reading multiply conductive paths.
Comes complete with one set TL-56 Test Leads, two B-1
“AA” type Batteries (installed in the instrument), one F-1
Fuse (Installed) and Form #245 Operating Instructions.
4 9
5-4) Battery Measurements Never take resistance measurements on energized(live)
1. Follow the Preparation for use procedure in sec. 4. electrical or electronic equipment.
2. Read all safety precautions in sec. 2. Use one hand, instead of two, whenever possible to take
3. The SP-152A comes with two separate battery measurements. If two hands must be used, use extreme
check ranges that enable you to test 1.5Vdc or caution not to contact any energized conductors with your
9Vdc batteries. hands. Be certain test lead probes are dry and clean.
4. Connect red probe to + Jack, black to - Jack. Do not hold the instrument when taking measurements.
Place the instrument on a clean, insulating surface prior to
5. Set the range selector switch to 9V battery check
taking any measurement.
Don’t become part of the circuit. Think Safety.
6. Connect the test leads to the 9Vdc battery under
Act Safely.
test. A good 9Vdc battery will read in the green
portion of the Arc.
7. To check 1.5Vdc batteries follow the above 3-1) Description
procedures with the range selector switch set to The A.W. SPERRY SP-152A is an Analog Multimeter
the 1.5Vdc range. capable of:
8. The “?” section on the scale plate shows that the Measuring 7 functions on 20 ranges. A mirror scale is
battery may be starting to decay. provided to reduce the possibility of parallax errors. Small,
light weight and rugged construction. This meter was
SYMBOLS designed for the amateur, hobbyist and professional

V— DIRECT VOLTAGE (DCV) needing to make electrical and electronic equipment
V~ ALERATIVE VOLTAGE (ACV) measurements.

MA — DIRECT CURRENT (DcmA) 3-2) Features
EARTH (GROUND) TERMINAL 1. 7 Functions - 20 Ranges
DOUBLE INSULATION 2. Limited One Year Warranty
Sec. 6 MAINTENANCE 3. Ruggedized, Impact Resistant
6-1) Battery Replacement 4. Industry Standard Safety Recessed Input
! WARNING: To avoid electric shock, disconnect Terminals and Shielded Banana Plugs
measuring terminals before removing cover. 5. Mirrored Scale Plate
1. Disconnect test leads form any circuit and then 6. Safety Fuse Protected
disconnect test leads from the instrument. 7. Diode Protected Meter Movement
10 3
Sec. 1 INTRODUCTION 2. Turn instrument upside down and lay on a soft flat
Congratulations. You have purchased an A.W. SPERRY surface which will not scratch the scale window.
Analog Multimeter manufactured to the highest quality 3. Remove the phillips head screw and lift off the
standards. A minimum amount of maintenance and an back case.
understanding of these operating instructions is all that is
4. Remove the battery by prying up near the center of
needed to keep this instrument in excellent working
the battery using a coin.
condition. If you should have any questions regarding this
product or would like a catalog on our other products please 5. Replace the battery with a new 1.5 Vdc, AA size
write to us at: battery, A.W. SPERRY part B-1. When installing
the battery make sure the polarity matches that
A.W. Sperry Instruments, Inc.
indicated in the battery compartment.
P.O. Box 9300
Smithtown, NY 11787 6. Replace the back cover by sliding the end with the
or call us Toll-Free at small tab in first. Then replace the phillips head
screw and tighten to a snug fit. Do not over tighten
800-645-5398 or 516-231-7050
Please take the time to read these operating instructions
thoroughly and completely. Failure to follow these 6-2) Fuse Replacement
instructions may result in electrical shock, instrument 1. Follow steps 1-3 in Section 6-1.
damage and/or damage to the equipment under test. 2. Remove the fuse and replace with a miniature
Always use extreme caution when working on or around glass type fuse, 1/2 Amp, 250V, 1/4" X 11/4",
electrically operated equipment. A.W. SPERRY Part #F-1 or approved equal.
Sec. 2 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Do not short fuse out of the circuit, or use a fuse with higher
Always inspect the instrument, test leads and other rating than 1/2 Amp, or alter circuit to eliminate the fuse. These
accessories for damage prior to every use. actions negate the safety purpose of the fuse, can cause
Always consider electrical and electronic equipment to be extensive damage to the instrument and/or injury to the user.
energized (live). Never assume any equipment is de- 6-3) Cleaning
energized. The exterior of the instrument can be cleaned with a soft dry
Never ground yourself when taking electrical cloth to remove any oil, grease or grime. Never use any
measurements. Isolate yourself from ground by using dry liquid solvents or detergents. Do not polish the instrument.
rubber insulation mats to cover all exposed grounded metal. If the instrument gets wet for any reason, dry the inside and
Stand on rubber mats and wear dry clothing. outside of the instrument using low pressure air, less than
25 PSI.

2 11
Before returning your Analog Multimeter for repair be certain
that the failure to operate is not caused by:
1. weak battery
2. open test leads. A.W. Sperry Instruments, Inc., warrants that this
A.W. Sperry instrument has been carefully
If these conditions do not exist and the instrument still fails
to operate properly or is damaged, return the instrument and tested, inspected, and warranted for one (1) year
accessories prepaid to: from the date of purchase by the original end
A.W. Sperry Instruments, Inc. user, provided the instrument has not been
Attn: Customer Service Dept. misused, damaged due to negligence, neglect or
245 Marcus Boulevard unauthorized repair, abused or used contrary to
Hauppauge, NY 11788 the operating instructions. Instruments and proof
State in writing what is wrong with the instrument. If the of purchase in the form of a legible copy or
warranty period is still in effect you must include your name, original of the sales receipt clearly identifying the
address and phone number. Repair estimates will be distributor, model number and date of purchase
furnished if requested for out of warranty instruments.
must be returned to A.W. Sperry Instruments,
Inc., Attention: Customer Service Center, 245
Marcus Boulevard, Hauppauge, New York
11788, postage prepaid for examination and
verification of manufacturing defect under
warranty. A.W. Sperry Instruments, Inc., shall be
the sole judge of such defect. The liability of
A.W. Sperry Instruments, Inc., shall be limited to
the repair or replacement at its sole option of any
defective product.

12 1
Section Title Page


3-1 Description 3
3-2 Features 3
3-3 Specifications 4
3-4 Packaging 4
3-5 Front Panel Identification ?


5-1 Voltage Measurement 6
5-2 Current Measurement 7
5-3 Resistance Measurement 9
5-4 Battery Measurement 10

6-1 Battery Replacement 11
6-2 Fuse Replacement 11
6-3 Cleaning 12


Note: Subsequent revisions to this document may exist.

Use for general references only.
1/94 Form #245
Model SP-152A


Misuse and or abuse of these instruments cannot be prevented by any
printed word and may cause injury and or equipment damage. Please
A.W. SPERRY INSTRUMENTS INC. follow all these instructions and measurement procedures faithfully and
245 MARCUS BLVD., HAUPPAUGE, NEW YORK 11788 adhere to all standard industry safety rules and practices.
Phone: 800-645-5398 Toll Free (N.Y. and Alaska call collect 516-231-7050)
Fax: 516-434-3128
Phone: 800-645-5398 Toll Free (N.Y. and Alaska call collect 516-231-7050)
Fax: 516-434-3128

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