Ryan J. Warth, Peter J. Millett Auth. Physical Examination of The Shoulder An Evidence-Based Approach
Ryan J. Warth, Peter J. Millett Auth. Physical Examination of The Shoulder An Evidence-Based Approach
Ryan J. Warth, Peter J. Millett Auth. Physical Examination of The Shoulder An Evidence-Based Approach
Examination of
the Shoulder
An Evidence-Based
Physical Examination of the Shoulder
Ryan J. Warth • Peter J. Millett
Physical Examination
of the Shoulder
An Evidence-Based Approach
Ryan J. Warth, M.D. Peter J. Millett, M.D., M.Sc.
Steadman Philippon Research Institute The Steadman Clinic
Vail, CO, USA Steadman Philippon Research Institute
Vail, CO, USA
Springer Science+Business Media LLC New York is part of Springer Science+Business Media
Proper diagnosis and treatment of the various physical ailments with which
patients present to health care providers depends on accurate and efficient
history and physical examination. This is arguably never more important than
in the evaluation of symptoms relating to the shoulder, one of the most com-
plicated of all the bioengineering marvels of the human body, and one of the
most common sources of patient complaints.
The differential diagnosis of shoulder pain requires consideration of a very
long list of potential etiologies that can range anywhere from bursitis and
rotator cuff disease to cervical spine pathology in addition to any number of
coexisting conditions. Appropriate performance and interpretation of the
shoulder examination are essential skills that can answer many questions
regarding etiologies, potential diagnoses and treatment options including sur-
gical planning and postoperative management. This book provides an inte-
grated approach to the diagnosis of numerous shoulder pathologies by
combining discussions of pathoanatomy and the interpretation of physical
examination techniques and was written for any health care professional or
student who may be required to evaluate patients who present with shoulder
pain. This information will allow the clinician to make informed decisions
regarding further testing procedures, imaging and potential therapeutic
options. The primary goal of this book is to provide readers with the knowl-
edge and confidence required to perform an appropriate examination and to
generate a succinct list of differential diagnoses using an evidence-based
About This Book
The primary purpose of this book is to provide a Examination of the shoulder has historically
comprehensive guide for anyone who is required been stigmatized as being overly difficult or
to examine the shoulder. An online version of this intimidating, especially for the inexperienced
book is provided for easy accessibility. investigator who has yet to develop the necessary
While many books serve as an exhaustive list fund of knowledge to adequately evaluate shoul-
of all the available shoulder examination maneu- der function. As a result, imaging studies have
vers, few have undertaken the task of developing been relied upon to make diagnoses that should
a text that both simplifies and illustrates the most have been made during the initial physical exam-
important pathoanatomy, procedural elements, ination. There are numerous factors that may be
and clinical data involved with physical exami- involved with the perceived difficulty of the
nation of the shoulder. The goal of this book was shoulder exam:
to present the most relevant clinical data and 1. Factors in the patient’s history are often
examination maneuvers in a digestible, predict- nonspecific.
able manner such that the application and inte- The nonspecific nature of many historical
gration of the presented techniques can occur findings is particularly frustrating for the inex-
quickly and seamlessly. perienced clinician. This is especially true for
Although there have been numerous indi- physicians who are forced to care for patients
vidual studies evaluating the usefulness of the with musculoskeletal problems without the
various shoulder examination techniques, it is necessary training. As an example, a patient
nearly impossible to understand which maneu- with an anteroinferior labral tear (i.e., Bankart
vers are the most relevant without a complete lesion) may present with a sudden onset of
systematic review of each technique. This book sharp pain with movement, a gradually inten-
provides a literature review that iterates the sifying dull pain or even the absence of pain in
relative utility and efficacy of the various phys- some cases. This highlights the necessity to
ical examination maneuvers and provides guid- perform a complete examination in each
ance as to which techniques are most important patient with a shoulder condition such that
for each individual diagnosis or series of diag- notable and potentially problematic condi-
noses. In addition, we provide an evaluation of tions can be identified and properly treated.
current research surrounding the different 2. Physical examination findings commonly
examination techniques thereby identifying overlap across multiple pathologies.
knowledge gaps upon which improvements can There are many shoulder pathologies that
be sought. present in similar ways. For example, the
R.J. Warth and P.J. Millett, Physical Examination of the Shoulder: An Evidence-Based Approach, 1
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2593-3_1, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
2 1 About This Book
active compression test, initially developed tis, rotator cuff tears, labral lesions, acromio-
for the identification of labral pathology, is clavicular pathology, and/or various fractures
also sensitive for acromioclavicular joint among a long list of other potential
pathology in certain patients. The identifica- pathologies.
tion of biceps tendon pathology and SLAP 5. There may be multiple coexisting conditions
tears can also be difficult since there does not that present similarly.
exist an examination maneuver with adequate One of the most difficult aspects of the
sensitivity and/or specificity values. Although shoulder examination is discerning the find-
a positive test can be useful in many cases, it ings of different pathologies that may be pres-
is important to recognize the ability of each ent in the same patient. These findings may
test to detect various other pathologies. This overlap on many occasions, forcing the inex-
book will identify these discrepancies and perienced clinician to guess at the correct
provide strategies for the avoidance of diagnosis. This book will provide the reader
confusion. with the tools required to make these impor-
3. The utility of palpation is limited due to over- tant distinctions thus allowing for an accurate
lying muscle and fat. diagnosis and the development of a focused,
The deltoid is a large, thick muscle that structured treatment plan.
often precludes the ability to palpate normal 6. Significant pathologies may be asymptomatic.
or abnormal structures around the shoulder Sometimes the most important historical
complex. Even though palpation is difficult, findings are those that do not exist. This is
it is still a necessary portion of the physical especially important for shoulder conditions
examination process as there are certain that tend to progress over time—the devel-
clues that can be obtained with superficial or opment of symptoms often go unnoticed to
deep palpation. Another difficulty is that the patient for a significant period of time.
deep palpation may engender pain as a result However, it is still important to recognize
of the pressure from the examiner’s fingers how these pathologies affect the patient’s
rather than from the pathologic process. This shoulder function. Thus, it is always impor-
is especially important when evaluating tant to complete a full, structured examina-
anterior shoulder pain as a result of coracoid tion even if the patient denies symptoms.
impingement—deep palpation of the cora- One important example is that of rotator cuff
coid will generate pain in most patients who disease. While it is well recognized that the
are not extremely thin; however, this may or prevalence of rotator cuff disease increases
may not be the result of subscapularis with age [1–3], the development of symp-
impingement underneath the coracoid toms does not always follow this pattern of
process. progression [4]. However, studies have
4. Specific pain patterns are variable and have found that patients with asymptomatic rota-
not been fully defined for the shoulder. tor cuff tears develop changes in glenohu-
In most cases, the precise location, inten- meral range of motion, changes in shoulder
sity, onset, timing, and quality of shoulder strength [5, 6], and changes in radiographic
pain have not been firmly attached to any spe- parameters [7]. As the tear biology changes
cific diagnosis. Although certain pain patterns and progresses, symptoms may eventually
are helpful and may lead the clinician to per- become noticeable and potentially disabling.
form certain maneuvers, this information A study by Yamaguchi et al [4]. found that
should not be considered a reliable indicator patients with asymptomatic rotator cuff tears
for any one condition. As an example, anterior developed symptoms at an average of 2.8
shoulder pain can be the result of osteoarthri- years independent of whether an increase in
References 3
9. Hegedus EJ, Goode AP, Cook CE, Michener L, 10. Wright AA, Wassinger CA, Frank M, Michener LA,
Myer CA, Myer DM, Wright AA. Which physical Hegedus EJ. Diagnostic accuracy of scapular physical
examination tests provide clinicians with the most examination tests for shoulder disorders: a systematic
value when examining the shoulder? Update of a sys- review. Br J Sports Med. 2013;47(14):886–92.
tematic review with meta-analysis of individual tests.
Br J Sports Med. 2012;46(14):964–78.
Range of Motion
R.J. Warth and P.J. Millett, Physical Examination of the Shoulder: An Evidence-Based Approach, 5
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2593-3_2, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
6 2 Range of Motion
Sagittal plane
r pla
~20° – 30°
Coronal plane
Fig. 2.3 (a) Illustration depicting the orientation of the the coronal plane. (b) Demonstration of humeral abduc-
scapular plane in which the humerus is elevated with tion within the scapular plane.
approximately 20–30° of forward angulation relative to
Fig. 2.4 Illustrations depicting the change in capsular other hand, can be regarded as a position of extension in
tension when the humerus is elevated in the (a) scapular which anterior capsular structures become more tight
plane and (b) the coronal plane. Abduction in the scapular when compared to posterior capsular structures.
plane allows for accurate range of motion estimation Measuring range of motion or joint laxity in this position
because both the anterior and posterior capsular structures may produce inaccurate results.
are similarly lax. Abduction in the coronal plane, on the
position of the elbow, forearm, or hand. Internal humerus is abducted or flexed—it is only the
rotation can also be measured with the arm in the scapulohumeral angle that changes.
adducted position. In this case, the patient will
attempt to reach as far up the spinal column as
possible while the clinician determines the most 2.2.6 Adduction
superior spinal level that the patient can reach
(Fig. 2.7). This position maximizes internal rota- Shoulder adduction can also be described with
tion and has historically been a standard measure the arm at the side or elevated. The basic resting
for internal rotation capacity. However, this position with the arm at the side is often referred
method of measurement has recently been called to as “simple adduction.” When the humerus is
to question since the vertebral level to which one elevated to 90° followed by movement of the
reaches may be influenced by elbow, wrist, and humerus towards the opposite shoulder, this is
hand motion rather than isolated internal rotation most often referred to as “horizontal adduction”
of the humerus [5]. or “cross-body adduction” (Fig. 2.8). Conversely,
“horizontal extension” corresponds to the oppo-
site motion, where the humerus is extended pos-
2.2.5 External Rotation teriorly beyond the scapular plane.
a c
Neutral 90°
0° External
Fig. 2.6 Illustrations depicting glenohumeral internal and external rotation (a) with the arm at the side, (b) with the arm
in straight lateral abduction, and (c) with the arm flexed.
10 2 Range of Motion
Fig. 2.7 (a) Illustration demonstrating the measurement of internal rotation according to vertebral levels. (b)
Demonstration of the positioning for the measurement of internal rotation according to vertebral levels (curved arrow).
Fig. 2.8 (a) Demonstration of simple adduction with the humerus resting at the side. (b) Demonstration of horizontal
adduction in which the humerus is elevated and rotated towards the contralateral shoulder (arrow).
2.2 Glenohumeral Motion 11
facilitates accurate and consistent evaluation of scapular malposition may display increased
the joint. This position of neutral scapulohumeral protraction and upward rotation in the resting
angulation is determined by the angle between a position (discussed below), thus altering the posi-
line drawn along the center axis of the scapula tion of the glenoid such that the plane of the scap-
and second line drawn at the same level that is ula occurs with greater forward angulation of the
perpendicular to the coronal plane (see Fig. 2.3). humerus. Therefore, performing physical exami-
This position, which most often occurs between nation tests within the “normal” scapular plane in
20° and 30° of forward angulation relative to the a patient with scapular malposition may produce
coronal plane with the humerus in various inaccurate results (specific examination maneu-
degrees of abduction, minimizes the potential for vers for evaluation of the scapulothoracic articu-
acromiohumeral contact while also allowing for lation are presented in Chap. 9).
the theoretical isolation of the rotator cuff muscu-
lature during various clinical examination tests.
In other words, some have theorized that abduc- 2.2.8 Glenohumeral Resting
tion of the humerus within the scapular plane Position
requires zero contribution from internal or exter-
nal rotators to achieve full abduction capacity [6]. Also known as the “loose pack position,” the rest-
Maximum capsuloligamentous laxity also occurs ing position of a joint is the position at which sur-
within the scapular plane (at the glenohumeral rounding soft tissues are under the least amount
resting position, discussed below) which facili- of tension, the joint capsule has its greatest laxity
tates examination of these structures (instability and the bony surfaces of the joint are minimally
and laxity testing are discussed in Chap. 6). congruent [7–9]. In other words, this position is
Although the scapular plane is generally considered to allow maximal glenohumeral
defined as 20–30° of humeral forward angulation mobility owing to an increase in joint laxity [8].
relative to the coronal plane in normal individu- The glenohumeral resting position in normal
als, it must be recognized that patients with scap- shoulders is thought to be between 55° and 70° of
ular malposition or dyskinesis, as which occurs abduction with the humerus in neutral rotation
commonly in overhead athletes, may have a within the plane of the scapula (Fig. 2.9) [10–12].
scapular plane that differs from the rest of the In this position, the amount of external force
population. For example, a throwing athlete with required to translate the humeral head is minimal
which is thought to facilitate examination accu- translational load and a 4 N-m (torque) rotational
racy. Although there is a general consensus load were applied. The greatest maximal rota-
regarding the location of the glenohumeral rest- tional range of motion occurred at approximately
ing position, validation studies have seldom been 49.8° of abduction in the scapular plane.
conducted. However, in contrast to Hsu et al. [14], the great-
In a cadaveric study, An et al. [13] evaluated est maximal anterior–posterior translation
arm elevation in positions of either internal or occurred at approximately 23.7° of abduction in
external rotation. In this study, maximum eleva- the scapular plane. These results suggested that
tion occurred with the arm externally rotated testing for anteroposterior joint laxity should be
within the plane of the scapula. They could not conducted at lower degrees of abduction than
achieve this maximal elevation with the arm when testing for rotational joint laxity.
internally rotated due to the acromiohumeral Considered together, these studies demon-
impingement that occurs in this position. In other strate the complexity and potential variability
words, there was bony contact between the acro- that the glenohumeral resting position can have
mion and the greater tuberosity, thus hindering across a population, between populations or even
the ability to further elevate the arm. When the between individuals (dominant versus non-
humerus was placed in a position of 30° of for- dominant shoulders). In general, it is important to
ward angulation, there was little contribution determine the maximal range of translational and
from the internal and external rotators during rotational range of motion for each patient. In
humeral abduction. general, the rotational resting position is thought
In 2002, Hsu et al. [14] used seven cadaveric to occur at a point near 45 % of the total abduc-
specimens to measure the translational and rota- tion arc [14] where half of this abduction angle is
tional range of motion at different angles of thought to represent the translational resting
humeral abduction within the scapular plane. The position [9].
glenohumeral resting position was calculated as
the mid-point of the confidence intervals where
maximal rotational and translational motion 2.2.9 Codman’s Paradox
occurred. Maximal anteroposterior translation
and maximal rotational range of motion occurred Codman’s paradox is the observation that as the
at approximately 39° of humeral abduction in the arm is flexed upward in the sagittal plane and let
scapular plane and corresponded to approxi- down in the coronal plane, the humerus appears
mately 45 % of the maximum available abduc- to rotate 180° as evidenced by the orientation of
tion range of motion. They also found that the the palm. In other words, when beginning the
glenohumeral resting position varied according motion, the palm faces posteriorly and, at the
to the maximal available range of motion, possi- end of the motion, the palm faces anteriorly
bly suggesting that patients with joint hypermo- (Fig. 2.10). Alternatively, an individual can
bility and hypomobility should be tested at place their hand at the top of the head through
greater and lesser degrees of humeral abduction, either (1) forward flexion and internal rotation or
respectively. Since this was a cadaveric study, the (2) abduction and external rotation. This obser-
effect of dynamic glenohumeral stabilization vation has traditionally been of academic inter-
(which also contributes to the resting position) est; however, many investigators have attempted
could not be evaluated. to mathematically solve the “paradox” using
More recently, Lin et al. [9] attempted to complex equations and algorithms [15, 16].
define the glenohumeral resting position in vivo Although the clinical relevance of Codman’s
in the dominant shoulders of 15 healthy patients. paradox is debatable, some authors have investi-
In that study, translational and rotational range gated an application of Codman’s paradox dur-
of motion capacities were determined using an ing manipulation of a stiff shoulder under
electromagnetic tracking device after an 80 N anesthesia [17]. In addition, the quadrant test
2.3 Scapulothoracic Motion 13
Final Position Initial Position
Induced Rotation
(discussed later in this chapter) is based on chain, into the shoulder and, finally, to the hand
Codman’s paradox and can be a useful measure thus allowing for functional overhead motion.
of global shoulder motion [18]. Changes in scapular positioning as a result of
alterations in the dynamic periscapular muscle
force couples leads to scapular dyskinesis.
2.3 Scapulothoracic Motion Evaluation of the scapular range of motion is
one of the most difficult aspects of the shoulder
The role of the scapula in the development and examination for several reasons. One reason is
progression of various pathologies has been stud- that scapular motion is very complex and
ied extensively over the most recent decade. requires the examiner to visualize motion in
Some authors have suggested that scapular mal- three dimensions. Another reason is that the rela-
position may be involved with both external and tive contributions of glenohumeral and scapulo-
internal impingement mechanisms, especially in thoracic motions are difficult to distinguish,
overhead athletes [19–24]. The scapula has four especially when abnormal motions are the result
basic functions with regard to shoulder motion. of muscle compensation for some other shoulder
The first function is to dynamically position the condition outside of the scapulothoracic articu-
glenoid in space to facilitate the generation of a lation. The scapula is also covered with large,
large arc of glenohumeral motion. Second, the thick muscles making it difficult to visualize or
scapula provides a stable fulcrum upon which gle- palpate the various scapular motions. In addi-
nohumeral motion can arise. Third, dynamic tion, there exists a change in nomenclature when
scapular positioning allows the rotator cuff ten- referring to scapular motion (discussed below).
dons to glide smoothly beneath the acromion with Specific examination maneuvers used to exam-
humeral elevation. Finally, the scapula functions ine the scapulothoracic articulation are presented
to transfer potential energy through the kinetic in Chap. 9.
14 2 Range of Motion
To help the reader thoroughly understand This test was found to have high inter-rater
scapulothoracic motion, we have organized the reliability and accuracy when compared to
remainder of this section according to increasing post-measurement radiographs. Using similar
complexity, beginning with the scapular resting measurements, a cadaveric study by Fung et al.
position and two-dimensional motion planes fol- [26] found that the resting position of the scapula
lowed by the interpretation of three-dimensional was at approximately 3° of external rotation, 40°
motion. of internal rotation, and 2° of posterior tilt. Of
note, this nomenclature does not reflect the posi-
tion of the humerus. Rather, it represents the posi-
2.3.1 Scapular Resting Position tion of the scapular body relative to the coronal
plane (discussed below).
With the arm at rest, the scapula is predictably
positioned in a specific orientation that can be
used to detect scapular malposition before any 2.3.2 Two-Dimensional
motion measurements or evaluations are under- Scapular Motion
taken. There have only been a few studies that
quantified the precise location of the scapula on In order to evaluate three-dimensional scapulo-
the posterior thorax. Sobush et al. [25] quantified thoracic motion, it is perhaps most advantageous
the normal scapular resting position in cadavers to begin with an understanding of the basic two-
using the “Lennie test,” or a series of measure- dimensional scapular motions. In total, there are
ments taken from the superomedial and inferome- three rotational movements and two translational
dial angles of the scapula. The distance from the movements (Fig. 2.11). Although it is not possi-
superomedial angle to the midline, the distance ble to isolate these movements, they represent
from the inferomedial angle to the midline and the basic components that comprise three-
also the angle of scapular inclination were deter- dimensional scapular motion.
mined (i.e., the angle formed between a line con- Internal and external rotation occurs around
necting the spinous processes and a line drawn the vertical axis of the scapula—that is, internal
along the margin of the medial scapular border). rotation elevates the medial scapular border away
a b c
Superior view Posterior view Lateral view
Posterior Anterior
tilting tilting
rotation Downward Upward
rotation rotation
Fig. 2.11 Illustration depicting (a) scapular internal and external rotation, (b) scapular upward and downward rotation,
and (c) scapular anterior and posterior tilting.
2.3 Scapulothoracic Motion 15
from the posterior thorax (i.e., the glenoid faces The terms “protraction” and “retraction” are
more anteriorly) whereas external rotation refers most often used to describe scapular movement in
to the exact opposite motion (i.e., the glenoid three-dimensional space. To understand these
faces less anteriorly). terms, it is perhaps easiest to first recognize that
Upward and downward rotation occurs along scapular motion occurs along a rounded surface
the plane of the scapula. In other words, upward (i.e., the convexity of the posterior thorax). Using
rotation occurs when the inferior angle of the this approach, one could imagine that any lateral
scapula moves laterally and the glenoid faces translation of the scapular body would also require
more superiorly. Conversely, downward rotation scapular internal rotation. This movement also
refers to the opposite motion in which the inferior requires some anterior tilt and downward rotation.
scapular angle moves medially towards the mid- This combination of movements is generally
line and the glenoid faces more inferiorly. referred to as scapular “protraction” and can be
Anterior and posterior rotation (i.e., tilting) closely simulated by having the patient thrust their
occurs around the horizontal axis of the scapula. shoulders anteriorly (similar to a hunchback posi-
Anterior tilting of the scapula occurs when the tion). Conversely, any medial translation of the
inferior angle moves away from the thorax (and scapular body would also require scapular external
the superior border moves towards the thorax) rotation. This movement also requires some poste-
whereas posterior tilting refers to the exact oppo- rior tilt and upward rotation. This combination of
site motion in which the inferior angle moves movements is typically referred to as scapular
towards the thorax (and the superior border “retraction” which can be demonstrated by having
moves away from the thorax). the patient thrust their shoulders posteriorly (as in
The scapula can also translate in the medial– “squeezing” the scapulae together by extending
lateral direction (as in protraction and retraction, the humerus posteriorly below 90° of elevation)
described below) and the superior–inferior direc- (Fig. 2.12). Of course, neither protraction nor
tion (as in shrugging the shoulders). It is impor- retraction could be achieved without some amount
tant to recognize that these translational motions of upward and downward rotation along with ante-
also require intact AC and SC joints—upward rior and posterior tilt; however, the purpose of the
and downward translation of the scapula requires above example is to illustrate the fundamental
upward and downward angulation of the clavicle concept of scapular translation around the poste-
via the SC joint whereas medial–lateral transla- rior chest wall in three dimensions.
tion requires anterior–posterior motion of the This same concept also applies when the scap-
clavicle through the SC joint as the scapula ula translates superiorly or inferiorly along the
moves around the thorax. convex surface of the posterior thorax. In other
words, inferior translation of the scapula would
theoretically produce an increased posterior tilt
2.3.3 Three-Dimensional whereas superior translation of the scapula would
Scapular Motion produce an increased anterior tilt (as in shrugging
the shoulders). In reality, the shoulder shrug
Three-dimensional scapular motion, which is requires a combination of superior translation,
achieved by combining any of the above- anterior tilt, and internal rotation. Increased ante-
mentioned two-dimensional movements, is nec- rior or posterior scapular tilt is very subtle, is dif-
essary to optimize glenohumeral contact and ficult to recognize by direct visual or tactile
stability throughout the entire range of shoulder examination in the office setting, and generally
motion. However, during the evaluation of an cannot be isolated by any specific voluntary
actual patient, it is most useful to consider the movement. Biomechanical studies suggest that
observed three-dimensional scapular motion as a scapular tilting mostly occurs during extension-
summation of the individual rotational moments type maneuvers with the arm either overhead or
mentioned above. at the side.
16 2 Range of Motion
Most clinicians agree that isolated glenohu- motion. It is with this foundational knowledge
meral motion occurs below approximately 90° of that one can begin to understand the complex dis-
elevation whereas combined glenohumeral and ease processes related to the shoulder.
scapulothoracic motion occurs above this level
(discussed below). In order to maximize gleno-
humeral contact and stability during this com- 2.3.4 Roles of the AC and SC Joints
bined motion, the scapular stabilizers must not in Scapular Motion
only contract in synchrony with each other, but
also with each of the muscles that cross the The clavicle acts as a strut which allows for the
glenohumeral joint along with the proprioceptive strategic positioning of the shoulder girdle along
feedback obtained from surrounding soft-tissue the side of the thorax. In order to maximize
structures (such as the glenohumeral joint cap- shoulder range of motion, the clavicle must be
sule [6]). Although a thorough discussion of each dynamically positioned according to scapular
possible scapular movement is beyond the scope motion via the AC and SC joints. Therefore, the
of this book, we aim to emphasize the extreme health of the clavicle and the AC and SC joints is
importance of understanding the fundamental extremely important to achieve normal scapu-
concepts related to three-dimensional scapular lar motion in three-dimensional space [26–28].
2.4 Differentiating Between Glenohumeral and Scapulothoracic Motion 17
For example, arm elevation requires the clavicle ness using a cross-body adduction technique
to retract, elevate, translate, and rotate posteriorly (described below), the clinician must first stabi-
along its long axis (i.e., the so-called “screw lize the scapula to minimize protraction.
axis”) where each of these movements is depen- Otherwise, the measured amount of total com-
dent on the function of intact, painless AC and bined adduction capacity will almost always be
SC joints [29, 30]. significantly greater than the true isolated gleno-
humeral adduction capacity as a result of the
additive effect of scapular protraction.
2.4 Differentiating Between Although complete isolation is probably not
Glenohumeral feasible in the clinical setting, clinicians can usu-
and Scapulothoracic Motion ally estimate the amount of isolated glenohu-
meral motion by detecting (or, in some cases,
The ability to elevate the arm overhead through stabilizing) scapular motion. In the case of
any plane relies on dynamic scapular positioning humeral elevation, the examiner can place one
which essentially places the glenoid in a position hand over the scapula (with the thumb over the
of maximum contact with the humeral head. Due scapular spine and the fingers wrapped anteriorly
to the three-dimensional complexity of scapular over the top of the shoulder) and ask the patient
motion, it may be difficult for an inexperienced to slowly flex or abduct the humerus. During this
examiner to differentiate between the glenohu- movement, the examiner uses their hand to deter-
meral and scapulothoracic components of shoul- mine the point at which the scapula begins to
der elevation. Many investigators have proposed translate or rotate. It is then assumed that any
methods of isolating each movement, thus allow- degree of elevation below this level would be
ing clinicians to more easily diagnose common composed of primarily glenohumeral motion
shoulder problems. For example, in order to whereas any motion above this level would
achieve normal cross-body adduction, the scap- involve a combination of glenohumeral and
ula must protract to maintain adequate glenohu- scapulothoracic motion (Fig. 2.13). The same
meral contact and stability (i.e., the scapula must concept can theoretically be applied to a variety
translate laterally and internally rotate to con- of other testing procedures where isolation of
form with the convexity of the posterior chest glenohumeral motion is desired. In contrast to
wall). While measuring posterior capsular tight- the method of detecting scapular motion, the
examiner can also stabilize the scapula by apply- The above discussion only considers the abil-
ing a downward force to the top of the shoulder ity of an examiner to isolate glenohumeral motion
during shoulder elevation. In many cases, the during arm elevation. No published studies have
same effect can be achieved by performing cer- examined the ability of an examiner to isolate
tain examination maneuvers with the patient glenohumeral rotation. However, the results of an
placed supine on the examination table (i.e., lay- unpublished cadaveric study by McFarland et al.
ing on a flat surface is thought to limit scapular [36] and Yap et al. [37] that were presented at the
motion during testing). 1998 annual meeting of the Orthopedic Research
The exact transition point between isolated Society in New Orleans, LA and the annual meet-
and combined motion has been debated. Clarke ing of the American College of Sports Medicine
et al. [31] found that passive isolated glenohu- in Orlando, FL in the same year suggested that
meral abduction in a series of young, healthy glenohumeral rotation may be isolated and,
patients occurred below 85.6° in females and potentially, accurately measured to within 2°
below 77.4° in males. Gagey and Gagey [32] prior to initiation of scapulothoracic motion.
found a similar result in which 95 % of their sub- Their methods have not been validated in the lit-
jects with normal shoulders transitioned to com- erature to date.
bined scapulothoracic motion between 85° and
90° of glenohumeral elevation. In contrast,
Sauers et al. [33] found that the transition 2.5 End Feel Classification
occurred at approximately 112° of glenohumeral
elevation and Lintner et al. [34] found that the Accurate range of motion testing requires that the
transition occurred at approximately 109° of gle- examiner utilizes both visual and tactile clues
nohumeral elevation. that ultimately aid in the entire physical examina-
Due to these conflicting results, the reliability tion process. While the visual clues are obvious
of this method in the measurement of isolated in many cases, tactile sensations that are trans-
glenohumeral motion came into question. A study mitted to the examiner’s hands or fingers as they
by Hoving et al. [35] determined that the intra- manipulate the upper extremity are equally
rater reliability for isolated glenohumeral motion important in directing future examination maneu-
was only 0.35; however, the study involved a vers and diagnostic studies. With range of motion
series of patients with varying degrees of shoul- testing, the concept of end feel is extremely
der pain which may have confounded their important on several levels. As the glenohumeral
results. In addition, the clinicians were somewhat joint nears its maximal range of motion, the qual-
unfamiliar with the digital inclinometers that ity of the end feel can give the clinician an idea of
were used in the study, potentially blurring the what is happening anatomically.
interpretability of their results. In 1947, Cyriax and Cyriax [38] described a
Several biomechanical studies have suggested basic classification system in which normal end
that although the majority of scapular motion feel was characterized as bony, capsular or soft-
occurs above 90° of glenohumeral elevation, tissue approximation and abnormal end feel was
there does exist some scapular motion below this characterized as spasm, springy block, and empty
level. This fact calls into question the ability of an (Table 2.1). These sensations occurred near the
examiner to completely isolate glenohumeral extremes of shoulder motion as a result of bony
elevation. Currently, it is thought that the scapula architecture, muscle contraction, and/or soft-
moves throughout the total arc of shoulder eleva- tissue stretching.
tion and that complete isolation of glenohumeral A bony end feel occurs when an abrupt end
motion is probably not realistic. However, when point is reached as two hard surfaces come into
the angle of glenohumeral elevation is less than contact (e.g., terminal extension of the elbow).
90°, the degree and quality of glenohumeral Capsular end feel occurs as the joint approaches an
motion can be reliably estimated. extreme motion plane—further motion becomes
2.6 Methods of Measurement 19
Table 2.1 Cyriax and Cyriax end feel classification abducted. The authors suggested that this
End-feel Description discrepancy was related to the fact that the scapu-
Capsular Motion ends gradually, as if a leather lae of the subjects were variably stabilized which
band were being stretched. may have produced differences in end feel in
Tissue Motion ends in a manner suggesting these patients. In addition to this variation, it is
approximation that motion would continue if not
prevented by another structure.
thought that the presence of pain may also have a
Springy block Motion ends with a noticeable rebound
significant effect on different end feel character-
sensation. istics [40].
Bony Motion ends immediately when two The clinical applicability or validity of the var-
hard surfaces come into contact. ious end feel characteristics has not been evalu-
Spasm Motion ends in a “vibrant twang,” or ated in the literature. The difficulty is that different
when motion is counteracted by muscle
end feel characteristics probably represent combi-
Empty Motion does not end, but patient asks
nations of anatomic variables and pathologic
examiner to stop maneuver as a result lesions that likely cannot be differentiated by tac-
of pain. tile sensation alone. Therefore, despite its wide-
spread application in clinical practice, further
study is needed to validate this method of exami-
increasingly difficult to obtain as the capsule nation before it can be formally advocated.
stretches. Cyriax and Cyriax [38] suggested that
capsular feel was analogous to a thick leather band
being stretched. Soft-tissue approximation occurs 2.6 Methods of Measurement
when soft tissues prevent further motion, such as
in the instance of cross-body adduction or extreme Range of motion is defined as the magnitude of
elbow flexion. Muscle spasm can often have a motion capacity that exists across a joint. Because
hard end feel and was characterized as a “vibrant most major joints in the body achieve angular (or
twang” towards the extremes of motion. This can rotational) movements, range of motion is typi-
especially occur in the evaluation of a patient with cally measured in degrees relative to some nor-
instability who demonstrates a positive apprehen- mative plane. Range of motion measurement is a
sion sign (the apprehension sign is discussed in particularly important aspect of the physical
Chap. 6). A springy block is felt when an intra- examination that is often overlooked in clinical
articular block prevents motion, followed by an practice. These measurements can have signifi-
episode of rebound. An empty end feel occurs cant implications regarding treatment approaches
when the examiner cannot discern a palpable end and outcomes and should not be omitted when
point; however, significant pain often prevents fur- evaluating a new patient with a shoulder com-
ther motion. plaint. Shoulder range of motion is typically
In 2001, Hayes and Petersen [39] examined quantified using one of four basic techniques;
the inter- and intra-rater reliability of end feel in these include estimation via visual inspection,
patients with painful shoulders and knees. Two the use of an inclinometer, the use of a goniome-
physical therapists evaluated each patient twice, ter, the use of a gyroscope or, more recently, digi-
measuring two knee motions and five shoulder tal photography using a high resolution camera
motions. The examiners noted the character and or smart phone.
quality of the end feel at the extremes of range of
motion while patients vocalized the exact
moment of pain reproduction. The inter-rater κ 2.6.1 Visual Inspection
coefficients for end feel ranged from 0.65–1.00
to 0.59–0.87 for the pain/resistance sequence. Unfortunately, visual estimation is the most
However, their study also demonstrated large commonly used method for the measurement
variations in end feel when the shoulder was of shoulder range of motion. Although several
20 2 Range of Motion
of humeral abduction, respectively. Johnson et al. range of motion. The degree of angulation between
[58] calculated the reliability and validity of a the two arms of the device represents the total
digital inclinometer to measure scapular upward range of motion achieved by the joint. It is impor-
rotation during humeral abduction in the scapular tant to maintain stabilization of the limb proximal
plane. They found that the digital inclinometer to the center of rotation of the joint to avoid mea-
had excellent reliability and validity in the assess- surement errors. In addition, it is best practice to
ment of scapular motion with inter- and intra- read the goniometer measurement before remov-
observer ICCs ranging from 0.89 to 0.96. A ing the device from the joint. Goniometric mastery
similar study by Tucker and Ingram [56] calcu- requires extensive practice and anatomic knowl-
lated ICCs of >0.89 after using a digital incli- edge which will eventually result in measurement
nometer to quantify scapular upward rotation consistency and reproducibility. It is therefore rec-
with static humeral elevation. ommended for the novice examiner to learn the
More recently, studies by Shin et al. [59] and proper range of motion measurement techniques
Mitchell et al. [60] demonstrated the ability of early in their orthopaedic career.
smart phone inclinometers (and goniometers) to
accurately measure range of motion with excellent
inter- and intra-observer reliability (ICC >0.9). 2.6.4 Gyroscopes
One other study [61] demonstrated the capability
of smart phones to measure cervical range of A gyroscope is essentially a spinning wheel that
motion. This method of measurement eliminates changes in three-dimensional orientation with
the cost of standard digital inclinometers, a factor changes in angular momentum. Gyroscopes have
that has limited their widespread use. Nevertheless, numerous potential applications such as inertial
these studies demonstrate the utility and practical- navigation systems (e.g., orbiting satellites) and
ity of digital inclinometers in the accurate mea- various types of flying vehicles (e.g., helicop-
surement of scapulohumeral rhythm in addition to ters). With regard to the shoulder, gyroscopes can
glenohumeral range of motion capacity. also be used to precisely measure range of motion
as shown in a few preliminary studies [63, 64].
