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3 Phase Short Circuit PDF

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Short Circuit Analysis Program

Protective Device Evaluation

User’s Guide

Power Analytics Corporation

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Version 7.00.00 November 2012

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Table of Contents

1 UNIQUE FEATURES OF PALADIN DESIGNBASE SHORT CIRCUIT PROGRAM .......................................................... 1

1.1 W HAT’S NEW IN THIS RELEASE ......................................................................................................................... 2
2 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................. 3
2.1 TYPE OF FAULTS .............................................................................................................................................. 3
2.2 TERMINOLOGY .................................................................................................................................................. 4
2.3 SOURCES IN FAULT ANALYSIS ......................................................................................................................... 7
3 CONDUCTING A SHORT CIRCUIT STUDY IN DESIGNBASE ..................................................................................... 9
3.1 CALCULATION METHODS AND TOOLS .............................................................................................................. 9
3.2 SHORT CIRCUIT ANALYSIS OPTIONS: ............................................................................................................ 10
3.3 SLIDING FAULT: .............................................................................................................................................. 13
3.4 SERIES FAULT: ............................................................................................................................................... 17
3.5 AC ANSI/IEEE STANDARD ........................................................................................................................... 21
3.6 AC CLASSICAL SHORT CIRCUIT..................................................................................................................... 22
3.7 AC IEC 60909 SHORT CIRCUIT .................................................................................................................... 23
4 AC IEC 61363 SHORT CIRCUIT METHOD ............................................................................................................ 30
5 AC SINGLE PHASE SHORT CIRCUIT METHOD ..................................................................................................... 36
6 USING DESIGNBASE SHORT REPORT MANAGER ............................................................................................... 36
7 PROTECTIVE DEVICE EVALUATION (PDE) BASED ON ANSI/IEEE AND IEC-60909 ................................................ 41
8 SHORT CIRCUIT BACK ANNOTATION ................................................................................................................. 46
9 MANAGING SCHEDULES IN SHORT CIRCUIT CALCULATIONS ............................................................................. 47
10 NETWORK REDUCTION/EQUIVALENT ............................................................................................................... 54
10.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................... 54
10.2 HOW TO PERFORM EQUIVALENT/REDUCTION CALCULATIONS ..................................................................... 54
10.3 SIMPLIFYING THE ORIGINAL SYSTEM BY USING THE COMPUTED EQUIVALENT ............................................ 58
10.4 VALIDATION AND VERIFICATION OF THE EQUIVALENT ................................................................................... 62
11 APPENDIX I: SHORT CIRCUIT ANALYSIS INPUT DATA......................................................................................... 64
11.1 POWER GRID INPUT DATA ............................................................................................................................. 64
11.2 SYNCHRONOUS GENERATOR SHORT CIRCUIT INPUT DATA ......................................................................... 65
11.3 INDUCTION MOTOR SHORT CIRCUIT INPUT DATA ......................................................................................... 66
11.4 SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR SHORT CIRCUIT INPUT DATA.................................................................................. 67
11.5 HIGH VOLTAGE ANSI/IEEE CIRCUIT BREAKER SHORT CIRCUIT INPUT DATA ............................................ 68
11.6 LOW VOLTAGE ANSI/IEEE CIRCUIT BREAKER SHORT CIRCUIT INPUT DATA ............................................. 69
11.7 LOW VOLTAGE IEC CIRCUIT BREAKER SHORT CIRCUIT INPUT DATA .......................................................... 69
11.8 LOW VOLTAGE ANSI/IEEE FUSE SHORT CIRCUIT INPUT DATA .................................................................. 70
11.9 MEDIUM / LOW VOLTAGE IEC FUSE SHORT CIRCUIT INPUT DATA............................................................... 70
11.10 UPS ........................................................................................................................................................... 71
12 APPENDIX II: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND ....................................................................................................... 72
12.1 ANSI/IEEE STANDARD.................................................................................................................................. 72

Short Circuit Analysis Program

12.2 IEC 60909 ..................................................................................................................................................... 74

12.3 ANSI/IEEE STANDARD BASED DEVICE EVALUATION (PDE IEEE) ............................................................. 92
12.4 IEC STANDARD BASED DEVICE EVALUATION (PDE IEC) .......................................................................... 102
12.5 PROTECTIVE DEVICE EVALUATION BASED ON IEC STANDARD .................................................................. 113

List of Figures

Figure 1: Short Circuit Analysis Basic Option ................................................................................................... 10

Figure 2: 3-Phase Annotation Results .............................................................................................................. 12
Figure 3: Sliding Fault ....................................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 4: Report Manager for Sliding Fault Calculation .................................................................................... 14
Figure 5: Unbalanced system ........................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 6: Report Manager for Series Fault Calculation .................................................................................... 19
Figure 7: IEC-61363 Short Circuit Chart ........................................................................................................... 35
Figure 8: Short Circuit Report Manager ............................................................................................................ 36
Figure 9: Short Circuit Excel Report ................................................................................................................. 38
Figure 10: Short Circuit Professional Report .................................................................................................... 39
Figure 11: Protective Device Evaluation List .................................................................................................... 43
Figure 12: ANSI PDE Summary Report ............................................................................................................ 45
Figure 13: Short Circuit Annotation Window ..................................................................................................... 46
Figure 14: Motors inside schedule .................................................................................................................... 48
Figure 15: Feeder Representation inside a Schedule ...................................................................................... 48
Figure 16: Motor Status inside a Schedule ....................................................................................................... 49
Figure 17: Motor Loading / Usage inside a schedule ....................................................................................... 49
Figure 18: Short Circuit at MCC bus and branch contributions ........................................................................ 51
Figure 19: Part of the System to be Reduced ................................................................................................... 54
Figure 20: Selecting Buses for Network Equivalence ....................................................................................... 55
Figure 21: Selecting Network Equivalent Report Option .................................................................................. 56
Figure 22: Sample Network Equivalent Report ................................................................................................. 57
Figure 23: Reconstructed System Using the Calculated Equivalent ................................................................ 58
Figure 24: Equivalent Generator at Bus BBB138 ............................................................................................. 59
Figure 25: Equivalent Generator at Bus GGG138 ............................................................................................ 59
Figure 26: Equivalent Generator at Bus ZZZ69 ................................................................................................ 60
Figure 27: Equivalent Feeder between Buses BBB138 and GGG138 ............................................................. 60
Figure 28: Equivalent Transformer between Buses GGG138 and ZZZ69 ....................................................... 61
Figure 29: Equivalent Transformer Between Buses BBB138 and ZZZ69 ........................................................ 61
Figure 30: Fault Currents in Original Network ................................................................................................... 62
Figure 31: Fault Currents the Reconstructed System ....................................................................................... 63
Figure 32: Device Evaluation, ANSI Standard, Part 1 .................................................................................... 100
Figure 33: Device Evaluation, ANSI Standard, Part 2 .................................................................................... 101
Figure 34: Percentage D.C. current component in relation to the time interval from initiation of short-circuit
current, for different time constant. ....................................................................................................... 106
Figure 35: IEC PDE Flow Chart – Part 1 ........................................................................................................ 113
Figure 36: IEC PDE Flow Chart – Part 2 ........................................................................................................ 114
Figure 37: IEC PDE Flow Chart – Part 3 ........................................................................................................ 115

Short Circuit Analysis Program

List of Tables

Table 1: Recommended ANSI Source Impedance Multipliers for 1st Cycle and Interrupting Times ................. 7
Table 2: 30 cycles calculation impedance .......................................................................................................... 8
Table 3: IEC c factor ......................................................................................................................................... 29
Table 4: Resistivity and equivalent earth penetration ....................................................................................... 85
Table 5: IEC voltage factor................................................................................................................................ 86
Table 6: CB rated interrupting time in cycles .................................................................................................... 92
Table 7: K factor ................................................................................................................................................ 95
Table 8: Default Device X/R Values Using DesignBase’s Library .................................................................... 96
Table 9: n factor based on PF and short circuit level ...................................................................................... 104
Table 10: Icu and k factor................................................................................................................................ 108
Table 11: CB Name plate data ........................................................................................................................ 109

Note: You can view this manual on your CD as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file. The file name is:

 Short Circuit Analysis Program 3_Phase_Short_Circuit.pdf

You will find the Test/Job files used in this tutorial in the following location:

 C:\DesignBase\Samples\3PhaseSC



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Short Circuit Analysis Program

1 Unique Features of Paladin DesignBase Short Circuit Program

The salient features of the Paladin DesignBase advanced short circuit program:

 Fault analysis of complex power systems having over 50,000 buses

Exact short circuit current and contributions computation using Three-Sequence

 Simulate sliding and open conductor faults

 High speed simulation by utilizing state-of-the-art techniques in matrix operations
(sparse matrix and vector methods)

 Automated reactor sizing for 3 Phase networks

 Exporting and importing data from and to Excel
 Import system data from Siemens/PTI format into Paladin DesignBase
 Customize reports
 Professional report tool based on Crystal Reports
 UPS source bypass
 Support of ANSI and IEC standards for PDC (protective device coordination)
 Support of ANSI and IEC standards for PDE (protective device evaluation)
 Fully integrated with ARC flash program
 Fully integrated with PDC
 Minimum and maximum utility fault contribution
 UPS bypass mode and motors fed from VFD features

Short Circuit Analysis Program

1.1 What’s new in this release

 New Bus Short Circuit Evaluation feature (PDE). Seamlessly provides instant comparison
of short circuit results and bus ratings.

 New Impedance Tolerance feature for generators, transformers and feeders. Enables easy
setup of multiple maximum and minimum fault calculations.

 Improved photovoltaic short circuit model. Introduces advanced inverter options for
accurate calculations.

 Additional flexible annotations. Provides options to simultaneously display several short

circuit components on the one line diagram.

 New Case Study feature that enables to save customized short circuit options.

 Extended computation of thermal currents to LG, LL, and LLG faults.

 New VFD Regenerative Mode. Augments IEC-61363 motor short circuit model with a new
user defined percent rating of let-through current.