El-Zayat et al. [63, 64] reported good reproduc-
2.6.3 Goniometers ibility and reliability with regard to range of
motion measurements in two separate studies.
The use of a standard handheld goniometer is still Penning et al. [65] evaluated 58 patients with
the most commonly used device for the measure- either subacromial impingement (27) or glenohu-
ment of shoulder range of motion, especially since meral osteoarthritis (31) and determined the repro-
it produces results comparable to more expensive ducibility of a three-dimensional gyroscope to
devices that measure the same variables [51, 52, measure shoulder abduction. They also found that
62]. Goniometers come in various shapes and use of the gyroscope was a reproducible method to
sizes; however, the general setup has two movable measure shoulder range of motion; however, they
arms where one arm is place in line within a nor- recommended repeating the measurements for
malized vertical or horizontal plane (or the “zero improved accuracy. Further studies are needed to
position” as defined by Clarke et al. [31]) and the define how and when gyroscopes should be used
other arm is used to measure the degrees of devia- for accurate range of motion assessment.
tion from the chosen plane of reference. To use a
goniometer, the fulcrum of the device is aligned
over the center of rotation of the joint to be mea- 2.6.5 Digital Photography
sured. The stationary arm of the goniometer is
aligned with the limb being measured, generally Digital photography has been shown on multiple
over proximal muscle origins. The goniometer is occasions to be an accurate method of making
held in place while the joint is moved through its range of motion measurements [66–70]. Although
22 2 Range of Motion
Fig. 2.15 Clinical photographs demonstrating maximal forward flexion in a patient both before (a) and after (b) an
interposition arthroplasty procedure. (Courtesy of J.P. Warner, MD).
Fig. 2.16 Clinical photographs demonstrating maximal forward flexion in a patient both before (a) and after (b) sub-
acromial injection with local anesthetic. (Courtesy of Christian Gerber, MD).
standardized photographic methods that place the advantages that should be recognized. The first
patient and the camera in the correct position to advantage centers around documentation as
allow for accurate and reproducible two- the photograph becomes part of the patient’s
dimensional measurements have yet to be estab- medical record which can be referred to at a
lished, digital photography offers several patient later date (Figs. 2.15 and 2.16). Second, digital
2.7 Measuring Active and Passive Shoulder Elevation 23
photographs can be sent through the internet to It is most prudent to measure abduction
distant clinics, especially when there is a geo- capacity within the plane of the scapula; that is,
graphic constraint to proper medical care. Third, abduction with approximately 20–30° of forward
standardized range of motion photographs of angulation. It is nearly physiologically impossi-
any given patient can be compared and reviewed ble to achieve maximal abduction with the
over a period of time to determine the progress humerus in the coronal plane. It is also best to
of rehabilitation or physical therapy. In addition perform this movement with the humerus exter-
to these patient advantages, taking digital pho- nally rotated to avoid acromiohumeral impinge-
tographs or video allows for the routine docu- ment, thus allowing the patient to maximally
mentation of uncommon pathologies which may elevate the humerus within the scapular plane.
facilitate inter-clinician communication and Attempting to abduct the humerus while inter-
education. nally rotated will result in an inaccurate measure-
ment of abduction capacity.
With the humerus abducted, the goniometer
2.7 Measuring Active is centered over the glenohumeral joint with
and Passive Shoulder one arm of the device perpendicular to the
Elevation floor and the other arm aligned according to
the angulation of the proximal humerus.
Shoulder elevation is an umbrella term used to Sometimes, the patient may experience pain
describe either flexion or abduction depending on during this maneuver. In these cases, an assis-
the scapulohumeral angle, whether in the coronal tant can hold the arm in abduction while the
plane (i.e., horizontal abduction), the sagittal measurement is made. After measurement, the
plane (i.e., forward flexion), the scapular plane examiner can passively assist the arm to deter-
(i.e., scaption) or somewhere in between these mine whether additional motion is available. If
reference points. Shoulder elevation includes the there is a considerable remaining proportion of
most important shoulder motions that are neces- motion available with passive assistance, it is
sary for activities of daily living, occupations, possible that the shoulder is weak in this posi-
sports, and recreational activities. tion. On the contrary, if abduction capacity is
limited both actively and passively, it is possi-
ble that either the shoulder is stiff or the patient
2.7.1 Measuring Shoulder is guarding from potential discomfort. It is best
Abduction to measure the degree of stiffness during an
examination under anesthesia, especially when
Shoulder abduction can be measured with the stiffness comprises a large proportion of the
patient either standing or, less commonly, lying patient’s total range of motion.
supine on the examination table. Sabari et al. [71]
found changes in abduction capacity with the
patient sitting due to compensatory contralateral 2.7.2 Measuring Shoulder Flexion
muscle activation. It is important to note that
although the patient may be able to abduct their Forward flexion of the humerus typically does
shoulders to an overhead position, they may also not require a completely intact rotator cuff to
utilize compensatory scapulothoracic motions to achieve sufficient motion, especially when the
achieve this position. Thus, it is vitally important deltoid muscle is intact. Thus, patients with
to evaluate the scapula in conjunction with any rotator cuff deficiency may have full flexion
shoulder motion. Assessment of scapular motion capability with poor abduction capacity.
and scapular dyskinesis is presented later in this Forward flexion of the humerus is typically
chapter and in Chap. 9. measured with the humerus and the forearm in
24 2 Range of Motion
neutral rotation. The patient is then asked to 2.8.1 Measuring External Rotation
actively and maximally forward flex the shoul-
der. Once full, maximal forward flexion has Supine Position
been achieved, the goniometer is centered over Numerous studies have examined the reliability
the glenohumeral joint with one arm perpendic- of isolated glenohumeral or combined glenohu-
ular to the floor and the other arm in-line with meral and scapulothoracic rotational measured in
the angulation of the proximal humerus. Once the supine position. However, variability in scap-
this measurement has been made, the arm can ular stabilization across these studies makes
be passively flexed further to measure any addi- comparison difficult since it has been shown that
tional motion that may be available. The inabil- scapular stabilization affects range of motion
ity of the patient to achieve satisfactory active measurements along with inter- and intra-rater
or passive forward flexion may be the result of a reliability [48, 72, 73]. When the examiner seeks
stiff shoulder and may require an examination information regarding glenohumeral range of
and manipulation under anesthesia. motion alone, it is necessary to determine the
point at which scapular motion begins. As men-
tioned above, the examiner places the palm of
2.8 Measuring Active their hand over the anterior shoulder, thus stabi-
and Passive Shoulder lizing the scapula while the humerus is rotated
Rotation externally at the side of the body (Fig. 2.17). The
end point for glenohumeral motion occurs when
Shoulder rotation has traditionally been mea- the shoulder begins to lift off the table as scapular
sured in the supine position; however, there are motion is initiated. The patient’s position is held
several variations in patient positioning that can while the goniometric measurement is made. In
be used to answer specific clinical questions or to the second technique, the examiner places their
facilitate patient comfort. In addition to the hand underneath the patient’s scapula and simul-
supine position, shoulder rotation can be mea- taneously externally rotates the humerus. When
sured with the patient standing, sitting or in the the scapula begins to move, the end point
lateral decubitus position. has been reached and the measurement is made.
A third way to measure isolated glenohumeral the body to increase this measurement. When the
external rotation in the supine position is to sim- humerus is abducted to 90°, the examiner pas-
ply visualize the point at which the shoulder sively externally rotates the humerus as far as the
complex begins to move in response to the rota- patient will allow while also preventing a hyper-
tional moment. This is done while simultane- lordotic posture. The examiner then asks the
ously feeling for an endpoint as the examiner patient to hold this position while the measure-
externally rotates the humerus. ment is made. In some cases, an assistant exam-
iner may be required to assist the patient in Sitting or Standing Position holding this position, especially in those with
In the sitting or standing position, measure- joint hyperlaxity who display a large external
ments are made with the elbows flexed to 90° rotation arc.
with the humerus either at the side or abducted Although less commonly performed, com-
to 90° depending on the information sought by bined scapulothoracic and glenohumeral range
the examiner. It is often useful to obtain multi- of motion can also be measured actively. With
ple measurements such that a complete evalua- the arm at the side, the patient attempts to exter-
tion can be achieved. In addition, distinguishing nally rotate the humerus maximally without
between glenohumeral and scapulothoracic extending the shoulder or increasing lordosis.
contributions to shoulder motion can also pro- A similar maneuver is performed with the arm
vide powerful evidence for or against a specific abducted to 90°, taking care to prevent ancillary
pathology. muscular contraction. An assistant can help hold
Passive glenohumeral external rotation can be the final position while a goniometric measure-
isolated when the arm is either at the side or ment is made.
abducted to 90°. When the arm is at the side, the
examiner stabilizes the flexed elbow and pas- Lateral Decubitus Position
sively externally rotates the humerus until the With the patient in the lateral decubitus position
glenohumeral joint reaches its first end point. and lying on the affected arm, passive external
This generally occurs when shoulder tightness rotation capacity can be measured. The arm is
develops and the patient begins compensatory first abducted to 90° and then passive external
rotation of the torso. The examiner then asks the rotation is measured with a goniometer once the
patient to hold their position at the end point so first end point has been reached (scapula begins
that measurements can be made with a goniome- to move or resistance is felt).
ter. An assistant can also hold the arm in place
while measurements are made.
When the shoulder is abducted to 90°, isolated 2.8.2 Measuring Internal Rotation
glenohumeral external rotation capacity is mea-
sured by passively externally rotating the Internal rotation of the shoulder can also be quan-
humerus until the first end point is detected. The tified using methods similar to that of external
end point is usually reached when the patient rotation, differentiating between glenohumeral
begins to bend backwards at the waist to compen- and scapulothoracic contributions. The various
sate for the force being placed on the arm. The techniques for measuring active and passive
examiner can also simultaneously inspect the internal rotation are described below.
scapula to determine the point of external rota-
tion at which the scapula begins to retract. Supine Position
Passive combined glenohumeral and scapulo- Isolated glenohumeral or combined glenohu-
thoracic range of motion can be assessed by sim- meral and scapulothoracic internal rotation in the
ply externally rotating the humerus until its final supine position can be performed exactly as
end point is reached. It is important to prevent the described for external rotation above (Fig. 2.18).
patient from extending the shoulder or turning This method is especially helpful for the
26 2 Range of Motion
glenohumeral articulations was approximately the authors concluded that the loss of forward
2:1 with this movement, suggesting that this test flexion in patients under 40 years of age should
may be more appropriate in the evaluation of not be attributed to the aging process.
global shoulder function rather than glenohu-
meral or scapulothoracic motion. Third, a recent
study by Hall et al. [74] found that when com- 2.9.2 Gender
pared to the estimation of vertebral levels, inter-
nal rotation measurements using a goniometer Gender appears to be another factor that may
with the arm abducted was more reliable and influence shoulder range of motion measure-
accurate. ments since several studies have demonstrated
the ability of women to achieve a greater range of Lateral Decubitus Position active and passive motion when compared to men
Measuring passive isolated internal rotation in of the same age [31, 75, 77–80]. Clarke et al. [31]
the lateral decubitus position is performed exactly and Schwartz et al. [80] found similar results,
as described above for external rotation. however, neither study found a difference in
internal rotation capacity between genders.
used to measure range of motion, it is important posture (e.g., those with kyphoscoliosis) may
to note the position of the subject during the underestimate the true anatomic restraints to
examination to help with interpretation of the shoulder motion.
collected data.
Range of motion measurements of the dominant There are many physical examination maneuvers
shoulder compared to those of the non-dominant that can be used to measure general shoulder
shoulder can vary considerably [75, 80], espe- mobility and flexibility. Compared to other
cially with regard to rotational measurements in maneuvers that measure specific components of
throwing athletes. Several studies have found no shoulder motion, these tests have the specific
differences in range of motion between shoul- advantage of determining the overall functional-
ders; [31, 76, 82, 83] however, Barnes et al. [75] ity of the upper extremity with regard to the per-
found that the non-dominant shoulder had sig- formance of activities of daily living. Of course,
nificantly increased active and passive internal there exists a ceiling effect when performing
rotation along with increased active and passive these tests on athletes who require a greater
extension compared to the dominant shoulder in degree of performance relative to the general
non-throwing athletes. Interestingly, the investi- population. Nevertheless, these tests can be use-
gators also found that the dominant shoulder had ful to determine if range of motion loss has an
significantly increased external rotation capacity effect on the patient’s normal activities since they
compared to the non-dominant shoulder. The require combinations of basic shoulder move-
authors concluded that comparing rotational ments in different planes. Some authors have
range of motion between dominant and non- called into question the clinical relevance of
dominant shoulders may not be as clinically use- many of these tests while also suggesting other
ful as once thought. types of tests that more closely simulate activities
of daily living [11, 12, 87, 88]. Patients who pres-
ent with shoulder complaints are often ques-
2.9.5 Posture tioned regarding these basic movements in
outcomes questionnaires (such as the American
The degree of thoracic curvature may also play a Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons’ [ASES] score
role in range of motion and strength measure- [89] and Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and
ments [80, 84, 85]. Kebaetse et al. [85] compared Hand [DASH] score [90]); however, these spe-
shoulder range of motion, strength, and scapulo- cific motions are infrequently tested directly by
thoracic kinematics in a series of 34 healthy par- the treating physician.
ticipants who were placed in either the erect or Description and discussion of a few general
slouched position. When in the slouched posture, shoulder mobility tests are described below. Note
the investigators noted increased scapular eleva- many more of these types of general motion tests
tion between 0° and 90° of humeral abduction exist; however, the tests described below were
and decreased posterior scapular tilt when the chosen because they are more likely to be taught
abduction angle was greater than 90°. In addi- and/or practiced.
tion, active glenohumeral range of motion was
significantly decreased in those with slouched
postures. Bullock et al. [84] also noted a signifi- 2.10.1 Apley Scratch Test
cantly decreased flexion range of motion after
measurement of those positioned in a slouched The Apley scratch test is one of the more fre-
posture. Therefore, range of motion measure- quently taught maneuvers for the evaluation of
ments in patients who present with a slouched general shoulder motion and overall function.
2.10 Specific Tests for General Shoulder Mobility 29
Fig. 2.19 Apley scratch test. (a) The subject reaches downward along the thoracic spine. (b) The subject reaches
upwards along the lumbar spine.
The patient is first asked to place one hand on the horizontal adduction towards the opposite
ipsilateral shoulder and to reach as far inferiorly shoulder. Measuring tape can be used to mea-
along the thoracic spine as possible. This motion sure the distance from the lateral epicondyle to
is useful for evaluating combined abduction, the AC joint at the top of the shoulder (Fig. 2.20).
flexion, and external rotation of the shoulder. Once this has been completed and a measure-
Next, the patient is then asked to place the arms ment has been recorded, the test is repeated on
at the side and then to reach up the lumbar and the contralateral side for measurement compari-
thoracic spine as far as possible. This motion is son. Patients with pain related to AC joint
useful for evaluating the combination of adduc- pathology may experience pain at the top of the
tion, extension, and internal rotation of the shoul- shoulder with this movement and, therefore,
der (Fig. 2.19). Although the clinical utility of range of motion measurements may be affected
this test has yet to be defined, it is generally (physical examination of the AC joint is dis-
thought to be a quick and effective modality for cussed in Chap. 7).
the evaluation of global shoulder function.
arm is fully elevated, taking care to avoid an that this maneuver may only be clinically useful
increase in lordosis or any other compensatory when the examiner has performed the exam on
movement that may increase arm elevation. If many patients with normal shoulders such that
the arm cannot reach an angle that is parallel subtle changes in motion can be detected. The
with the examination table, inflexibility is likely test has not been formally evaluated in the
present and may indicate muscle or capsuloliga- literature.
mentous tightness. The structures involved have
not been specifically evaluated, although tight-
ness of the pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, and 2.10.5 Posterior Tightness Test
teres major muscles has been implicated on one
occasion [92]. Tyler et al. [93, 94] described the posterior tight-
ness test which specifically examines the flexi-
bility of posterior shoulder structures. In this
2.10.4 Quadrant Test test, the patient is placed in the lateral decubitus
position with the untested arm placed beneath
The quadrant test, first described by Mullen et al. the head with the knees and hips flexed for com-
[18] in 1989, was designed to detect a subtle fort. The arm to be tested is then passively flexed
change in Codman’s paradox as a result of shoul- to 90° of forward elevation and the ipsilateral
der discomfort or pathology (Codman’s paradox scapula is stabilized with the examiner’s oppo-
is discussed earlier in this chapter). The test is site hand. The arm is then adducted across the
performed with the patient in the supine position. body, taking care to prevent any rotational
The examiner places his or her hand over the motion of the humerus (Fig. 2.22). When resis-
spine of the scapula and the distal clavicle and tance is felt, a tape measure can be used to deter-
applies a gentle inferiorly directed pressure to mine the distance from the lateral epicondyle to
prevent shoulder shrugging during the test. The the surface of the examination table. This
arm is first abducted to 90° of straight lateral maneuver is typically performed with an assis-
abduction and 90° of external rotation. From this tant who makes the final measurement. The test
position, the arm is adducted until the humerus is then repeated on the contralateral shoulder for
begins to internally rotate. The moment the arm comparison. The original investigators calcu-
begins to internally rotate is known as the quad- lated an inter-rater reliability of approximately
rant position (Fig. 2.21). It should be emphasized 0.80 and an intra-rater reliability of greater than
2.10 Specific Tests for General Shoulder Mobility 31
0.90 for both the dominant and non-dominant and validity of the test in overhead athletes while
shoulders of asymptomatic subjects. also suggesting that performing the test in the
This test was subsequently used by the same supine position may actually be more accurate
group to evaluate a series of collegiate baseball [97, 98].
players and a cohort of patients with subacro-
mial impingement syndrome. In addition, other
authors have found that the test may be useful 2.10.6 Horizontal Flexion Test
for comparing posterior shoulder tightness
between the dominant and non-dominant shoul- The horizontal flexion test was also designed to
ders of baseball players [95] along with differ- detect posterior shoulder tightness and was first
ences in shoulder tightness among different described by Pappas et al. [91] in 1985. In this
baseball positions [96]. Although the test has not test, the patient is positioned supine and the tested
been formally validated for routine practice, arm is flexed to 90° of elevation. Without bending
several authors have confirmed the reliability the elbow, the arm is slowly adducted until
32 2 Range of Motion
placed supine on the examination table and the syndrome in which shoulder pain gradually
examiner places one hand on the anterior shoul- develops followed by a loss of shoulder motion.
der. The shoulder is then pushed posteriorly The condition is more common in women and
towards the surface of the examination table has been associated with increased levels of cyto-
using a gentle to moderate force. An inability to kines and inflammatory markers within the gle-
push the anterior shoulder such that the posterior nohumeral synovial fluid and subacromial bursa
shoulder lies flat on the table indicated pectoralis without an identifiable cause [123–127]. Soft tis-
minor tightness. Another way of testing for pec- sue contractures and scarring may result, leading
toralis minor tightness is to simply visualize the to significant range of motion loss. While some
asymmetric height of one scapula versus the con- authors have suggested an autoimmune origin
tralateral scapula. In the patient with pectoralis and an association with thyroid disorders, sys-
minor tightness, the affected scapula will sit far- temic lupus erythematosus, and diabetes melli-
ther away from the surface of the examination tus, these connections have yet to be fully
table than that of the contralateral shoulder. substantiated [124–126, 128–131].
Borstad [103] validated a direct measurement Clinical evaluation of the stiff shoulder thus
technique in a series of cadavers that would later requires a thorough history prior to initiation of
be used clinically to determine the actual length the physical examination process. Patients with
of the pectoralis minor muscle-tendon unit in a a history of autoimmune conditions are more
series of swimmers [104]. This method involves likely to have a frozen shoulder whereas patients
simply measuring the distance from the inferior who recently had surgery on the joint are most
aspect of the fourth rib to the coracoid process likely to have adhesion formation and symptom-
using a tape measure. When compared to an elec- atic scar tissue resulting in their loss of motion.
tromagnetic tracking system, this method resulted There are a host of reasons for a stiff shoulder
in inter- and intra-observer ICCs between 0.82 and most of the causes can be determined by a
and 0.87 [103]. thorough history.
Physical examination of patients with range
of motion loss should focus on the differences
2.11 The Stiff Shoulder between active and passive shoulder motion.
and the Frozen Shoulder When the total arc of motion is the same for
both active and passive motion, the patient is
Skillful evaluation of the stiff shoulder is one of said to have either a stiff shoulder or a frozen
the most valuable skill sets that a clinician can shoulder, depending on the etiology. In contrast,
possess. Due to the inherent complexity of the when passive range of motion exceeds that of
shoulder girdle, limited passive motion can have active range of motion, the patient is said to pri-
multiple potential etiologies and are typically marily have weakness rather than stiffness.
grouped according to whether the shoulder is Range of motion testing using a variety of tech-
“stiff” or “frozen” [105–111]. These categories niques (such as those listed above) can localize
are independent and effort must be made to the stiffness to a particular anatomic region
differentiate between the two categories since within the shoulder. For example, a patient with
their treatment options vary considerably [105– identical, yet decreased, active and passive
107, 112–122]. In general, a “stiff shoulder” internal rotation of the shoulder with the arm at
refers to any loss of joint motion from any identi- the side is likely to have stiffness of the poste-
fiable cause including arthritis, capsule contrac- rior capsulolabral structures, a common finding
ture, adhesion formation after surgery, or any in patients with glenohumeral osteoarthritis.
other joint abnormality that effectively decreases Similar examinations can be performed for
the total arc of shoulder motion. A “frozen external rotation, abduction, forward flexion,
shoulder” (also known as adhesive capsulitis), on and so on until the precise location of stiffness
the other hand, refers to the largely idiopathic or scarring is surmised.
34 2 Range of Motion
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Strength Testing
R.J. Warth and P.J. Millett, Physical Examination of the Shoulder: An Evidence-Based Approach, 39
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2593-3_3, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
40 3 Strength Testing
Bundle of
muscle fibers
muscle fiber
resting length
tension passive
Length-Tension Curve of a Muscle
Fig. 3.1 (a) Skeletal muscle structure hierarchy includ- (Blix curve). Note that active and passive tension are addi-
ing a scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a typical tive as the muscle length increases.
sarcomere. (b) Length-tension curve of skeletal muscle
also increases the passive tension across the (Fig. 3.2). This finding is referred to as a positive
opposing subscapularis muscle. When the clini- external rotation lag sign and the degrees of inter-
cian releases the arm, the patient will attempt to nal rotation lag (or the amount of internal rota-
hold the position by contracting the infraspinatus tion that occurs after the arm is released) is
muscle. When this force of contraction cannot typically documented as a measure of infraspina-
overcome the passive tensile force that is applied tus weakness. The internal rotation lag sign [6],
to the opposing subscapularis, the arm will inter- the deltoid lag sign [7], and the teres minor lag
nally rotate despite the patient’s best efforts sign (also referred to as “Hornblower’s sign” [8]
3.3 Quantifying Muscle Strength 41
There are numerous muscles that cross or act Manual muscle testing (MMT) is the most com-
upon the glenohumeral joint; however, several of mon method by which clinicians evaluate muscle
these muscles produce similar force vectors strength. MMT utilizes a standardized grading
which can complicate the assessment of muscu- system that is determined by the ability of the
lar strength. As a result, shoulder motion within tested muscle act against gravity or against resis-
any plane likely involves contributions from sev- tance applied by the examiner. In 1916, Lovett and
eral different muscles to produce the observed Martin [9] first described the method of manual
movement. While it would be ideal to isolate and muscle testing in newborns with infantile paraly-
test each individual muscle around the shoulder sis. Since then, abundant research has been con-
girdle, complete isolation of a single muscle for ducted regarding its various applications, including
42 3 Strength Testing
Table 3.1 Manual muscle testing grading system (levels 0–5) 3.3.2 Dynamometry
0 No visible or palpable contraction
1 Visible or palpable contraction without motion A dynamometer is a device used to determine the
2 Full range of motion, gravity eliminated mechanical force generated by a contracting
3 Full range of motion against gravity muscle. While these measurements of force are
4 Full range of motion against gravity, moderate resistance generally given in Newtons or kilograms, torque
5 Full range of motion against gravity, maximal resistance can be calculated by simply multiplying Newtons
or kilograms by the distance (in meters) between
modifications of the original grading scale used to the dynamometer and the center of rotation of the
describe muscular strength. Despite these modifi- involved joint.
cations, the scale that is most widely accepted is Dynamometers first appeared in 1763 [32]
very similar to the original proposal by Lovett and and, since then, numerous modifications have
Martin [9] and was devised by the Medical been made. Currently, dynamometers come in a
Research Council (MRC) [10] in 1943. The scale large variety of shapes, sizes, and functional
has six levels (0–5) and is presented in Table 3.1. mechanisms that produce the desired force mea-
The inter- and intra-observer reliabilities of surements. Isokinetic dynamometers are large
MMT in the evaluation of various pathologies machines capable of generating numerous values
resulting in muscle weakness range from 0.82 to including peak muscular force, power, and endur-
0.97 and 0.96 to 0.98, respectively, according to ance among numerous other measurements
reports dating back to 1954 [11–22]. However, (Fig. 3.3) [33]. Isokinetic testing has been used as
only a few studies have specifically examined the a standard method of muscle strength measure-
reliability of manual muscle testing for the evalu- ment over the past 40 years since it has been
ation of patients with various shoulder patholo-
gies [23–25].
Although the MMT scale is still widely used in
clinical practice due to its low cost and rapidity,
there are several limitations that must be noted.
The first limitation is that the MMT scale is sub-
jective in nature and the score depends on the cli-
nician’s judgment [26–28]. The second limitation
of MMT is the inability of the scale to detect
small, between-level differences in strength. This
is largely due to the stepwise design of the scale
and has spurred the development of other scales
that have more diagnostic levels [10]. Third, the
MMT scale has been criticized for not being capa-
ble of detecting clinically relevant differences in
muscle strength. MMT was originally developed
to measure strength improvements in patients
treated with paralytic disorders and muscular dys-
trophies [29, 30]. Thus, the application of MMT
to a variety of clinical settings is probably due to
tradition rather than sound scientific rationale. As
a result of the subjectivity and reported inaccu-
racy of MMT, many clinicians (and insurers) pre-
Fig. 3.3 Example of an isokinetic dynamometer which
fer to measure strength with more objective
has been set up to measure shoulder internal and external
means that are more sensitive, such as with hand- rotation strength at 90° of abduction. (From Ribeiro and
held dynamometers [31]. Oliveira [161]).
3.3 Quantifying Muscle Strength 43
Fig. 3.5 (a) Typical electromyograph to which (b) thin wire (left) or surface electrodes (right) can be attached.
In the case of surface EMG, increased distance or electrical measurements are compared to a refer-
increased soft-tissue interposition between the ence standard generated from a maximal volun-
surface electrode and the muscle being tested can tary contraction (MVC) of the muscle in question.
also significantly influence signal interpretation The ratio of the two measurements is recorded
[56, 57]. The primary drawback of thin-wire and compared between different subjects [58].
EMG is that the sample size is limited to the sur- Other methods of obtaining EMGs involve sub-
face area of the small electrode whereas surface maximal voluntary contractions and isometric
EMG can obtain measurements over an expanded measurements; however, these methods have
area of muscle tissue and is also easier to imple- been less reliable to date [57, 59].
ment; however, this can also introduce unwanted
noise due to soft-tissue interposition and contri-
butions from surrounding musculature. In addi- 3.4 Strength Screening
tion, the amplitude or morphology of the EMG of Specific Muscles
readout may be affected by the type of muscle
being tested (fast-twitch versus slow-twitch). Anatomic characteristics of the scapular muscu-
Many studies have utilized a normalization lature are presented in Table 3.2 [60] to help
technique to study muscle activity—that is, the guide the reader through this section.
3.4.1 Periscapular Muscles In the early 1990s, Lindman et al. [61, 62]
performed immunohistochemical analysis on Trapezius human trapezius muscles and found significant dif-
Innervated by the spinal accessory nerve, the tra- ferences in mitochondrial ATPase activity in vari-
pezius muscle is a large, flat, triangular muscle ous portions of the muscle. Specifically, the lower
that makes up the majority of the superficial poste- third of the superior region, the middle region, and
rior cervical and thoracic musculature. The muscle the inferior region all had low concentrations of
is thought to have three anatomic regions— mitochondrial ATPase activity. On the other hand,
namely, the superior, middle, and inferior the uppermost aspect of the superior region had the
regions—that are thought to have specific func- highest mitochondrial ATPase activity. With this
tional attributes (Fig. 3.6). The superior fibers information, the authors suggested that the upper
originate medially between the occiput and the C7 aspect of the superior region was best suited for
spinous processes and extend laterally to insert high-demand, short duration functionality (e.g.,
upon the posterior aspect of the distal clavicle, the heavy lifting) whereas the rest of the muscle was
superomedial acromion and the most distal portion best suited for low-demand, long duration function-
of the scapular spine. The middle fibers arise ality (e.g., posture and dynamic scapular stability).
medially between the C7 and T3 spinous processes The authors concluded that the differences in
and extend laterally to insert primarily along the ATPase activity and fiber type are likely due to both
scapular spine. The inferior fibers originate genetic factors and functional demands.
between the T4 and T12 spinous processes and The functions of the superior, middle, and
extend superolaterally to insert as an aponeurosis inferior fibers of the trapezius were first described
on the medial confluence of the scapular spine. by Inman et al. [63] in 1944. However, the exact
function of each muscle division has been debated
for many years. Based on fiber orientation,
Johnson et al. [64] suggested that the trapezius
largely functions as a scapular stabilizer. More
specifically, it was proposed that the upper fibers
draw the scapula superomedially while the mid-
dle and lower fibers antagonize the function of
the serratus anterior, preventing lateral excursion
of the scapula. Although others have confirmed
the functions of the middle and lower trapezius
with various motions (including scapular internal
and external rotation [87]) [66–69], the precise
role of the upper trapezius remains controversial.
A study by Ruwe et al. [70] found a decrease in
upper trapezius muscle activity in a series of
swimmers with shoulder pain. Another study [69]
found increased muscle activity of the middle and
lower fibers in a series of patients with signs and
symptoms of impingement. Although we under-
stand that contraction of the upper trapezius
causes upward rotation of the scapula, its precise
role in the development of shoulder discomfort
has not been clearly defined. However, it is widely
reported that unbalanced periscapular strength
Fig. 3.6 Illustration depicting the superior, middle, and and altered muscle firing patterns lead to scapular
lower fibers of the trapezius muscle. malposition and dyskinesis, both of which can
3.4 Strength Screening of Specific Muscles 47
Fig. 3.7 (a) Subtle left-sided scapular winging due to trapezius muscle weakness. (b) Right-sided scapular winging
due to serratus anterior muscle weakness. (Courtesy of J.P. Warner, MD).
The rhomboid musculature consists of both the
rhomboid major and minor which, on some occa-
sions, exist as a single muscle-tendon unit [75].
The rhomboid major originates from the spinous
processes between T2 and T5 and inserts along
the posterior aspect of the medial border of the
scapula just inferior to the medial confluence of
the scapular spine and spans inferiorly towards
the inferomedial angle. The rhomboid minor
originates between the C7 and T1 spinous pro-
cesses and inserts just superiorly to the rhomboid
major at the level of the scapular spine on the
posterior aspect of the medial scapular border.
The dorsal scapular nerve is derived from the C5
nerve root and provides the motor innervation for
both of these muscles (Fig. 3.11).
The primary functions of the rhomboid
musculature are to induce superomedial migra-
tion and downward rotation of the scapula such
that the glenoid surface is angled inferiorly and
posteriorly (i.e., scapular retraction). To test the
rhomboids, the patient is asked to place the hands
on the iliac crests with the thumbs pointed poste-
Fig. 3.9 Strength of middle trapezius. With the patient riorly and with the elbows in neutral position.
prone and the arm hanging over the edge of the table, the The patient is then asked to resist an anteriorly
examiner grasps the distal arm and applies a downward directed force applied to the medial epicondyles
force while the patient resists. such that the elbows are pushed anteriorly into a
flared position. It is advised to observe and/or
The middle trapezius is most easily tested palpate the medial scapular border while the test
with the patient in the prone position with the is being performed (Fig. 3.12).
arm hanging over the side of the table in 90° of Smith et al. [76] suggested that the above
forward flexion. The examiner then places their maneuver (sometimes referred to as the modified
hand distally and applies a moderate downward Kendall test) does not separately activate the
force while the patient resists (Fig. 3.9). While rhomboid muscles from synergistic muscles such
this test is effective at testing the middle fibers of as the levator scapulae, middle trapezius, and latis-
the trapezius, care must be taken to rule out ante- simus dorsi muscles. The authors found that man-
rior instability before performing this test in ual testing of the posterior deltoid elicited greater
order to avoid glenohumeral dislocation. electromyographic activity of the rhomboids com-
To test the lower fibers of the trapezius, the pared to that of any of the other MMT maneuvers
patient is placed in the prone position with the that were tested (e.g., the Hislop–Montgomery
arm abducted to approximately 120° within the test for rhomboid strength). According to Smith
scapular plane. This position aligns the upper et al. [76], the posterior deltoid test (which is used
extremity with the superolaterally directed fibers to test rhomboid strength) is performed with the
of the lower trapezius. From this position, the patient in a sitting position, facing away from the
subject then attempts to extend the arm upward examiner. The humerus is slightly internally
while the examiner both applies resistance and rotated and abducted within the plane of the body
simultaneously examines the scapula for any evi- to approximately 90°. The examiner then places
dence of winging (Fig. 3.10). one hand on the posterolateral aspect of the upper
3.4 Strength Screening of Specific Muscles 49
arm and applies an anteromedially directed force evaluated 64 patients with traumatic medial scap-
while the patient resists (Fig. 3.13). ular muscle detachments. All patients that were
There are no clinical studies that have specifi- included in that study demonstrated abnormal
cally evaluated the effects of isolated rhomboid resting scapular positions (i.e., winging) and
or levator scapulae weakness on shoulder func- scapular dyskinesis with arm motion.
tion. However, a case report by Hayes and Zehr
[46] in 1981 described a patient with interscapu- Serratus Anterior
lar pain and scapular winging who was ultimately The serratus anterior muscle is anatomically
found to have a rhomboid muscle avulsion frac- divided into three divisions. The first division,
ture after a traumatic injury. The patient was suc- arising from ribs 1 and 2, inserts along the ante-
cessfully treated by surgically reattaching the rior aspect of the superomedial scapular angle.
avulsed segment. More recently, Kibler et al. [66] The second division arises from ribs 2 through 4
50 3 Strength Testing
a b
Rib cage
Normal Back
Fig. 3.14 (a) Illustration highlighting the three divisions serratus anterior relative to the scapulae in both a nor-
of the serratus anterior muscle and the associated long mal shoulder and a shoulder with scapular winging
thoracic nerve (lateral view). (b) Orientation of the (axial view).
examiner in an awkward position to visualize the with shoulder pain had significantly decreased
scapula during arm motion. We prefer to have the serratus anterior activity via EMG when com-
patient perform a wall push-up as this maneuver pared to throwing athletes without shoulder pain.
is more sensitive for the detection of both mild As many others have suggested, the authors con-
and severe serratus anterior weakness in a busy cluded that scapular malposition and dyskinesis
clinic setting. To perform the wall push-up, the was a significant contributor to the development
patient’s hands are placed flat on a nearby wall at of shoulder pain in overhead athletes. Burkhart
approximately shoulder height and shoulder et al. [84] later described a series of pathologic
width apart. The patient then performs a normal findings related to scapular motion in overhead
push-up as if they were in the prone position athletes for which the term “SICK scapula syn-
while the clinician simultaneously observes both drome” was coined.
scapulae (Fig. 3.15). Of note, this method of
strength testing activates the entire serratus ante- Latissimus Dorsi
rior muscle and does not differentiate between the The latissimus dorsi, which receives its motor
three divisions [77]. innervation from the thoracodorsal nerve, origi-
A study by Celik et al. [78] found that several nates from the iliac crest, sacrum, and T7 through
periscapular muscles, including the serratus ante- L5 spinous processes as an aponeurotic attach-
rior, were markedly weaker in shoulders with ment. The fibers of this large, flat muscle travel
signs of subacromial impingement compared to superolaterally over the teres major muscle and
healthy shoulders. This finding suggests that insert just inferior to the lesser tuberosity of the
evaluation of periscapular musculature is neces- humerus on the medial aspect of the bicipital
sary even in patients without perceived scapular groove (Fig. 3.16). This orientation has led some
dyskinesis. Periscapular muscle weakness can to infer its potential role as a humeral head stabi-
also result from fatigue, especially in those who lizer acting in synergy with the rotator cuff, espe-
participate in repetitive overhead activities [79– cially in the rare situation of humeral avulsion of
82]. Glousman [83] found that throwing athletes the glenohumeral ligament (HAGL) lesions [85].
52 3 Strength Testing
muscle Subscapularis
Teres minor
Fig. 3.18 Illustration of the rotator cuff musculature viewing from both posteriorly and anteriorly.
tendon counteracts the significant external rota- At approximately the level of the glenohumeral
tion torque produced by overhead athletes result- joint, its tendon fibers become confluent with
ing in a type of insertional tendinitis. Although those of the infraspinatus to form a thick, wide
uncommon, tears of the latissimus dorsi and/or tendinous insertion that envelops the humeral
teres major have also been reported in throwing head (Fig. 3.19). Due to the intermingling of
athletes [90, 93]. fibers from each tendon, data regarding the indi-
vidual insertional dimensions of the supraspina- Rotator Cuff tus tendon footprint have been inconsistent to
Supraspinatus date (Table 3.3) [94–100]. Further biomechanical
Innervated by the suprascapular nerve, the supra- and anatomical considerations as they relate to
spinatus takes origin from the supraspinous supraspinatus pathology are discussed in Chap. 4.
fossa of the scapula and its fibers travel laterally The isolated primary functions of the supra-
to insert on the greater tuberosity (Fig. 3.18). spinatus muscle are to abduct the humerus and to
54 3 Strength Testing
Fig. 3.19 Cadaveric photograph showing the confluence natus and teres minor tendons and their insertion sites.
of (a) the supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons and (From Dugas et al. [95]; with permission).
their insertion sites and (b) the confluence of the infraspi-
Table 3.3 Reported dimensions of the posterosuperior The assumption that the supraspinatus is iso-
cuff insertion lated using the “empty can” test has been chal-
Footprint dimensions Mean lenged on several occasions. Of note, Blackburn
M-L × A-P Length in mm) et al. [102] studied the electrical activation of the
References Supraspinatus Infraspinatus supraspinatus muscle in various arm positions
Minagawa et al. [96] NR × 22.5 NR × 14.1 with and without the application of resistance
Roh et al. [98] NR × 21.2 NR using surface EMG. Although the investigators
Volk and Vangsness 27.9 × NR NR did find relative isolation of the supraspinatus
Jr [100]
with the arm abducted to 90° within the scapular
Dugas et al. [95] 12.7 × 16.3 13.4 × 16.4
Ruotolo et al. [99] NR × 25 NR
plane in neutral rotation, their EMG results sug-
Curtis et al. [94] 23 × 16 29 × 19 gested that the “empty can” position did not max-
Mochizuki et al. [97] 6.9 × 12.6 10.2 × 32.7 imally activate the supraspinatus. Rather,
M–L medial–lateral, A–P anterior–posterior, NR not reported
maximal electrical activity occurred with the
patient prone and the humerus abducted to
approximately 100° in maximal external rotation;
act as a physical barrier to prevent superior however, they also found EMG activity within
migration of the humeral head. There are numer- the teres minor and infraspinatus muscles in this
ous methods by which supraspinatus strength position. A later EMG study found that neither
can be tested. Perhaps the most popular methods the “empty can” position nor the Blackburn posi-
were proposed by Jobe [101]. According to the tion fully isolated the supraspinatus muscle and
results of previous EMG studies [97], he recom- that other muscles, particularly the anterior and
mended testing the supraspinatus with the middle portions of the deltoid muscle, contribute
humerus in 90° of abduction within the scapular significantly to strength in these positions [103].
plane and in maximal internal rotation such that The fact that the deltoid and the supraspinatus
the thumb pointed towards the floor (the “empty work synergistically to abduct the humerus has
can” position). The patient then attempted to also been suggested by others [104, 105]. Colachis
abduct the humerus further against resistance Jr and Strohm [105] selectively injected the
applied by the examiner (Fig. 3.20). Weakness in suprascapular nerve with local anesthetic, thus
this position was thought to be the result of iso- paralyzing the supraspinatus and infraspinatus
lated supraspinatus weakness with minimal con- muscles. Although subjects were mildly weak
tributions from other muscles. with abduction, they were still able to achieve full
3.4 Strength Screening of Specific Muscles 55
humeral abduction. The investigators found a cuff force couples [106]). Patients with massive
similar result after selective injection into the rotator cuff tears involving more than one tendon
axillary nerve (paralyzing the deltoid muscle)— often display a positive “drop arm sign” in which
patients were still able to fully abduct the they are unable to hold the humerus in an abducted
humerus despite mild weakness [104]. These position against gravity. In these cases, the arm
studies suggested that patients with a full-thick- “drops” back to the patient’s side (Fig. 3.21).
ness supraspinatus tear or deltoid dysfunction Patients with supraspinatus weakness are likely
may still be able to achieve full active humeral to have a range of other symptoms, including sub-
abduction, especially when the supraspinatus tear acromial pain, with humeral abduction and inter-
does not extend anteriorly or posteriorly resulting nal rotation. Thus, the ability to achieve an “empty
in a derangement of dynamic rotator cuff force can” position may be difficult for some patients
couples (see Chap. 4 for more details on rotator due to guarding or pain, making it difficult to
56 3 Strength Testing
assess supraspinatus strength using this maneuver. The infraspinatus is innervated by the infra-
In addition, internal rotation of the humerus places spinatus branch of the suprascapular nerve after
the greater tuberosity in a position that may exac- passing through the spinoglenoid notch. Isolated
erbate symptoms related to rotator cuff impinge- atrophy of the infraspinatus muscle is most often
ment on the undersurface of the acromion. This due to a synovial or glenolabral cyst that impinges
impingement-type of pain can be reduced by sim- upon the nerve as it courses nearby. Other causes
ply having the patient abduct the humerus to 90° include traction injuries [107, 108], rotator cuff
in the plane of the scapula in either neutral rota- tears [109], and/or postoperative scarring. In con-
tion or external rotation (i.e., the “full can” posi- trast, impingement that occurs more proximally
tion; Fig. 3.22). A study by Kelly et al. [24] found along the suprascapular nerve will cause weak-
no difference in EMG activity between the “empty ness and/or atrophy of both the supraspinatus and
can,” “full can” or neutral positions, indicating the infraspinatus muscles (Fig. 3.23). Atrophy of
that supraspinatus testing can probably be esti- the supraspinatus and/or infraspinatus can often
mated using in any of these positions. Because be detected on physical examination by
internal rotation in 90° of abduction also recruits comparing the posterior contour of both scapu-
the teres minor and subscapularis muscles, we lae, particularly noting the relative prominence of
prefer to test the supraspinatus in neutral rotation the scapular spine with the arms in a neutral posi-
as a means of decreasing the potential for ancil- tion and in 90° of forward flexion (Fig. 3.24)
lary muscle contraction. [107, 110].
Isolated atrophy of the infraspinatus muscle is
Infraspinatus a common occurrence in overhead athletes, espe-
The infraspinatus muscle, one of the primary cially in volleyball players [107, 111–114] and
external rotators of the humerus, originates from baseball players [108, 115, 116], as a result of
the infraspinous fossa and inserts as a tendon traction injury to the portion of the suprascapular
sheet posterior and inferior to the insertion of the nerve distal to the spinoglenoid notch. Lajtai
supraspinatus tendon (see Fig. 3.19). As men- et al. [107] evaluated 35 male beach volleyball
tioned above, because the tendinous fibers of the players and noted that 12 players (34 %) had vis-
supraspinatus and infraspinatus intermingle, it is ible isolated infraspinatus atrophy. External rota-
difficult to determine the exact location and/or tion and elevation strength was also decreased in
dimensions of the infraspinatus insertional foot- the dominant shoulder of all players. After cor-
print (see Table 3.3). relation of these clinical findings with EMG, the
3.4 Strength Screening of Specific Muscles 57
Superior transverse
scapular ligament Spinoglenoid cyst
compressing the compressing the
suprascapular nerve suprascapular nerve
Fig. 3.23 Posterior view of the shoulder depicting (a) proximal suprascapular nerve entrapment beneath the transverse
scapular ligament and (b) distal suprascapular nerve entrapment due to a spinoglenoid cyst.
There are several other provocative maneuvers posterior cord of the brachial plexus. Unlike the
that can be utilized to test for infraspinatus supraspinatus and infraspinatus, isolated atrophy
strength; however, these are more sensitive for of the subscapularis is very rare and cannot be
detecting specific rotator cuff pathologies and are seen by simple observation.
discussed further in Chap. 4. The subscapularis is one of several internal
rotators of the humerus. Similar to infraspinatus
Subscapularis testing, the best position for determining subscap-
The subscapularis is a large, thick muscle that ularis strength is with the arm at the side in neutral
originates from the subscapular fossa and inserts rotation and the elbow flexed to 90°. The subject
on the lesser tuberosity while also contributing to then resists a laterally directed force applied to
the structure and function of the bicipital sheath the forearm by the examiner. In the case of
(see Fig. 3.18) (relevant anatomy of the bicipital subscapularis weakness, the patient will not
sheath is discussed in Chap. 5). The muscle is be able to hold the neutral position and the
innervated by the upper and lower subscapular humerus will externally rotate as a result of
nerves which are derived primarily from the the force applied by the examiner (Fig. 3.26).
3.4 Strength Screening of Specific Muscles 59
Although there are other muscles that provide according to the MMT scale (see Table 6.1). In the
internal rotation of the humerus (such as the pec- same study, the authors proposed a new “lift-off”
toralis major, teres major, and latissimus dorsi) test and reported that it was both highly sensitive
[117], the subscapularis has been identified as the and specific for subscapularis tears. This test,
primary internal rotator of the humerus in a bio- along with the bear-hug test and the belly-press
mechanical study by Chang et al. [118] An EMG test, is discussed in detail in Chap. 4.
study by Suenaga et al. [119] also found that
resisted internal rotation in the neutral position Teres Minor
(arm at the side in neutral rotation with the elbow The teres minor muscle, which also functions as
flexed to 90°) electrically activated the subscapu- an external rotator, originates from the posterior
laris more than any other muscle at each tested aspect of the scapular body, just inferior to the
position (81.7 %); however, the muscle is infraspinatus muscle, and inserts on the posterior
probably best isolated when the humerus is aspect of the proximal humerus (see Fig. 3.18).
abducted to 90° within the scapular plane in neu- The tendon fibers of the teres minor blend with
tral rotation [120, 121]. those of the infraspinatus, making them indistin-
Gerber and Krushell [122] reported on 16 cases guishable in most cases. The teres minor is inner-
of isolated subscapularis tendon rupture where 15 vated by the axillary nerve as the nerve passes
of the patients were manually tested for internal through the quadrilateral (or quadrangular) space
rotation strength with the arm at the side and the towards the undersurface of the deltoid muscle
elbows flexed to 90°. Fourteen of the fifteen (Fig. 3.27). Fatty infiltration and atrophy of
patients (93.3 %) had at least grade 4 weakness the teres minor muscle from axillary nerve
artery and nerve
Capsule of
Scapular spine shoulder joint
Teres minor
Posterior circumflex
Medial border humeral artery and
axillary nerve
scapular artery Quadrangular space
Profunda brachii artery
and radial nerve in
triceps hiatus
Teres major
Long head
Triceps brachii
Lateral head
Triangular space
Fig. 3.27 Illustration showing the borders and contents head of the triceps defines the medial border and the supe-
of the quadrilateral space. The inferior margin of the teres rior margin of the teres major defines the inferior border.
minor defines the superior border, the humeral shaft The posterior circumflex humeral artery and the axillary
defines the lateral border, the lateral margin of the long nerve pass through this space.
60 3 Strength Testing
Fig. 3.28 (a) Coronal-oblique MRI slice showing a normal oblique MRI slice showing a humeral head with a large
humeral head with the distance from the axillary neurovas- inferior osteophyte in close proximity to axillary neurovas-
cular bundle depicted by the yellow arrow. (b) Coronal- cular bundle. (From Millett et al. [123]; with permission).
impingement can occur in patients with large of the teres minor muscle and are discussed
inferior humeral head osteophytes as a result of further in Chap. 4.
glenohumeral osteoarthritis [123]. The inferior
osteophyte can generate a mass effect or make Other Scapulohumeral Muscles
direct contact with the axillary nerve as it passes Teres Major
between the superior aspect of the lateral scapu- Innervated by the lower subscapular nerve, the
lar border and the humeral head before reaching teres major originates from the posterior aspect
the teres minor and deltoid muscles (Fig. 3.28). of the inferomedial angle of the scapula and
In contrast to atrophy involving the supraspinatus inserts on the proximal humerus just posterior to
and infraspinatus muscles, atrophy of the teres the latissimus dorsi tendon, oftentimes with an
minor is rarely detected by inspection or palpa- intervening bursa (Fig. 3.30). In some cases, the
tion of the posterior scapulae. teres major may insert directly into the latissimus
The teres minor is primarily an external rotator dorsi tendon [124]. Similar to the latissimus
with the humerus at 90° of abduction within the dorsi, the primary function of the teres major
scapular plane. Screening for teres minor weak- muscle is to adduct, extend, and internally rotate
ness can be performed by simply having the the humerus. Pearl et al. [125] found that both the
patient abduct the humerus to 90° in neutral rota- latissimus dorsi and the teres major muscles fire
tion with the elbow flexed to 90° and resisting maximally when moving the arm “obliquely
external rotation from this position (Fig. 3.29). downward away from the midline.” Because of
Blackburn et al. [102] suggested that isolation of their identical force vectors, each muscle can be
the teres minor is best obtained when the patient successfully transferred to the greater tuberosity
is in the prone position with the arm in maximal as a salvage procedure in patients with massive,
external rotation; however, this maneuver is not irreparable posterosuperior rotator cuff tears
quickly or easily performed in clinical practice (Fig. 3.31) [126–129].
and has not been formally validated in the litera- Although there have been several reports of
ture. There are a few other maneuvers, such as the isolated tears of the teres major muscle in high-
Patte test and the “Hornblower’s sign,” that can level athletes, this injury is uncommon in the
be used to specifically identify pathologic lesions general population [93, 130, 131]. In these cases,
3.4 Strength Screening of Specific Muscles 61
the diagnosis is most often made via imaging spine. All three divisions of the deltoid muscle
studies or direct visualization during surgery insert on the deltoid tubercle of the humerus and
since physical examination maneuvers designed function to elevate the arm in several different
to specifically detect weakness of the teres major planes (Fig. 3.32).
have not been developed. The axillary nerve branches from the posterior
cord of the brachial plexus, travels through the
Deltoid quadrangular space, around the proximal
The deltoid is the largest muscle of the shoulder humerus and towards the undersurface of the del-
girdle and consists of three separate divisions: toid muscle. The nerve first gives off a branch to
anterior, middle, and posterior. The anterior the teres minor muscle as it passes through the
portion of the deltoid originates from the superior quadrilateral space and then to the posterior, mid-
aspect of the distal third of the clavicle, the dle and, finally, the anterior deltoid while also
middle division originates from the superior providing sensory innervation to the skin overly-
aspect of the acromion and the posterior division ing the middle deltoid (i.e. the superior lateral
originates from the inferior aspect of the scapular cutaneous nerve).
62 3 Strength Testing
Fig. 3.31 Illustrations demonstrating the positions of the latissimus dorsi and teres major muscles both before and after
muscle transfer procedures for the treatment of massive rotator cuff tears.
in the sitting position with the humerus at the side has not been proven in any clinical or biomechan-
and the elbow flexed to 90°. We then ask the ical study. As discussed above, an EMG study by
patient to make a fist and to push forward against Colachis Jr et al. [104] found that both the rotator
resistance applied by the examiner (Fig. 3.34). cuff and the deltoid function synergistically to
Another way to test the anterior deltoid, as sug- achieve glenohumeral abduction. This test can
gested by McFarland [71], is to place the humerus therefore be performed with the elbow flexed or
in approximately 70° of abduction within the extended, depending on the subtlety of the sus-
scapular plane and to resist flexion and adduction pected pathology. For example, applying resis-
(Fig. 3.35). Placing the arm in 70° of abduction is tance to the wrist with the elbow extended
thought to more adequately isolate the deltoid increases the contraction force necessary to flex
muscle from the rotator cuff; however, this theory and adduct the humerus due to lengthening of the
64 3 Strength Testing
Fig. 3.33 (a) Clinical photograph demonstrating atrophy structures. This patient also had significant atrophy of the
of the deltoid muscle. The implant from a previous hemi- supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles (arrow), possibly
arthroplasty can be seen across the atrophic anterior del- indicating the presence of a concurrent injury to the supra-
toid (arrow). (b) Clinical photograph also showing scapular nerve. (Part B courtesy of J.P. Warner, MD, and
atrophy of the deltoid muscle as evidenced by prominence Christian Gerber, MD).
of the acromioclavicular joint and anterior shoulder
Fig. 3.35 Anterior deltoid strength. (a) The arms are elevate the arms against resistance provided by the exam-
abducted to 70° in scapular plane with the elbows flexed iner. (b) The test can also be performed with the elbows
to approximately 90°. The patient then attempts to further extended.
Aponeurosis of
biceps brachii
Fig. 3.38 (a) “Popeye” deformity due to rupture of the proximal LHB tendon (distal retraction). (b) “Popeye” defor-
mity due to rupture of the distal LHB tendon (proximal retraction).
Pectoralis major:
Clavicular head minor
Sternal head
Fig. 3.41 Illustrations showing the general anatomy of the pectoralis major (sternal and clavicular heads) and pectora-
lis minor muscles.
the coracoid process (see Fig. 3.41). The medial and the resting position of the scapula, although
pectoral nerve provides motor innervation to the the investigators did not evaluate muscle length
muscle and is derived from the C8 and T1 spinal nor did they perform EMG testing to prove that
nerve roots. Reflection of the muscle anteriorly the pectoralis minor muscle was actually firing
would reveal the brachial plexus and the middle during their testing maneuvers. Many researchers
portion of the axillary artery. believe that the pectoralis minor plays a relatively
Based on the orientation of its fibers, the pec- small role in normal scapular kinematics. This is
toralis minor has been theorized to primarily supported by several case reports in which con-
cause scapular protraction and internal rotation. genital absence or isolated tearing of the pectora-
However, Diveta et al. [148] found no relation- lis minor did not result in significantly disability
ship between the strength of the pectoralis minor [149–151]. In addition, pectoralis minor tendon
70 3 Strength Testing
transfers have been performed for irreparable To prevent the patient from obtaining leverage,
anterosuperior rotator cuff tears [152] and tenot- the patient’s ipsilateral hand can be raised away
omies have been performed to decompress the from the table during testing. As with many other
thoracic outlet [153, 154] without any apparent examination maneuvers, this test likely does not
effects on scapular motion. On the other hand, isolate the pectoralis minor and is probably best
tightness of the pectoralis minor has been found used as a screening tool in high-functioning
to cause scapular malposition and may also be patients with shoulder discomfort.
involved with altered scapular motion [155, 156]
and subacromial impingement [157–159].
Although isolated lesions of the pectoralis 3.5 Conclusion
minor are rarely reported, they are probably
underdiagnosed as a result of their relatively The mechanisms involved with shoulder motion
benign course. In one small case series, Bhatia are complex and weakness of any of the individ-
et al. [160] described an overuse insertional ual components can result in pain and dysfunc-
tendinitis of the pectoralis minor in five weight- tion. Although only a few important strength tests
lifters; however, the diagnosis was subjectively should be selected for any given patient to sup-
assumed after injection near the medial border of port a diagnosis, these maneuvers can provide
the coracoid resulted in symptomatic relief. Other important clues to the underlying diagnosis
than a case report by Mehallo [150] in 2004, we which can help guide the use of provocative tests.
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Rotator Cuff Disorders
Rotator cuff disease ranks among the most The rotator cuff is often conceptualized as being
common musculoskeletal disorders to be composed of four separate muscles, tendons, and
encountered in clinical practice. As a result, we insertion sites that each has its designated func-
have witnessed a rapid evolution in diagnostic tions. However, in reality, although each muscle
methods and treatment options for the entire belly arises from different areas of the scapular
spectrum of rotator cuff disorders over the past body, their tendons converge and coalesce to
few decades. form a single, continuous tendon sheet that
The derangement of normal anatomy and sub- inserts upon the greater and lesser tuberosities of
sequent rotator cuff impingement is often cited as the proximal humerus (Fig. 4.1). This structural
the primary cause for rotator cuff disease. configuration suggests that the individual mus-
However, the undersurface of the coracoacromial cles of the rotator cuff work simultaneously and
arch may not always be the culprit in this com- in synchrony to achieve its primary function—to
plex array of syndromes. Traumatic events, repet- dynamically stabilize and compress the humeral
itive microtrauma, and glenohumeral instability head within the glenoid fossa [2].
may also be causative in a large proportion of Maintenance of a stable fulcrum requires bal-
patients. These factors, among others, are impor- anced axial and coronal plane force couples
tant to consider when evaluating the patient with (Fig. 4.2) [3, 4]. This concept, initially developed
a suspected rotator cuff lesion. by Burkhart [4] in 1991, is produced by the stra-
Therefore, proficiency in the physical diagno- tegic anatomic positioning of the muscles around
sis of various rotator cuff lesions requires a solid the shoulder. Specifically, the combined actions
differential diagnosis, an appreciation of normal of the anterior cuff (i.e., the subscapularis) and
anatomy and biomechanics and the awareness the posterior cuff (i.e., the infraspinatus) work to
that surrounding structures involved with normal compress the humeral head within the glenoid
function may also contribute to pathologic condi- fossa due to their parallel force vectors in the
tions. This is important not only for the initial axial plane. In the coronal plane, contraction of
examination by the treating physician, but also each rotator cuff muscle and the deltoid muscle
for the teams of individuals who care for these also generates a net force vector that drives the
patients. humeral head medially against the glenoid.
R.J. Warth and P.J. Millett, Physical Examination of the Shoulder: An Evidence-Based Approach, 77
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2593-3_4, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
78 4 Rotator Cuff Disorders
Fig. 4.1 Cadaveric dissection photographs demonstrat- interval between the supraspinatus (SS) and the infraspi-
ing the coalescence of the rotator cuff tendons as they natus (IS). (b) View from posteriorly showing the approx-
approach their respective insertion sites on the humerus. imately interval between the infraspinatus (IS) and teres
(a) View from posterosuperiorly showing the approximate minor (TM). (From Dugas et al. [1]; with permission).
Fig. 4.2 Illustration highlighting the important force head medially towards the glenoid fossa. (b) The com-
couples that help maintain concavity compression and bined actions of the subscapularis (S) and the infraspina-
overall glenohumeral stability. (a) The combined actions tus (I) make up the axial plane force couple and also work
of the deltoid muscle (D) and the rotator cuff (C) make up to drive the humeral head medially towards the glenoid
the transverse plane force couple and pull the humeral fossa.
Disruption of any of these force couples, as in the addition to providing a stable fulcrum for motion,
case of a rotator cuff tear or deltoid weakness, balanced force couples (with resulting concavity
can produce disordered shoulder function through compression) improve glenohumeral stability by
a variety of mechanisms. This concept led to the increasing the force and degree of humeral angu-
biomechanical principle of concavity compres- lation required for the humeral head to translate
sion, described by Lippitt and Matsen [5] in over the glenoid rim in any direction (i.e., an
1993, in which the balanced, parallel force cou- increased balance stability angle, as discussed in
ples generated by the rotator cuff and deltoid Chap. 6). It is easy to imagine that disruption of
compress the convex humeral head into the con- axial or coronal plane force couples would result
cave glenoid fossa thereby enhancing glenohu- in dysfunction of the concavity compression
meral stability in the mid-ranges of motion. In mechanism leading to scapular dyskinesis and
4.2 Anatomy and Biomechanics 79
a b
Rotator Supraspinatus
crescent Rotator
Rotator crescent
Supraspinatus Rotator
Teres minor
Fig. 4.3 (a) Superior and (b) posterior view illustrating force dispersion which helps to prevent tension overload
the position of the rotator cable. The rotator cable is a within the rotator crescent (the area of tendon surrounded
thickened area of the rotator cuff that provides a path for by the rotator cable).
subsequent shoulder discomfort (see Chap. 9 for margins of the cuff tear increases exponentially
more information on scapular dyskinesis and its as the size of the tear increases.
relationship with rotator cuff tears). Anterior or posterior extension of a rotator
The rotator cable, described by Burkhart [3] in cuff tear can also occur as a result of the disrup-
1993 as a part of the “suspension bridge model,” tion of balanced force couples. A study by
is a thickened area of tendon that extends across Hughes and An [8] found that normal supraspi-
the supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons natus tendons exerted a maximum force of
which biomechanically allows their respective approximately 175 N whereas normal infraspi-
forces of contraction to disperse along the length natus tendons exerted a maximum force of
of the cable, eventually concentrating at its ante- greater than 900 N. This has important implica-
rior and posterior insertion sites (Fig. 4.3). The tions for the development and progression of
rotator cable surrounds a crescent-shaped area of rotator cuff tears—posterior extension of a tear
tendon (i.e., the rotator crescent) that is some- into the infraspinatus tendon dramatically
what protected from the strong forces produced increases the force applied to the remaining
by the supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons as intact tendon sheet which can accelerate tear
a result of the function of the rotator cable. The progression. Because the force exerted by the
force couple principle in combination with the infraspinatus must be similar to that of the sub-
function of the rotator cable may provide an scapularis to maintain balanced force couples,
explanation as to why some patients are able to this concept of tear extension can also be applied
maintain adequate shoulder function despite the anteriorly into the subscapularis muscle. Thus,
presence of a large full-thickness supraspinatus anterior or posterior extension of a rotator cuff
tear. However, recent evidence suggests that the tear into the subscapularis and/or the infraspina-
load-sharing capability of the rotator cuff is tus tendons, respectively, disrupts the balance of
diminished in the presence of a partial- or full- native force couples which also accelerates tear
thickness tear which subsequently promotes tear progression. Longitudinal (or medial) tear
extension [6, 7]. In other words, the defect in the extension of the supraspinatus with or without
cuff tendon decreases the available area required retraction can also disrupt glenohumeral kine-
to disperse normal tensile forces produced by matics; however, the pathomechanism typically
muscle contraction. Because these normal con- involves proximal humeral head migration,
traction forces must be transmitted (and re- highlighting the importance of the rotator cuff
directed) through a smaller area of intact tendon, as a dynamic depressor of the humeral head
the magnitude of stress concentration along the (Fig. 4.4).
80 4 Rotator Cuff Disorders
Fig. 4.4 (a) Anteroposterior (AP) radiograph demon- a patient with a massive rotator cuff tear. Proximal migra-
strating a normal acromiohumeral distance (red arrow) in tion of the humerus and a subsequent decrease in the acro-
a patient with an intact rotator cuff. (b) AP radiograph of miohumeral distance (red arrow) can be seen.
a Coracoacromial b Coracoacromial
ligament Acromion ligament Coracoid
Coracoacromial arch
Labrum LHB tendon
Infraspinatus Joint capsule
Teres minor
IGHL (Anterior band)
IGHL (Posterior band) Axillary pouch
Fig. 4.5 (a) Anterior view of the coracoacromial liga- romial ligament, and the posterior aspect of the coracoid.
ment with the rotator cuff musculature passing closely With the humeral head removed, the rotator cuff muscula-
beneath. (b) Sagittal view of the coracoacromial arch ture can be seen traveling closely beneath the coracoacro-
which is made up of the anterolateral acromion, coracoac- mial arch.
Subacromial Impingement
Neutral Abduction
a b
Fig. 4.6 (a) Anteroposterior (AP) cross-section view of resting position. (b) When the humerus is elevated, the
the shoulder illustrating the position of the supraspinatus supraspinatus and subacromial bursa can make contact
muscle-tendon unit and the subacromial bursa relative to with the undersurface of the acromion, often resulting in
the inferior acromion when the humerus is in a neutral rotator cuff pathology with impingement-like symptoms.
Neer’s description of the stages of impinge- While there are several studies that support this
ment syndrome is one of the most popular mechanism [11, 13, 14], the precise etiology
pathomechanistic explanations behind the and location of subacromial impingement is
development of chronic rotator cuff disease. debatable.
82 4 Rotator Cuff Disorders
Fig. 4.13 (a) Axial slide showing the microvascular pat- Arrows correspond to the region of avascularity and aster-
tern of the supraspinatus tendon. (b) Coronal slide show- isks indicate the location of the supraspinatus footprint on
ing the microvascular pattern of the supraspinatus tendon. the greater tuberosity. (From [65] with permission).
that were present before the injection usually Both Fodor et al. [73] and Kelly et al. [79] used
confirms the diagnosis. This technique is usually ultrasonic evaluation to determine the sensitivity
referred to as the Neer impingement test which and specificity of the Neer sign in the diagnosis of
should not be confused with the Neer impinge- subacromial impingement. Interestingly, although
ment sign (described below). each study reported similar sensitivity values,
their specificity values were divergent (95 % and Neer Impingement Sign 10 %, respectively). These results highlight the
The Neer impingement sign, first described by significant variability that may exist in the perfor-
Neer [10] in 1972, is elicited by passive and max- mance and interpretation of physical examination
imal forward elevation of the humerus and stabi- findings, specifically with regard to subacromial
lization of the scapula with the examiner’s impingement syndrome. Nevertheless, Hegedus
contralateral hand (Fig. 4.14). Stabilization of the et al. [81] attempted to account for various con-
scapula is essential to maximize the utility of the founding factors and study quality in a recent
test since upward rotation of the scapula (and meta-analysis. In that study, the overall calculated
therefore the acromion) with forward elevation sensitivity of the Neer impingement sign was
will decrease the likelihood of reproducing cuff 72 % while its overall specificity was approxi-
impingement under the acromion. Reproduction mately 60 %. Clearly, this maneuver is not ade-
of the patient’s symptoms is indicative of a posi- quate to diagnose subacromial impingement in
tive test. Several investigators have evaluated the isolation; however, combination of its results with
clinical efficacy of the Neer impingement sign in those obtained from the Hawkins–Kennedy test
its ability to accurately diagnose subacromial and the painful arc sign (described below) are
impingement (Table 4.1) [72, 73, 75, 76, 78, 80]. likely to improve diagnostic accuracy.
88 4 Rotator Cuff Disorders
axial MRI scans) are most likely caused by intrinsic and extrinsic factors that lead to a nar-
external tendon compression (Fig. 4.17) [86, rowed coracohumeral interval. There are numerous
88]. potential secondary causes for subcoracoid
impingement. Malunited fractures of the glenoid
neck, proximal humerus, glenoid or coracoid can
4.4.1 Pathogenesis impinge upon the subscapularis muscle, thus
resulting in anterior shoulder pain [85]. Importantly,
In 1909, Goldthwait [89] first described the con- patients with anterior glenohumeral instability (dis-
cept of subcoracoid impingement as it related to cussed in Chap. 6) may also present with subcora-
anterior shoulder pain. Many years later, Gerber coid impingement due to increased anterior
et al. [85] first described the surgical manage- translation of the humerus which subsequently nar-
ment of coracoid impingement and noted that the rows the coracohumeral interval. Iatrogenic causes
coracoid process was potentially involved with can include any type of anterior shoulder surgery,
pathology of the anterosuperior cuff tendons potentially causing the formation of subcoracoid
(subscapularis tendon and the anterior portion of adhesions and a functionally narrowed coracohu-
the supraspinatus tendon), subcoracoid bursa, meral interval. Idiopathic causes may include gan-
and the long head of the biceps tendon. glion cysts, congenitally malformed coracoid
Subcoracoid impingement can have primary, processes or subscapularis calcifications.
secondary, or idiopathic causes. Although primary Recently, several studies have described the
subcoracoid impingement has been relatively various morphologic characteristics of the cora-
understudied, it probably involves multiple coid and their potential roles in the development
4.4 Subcoracoid Impingement 91
Fig. 4.17 (a) Axial MRI slice demonstrating measure- aspect of the coracoid process. The distanced traveled by
ment of the coracoid index and the coracohumeral interval the white arrow represents the coracohumeral interval. (b)
with the humerus internally rotated. The white line con- Illustration depicting the mechanism of impingement
nects the anterior and posterior glenoid rim. The double- between the lesser tuberosity and the posterior aspect of
headed red arrow lies perpendicular to the white line and the coracoid. When the humerus is internally rotated, the
travels to the most lateral tip of the coracoid process. The coracoid induces a “roller wringer” effect on the subscap-
distance traveled by the red arrow represents the coracoid ularis tendon which induces stretching and tearing of the
index. The double-headed white arrow represents the dis- tendon when the coracohumeral interval is narrowed [87].
tance between the lesser tuberosity and the most posterior Subcoracoid Impingement Test is similar to the cross-body adduction test for
The subcoracoid impingement test, which is a acromioclavicular (AC) joint pathology, it is
modified version of the Hawkins–Kennedy test, important to note the precise location and quality
is useful to perform in any patient with shoulder of the pain that is generated by the test (i.e., pain
discomfort, especially anteriorly. The test is per- at the top of the shoulder is more likely associ-
formed by placing the patient’s arm in 90° of for- ated with AC joint pathology; see Chap. 7 for fur-
ward flexion, submaximal internal rotation and ther details). Although this test has not been fully
90° of elbow flexion. From this position, the evaluated in the literature, we have found the test
patient’s arm is progressively adducted and inter- useful to identify patients with chronic lesions
nally rotated. As the arm is adducted and inter- involving the subscapularis tendon. Because the
nally rotated, the patient with subcoracoid subscapularis muscle makes a significant contri-
impingement will complain of a dull anterior bution to the bicipital sheath, testing for pathol-
shoulder pain (Fig. 4.18). Because this maneuver ogy of the long head of the biceps tendon is also
indicated when subcoracoid impingement is sus-
pected (physical examination of the long head of
the biceps tendon is discussed in Chap. 5).