Short Circuit Analysis Program


A short circuit is an accidental electrical contact between two or more conductors. Protective devices such as
circuit breakers and fuses are applied to isolate faults and to minimize damage and disruption to plant’s

2.1 Type of Faults

The most common faults are:

 Three-Phase Fault, with or without ground (3P, or 3P-G)

 Single line to ground Fault (L-G)
 Line to Line Fault (L-L)
 Line to line to ground Fault (L-L-G)

Estimated frequency of occurrence of different kinds of fault in power system is:

3P or 3P-G: 8%
L-L: 12 %
L-L-G: 10 %
L-G: 70 %

Severity of fault:
Normally three-phase symmetrical short circuit (3P) can be regarded as the most severe condition. There are
cases that can lead to single phase fault currents exceeding the three-phase fault currents; however, the total
energy is less than a three-phase fault. Such cases include faults that are close to the following types of

 The Wye side of a solidly grounded delta-wy transformer / auto-transformer

 The Wye-Wye solidly grounded side of a three winding transformer with a delta tertiary
 A synchronous generator solidly connected to ground
 The Wye side of several Wye grounded transformers running in parallel

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Type of Short Circuits:

a):3P – three-phase; b):L-L, line-to-line; c):L-L-G, line-to-line-to-ground; and d): L-G, line-to-ground

2.2 Terminology

Arcing Time - the interval of time between the instant of the first initiation of the arc in the protective device
and the instant of final arc extinction in all phases.

Available Short Circuit Current - the maximum short circuit current that the power system could deliver at a
given circuit point assuming negligible short circuit fault impedance.

Breaking Current - the current in a pole of a switching device at the instant of arc initiation (pole separation).
It is also known as “Interrupting Current” in ANSI Standards.

Close and Latch Duty - the maximum rms value of calculated short circuit current for medium and high-
voltage circuit breakers, during the first cycle, with any applicable multipliers with regard to fault current X/R
ratio. Often, the close and latching duty calculation is simplified by applying a 1.6 factor to the first cycle
symmetrical AC rms short circuit current. Close and latch duty is also called “first cycle duty,” and was
formerly called momentary duty.

Close and Latch Capability - the maximum asymmetrical current capability of a medium or high-voltage
circuit breaker to close, and immediately thereafter latch closed, for normal frequency making current.

The close and latch asymmetrical rms current capability is 1.6 times the circuit breaker rated maximum
symmetrical AC rms interrupting current. Often called “first cycle capability.” The rms asymmetrical rating
was formerly called momentary rating.

Contact Parting Time - the interval between the beginning of a specified over current and the instant when
the primary arcing contacts have just begun to part in all poles. It is the sum of the relay or release delay and
opening time.

Crest Current / Peak Current – the highest instantaneous current during a period.

Fault – an abnormal connection, including the arc, of relative low impedance, whether made accidentally or
intentionally, between two points of different voltage potentials.

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Fault Point X/R – the calculated fault point reactance to resistance ratio (X/R). Depending on the Standard,
different calculation procedures are used to determine this ratio.

First Cycle Duty – the maximum value of calculated peak or rms asymmetrical current or symmetrical short
circuit current for the first cycle with any applicable multipliers for fault current X/R ratio.

First Cycle Rating – the maximum specified rms asymmetrical or symmetrical peak current capability of a
piece of equipment during the first cycle of a fault.

Interrupting Current – the current in a pole of a switching device at the instant of arc initiation. Sometimes
referred to as “Breaking Current”, I b , IEC60909.

Making Current – the current in a pole of a switching device at the instant the device closes and latches into
a fault.

Momentary Current Rating – the maximum available first cycle rms asymmetrical current which the device
or assembly is required to withstand. It was used on medium and high-voltage circuit breakers manufactured
before 1965; present terminology: “Close and Latch Capability”.

Offset Current - an AC current waveform whose baseline is offset from the AC symmetrical current zero

Peak Current – the maximum possible instantaneous value of a short circuit current during a period.

Short circuit current is the current that flows at the short circuit location during the short circuit period time.

Symmetrical short circuit current is the power frequency component of the short circuit current.

Branch short circuit currents are the parts of the short circuit current in the various branches of the power

Initial short circuit current IK" is the rms value of the symmetrical short circuit current at the instant of
occurrence of the short circuit, IEC 60909.

Maximum asymmetrical short circuit current Is is the highest instantaneous rms value of the short circuit
current following the occurrence of the short circuit.

Symmetrical breaking current Ia , on the opening of a mechanical switching device under short circuit
conditions, is the rms value of the symmetrical short circuit current flowing through the switching device at
the instant of the first contact separation.

Rated voltage VR the phase-to-phase voltage, according to which the power system is designated; IEC U R
the rated voltage is the maximum phase-to-phase voltage.

Nominal Voltage UN – (IEC) the nominal operating voltage of the bus.

Initial symmetrical short - circuit power S K " is the product of 3 *I K "*UN

System breaking power S B is the product of 3 *I a * UN

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Minimum time delay t min is the shortest possible time interval between the occurrence of the short circuit
and the first contact separation of one pole of the switching device.

Dynamic stress is the effect of electromechanical forces during the short circuit conditions.

Thermal stress is the effect of electrical heating during the short circuit conditions.

Direct earthing / effective earthing is the direct earthing of the neutral points of the power transformers.

Short circuit earth current is the short circuit current, or part of it, that flows back to the system through the

Equivalent generator is a generator that can be considered as equivalent to a number of generators feeding
into a given system.

DesignBase Short Circuit Analysis Program is based on ANSI/IEEE and IEC Standards and fully complies
with the latest ANSI/IEEE/IEC Standards:

 ANSI/IEEE Std. 141 – 1993, IEEE Recommended Practice for Electric Power Distribution of Industrial
Plants (IEEE Red Book)
 ANSI/IEEE Std. 399 – 1997, IEEE Recommended Practice for Power Systems Analysis (IEEE Brown
 ANSI/IEEE Standard C37.010 – 1979, IEEE Application Guide for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers
Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis
 ANSI/IEEE Standard C37.5-1979, IEEE Application Guide for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on
a Total Current Basis
 ANSI/IEEE Standard C37.13-1990, IEEE Standard for Low-Voltage AC Power Circuit Breakers Used in
 IEC-909 – 1988, International Electro technical Commission, Short Circuit Current Calculation in Three-
Phase Ac Systems
 UL 489_9 – 1996, Standard for Safety for Molded-Case Circuit Breaker, Molded-Case Switches, and
Circuit-Breaker Enclosures
 “A Practical Guide to Short-Circuit Calculations”, by Conrad St. Pierre
 IEC 60909-0/2001-07, Short-circuit currents in three-phase AC systems, Part 0: Calculation of currents
 IEC 60909-3/2003, Short-circuit currents in three-phase AC systems, Part 3: Currents during two
separate simultaneous line-to-earth short-circuits and partial short-circuit currents flowing through earth
 IEC 60947-1:2000-10, Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 1: General rules
 IEC 60947-2:2003, Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 2: Circuit breakers
 EN 60947-3:1999, Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 3: Switches, disconnectors, switch-
disconnectors and fuse-combination units
 BS EN 62271-100:2001, High-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 100: High-voltage alternating-
current circuit-breakers
 IEC 62271-111:2005-11, High-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 111: Overhead, pad-mounted,
dry vault and submersible automatic circuit reclosers and fault interrupters for alternating current systems
up to 38 kV

Short Circuit Analysis Program

2.3 Sources in Fault Analysis

Power utilities, all rotating electric machinery, and regenerative drives are sources in fault calculations.

½ Cycle Network Duty

The decay of short circuit current is due to the decay of stored magnetic energy in the equipment.

The impedance used during the first ½ cycle is the sub-transient impedance. It is generally used for the first
½ cycles up to a few cycles;

The ½ cycle network is also referred to as the sub transient network, because all rotating machines are
represented by their sub transient reactance.

½ cycle short circuit currents are used to evaluate the interrupting duties for low-voltage power breakers, low
voltage molded-case breakers, high and low voltage fuses and withstand currents for switches and high-
voltage breakers.

The following table shows the type of device and its associated duties using the ½ cycle network.

Type of Device Duty

High voltage circuit breaker Closing and latching capability

Low voltage circuit breaker Interrupting capability
Fuse Bus bracing
Switchgear and MCC Instantaneous settings

Table 1: Recommended ANSI Source Impedance Multipliers for 1st Cycle and Interrupting Times

Source Type 1/2-Cycle Interrupting Reference

Calculations Time
(1.5 to 4 cycles cpt)
Remote Utility (equivalent) Z "
Zs ANSI C37.010
" "
Local Generator Z dv Z dv ANSI C37.010
" "
Synchronous Motor Z dv 1.5* Z dv ANSI C37.010

Large Induction Motors:

>1000 HP or 250 HP and Z" 1.5* Z ANSI C37.010
2 poles

Medium Induction Motors

50 to 249 HP or 1.2* Z
3* Z
" ANSI C37.010
250 to 1000 HP <2poles

Small Induction Motors 1.67* Z

∞ ANSI C37.13
<50 HP

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Z%  For Induction
Harmonic Filters Tuned _ harmonic X”d = /

1.5-4 Cycle Network

This network is used to calculate the interrupting short circuit current and protective device duties (1.5 – 4)
cycles after the fault.

Type of Device Duty

High voltage circuit breaker (>1.0 kV) Interrupting capability
Unfused Low Voltage PCB without instantaneous Interrupting capability
All Other Low voltage circuit breaker N/A
Fuse N/A
Switchgear and MCC bus N/A

Steady State or 30-Cycle Network

This network is used to calculate the steady state short circuit current and duties for some of the protective
devices 30 cycles after the fault occurs (delayed protective devices). The type of power system components
and their representations in 30-cycle networks are shown in the following table. Note that induction machines,
synchronous motors, and condensers are not considered in 30-cycle fault calculation.