Jobe Test
The Jobe test [19] is often performed to elicit
weakness as a result of supraspinatus tearing. To
perform the test, the arms are passively placed in
90° of abduction in the scapular plane with the
thumbs pointed downward (i.e., the “empty can”
position; Fig. 4.22). From this position, the exam-
iner places their hands on the top of the patient’s
forearms and applies a downward pressure while
the patient resists. A positive test occurs when
asymmetric weakness occurs in the affected
shoulder. Although this test isolates the supraspi-
natus muscle-tendon unit, clinical weakness can
be simulated by the presence of significant pain.
To alleviate some of this pain and to more directly
evaluate supraspinatus strength, the test can be
repeated with the thumbs pointed upward (i.e.,
Fig. 4.21 Rent test. While holding the patient’s forearm the “full can” position [108]; Fig. 4.23). This
with one hand, the examiner palpates the region just infe- maneuver is thought to position the greater tuber-
rior to the anterolateral aspect of the acromion (i.e., osity away from the coracoacromial arch and
Codman’s point). With the humerus slightly abducted and may therefore decrease the pain associated with
extended, the patient’s arm is internally and externally
rotated while the examiner simultaneously palpates the mechanical cuff impingement.
supraspinatus. A positive test occurs when a sulcus is felt
by the examiner regardless of the presence of pain. Drop Arm Sign
In some patients with massive supraspinatus
detection of rotator cuff tears. Lyons and tears, the patient may be unable to hold the arm
Tomlinson [107] calculated a sensitivity of 91 % abducted against the force of gravity as the arm
and a specificity of 75 % after performing the test drops back to the patient’s side. This is called
during strength testing in a series of 45 patients. “drop arm sign” (not to be confused with the
Wolf and Agrawal [101] calculated a sensitivity “drop sign,” as discussed below) and is indicative
of 96 and 97 % when test results were compared of a large supraspinatus/infraspinatus tear
with MRI and surgical findings; however, all 109 (Fig. 4.24). Although sensitivity and specificity
patients in this study had a previous diagnosis of data for the Jobe test and drop arm sign are mod-
subacromial impingement. Ponce et al. [106] per- est, the combination of both maneuvers is thought
formed the examination in 63 patients who pre- to improve diagnostic accuracy (Table 4.4).
sented with shoulder pain and compared the
results to a standardized MRI sequence. Their Infraspinatus
results suggest that the rent test was more valu- The identification of an external rotation deficit
able in the detection of full-thickness tears when (infraspinatus/teres minor tear) is initially found
compared to any of the partial-thickness tears. during the general strength survey with the
In addition, sensitivity and specificity values resisted external rotation maneuvers. However,
96 4 Rotator Cuff Disorders
Fig. 4.23 Jobe test in the “full can” position. Both arms A positive test occurs when asymmetric weakness occurs
are placed in approximately 90° of abduction within the involving the affected shoulder. This variation of the Jobe
scapular plane and externally rotated (thumbs pointed test is thought to reduce the pain associated with supraspi-
upward). The patient then attempts to further abduct natus impingement and may be more sensitive to actual
the humerus against resistance applied by the examiner. weakness rather than guarding due to impingement.
this finding is often subtle or masked by placed in 20–30° of external rotation. A positive
significant pain. The external rotation lag sign is external rotation lag sign occurs when the patient
an effective alternative that eliminates the effect is unable to hold this externally rotated position
of pain on external rotation function. (estimate the amount of internal rotation that
occurs, corresponding to degrees of lag;
External Rotation Lag Sign Fig. 4.25). Given recent evidence that the supra-
To elicit the external rotation lag sign, the arm is spinatus may contribute up to 20 % of the total
kept at the patient’s side and the elbow is flexed contraction strength detected when this test is
90°. From this position, the humerus is passively performed in normal shoulders [114], this clinical
4.6 Rotator Cuff Tears 97
Fig. 4.24 (a) Clinical photograph demonstrating the drop tor cuff tear and coracoacromial ligament rupture. This
arm sign in which the patient is unable to hold the humerus image highlights the stabilizing effect of the supraspinatus
in an abducted position. Notice that the shoulder also which, in normal individuals, prevents superior humeral
“shrugs” in an attempt to compensate for rotator cuff head migration. Source: Defranco MJ, Walch G. Current
weakness. (b) Clinical photograph demonstrating antero- issues in reverse total shoulder arthroplasty. J Musculoskel
superior escape of the humeral head due to a massive rota- Med 2011;28:85–94.
Table 4.4 Diagnostic efficacies of the Jobe test and the drop arm sign in the detection of supraspinatus tears
Diagnostic efficacy of the Jobe test and drop arm sign
Investigators Maneuver Pathology Standard LR+ LR− Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%)
Itoi et al. [109] Empty can FTT Arthroscopy 1.75 0.30 87 43
Kim et al. [110] Empty can FTT/PTT MRI/arthroscopy 2.62 0.34 76 71
Itoi et al. [109] Full can FT Arthroscopy 1.77 0.32 83 53
Kim et al. [110] Full can FTT/PTT MRI/arthroscopy 2.41 0.34 77 32
Bak et al. [111] Drop arm FT Ultrasound 2.41 0.71 41 83
Miller et al. [112] Drop arm FTPST Ultrasound 3.20 0.30 73 77
FTT full-thickness tear, PTT partial-thickness tear, FTPST full-thickness posterosuperior tear (tear propagation to
involve both supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons), LR likelihood ratio
finding may help identify patients with a postero- subscapularis tear with moderate to good
superior cuff tear (i.e., involving the supraspina- sensitivity and specificity (Table 4.6). According
tus and infraspinatus) since most studies report to a recent retrospective analysis in 52 shoulders
good sensitivity and specificity values (Table 4.5). with subscapularis tears, the overall sensitivity
The test is less useful for isolated supraspinatus was found to be 81 % when at least one of these
tears due to conflicting clinical data [111, 115]. three tests were positive [121].
Fig. 4.25 External rotation lag sign. (a) With the arm at the amount of subsequent internal rotation indicates the
the side and the elbow flexed to 90°, the examiner pas- degrees of lag. (b) Clinical photographs demonstrating a
sively places the humerus between 20° and 30° of external positive external rotation lag sign in a patient with a mas-
rotation. The examiner then removes their hand and asks sive posterosuperior cuff tear. (Part B from Hertel et al.
the patient to hold this position. Inability to hold this posi- [113]; with permission).
tion indicates a positive external rotation lag sign where
4.6 Rotator Cuff Tears 99
Table 4.5 Diagnostic efficacy of the external rotation lag sign in the detection of posterosuperior cuff tears
Diagnostic efficacy of the external rotation lag sign
Investigators Maneuver Pathology Standard LR+ LR− Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%)
Bak et al. [111] ERLS FTT—Supraspinatus Ultrasound 5.00 0.60 77 26
Castoldi et al. [115] ERLS FTT—Supraspinatus Arthroscopy 28.0 0.45 56 98
Castoldi et al. [115] ERLS FTT—Supra & infra Arthroscopy 13.9 0.03 97 93
Miller et al. [112] ERLS FTT—Supra/infra Ultrasound 7.20 0.60 46 94
Castoldi et al. [115] ERLS FTT—Teres minor Arthroscopy 14.3 0.00 100 93
ERLS external rotation lag sign, FTT full-thickness tear, RCT rotator cuff tear, LR likelihood ratio
Fig. 4.26 Clinical photographs demonstrating increased passive external rotation capacity in a patient with a subscapu-
laris tear involving the right shoulder. (a) Anterior view. (b) Sagittal view.
Table 4.6 Diagnostic efficacies of the belly-press, lift-off and bear-hug tests for the detection of subscapularis tears
Diagnostic efficacy of the subscapularis strength tests
Investigators Maneuver Pathology Standard LR+ LR− Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%)
Bartsch et al. [116] Belly press Subscap tear Arthroscopy 9.67 0.14 86 91
Yoon et al. [117] Belly press Subscap tear Arthroscopy 28.0 0.73 28 99
Bartsch et al. [116] Lift-off Subscap tendinopathy Arthroscopy 1.90 0.76 40 79
Naredo et al. [118] Lift-off Subscap tendinopathy Ultrasound 7.20 0.67 50 84
Kim et al. [119] Lift-off Subscap tendinopathy Ultrasound 1.30 0.70 69 48
Salaffi et al. [77] Lift-off Subscap tendinopathy Ultrasound 1.45 0.85 35 75
Itoi et al. [109] Lift-off Subscap tear Arthroscopy 1.90 0.4 46 69
Yoon et al. [117] Lift-off Subscap tear Arthroscopy – 0.88 12 100
Bartsch et al. [116] Lift-off Subscap tendinopathy Arthroscopy 1.30 0.64 71 60
Millar et al. [68] Lift-off Subscap tear Ultrasound 6.20 0.00 100 84
Yoon et al. [117] Lift-off Subscap tear Arthroscopy 6.70 0.82 20 97
Barth et al. [120] Bear-hug Subscap tear Arthroscopy 7.50 0.43 60 92
LR likelihood ratio
100 4 Rotator Cuff Disorders
Fig. 4.28 Clinical photographs demonstrating a positive patient is attempting to pull his right hand towards the
belly-press test in a patient with a subscapularis tear abdomen. Notice that the elbow falls posteriorly in both
involving the right shoulder. In both images (a and b), the images when compared to the patient in Fig. 4.27.
Bear-Hug Test
The bear-hug test is thought to cause near maxi-
mal activation of the subscapularis muscle; how-
ever, it has not been extensively studied with
regard to sensitivity or specificity. We have found
this test to be useful on some occasions when
other subscapularis tests are inconclusive. In the
most common version of the test, the patient first
Fig. 4.29 The lift-off test. In this test, the dorsum of the places the palm of the ipsilateral hand over the
patient’s hand is placed over the lumbar spine. The exam- contralateral AC joint. With the tip of the elbow
iner lifts the hand away from the spine and asks the patient
pointed directly forward, the patient is then
to hold this position. A positive test occurs when the arm
falls back towards the spine. instructed to push down onto the top of the shoul-
der without allowing the elbow to fall inferiorly
(Fig. 4.31). A positive test occurs when the
patient is unable to maintain the elbow in a hori-
lag (defined as the number of degrees of invol- zontal plane [120, 124]. Alternatively, the exam-
untary external rotation that occurs following iner may also attempt to pull the arm away from
release of the patient’s hand) using this test the shoulder while simultaneously applying an
given the awkward patient-clinician position- external rotation force—a positive test occurs
ing that is required. Using the same testing when the patient is unable to keep their hand on
position, a positive modified lift-off test refers top of the shoulder. To obtain the most reliable
to a patient’s inability to actively lift the hand results, it is important to confirm that the patient’s
away from the lumbar spine against resistance fingers are extended (i.e., not wrapped over the
(without extending the elbow via the triceps top of the shoulder) to prevent them from gener-
muscle). Based on our interpretation of the ating increased resistance by grabbing the shoul-
results presented by Hertel et al. [113], it may der [120]. Using this method, Barth et al. [120]
be possible for an experienced examiner to esti- calculated a sensitivity of 60 % and a sensitivity
mate the extent of subscapularis involvement of 91.7 % in a series of 68 patients who under-
by judging the amount of applied force neces- went subsequent diagnostic arthroscopy to con-
sary to cause the humerus to externally rotate. firm (or reject) the presence (or absence) of a
Theoretically, a smaller applied force would subscapularis tear.
102 4 Rotator Cuff Disorders
Several studies report that the upper and lower 0°, 45°, or 90° of shoulder flexion. Therefore,
portions of the subscapularis are differentially tests for subscapularis strength should currently
activated with the belly-press and lift-off tests, be viewed as an evaluation of the entire
potentially providing ancillary diagnostic utility muscle-tendon unit rather than individual regions
for these tests [75, 124–127]. Although Pennock of the muscle.
et al. [128] showed that the subscapularis muscle
was electromyographically activated dispropor- Teres Minor
tionately more than any other rotator cuff muscle Hornblower’s Sign
during the belly-press and lift-off tests, their Weakness of the teres minor muscle is rarely
results indicated that the upper and lower por- isolated and is usually caused by inferior
tions of the subscapularis were not activated at extension of a posterosuperior rotator cuff tear.
different magnitudes depending on the clinical Hornblower’s sign (or “drop sign” [113]) is
test. Chao et al. [124] arrived at similar results another type of lag sign which is primarily used
regardless of whether the test was performed at to detect posterosuperior tears with inferior
4.7 Summary 103
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Disorders of the Long Head
of the Biceps Tendon 5
R.J. Warth and P.J. Millett, Physical Examination of the Shoulder: An Evidence-Based Approach, 109
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2593-3_5, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
110 5 Disorders of the Long Head of the Biceps Tendon
Infraspinatus Joint capsule
Teres minor
Fig. 5.5 Illustrations showing the most common glenolabral anatomic variations. The sublabral recess, sublabral fora-
men, and Buford complex are shown.
maintained by the capsuloligamentous restraints bicipital groove and contributes to the bicipital
within the rotator interval. The rotator interval is sheath (discussed below). The contents of the
a triangular area in the anterosuperior aspect of interval include the LHB tendon, the superior
the glenohumeral joint (Fig. 5.6). The medial glenohumeral ligament (SGHL), the coracohu-
base of the triangle is located at the coracoid pro- meral ligament (CHL), and the glenohumeral
cess. The anterior margin of the supraspinatus joint capsule [11]. A more detailed description of
and the superior margin of the subscapularis the structure, function, and pathologies associ-
make up the superior and inferior borders of the ated with the rotator interval can be found in
rotator interval triangle, respectively. The lateral Chap. 6.
apex of the rotator interval is composed of the As the LHB tendon courses towards the bicip-
transverse humeral ligament which covers the ital groove, the SGHL and the CHL form a sling
112 5 Disorders of the Long Head of the Biceps Tendon
around the LHB tendon, primarily preventing its The bicipital sheath is another complex structure
medial subluxation. This sling extends to the through which the LHB tendon traverses as it
most anterior portion of the rotator cable and the passes through the bicipital groove (see Fig. 5.7).
biceps reflection pulley (BRP) at the proximal The floor of this sheath is formed from the coales-
end of the bicipital groove [12]. The BRP, derived cence of the SGHL and the subscapularis tendons
from the coalition of the SGHL, CHL, and the at the superior aspect of the lesser tuberosity.
upper 1/3 of the subscapularis tendon, redirects These fibers then travel laterally, forming the
the anterolateral course of the LHB tendon such floor of the bicipital sheath. The roof of the sheath
that the tendon travels directly inferiorly along is mostly composed of fibers from both the supra-
the anterior humeral shaft (Fig. 5.7). Habermeyer spinatus and CHL ligaments. All of these fibers
et al. [14] described a 30–40° inferior turn of the (the floor and the roof of the sheath) combine to
LHB tendon as it exited the joint via the form a continuous ring around the LHB tendon as
BRP. Tearing of the subscapularis in this region, it passes through the bicipital groove thus provid-
often known as a “pulley lesion,” can allow ing tendon stability (Fig. 5.9). A recent biome-
medial subluxation of the LHB tendon producing chanical study by Kwon et al. [17] found that the
a painful “popping” or “snapping” sensation as subscapularis tendon was the most important sta-
the arm is moved (Fig. 5.8). In addition, a biome- bilizer of the LHB tendon within the bicipital
chanical study by Braun et al. [16] found that the groove since tears of the subscapularis in this
LHB tendon slides up to 18 mm in and out of the area almost always resulted in medial sublux-
joint with forward flexion and internal rotation, ation of the LHB tendon.
respectively. Therefore, the LHB tendon itself is The bony structure of the bicipital groove can
subjected to significant mechanical stresses in the also play a role in pathologies of the LHB tendon.
area of the BRP which can lead to tendonitis, In a radiographic study by Pfahler et al. [18], the
tearing or rupture of the LHB. opening angle of the groove in patients without
5.2 Anatomy and Biomechanics 113
Supraspinatus CHL
Fig. 5.7 (a) Illustration showing the structure of the (b) Arthroscopic image showing anteromedial (AM) and
bicipital sheath and biceps reflection pulley as the posterolateral (PL) BRPs. (From Elser et al. [13]; with
LHB tendon travels away from the glenohumeral joint. permission).
Fig. 5.8 Classification of pulley lesions as proposed by Bennett [15]. Note that medial subluxation of the LHB tendon
is much more common than lateral subluxation.
114 5 Disorders of the Long Head of the Biceps Tendon
LHB tendon pathology was between 101° and studies demonstrate that sympathetic innervation
120° with the medial wall having a greater height of the proximal LHB tendon may play a role in
than the lateral wall. Patients with a shallow the pathogenesis of shoulder pain.
groove or a lower medial wall may also be sus-
ceptible to subluxation of the LHB tendon.
The vascular supply to the LHB tendon near 5.2.2 Biomechanics
the biceps-labral complex is variably derived
from the suprascapular, circumflex scapular and Although the anatomy of the proximal LHB ten-
posterior circumflex humeral arteries [10]. don has been well described, its precise function
Vascularity of the tendon is richest near its origin has been debated for many years. Most studies
and dissipates prior to entering the bicipital that have aimed to describe its function are based
groove where the tendon is avascular and fibro- on cadaveric models that focus on glenohumeral
cartilaginous. This infrastructure helps prevent stability.
tendon injury from the sliding action of the LHB Pagnani et al. [21] used ten cadaveric shoul-
within the sheath of the groove. Similarly, inner- ders to show that decreased anterior, superior, and
vation of the LHB tendon is concentrated near its inferior humeral head translation occurred when a
anchor and dissipates as the tendon travels dis- simulated load of 55 N was applied to the LHB
tally [19]. This arrangement was described as a tendon in lower angles of elevation. Rodosky
“net-like” pattern of sympathetic fibers by et al. [22] used a dynamic cadaveric shoulder
Alpantaki et al. [19] in a cadaveric study using model to simulate the forces typically applied to
neurofilament antibodies (Fig. 5.10). In addition, both the rotator cuff and the LHB tendons. They
Tosounidis et al. [20] demonstrated the presence found that the LHB tendon contributed to gleno-
of sympathetic α1-adrenergic receptors along the humeral stability by resisting torsional forces in
LHB tendon in cadaveric specimens with known the abducted and externally rotated position. The
acute and chronic shoulder conditions. These authors also noted a significantly increased strain
applied to the anterior band of the inferior gleno-
humeral ligament (IGHL) when the biceps-labral
complex was detached from its anchor at the
superior aspect of the glenoid. This study pro-
vides some evidence that SLAP tears may con-
tribute to increased anterior humeral head
translation that is often found during physical
examination (see Chap. 6 for more details
regarding glenohumeral laxity and instability).
More recently, Youm et al. [23] showed that the
LHB tendon contributed significantly to anterior,
Fig. 5.9 Illustration highlighting the structures involved posterior, superior, and inferior translation of the
with a normal bicipital sheath [101]. humeral head when a 22 N load was applied.
Rotational range of motion and scapulohumeral don dynamically stabilized the humeral head,
kinematics were also affected when a load was regardless of elbow activity. Other studies on
applied to the LHB tendon. Alexander et al. [102] pitching biomechanics found that the biceps may
also noted a decrease in humeral head translation primarily function as a stabilizer of the elbow
in all directions when a 20 N load was applied to during flexion and supination with little effect on
the LHB tendon. Su et al. [24] studied the effects shoulder stability [29, 30]. Thus, the effect of the
of the LHB tendon in cadaveric shoulders with LHB tendon on glenohumeral kinematics remains
variably sized rotator cuff tears. In their study, a controversial with respect to the most current
significant decrease in anterosuperior and supe- EMG literature.
rior humeral head translation occurred when a Both cadaveric and EMG studies have pro-
55 N load was applied to the LHB tendon. duced an incomplete picture of how the LHB ten-
Itoi et al. [25] contested that both the LHB and don actually functions with regard to
the short head of the biceps contribute signifi- glenohumeral kinematics. Therefore, in vivo
cantly to glenohumeral joint stability, particu- studies have also been conducted to help solve
larly in positions of abduction and external the mystery. Warner and MacMahon [31] studied
rotation when a simulated load of 1.5 and 3.0 kg a group of seven patients with rupture of the
were applied. This contribution to stability was proximal LHB tendon and compared humeral
particularly robust after attenuation of anterior head translation to their unaffected shoulders by
stabilizing structures had occurred. In another true anteroposterior radiographs. In their study,
biomechanical study, Kumar et al. [26] showed radiographs were obtained in 0°, 45°, 90°, and
that loading of the short head of the biceps alone 120° of abduction in the scapular plane. They
caused superior migration of the humeral head found that superior migration of the humeral
whereas tensioning of both the short head and the head was significantly increased in the shoulders
LHB simultaneously did not result in humeral with a ruptured LHB tendon compared to their
head translation in any direction. contralateral, unaffected shoulders at all angles
Although these studies suggest the role of the of abduction. Another radiographic study by
LHB tendon may be associated with glenohumeral Kido et al. [32] found similar results, noting that
stability, interpretation of dynamic shoulder mod- the humeral head was depressed as the LHB ten-
els is difficult since replication of the in vivo envi- don was stimulated. However, the accuracy of
ronment, including complex force couples and radiographic studies has been called into ques-
resting tension, is quite difficult to achieve. In addi- tion. Therefore, three-dimensional biplane fluo-
tion, the variability of simulated loads (11–55 N) roscopy, a modality which has sub-millimeter
makes their results difficult to compare, especially accuracy, has been used to study in vivo kinemat-
when the precise physiologic loads applied to the ics with improved accuracy during full muscle
LHB tendon in different angles of abduction and activation. A study by Giphart et al. [33] found
rotation are currently unknown. Thus, it is possible that, in five patients who underwent unilateral
that some studies may have obtained statistically open subpectoral biceps tenodesis, humeral head
significant results due to the application of non- translations of approximately 3 mm occurred in
physiologically high loads, making the results of both the affected and unaffected shoulders during
these studies difficult to interpret. active elevation. The authors also studied various
To help answer these questions, electromyo- loading conditions such as forward flexion with
graphic (EMG) studies have been performed to maximal biceps activity on EMG, abduction to
evaluate the effect of the LHB tendon on gleno- assess superior translation and a simulated throw
humeral kinematics. However, their findings (hyperabduction and external rotation) to evalu-
have been inconsistent to date. Levy et al. [27] ate anterior translation. Despite these loading
found that the LHB tendon aided in glenohu- conditions, the differences in translation between
meral stability both passively and in association tenodesed and normal shoulders was always
with forearm supination or flexion. In contrast, less than 1.0 mm, suggesting that the proximal
Sakurai et al. [28] determined that the LHB ten- LHB tendon may actually play a minimal role in
116 5 Disorders of the Long Head of the Biceps Tendon
Fig. 5.11 Depiction of humeral head translation with (a) foward flexion, (b) abduction and (c) a simulated throwing
motion. For each testing condition, biceps tenodesis resulted in minimal differences in humeral head translation when
compared to the contralateral shoulder with various loading conditions.
Fig. 5.12 Arthroscopic images demonstrating (a) a healthy LHB tendon and (b) an inflamed LHB tendon.
Fig. 5.13 Clinical photograph of Popeye deformity in results in distal retraction of the muscle belly whereas
(a) proximal LHB tendon rupture and (b) distal biceps distal biceps tendon rupture results in proximal retrac-
tendon rupture. Note that proximal LHB tendon rupture tion of the muscle belly. Palpation
There are several physical examination tests that
involve palpation of the LHB tendon on the ante-
rior aspect of the shoulder to detect peri-tendonitis
or tearing. However, rather than delving into each
individual palpation technique, it is most impor-
tant to realize that the bicipital groove faces
directly anteriorly when the humerus is slightly
internally rotated and tenderness with palpation
Fig. 5.14 Bicipital groove palpation. The LHB tendon is
of the groove will typically move laterally as the most easily palpated when the humerus is slightly inter-
humerus is externally rotated (Fig. 5.14). nally rotated. The examiner can also simultaneously inter-
Although testing for bicipital tenderness is non- nally and externally rotate the humerus to detect any
specific and examiner dependent, when present, evidence of subluxation.
it is sometimes helpful to rule out other patholo-
gies within the differential diagnosis. A recent groove tenderness to detect partial-thickness
study by Chen et al. [37] found that bicipital ten- tears of the LHB tendon; the authors calculated a
derness was 57 % sensitive and 74 % specific for sensitivity of only 53 % and a specificity of only
the presence of biceps tendonitis after confirma- 54 % using this diagnostic test. Thus, palpation
tion with ultrasonographic evaluation. Gill et al. of the bicipital groove should only be used to
[38] reported the diagnostic accuracy of bicipital document the presence or absence of bicipital
5.3 LHB Tendonitis, Tearing and Rupture 119
Table 5.1 Reported diagnostic efficacies of clinical tests used for the detection of LHB tendonitis
Maneuver Author(s) Year Pathology Diagnostic standard Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) LR+ LR−
Palpation Chen et al. [37] 2011 Tendonitis Ultrasound 57 74 2.2 0.58
Gill et al. [38] 2007 Partial tear Arthroscopy 53 54 1.15 0.87
Lift-off test Gill et al. [38] 2007 Partial tear Arthroscopy 28 89 2.5 0.81
Jia et al. [39] 2009 Tendonitis Arthroscopy 28 89 2.5 0.81
Speed test Gill et al. [38] 2007 Partial tear Arthroscopy 50 67 1.51 0.75
Kibler et al. [40] 2009 Tendonitis Arthroscopy 54 81 2.77 0.58
Jia et al. [39] 2009 Tendonitis Arthroscopy 50 67 1.52 0.75
Goyal et al. [41] 2010 Tendonitis Ultrasound 71 85 4.6 0.34
Salaffi et al. [42] 2010 Tendonitis Ultrasound 49 76 2.1 0.66
Chen et al. [37] 2011 Tendonitis Ultrasound 63 60 1.55 0.63
Yergason Oh et al. [43] 2007 Tendonitis Ultrasound 75 81 4.03 0.31
test Kibler et al. [40] 2009 Tendonitis Arthroscopy 41 79 1.94 0.74
Chen et al. [37] 2011 Tendonitis Ultrasound 32 78 1.47 0.87
LR likelihood ratio
5.5.1 Pathogenesis
Fig. 5.21 SLAP tear classification system developed by biceps; Type IV = bucket-handle tear with biceps exten-
Snyder et al. [63] and later modified by Maffett et al. [64] sion; Type V = SLAP tear combined with Bankart lesion;
Type 1 = degenerative fraying; Type II = extension into Type VI = unstable flap tear Type VII = extension into
biceps tendon; Type III = bucket-handle tear with intact middle glenohumeral ligament (MGHL).
purported to elicit symptoms related to SLAP (Fig. 5.22). Reproduction of the patient’s symp-
tears—deciding which techniques are most use- toms is regarded as a positive test.
ful is one of the more daunting aspects of the In Kibler’s original study of five groups of ath-
shoulder examination. The most common physi- letes [44], the sensitivity and specificity of the
cal examination maneuvers used to detect SLAP anterior slide test was calculated to be 78.4 and
tears are described below. Reported sensitivity, 91.5 %; however, this study did not involve a diag-
specificity, positive and negative likelihood ratio nostic gold standard. Later, Burkhart et al. [6] cal-
data for the detection of types II–IV SLAP tears culated a sensitivity of 100 % and a specificity of
are presented in Table 5.2. 47 % for the diagnosis of type II SLAP tears using
the anterior slide test. The investigators also found Anterior Slide Test that the anterior slide test was more accurate in the
First described by Kibler [44] in 1995, the ante- detection of anterior lesions when compared to
rior slide test utilizes the rationale that a combined posterior or combined anterior–posterior SLAP
compression and shear force applied to the torn lesions. A more recent study by Schlecter et al.
superior labrum will produce pain and/or mechan- [47] evaluated 254 patients using the anterior slide
ical symptoms such as clicking. To perform this test and correlated the results with arthroscopic
test, the patient is asked to place each hand on the findings. The investigators calculated a sensitivity
iliac crests with the thumb pointed posteriorly. of 21 % and a specificity of 98 % for the detection
The examiner stabilizes the scapula by placing of type II–IV SLAP tears using the anterior slide
one hand on the top of the affected shoulder and test. When the anterior slide test was performed in
the other hand across the epicondyles of the combination with the so-called passive distraction
affected arm. The examiner then applies an anter- test described by Rubin [28] (passive forearm pro-
osuperior axial load through the humerus directed nation with the humerus in 150° of abduction in
towards the anterosuperior aspect of the glenoid the scapular plane), the sensitivity was 70 % and
Table 5.2 Reported diagnostic efficacies of clinical tests used for the detection of SLAP tears
Diagnostic Sensitivity Specificity
Maneuver Author(s) Year Pathology standard (%) (%) LR+ LR−
Anterior slide Kibler [44] 1995 SLAP tear Arthroscopy 78 92 2.63 0.64
test McFarland et al. [45] 2002 SLAP tear Arthroscopy 8 84 0.50 2.0
Parentis et al. [46] 2002 SLAP tear Arthroscopy 10 82 0.55 1.10
Oh et al. [43] 2008 SLAP tear Arthroscopy 21 70 0.70 1.13
Schlecter et al. [47] 2009 SLAP tear Arthroscopy 21 98 10.5 0.81
Crank test Parentis et al. [46] 2002 SLAP tear Arthroscopy 13 83 0.76 1.05
Guanche and Jones [48] 2003 SLAP tear Arthroscopy 39 67 1.18 0.91
Active McFarland et al. [45] 2002 SLAP tear Arthroscopy 47 55 1.04 0.96
compression Parentis et al. [46] 2002 SLAP tear Arthroscopy 63 50 1.26 0.74
test Guanche and Jones [48] 2003 SLAP tear Arthroscopy 54 47 1.02 0.98
Myers et al. [49] 2005 SLAP tear Arthroscopy 78 11 0.88 2.00
Oh et al. [43] 2008 SLAP tear Arthroscopy 63 53 1.34 0.70
Ebinger et al. [50] 2008 SLAP tear Arthroscopy 94 28 1.31 0.21
Schlecter et al. [47] 2009 SLAP tear Arthroscopy 59 92 7.38 0.45
Jia et al. [39] 2009 SLAP tear Arthroscopy 53 58 1.26 0.81
Fowler et al. [51] 2010 SLAP tear Arthroscopy 64 43 1.12 0.84
Cook et al. [52] 2012 SLAP tear Arthroscopy 91 14 1.06 0.64
Biceps load Kim et al. [53] 2001 SLAP tear Arthroscopy 90 97 30.0 0.10
test II Oh et al. [43] 2008 SLAP tear Arthroscopy 30 78 1.36 0.90
Cook et al. [52] 2012 SLAP tear Arthroscopy 67 51 1.4 0.66
LR likelihood ratio
5.5 SLAP Tears 125
the specificity was 90 % for the detection of type [45, 74]; however, the clinical relevance of the
II–IV SLAP tears. The utility of the anterior slide type I SLAP lesion has been questioned.
test to detect type I SLAP lesions is less reliable Crank Test
The crank test was first described by Liu et al.
[75] in 1996 as a means to detect various types of
labral tears. This test can be performed with the
patient either standing or supine. The humerus is
maximally elevated with the elbow in approxi-
mately 20° of flexion. The examiner uses one
hand to hold the subject’s wrist while the other
hand is used to apply an axial force through the
humerus towards the glenoid. The humerus is
then rotated internally and externally against the
glenoid, producing mechanical shear across the
labrum (Fig. 5.23). Reproduction of the patient’s
symptoms is considered a positive test.
Liu et al. [75, 76] performed two studies eval-
uating the ability of the crank test to diagnose any
labral tear. However, the investigators were
unable to evaluate the difference between SLAP
tears and other labral tears (such as anterior or
posterior Bankart lesions) using this test. Mimori
et al. [77] performed the test on 15 baseball
players with shoulder pain and calculated a sensi-
tivity of 83 % and a specificity of 100 % for the
detection of SLAP tears using magnetic reso-
Fig. 5.22 Anterior slide test. In this test, the patient places nance arthrography (MRA) as the diagnostic
their hands over the iliac crests with the thumbs pointed poste- gold standard. However, Stetson and Templin
riorly. The examiner stabilizes the scapula with one hand and
applies an anterosuperiorly directed axial load through the [78] calculated a sensitivity of 46 % and a speci-
humerus towards the anterosuperior aspect of the glenoid. ficity of 56 % for the crank test in the diagnosis of
SLAP tears in a prospective series of 65 patients was relieved by the second maneuver (palm
over 45 years of age with shoulder pain. In their upward) indicated a positive test. O’Brien et al.
study, diagnosis was made via direct arthroscopic [79] calculated a sensitivity of 100 %, a specificity
visualization. In light of this evidence, we sug- of 99 %, a positive predictive value (PPV) of 95 %,
gest using the crank test in combination with and a negative predictive value of 100 % for the
other more sensitive and specific tests to aid in ability of the active compression test to diagnose
the physical diagnosis of SLAP tears. SLAP tears. However, these outstanding results
have never been reproduced despite numerous O’Brien Test (Active published attempts [39, 43, 45, 47–52, 74, 80, 81].
Compression Test) The active compression test has several impor-
The active compression test, first devised by tant limitations that warrant discussion. First, in
O’Brien et al. [79] in 1998, is a two-part test that the original study published by O’Brien et al.
was originally designed to aid in the diagnosis of [79], the investigators noted that this maneuver
SLAP tears. With the patient standing, the humerus also had some efficacy in the diagnosis of pathol-
is placed in 90° of forward flexion and approxi- ogy involving the acromioclavicular (AC) joint
mately 10° of horizontal adduction. From this (discussed further in Chap. 7). For these reasons,
position, the humerus is internally rotated such the authors recommended that clinicians deter-
that the thumb points towards the floor and the mine the location and quality of the pain that was
palm faces laterally. The patient is then asked to produced during the first portion of the test. Pain
resist a downward force applied to the forearm or that occurred “deep” in the shoulder was thought
wrist by the examiner. The arm is then positioned to be related to superior labral pathology whereas
with the palm facing upward and an identical pain that occurred at the top of the shoulder (i.e.,
downward force is applied to the distal arm near the AC joint) was thought to be related to
(Fig. 5.24). According to the original description, pathology involving the AC joint. Second,
the presence of deep-seated pain and/or clicking because the perception of pain related to different
with the first maneuver (thumb downward) that shoulder pathologies can vary significantly
Fig. 5.24 Active compression test. (a) With the patient ward force to the distal arm while the patient provides
standing, the humerus is forward flexed to 90° with resistance. (b) The test is repeated with the palm facing
approximately 10° of horizontal adduction and the thumb upward. Characteristic pain with the first maneuver that is
pointed downward. The examiner then applies a down- relieved by the second maneuver indicates a positive test.