Table 2: 30 cycles calculation impedance

Source Type 30 Cycle Calculation Impedance
Power Utility /Grid Z s"
Generators '
Z dv
Induction Motors Infinite impedance
Synchronous Motors Xd

Short Circuit Analysis Program


3.1 Calculation Methods and Tools

To start DesignBase Short Circuit program, Open the “T123” sample file under the C:\DesignBase\Samples
folder and click on the short circuit icon as shown below:

The short circuit toolbar will appear showing the analysis method pick list and their corresponding tools

Paladin DesignBase provides several short circuit calculation methods based on ANSI/IEEE Standards and
IEC Standards for both AC three-phase and single-phase networks. The following short circuit calculation
methods are available:

 AC ANSI/IEEE (separate R and X, as per ANSI/IEEE Standard)

 AC Classical, (Academic Z complex method, X/R from the complex Z)
 AC IEC 60909
 AC IEC 61363
 AC 1 Phase
 DC Classical
 DC IEC 61660

Their associated tools are listed below:


Report Manager

Back Annotation


Reactor Sizing

Short Circuit Analysis Program

3.2 Short Circuit Analysis Options:

While the “T123” sample file is open in DesignBase, Click on the “Options” icon and the window below will

Figure 1: Short Circuit Analysis Basic Option

The Options window has three tabs:

 Calculation Tab: This tab has the same fields for AC ANSI/IEEE, AC Classical, AC IEC 60909, AC
IEC 61363 and AC Single Phase calculation.
AC Single Phase, faults can be performed only at all buses in this release,
 Control Tab: this tab depends on the short circuit method that user selects.
 Tolerance Tab: this tab enables to specify equipment impedance tolerances

The Calculation Tab allows selecting the followings:

 Case Study: enables users to save combination of customized short circuit options
 Base voltage:
o Adjusted by tap/turn ratio if power transformer is run on “off nominal” taps
o System voltage
 Prefault voltage represents the bus voltage at the instant the fault is applied at that bus. It can be:
system voltage, load flow calculated bus voltage or actual/name plate voltage
 Default output: Annotation or report

Short Circuit Analysis Program

 Contribution level: Branch contribution levels away from the fault location to be shown in results. The
calculated results are displayed either on the one-line diagram (if Default Output: Annotation is
selected by the user) or printed in the output report (if Default Output: Report is selected by the user)
 Fault impedance. This option is applied if the fault is calculated at one bus only
 Fault location: selected buses, all buses, sliding fault or series fault; (Sliding and series fault does not
apply to IEC61363 or AC Single phase calculation)
 Miscellaneous options: use only X to calculate the faults
 Duty type for PDE based on: maximum branch fault flow or total bus fault current

Fault Location

Selection of One Bus: A Bus can be selected:

 Graphically on the one line diagram, by a simple click on the desired bus symbol, or
 By highlighting the bus name in the Short Circuit Option window and then clicking on the “Add”
button; the selected bus will be transferred to the “Selected Buses” list. To remove a bus from the
“Selected Buses” list highlight the bus name and click on the “Remove” button.

If one Bus is selected, the short circuit program can determine the bus post-fault voltage and branch
contributions up to 50 levels away of that fault.

Selecting More Than One Bus:

 Graphically on the drawing space: click onto the desired first bus, then hold down the “shift key”;
while the “shift key” is being held down, select each bus individually
 Menu Driven: highlight the desired bus ID in the Short Circuit Option and then click on “Add”; the
selected buses will be transferred to the “Selected Buses” list. To remove a bus or several buses
from the “Selected Buses” List, highlight the bus ID and click on the Remove button. The highlighted
bus/buses will be transferred to the “All Buses” List.

Notes: Faults at more than one bus, are faulted individually in turn, not simultaneously. Depending
on the specified fault type, the program will place a three-phase, line-to-ground, line-to-line, and line-
to-line-to-ground fault at each selected bus which is faulted for short circuit studies.

Selecting All Buses: Fault at all buses can be simulated by selecting the “All Buses” option under
the “Short Circuit Analysis Basic Option”.

 Faults at “All Buses”, are faulted individually, not simultaneously. Depending on the specified fault
type, the program will place a three-phase, line-to-ground, line-to-line, and line-to-line-to-ground fault
at all buses which are faulted for short circuit studies.
 On the drawing are displayed short circuit components and units as per user selection in the Short
Circuit Back Annotation window.
 All faulted buses are colored in “Red”.

For this tutorial select in the Options window the following options:

 Default Output: Annotation.

 Select Base Voltage: System Voltage
 Select Prefault Voltage: System Voltage
 Contribution Level from fault location: 3
 Default Output: Annotation
 Bus Type to select: All Buses

Short Circuit Analysis Program

 Fault location: 18

Then click on the analyze icon. The following results will be displayed on the drawing.

Figure 2: 3-Phase Annotation Results

Short Circuit Analysis Program

3.3 Sliding Fault:

Paladin DesignBase Short Circuit Program can simulate a fault along a feeder/cable/transmission line. Using
this option eliminates the need to create a dummy bus at a location along the feeder. The figure below shows
examples of evenly spaced sliding faults (F1, F2, F3, and F4) and single point sliding fault at a specific
location (F).

“From” Bus “To” Bus

F1 F F2 F3 F4

Click on the “Options” icon to select “Sliding Fault” as shown below.

Figure 3: Sliding Fault

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Selecting a Feeder / Branch:

Highlight the desired Feeder/Cable in the “All Feeders and Cables” Box and then click on the Add button; the
selected Feeder/Cable will be transferred to the “Selected Feeders and Cables” Box.

To remove a Feeder/Cable from the “Selected Feeders and Cables” box, highlight the Feeder/Cable and click
on the “Remove” button. The highlighted Feeder/Cable will be transferred to the “All Feeders / and Cables
Box / List.

In this release, only one Feeder/Cable can be selected for Sliding fault calculation at a time.
Select feeder “3C – 12”, and then press on the “OK” button. The Report Manager for Sliding Fault Calculation
will appear as shown below:

Figure 4: Report Manager for Sliding Fault Calculation

The program allows users to specify the Fault location on the selected Feeder at “Any Position” away from
the “From Bus” or at a “Number of Fault Spots” evenly spaced alongside the selected feeder. In the latter
option, the program automatically divides the feeder/line into equidistant segments and fault currents are
calculated for each intermediate point. Contributions from both ends of the feeder/line for each fault location
as well as the voltages at the faulted location and at both ends are also reported:

Fault type:

 3-Phase Fault

Short Circuit Analysis Program

 Line-to-line fault
 Line-to-ground fault
 Double-Line-to-Ground fault

 For fault Current: A or kA, with user defined decimal places
 For Capacity: kVA or MVA, with user defined decimal places
 For Bus Voltages: V or kV, with user-defined decimal places
 Per Unit MF, %X/R: with user-defined decimal places

Note: Sliding fault does not apply to IEC61363 and AC Single Phase calculation.

For this tutorial, select branch contribution, then the “Any Position” option. Enter 150 feet in the “Away From
Bus” field and click “OK”. The following report will be generated after clicking on the “Analyze” icon on the
Short Circuit toolbar.

Paladin DesignBase

3-Phase Short Circuit v7.00.00

Project No. : Page : 1

Project Name: Date : 10/23/2012
Title : Time : 02:53:14 pm
Drawing No. : Company :
Revision No.: Engineer:
Jobfile Name: T123 Check by:
Scenario : 1 : mode1 Case : 1 : Base
Electrical One-Line 3-Phase Network for ANSI PDE

Calculation Options

Calculating Single Bus Fault with Fault Z = 0.00000 + j 0.00000 Ohms

Fault Phases:
Phase A for Line-Ground Fault
Phase B,C for Line-Line or Line-Line-Ground Fault

ANSI/IEEE Calculation:
Using ANSI Std. C37.010-1979 or above.
Separate R and X for X/R, Complex Z for Fault Current
The Multiplying Factors to calculate Asym and Peak are Based on Actual X/R
Peak Time Applies ATPC Equation

Transformer Phase Shift is considered.

Generator and Motor X/R is constant.
Base Voltages : Use System Voltages
Prefault Voltages : Use System Voltages

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Jobfile Name: T123 Page : 2

Fault Spot Report for Sliding Fault

Bus Results: 0.5 Cycle--Symmetrical--3P/LL/LG/LLG Faults


Fault Feeder : 3C ->12 Fault R(Ohms) : 0

From Bus : 3C Fault X(Ohms) : 0
To Bus : 12 Length(Feet) : 300
Fault Spot : 150 Feet away from 'From Bus'

Thevenin Imped. ANSI

Pre-Flt 3P Flt. LL Flt. LG Flt. LLG Flt --------------- ------
Bus Name kV kA kA kA kA Z+(pu) Zo(pu) 3P X/R
------------------------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------
--Fault Spot--- 0.48 31.17 27.00 28.73 31.31 3.8584 4.8751 10.678

Jobfile Name: T123 Page : 3

Branch Report for Sliding Fault

Branch Results: 0.5 Cycle--Symmetrical--3P/LG Faults


Fault Feeder : 3C ->12 Fault R(Ohms) : 0

From Bus : 3C Fault X(Ohms) : 0
To Bus : 12 Length(Feet) : 300
Fault Spot : 150 Feet away from 'From Bus'

System Volt: 0.48 kV Base Volt: 0.48 kV Prefault Volt: 0.48 kV

Fault Type : 3-phase L-L L-G L-L-G

Spot RMS( kA ): 31.17 27.00 28.73 31.31
Spot X/R : 10.68

* Stands for Secondary or Tertiary Side of Transformer

or To Bus --> Fault Spot for Sliding Fault Feeder.

3-Phase Fault Line-Ground Fault Thevenin

--------------- ------------------------------- ---------------
From Bus (kA) From Bus (kA) Impedance
Branch Name %V Ia %Va %Vb Ia 3Io Z+(pu) Zo(pu)
------------------------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
0001 29.9 0.00 39.6 98.0 0.00 0.00 2.9575 2.5520
0002 29.9 0.00 39.6 98.0 0.00 0.00 2.9575 2.5520
0003 29.9 29.19 39.6 98.0 26.95 27.05 2.9575 2.5520
0004 29.9 -1.41 39.6 98.0 -0.87 -0.00 2.9575 2.5520
0005 29.9 0.00 39.6 98.0 0.00 0.00 2.9575 2.5520
0006 29.9 0.00 39.6 98.0 0.00 0.00 2.9575 2.5520
0007 29.9 0.00 39.6 98.0 0.00 0.00 2.9575 2.5520

Short Circuit Analysis Program

3.4 Series Fault:

Series fault types (one phase open, two phases open, and unequal series impedances) with or without
neutral unbalance are supported in the Paladin DesignBase short circuit program. The series fault types are
shown in the figure below. It should be noted that series faults are meaningful only if pre-fault loads have
been taken into account (i.e. load flow solution is considered). For series faults, the equivalent voltage at the
opening point is computed from the pre-fault system current at the unbalance point. The default fault
impedances Za, Zb, and Zn are:

Figure 5: Unbalanced system

Short Circuit Analysis Program

For one open phase (phase A), Default values: Zb=Zn=0.0 +j0.0
For two open phases (phases B and C) Default values: Za=Zn=0.0+j0.0
For Series Unbalance (phases A, B, and C) Default values: Za=Zb=Zn=0.0+j0.0

In the current version of the program, the series fault feature is only supported by the “AC Classical” short
circuit analysis method. Hence, using the same short circuit sample file “T123” as in previous sections, select
“AC Classical” under the “Analysis” short circuit toolbar menu.
Then, open the Short Circuit Analysis Options and select “LF Voltage” under the Prefault voltage menu and
the “Series Fault” field to perform open phase study on branch “3C->12”.