5.5 SLAP Tears 127
between individuals [6], patients may misinterpret which may also generate pain in the shoulder.
the location, quality, and/or intensity of the pain Therefore, it was thought both the entrapment of
which may lead to an inaccurate clinical diagno- the superior labrum and the increased tension
sis. For example, some patients may complain of could be relieved by humeral external rotation and
pain in areas that would not normally be indica- forearm supination which effectively moved the
tive of a SLAP tear whereas others may complain greater tuberosity away from the superior glenoid
of pain during both portions of the test. In addi- and diminished the tension applied to the biceps-
tion, some patients who do not have pain with labral complex, respectively.
this test demonstrate significant superior labral Several years later, the same investigators
pathology on subsequent imaging studies. Third, published the results of a study in which 66
although contrary to the original description, the patients with arthroscopically confirmed SLAP
presence of “clicking” within the shoulder during tears (types I–IV according to the classification
the first portion of the test should probably not be system developed by Snyder et al. [63]; see
considered a positive result since several studies Fig. 5.21) were evaluated retrospectively to
have demonstrated its lack of diagnostic utility determine whether a positive SLAPrehension
[45, 73]. It should be noted that audible clicking test was documented prior to surgical interven-
with this maneuver can also be caused by various tion. According to their results, the sensitivity of
pathologies involving the AC joint and, therefore, this test was found to be 87.5 % for the diagnosis
the clinician should exercise caution when inter- of types II–IV SLAP tears and 50 % for the diag-
preting this finding. nosis of type I SLAP tears. However, we could
In light of these limitations and the lack of not confirm these calculations since all patients
convincing clinical data, we prefer to perform in that study had an arthroscopically confirmed
this test in combination with other tests to SLAP tear (i.e., there were no true negatives or
improve the overall accuracy and reliability of false negatives for the overall prevalence of
the physical diagnosis. SLAP tears in their study, regardless of classifi-
cation). In addition, the ability of a patient to SLAPrehension Test localize pain precisely to the bicipital groove is
This test, originally described by Berg and Ciullo notoriously poor and may influence the results of
[82] in 1995, is similar to O’Brien’s active com- both this study and future studies. No other stud-
pression test described above. With the patient ies have evaluated the clinical utility of the
standing, the patient actively flexes the arm to 90° SLAPrehension test in the diagnosis of SLAP
of forward elevation, adducts the arm by an tears. For these reasons, this test remains primar-
unspecified amount (presumably 10–20°), and ily of academic interest and probably should not
pronates the forearm such that the thumb points be utilized in clinical practice.
inferiorly. The clinician then applies an inferiorly
directed force on the distal arm while the patient Biceps Load Test I
resists. The test was repeated with the forearm The biceps load test was developed by Kim et al.
supinated and the palm facing upward (see [83] as a method to detect SLAP tears in the pres-
Fig. 5.24). A positive test occurred when pain was ence of anterior instability with an associated
reproduced in the area of the bicipital groove with osseous or soft-tissue Bankart lesion. With the
the forearm supinated and subsequently relieved patient supine on the examination table, the
when the same resistance was applied with the affected arm was placed in neutral rotation and
forearm pronated. The authors hypothesized that abducted to approximately 90°. The elbow was
(1) the superior labrum became entrapped between flexed to 90° and the forearm was supinated. From
the greater tuberosity and the glenoid when the this position, the humerus was slowly externally
humerus was internally rotated and (2) forearm rotated until the patient experienced pain or
pronation increased the traction forces applied to became apprehensive (see Chap. 6 for details
the superior labrum through the LHB tendon regarding the apprehension sign). At this point,
128 5 Disorders of the Long Head of the Biceps Tendon
external rotation was stopped and the patient was similar test (biceps load test II) which was
asked to further flex the elbow while the examiner thought to reproduce symptoms related to SLAP
applied resistance (Fig. 5.25). When resisted tears independent of glenohumeral stability. In
elbow flexion did not relieve the patient’s symp- this test, the arm was abducted to 120° and maxi-
toms, the investigators suspected the presence of a mally externally rotated. With the forearm supi-
Bankart lesion with a concomitant SLAP tear. nated and the elbow flexed to approximately 90°,
When resisted elbow flexion did relieve the the patient was asked to flex the elbow against
patient’s symptoms, the presence of a concomi- resistance. A positive test occurred when the
tant SLAP tear was deemed less likely. Although patient experienced an increase in shoulder pain
several studies have confirmed that the LHB ten- with resisted elbow flexion (Fig. 5.26). The
don is most active during this test [84, 85], no authors hypothesized that this maneuver
other studies have specifically evaluated the ten- increased the tension placed on the biceps anchor
sion placed on the proximal biceps anchor and, and, when torn, would produce an increase in
therefore, the exact cause of the increased pain shoulder pain.
with this maneuver is still largely theoretical. Kim et al. [53] also evaluated the diagnostic
Kim et al. [83] also evaluated the clinical util- utility of this test in a series of 127 patients with
ity of the biceps load test in the diagnosis of SLAP shoulder pain who all underwent subsequent
tears with an associated Bankart lesion. According arthroscopic evaluation. Their results indicated
to their statistical analyses, the biceps load test that the biceps load test II was 90 % sensitive
had a sensitivity of 91 %, a specificity of 97 %, a and 97 % specific for the diagnosis of SLAP
PPV of 83 %, and an NPV of 98 % for the above- tears with a PPV of 92 % and an NPV of 96 %.
mentioned diagnosis. This study included only However, no other studies have been able to con-
patients with recurrent anterior instability without firm the diagnostic accuracy of this test (see
a control group and, unfortunately, no other stud- Table 5.2) [43, 52].
ies have evaluated the diagnostic efficacy of this
test. For these reasons, we cannot recommend the Pain Provocation Test
use of this test in clinical practice. The pain provocation test was developed by
Mimori et al. [77] in 1999. Similar to the biceps Biceps Load Test II load tests described above, it was hypothesized
A few years after their original description of the that this test would specifically activate the LHB
biceps load test, Kim et al. [53] devised another tendon, thus generating increased tension over the
5.5 SLAP Tears 129
proximal biceps anchor and producing pain in a Unfortunately, no other clinical studies have
patient with a lesion involving the biceps-labral evaluated the efficacy of this test in the diagnosis
complex. With the patient sitting, the arm was of SLAP tears and, therefore, we cannot currently
abducted to 90° of elevation and the elbow was recommend its use in clinical practice.
flexed to 90°. The clinician stood behind the
patient, using one hand to stabilize the scapula Relocation Test
while the other hand was placed on the distal arm/ The relocation test was originally developed by
wrist to control humeral rotation along with fore- Jobe et al. [29] in 1989 as a method to assess
arm supination and pronation. The humerus was shoulder pain in overhead athletes. With the
then externally rotated first with the forearm pro- patient supine, the humerus was abducted to 90°
nated and then with the forearm supinated. The and externally rotated into the position of appre-
patient was then asked to report which of these two hension that is commonly used to test for anterior
positions (forearm pronated or supinated) pro- instability (see Chap. 6 for more information
duced the greatest amount of pain (Fig. 5.27). The regarding the apprehension sign). The authors
test was considered positive when the intensity of hypothesized that overhead athletes, many of
pain was greatest with the forearm pronated. This whom demonstrate anterior microinstability as a
description of a positive test is in contrast to the result of capsular laxity, would have an increased
biceps load test where a positive test occurred propensity for subacromial impingement as a
when shoulder pain was produced by resisted result of anterior humeral head translation.
elbow flexion with the forearm supinated. It is also Therefore, pain over the deltoid with the shoulder
not clear whether similar pain in both positions in this position was thought to represent rotator
was considered a positive or negative test. cuff impingement beneath the acromion. The
In the original study conducted by Mimori shoulder was then “relocated” by applying a pos-
et al. [77], the pain provocation test was used to teriorly directed pressure to the anterior aspect of
evaluate 32 overhead athletes with shoulder pain the humeral head (Fig. 5.28). If this relocation
in the absence of instability. All patients had a maneuver resulted in pain relief, the patient was
negative relocation test (discussed below and in thought to have anterior microinstability with
Chap. 6). Because only 15 patients underwent secondary subacromial impingement.
diagnostic arthroscopy, MRA was used to make Several years later, both Jobe [86] and Walch
the final diagnoses. The investigators calculated a et al. [87] concluded that overhead athletes were
sensitivity of 100 % and a specificity of 90 %. more likely to experience pain with this test as a
130 5 Disorders of the Long Head of the Biceps Tendon
Fig. 5.28 Relocation test. With the patient supine, the (b) The examiner then applies an anteriorly directed pres-
humerus is laterally abducted to 90° with the elbow flexed sure on the proximal humerus to relocate the humeral
to 90°. (a) The examiner slowly externally rotates head which should relieve the apprehension.
the humerus until the patient becomes apprehensive.
5.5 SLAP Tears 131
result of superior labral pathology. Under direct have a control group which eliminated the ability
arthroscopic visualization, Walch et al. [87] noted to calculate true sensitivity and specificity data
that the posterosuperior labrum became pinched regarding the ability of the relocation test to detect
between the greater tuberosity and the posterosu- either the presence or absence of a SLAP tear.
perior glenoid rim when the arm was abducted Oh et al. [43] studied the diagnostic efficacy of
and externally rotated (Fig. 5.29). This so-called the relocation test in 297 patients with shoulder
internal impingement was subsequently relieved pain who underwent diagnostic arthroscopy. After
when the joint was relocated. While many investi- retrospective review, 146 patients with type II
gators believed this condition was secondary to SLAP lesions were identified along with an age-
anterior glenohumeral laxity [86, 89–92], more matched control group of 151 patients without
recent studies have suggested a more complex labral pathology. Their results showed that the
mechanism involving anatomic and physiologic relocation test was 44 % sensitive and 54 % spe-
remodeling of the shoulder that occurs throughout cific for the diagnosis of SLAP tears with a PPV
the sporting careers of overhead athletes [93–96]. of 52 % and an NPV of 47 %. In contrast to these
Burkhart et al. [80] performed a retrospective results, a more recent study by van Kampen et al.
study of the relocation test in a series of patients [97] evaluated the relocation test in 175 patients
who were all diagnosed with type II SLAP tears who presented with shoulder pain. Of these, 60
(anterior extension, posterior extension or com- patients were diagnosed with anterior instability
bined) by direct arthroscopic visualization. and 109 patients were diagnosed with other
According to their results, the relocation test was conditions following MRA interpretation. The
most sensitive for the diagnosis of SLAP tears relocation test was found to be 96.7 % sensitive
with posterior extension (85 %). The sensitivity and 78.0 % specific for the diagnosis of SLAP
of the test for SLAP tears with combined anterior tears with a PPV of 71.1 % and an NPV of 97.7 %.
and posterior extension was 59 % and, for SLAP Given these conflicting results and the lack of
tears with anterior extension, the sensitivity was consensus regarding the actual meaning of a posi-
only 4 %. However, approximately one-third of tive test, we conclude that the test may have some
the patients included in this study had concomi- diagnostic utility in some situations; however,
tant rotator cuff tears which may have altered the determining when this test is most efficacious has
statistical analyses. In addition, this study did not been challenging topic of discussion thus far.
132 5 Disorders of the Long Head of the Biceps Tendon Resisted Supination External symptoms for which they sought medical
Rotation Test treatment. The test was considered negative when
The resisted supination external rotation test, first the patient experienced pain posteriorly, no pain
described by Myers et al. [49] in 2005, was or apprehension.
designed to detect SLAP lesions in overhead ath- In their study, 40 overhead athletes with
letes that resulted from a “peel-back” mechanism shoulder pain were subjected to the above-
that was previously described by Burkhart et al. described maneuver. At diagnostic arthroscopy,
(Fig. 5.30) [6]. Briefly, the peel-back mechanism
for the development of SLAP tears occurs when
the biceps-labral complex (particularly the poste-
rior aspect) experiences extraphysiologic tor-
sional strain as a result of repeated bouts of
glenohumeral abduction and hyperexternal
rotation as which occurs in throwing athletes.
With the patient lying supine, the humerus was
abducted to 90°, the elbow was flexed to 65–70°
and the forearm was placed in either neutral rota-
tion or pronation. The examiner supported the
elbow and asked the patient to supinate the fore-
arm against resistance. While resistance was
being applied, the humerus was slowly and maxi-
mally externally rotated. The patient was then
asked to describe their symptoms at the point of
maximal external rotation (Fig. 5.31). The test
Fig. 5.30 Illustration showing the peel-back mechanism.
was deemed positive if they experienced pain
Increasing degrees of external rotation increases the tor-
anteriorly or deep within the shoulder, clicking sional strain across the biceps anchor which can lead to
within the shoulder or the reproduction of similar SLAP tears.
29 athletes (72.5 %) were found to have a Dynamic Labral Shear Test
SLAP tear. This resulted in a sensitivity of Information regarding the dynamic labral shear
82.8 %, a specificity of 81.8 %, a PPV of test was apparently communicated to Pandya
92.3 %, and an NPV of 64.3 % for the ability of et al. [99] in late 2004 through personal commu-
the resisted supination external rotation test to nications with Dr. O’Driscoll; however,
diagnose SLAP tears in overhead athletes. The McFarland [72] suggested that the test was
authors also noted that 79 % of the shoulders described as early as 2000 at various professional
with a SLAP tear also had concomitant lesions meetings. Because each source reported different
such as rotator cuff tears and chondral defects aspects of the procedure, we combined the infor-
among other various injuries. Almost every mation obtained from both sources to describe
patient in the control group also had other the full procedure. Given the verbal nature of the
intra-articular injuries. communication and the potential for recall bias,
In at least two EMG studies [85, 98], the we caution the reader that small variations in this
resisted supination external rotation test was maneuver may exist. The test can be performed
found to selectively activate the LHB tendon with the patient sitting or standing with the clini-
which, in turn, was thought to increase the cian standing behind the affected shoulder.
applied tension to the biceps-labral complex, Beginning with the arm at the side in neutral rota-
especially when the humerus was maximally tion, the examiner passively externally rotates
externally rotated. However, no study has quanti- and abducts the humerus within the coronal plane
fied the amount of tension that this test (or any using one hand while the other hand is used to
other test designed to detect SLAP tears) pro- stabilize the scapula. The humerus is then moved
duces at the biceps-labral complex relative to upwards and downwards between 60° and 120°
normal physiologic loads. This information of abduction (Fig. 5.32). McFarland [72] reported
would be important to help clinicians and that an anteriorly directed force should also be
researchers understand the precise mechanism applied to the posterior aspect of the humeral
behind the development of SLAP tears in over- head in conjunction with this motion. A positive
head athletes. Although this testing procedure test occurred when the patient experienced poste-
requires further study, it appears to have some rior shoulder pain with or without a clicking sen-
potential and may become an important diagnos- sation as the humerus was moved between
tic tool in the future. abduction angles.
134 5 Disorders of the Long Head of the Biceps Tendon
Pandya et al. [99] performed a study that eval- high rate of false positives that were found in a
uated the efficacy of the dynamic labral shear test pilot study when the humerus was initially
in its ability to detect symptomatic SLAP tears. abducted in the coronal plane. In their study, six
In that study, 51 consecutive patients with clinical tests were used to make the diagnosis in
arthroscopically confirmed SLAP tears under- 101 patients who underwent subsequent diag-
went both preoperative physical examination and nostic arthroscopy. With specific regard to the
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or MRA modified dynamic labral shear test, the sensitiv-
evaluation. Physical examination findings were ity was 72 %, the specificity was 98 %, the PPV
compared to the findings on imaging studies and was 97 %, and the NPV was 77 %. This test was
diagnostic arthroscopy for sensitivity analyses. more accurate than any of the other tests for the
The sensitivity of the dynamic labral shear test diagnosis of SLAP tears performed in this study.
was found to be 80 %. The authors also calcu- Future studies are needed to confirm these
lated a sensitivity of 100 % when any one of the results before we can recommend its routine use
following three SLAP tests were positive: the in clinical practice.
active compression test, the dynamic labral shear
test, or the relocation test. SLAC Test
Kibler et al. [40] performed a slightly modi- In 2001, Savoie et al. [100] used the term “SLAC
fied version of this test and compared its diag- lesion” to represent a frequently observed com-
nostic efficacy with other clinical tests designed bination of pathologies involving the superior
to detect SLAP tears. The modified version of labrum and the anterior cuff that were thought to
the test was performed as described above result in anterosuperior glenohumeral instability
except that the humerus was first abducted (i.e., labral tearing, articular-sided anterosupe-
>120° within the scapular plane and then moved rior cuff tears and/or glenoid chondromalacia).
directly horizontally such that the position of The same investigators also designed a physical
abduction was in the coronal plane. When the examination test to detect these so-called SLAC
humerus was moved between 60° and 120° of lesions. In this test, the humerus was abducted to
elevation, a positive test occurred only when 90° within the scapular plane with the palm fac-
posterior shoulder pain and/or clicking was ing upward. The clinician then applied a down-
present in the interval between 90° and 120° of ward force to the wrist (Fig. 5.33). A positive test
abduction. According to the authors, this proce- occurred when the humeral head “shifted” anter-
dural change was performed to eliminate the osuperiorly or when the patient experienced pain
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Glenohumeral Instability
The structure of the glenohumeral joint allows for a 6.2.1 Basic Structure
large arc of shoulder motion. Since approximately and Function
one-fourth of the humeral head articular surface
remains in contact with the glenoid throughout the The balance between mobility and stability of the
range of shoulder motion [1], instability can result glenohumeral joint is achieved through the coor-
when static and/or dynamic stabilizers are dis- dinated, complex interactions between multiple
rupted. Static stabilizers include bony articular con- static and dynamic stabilizers that function to
gruency, the glenohumeral ligaments, the glenoid center the humeral head within the glenoid fossa
labrum, the rotator interval, and the negative intra- throughout the full range of shoulder motion.
articular pressure whereas dynamic stabilizers Static constraints include articular congruency,
include the rotator cuff and periscapular muscula- glenoid version, the coracoacromial arch, the gle-
ture. The long head of the biceps (LHB) tendon is noid labrum, capsuloligamentous structures, the
probably not significantly involved with glenohu- rotator interval, and the inherent negative intra-
meral stability since Walch et al. [2], Boileau et al. articular pressure. Dynamic constraints include
[3], and Giphart et al. [4] all demonstrated that nei- the rotator cuff and periscapular musculature
ther proximal humeral head migration nor glenohu- which both contribute to the well-described con-
meral instability occurred after biceps tenodesis. cavity compression mechanism. The LHB ten-
As a result of the numerous structures involved don should not be considered a dynamic
with the maintenance of glenohumeral stability, constraint since a recent biplane fluoroscopic
physical examination of the patient with instability study found no difference in humeral head trans-
can be particularly challenging. However, an effec- lation in any plane after biceps tenodesis when
tive examination most often reveals a characteris- compared to the contralateral, unoperated shoul-
tic pattern of signs and symptoms that typically der [4]. These findings have also been noted by
lead the clinician towards the correct diagnosis. others [2, 3].
R.J. Warth and P.J. Millett, Physical Examination of the Shoulder: An Evidence-Based Approach, 139
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2593-3_6, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
140 6 Glenohumeral Instability
Fig. 6.4 Axial cut-away view showing the structure of Glenoid Labrum
the glenoid, articular cartilage, and labrum. The glenoid labrum is a triangular, fibrocartilagi-
nous structure that adheres to the circumference
of the glenoid rim (see Fig. 6.1). Its primary func-
10.5° of retroversion in 344 human scapulae with tion is to provide an extension of the bony gle-
a mean age of 25.6 years, indicating that a high noid by increasing both its depth and surface area
degree of anatomic variability exists across the (Fig. 6.7)—factors that have been shown to con-
general population. Although it is unknown tribute to approximately 10 % of glenohumeral
whether these shoulders were afflicted with stability [19, 20]. Recently, Park et al. [21] stud-
recurrent instability, most evidence suggests that ied the effect of labral height on subjective out-
excessive glenoid version (anterior, posterior, comes in 40 patients who underwent arthroscopic
superior, or inferior) or humeral torsion may be repair of soft-tissue lesions of the anteroinferior
associated with decreased glenohumeral stability glenoid (i.e., Bankart lesions). Patients with
[12–17] and rotator cuff tears (Fig. 6.5) [18]. decreased labral height after repair demonstrated
inferior clinical outcomes 1 year postoperatively
Coracoacromial Arch (via Rowe scores) when compared to those with
The coracoacromial arch is situated anterosuperi- higher labral height. In addition to improving
orly above the humeral head and is composed of glenoid depth and contact surface area, the gle-
the anterior acromion and the coracoid with the noid labrum also serves as an attachment site for
coracoacromial ligament spanning between these the joint capsule and the glenohumeral ligaments.
a b
Transepicondylar line
glenoid version
Anatomic neck
Fig. 6.5 (a) Increased glenoid retroversion can lead to the subscapularis tendon. (b) Increased humeral retrotor-
recurrent instability due to absence of the effective gle- sion can lead to recurrent instability by overcoming the
noid arc. Severe anterior instability may cause tearing of native balance stability angle of the glenohumeral joint.
Fig. 6.7 (a) Effective glenoid depth with an intact labrum. (b) Effective glenoid depth with a labral tear.
6.2 Anatomy and Biomechanics 143
Infraspinatus Joint capsule
Teres minor
primarily functions to prevent excessive internal Biomechanical ligament sectioning studies have
rotation. Both the anterior and posterior bands of shown that the MGHL primarily functions as a
the CHL also provide resistance to inferior humeral restraint to anterior translation when the humerus
head translation with the arm at the side and poste- is between 0° and 45° of abduction and exter-
rior humeral head translation when the arm is hori- nally rotated [23]. In addition, the MGHL may
zontally adducted [26–29]. also be important in limiting external rotation
The SGHL originates from the superior rim of when the humerus is abducted greater than 60°.
the glenoid near the biceps-labral complex, trav- The IGHL complex circumferentially attaches
els parallel to the much larger CHL, and inserts to the inferior aspect of the glenoid labrum ante-
on the lesser tuberosity, blending with the fibers riorly, inferiorly, and posteriorly and runs later-
of the subscapularis tendon. Its usual functions ally to widely insert over an area extending
are similar to that of the CHL, preventing exces- between the lesser tuberosity anteriorly and the
sive external rotation [30] and inferior translation triceps tendon posteriorly. The IGHL is com-
[31] when the arm is at the side and preventing posed of thick anterior and posterior bands with
posterior translation when the arm is horizontally an interposed “hammock-like” pouch that loosely
adducted. However, its diameter, strength, and cradles the inferior aspect of the humeral head
relative contribution to shoulder stability are (see Fig. 6.10). Its function is to resist both
highly variable across the population. anterior and posterior humeral head translation
The anatomy of the MGHL is also highly vari- when the humerus is abducted more than 60°
able. It can originate from the scapular neck, the [30]. Specifically, as the humerus is abducted
anterosuperior glenoid rim or the supraglenoid and externally rotated, the anterior band of the
tubercle with the biceps-labral complex. Similar IGHL complex along with the anteroinferior cap-
to the CHL and the SGHL, the distal insertion of sule becomes taut and prevents anterior humeral
the MGHL blends with the fibers of the subscap- head translation. When the humerus is flexed,
ularis tendon. The morphologic phenotype of the adducted, and internally rotated, the posterior
MGHL can also range in appearance from a band of the IGHL complex and the posterior cap-
round, cord-like ligament to a flat, sheet-like sule become taut and prevent posterior humeral
structure that blends with the IGHL inferiorly. head translation (see Fig. 6.9).
6.2 Anatomy and Biomechanics 145
a Supraspinatus CHL
Fig. 6.12 (a) Illustration showing the structure of the bicip- BRPs. (Part B from Elser F, Braun S, Dewing CB, Giphart
ital sheath and biceps reflection pulley (BRP) as the LHB JE, Millett PJ. Anatomy, function, injuries, and treatment of
tendon travels into the glenohumeral joint. (b) Arthroscopic the long head of the biceps brachii tendon. Arthroscopy.
image showing anteromedial (AM) and posterolateral (PL) 2011;27(4):581–92; with permission).
mechanism, an adhesion-cohesion effect of the Table 6.1 Mean intra-articular pressures with the neutral
viscous synovial fluid, or both, which exist to and abduction/axial traction positionsa
provide some degree of stability to the glenohu- Neutral position Abduction/axial
meral joint [41]. Any perforation of the joint (mm Hg) traction (mm Hg)
capsule can “vent” the joint, eliminating this Cadaveric −34 −111
shoulders (n = 18)
nascent pressure gradient (Table 6.1) [41–43].
Stable shoulders −32 −133
However, although this mechanism may provide (n = 15)
some joint stability, capsular venting alone is not Unstable shoulders 0 −2
an apparent cause of clinical instability. (n = 17)
Table adapted from Habermeyer et al. [41]; with Dynamic Constraints permission
Rotator Cuff The values given are the mean intra-articular pressures
with each position in each population sample
The rotator cuff contributes to glenohumeral sta-
bility through several different mechanisms.
First, contraction of the rotator cuff muscles
serves to compress the humeral head within the and the subscapularis helps to stabilize the joint
glenoid concavity, thus maximizing contact anteriorly. Third, the rotator cuff forms direct
between the articular surfaces during active attachments with the joint capsule and contrib-
motion (the “concavity compression” mecha- utes to stability by increasing capsular tension
nism is discussed below). Second, the physical during active motion. Finally, the glenohumeral
presence of the rotator cuff musculature prevents joint capsule has proprioceptors that are activated
humeral head migration. Specifically, the supra- by capsular stretching [44]. Afferent nerve
spinatus (along with the coracoacromial arch) impulses travel through the dorsal root ganglia
helps prevent superior translation, the infraspina- and return via efferent fibers to produce contrac-
tus and teres minor resist posterior translation tion of the rotator cuff and deltoid muscles which
6.2 Anatomy and Biomechanics 147
Posterior view
Spinous process
of T12 vertebrae
effectively counteracts the initial stimulus (i.e., parallel muscles on opposite sides of the joint
capsular stretching). (e.g., the subscapularis anteriorly and the infra-
spinatus posteriorly) compresses the humeral
Periscapular Musculature head into the glenoid while contraction of mus-
The periscapular muscles, including the trape- cles on the same side of the joint (e.g., the supra-
zius, rhomboids, levator scapulae, serratus ante- spinatus and the deltoid superiorly) produces
rior, latissimus dorsi, and pectoralis minor, humeral head rotation (e.g., abduction). In addi-
function in synchrony to optimize the position of tion, the relative strength of contraction of each
the scapula during rotation, elevation, and hori- muscle determines the plane of elevation or rota-
zontal adduction of the humerus, thus maintain- tion. For example, if the concentric contraction
ing the humeral head in a centered position within strength of the subscapularis was 1.0 units and the
the glenoid fossa in any motion plane (Fig. 6.13). eccentric contraction strength of the infraspinatus
See Chaps. 2, 3 and 9 for more information was 0.5 units, the net rotational moment would
regarding basic scapulohumeral kinematics and favor subscapularis and, thus, internal rotation
related physical examination techniques. with simultaneous glenohumeral compression
would result. This dynamic mechanism favors
Concavity Compression both motion and stability and can be applied to
Contraction of the rotator cuff and deltoid mus- other muscles and joints throughout the body.
cles compresses the humeral head against the
glenoid fossa during active motion (also known as
“concavity compression”; Fig. 6.14). As discussed 6.2.2 Anatomic Variations
in Chap. 4, the rotator cuff and deltoid muscles
produce parallel force vectors that act against Many of the structures described above have
the glenoid surface. Simultaneous contraction of several anatomic variations that are important
148 6 Glenohumeral Instability
Fig. 6.14 Illustration highlighting the important force head medially towards the glenoid fossa. (b) The com-
couples that help maintain concavity compression and bined actions of the subscapularis (S) and the infraspina-
overall glenohumeral stability. (a) The combined actions tus (I) make up the axial plane force couple and also work
of the deltoid muscle (D) and the rotator cuff (C) make up to drive the humeral head medially towards the glenoid
the transverse plane force couple and pull the humeral fossa.
Fig. 6.15 Illustrations showing the most common glenolabral anatomic variations. The sublabral recess, sublabral
foramen, and Buford complex are shown.
Reducing trauma/increasing
muscle patterning
guide treatment decisions or predict outcomes. In between the TUBS and AMBRI groups. For
1989, Thomas and Matsen [56] categorically example, many patients with generalized hyper-
divided those with instability into two distinct laxity present with uni- or bi-directional instabil-
groups according to the distinctive characteristics ity [57] whereas up to one-fourth of patients with
of their condition. In one group, the acronym traumatic instability display evidence of contra-
TUBS was used to describe individuals with lateral involvement and increased capsular elas-
Traumatic, Unilateral instability with a Bankart tin content which suggests the possibility of
lesion that generally requires Surgical repair. The familial inheritance [55]. This overlap indicates
other group was described using the acronym that the term “instability” most likely encom-
AMBRI which included patients with Atraumatic, passes a continuous spectrum of pathologic fea-
Multidirectional instability which was typically tures where the TUBS and AMBRI groups
Bilateral, Responded to physical therapy and represent the terminal ends.
sometimes required Inferior capsular plication to As a result, other classification systems were
prevent recurrence. In this group, many individu- proposed to account for this continuum of pathol-
als are afflicted with underlying multiligamen- ogies associated with glenohumeral instability.
tous laxity who gradually develop instability as Particularly noteworthy is the Stanmore classifi-
they age. However, although this classification cation developed by Lewis et al. [58] in 2004 in
system has some academic merit, its usefulness which the three points of a triangle represent the
in clinical practice is very limited since most polar pathologic characteristics associated with
patients present with pathologic traits that overlap instability (Fig. 6.16). Type I represented traumatic
150 6 Glenohumeral Instability
Fig. 6.19 Axial cut-away view showing (a) a normal glenoid labrum, (b) a Bankart lesion, (c) a Perthes lesion, and (d)
an ALPSA lesion.
152 6 Glenohumeral Instability
logic eccentric loads on the biceps anchor that the humeral head in overhead athletes as a result
can result in tearing or rupture. Complete tears of of posterior capsular contracture may produce a
the biceps anchor increased superior–inferior and greater degree of anterior translation that can eas-
anterior–posterior humeral head translation in a ily be perceived as clinical laxity (i.e., “pseudol-
cadaveric study [71]. However, more recent evi- axity”). This perceived laxity is more likely to be
dence suggests that posterosuperior migration of the result of posterior capsule contracture rather
than the presence of a SLAP lesion in these
patients; however, it should be noted that SLAP
tears that extend into the MGHL can also pro-
duce increased anterior humeral head translation.
Chapter 5 provides further details regarding
SLAP tears.
Fig. 6.21 (a) Axial image of HAGL lesion. (b) Axial MRI demonstrating a floating posterior HAGL lesion. (From
Martetschläger et al. [72]; with permission).
6.4 Pathoanatomic Features of Traumatic Instability 153
Fig. 6.22 (a) Illustration of an anteroinferior glenoid fracture (bony Bankart lesion). (b) Velpeau axillary radiograph of
a right shoulder showing a fracture of the anterior glenoid. Rotator Interval Lesions shown that soft-tissue Bankart repair is not ade-
Due to the significant anatomic variability inher- quate for defects involving at least 20–25 % of
ent to the rotator interval, it is sometimes difficult the inferior glenoid diameter [7]. Although there
to determine whether a physical finding is normal are numerous methods for measuring anteroinfe-
or abnormal. However, in our experience, laxity rior glenoid bone loss, discussion of their signifi-
of the rotator interval can be detected on physical cance is beyond the scope of this chapter.
examination by inducing a sulcus sign of >2 cm
when the humerus is externally rotated (dis-
cussed below). Attritional Glenoid Bone Loss
Erosion of the anteroinferior glenoid rim as a
result of repeated dislocations is another cause
6.4.2 Osseous Defects for glenoid bone loss (Fig. 6.23). These patients
must rely on soft-tissue constraints to maintain Bony Bankart Lesions anterior stability; however, these restraints are
Anterior shoulder dislocations can also create insufficient due to the capsuloligamentous
fractures of the anteroinferior glenoid rim (i.e., stretching from previous anterior dislocations.
bony Bankart lesions; Fig. 6.22). These fractures Although these patients present similarly to those
can range in morphology and size depending on with other causes of instability, there are many
the direction of load transmission. Loss of bone fewer treatment options. For example, there is
from the anterior glenoid from any cause often no bony fragment that can be used for sur-
decreases glenoid concavity and increases the gical fixation and, in many cases, soft-tissue
potential for recurrent dislocations. In general, as repair would not be adequate to prevent recurrent
the size of the lesion increases, glenohumeral sta- instability [63]. Bony reconstruction of the ante-
bility decreases [74]. Several biomechanical rior glenoid is typically indicated which may
studies have shown that defects measuring more involve iliac crest bone grafting, the Latarjet
than one half of the glenoid length decrease joint procedure, or distal tibial osteochondral allograft
stability by up to 30 % [75, 76]. Others have (Figs. 6.24 and 6.25).
154 6 Glenohumeral Instability
entire clinical picture. Along the same lines, 6.7.2 Humeral Head Translation
the clinician should also understand that as a Percentage of Humeral
increased joint laxity does not necessarily Head Diameter
equate pathologic instability, even if this finding
occurs unilaterally. As mentioned above, these Measurement of humeral head translation can also
conditions lie along a spectrum of disease that is be estimated using the humeral head diameter as
most frequently and conveniently labeled as described by Cofield and Irving [96]. Specifically,
“instability.” the amount of translation as a percentage of the
humeral head diameter is used. This method
accounts for the size of the individual being tested
and may theoretically provide a more accurate
6.7 Quantifying Humeral Head estimate of glenohumeral translation. However,
Translation several studies have provided conflicting results
regarding the amount of translation that should be
Currently, there are three basic methods by which considered abnormal. Reported estimates for nor-
humeral head motion is quantified: (1) translation mal anterior and posterior translations have ranged
in millimeters, (2) translation as a percentage of from 0 to 50 % and from 26 to 50 %, respectively
the humeral head diameter, and (3) the sensations [79, 89, 93, 97–99]. In addition, humeral head
felt when the humeral head is translated. A fourth diameters vary widely across the population and
modality includes the use of instrumentation or its estimation may be difficult without some sort
imaging; however, these methods are currently of radiographic measurement. This method has
under development. not been formally validated for the measurement
of humeral head translation and, in at least one
case, has been reported as invalid [89].
6.7.1 Humeral Head Translation
in Millimeters
6.7.3 Tactile Sensation of Humeral
There are four grades of anterior and/or posterior Head Translation
translation of the humeral head [91].