Click “Ok” and the “Report Manager for Series Fault Calculation” will appear. Only one feeder can be
selected at a time to performed series faults.

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Figure 6: Report Manager for Series Fault Calculation

The program allows users to select:

 one phase (one phase open)

 two phases open
 unbalanced series fault

At the fault (open location) the user can select the fault impedance in ohms.

For this tutorial, the “One Phase Open” option is used. The following report will be generated after clicking on
the “Analyze” button on the Short Circuit toolbar.

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Paladin DesignBase

3-Phase Short Circuit v7.00.00

Project No. : Page : 1

Project Name: Date : 10/23/2012
Title : Time : 03:56:14 pm
Drawing No. : Company :
Revision No.: Engineer:
Jobfile Name: T123 Check by:
Scenario : 1 : mode1 Case : 1 : Base
Electrical One-Line 3-Phase Network for ANSI PDE

Calculation Options

Calculating Series Fault

Fault Phases:
Phase A for One Phase Open Fault
Phase B,C for Two Phases Open Fault

Classical Calculation:
Complex Z for X/R and Fault Current

Transformer Phase Shift is not considered.

Generator and Motor X/R is constant.
Base Voltages : Use System Voltages
Prefault Voltages : Use Load Flow Results

Feeder/Cable Series Fault Report


Fault Feeder : 3C ->12

Prefault Voltage
System Base --------------------------
Bus Bus Name kV kV kV % Degree
----- ------------------------ -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
From 3C 0.48 0.48 0.48 100.10 0.05
To 12 0.48 0.48 0.48 99.94 -0.0

Fault Impedance(Ohms) :
Za = 0 +j 0
Zb = Zc = 0 +j 0
Zn = 0 +j 0

Fault Current Direction : From Bus --> To Bus

Phase Sym Fault Current at 1/2 Cycle (Magnitude in kA and Angle in Degree)

---- Unbalance fault -----

Item Phase A Phase B Phase C
----- -------- -------- --------
Magn. 0.10 0.10 0.10
Angle -6 -126 113.7

Short Circuit Analysis Program

3.5 AC ANSI/IEEE Standard

The AC ANSI/IEEE short circuit analysis method is based on a separate R and X matrix method:

Fault current multiplying factors allow setting up marginal coefficients while fault calculations are performed.

The tab provides also information on ANSI Standard impedances – first cycle and interrupting cycles: 2-8
cycles as per ANSI/IEEE Std.

For calculating the MF, users can select:

 Based on X/R using the equations in section 2.0
 Or regardless of the X/R value, the MF is fixed

In calculating the MF, users can also select:

 Empirical value for 
 Or  = T = 0.5

Short Circuit Analysis Program

The short circuit program supports two options for the generators and motors resistances. The first option
uses constant X/R ratio (which is defined in the generator and motor input dialogs). In the second option, the
generator/motor resistance is computed from the following X/R ratio:

X /R
The above resistance is maintained constant for all time bands and sequences (negative, zero, positive).

3.6 AC Classical Short Circuit

The AC Classical short circuit analysis method is based on the Complex E/Z calculation method and the X/R
ratio is extracted from the complex impedance matrix (X/R). The Calculation Tab is the same as in AC
ANSI/IEEE Standard and provides the same options.

Fault Current Multiplying Factors allow setting up marginal coefficients while fault calculations are performed.
The user can also select the Machine Current Decay, in cycles.

Short Circuit Analysis Program

The short circuit program supports two options for generator and motor resistances. The first option uses
constant X/R ratio (which is defined in the generator and motor input dialogs).

the second option, i.e, variable X/R (see the lower left part of the above figure), the generator/motor
resistance is computed from the following X/R ratio:
X /R
The above resistance is maintained constant for all time bands and sequences (negative, zero, positive). In
this case the X/R ratio will be variable for different time bands and sequences.

3.7 AC IEC 60909 Short Circuit

This analysis method is based on the IEC60909 Standard. The Calculation Tab is similar to the AC and
ANSI/IEEE Standard and provides the same options. Users can select calculations based on different
versions of the standard:
 1988 Version
 2001 Version

Short Circuit Analysis Program

The short circuit program supports two options for generators and motors resistances. The first option uses
constant X/R ratio (which is defined in the generator and motor input dialogs). In the second option (variable
X/R, see the lower left part of the following figure), the generator/motor resistance is computed from the
following X/R ratio:

X /R
The above resistance is maintained constant for all time bands and sequences (negative, zero, positive). In
this case the X/R ratio will be variable for different time bands and sequences.

In the IEC 60909 short circuit program, the control tab allows users to select:
 Fault Current Multiplying Factors
 The method employed in calculating the Peak Current (method A, B, C or Classical Thevenin)

Also, as per IEC 60909 standard, users can select:

 System Voltage
 IEC maximum Voltage
 IEC minimum Voltage

Peak current method:

 Method A: uniform ratio R/X. The smallest X/R ratio determines the k factor
 Method B: applies to the calculation of peak current in mesh networks X=1.15 multiplied by the X b. Xb
from Fig.8 page 47 IEC 60909 Std.
 Method C: applies to the calculation of peak current in mesh networks; The value of X is calculated
from Fig. 8, IEC 60909 and depends on X/R ratio of the network
 DesignBase Thevenin: X is calculated from the Thevenin equivalent

3.7.1 Impedance Correction Factors:

Apply K g factor to Generator Z g impedance:

This field should be selected when calculating the initial short circuit current in systems fed directly from
generators without unit transformers. This is the case when short circuit currents are calculated at generator

Short Circuit Analysis Program

The K g factor is given by formula (18) – IEC Std.:

Un cmax
KG  (18, IEC 60909 Std.)
U rG 1  X d" sin  G

U n - is the system rated voltage

U rG - the generator rated voltage
X d" - generator sub transient reactance referred to generator rated impedance
sin G - generator phase angle between current and terminal voltage

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Apply Kt factor to network transformer Zt :

Users should check the above field if the short circuit occurs from a network transformer.

A network transformer (see the figure below) is when a transformer is connecting two or more networks at
different voltages (IEC Std.). For two-winding transformers with and without on-load tap-changer, an
impedance correction factor KT is to be introduced in addition to the impedance evaluated according to IEC
(equation (7) to (9)).
K T  0.95
1  0.6 X T

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Where, X T is the relative reactance of the transformer and Cmax is related to the nominal voltage of the
network connected to the low-voltage side of the network transformer. This correction factor shall not be
introduced for unit transformers of power station units (IEC, see 3.7). This factor is active only if the user
selects the “Network Transformer (used in IEC 60909 method)” checkbox in the transformer editor, as
shown below:

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Apply Adjust Z t factor by using actual tap:

If this option is selected, DesignBase adjusts Z T by using actual transformer tap. In this case, the program
considers the transformer impedance as a function of the transformer tap position.

If the 1988 IEC 60909 version is selected, the “c” factor values are provided by the program, as in table 3:

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Table 3: IEC c factor

cmax cmin
Above 1000 V: 1.1 1
Low Voltage networks: 230/400V, 3P3W 1.05 1
Other voltage levels, 3P3W 1.05 1

Low voltage networks: 230/400V, 3P4W 1 0.95

Other voltage levels, 3P4W 1.05 1

User Defined:
Above 1000 V: Per user selection per user selection
Low voltage networks: 230/400V, 3P3W/4W per user selection per user selection
Other voltage levels 3P3W/4W per user selection per user selection

If the user select the 2001 IEC 60909 version then the “c” factor values are provided by the
program, as follows:

cmax cmin
Above 1000 V: 1.1 1
Other 1.05 0.95

User Defined:
Above 1000 V: Per user selection per user selection
Other per user selection per user selection

Short Circuit Analysis Program


IEC 61363 Standard calculates the short circuit instantaneous current as a function of time and displays its
instantaneous values. The method provides an accurate evaluation of the short circuit current for sizing
protective devices and coordinating relays for isolated systems (off-shore platforms and ships electrical
design). The machine’s sub-transient reactance and time constants are used by this method. The Calculation
Tab is similar to the AC ANSI/IEEE Standard and provides the same options.

DesignBase AC IEC 363 Short Circuit program tools are shown below:


Report Manager

Back Annotation


Generators are modeled by their positive sequence sub-transient reactance, and motors are modeled by their
locked-rotor impedance. The sub-transient and transient time constants and dc time constants are also
considered in the calculations.

This application allows users to display results in a standard report format, annotate results on the one line
diagram, and plot short circuit results varying with time.

For this tutorial, open the IEC3632 sample file under the IEC363SC sample folder and then follow the steps

1. Launch the short Circuit program, by clicking on the short circuit program icon.
2. Select the “AC IEC 61363” analysis method, and then click on the “Options” icon to open the Short
Circuit Analysis Basic Option window. The “Options” features are similar to the ANSI Method.

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Click “OK”, and then open the Report Manager.

Short Circuit Analysis Program

As can be seen from the window above, Reports can be set to the following options:

 Fast
 User Defined
 Curve with Time

Users can also see and modify:

 Input Report & Abbreviations: Input Data and Abbreviation.

 Report Style, Units & Log: Print Layout, Unit, View Log File.

The AC IEC 61363 Short Circuit program “Abbreviations” are displayed below:

Short Circuit Analysis Program

If Fast Report is selected, the following dialog window will be displayed:

If User Defined Report is selected the additional “User Defined Output Options” will appear:

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Similarly to ANSI and IEC 60909 analysis methods, Fast or User Defined report allow users to select:
 Time Bands:

0 – cycle
½ - cycle
1 – cycle
3 – cycle
5 - cycle
8 – cycle
30 – cycle

 User defined output options:

Td –DC Time constant, in seconds

Iac –Short circuit AC symmetrical component, rms value
Idc –Short circuit DC component
Ienv-Short circuit envelope

In order to display Short Circuit Results varying with time, Select Bus B1. Then, click on the “Report
Manager” icon. Select “Curve with Time” and then click “OK”.

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Click the analyze icon. The following graphs will be displayed:

Figure 7: IEC-61363 Short Circuit Chart

The following Short circuit components can be individually displayed or in combinations:

 Idc – dc component of SC Current
 iac – instantaneous ac component
 Ienv – Upper Envelope of Sc current
 I – Instantaneous total short circuit current
 Im – magnitude of ac component

Short Circuit Analysis Program


The AC Single Phase Method is based on the Complex E/Z calculation method and the X/R ratio is extracted
from the complex impedance matrix (X/R). The Calculation Tab is the same as in AC ANSI/IEEE Standard
and provides the same options.


Open the ANSI-YY sample file located in the short circuit sample folder. All the following steps and
explanations are applicable to AC Classical, ANSI/IEEE, and IEC-60909 short circuit analysis methods.

Launch the short circuit toolbar, and click on the report manager Icon
The Report Manager provides:
 Output Reports: Fast, User Defined, PDE, Misc.
 Output Destination: output to CSV or output to Text File

Fast Report:

Users can select “Fault Type”, “Time Bands”, Input Data, Abbreviation, Report Style, Unit & Log. If the fault is
at one bus, the “Branch Contribution” option can be used.

Select the Fault Types as shown below: 3-P, L-G, L-L, LL-G. Time Bands ½ cycle.

Figure 8: Short Circuit Report Manager

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Click “OK” and then run the program by clicking the “Analyze” icon.

The rms short circuit currents values at 1/2 Cycle are calculated at selected buses or at all buses depending
on the bus selection (in the short circuit Options dialog or directly on the drawing).

The positive, negative, and zero sequence sub-transient reactance X” are used in modeling both the
generators and motors. Motors are normally not grounded and therefore the grounding option should be

User Defined Reports:

It is similar to the “Fast Report”, but additionally users can select the Phase Bus/Branch Components: X/R,
AC, DC, Asym, Angle.

In order to get a tabulated output report, proceed as follows:

 Select Output to CSV or Text File

 Click on “Browse” icon and assign the path and the file title
 Click “OK”
 Then click the “Analyze” icon on the short circuit toolbar

Short Circuit Analysis Program

An excel report will be generated under the DesignBase output folder as shown below.

Figure 9: Short Circuit Excel Report

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Professional Report:

Open the report manager. Select “Fast” output report, ANSI Bus Summary and then click on “Professional
Report Writer Wizard”.

The program will display the Report shown below:

Figure 10: Short Circuit Professional Report

 In all the unbalanced fault calculations it is assumed that the negative sequence impedance of a
machine is equal to its positive sequence impedance

Short Circuit Analysis Program

 Generator, motor, and transformer grounding types and winding connections are taken into
consideration while building up the system positive, negative, and zero sequence networks
 The positive, negative, and zero sequence sub-transient reactance is used for modeling both the
Generators and motors
 For steady short circuit, generators are modeled by their positive, negative, and zero sequence
 Short circuit current contributions from motors are ignored in steady short circuit calculations
 The rms short circuit currents values after 30 cycles are calculated (as per ANSI/IEEE Standards or
IEC 60909 Standard) at selected buses or at all buses based on user bus selection (in the short
circuit Options dialog or directly on the drawing). The short circuit current contributions from motors
are ignored, and the generators are modeled by their positive sequence transient reactance X’.

Short Circuit Analysis Program


Paladin DesignBase PDE is a fast and accurate tool which evaluates buses and protective devices such as:
LV, MV and HV CBs, fuses, and switches based on ANSI/IEEE and IEC Standards.
Some features of the PDE program are:
 Equipment operating voltage can be set to:
o Load Flow calculated Voltage
o Actual Voltage
o System voltage
 The PDE program includes CB impedances and CB’s X/R ratio
 Equipment can be:
o Buses (ANSI only)
o Protective Devices (ANSI and IEC)
 Output results can be organized by:
o Equipment Input Rated Data
o PDE Calculated Data
o Circuit Duty calculated data

PDE output results are either graphically displayed onto the one line diagram (in green if the equipment
passes or in red if they fail), or as a Text Report, based on user selection.

The fault study is per the Standard selected by the user: IEEE/ANSI C37 Standard or IEC 60909. The
program calculates momentary symmetrical and asymmetrical rms, momentary asymmetrical crest,
interrupting symmetrical rms, and interrupting adjusted symmetrical rms short circuit currents at faulted

The circuit duties are checked against equipment interrupting capabilities, and if:

I Circuit _ Duty  I Equip. _ Intrr

The equipment passes; otherwise it fails.

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Open the ANSI-YY sample file located in the short circuit sample folder. All the following steps and
explanations are applicable to both the ANSI/IEEE and IEC-60909 short circuit analysis methods.

In the Short Circuit Analysis Basic Option, select “All buses”, default output “Report”, and then click “OK” as
shown below:

If “Annotation” is selected as the “Default Output”, the PDE results will be displayed on the one line Diagram.
If “Max Branch Fault Flow” is selected under the “Duty Type for PDE”, protective device evaluation will be
done based on branch short circuit current versus total bus fault current.


The “Total Bus Fault Current” method is the most conservative method. This option is present in both
ANSI/IEEE and IEC-60909.

Short Circuit Analysis Program

In the Report manager, select PDE:

Click “OK” and then run the short circuit program. The Protective Device Evaluation List shown below will be

Figure 11: Protective Device Evaluation List

Short Circuit Analysis Program


 User can select evaluation of branches or buses by toggling the “List Equipment of type” field:

 In general Data error is displayed if:

o The equipment voltage is not equal or lower than the system voltage
o The equipment voltage in the editor is zero
o The equipment short circuit ratings in the editor are zero or not consistent with their definitions.

 More details regarding equipment failing and data error can be seen under the “Detailed Report”:

Double click on breaker A10 in the equipment list. The Peak closing and latching current is 0 when it should
be bigger than the 40 kA Asymmetrical current to be consistent. Change the Peak current to 50 kA and the
data error message will disappear.

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Click on “Summary Report” to display the summary report.

Figure 12: ANSI PDE Summary Report

Short Circuit Analysis Program


Short circuit results can be displayed on the one the one-line diagram by selecting “Annotation” in the short
circuit Options.
To customize the annotation, click on the Short Circuit Back Annotation icon

The Annotation window below will appear:

Select this option to display the

bus Pre-Fault Voltage
Select the color and font size

Select this option to display the

Fault Branch Current

Select this option to display

the Bus Sym.-Fault Voltage/
Residual Voltage
Select the unit

Fault Current to be displayed

Select this option to display

the current flow arrows

Figure 13: Short Circuit Annotation Window

Select the back annotation ON or OFF, Auto-refresh, Font, Font Style, size and font color for additional

Short Circuit Analysis Program


Schedule is a Paladin DesignBase feature that allows users to combine several motors and loads in a single

Open the “SC_MCC_SCHEDULE” sample file under C:\DesignBase\Samples\3PhaseSC. The following

networks are represented:

a) Model with each motor individually represented

b) Model with the three motors in a) combined inside a MCC schedule

Double click on the motor “MCC” symbol to see the motors representation inside the schedule.

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Figure 14: Motors inside schedule

Click on the “Prot Dev/Cable” button to see the cables associated with each motor.

Figure 15: Feeder Representation inside a Schedule

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Click on the “Status” button to switch “ON” or “OFF” motors.

Figure 16: Motor Status inside a Schedule

Click on the “Usage” button to change each motor percent running.

Figure 17: Motor Loading / Usage inside a schedule

Short Circuit Analysis Program

To display the schedule short circuit results onto the drawing and Report, click on the AC short circuit icon
and follow the steps below:

Step 1: Select the “MCC” bus symbol.

Step 2: Open the Short Circuit Basic Option shown below:

Step 3: In the Report Manager select the “Fast” report, Fault Type, and Time Band shown below:

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Step 4: Click the “Analyze” icon and the Short Circuit Results will be displayed onto the drawing:

Figure 18: Short Circuit at MCC bus and branch contributions

In order to see the detailed short circuit results for each motor inside the “Schedule”, proceed as follows:

Step 5: Open the Report Manager and select “Misc” then “MCC/Schedule.

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Step 6: Click “Analyze” icon. The fault results will be displayed as a “Text output Report”:

Calculation Options

Calculating Single Bus Fault with Fault Z = 0.00000 + j 0.00000 Ohms

Fault Phases:
Phase A for Line-Ground Fault
Phase B,C for Line-Line or Line-Line-Ground Fault

Classical Calculation:
Complex Z for X/R and Fault Current

Transformer Phase Shift is not considered.

Generator and Motor X/R is constant.
Base Voltages : Adjusted by Tap/Turn Ratio
Prefault Voltages : Use System Voltages


Page : 2

Bus Schedule Results: 0.5 Cycle -- 3 Phase Faults

MCC/Schedule Bus Name : MCC Prefault Voltage: 480.0 V

Motor Bus fault Motor Data Cable Data

Rating --------------------- ----------- ------------------
------------ X/R Sym Asym X/R X Length R X
Item Cd Device Name Status kVA HP Ratio kA kA Ratio (%) (Feet) Ohms/K Ohms/K
---- -- ---------------- ----- ------ ------ ----- ------- ------- ----- ----- ------ ------ ------
1 MI 1 200.00 218.60 4.97 10100 12633 9.00 17.00 100 0.0433 0.0338
2 MI 2 200.00 218.60 4.97 10100 12633 9.00 17.00 100 0.0433 0.0338
3 MI 3 100.00 104.59 6.21 10575 13898 9.00 20.00 50 0.0433 0.0338

Short Circuit Analysis Program

MCC Schedule Results Validation:

Perform short circuit calculation at bus “Motor Bus” and compare it to the results obtained previously at

The fault results match in the both motor representation.

Short Circuit Analysis Program


10.1 Introduction

In an interconnected power system, engineers are often required to exchange their system models with their
neighboring utilities in order to study the entire system. However, it is not necessary to model the entire
neighboring system if an exact equivalent representation can be obtained.