• Grade 0 = minimal or no translation Another way to quantify humeral head transla-
• Grade 1 = <10 mm of translation tion is to report what is felt by the examiner when
• Grade 2 = 10–20 mm of translation the humeral head is translated anteriorly or poste-
• Grade 3 = >20 mm of translation or riorly. The primary advantage of the classifica-
subluxation tion scheme is that the measurement does not rely
A similar system exists for the measurement upon absolute numbers to define certain patholo-
of inferior translation [92–95]. The primary limi- gies. There are four grades of translation accord-
tation of this method of measurement is its sub- ing to Hawkins and Bokor [100]:
jectivity—that is, each measurement is an • Grade 0: Normal physiologic motion
approximation made by the examiner and exten- • Grade 1: Translation to the glenoid rim
sive practice is needed before one becomes profi- • Grade 2: Translation over the glenoid rim
cient and accurate. As of this writing, these • Grade 3: Humeral head remains out of joint
methods of measurement have not been biome- after examiner removes hands (i.e., “lock out”)
chanically or clinically validated; however, they Levy et al. [94] investigated the reliability and
are widely used in the setting of a busy clinical accuracy of the original Hawkins system to detect
practice due to their convenience and, when per- humeral head translations in a series of 43 athletes.
formed by the most experienced clinicians, suf- Two fellows in sports medicine, a senior orthope-
ficient accuracy. dic resident or an attending physician in orthopedic
158 6 Glenohumeral Instability
Fig. 6.28 Illustration of the modified Hawkins classification of glenohumeral translation (grades 1, 2 and 3) [100].
Fig. 6.30 Posterior drawer test. With the patient supine, Fig. 6.31 Anterior drawer test. The patient is placed in an
the extremity is placed in the approximate “loose pack” identical position to that which is presented in Fig. 6.33.
position. The examiner holds the patient’s wrist to prevent In this case, the fingers are used to pull the humerus ante-
biceps contraction while the other hand is placed over the riorly. The amount of humeral head translation is then
shoulder such that the thumb is anterior and the fingers are estimated. It may be helpful to apply a gentle axial load
posterior. The examiner then applies a posteriorly directed during drawer testing to aid in the detection of translation
force with the thumb and the amount of translation is relative to the glenoid rim.
arm in position. This also allows for passive flexion also control scapular motion which can affect
of the elbow and subsequent relaxation of the translation measurements. One method involves
biceps muscle which may have some effect on gle- placing one hand over the top of the shoulder to
nohumeral stability via the proximal LHB tendon. stabilize the scapula while the other hand is
The examiner’s other hand is placed over the shoul- wrapped around the upper arm near the humeral
der such that the thumb lies on the anterior aspect head. A posterior to anterior force is then
of the humeral head and the fingers span over the applied to the humeral head, producing anterior
top of the shoulder. From this position, the thumb is translation [112]. In most cases, it is preferred to
used to apply a posteriorly directed force on the hold the wrist with one hand and the proximal
humeral head to a point of subluxation which is felt humerus with the other hand while simultane-
by the examiner’s fingers. Pressure from the thumb ously applying a medially directed force on the
is then removed while the fingers continue to moni- humeral head towards the glenoid fossa
tor the subluxation status of the humeral head (Fig. 6.31). This method helps prevent scapular
(Fig. 6.30). At this point, the modified Hawkins motion and also helps the examiner detect the
classification is used to quantify the degree of gle- precise moment of joint subluxation [95, 118].
nohumeral laxity (discussed above). When the The results of this maneuver are classified using
humeral head does not subluxate posteriorly, the the modified Hawkins criteria as described above
patient has grade 1 laxity (a normal finding). If sub- for the posterior drawer test.
luxation does occur, grade 2 laxity is diagnosed
when the removal of thumb pressure allows the
humeral head to spontaneously reduce whereas 6.8.2 Load-and-Shift Test
grade 3 laxity is diagnosed when the humeral head
remains subluxated even after the removal of ante- The load-and-shift test was first described by
rior thumb pressure (i.e., “lock out”) (see Fig. 6.28). Silliman and Hawkins [95] in 1993 as a method
The anterior drawer test has a similar biome- to assess anterior and posterior laxity. With the
chanical premise; however, the examiner must patient sitting, the examiner places one hand over
6.8 Laxity Testing 161
the top of the shoulder to stabilize the scapula 6.8.3 Sulcus Signs
while the other hand is placed over the proximal
humerus. The examiner then applies gentle pres- First described by Neer and Foster [119] in 1980,
sure to the proximal humerus in the direction of sulcus signs have traditionally been utilized as a
the glenoid fossa, thus “loading” the joint as measure of inferior glenohumeral laxity. The test
described by its original developers [79, 95]. The is typically performed with the patient sitting
purpose of this initial joint loading is to ensure since this places the humerus in a relative resting
adequate joint reduction and to assist the exam- position, especially when the hands and forearms
iner in detecting joint subluxation. The humeral are placed on the patient’s lap. Each arm can be
head is then grasped with the examiner’s thumb tested individually; however, we recommend first
placed posteriorly and the fingers placed anteri- testing both extremities simultaneously in new
orly. An anteriorly directed force is applied to the patients since this method allows direct compari-
humeral head in an attempt to translate the son between extremities. If asymmetry is present,
humeral head over the anterior rim of the gle- then the affected shoulder can be evaluated in
noid. This is followed by a similar maneuver in more detail (Fig. 6.33). With the patient seated on
which a posteriorly directed force is applied to the examination table, the examiner grasps both
induce posterior subluxation (Fig. 6.32). arms just above the elbow and applies gentle
Although the original developers placed the inferior traction to the glenohumeral joint. Each
arm in 20° of abduction and 20° of forward flex- shoulder should also be tested individually with
ion before applying the translation force, we have the humerus in maximum external rotation to
not found this positioning to be helpful. This test evaluate laxity of the rotator interval structures
can also be performed with the patient supine. (Fig. 6.34) [31, 36, 120]. The patient should
Fig. 6.32 Load-and-shift test. With the patient sitting and then applies a medially directed force to the proximal
the arms at the side, the examiner places one hand over the humerus in the direction of the glenoid fossa while simul-
top of the shoulder to stabilize the scapula and the other taneously translating the humeral head (a) anteriorly and
hand is placed over the proximal humerus. The examiner then (b) posteriorly.
162 6 Glenohumeral Instability
Fig. 6.33 Sulcus sign. (a) While the patient is seated with joint laxity. (b) Clinical photograph demonstrating a posi-
the hands resting on their lap, the examiner grasps each tive sulcus sign (>2 cm step-off between the lateral edge
arm just above the elbow and applies a distraction force to of the acromion and the top of the humeral head).
the glenohumeral joint bilaterally to detect asymmetric
which involved performing the test on 100 cadav- 6.9 Testing for Anterior
ers (both before and after sequential sectioning of Instability
the IGHL complex; however, other soft tissues
were not left intact), 100 volunteers without 6.9.1 Drawer Signs
shoulder complaints and 90 volunteers with doc-
umented shoulder instability. In that study, 85 % Although the drawer signs are typically used to
of unstable shoulders demonstrated an RPA of assess glenohumeral laxity (discussed above),
>105° whereas stable shoulders demonstrated a there are specific scenarios in which these signs
mean RPA of approximately 90°. The authors may increase the clinical suspicion for instabil-
concluded that laxity of the IGHL complex could ity (see Figs. 6.30 and 6.31). For example, some
be suspected in patients with an RPA >105°. The clinicians consider the maneuver to be “posi-
intra-class correlation coefficients (ICCs) were tive” for instability when the patient experi-
found to be excellent in this study (inter-observer ences apprehension. In the study by van
ICC: 0.87–0.90; intra-observer ICC: 0.84–0.89). Kampen et al. (mentioned above) [122], the
More recently, van Kampen et al. [122] studied anterior drawer sign was also evaluated with
six clinical tests for instability in 169 consecutive regard to its diagnostic efficacy for clinical
patients at an orthopedic outpatient clinic (appre- instability. A “positive” test was defined as
hension, relocation, release, anterior drawer, either increased anterior humeral head transla-
load-and-shift and hyperabduction tests). tion as detected by the examiner when com-
Magnetic resonance arthrography was used as the pared to the contralateral shoulder or when the
diagnostic gold standard. Of the 169 patients, 60 patient experienced feelings of apprehension
patients were diagnosed with anterior instability during the maneuver. In this study, the sensitiv-
according to imaging studies. Overall, the diag- ity of the anterior drawer sign was calculated to
nostic accuracy of the clinical tests for increased be 58.3 % (high rate of false negatives) whereas
glenohumeral laxity ranged between 80.5 and the specificity was calculated to be 92.7 % (low
86.4 % where the hyperabduction test was found rate of false positives). It should be remem-
to be 81.1 % accurate with a sensitivity of 66.7 % bered that asymmetric laxity measurements do
and a specificity of 89.0 %. not always indicate instability.
164 6 Glenohumeral Instability
display evidence of increased glenohumeral laxity to apprehension alone) was used to make the
during other clinical examination maneuvers. diagnosis of anterior instability.
Finally, although it has been suggested on numer-
ous occasions, a positive apprehension test follow-
ing a first-time traumatic dislocation does not 6.9.3 Relocation Sign
necessarily correspond to an increased risk of
future dislocations [1]. Although there is no clear consensus regarding
Several studies have evaluated the diagnostic who actually provided the first description of the
efficacy of the anterior apprehension sign as it relocation sign, Jobe et al. [129] is most often
relates to clinical instability. In most studies, both credited with its development and subsequent
the sensitivity and specificity of the anterior implementation into clinical practice. The authors
apprehension test in the diagnosis of anterior suggested that stretching of the IGHL complex
instability has ranged from 70 to 90 % with increased the propensity for mechanical impinge-
excellent intra-class correlation [110, 122, 124, ment of the rotator cuff tendons on the undersur-
127]. However, in one study, Speer et al. [128] face of the acromion as a result of hyperexternal
performed the test in a series of patients with rotation. Thus, increased glenohumeral translation
various shoulder pathologies to specifically and/or subluxation was thought to produce a “sec-
determine whether pain was needed to define a ondary impingement” of the rotator cuff. To per-
“positive” apprehension test. In those with ante- form this test, the patient should be in the supine
rior instability, 63 % of patients demonstrated position with the affected arm over the edge of the
apprehension during the test whereas 46 % expe- examination table. The humerus is abducted 90°
rienced pain during the test. In addition, many and externally rotated to approximately 90° (i.e.,
other patients with stable shoulders also experi- the 90/90 position). From this starting position,
enced pain during the maneuver. This study pro- the humerus is then slowly abducted and exter-
vides evidence that pain during the anterior nally rotated until the patient reports pain. Jobe
apprehension test may not be a necessary crite- et al. [129] indicated that patients most commonly
rion for the diagnosis of anterior instability. Both reported pain over the anterior aspect of the del-
Lo et al. [124] and Tzannes et al. [110] came to toid. The examiner then applies a posteriorly
similar conclusions when they noted precipitous directed pressure over the humeral head to reduce
decreases in their calculated specificity and ICCs, (or “relocate”) the subluxated joint (Fig. 6.37).
respectively, when pain alone (as opposed A positive test occurs when this posteriorly
directed pressure results in symptomatic relief, [128] calculated a sensitivity and specificity of
potentially indicating the relief of secondary 68 % and 100 %, respectively, when the relief of
impingement beneath the acromion. apprehension was considered a positive reloca-
However, even Jobe et al. [129] questioned the tion sign. In this study, the resolution of pain with
clinical efficacy of this test to diagnose instability the relocation test was not a reliable method to
in overhead athletes since the starting position diagnose clinical instability (sensitivity: 30 %;
can produce pain in athletes with rotator cuff dis- specificity: 58 %). Tzannes et al. [110] calculated
ease, instability or both. As a result, the authors the reliability of the relocation test in a series of
described a basic algorithm which was thought to 25 patients with overt instability (patients with
be useful in differentiating between athletes with occult instability or internal impingement were
and without rotator cuff disease. In this descrip- excluded). In that study, they found high inter-
tion, the test was performed using the same tech- observer agreement when the relief of apprehen-
nique; however, when the posteriorly directed sion was considered a positive test (ICC: 0.71)
pressure failed to relieve the patient’s symptoms, and low inter-observer agreement when the relief
the pain was assumed to be the result of rotator of pain was considered a positive test (ICC: 0.31).
cuff disease rather than occult instability. More
recent studies have suggested that the relief of
posterior pain with this maneuver may be an 6.9.4 Release Test
important clinical sign in the diagnosis of symp-
tomatic internal impingement and posterior SLAP The release test was originally described by
tears in overhead athletes [7, 70, 130–132]. Silliman and Hawkins [95] in 1993 as an exten-
The test can also be used as a method to detect sion of the relocation test. With the patient supine,
clinical instability in both athletes and non- the humerus is placed in 90° of abduction and 90°
athletes alike when the posteriorly directed pres- of external rotation. The arm is slowly externally
sure relieves the patient’s feeling of apprehension rotated until the patient becomes apprehensive.
in the abducted and externally rotated position. In A posteriorly directed forced is applied to the
fact, this is the most widely utilized version of the humeral head to relieve the patient’s symptoms.
relocation sign and has been heavily scrutinized At this point, the humerus is further exter-
in the literature. As a part of the study mentioned nally rotated and the examiner removes their
above for the apprehension sign, Speer et al. hand from the anterior shoulder (Fig. 6.38).
After releasing the shoulder, the patient should 6.9.5 Surprise Test
experience a sudden increase in pain and appre-
hension. It should be noted that the primary pur- Currently, many surgeons use the terms “sur-
pose of this test is to detect subtle anterior prise test” and “release test” interchangeably;
instability and should not be used in patients with however, there are subtle differences that should
more severe patterns of instability due to the pro- be noted. The surprise test was actually
duction of unnecessary discomfort and the high described by Lo et al. [124] in 2004 as a slight
risk of shoulder dislocation. modification to the original release test devel-
Gross and Distefano [133] evaluated the diag- oped by Silliman and Hawkins [95] a decade
nostic efficacy of a slightly modified version of earlier. In their version of the test, the investiga-
the release test in a series of 100 patients with tors first performed the relocation test as
various pathologies who were scheduled to described above. After stabilizing the proximal
undergo arthroscopic shoulder surgery. According humerus by applying a posteriorly directed
to their description, the patient was positioned force, the examiner simply removed their hand
supine and the humerus was abducted to 90°. A from the patient’s anterior shoulder without
posteriorly directed forced was applied to the increasing the degree of external rotation. The
anterior aspect of the humeral head to maintain reproduction of pain or apprehension defined a
the humerus within the glenoid fossa while the positive test. In their study, the investigators
humerus was simultaneously externally rotated. evaluated and compared the diagnostic efficacy
The examiner then suddenly removed their hand of the apprehension sign, relocation sign and
from the anterior shoulder. A positive test occurred the surprise test (as described above) in a series
when removal of the examiner’s hand resulted in of 46 shoulders with various diagnoses. They
a sudden increase in pain intensity or the repro- found that the surprise test had the highest posi-
duction of symptoms. According to their surgical tive predictive value (PPV) (98 %) and the
findings, the patients were divided into either an highest specificity (99 %) than any of the other
instability group or a non-instability group. After tests; however, the sensitivity was found to be
the exclusion of 18 patients with instability related 64 %. The authors suggested that a positive test
to another condition, 37 patients were placed in on all three clinical exams for instability was
the instability group and 45 patients were placed highly predictive of traumatic anterior instabil-
in the non-instability group. Following review of ity. In addition, they recommended performing
preoperative clinical examination findings, the the apprehension sign and the relocation test
investigators calculated a sensitivity of 92 % and before attempting the surprise test since this
a specificity of 89 % for the release test in its abil- maneuver can actually startle the patient and pro-
ity to accurately diagnose shoulder instability. duce abnormal measurements when performing
However, these results should be interpreted with subsequent examinations.
caution due to the retrospective study design, the
use of pain as an indicator for a positive test and
the incomplete description of the surgeons’ 6.10 Testing for Posterior
arthroscopic findings. Nevertheless, the sensitiv- Instability
ity and specificity values calculated by Van
Kampen et al. [22] for the release test were actu- Posterior instability most often results from an
ally quite similar: the sensitivity was calculated to acute traumatic injury, such as a fall onto an out-
be 91.7 % and the specificity was calculated to be stretched hand or, in some cases, following a sei-
83.5 %. Of note, the study by van Kampen et al. zure or an electric shock, that forces the humeral
[122] utilized MRA as the diagnostic gold stan- head to subluxate or dislocate posteriorly as result
dard and did not consider pain as an indicator of a of uncoordinated muscle contraction. Chronic
positive release test. posterior instability can then result through a series
168 6 Glenohumeral Instability
First mention of the posterior apprehension sign bursa. If the injection resulted in significant pain
presumably occurred in a textbook published in relief, the pain was presumably caused by rotator
1982 by Kessel [134]. According to his original cuff pathology. If the injection did not result in
description, the posterior apprehension sign was pain relief, it was assumed that the pain was
performed by applying an axial load through the related to posterior instability.
humerus via the elbow with the humerus in 90° Although the posterior apprehension sign
of forward flexion, slight internal rotation, and (and its variations) is a commonly used test, its
slight adduction (Fig. 6.39). A positive test diagnostic efficacy and validity have been ques-
occurred when the patient initiated a guarding tioned. Hawkins et al. [93] reported the results of
reflex or complained of apprehension. an electromyographic and photographic analysis
Since its first description, the posterior appre- to determine the position at which the humerus
hension sign has been modified on several occa- was most likely to subluxate or dislocate posteri-
sions. For example, Rowe [135] performed the orly in a series of patients with voluntary poste-
test by applying a posteriorly directed force rior instability. They found that while each
through the long axis of the humerus with the arm patient demonstrated different patterns of insta-
in 90° of forward flexion and slight internal rota- bility, the position of the humerus most condu-
tion (no adduction). A positive test was declared cive to subluxation was actually near the
when the patient experienced apprehension or glenohumeral resting position (or the “loose pack
posterior shoulder pain. O’Driscoll and Evans position”; see Fig. 6.29) which occurs when the
[83] incorporated subacromial injection of local humerus is between 55° and 70° of abduction, in
anesthetic to help differentiate between pain neutral rotation and within the plane of the scap-
resulting from rotator cuff impingement and pain ula (discussed in Chap. 2) [102, 114, 115]. Until
resulting from posterior instability. In their ver- future studies address the clinical utility of the
sion of the test, the arm was flexed to 90°, inter- posterior apprehension sign for the diagnosis of
nally rotated and adducted (similar to the original posterior instability, we cannot recommend its
description by Kessel [134]). When this position use in isolation given the potential for widely
produced pain in the shoulder, the examiner then varying results and the high rates of false positive
injected local anesthetic into the subacromial and false negative findings.
6.10 Testing for Posterior Instability 169
Fig. 6.40 Jerk test. (a) The patient’s arm is placed in 90° rotates the shoulder towards a position of 90° of lateral
of forward flexion, 90° of internal rotation and slight abduction. A positive test occurs when a “clunk” or “jerk”
adduction. The examiner applies an axial force through is felt during this motion as the subluxated humeral head
the long axis of the humerus. (b) The examiner then relocates back into the glenoid fossa.
6.10.2 Jerk Test dictive value (NPV) of 95 % for the jerk test in a
series of 172 painful shoulders; however, these
The jerk test (also known as the clunk test) was values are related to the diagnosis of a posteroin-
originally described by Matsen et al. [136] in ferior labral tear rather than clinical instability. In
1990 as a method used to detect posterior gleno- addition, the investigators used the incidence of
humeral instability. In this test, the examiner posterior shoulder pain as an indicator of a posi-
placed the arm in approximately 90° of forward tive test, regardless of whether a “jerk” occurred
flexion and 90° of internal rotation with the during extension of the humerus. Nevertheless,
humerus slightly adducted. The examiner then the authors noted that posterior instability was
applied a gentle axial force along the long axis of more common in shoulders that demonstrated a
the humerus through the elbow to allow the “jerk” on clinical examination whereas isolated
humeral head to subluxate over the posterior gle- posteroinferior labral tears (without posterior
noid rim. The examiner felt a so-called “jerk” as instability) were less likely to demonstrate a
the humeral head subluxated posteriorly. At this “jerk” on clinical examination.
point, the examiner then moved the shoulder
towards a position of 90° of abduction (i.e., the
humerus was extended from the initial position of 6.10.3 Kim Test
adduction) (Fig. 6.40). During this motion, the
humeral head spontaneously reduced back into The Kim test (developed by Kim et al. [138] in
the glenoid fossa, producing a second “jerk” sen- 2005) was initially used as a method to detect
sation (a positive test). Although we have found posteroinferior labral pathology. In this test, the
this maneuver helpful in the physical diagnosis of patient was placed in a sitting position with
posterior instability, few studies have formally the humerus abducted to approximately 90°.
validated its clinical efficacy despite satisfactory The examiner then used one hand to grasp the
anecdotal reports [137]. In one study, Kim et al. elbow and used the other hand to grasp the proxi-
[137] calculated a sensitivity of 73 %, a specific- mal arm. A strong axial load was applied through
ity of 98 %, a PPV of 88 %, and a negative pre- the long axis of the humerus while the arm was
170 6 Glenohumeral Instability
rior instability was required to produce a “posi- used it to study the effects of scapular inclina-
tive” sulcus sign, most clinicians still adhere to the tion on inferior glenohumeral stability in two
“2 cm rule” as a determinant of the test outcome cadaveric studies. When compared to the sulcus
and, as a result, often incorrectly diagnose patients sign, increased superior scapular inclination
with inferior instability (or multidirectional insta- (i.e., increased abduction angle), as which
bility) despite the lack of symptoms. occurred during the ABIS test, significantly
increased the translational force necessary to
inferiorly dislocate the humerus in each study.
6.11.1 Inferior Apprehension Sign These results were later confirmed by Kikuchi
et al. [17] who also concluded that there was an
Often attributed to Dr. John Feagin, the inferior increased resistance to inferior humeral head
apprehension sign was first mentioned in a text- dislocation when the scapula was angled superi-
book published by Rockwood [64] in 1984 as a orly. Another recent clinical study reached similar
method to assess inferior joint laxity or to detect conclusions [150].
inferior glenohumeral instability, especially in Although there is no evidence to suggest that
very large patients. According to the original the inferior apprehension sign (or the ABIS test)
description, the patient’s arm was abducted to has any clinical utility in the diagnosis of inferior
90° with the forearm resting on the examiner’s instability, the maneuver could feasibly be used
shoulder. The examiner then applied a gentle, as a method to assess laxity of the IGHL com-
downward pressure on the proximal humerus plex. However, it should be noted that the infe-
(Fig. 6.44). The test was considered positive if rior apprehension sign offers no advantage over
the patient became apprehensive or reported the the more traditional sulcus sign in the evaluation
reproduction of symptoms. This maneuver could of glenohumeral laxity and/or inferior stability
also be used to assess joint laxity by estimating and may also produce extreme discomfort in
the degree of inferior humeral head translation those being evaluated following a traumatic dis-
relative to the contralateral shoulder. location. We have limited experience with this
Itoi et al. [15, 16] referred to this test as the test in clinical practice and it remains primarily
Abduction Inferior Stability (ABIS) test and of academic interest.
6.12 Voluntary Instability 173
Fig. 6.45 Clinical photographs of a patient with volun- dislocate posteriorly. (a) The patient elevates the humerus
tary posterior instability utilizing the “push” mechanism to the provocative position and (b) relaxes the posterior
to dislocate the humerus (voluntary positional instability). musculature to allow the humerus to dislocate posteriorly
In this case, the patient has learned the exact position of without experiencing pain or apprehension. (Courtesy of
the humerus that subsequently allows the humeral head to J.P. Warner, MD).
Fig. 6.46 Clinical photographs of a patient with volun- tracts the posterior musculature in order to pull the
tary posterior instability utilizing the “pull” mechanism to humeral head posteriorly out of the glenoid fossa.
dislocate the humerus (voluntary muscular instability). (Courtesy of J.P. Warner, MD).
(a) Beginning with the arm at the side, (b) the patient con-
174 6 Glenohumeral Instability
rarely present with anatomic defects such as poor wound-healing, easy bruising, and visual
Bankart or reverse Bankart lesions. Because only defects should be ascertained to identify potential
a small proportion of these individuals actually risk factors for multiligamentous laxity.
seek medical attention for symptoms related to The physical examination should also adhere
shoulder instability, the prevalence of the condi- to the same principles that have been outlined
tion is still unknown. throughout this book. Inspection, palpation,
Unfortunately, some patients with voluntary range of motion testing, strength testing, and
shoulder instability may seek medical attention neurovascular testing should all be performed to
for reasons involving the potential for secondary generate a solid differential diagnosis before
gain or other psychological issues. This is espe- attempting any provocative maneuvers. Testing
cially true in Workers’ compensation cases in for generalized hyperlaxity is another important
which the patient may claim that their shoulder component of the physical examination in this
instability was somehow related to an occupa- subset of patients (Fig. 6.47) [151]. Assessment
tional hazard. The clinician should be especially of shoulder laxity (as described above) often
weary of patients seeking narcotic medications reveals an extremely abnormal amount of
for their condition and patients reporting early humeral head translation, most commonly in the
failure of surgical treatment in the absence of a absence of anterior or posterior apprehension. In
traumatic injury [135]. However, it is extremely fact, some patients can be completely dislocated
important to recognize that some patients with without showing any evidence of pain or discom-
voluntary instability seek medical treatment fort. Patients who display some degree of appre-
because they actually are functionally disabled as hension with laxity testing and/or instability
a result of their condition. In this scenario, testing are more likely to have an involuntary
patients may be capable of demonstrating the component related to their instability. It is also
instability, however, they often complain that the possible for a patient to sustain a traumatic injury
shoulder also occasionally subluxates or dislo- that converts their instability from a voluntary
cates outside of the patient’s control at inoppor- type to an involuntary type. Although it is more
tune times. difficult to determine the precise nature of the
An accurate assessment of patients who pres- instability in these cases, many of these patients
ent with voluntary instability is often difficult as will experience pain when the clinician forces the
a result of overlapping pathologies, the potential humeral head to translate over the injured area
for secondary gain and, in some cases, abnormal (e.g., Bankart and bony Bankart lesions).
psychology. However, despite these challenges,
the clinician must still perform a thorough,
objective evaluation to determine the correct 6.12.1 Posterior Subluxation
course of treatment.
The clinical evaluation should adhere to the Posterior subluxation or dislocation is the most
same principles that have been outlined through- common form of voluntary shoulder instability
out this book. A patient-centered approach to encountered in clinical practice and result from
history-taking should always be performed learned asymmetric muscle firing patterns that
regardless of the clinician’s initial perception of lead to posterior humeral head translation and
the patient’s reasons for seeking medical treat- subluxation [101, 152]. Pande et al. [152] utilized
ment. In patients with a history of voluntary electromyography (EMG) to evaluate the timing
instability, the clinician should especially ask and sequence of shoulder muscle activation dur-
about the primary direction of instability, the ing both joint subluxation and relocation in four
presence or absence of pain related to the insta- patients with voluntary posterior instability. In
bility and the family history to identify a possible that study, the investigators identified two distinct
predisposition to structural collagen disorders. patterns of muscle firing that led to posterior
Other patient-related historical factors such as humeral head subluxation: a “push” mechanism
6.12 Voluntary Instability 175
Fig. 6.47 Methods to assess generalized ligamentous with the forearm. (c) Passive hyperextension of digits 2–5
laxity [151]. (a) Hyperextension of the metacarpophalan- until parallel with the top of the forearm. (d)
geal (MCP) joint. (b) Thumb abducted to make contact Hyperextension of the elbow.
(with the arm flexed 20–30°) and a “pull” mecha- and subluxate the humeral head. In either case,
nism (with the arm at the side). In the “push” fir- joint relocation was achieved by extending the
ing pattern (also known as voluntary positional arm posteriorly (via contraction of the posterior
instability), near-maximal activation of the ante- deltoid) to lever the humeral head back into the
rior musculature (i.e. the anterior deltoid and glenoid fossa.
biceps brachii muscles) with simultaneous relax-
ation of the posterior musculature (i.e., the infra-
spinatus and posterior deltoid muscles) was 6.12.2 Anterior Subluxation
required to push the humeral head posteriorly
(see Fig. 6.45). Conversely, in the “pull” firing To produce a voluntary anterior subluxation, the
pattern (also known as voluntary muscular insta- patient will typically keep the arm in an adducted
bility), near-maximal activation of the posterior position (i.e., at the side). Simultaneous contrac-
musculature with simultaneous relaxation of the tion of the anterior musculature and extensors
anterior musculature was required to pull the pulls the humeral head anteriorly and out of the
humeral head posteriorly (see Fig. 6.46). Each glenoid fossa [101]. In most cases, the humeral
patient in the study demonstrated scapular wing- head appears to rest in an anteroinferior position
ing and characteristic EMG patterns indicating relative to the glenoid as a result of the unop-
that selective inhibition of the periscapular mus- posed tension generated by the musculature in
culature was necessary to posteriorly translate the anterior arm.
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The Acromioclavicular Joint
R.J. Warth and P.J. Millett, Physical Examination of the Shoulder: An Evidence-Based Approach, 183
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2593-3_7, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
184 7 The Acromioclavicular Joint
ligament Clavicle First rib
ligament Anterior sternoclavicular
Coracoid process ligament
Fig. 7.1 Illustration showing the basic osseoligamentous responsible for the transmission of forces between the
anatomy of the shoulder girdle. The AC joint is the central axial skeleton and the glenohumeral joint.
coordinator of three-dimensional shoulder motion and is
os acromiale can mimic those of other painful AC The inclination of the joint surfaces may also be
joint pathologies, patients who present with pain highly variable [13]. When viewed from anteri-
at the top of the shoulder should always be eva- orly, the joint line can range from a vertical orien-
luated for the possibility of os acromiale [8]. tation to nearly 50° of angulation where the
Os acromiale is also frequently associated with articular surface of the distal clavicle overrides
rotator cuff impingement since the deltoid mus- that of the acromion (Fig. 7.7) [14, 15]. Some AC
cle can pull the loosely attached bone downward joints may have an “ellipsoid” shape that may
with arm elevation, thus decreasing the volume limit internal and external scapular rotation, thus
of the subacromial space (Fig. 7.6) [8]. elevating the risk for subacromial impingement
Overall, the mean size of the AC joint is [16]. In most cases, the articular surface of the
approximately 9 mm × 19 mm [10]. However, the acromion is concave whereas the articular sur-
size and shape of the distal clavicle and acromion face of the distal clavicle is convex [13]; both
can vary widely across the population [11, 12]. of these surfaces are initially covered in hyaline
7.2 Anatomy and Biomechanics 185
(anterolateral) ligaments which travel between The conoid ligament is the primary restraint to
the inferior surface of the distal clavicle and excessive superior translation and rotation of the
the base of the coracoid process (Fig. 7.9). The distal clavicle whereas the trapezoid ligament
conoid and trapezoid ligaments insert approxi- helps prevent excessive anterior–posterior trans-
mately 32.1 and 14.7 mm medial to the articular lation of the distal clavicle and compression of
surface of the distal clavicle, respectively [24]. the AC joint [17, 26, 27]. The CC ligaments
7.2 Anatomy and Biomechanics 187
Fig. 7.7 Illustrations showing the variable angulation 25 % of cases, (c) an incongruent joint occurs in approxi-
of the AC joint surfaces when viewed from anteriorly. mately 25 % of cases, and (d) lateral angulation occurs in
(a) Medial angulation occurs in approximately 50 % of approximately 5 % of cases.
cases, (b) a vertical joint line occurs in approximately
ligament Clavicle
Coracoacromial ligament ligament
Coracoclavicular ligament
Coracoid process Trapezoid
Coracohumeral ligament ligament
Fig. 7.9 The coracoclavicular (CC) ligaments are com- to the conoid ligament and inserts approximately 15 mm
posed of the conoid and trapezoid ligaments. The conoid medial to the articular surface of the distal clavicle.
ligament travels between the coracoid base and the conoid The CC ligaments are responsible for preventing large
tubercle which is centrally located on the inferior aspect displacements of the distal clavicle relative to the
of the clavicle. The trapezoid ligament runs anterolateral acromion.
Lateral pectoral
surface area and the high compressive and shear 7.3.2 Physical Examination
forces that are applied to the joint with daily
activities, the AC joint is susceptible to locally Acute AC Joint Injuries
elevated contact stresses which may favor the Patients with acute AC joint injuries will com-
development of osteoarthritis [13]. plain of pain at the top of the shoulder following
a significant impact-type injury to the lateral
shoulder. Examination of the patient in the sitting
7.3 Instability or standing position allows the weight of the arm
of the Acromioclavicular to pull the scapula downward, thus exaggerating
Joint the deformity (if present). Inspection of the
shoulder usually reveals swelling surrounding
7.3.1 Pathogenesis the area of the AC joint. In cases of higher-grade
injuries, an obvious step-off deformity may be
The vast majority of injuries to the AC joint occur present (Fig. 7.13). Patency of the deltotrapezial
during contact sports following an impact to the fascia can be assessed by having the patient shrug
lateral shoulder with the arm in an adducted posi- their shoulders—spontaneous joint reduction
tion (Fig. 7.12). Although much less common, with this maneuver indicates that the deltotrape-
other types of injury mechanisms such as a direct zial fascia is intact (discussed below for grades
blow to the distal clavicle or a fall onto an out- III and V injuries). The clinician should assess
stretched hand (driving the humeral head into the for a concomitant clavicle fracture by palpating
acromion and producing an inferior dislocation) the entire length of the clavicle, beginning at the
are also possible. SC joint and moving towards the AC joint.
190 7 The Acromioclavicular Joint
Superior view Posterior view Lateral view
Posterior Anterior
tilting tilting
Downward Upward
rotation rotation
Fig. 7.11 Illustrations highlighting the three-dimensional the scapula. The kinetic energy from these motions travels
movements of the clavicle and the scapula. Note that any through the AC joint thus resulting in clavicular motion.
scapular motion requires force transmission through the (b) The three-dimensional motion planes of the clavicle
AC joint, leading to clavicular motion and, therefore, SC that are closely coordinated with scapular motion through
joint motion. (a) The three-dimensional motion planes of both mechanical and neuromuscular stimuli.