DesignBase short circuit program allows the computation of network equivalent systems that can be used for
any type of fault analysis.

This section illustrates step-by-step instructions on how to compute power system equivalents at given
buses. A verification and validation is also performed to verify the results.

10.2 How to Perform Equivalent/Reduction Calculations

To perform the equivalent calculation of a power system, the part of the system that need to be reduced
should be first identified. In this tutorial the sample file “REDUCTION_ORIGINAL.axd” will be used. To open
it, go to File>Open Drawing File>C:\DesignBase\Samples\Network Reduction.
Let assume the right part of the system, circled in red blow, need to be replaced by an equivalent at buses
BBB138, GGG138, and ZZZ69:

Figure 19: Part of the System to be Reduced

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Feeders ZZZ69->JJJ69, AAA69->ZZZ69, HHH138->GGG138, and AAA138 ->BBB138 in the original

system should be placed out of service to compute an equivalent system seen from buses BBB138, ZZZ69,
and GGG138 without the right side of the network. After switching “OFF” the aforementioned feeders proceed
as follows:
Step1: Launch the short circuit program and select the Options icon as shown below.

Step2: Specify where the equivalent should be computed. The “Options” of the short circuit program should
be set as shown below. It can be seen that buses GGG139, BBB138, and ZZZ69 are selected.

Figure 20: Selecting Buses for Network Equivalence

Step3: To obtain a report of the equivalent system at the selected buses, open the “Report Manager”.

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Step4: To select the equivalent system report, choose the “Misc” option, and then select “Equivalent Sys.” as
shown below. Click “OK”.

Figure 21: Selecting Network Equivalent Report Option

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Step5: At this point, we can proceed to the equivalent computations by selecting the “Analyze” icon.

Once the computations are completed, the report of the equivalent system will be displayed. The report
contains a set of “Equivalent Generators” that should be placed at the equivalent buses (see column marked
as “Type” in the report below toward the bottom). Also, there are equivalent branches (feeder/transformer)
that should be connecting the equivalent buses. Again, the column marked as “Type” shows the links
between the equivalent buses as feeder/line or transformers (TRSF). In this example connection between
BBB138 and ZZZ69 is a transformer.

Figure 22: Sample Network Equivalent Report

Important Note: Since the equivalent elements (feeders/transformers, generators) represent a part of a
complex system, the following can occur:

1) The impedances may have negative resistances and/or reactances.

2) The positive and negative sequence values of the links (feeders/transformers) can be assumed to be
the same even though their computed values may not be equal.
3) If the impedance value of a link between two buses is extremely high (i.e. no coupling between
buses), it is safe to ignore the link.

Short Circuit Analysis Program

10.3 Simplifying the Original System by Using the Computed Equivalent

As described in the previous section, the equivalent system contains equivalent elements (generators,
feeders and transformers). In order to reconstruct the original system with the equivalent, we need to join the
part of the system which was not reduced (in our example, the left side of the network) to the new equivalent
Based on the report obtained in the previous section, the data for each equivalent element was used to build
the network “Reduction_Equivalent.axd” under C:\DesignBase\Samples\Network Reduction.

Figure 23: Reconstructed System Using the Calculated Equivalent

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Figure 24: Equivalent Generator at Bus BBB138

Figure 25: Equivalent Generator at Bus GGG138

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Figure 26: Equivalent Generator at Bus ZZZ69

Figure 27: Equivalent Feeder between Buses BBB138 and GGG138

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Figure 28: Equivalent Transformer between Buses GGG138 and ZZZ69

Figure 29: Equivalent Transformer Between Buses BBB138 and ZZZ69

Short Circuit Analysis Program

10.4 Validation and Verification of the Equivalent

To verify and validate the network equivalent feature, the steps below are performed:

1) In the original system (without reduction) compute a three-phase and single line to ground fault at
buses BBB138, GGG138, and ZZZ69
2) In the reconstructed system (remaining system joined with the equivalent system compute a three-
phase and single line to ground fault at buses BBB138-EQUI, GGG138-EQUI, and ZZZ69-EQUI.
3) The results obtained in step 1 should agree with the results obtained in step 2 above.

Figure 30: Fault Currents in Original Network

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Figure 31: Fault Currents the Reconstructed System

Comparison of these results shows that the equivalent system was accurately modeled and can be used
reliably in short circuit studies. The errors are less than 0.3%.

Comparative Short Circuit Results and errors in %:

Pre_Flt 3 P Flt, in A L- G Flt, in A

Name Original Equivalent Error, Original Equivalent Error,
in V
Net. Net in % Net Net in %
BBB138 138000 1272 1273 0.08 1726 1728 0.12
GGG138 138000 1464 1465 0.07 1957 1959 0.10
ZZZ69 69000 2644 2645 0.04 3240 3242 0.06

Short Circuit Analysis Program


11.1 Power Grid Input Data

Users have the option to input the Power Utility Maximum and Minimum Contribution and the associated X/R

Short Circuit Analysis Program

11.2 Synchronous Generator Short Circuit Input Data

Short Circuit Analysis Program

11.3 Induction Motor Short Circuit Input Data

Whenever there is a schedule, you will see the composition rating on this screen. The HP is the average
value of the motor in schedules. Motors fed from VFD are not considered during short circuit calculations.
User will need to activate this field for all motors fed from VFD.

Short Circuit Analysis Program

11.4 Synchronous Motor Short Circuit Input Data

Synchronous Motor required data for short circuit calculations

Short Circuit Analysis Program

11.5 High Voltage ANSI/IEEE Circuit Breaker Short Circuit Input Data

Short Circuit Analysis Program

11.6 Low Voltage ANSI/IEEE Circuit Breaker Short Circuit Input Data

11.7 Low Voltage IEC Circuit Breaker Short Circuit Input Data

Short Circuit Analysis Program

11.8 Low Voltage ANSI/IEEE Fuse Short Circuit Input Data

11.9 Medium / Low Voltage IEC Fuse Short Circuit Input Data

Short Circuit Analysis Program

11.10 UPS

While using UPS units, usually two scenarios are considered:

 Scenario during Power Flow, when the Transfer Switch is “OPEN”

 Scenario during a Short Circuit downstream UPS source when the Transfer Switch is “CLOSED”

These two scenarios can be modeled simultaneously by simply putting the UPS source in “Bypass” mode
and specifying the corresponding Bypass Protective Device as shown below:

In Bypass mode, the fault contribution to a Short Circuit downstream of the UPS unit will only come from the
Utility source via the Bypass branch.

Short Circuit Analysis Program


12.1 ANSI/IEEE Standard

12.1.1 Multiplying Factors (MF)

The short circuit waveform for a balanced three-phase fault at the terminal bus of a machine is generally
asymmetrical and is composed of a unidirectional DC component and a symmetrical AC component.

The DC component decays to zero, and the amplitude of the symmetrical AC component decays to constant
amplitude in the steady-state.

If the envelopes of the positive and negative peaks of the current waveform are symmetrical around zero
axis, they are called “Symmetrical”. If the envelopes of the positive and negative peaks of the current are not
symmetrical around the zero axis, they are called “Asymmetrical”.

If the DC fault component is not considered in the fault current, the fault current has the AC component only,
and it is symmetrical; if DC fault component is considered, then the fault current is asymmetrical and is
called asymmetrical or total fault current.

The multiplying factors MF converts the rms value of the symmetrical AC component into asymmetrical rms
current or short circuit current duty. The MF is calculated based on the X/R ratio and the instant of time that
the fault current happens. The X/R ratio for ANSI breaker duties is calculated from separate R and X

First Cycle (Asymmetrical) Total Short Circuit Current MF (Circuit Duty):

Is defined as:


MFm  1  2e R

For: X/R = 25, the MF is equal to 1.6.

Note: In the short circuit option tab “Control for ANSI/IEEE” the user has the option to calculate MFm based
on X/R or use MFm=1.6

Peak Multiplying Factor

Is defined as:

MFPeak  2 (1  e X /R )

where  is the instant of time when fault occurs, X/R for ANSI breaker duties are calculated from separate R
and X network.

Short Circuit Analysis Program

For:  = ½ Cycle, and X/R = 25 to one decimal place is MFPeak  2.7 .

Note: In the short circuit option tab “Control for ANSI/IEEE” the user has the option to calculate MFpeak
based on X/R or use MFpeak = 2.7.

12.1.2 Local and Remote Contributions

The magnitude of the symmetrical current (AC component) from remote sources remain essentially constant.
“No AC Decay” (NACD) at its initial value or it may reduce with time toward a residual AC current magnitude

If the fault is close to a generator, then the AC component decays (ACD).

In other words, when a generator is local or close to the faulted point, the short circuit current decays faster. If
the generator is remote from the faulted point, the AC short circuit current decay will be slow and a
conservative simplification is to assume that there is no AC decay (NACD) in the symmetrical AC component.

Per ANSI Standards:

A generator is a LOCAL SOURCE of the short circuit current if:

 The per unit reactance external to the generator is less than 1.5 times the generator per-unit sub
transient reactance on a common system base MVA
 Its contribution to the total symmetrical rms Amperes will be greater than 0.4 * ,
X d"
where the is the generator short circuit current for a three-phase fault at its terminal bus
X d"

A generator is a REMOTE SOURCE of a short circuit current if:

 The per unit reactance external to the generator is equal to or exceeds 1.5 times the
generator per unit sub transient reactance on a common system base MVA

The generator short circuit contribution may be written as:

IG  , 3
( XExternal  X d" )

 Its location from the fault is two or more transformations or

 Its contribution to the total symmetrical rms Amperes is less than or equal to 0.4 * ,
X d"
where the is the generator short circuit current for a three-phase fault at its terminal bus
X d"

Short Circuit Analysis Program

The ANSI Standards provide multiplying factors (MF) based X/R ratio for three-phase faults and line-to-
ground faults fed predominantly from generators and MF for faults fed predominantly from remote

No AC decay (NACD) Ratio

The Total Short circuit Current is equal to:

I Total  I Local  I Re mote 4

I Re mote
NACD  5
I Total

When all contributions are remote, or when there is no generator, then NACD  1
When all contributions are local, then NACD  0

12.2 IEC 60909

While using the IEC standard the following system components formulae are used:

The network components like power transformers, reactors, feeders, overhead lines, cables and other similar
equipment, positive-sequence and negative-sequence short-circuit impedances are equal:

Z (1)  Z ( 2 ) , 6

The zero-sequence short-circuit impedance,

Z(0) U(0) / I(0) , 7

is determined by assuming an AC voltage between the three paralleled conductors and the joint return (for
example earth, earthing arrangement, neutral conductor, earth wire, cable sheath and cable armoring). In
this case, the three-fold zero-sequence current flows through the joint return.

The impedances of generators (G), network transformers (T) and power station units (S) will be multiplied
with the impedance correction factors KG, KT and KS or KSO when calculating short-circuit currents with the
equivalent voltage source at the short-circuit location according to the standard [1].

12.2.1 System Parameters

Power transformer parameters

The impedance module ZT can be calculated from the rated transformer data as follows:

Short Circuit Analysis Program

u kr U rT2
ZT  , , 8
100  S rT


UrT is the rated voltage of the transformer, on the high-voltage or low-voltage side.
SrT is the rated apparent power of the transformer.
ukr is the short-circuit voltage at rated current in percent.

The positive-sequence short-circuit resistance RT of a two-winding transformer is given by the relationship:

RT  ,, 9
3  I rT2


PkrT is the total loss of the transformer in the windings at rated current.
IrT - the rated current of the transformer on the high-voltage or low-voltage side.


The resistance RT is to be considered if the peak short-circuit current ip or the DC component iDC is to be

For large transformers, the resistance is so small that the impedance is represented by the reactance only,
when calculating short-circuit currents.

The positive-sequence short-circuit reactance XT of a two-winding transformer results as follows:

X T  ZT2  RT2 ,  . , 10

The relative reactance of the transformer xT is given by the formula

S rT
xT   XT , 11
U rT2

The ratio RT/XT generally decreases with transformer size.

The impedance
ZT of a two-winding power transformer is considered like positive-sequence short-circuit
Z (1) Z(2)
impedance , which is equal to the negative-sequence short-circuit impedance :
Z T  Z (1)  Z ( 2 ) ,  .
, 12

Short Circuit Analysis Program

The actual data for two-winding transformers (used as network transformers or in power stations) are given in
IEC 60909-2.

Z ( 0 )T
The zero-sequence short-circuit impedance may be obtained from the rating plate or from the

Z ( 0 )T  R( 0 )T  jX ( 0 )T , 13

Zero-sequence impedance arrangements for the calculation of unbalanced short-circuit currents are given in
IEC 60909-4.

For two-winding power transformers with and without on-load tap-changer, an impedance correction factor
KT is to be introduced in addition to the impedance evaluated according to equations (1.2)  (1.4):
0.95  cmax
KT  , 14
1  0.6 xT

where cmax (from table 2.2) is related to the nominal voltage of the network connected to the LV side of the
network transformer and the transformer relative reactance is calculated with the relationship (11).

The correction factor will not be introduced for unit transformers of power station units.

The correction factor KT is multiplying all the components of the transformer positive-sequence impedance,
according to the following relationship:

Z TK  KT  Z T  KT RT   j KT X T  , 15

The impedance correction factor will be applied also to the negative-sequence and the zero-sequence
impedance of the transformer when calculating unbalanced short circuit currents.

If the long-term operating conditions of network transformers before the short circuit are known for sure, then
the following equation may be used instead of equation (1.10) in order to calculate the correction factor KT:

Un cmax
KT  
 
U 1  xT I T / I rT sin Tb
b b
, 16


cmax is the voltage factor from table 1.2, related to the nominal voltage of the network connected to the
LV side of the network transformer.
Ub - the highest operating voltage before short circuit.
I Tb - the highest operating current before short circuit (this depends on network configuration and
relevant reliability philosophy).

Short Circuit Analysis Program

 tb - the angle of power factor before short circuit.

The impedance correction factor will be applied also to the negative-sequence and the zero-sequence
impedance of the transformer when calculating unbalanced short-circuit currents.

The impedances between the star point of transformers and earth are to be introduced as (3 ZN) into the
zero-sequence system without a correction factor.

The rated transformation ratio tr of the power transformer:

tr  , 17

where UrTHV and UrTLV are transformer rated voltages of the HV and LV windings, respectively.


Assuming geometric symmetry, the positive-sequence, the negative-sequence and the zero-sequence short-
circuit impedances of reactors are equal:

Z (1)  Z ( 2 )  Z ( 0 ) , 18

Short-circuit current-limiting reactors will be treated as a part of the short-circuit impedance.

ukR  U n
ZR  X R  ,
100 3  I rR 19


ukR and IrR are given on the reactor rating plate.

UN – the system nominal voltage.

Synchronous Generators and Motors

The synchronous generator rated impedance is given by:

U rG
Z rG  ,, 20
S rG

The relative subtransient reactance , related to the ated impedance is:

Short Circuit Analysis Program

X d"
x 
d , 21
Z rG

The following values for the fictitious resistances RGf may be used for the calculation of the peak short-circuit
current with sufficient accuracy:

RGf = 0.05
X d" for generators with UrG > 1 kV and SrG ≥ 100 MVA;

RGf = 0.07
X d" for generators with UrG > 1 kV and SrG < 100 MVA;

RGf = 0.15
X d" for generators with UrG ≤ 1 kV.

In addition to the decay of the DC component, the factors 0.05, 0.07, and 0.15 also take into account the
decay of the AC component of the short-circuit current during the first half-cycle after the short circuit took

The influence of various winding-temperatures on RGf is not considered.

The values RGf cannot be used when calculating the aperiodic component iDC of the short-circuit current.

When the effective resistance of the stator of synchronous machines lies much below the given values for
RGf, the manufacturer’s values for RG should be used.

The subtransient impedance

ZG of the generator, in the positive-sequence system can be calculated with
the formula:

Z G  RG  jX d" , 22

When calculating initial symmetrical short-circuit currents in systems fed directly from generators without
transformers unit, the corrected impedance
Z GK of the SG has to be used in the positive-sequence system:

 
Z GK  K G Z G  K G RG   j K G X d" , 23
with the correction factor KG for SG, given by the relationship:

cmax U n
KG 
 
1  x  sin  rG U rG
, 24


cmax is the voltage factor according to table 2.2.

UN - the nominal voltage of the system.

Short Circuit Analysis Program

x"d - the relative subtransient reactance of the generator related to the rated impedance, according to the
(21) relationship.
rG is the phase angle between rG and
I rG .
UrG - the rated voltage of the generator.

The correction factor KG (equation 24) for the calculation of the corrected subtransient impedance
Z GK has

been introduced because the equivalent voltage source n cU / 3 

is used instead of the subtransient
voltage E″ behind the subtransient reactance of the synchronous generator.

If the terminal voltage of the generator is different from UrG, it may be necessary to introduce:

U G  U rG 1  pG  , 25

X" d and
X"q X ( 2 )G
If the values of reactances are different, for the negative-sequence reactance of the
SM, their arithmetical mean can be used:

X d"  X q"
X ( 2)G  , 26

Z ( 2 )GK
The corrected short-circuit impedance of SG, , is given, in the negative-sequence system, by the
following equation:

Z ( 2)GK  K G RG   j K G X ( 2)G  , 27

Z ( 0 )G
For the short-circuit impedance of SG in the zero-sequence system, the following applies with KG
from equation (1.20):

Z ( 0 )GK  K G R( 0 )G   jX ( 0 )G , 28

When an impedance is present between the star-point of the generator and earth, the correction factor KG
will not be applied to this impedance.

When calculating the initial symmetrical short-circuit current k , the peak short-circuit current ip, the
symmetrical short-circuit breaking current Ib, and the steady-state short-circuit current Ik, synchronous
compensators are treated in the same way as SG.

If synchronous motors have a voltage regulation, they are treated like synchronous generators. If not, they
are subject to additional considerations.

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Asynchronous Motors (AM)

The rated apparent power of an AM can be calculated from the equation:

S rM  , 29
 rM  cos  rM

where PrM, cosrM and rM are respectively the active rated power, rated power factor and rated efficiency
of the motor, in accordance with its nameplate data.

The rated current of the AM is given by the relationship:

I rM  , 30
3  U rM   rM  cos  rM

where UrM is the rated line voltage of the AM.

MV and LV motors contribute to the initial symmetrical short-circuit current k , to the peak short-circuit
current ip, to the symmetrical short-circuit breaking current Ib and, for unbalanced short circuits, also to the
steady-state short-circuit current Ik.

MV motors have to be considered in the calculation of maximum short-circuit current.

LV motors are to be taken into account in auxiliaries of power stations and in industrial and similar
installations, for example in networks of chemical and steel industries and pump stations.

I k"
The contribution of AM in LV power supply systems to the short-circuit current may be neglected if their
contribution is not higher than 5 % of the initial short-circuit current k 0 M , calculated without motors:

 I rM  0.05  I k 0 M ,

 I rM is the sum of the rated currents of motors connected directly (without transformers) to the
network where the short-circuit occurs;
I k" 0 M - the initial symmetrical short-circuit current without influence of motors.

In the calculation of short-circuit currents, those MV and LV motors may be neglected, providing that,
according to the circuit diagram (interlocking) or to the process (reversible drives), they are not switched in at
the same time.

The impedance module ZM of AM in the positive- and negative-sequence systems can be determined by:

Short Circuit Analysis Program

U rM
Z rM  , 32
S rM  I LR / I rM 


UrM is the rated voltage of the motor;

SrM - the rated apparent power of the motor (see relationship (1.25));
(ILR/IrM) - the ratio of the locked-rotor current to the rated current of the motor.

The following relations may be used with sufficient accuracy in order to calculate AM parameters:

RM/XM=0.10, with XM=0.995ZM for MV motors with rated powers per pair of poles (PrM/p)≥1 MW;

RM/XM=0.15, with XM=0.989ZM for MV motors with rated powers per pair of poles (PrM/p)<1 MW;

RM/XM=0.42, with XM = 0.922ZM for LV motor groups, with connection cables,

where p is the pair of poles number.

If the ratio (RM/XM) is known, then the motor reactance XM will be calculated as follows:

XM  , 33
1  RM / X M 

However the motor resistance RM will be

RM  X M  RM / X M  , 34

For the determination of the initial short-circuit current according to the short-circuit currents calculation
method, AM are substituted by their impedances
ZM , in the positive-sequence and negative-sequence

Z M  RM  jX M" , 35

The zero-sequence system impedance Z(0)M of the motor will be given by the manufacturer, if needed.