In most cases, these general physical findings clavicle, and other surrounding structures [17].
lie along a spectrum of severity that are closely Many practitioners prefer to obtain a Zanca view
related to radiographic findings. The Zanca view that includes both shoulders in order to compare
is most often used to evaluate injuries to the AC the amount of distal clavicle displacement
due to its accuracy, excellent diagnostic utility, between the injured and non-injured shoulders
and its ability to identify concomitant clavicle (Fig. 7.14). To objectively assess the amount of
fractures which can sometimes mimic an AC distal clavicle displacement, the CC distance can
joint dislocation, especially in younger patients be measured and compared between shoulders.
with open physes [37, 38]. To obtain this view, Using the same Zanca radiograph, the CC distance
the X-ray beam is centered on the AC joint and is determined by the length of a vertical line that
tilted 10–15° cephalad [39]. It is recommended to begins from the most superior point of the coracoid
decrease the X-ray penetrance by approximately and ends at the most inferior point of the clavicle
50 % to improve visibility of the coracoid, distal (Fig. 7.15). Although “normal” CC distances have
7.3 Instability of the Acromioclavicular Joint 191
Fig. 7.17 (a) The axillary view is obtained with the lateral to the midline). This method ensures that the axil-
patient supine (or standing) and the X-ray cassette posi- lary radiograph is obtained within the plane of the gle-
tioned above the injured shoulder. The shoulder must be noid. (b) The Velpeau axillary view is used when the
sufficiently abducted to allow the X-ray beam to pass patient cannot adequately abduct the arm to obtain the
between the humerus and the thorax. The X-ray tube is standard axillary view. While wearing a sling (e.g.,
positioned inferior to the shoulder and aimed directly Velpeau dressing), the patient is asked to lean backwards
towards the glenohumeral joint at approximately half the to approximately 30° over the X-ray table and cassette.
angle of abduction (e.g., an abduction angle of 30° would The X-ray beam is directed vertically downward towards
require the X-ray tube to be positioned approximately 15° the cassette.
AC joint on clinical examination. In these cases, distal clavicle relative to the acromion. Horizontal
shoulder motion does not consistently generate instability, which can be detected by manually
increased pain at the AC joint. Radiographically, grasping the clavicle and applying an anterior–
although some soft-tissue swelling may be pres- posterior pressure, may be present in some type
ent, the distal clavicle appears aligned with the II injuries. AP or Zanca radiographs may show
acromion without any significant increase in slight superior displacement of the distal clavicle;
the measured CC distance when compared to the however, there is no significant difference in CC
contralateral shoulder (Fig. 7.20). According to distances between the injured and non-injured
the original classification, type I injuries repre- shoulders (Fig. 7.21). In type II injuries, the AC
sent a sprain of the capsuloligamentous structures capsuloligamentous structures are torn which
without disruption of any associated structural allows the clavicle to migrate superiorly; how-
ligaments. ever, the CC ligaments remain intact.
Type IV Injuries
Type IV injuries are characterized by complete
posterior dislocation of the distal clavicle which
typically pierces or punctures the fascia of the
trapezius muscle. Patients with type IV injuries
often present with severe swelling and pain local-
ized to an area posterior to the medial acromion.
In some cases, the distal clavicle may also
produce skin tenting posteriorly. Evaluation of
Zanca radiographs may reveal mild superior
displacement whereas the axillary view will
show significant displacement of the distal clavi-
cle posteriorly, possibly making contact with the
anterior aspect of the scapular spine (Fig. 7.23).
Although infrequent, type IV AC joint injuries
Fig. 7.18 (a) Normal-appearing Zanca radiograph of the
left AC joint in a patient with pain at the top of the shoul-
can occur in combination with an anterior dislo-
der following an acute injury. Note the normal alignment cation of the medial clavicle at the SC joint, thus
between the distal clavicle and the acromion. (b) Axillary producing a “floating clavicle” (Fig. 7.24). There-
radiograph of the same shoulder demonstrating posterior fore, the clinician should also examine the SC
displacement of the distal clavicle (outlined in white) rela-
tive to the acromion (outlined in red) that was not detect-
joint for any signs of instability in cases where a
able on the Zanca view. type IV AC joint injury is suspected (details
regarding examination of the SC joint are
presented in Chap. 8).
palpation and an obvious deformity is usually
present which represents significant superior Type V Injuries
displacement of the distal clavicle. Manipulation Patients with type V injuries present similarly to
of the clavicle would reveal both horizontal and those with type III injuries; however, the degree
vertical instability although significant guarding of pain, swelling, and deformity are markedly
is usually present in the clinical setting. Radiogra- more severe. Type V injuries are characterized by
phically, the clavicle will appear superiorly dis- >100 % superior displacement of the distal clav-
placed relative to the acromion by approximately icle on Zanca radiographs, increased scapular
100 % the width of the distal clavicle (Fig. 7.22). protraction and more severe soft-tissue injuries
It should be recognized that the distal clavicle when compared to type III injuries (Fig. 7.25).
actually does not translate superiorly by a large Disruption of the deltotrapezial fascia is a hall-
amount—much of this superior displacement is mark for type V dislocations and may generate
related to the weight of the arm which pulls the radiating pain towards the side of the neck along
acromion inferiorly relative to the clavicle. This the superior margin of the trapezius muscle.
injury pattern requires complete disruption of
both the AC joint capsule and the CC ligaments Type VI Injuries
while the deltotrapezial fascia remain intact. Type VI AC joint injuries are inferior disloca-
A shrug test has been described to differentiate tions in which the distal clavicle may end up in
type III and V injuries. In this test, reduction of the subacromial space or beneath the coracoid
7.3 Instability of the Acromioclavicular Joint 195
Fig. 7.19 Rockwood classification of AC joint injuries. 100 % the width of the distal clavicle; Type IV = disloca-
Type I = sprain of the AC joint capsule; Type II = rupture of tion with posterior displacement that often punctures the
the AC joint capsule with possible sprain of the CC liga- trapezial fascia; Type V = dislocation with superior dis-
ments; Type III = rupture of the CC ligaments (i.e., dislo- placement of >100 % of the width of the distal clavicle;
cation) with superior displacement equal to approximately Type VI = subcoracoid dislocation.
are treated nonoperatively for an acute AC joint distal clavicle should be evaluated for occult
injury will experience continued symptoms and instability which can exacerbate the progression
seek further treatment at some point, although the of AC joint degeneration (discussed below).
timing is generally unpredictable. Patients with
chronic AC joint injuries who return for clinical Distal Clavicle Manipulation
evaluation should be thoroughly evaluated for Although the technique has only been described in
possible sequelae such as scapular dyskinesis patients who underwent previous distal clavicle
(see Chap. 9), rotator cuff disease (see Chap. 3), excision (i.e., no traumatic AC joint injuries
and osteoarthritis of the AC joint (discussed involved) [52], manipulation of the distal clavicle
below). In addition, concomitant injuries such as can be performed to evaluate increased anterior–
labral tears and superior labral anterior to poste- posterior or superior–inferior translation of the
rior (SLAP) tears may occur in up to 30 % of distal clavicle relative to the acromion in cases
acute high-grade AC joint dislocations [43, 44, of chronic AC joint instability. To perform this
51]—the symptoms related to these injuries may maneuver, the clinician places one hand on the lat-
have never resolved through nonoperative treat- eral shoulder for stability and uses the fingers and
ment or non-treatment. In all of these cases, the thumb of the other hand to grasp the mid-shaft of
the clavicle. From this position, the distal clavicle
can be translated anteriorly, posteriorly, superiorly,
and inferiorly when AC joint instability is present
(Fig. 7.26). The test should be repeated on the con-
tralateral shoulder for direct comparison. Although
there is no precise definition of what constitutes a
“positive” test, the original investigators did find
that increased translational distances were highly
correlated with increased pain. This finding sug-
gests that the pain related to increased distal clavi-
cle translation may be a primary contributor
to poor operative and nonoperative outcomes in
some patients. This technique is only useful in the
setting of a chronic AC joint injury, prior AC
reconstruction, or prior distal clavicle excision
since those with acute injuries usually exhibit
significant apprehension and guarding due to pain
and swelling. In addition, manipulating the clavi-
Fig. 7.21 AP radiograph of a right shoulder in a patient cle in the acute setting could displace a previously
with an acute type II AC joint injury. unidentified clavicle fracture.
7.4 Osteoarthritis
of the Acromioclavicular
7.4.1 Pathogenesis
Articular cartilage
During injury
Fig. 7.29 (a) Synovial cyst involving the AC joint. (b) Distal clavicle hypertrophy. These entities can be differentiated
by palpation and illumination.
induced by scapular motion when the humerus is pain and dysfunction. This step is important since
either extended or elevated above approximately other shoulder conditions may actually be identi-
90° (see Chap. 2 for further details regarding fied as primary symptomatic lesions. Pain associ-
isolated glenohumeral versus combined gleno- ated with rotator cuff disease is perhaps the most
humeral and scapulothoracic motion). Thus, common contributor and may be perceived by
patients who experience pain mostly during the patient as involving the superior aspect of the
simultaneous scapular motion are more likely to shoulder. Impingement signs may also be posi-
have AC joint pathology than patients who expe- tive since all of these tests involve overhead
rience pain throughout the entire range of motion. motion which requires motion to occur across the
Possible exceptions include those with inflamma- AC joint. While pain related to rotator cuff dis-
tory or infectious conditions in which AC joint ease and the AC joint often occur simultaneously,
pain is not motion-dependent. it is important to determine which condition is
Perhaps one of the more important methods the primary instigator since the treatment options
used in the physical diagnosis of AC joint pathol- for each can vary significantly. SLAP tears are
ogies is simple observation of the patient’s shoul- also commonly identified in patients with AC
ders. Although there is a wide range of variation joint-related pain and may be related to a previ-
in AC joint anatomy, comparison of the overall ous traumatic injury, such as an AC joint dislo-
contour of each AC joint can often provide a cation, for which the patient has developed
helpful hint (Fig. 7.30). Although not diagnostic, symptomatic post-traumatic osteoarthritis [43,
relative prominence of one AC joint relative the 44, 51]. The quality and distribution of pain
other may direct the clinicians towards a more related to SLAP tears frequently overlaps that of
thorough examination of the AC joint, especially AC joint pain which can therefore complicate the
if the prominence is located on the symptomatic diagnosis. Patients with cervical spine diseases,
side. As mentioned above, there are numerous such as zygoapophyseal joint degeneration and/
potential causes of a prominent AC joint such or nerve root irritation, may also complain of
as osteoarthritis, synovial cysts, tumors, chronic superior shoulder pain—however, this type of
dislocations, and many others and therefore pain is often dependent on the position of the
may necessitate full examination and diagnostic neck and is usually localized to the superior
imaging. border of the trapezius muscle. Spurling’s test,
Before making the physical diagnosis of a among other provocative cervical spine maneu-
chronic AC joint pathology, it is important to vers, can be used to successfully differentiate
rule in or out other potentially coexistent between shoulder pain and neck pain and is dis-
conditions that may contribute to the patient’s cussed in Chap. 10.
7.4 Osteoarthritis of the Acromioclavicular Joint 201
Fig. 7.33 Cross-body adduction test. The patient’s arm is the AC joint can also be performed. This test should be
placed in a position of 90° of forward flexion. With the avoided in patients with known subscapularis pathology
palm facing downward, the arm is slowly horizontally as this position may also produce pain related to subscap-
adducted towards the contralateral shoulder. Palpation of ularis impingement beneath the coracoid process.
Fig. 7.34 Active compression test. (a) With the patient force to the distal arm while the patient provides resistance.
standing, the humerus is forward flexed to 90° with appro- (b) The test is repeated with the palm facing upward.
ximately 10° of horizontal adduction and the thumb Characteristic pain with the first maneuver that is relieved
pointed downward. The examiner then applies a downward by the second maneuver indicates a positive test.
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74. Sugi MT, Fedenko AN, Menendez LR, Allison DC. 79. Maritz NG, Oosthuizen PJ. Diagnostic criteria for
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The Sternoclavicular Joint
R.J. Warth and P.J. Millett, Physical Examination of the Shoulder: An Evidence-Based Approach, 209
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2593-3_8, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
210 8 The Sternoclavicular Joint
Fig. 8.1 Illustration highlighting the important structural components of the SC joint. (From Martetschläger et al. [3];
with permission).
Clavicle Convex
1st rib
2nd rib
Fig. 8.3 Approximately two-thirds of the medial clavicle
is covered with articular cartilage. The forceps point to the
pectoralis ridge which may be an important landmark for
surgical orientation. (From Warth RJ, Lee JT, Millett
PJ. Anatomy and biomechanics of the sternoclavicular
Fig. 8.2 The articular surfaces of the sternum and medial joint. Oper Tech Sports Med. 2014;22(3):248–52; with
clavicle are incongruent, although the medial clavicle permission).
typically exists in a “saddle” configuration (i.e., concave
in the axial plane and convex in the coronal plane).
increasing age [9]. Recent dissections performed
ject to significant anatomic variation [8]. As a at this institution revealed that only approxi-
result, osseous asymmetry of the SC joint should mately two-thirds of the medial clavicle was cov-
be expected in the clinical setting to prevent mis- ered with articular cartilage: the majority of this
diagnoses and unnecessary surgery. cartilage was found anteriorly and inferiorly
where the medial clavicle was devoid of capsulo-
ligamentous attachments (Fig. 8.3). This finding
8.2.2 Chondral Surfaces has also been confirmed by others [10]. We also
identified a previously undescribed ridge that
The articular surfaces of the medial clavicle and traveled along the superior aspect of the clavicu-
the manubrium are covered with hyaline carti- lar head of the pectoralis major insertion site
lage that eventually become fibrocartilage with [11]. This “pectoralis ridge” may prove to be
8.2 Relevant Anatomy and Biomechanics 211
Left anterior jugular vein
Left internal jugular vein
Left external jugular vein
Right vagus nerve
Left common carotid artery
Aortic arch
Fig. 8.5 (a) Illustration showing the important structures showing the orientation of these structures in the axial
that are situated posterior to the SC joint. (b) CT scan plane.
8.2 Relevant Anatomy and Biomechanics 213
1st rib
ligament Sternum
According to Ponce et al. [6], the closest vessel Slide
Fig. 8.11 (a) The technique used to obtain a Serendipity of cephalad angulation. (b) Illustration showing the inter-
view of the SC joint. With the patient supine, the X-ray pretation of the resulting Serendipity view.
beam is centered over the SC joint with approximately 40º
CT angiogram should also be obtained and the on- posterior SC joint dislocation should never be per-
call cardiothoracic surgeon should be made aware formed in the emergency room without prior con-
of the situation [27, 30]. Closed reduction of a sultation with a cardiothoracic surgeon.
References 217
10. van Tongel A, van Hoof T, Pouliart N, Debeer P, for anterior SCJ instability. Arch Orthop Trauma
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at risk. Surg Radiol Anat. 2014;36(4):375–81. location: a long term follow-up study. J Orthop
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17. Emura K, Arakawa T, Terashima T, Miki A. neous dislocation of both ends of the clavicle. Injury.
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Scapular Dyskinesis
R.J. Warth and P.J. Millett, Physical Examination of the Shoulder: An Evidence-Based Approach, 219
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2593-3_9, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
220 9 Scapular Dyskinesis
or snapping scapula syndrome). For example, known to have various morphological features
Aggarwal et al. [3] performed measurements in 92 that may predispose some individuals to supra-
dried scapulae and found that the costal (anterior) scapular nerve entrapment [9–12]. The transverse
surface of the scapula “undulated” and also varied scapular ligament travels mediolaterally between
in depth between 10.5 and 26.5 mm. The investi- the crests of the suprascapular notch. In most
gators noted that the thickness of the superomedial cases, the suprascapular nerve is found below the
angle ranges between 2 and 4 mm whereas the ligament and within the notch whereas the supra-
inferomedial angle had a thickness between 5 and scapular artery is found above the ligament and
8 mm. Anterior angulation of the superomedial outside of the notch (Fig. 9.2). The transverse
angle also varied between 124° and 162° in the scapular ligament is also known to have sig-
majority of their specimens. In addition, the inves- nificant anatomic variations that can also gener-
tigators also identified an anterior “horn-like” pro- ate symptoms related to suprascapular nerve
jection along the lateral border of at least one entrapment [13, 14].
scapula. Several researchers have described other
osseous abnormalities that may predispose some
individuals to painful scapular snapping. These 9.2.2 Muscular Anatomy
include the superomedial “bare area,” [4] the
“Luschka tubercle” (bony protuberance at the The scapulothoracic articulation is unique in that
superomedial angle) [5], the teres major tubercle its motion is not dictated by osseous constraints.
(located at the insertion of this muscle) [6], and Rather, the scapula is positioned through the
anterior “hooking” of the superomedial angle [7]. dynamic, coordinated action of surrounding
The suprascapular notch is located near the periscapular muscles (see Chap. 3). Therefore,
junction of the lateral third of the superior scapu- disruption or dysfunction of any one of these
lar border, just medial to the confluence of the muscles can result in scapular malposition or
coracoid process with the scapular body [8]. dyskinetic motion which can lead to disordered
The anatomy of the suprascapular notch is also shoulder function.
9.2 Anatomy and Biomechanics 221
Fig. 9.2 Posterior view of a normal scapula with impor- to the medial scapular border. The suprascapular nerve
tant neurovascular structures highlighted. The dorsal travels below the transverse scapular ligament whereas
scapular nerve and artery lie approximately 2 cm medial the suprascapular artery passes above the ligament.
Fig. 9.3 Illustrations demonstrating the positions of the view showing the positions of the periscapular bursae
pertinent periscapular bursae. (a) Positions of the relative to the surrounding musculature from [23].
periscapular bursae relative to the scapular body. (b) Axial
shoulder motion (see Chap. 3). The spinal acces- scapula provides a stable fulcrum against which
sory nerve, which innervates the levator scapulae glenohumeral motion can occur through the
muscle, travels with the transverse cervical artery dynamic action of the periscapular musculature,
along the levator scapulae muscle which is situ- including the rotator cuff and deltoid muscles. In
ated deep to the trapezius muscle. In some cases, fact, several authors have shown that external sta-
the spinal accessory nerve may penetrate through bilization of the scapula may improve the contrac-
the central portion of the levator scapulae [24]. tion strength of the rotator cuff [26, 27]. Smith
As the transverse cervical artery travels distally, et al. [27] found that stabilizing the scapula in a
it becomes the dorsal scapular artery which, in position of retraction substantially increased exter-
turn, travels with the dorsal scapular nerve nal rotation strength in 20 normal subjects when
beneath the rhomboid musculature a few finger- compared to external rotation strength with the
breadths medial to the medial scapular border scapula protracted. Similarly, in a series of 20
(see Fig. 9.2) [25]. The long thoracic nerve is patients with shoulder pain (but without rotator
relatively protected as it travels along the anterior cuff tears) and ten healthy controls, Kibler et al.
aspect of the serratus anterior muscle. The supra- [26] demonstrated a 13–24 % increase in supraspi-
scapular nerve arises from the superior trunk of natus strength when the “empty can” test was per-
the brachial plexus and courses towards the formed with the scapulae in a retracted position
suprascapular notch with the suprascapular (see Chap. 4 for details regarding Jobe’s “empty
artery. As mentioned above, the suprascapular can” test). In 29 overhead athletes with scapular
nerve passes beneath the transverse scapular liga- dyskinesis, Merolla et al. [28] measured sig-
ment whereas the suprascapular artery travels nificantly increased contraction forces of both
above the ligament (see Fig. 9.2). the supraspinatus and the infraspinatus muscles
following the completion of specially designed
rehabilitation protocols designed to improve
9.2.5 Biomechanics periscapular muscle balance. The same group
published similar results in a series of volleyball
With respect to normal shoulder kinematics, the players who also demonstrated scapular dyskine-
scapula has several important functions that sis upon initial presentation [29]. Second, accurate
should be considered before evaluating any patient positioning of the scapula through coordinated
with a complaint related to the shoulder. First, the muscle contractions facilitates glenohumeral
9.3 Scapular Dyskinesis 223
articular congruency by maintaining alignment of issue altogether. Once scapular dyskinesis has
opposing force couples, thus preserving the so- been detected by the initial screening examina-
called concavity compression mechanism of tion, the remainder of the patient encounter should
dynamic stability (concavity compression is dis- focus on the evaluation and treatment of its poten-
cussed more thoroughly in Chaps. 4 and 6). Third, tial causes and effects.
the scapula plays an important role in the trans-
mission of force through the kinetic chain. In
short, the scapula facilitates the transfer of kinetic 9.3.1 Possible Etiologies of Scapular
and potential energy from the largest muscles of Dyskinesis
the core and trunk towards site of action [30].
Dynamic scapular stability, which is facilitated by There are numerous potential etiologies respon-
adequate core and trunk strength, is necessary to sible for the development of scapular dyskinesis,
optimize the efficiency of this complex system most of which can be divided into primary and
[31]. Perhaps one of the most well-known exam- secondary causes.
ples of this concept is the classic pitching motion
most often utilized to deliver a high-velocity pitch Primary Causes of Scapular
in baseball. Dyskinesis
Primary causes of scapular dyskinesis are most
commonly related to mechanical or neurogenic
9.3 Scapular Dyskinesis defects. Mechanical problems may be associated
with a decrease in the scapulothoracic space, such
Although most established sports medicine clini- as kyphoscoliosis, rib fracture callus or hypertro-
cians (both generalists and upper extremity sub- phic nonunion, shortened clavicle as a result of
specialists) evaluate and treat patients with some fracture malunion and enlarging soft-tissue or
form of scapular dyskinesis on a regular basis, the skeletal masses, among several other potential
disorder is still an understudied, underappreci- defects, can produce symptoms such as scapulo-
ated, and often overlooked category of shoulder thoracic crepitation with shoulder motion (caused
dysfunction, especially in novice examiners. The by any abnormality that results in a decreased
knowledge deficiency in this area may be caused scapulothoracic space) or clinical findings such
by the relatively infrequent need for surgical as the gradual appearance of scapular malposition
intervention, by the lack of sufficient education on (caused by the presence of an enlarging mass
the topic or, perhaps, by generational differences within the scapulothoracic space which can push
in examination and treatment philosophies (such the scapular body away from the posterior thorax,
as the gradual transition from primarily experi- thus producing the appearance of scapular wing-
ence-based practice to primarily evidence-based ing and dyskinesis). In addition to disordered
practice). In addition to these potential chal- scapular motion, many of these mechanical issues
lenges, the precise cause of the condition is often manifest as periscapular bursitis, crepitus, or so-
unknown, the risk for secondary injury is often called scapular “snapping” and are discussed
unknown and its effect on shoulder mechanics is later in this chapter (see the Sect. below).
probably very complex. In most cases, we prefer
to view this problem as a manifestation of some Secondary Causes of Scapular
underlying condition rather than an isolated disor- Dyskinesis
der, regardless of whether the pathology is aca- Many patients with shoulder pain develop com-
demically defined as “primary” or “secondary” pensatory periscapular muscle contraction (or
(described below), since appropriate treatment of relaxation) that functions to limit the pain associ-
the underlying condition (ranging from a specific ated with shoulder motion. This abnormal firing
physical therapy protocol to surgical excision of a pattern produces disordered scapular motion that,
space-occupying mass) typically resolves the in some cases, may exacerbate the inciting injury.
224 9 Scapular Dyskinesis
Fig. 9.4 (a) Scapular winging due to trapezius muscle weakness. (b) Scapular winging due to serratus anterior muscle
Fig. 9.5 Clinical photographs showing a patient with goniometer revealed increased external rotation capacity.
GIRD. (a) Measurement of passive internal rotation with Because the total arc of motion was decreased, the loss of
a goniometer revealed decreased internal rotation capac- internal rotation was deemed pathologic (Courtesy of
ity. (b) Measurement of passive external rotation with a Craig Morgan, MD).
In at least one study, the amplitude of activation medial scapular border) and the spinal accessory
and the contraction strength of the serratus ante- nerve (results in more subtle scapular winging
rior muscle was significantly decreased in with difficulty in abduction) (Fig. 9.4).
patients with subacromial impingement. This Currently, most forms of scapular dyskinesis
produced an abnormal scapular resting position are attributed to underlying defects related to soft-
(increased anterior tilt and downward rotation) tissue structures around the shoulder. For example,
and subsequent scapular dyskinesis due to the many overhead athletes display physical evidence
unbalanced opposing force couple between the of a glenohumeral internal rotation deficit (GIRD)
serratus anterior muscle (weaker muscle) and which generally is not considered pathologic
the trapezius muscle (stronger muscle). Other unless there is an associated range of motion loss
potential etiologies of scapular dyskinesis include relative to the total arc of motion (Fig. 9.5).
AC joint instability and/or degenerative osteoar- However, posterior capsular contractures are often
thritis, some forms of glenohumeral instability found in these same athletes due to repeated throw-
and neurogenic causes such as cervical radicu- ing [32]. These contractures essentially “stiffen”
lopathy and the oft-cited palsies involving the the posterior capsule such that glenohumeral
long thoracic nerve (results in prominence of the adduction and internal rotation causes the scapula
9.3 Scapular Dyskinesis 225
to internally rotate (or “windup”) without input Regardless of the precise cause, recognition
from the periscapular musculature [1]. In this and correct interpretation of disordered scapular
example, the scapula can no longer be placed in a motion is an extremely important part of the clin-
position of maximal glenohumeral contact when ical examination that should never be overlooked
the arm is adducted and internally rotated, poten- in any patient who presents with a shoulder com-
tially leading to subsequent injuries if not clini- plaint. It is important to remember that the scap-
cally addressed (often related to the SICK scapula ula also plays an important role in force
syndrome). Other common findings in patients transmission through the kinetic chain. Therefore,
(most commonly athletes) with scapular dyskine- in most athletic (i.e., non-sedentary) individuals
sis are tightness of the short head of the biceps ten- with secondary scapular dyskinesis, a thorough,
don and the pectoralis minor tendon [33]. Because yet efficient assessment of scapular motion can
each of their tendons forms an attachment to the be considered a reflection of muscular symmetry
coracoid process, tightness of either muscle (or and the overall health of the kinetic chain.
both) can result in scapular malposition and disor-
dered scapular motion.
Overall, many of the above-mentioned etiolo- 9.3.2 Physical Examination
gies (except for the specific nerve palsies) result
in the same general pattern of scapular malposi- Scapular dyskinesis is usually diagnosed by sim-
tion and dyskinesis—that is, a protracted resting ple palpation of the relevant scapular landmarks
position and further protraction with arm motion. while also observing both scapulae during move-
This is the most common manifestation of scapu- ment of the shoulder through the various motion
lar dyskinesis which can lead to subacromial planes. The condition is most often characterized
impingement (due to a decreased volume within by prominence of the inferomedial angle and the
the subacromial space), diminished rotator cuff medial scapular border (as a result of protraction
contraction strength (due to alterations in the in the resting position), early upward rotation of
length-force relationship of each muscle [dis- the scapula during arm elevation and/or early
cussed in Chap. 3]) [26–28], and chronic overuse downward rotation of the scapula when lowering
injuries such as symptomatic internal impinge- the arm back to the side (variations in dyskinetic
ment in throwing athletes (due to repeated supra- patterns are described below for specific condi-
physiologic scapulohumeral angulation) and tions). Recent evidence suggests that increased
superior labral anterior to posterior (SLAP) tears upward rotation may be associated with symptom
(due to the “peel back” mechanism proposed by compensation whereas increased downward rota-
Burkhart et al. [34] [discussed in Chap. 6] and/or tion may be associated with symptom causation.
repeated maximal tension placed on the anterior Regardless, any abnormal scapular motion can
capsule). These common secondary effects, compromise normal shoulder function by reduc-
which are often at least partially attributed to ing glenohumeral articular congruency, reducing
scapular dyskinesis, can also lead to tertiary the acromiohumeral distance, increasing tension
pathologies, thus initiating a so-called vicious and strain across the AC joint capsule, decreasing
cycle. The most commonly encountered cascade the strength of rotator cuff contraction (which can
of events occurs in the following sequence: (1) also reduce glenohumeral stability) and shifting
primary or secondary dyskinesis, which leads to the arc of glenohumeral motion as which com-
(2) submaximal supraspinatus contraction, which monly occurs in overhead athletes. In addition to
leads to (3) gradual superior humeral head migra- these changes, scapular dyskinesis can also mask
tion, which leads to (4) a gradual decrease in sub- or enhance the symptoms related to other concom-
acromial space, which leads to (5) subacromial itant shoulder pathologies, such as rotator cuff
impingement and supraspinatus tears, which lead tears and labral tears, thus complicating the physi-
to (6) pain, which leads to (7) compensatory, cal diagnosis and subsequent treatment decisions.
asymmetric muscle firing patterns, which lead to Clinical examination of the scapulae should
(8) worsening of scapular malposition, dyskine- begin with an assessment of posture and symme-
sis, superior humeral head migration, and so on. try. In many overhead athletes, the dominant
226 9 Scapular Dyskinesis
Fig. 9.9 Lateral scapular slide test. (a) This test is meant marked by the spinous processes (be wary of patients with
to identify a difference in the medial-lateral positioning of abnormal spinal curvature, such as those with scoliosis).
the scapula relative to the thoracic spine. (b) With the The measurement is repeated for the contralateral scapula.
patient standing and their arms at the side, the examiner (c) The measurement is repeated with the hands on the
uses measuring tape to measure the distance between the iliac crests and/or with the arms abducted.
inferomedial scapular angle and the midline, typically
elevation (i.e., a positive “flip test”; Fig. 9.8). Pain position. However, a study by Odom et al. [38]
with compression of the scapular body against found no improvement in sensitivity or specific-
the thoracic wall with shoulder motion may also ity for the detection of scapular dyskinesis with
be an indicator of snapping scapula syndrome. any of the three testing positions or when the
threshold for diagnosis was increased from 1.0 to Lateral Scapular Slide Test 1.5 cm. Another study by Shadmehr et al. [39]
The lateral scapular slide test was originally found that the test was unreliable. However, it
developed by Kibler [36] in 1991 as a method to should be noted that any study that evaluates the
detect asymmetric scapular resting positions with accuracy of a physical examination test for the
the arms in various degrees of abduction. detection of a specific pathology or defect, the
According to the original description, the dis- findings on examination should always be cou-
tance from the inferomedial scapular angle to the pled with the findings obtained from the diagnos-
corresponding spinous process along the same tic gold standard. In the case of scapular
horizontal plane was measured bilaterally with dyskinesis, there currently does not exist a diag-
both arms (1) at the side, (2) abducted to approxi- nostic gold standard and, thus, inhibits study
mately 30° and slightly internally rotated (i.e., interpretation.
hands on hips), and (3) abducted to 90° in the
coronal plane (Fig. 9.9). Kibler [36] suggested Scapular Assistance Test
that the latter two testing positions required sub- The scapular assistance test was first described
stantial muscular activation involving the upper by Kibler et al. [26] in 2006 and is typically used
and lower trapezius and the serratus anterior to assess the effect of scapular malposition on
muscle—weakness of any of these muscles rotator cuff impingement. In this test, the exam-
would therefore produce increased lateral devia- iner applies an anterior and superior force to the
tion of the scapular body. Thus, a difference in inferomedial scapular angle to assist upward
bilateral measurements in any of the three testing rotation and posterior tilt of the scapula while the
positions was considered a positive test. Kibler patient flexes and/or abducts the arm (Fig. 9.10).
[37] more recently proposed that this cut-off A positive test occurs when the patient reports
point be increased to 1.5 cm based on experi- relief of impingement-like symptoms as the scap-
ences within clinical practice combined with ula of the affected extremity is manipulated.
other unpublished work involving scapular mal- Acceptable inter-rater reliability has been
228 9 Scapular Dyskinesis
Fig. 9.12 Scapular reposition test. With the patient stand- the examiner’s elbow is used to push the inferomedial
ing, the examiner positions their forearm obliquely across angle anterolaterally while the fingers are used to pull the
the scapular body such that the fingers rest over the ante- scapula posteriorly. This posterior stabilization is main-
rior shoulder. The patient is then asked to abduct the tained while the examiner performs the rotator cuff
humerus in the scapular plane. During humeral elevation, impingement signs [110].
230 9 Scapular Dyskinesis
activity are more likely to have an anatomic the majority of cases. Nevertheless, nonoperative
derangement involving the scapulothoracic space management is the first-line treatment strategy
that prevents smooth gliding of the scapula over and usually includes non-steroidal anti-inflam-
the posterior chest wall. Potential etiologies matory medications, injection of bursal tissue
include kyphoscoliotic posture [65], space- and periscapular muscle strengthening. Open or
occupying osseous or soft-tissue masses (such as arthroscopic management may be indicated in
fracture callus, anomalous musculature, benign patients who fail a course of nonoperative treat-
or malignant tumors, and fibrotic bursae) or pre- ment or those who have an obvious space-
disposing anatomic variations (such as hyperan- encroaching mass that is found on imaging
gulation of the superomedial angle [7], a Luschka studies.
tubercle [5], or a teres major tubercle [6], among
many other possibilities). However, it is impor- Trapezius Myalgia
tant to recognize that symptomatic bursitis can Trapezius myalgia is vaguely defined as pain in
eventually lead to mechanical crepitus (as a result the region of the trapezius, most frequently involv-
of bursal fibrosis [5, 18, 21, 22]) while mechani- ing the superior division of the muscle that travels
cal crepitus can also lead to symptomatic bursitis along the neck between the occiput and the scapu-
(as a result of disordered scapular motion) [23]. lar spine [68–70]. However, in reality, the myalgia
Therefore, most patients will present with char- probably involves other muscles in the area such
acteristics that suggest both mechanical and non- as the levator scapulae, the rhomboid major and
mechanical etiologies. minor, and/or the paraspinal musculature [71].
Scapular dyskinesis is a common finding in The condition is often attributed to poor sitting
patients with scapulothoracic bursitis and is most posture and alterations in the neck flexion angle
likely caused by tightness or weakness of the ser- during prolonged periods of desk-related work
ratus anterior, upper trapezius, levator scapulae, [71–79]. Patients typically present with a dull
and/or pectoralis minor. This muscular imbal- ache, tenderness to palpation, and subjective
ance can be variable and may be the result of a “tightness” along the lateral side of the neck.
compensatory mechanism that functions to avoid Several studies have identified muscular imbal-
periscapular pain with shoulder motion. Scapular ances, derangements in upper trapezius muscle
“pseudowinging” may be present in patients with firing patterns (mostly increased activity), and
an enlarging scapulothoracic mass which physi- decreased maximum contraction strength and
cally pushes the scapular body away from the endurance in this group of patients (i.e., involve-
posterior chest wall. In cases of symptomatic ment of both fast- and slow-twitch muscle fibers)
bursitis, superficial palpation around the scapular [69, 80–83]. As a result, many patients with work-
margins most often reveals the site of maximal related neck pain have clinically significant scapu-
tenderness and inflammation. However, deeper lar malposition such as decreased posterior tilt and
palpation may be necessary in some cases—this increased protraction [78, 84, 85] which may pre-
typically involves placing the arm in the “chicken dispose these individuals to secondary rotator cuff
wing” position (dorsum of hand placed over lum- impingement as a result of a decreased acromio-
bosacral junction) which increases downward humeral distance [86]. A study by Juul-Kristensen
rotation of the scapula and allows deeper palpa- et al. [68] confirmed these findings and also noted
tion along the medial scapular border [66, 67]. that patients with trapezius myalgia demonstrated
During range of motion testing, the clinician can a statistically significant increased capacity for
also apply a compressive force to the posterior passive glenohumeral internal rotation (due to
scapular body to decrease the scapulothoracic increased scapular protraction) when compared to
space which may help reproduce the patient’s normal controls. In addition, those patients who
symptoms in the office setting [8]. reported the greatest work-related disability asso-
Clinical management of this entity is diffi- ciated with trapezius myalgia also demonstrated
cult because its precise etiology is unknown in a 20° increase in passive glenohumeral internal
234 9 Scapular Dyskinesis
asymmetric scapular winging—a clinical finding the scapular malposition and to relieve the
which can be used to differentiate between patient’s symptoms.
patients with FSHD and those with other types of
limb-girdle muscular dystrophies who most often
present with symmetric scapular winging. 9.3.4 Scapular Dyskinesis
Clinical management of this entity is chal- in Overhead Athletes
lenging since there is very little evidence to sup-
port any possible operative or nonoperative In overhead athletes, the scapula plays a central
treatment modality. Currently, most treatment role in the kinetic chain—muscle contraction
strategies involve symptomatic management in forces produced by the trunk are transmitted
order to improve the patient’s overall function through the scapula and into the hand where
and quality of life. potential energy is converted into kinetic energy
[32, 95]. It follows that any disruption of the Medial Scapular Muscle kinetic chain may lead to disordered scapular
Detachment motion and inefficient energy transmission.
Avulsion or detachment of the musculature that Most competitive overhead athletes display
inserts along the medial scapular border has only differences in scapular resting positions between
recently been described as a distinct clinical their dominant and non-dominant shoulders as a
entity with specific physical examination find- result of physiologic adaptation [96–99]. These
ings [93, 94]. More specifically, the condition is differences typically include increased internal
thought to primarily involve detachment of the rotation along with alterations in upward rotation
lower trapezius and rhomboids from the scapular and posterior tilt (increased or decreased).
spine and/or the medial scapular border follow- However, regardless of the resting position, most
ing an acute traumatic injury (especially seatbelt- overhead athletes display the same pattern of
related motor vehicle accidents). Other possible scapular motion when the arm is elevated [100].
etiologies include seizure, electrocution, or lift- During the competitive season, specific abnor-
ing a heavy object with full elbow extension, malities of scapular motion are only treated when
among other potential causes (most of which they are found to be associated with an injury;
involve a push–pull mechanism of injury). Most however, during the offseason, efforts should be
patients present with an acute onset of severe made to correct scapulohumeral kinematics
pain along the medial scapular border which which can prevent injuries such as SLAP tears
increases in severity as the humerus is mobilized. [34], symptomatic internal impingement [101],
Increased activity of the upper trapezius may also and valgus overload of the medial elbow [102].
produce tension-type headaches in some patients Although the scapula is usually found to be
[93, 94]. internally rotated in overhead athletes, many of
Physical examination findings are fairly uni- these same individuals display seemingly para-
form in these patients and are critical to making doxical evidence of GIRD upon physical exami-
the correct diagnosis. These findings often nation. Physiologic adaptations such as capsular
include localized tenderness along the medial contractures, muscle inflexibility, and osseous
scapular border with or without a palpable soft- changes (e.g., humeral retrotorsion) which allow
tissue defect, an altered scapular resting position the athlete to achieve greater degrees of abduc-
and secondary findings such as rotator cuff tion, extension, and external rotation are respon-
impingement, snapping scapula, and symptom- sible for these findings. These changes produce a
atic relief following scapular manipulation pro- pattern of scapular dyskinesis characterized by
cedures during arm elevation (discussed below). markedly increased protraction and decreased
Although many of these patients present after posterior tilt during forward flexion, internal
having undergone numerous treatments, surgical rotation and horizontal adduction which typically
reattachment is only indicated after a course of occurs during the follow-through phase of the
appropriate scapular rehabilitation fails to correct throwing motion.
236 9 Scapular Dyskinesis
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Neurovascular Disorders
10.2.1 Pathogenesis
10.1 Introduction
Many conditions related to the cervical spine can
The diagnosis of neurovascular-related shoulder cause impingement of exiting nerve roots, leading
dysfunction is a challenging, but necessary to radiating pain towards the ipsilateral shoulder
component of clinical practice. Although basic (Fig. 10.1). Oftentimes, patients perceive this pain
screening tests such as Tinel’s sign and Hoffman’s as coming from the shoulder and radiating towards
sign are useful, it is important to identify the pre- the neck as if to suggest that a shoulder disorder is
cise cause of the patient’s symptoms in order to causative. However, the difference is that radiating
provide an effective treatment protocol. The fol- pain from the cervical region will be distributed in
lowing sections will describe the pathogenesis a dermatomal pattern whereas that of a shoulder
and physical examination findings that will aid in condition would not necessarily be related to any
the establishment of an effective operative or specific dermatome (Fig. 10.2). Cervical spine
nonoperative treatment plan. pathology should always be considered in patients
who complain of constant pain regardless of
shoulder motion, especially when the pain seems
10.2 Cervical Radiculitis to be isolated to a specific dermatome. On the
other hand, patients with a shoulder condition are
Cervical radiculitis is one of the most important also more likely to have positional night pain and
pathologies to be ruled out in patients presenting pain that occurs only with shoulder motion.
with acute or chronic shoulder pain. Degenerative
disc disease, disc herniation, spondylolisthesis,
and zygoapophyseal joint disease, among others, 10.2.2 Physical Examination
can all lead to neurogenic neck pain that may or
may not radiate to the shoulder. This pain can be Initial physical findings in patients with cervical
indistinguishable from that of many shoulder spine pathology may include postural imbal-
pathologies and should always be considered in ances, such as changes in lordosis or forward
any patient with shoulder pain or dysfunction. head positioning, as a result of contracture of
It is important to note, however, that cervical paravertebral and/or periscapular musculature.
spine pathology can coexist with shoulder pathol- Shoulder muscle atrophy can also be an impor-
ogy, making the clinical diagnosis difficult in tant clue since the innervation for many of the
some cases [1, 2]. shoulder muscles are derived from the C5 and C6
R.J. Warth and P.J. Millett, Physical Examination of the Shoulder: An Evidence-Based Approach, 241
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2593-3_10, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
242 10 Neurovascular Disorders
C5 3
Fig. 10.3 Clinical photographs of a patient with spinal contralateral side. (b) When viewing from posteriorly,
accessory nerve palsy [4]. (a) The right trapezius mus- scapular winging can be seen during humeral elevation.
cle is visibly atrophied (arrow) when compared to the
Shah and Rajshekhar [8] studied the reliability an axial load to the top of the head. The investiga-
of Spurling’s test in the diagnosis of cervical disc tors did not rotate the head prior to application of
disease with the reference standard of magnetic an axial load. The sensitivity and specificity of
resonance imaging (MRI) in 25 patients who Spurling’s test was found to range between 0.90
were treated nonoperatively and direct visualiza- and 1.00, depending on whether MRI or surgery
tion at surgery in 25 patients who were treated was used as the reference standard. In contrast,
operatively. The test was performed by extending Wainner et al. [9] performed the same test; how-
and laterally bending the neck and then applying ever, they also rotated the head towards the
244 10 Neurovascular Disorders
be only 0.22; however, the specificity was 0.94. sically, ~14 kg of force) (Fig. 10.7). This maneu-
Therefore, it is suggested to combine this test ver is thought to increase the space available for
with a more sensitive test, such as Spurling’s test exiting nerve roots. Relief of symptoms indicates
or the upper limb tension test (described below), a positive test and is indicative of cervical pathol-
to improve diagnostic accuracy. ogy. Wainner et al. [9] determined that the cervi-
cal distraction test was 44 % sensitive and 90 % Cervical Distraction Test specific for the detection of cervical spine pathol-
The cervical distraction test is performed with ogy. Similarly, Viikari-Juntura [3] calculated
the patient in the supine position. The examiner a sensitivity of 0.44 and a specificity of 0.97.
cradles the jaw and occiput with their hands and Thus, similar to the Valsalva maneuver men-
slightly flexes the neck to improve patient com- tioned above, it is important to combine this test
fort. A distraction force is applied gently and with other, more sensitive provocative maneu-
gradually until significant resistance is felt (clas- vers to improve diagnostic efficacy.
246 10 Neurovascular Disorders Brachial Plexus Tension Test then abducted, the forearm is supinated, the
The brachial plexus tension test was first wrist and fingers are extended, the humerus is
described by Elvey [14] in 1986 and has been externally rotated, the elbow is extended, and the
modified on a few occasions [9, 15]. Although neck is bent towards the contralateral side and
less descriptive, some researchers refer to then towards the ipsilateral side (Fig. 10.8).
this maneuver as the “upper limb tension test.” Reproduction of the patient’s symptoms was con-
The test is performed as a series of steps with sidered a positive test. Wainner et al. [9] found
the patient in the supine position. The first step that the sensitivity and specificity values for
is to place the hand over the posterior aspect this test were 0.97 and 0.22, respectively.
of the scapula and to depress the scapula against Quintner [15] found slightly lower sensitivity
the thoracic wall. Sequentially, the shoulder is and specificity values; however, they used
10.3 Thoracic Outlet Syndrome 247
cervical radiography to confirm the diagnosis Table 10.1 List of possible conditions that may mimic
as opposed to EMG which was performed by thoracic outlet syndrome
Wainner et al. [9]. Conditions that can mimic thoracic outlet syndrome
As an adjunct to this test, Wainner et al. [9] Cervical radiculitis Malignancy
proposed a second method to evaluate for cervi- (e.g. spinal cord tumors)
cal spine pathology. In this maneuver, the patient Brachial plexopathy Shoulder pathology
was positioned supine with the shoulder abducted Fibromyalgia Spastic disorders
Angina/acute Raynaud’s phenomenon/disease
to 30°. The examiner then sequentially depressed
coronary syndrome
the scapula, internally rotated the humerus, Complex regional Peripheral nerve entrapment
extended the elbow, flexed the wrist and fingers pain syndrome
and, finally, contralateral followed by ipsilateral Neurologic disorders Vasculitides
side-bending of the neck (Fig. 10.9). Reproduction
of the patient’s symptoms was considered a posi-
tive test. The sensitivity and specificity values for misdiagnoses and confusing clinical presenta-
this maneuver were 0.72 and 0.33, respectively, tions, especially since there are numerous condi-
representing an inferior result compared to tions that can mimic TOS, such as brachial
Elvey’s original test described above. neuritis, peripheral nerve entrapments, and cervi-
cal spine disease among many other possibilities
(Table 10.1).
10.3 Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
In 1956, Peet et al. [16] were the first to coin the 10.3.1 Pathogenesis
term “thoracic outlet syndrome” (TOS) as a result
of neurovascular compression between the ante- As the brachial plexus and subclavian vessels
rior and middle scalene muscles (i.e., the inter- course towards the axilla and the upper arm, there
scalene triangle). It is one of the most controversial are at least four areas of potential narrowing that
conditions in the orthopedic literature with regard can result in TOS. The first potential site of com-
to anatomy, diagnosis, and management. In 2004, pression occurs in patients with a congenital
Huang and Zager [17] reported that the incidence bony or fibrous extension of the transverse pro-
of TOS was approximately 3–80 cases per 1,000 cess of the seventh cervical vertebra (cervical rib;
people. This wide variability is likely due to Fig. 10.10) [18, 19]. The interscalene triangle is
248 10 Neurovascular Disorders
Fig. 10.10 Cervical rib. (a) Illustration depicting the Radiograph demonstrating a cervical rib arising from the
anatomy of a cervical rib and its relationship with the seventh cervical vertebra.
nearby subclavian vessels and brachial plexus. (b)
the second of these stenotic areas and is the most first rib (costoclavicular syndrome; Fig. 10.12).
common site of compression (scalenus anticus Impingement in this area primarily involves the
syndrome; Fig. 10.11). The interscalene triangle subclavian artery and/or vein. The fourth poten-
is bordered by the anterior scalene muscle anteri- tial site of neurovascular compression is within
orly, the middle scalene posteriorly, and the the subcoracoid space in an area beneath the pec-
superiomedial aspect of the first rib inferiorly. toralis minor muscle-tendon unit (pectoralis
The subclavian artery, subclavian vein, and the minor syndrome; Fig. 10.13).
trunks of the brachial plexus are located within The numerous potential etiologies for TOS
this triangle and is thus a potential site of neuro- can be divided into static and dynamic causes.
vascular impingement. The costoclavicular space Static causes might include cervical ribs, frac-
is the third site of narrowing and is located ture callus, fibrous bands, anomalous or
between the middle 1/3 of the clavicle and the fibrotic musculature (such as pectoralis minor
10.3 Thoracic Outlet Syndrome 249
syndrome [20, 21]), poor posture, and patho- The potential causes of TOS can also be
logic lesions with significant mass effect such divided by the structure involved. Neurogenic
as a Pancoast tumor, tuberculosis, or osteomy- TOS, which has been reported to account for
elitis. Reproduction of symptoms with scapu- more than 95 % of all cases of TOS [23], involves
lothoracic or glenohumeral motion typically compression of the nerves within the brachial
indicates a dynamic cause which can occur plexus and is often the result of neck trauma.
within any of the three typically stenotic areas Vascular TOS, as the name suggests, involves
mentioned above. Repetitive microtrauma, as compression of the subclavian artery and/or vein.
which occurs commonly in athletes and man- Compression of the subclavian artery is typically
ual laborers, can also play an important role in associated with a cervical rib or rudimentary first
the pathogenesis of TOS; however, the exact rib [24, 25] (see Fig. 10.10). In contrast, com-
pathomechanism behind repetitive micro- pression of the subclavian vein usually occurs
trauma and the development of TOS has not within the costoclavicular space [26] (see
been clearly defined [21, 22]. Fig. 10.12). Mixed TOS is more nonspecific and
250 10 Neurovascular Disorders
Neurovascular bundle
Coracoid process
Subclavian artery
Subclavian vein
Pectoralis minor
may involve compression of nerves, arteries, and/ these may suggest the presence of a neuropathy or
or veins simultaneously with varying magnitudes myelopathy. Hoffman’s sign is a useful test for the
of compressive force. detection of cervical myelopathy (Fig. 10.14).
Many patients with TOS report an aching sen- Combined supraspinatus and infraspinatus atro-
sation over the shoulder or neck accompanied by phy can occur since innervation for both of these
upper limb paresthesias such as numbness or tin- muscles is derived from the C5 nerve root of the
gling. Sensory dysfunction of the arm and/or brachial plexus (suprascapular nerve). Weakness
hand often occurs simultaneously with occipital or atrophy of the rhomboid musculature may indi-
headaches. Compression of the subclavian vein cate compression of the dorsal scapular nerve
may result in ipsilateral swelling and/or discolor- (also from the C5 nerve root). The radial, median,
ation of the arm whereas compression of the sub- and ulnar nerves are also derived from the brachial
clavian artery can produce a subclavian bruit. plexus, and care must be taken to evaluate the
Cold, pale skin distal to the elbow may indicate appropriate musculature to potentially locate the
proximal compression of a sympathetic nerve. In site of impingement. Tinel’s sign should also be
reality, however, most patients with TOS present performed to rule out cubital tunnel syndrome at
with vague symptoms that are often difficult to the elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome at the wrist.
differentiate from other causes of shoulder pain. There are several provocative maneuvers that
can be used to help determine the site of impinge-
ment and the structure involved in TOS. However,
10.3.2 Physical Examination interpretation of clinical tests for TOS is contro-
versial and there is no individual test that is univer-
It is important to inspect the entire upper extrem- sally diagnostic. This is due to the wide variation
ity, including the intrinsic muscles of the hand, for in potential pathomechanisms involved with its
muscle atrophy, wasting, or fasciculations since development. In addition, the high false positive
10.3 Thoracic Outlet Syndrome 251
However, the studies by Nord et al. [31] and asked to extend the neck while the examiner
Plewa and Delinger [32] displayed conflicting simultaneously palpates the radial pulse at the
results regarding the rate of false positives— wrist. A positive test occurs when the pulse
Nord et al. [31] calculated a false positive rate of amplitude decreases as the neck is extended and
nearly 50 % while Plewa and Delinger [32] cal- may indicate compression within either the inter-
culated a false positive rate of only 7 %. Several scalene triangle or the costoclavicular space
other authors have suggested that a positive test (Fig. 10.16). The examiner can also apply gentle
result may be associated with worse outcomes traction to the arm to help elicit symptoms. An
after either surgery or rehabilitation, especially in MRI study by Demirbag et al. [35] found that the
those with mixed neural and vascular symptoms Halsted maneuver produced a significantly
[33, 34]. Clearly, it is important to consider the decreased distance between neurovascular struc-
entire clinical picture before making the diagno- tures and the inferior border of the clavicle within
sis of TOS using any physical examination the costoclavicular space. Although this test has
maneuver. This includes a combination of the been widely referenced in the literature, there
history, other physical findings and, potentially, have been no clinical studies that have evaluated
imaging studies that serve to improve diagnostic the validity or reliability of the test for diagnos-
accuracy [29, 35]. ing TOS.
10.4.1 Pathogenesis
artery and nerve
Capsule of
Scapular spine shoulder joint
Teres minor
Posterior circumflex
Medial border humeral artery and
axillary nerve
scapular artery Quadrilateral space
Profunda brachii artery
and radial nerve in
triceps hiatus
Teres major
Long head
Triceps brachii
Lateral head
Triangular space
Entrapment of posterior
humeral circumflex artery
and axillary nerve within the
quadrilateral space when the
humerus is in 90˚ abduction
Fig. 10.20 (a) Illustration depicting the anatomy of the space as the arm is abducted to approximately 90° in the
quadrilateral space. See text for anatomic description. (b) coronal plane.
Illustration showing the narrowing of the quadrilateral
over the lateral deltoid is not uncommon and Although physical examination findings are
strongly indicates axillary nerve involvement. nonspecific in many cases, it is most important to
Aside from these typical complaints, other his- rule out other, more common causes of shoulder
torical findings are largely nonspecific and gener- pain such as rotator cuff tears and labral lesions,
ally do not contribute to the diagnosis. especially in overhead throwing athletes.
256 10 Neurovascular Disorders
and its prevalence is largely unknown [75, 76]. entire upper extremity which can last from days
Klein et al. [76] found intravenous corticoste- to weeks. Once the pain subsides (usually within
roids helpful in reducing symptoms thus sug- 1 month), significant weakness occurs progres-
gesting a potential immunological mechanism sively over several days and finally dissipates
for this condition. with full recovery of function in most patients
Traumatic injury is probably one of the more over time [59]. On the other hand, hypertrophic
common causes of brachial plexopathy (i.e., trau- brachial neuritis is a painless condition that pri-
matic brachial neuritis) and usually results from marily presents as progressive weakness over a
high-energy trauma, such as motorcycle and period of months to years. Finally, hereditary bra-
snowmobiling accidents [50], resulting in trac- chial neuritis begins in childhood and presents as
tion of the brachial plexus (i.e., the head and neck acute “attacks” (similar to the idiopathic form)
are stretched away from the affected shoulder) that can occur throughout the individual’s life-
and, potentially, nerve root avulsion from the spi- time. The patient will likely have a positive fam-
nal cord. The brachial plexus can also be injured ily history, may have cranial nerve involvement,
as a result of a violent hyperabduction motion as and may have dysmorphic facial features.
it becomes trapped beneath the coracoid process Initial inspection of the patient with brachial
[58, 77]. Midha [50] suggested that injuries neuritis may reveal muscle wasting and fascicu-
occurring more proximally to the clavicle (supra- lations involving the upper arm, forearm, and
clavicular injury) carry a much poorer prognosis hand muscles suggesting lower motor neuron
than those that occur distal to the clavicle (infra- involvement, especially during the “weakness”
clavicular injury). phase of the disease. The axillary, suprascapular,
long thoracic, and musculocutaneous nerves are
most commonly affected; [78] however, any
10.5.2 Physical Examination nerve branching from the brachial plexus, or any
nerve passing nearby such as the phrenic nerve,
Although physical examination findings across may be involved [79–81]. EMG is most useful in
patients with different brachial plexopathies are making the diagnosis of brachial neuritis as this
often similar, the natural history of the disease typically reveals a pattern consistent with acute
can differ widely thus providing a clue to the demyelination with axonal neuropathy during the
underlying sub-diagnosis. For example, most acute phase (within 3 weeks) and early regenera-
patients with idiopathic brachial neuritis experi- tion on repeat examination (after approximately
ence sudden, intense pain often involving the 3–4 months) [82].
258 10 Neurovascular Disorders
Fig. 10.22 (a) Illustration depicting suprascapular nerve the scapular spine. (b) Illustration depicting suprascapular
entrapment at the level of the transverse scapular liga- nerve compression due to a large glenolabral cyst distal to
ment. The corresponding clinical photograph demon- the spinoglenoid notch. The corresponding clinical photo-
strates the observed atrophy of both the supraspinatus and graph demonstrates the observed isolated atrophy of the
infraspinatus muscles as evidenced by the prominence of infraspinatus muscle (asterisk) [90].
10.6 Suprascapular Neuropathy 259
10.6.2 Physical Examination tor cuff muscle atrophy, a more proximal lesion
should be suspected, such as the C5 nerve root
Suprascapular neuropathy can present either sud- from which the dorsal scapular nerve arises, thus
denly or gradually as a constant dull, aching pain highlighting the importance of a complete neuro-
over the posterior and lateral aspect of the shoul- vascular examination. The supraspinous fossa,
der that may radiate up the neck or down the lat- infraspinous fossa, and acromioclavicular joint
eral arm. Horizontal adduction and internal may be tender to palpation in those with nerve
rotation may exacerbate this pain as a result of the entrapment at the suprascapular notch. In con-
increased tension placed on the suprascapular trast, the patient with nerve entrapment at the
nerve in this position [106]. Patients may also spinoglenoid notch may be tender to palpation
complain of weakness with motions that involve near the posterior joint line. Active and passive
abduction and external rotation, especially in range of motion should be tested in all patients to
those patients with suprascapular nerve entrapment determine the degree of clinical weakness and the
proximal to the supraspinatus muscle (i.e., at the potential effects of general shoulder stiffness and
suprascapular notch) [110]. In contrast, patients scapular dyskinesis on the chief complaint.
with nerve entrapment distal to the supraspinatus There are no specific provocative maneuvers
(i.e., at the spinoglenoid notch) may not experi- designed specifically for the detection of supra-
ence any functional deficits since the teres minor scapular neuropathy; however, it is postulated that
and deltoid muscles can usually compensate for humeral adduction and internal rotation may be
the weakened infraspinatus muscle [86]. useful to reproduce symptoms in patients with ten-
Although a distinct traumatic injury is identi- sion-type suprascapular nerve injuries since a
fied in nearly half of patients with suprascapular study by Plancher et al. [106] found that this posi-
neuropathy [111], most cases are the result of tion increased tension across the nerve at the spino-
chronic traction from repeated overhead activity glenoid notch. If the clinician uses this maneuver
such as those who participate in overhead sports to detect suprascapular nerve injury, it is important
and heavy manual labor. As mentioned above, to recognize that this maneuver may induce symp-
suprascapular nerve injury should also be sus- toms related to AC joint pathology (see Chap. 7).
pected in patients with massive, retracted supra- When suspected, other provocative maneuvers
spinatus tears [91, 92, 112] in addition to those may be necessary to detect concomitant patholo-
who have undergone previous shoulder surgery. gies such as labral tears, rotator cuff disease, gleno-
Perhaps the most important physical examina- humeral instability, and/or scapular dyskinesis.
tion findings in patients with suprascapular neu-
ropathy are those obtained via simple inspection
of the affected shoulder. The presence of surgical 10.7 Long Thoracic Nerve Palsy
scars over the posterior shoulder should raise
concern for nerve entrapment as a result of scar The long thoracic nerve arises from the C5, C6,
tissue and adhesions. The most common proce- and C7 ventral rami of the spinal cord and passes
dures resulting in nerve entrapment include rota- through the muscle belly of the middle scalene
tor cuff repair, posterior approaches to the muscle to provide motor innervation to all three
glenohumeral joint and, in one case, distal clavi- anatomic divisions of the serratus anterior muscle
cle excision [113]. Prominence of the scapular along its proximal anterior surface. The nerve is
spine may indicate atrophy of both the supraspi- tethered to the middle scalene and the neural ped-
natus and infraspinatus muscle bellies, especially icle of the serratus anterior which explains its high
in cases of suprascapular nerve entrapment at the rate of traction-type injuries. As discussed in
suprascapular notch (see Fig. 10.22). When nerve Chap. 3, contraction of the serratus anterior results
entrapment occurs more distally at the spinogle- in upward rotation and protraction of the scapula
noid notch, isolated atrophy of the infraspinatus and also provides scapular stabilization with vari-
muscle belly can be appreciated. If periscapular ous arm motions. Weakness of the serratus ante-
muscle wasting occurs simultaneously with rota- rior produces characteristic scapular winging
10.7 Long Thoracic Nerve Palsy 261
Fig. 10.24 Wall push-up. The patient is asked to perform scapular dyskinesis involving the left shoulder. Note the
a push-up against a nearby wall as if the patient were in prominence of the medial scapular border which is a char-
the prone position. (a) Demonstration of the wall push-up acteristic feature of long thoracic nerve palsy.
in a normal subject. (b) Clinical photo of a patient with
which must be differentiated from that which shoulder pain after a distinct traumatic injury. This
occurs with spinal accessory nerve palsy (see pain typically occurs along the medial scapular
Chaps. 3 and 9). border due to spasm of the unopposed rhomboid
musculature. The patient may also complain of
mechanical crepitus which can result from scapu-
10.7.1 Pathogenesis lothoracic incongruity due to the decreased girth
of the atrophied serratus anterior muscle.
Many cases of long thoracic nerve palsy are the On physical examination, the patient may be
result of non-contact subacute traction in over- tender to palpation along the medial scapular
head athletes. Typically, the injury occurs when border. The patient may also exhibit a decrease in
the arm is elevated overhead with the neck rotated active forward elevation of the humerus [114].
towards the contralateral shoulder. This position There are a few provocative maneuvers that can
produces tension across the long thoracic nerve be performed to detect serratus anterior weakness
as it passes through the middle scalene muscle. (discussed further in Chaps. 3 and 9). The most
Although direct contact injuries have been useful test, however, is the wall push-up since it
reported to cause long thoracic nerve palsy, this has been shown to maximally activate the serra-
mode of injury is relatively uncommon although tus anterior muscle and to provoke medial scapu-
it is likely underreported. In addition, more gen- lar winging [115]. To perform the wall push-up,
eralized neural disorders, such as brachial neuri- the patient places their hands against a nearby
tis, have occasionally been reported to involve wall at approximately shoulder-height and
the long thoracic nerve [78]. shoulder-width apart. The patient then performs a
push-up as if they were in the prone position
while the clinician observes scapular motion
10.7.2 Physical Examination (Fig. 10.24). The inferior pole of the scapula will
rotate medially and away from the chest wall if
Patients with serratus anterior weakness often serratus anterior weakness is present. In addition
complain of gradually increasing posterior to physical examination, EMG studies involving
262 10 Neurovascular Disorders
Jugular foramen
Vagus nerve (X)
Medulla oblongata
Cranial root
Spinal root
Fig. 10.25 Illustration showing the course of the spinal accessory nerve as it travels from the brainstem, through the
jugular notch and through the posterior triangle towards the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles.
10.9 Axillary Artery Occlusion 263
10.9.2 Physical Examination triangle (described above for TOS), among many
others. Venous occlusion is thought to be primar-
The patient with axillary artery thrombosis may ily positional in nature. Kunkel and Machleder
complain of tenderness over the anterior shoul- [130] showed evidence that hyperabduction of
der, specifically over the pectoralis minor muscle. the arms produced subclavian vein occlusion in
When distal embolization has occurred, the 21/25 patients (84 %) with confirmed effort
patient may also complain of claudication, night thrombosis.
pain, and a cold sensation distal to the embolus.
Physical examination should always include a
thorough neurovascular examination including 10.10.2 Physical Examination
capillary refill and the palpation of distal pulses.
Provocative maneuvers can be used to elevate Although there are no provocative maneuvers
suspicion of axillary artery thrombosis and are to detect subclavian vein thrombosis, there are
performed exactly as described for TOS above. several clinical signs that point to the diagnosis.
However, regardless of the test result, arteriogra- For example, many patients present with a grad-
phy is necessary to definitively establish the ual increase in swelling with dull shoulder and
diagnosis of arterial thrombosis. arm pain over a period of several days.
Engorgement of surface veins may be evident,
especially within the cubital fossa. Swelling may
10.10 Spontaneous Subclavian also induce paresthesias as a result of increased
Vein Occlusion hydrostatic pressure and resulting ischemia of
(Effort Thrombosis) peri-neural arterial branches. Some patients also
develop mottling and discoloration of the extrem-
Also known as Paget–Schroetter syndrome, spon- ity in more severe cases. Treatments that involve
taneous subclavian vein thrombosis typically preservation of venous patency, such as antico-
occurs without obvious predisposing factors. The agulation therapy and venous stents, are most
condition is commonly associated with repetitive likely to produce the best outcome in these
overhead activities and, therefore, is often referred patients [131, 132].
to as “Effort Thrombosis.” Although the condi-
tion is rarely seen, the consequences of not recog-
nizing the disorder can be potentially devastating, 10.11 Summary
ranging from pitting edema to life-threatening
pulmonary emboli. Most patients who present The neurovascular conditions related to the
with the condition are young athletes who may shoulder are numerous and complex; however, a
participate in overhead sports such as baseball, systematic, evidence-based approach to physical
tennis, or swimming [129]. diagnosis will allow the clinician to develop an
effective treatment plan that should lead to a suc-
cessful treatment outcome.
10.10.1 Pathogenesis
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DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2593-3, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
272 Index
P extension, 6–7, 9
Paget–Schroetter syndrome, 264 external rotation, 8–9
Painful arc sign, 88–90 forward flexion, 6
Pain provocation test, 128–130 glenohumeral resting position, 11–12
Palpation, 118–119 internal rotation, 7–10
Patient’s history, nonspecific factors, 1 scapular plane, 7, 8, 11
Paxinos test, 201, 202 methods of measurement
Pectoralis minor tightness test, 32–33 digital photography, 21–23
Periscapular muscles goniometers, 21
pectoral muscles gyroscope, 21
pectoralis major, 68–69 inclinometers, 20–21
pectoralis minor, 68–70 visual inspection, 19–20
rotator cuff scapulothoracic motion, 13–14
infraspinatus muscle, 54, 56–58 roles of AC and SC joints, 16–17
subscapularis muscle, 53, 58–59 scapular resting position, 14
supraspinatus, 53–56 three-dimensional scapular motion, 15–16
teres minor muscle, 53, 59–61 two-dimensional scapular motion, 14–15
scapulohumeral muscles shoulder elevation
biceps brachii, 64–67 abduction measurement, 23
deltoid, 61–66 flexion measurement, 23–24
teres major, 60–63 shoulder rotation
triceps brachii, 65–68 external rotation measurement, 24–25
trapezius internal rotation measurement, 25–27
lateral scapular winging, 47 specific tests, shoulder mobility
latissimus dorsi, 51–53 Apley scratch test, 28–29
medial scapular winging, 47 combined abduction test, 29–30
mitochondrial ATPase activity, 46 cross-body adduction test, 29–30
rhomboids, 48–50 horizontal flexion test, 31–32
serratus anterior muscle, 49–52 pectoralis minor tightness test, 32–33
strength, 47–49 posterior tightness test, 30–32
superior, middle, and lower fibers, 46 quadrant test, 30–31
Periscapular musculature, 147 stiff shoulder and frozen shoulder, 33
Physical examination findings, 1–2 Release test, 166–167
Posterior apprehension sign, 164, 168 Relocation sign, 165–166
Posterior subluxation, 173–175 Relocation test, 129–131
Posterior tightness test, 30–32 Rent test, 94–95
Preacromion, 183, 185 Repetitive microtrauma, 197–198
Pulley lesion, 112–113 Resisted arm extension test, 203–204
Push–pull test, 170–171 Resisted supination external rotation test, 132–133
Rhomboids, 48–50
Rotator cuff, 146–147
Q anatomy and biomechanics, 77–80
Quadrant test, 30–31 infraspinatus muscle, 54, 56–58
Quadrilateral space syndrome, 254–256 rotator cuff tears
infraspinatus, 95–99
pathogenesis, 93–94
R subscapularis, 97, 99–103
Range of motion supraspinatus, 94–97
end feel classification, 18–19 teres minor muscle, 102–104
factors affecting accuracy subacromial impingement
arm dominance, 28 acromial morphology and glenoid version, 83–85
gender, 27 anterior acromioplasty, 80
increasing age, 27 coracoacromial ligament, 82
patient positioning, 27–28 Hawkins–Kennedy test, 88–89
posture, 28 Neer impingement sign, 87–88
glenohumeral motion, 5–6, 17–18 os acromiale, 82
abduction, 6–8 painful arc sign, 88–90
adduction, 8, 10 pathogenesis, intrinsic factors, 86–87
Codman’s paradox, 12–13 stages of impingement syndrome, 81
Index 275
Subacromial impingement T
acromial morphology and glenoid version, 83–85 Teres major muscle, 60–63
anterior acromioplasty, 80 Teres minor muscle, 53, 59–61, 102–104
coracoacromial ligament, 82 Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS)
Hawkins–Kennedy test, 88–89 description, 247
Neer impingement sign, 87–88 pathogenesis, 247–250
os acromiale, 82 physical examination
painful arc sign, 88–90 Adson’s test, 251–252
pathogenesis, intrinsic factors, 86–87 costoclavicular test, 252–253
rotator cuff tears, 230 Halsted maneuver, 252
stages of impingement syndrome, 81 Wright’s test, 253–254
Subcoracoid impingement Three-dimensional scapular motion, 15–16
external tendon compression, 90–91 Trapezius
narrowed coracohumeral interval, 89 lateral scapular winging, 47
pathogenesis, 90–91 latissimus dorsi, 51–53
physical examination, 91–92 medial scapular winging, 47
Subscapularis muscle, 53, 58–59 mitochondrial ATPase activity, 46
bear-hug test, 101–103 myalgia, 233–234
belly-press test, 97, 100 rhomboids, 48–50
lift-off test, 100–102 serratus anterior muscle, 49–52
passive external rotation capacity, 97, 99 strength, 47–49
Sulcus signs, 161–162 superior, middle, and lower fibers, 46
Superior labral anterior to posterior (SLAP) tears, Triceps brachii, 65–68
151–152, 230 Two-dimensional scapular motion, 14–15
anterior slide test, 124–125
biceps load test I, 127–128
biceps load test II, 124, 128–129 U
classification system, 122–123 Utility of palpation, 2
crank test, 125–126
dynamic labral shear test, 133–134
labral tearing, 122–123 V
O’Brien test, 126–127 Valsalva maneuver, 244, 246
pain provocation test, 128–130
pathogenesis, 122–123
prehension test, 122, 126–127 W
relocation test, 129–131 Wright’s test, 253–254
resisted supination external rotation test, 132–133
SLAC test, 134–135
Suprascapular neuropathy, 258–260 Y
Supraspinatus muscle, 53–56 Yergason test, 119–120
Supraspinatus tendon tears
drop arm sign, 95, 97
Jobe test, 95–96 Z
rent test, 94–95 Zanca radiograph, acute AC joint
Surprise test, 167 injury, 190–197
Symptomatic internal impingement, 92–93
Synovial cysts, acromioclavicular (AC) joint, 198–199