MV and LV motors, which are connected by two-winding transformers to the network in which the short circuit
occurs, may be neglected in the calculation of short-circuit currents for a short-circuit at the feeder connection
point Q, if there is the following condition:

Short Circuit Analysis Program

 PrM  0.8
, 36
 S rT 100  c   S rT
 0.3
3  U nQ  I kQ


 PrM is the sum of the rated active powers of the medium-voltage and the low-voltage motors which will be
 S rT - the sum of the rated apparent powers of all transformers, through which the motors are directly fed.
I kQ - the initial symmetrical short-circuit current at the feeder connection point Q without supplement of the
UnQ - the nominal voltage of the system at the feeder connection point Q.

Lines Constants

The positive-sequence short-circuit impedance,

Z L  RL  jX L , 37

may be calculated from the conductor data, such as the cross-section qn and the centre-distances d of the

The following values for resistivity may be used:

 Cu    mm2 / m for Copper;
1 1
 Al    mm2 / m for Aluminum and  Ala    mm2 / m for Aluminum alloy.
34 31

The effective resistance per unit length RLr of overhead lines at the conductor temperature 20°C may be
calculated from the nominal cross-section qn and the resistivity ρ:

RLr  , / m, 38

The line resistance RLr at the reference temperature θr=20C can be determined if its length lL is known:

Short Circuit Analysis Program

RLr  RLr
 lL ,  , 39

Line Resistances RL (overhead lines and cables, line conductors and neutral conductors) will be introduced

at a higher temperature
 e   r , when calculating minimum short-circuit currents:

RL  1    e   r  RLr , 40


α=0,004 K-1 is the temperature factor of resistivity, valid with sufficient accuracy for most practical
purposes for copper, aluminum and aluminum alloy.
θe - the conductor temperature in degrees Celsius at the end of the short-circuit duration (for θe, see
also IEC 60865-1, IEC 60949 and IEC 60986).
θr=20C - the reference conductor temperature in degrees Celsius.
RLr - the resistance value at a reference temperature of 20°C.

The geometric mean distance between conductors, or the center of bundles, in the case of overhead lines, is
determined by the relationship:

d  3 d L1L 2  d L 2 L3  d L3L1 , 41


dL1L2, dL2L3 and dL3L1 are geometric distances between conductors.

In the case of bundle conductor, the equivalent radius rB can be determined by the following formula:

rB  n n  r  R n1 , 42

n is the number of bundled conductors;
r - the radius of a single conductor;
R is the bundle radius (see IEC 60909-2).

The reactance per unit length

X L' for overhead lines may be calculated, assuming transposition, from:

 1 d
X L'   0 f   ln  , 43
 4n r


Short Circuit Analysis Program

μ0 = 4π10-7 H/m;
f – the nominal frequency of the power system;
n - the number of bundled conductors, or n=1 for a single conductor;
d - the geometric mean distance between conductors, according to (2.37) relationship;
r - the radius of a single conductor or, in the case of conductor bundles, r is to be substituted by rB, from
the (43) relationship.

The overhead line reactance XL follows to be determined, like in the resistance case, if its length l L is done:

X L  X L'  l L ,  , 44

For measurement of the positive-sequence impedance

Z ( 1 )  R( 1 )  jX ( 1 ) , 45

and the zero-sequence short-circuit impedance,

Z ( 0 )  R( 0 )  jX ( 0 ) , 46

(see IEC 60909-4).

Sometimes it is possible to estimate the zero-sequence impedances with the ratios R(0)L/RL and X(0)L/XL
(see IEC 60909-2).

The impedances ( 1 ) L and ( 0 ) L of LV and HV cables depend on national techniques and standards and
may be taken from IEC 60909-2, from textbooks or manufacturer’s data.

However, the impedance of a network feeder at the connection point Q is given by:

c  U nQ
c  U nQ
ZQ  "
 "
, 47
S kQ 3 I kQ
where I kQ is the initial symmetrical short-circuit current.

Earth Wire Impedance

The equivalent earth penetration depth  is given by the following relationship:

  1.85  , m, 48
 0

Short Circuit Analysis Program

E is the earth type resistivity, having values in accordance with table 2.1 content.
ω= 2πf - angular frequency.
μ0 = 4π10−7 H/m – vide absolute magnetic permeability.

Resistivity E and equivalent earth penetration depth  for different soil types

Table 4: Resistivity and equivalent earth penetration

Earth types Resistivity E, Equivalent earth penetration depth ,

m m
f=50 Hz f=60 Hz
Granite >10 >9,300 >8,500
3 3 3
Rocks (310)10 (5.19.3)10 (4.658.2)10
3 3 3
Stony soil (13)10 (2.945.1)10 (2.694.65)10
3 3 3
Pebbles, dry sand (0.21.2)10 (1.323.22)10 (1.22.94)10
3 3
Calcareous soil, wet sand 70200 (0.781.32)10 (0.711.2)10
Farmland 50100 660930 600850
Clay, loam 1050 295660 270600
Marshy soil <20 <415 <380

The earth wire impedance per unit length Z W is:

 0   
Z W  RW'   j  0 f  r  ln  , 49

8  4 rWW 

RW' is the earth wires resistance per unit length;

 0 0.05  / km , for f  50 Hz;
8 0.06  / km , for f  60 Hz;
μr - relative permeability of earth wire. For Aluminum core steel reinforced (ACSR) wires with one
layer of aluminum, μr ≈ 5 ... 10; for other ACSR wires, μr ≈ 1; for Steel wires, μr ≈ 75;
ν - the earth wires number;
rWW - equivalent earth wire radius, equal to the earth wire radius rW if there is just one earth wire

rWW  rW , 50

and calculated with following formula, if there are two earth wires:

Short Circuit Analysis Program

rWW  rW  dW , 51

where dW is the distance between two earth wires.

The mutual impedance per unit length between the earth wire and the parallel line conductors with common
earth returns

 0 
Z WL   j  0 f ln
, 52
8 dWL

dWL is the geometric mean distance between the earth wire and the line conductors L1, L2 and L3, given by
the formula

dWL  3 dWL1  dWL2  dWL3 , 53

when there is only one earth wire and by the next formula

dWL  6 dW 1L1  dW 1L 2  dW 1L3  dW 2 L1  dW 2 L 2  dW 2 L3 , 54

when there are two earth wires.


As per IEC 60909 the equivalent voltage source (rms) is given by the relationship

c U n
U es  , V, 55

where c is the voltage factor, having values according to the table 4:

Table 5: IEC voltage factor

Voltage factor c for the calculation of

Nominal voltage Tolerance,
Minimum short-circuit Maximum short-circuit
U n, V 1) %
currents, cmin currents, cmax
Low voltage, 1.05 6
U n  100,1000kV 0.95
1.10 10
Medium voltage,
U n  1,35kV 1.00 1.10 -

Short Circuit Analysis Program

High voltage ,
U n  35 kV
cmaxUn should not exceed the highest voltage Um for equipment of power systems:
cmax U n  U m ;
if no nominal voltage is defined U m  cmaxU n or cminU n  0,9U m should be applied.

12.2.2 Short Circuit Current Calculus


 All line capacitances and shunt admittances are neglected

 Non-rotating loads, except those of the zero-sequence system, are neglected
 Arc resistances are not taken into account
 For the duration of the short-circuit, there is no change:
o in the involved network
o in the type of short-circuit involved
 Additional calculations about all different possible load flows at the moment of the short-circuit are

General rules

 All network feeders, synchronous and asynchronous machines are replaced by their internal
 The equivalent voltage source is the only active voltage of the system
 When calculating short-circuit currents in systems with different voltage levels, it is necessary to
transfer impedances values from one voltage level to another, usually to that voltage level at which
the short-circuit current is to be calculated
 For p.u. system no transformation is necessary if these systems are coherent, i.e.

U rTHV / U rTLV  U nHV / U nLV , 56

for each transformer in the system with partial short-circuit currents.

The impedances of the equipment in superimposed or subordinated networks are to be divided or

multiplied by (tr) , the square of the rated transformation ratio tr.; voltages and currents are to be
converted by the rated transformation ratio tr.

In general, two short-circuit currents, which differ in their magnitude, are to be calculated.
In the case of a far-from-generator short circuit, the short-circuit current can be considered as the
sum of the following two components:

- the AC component with constant amplitude during the whole short-circuit

- the aperiodic DC component beginning with an initial value A and decaying to zero

Single-fed short circuits supplied by a transformer may be regarded as far-from- generator short
circuits if

Short Circuit Analysis Program

X TLVK  2  X Qt , 57

with XQt calculated in accordance with 11 and

X TLVK  KT  X TLV , 58

In the case of a near-to-generator short circuit, the short-circuit current can be considered as the
sum of the following two components:

- the AC component with decaying amplitude during the short circuit

- the aperiodic DC component beginning with an initial value A and decaying to zero

In the calculation of the short-circuit currents in systems supplied by generators, power-station units
and motors (near-to-generator and/or near-to-motor short circuits), it is of interest not only to know
the initial symmetrical short-circuit current I k" and the peak short-circuit current ip, but also the
symmetrical short-circuit breaking current Ib and the steady-state short-circuit current Ik. In this case,
the symmetrical short-circuit breaking current Ib is smaller than the initial symmetrical short-circuit
current I k" . Normally, the steady-state short-circuit current Ik is smaller than the symmetrical short-
circuit breaking current Ib.

The type of short circuit which leads to the highest short-circuit current depends on the values of
the positive-sequence, negative-sequence, and zero-sequence short-circuit impedances of the

For the calculation of the initial symmetrical short-circuit current I k the symmetrical short-circuit
breaking current Ib, and the steady-state short-circuit current Ik at the short-circuit location, the
system may be converted by network reduction into an equivalent short-circuit impedance Zk at
the short-circuit location.

This procedure is not allowed when calculating the peak short-circuit current ip. In this case, it is
necessary to distinguish between networks with and without parallel branches.

While using fuses or current-limiting circuit-breakers to protect substations, the initial symmetrical
short-circuit current is first calculated as if these devices were not available. From the calculated
initial symmetrical short-circuit current and characteristic curves of the fuses or current-limiting
circuit-breakers, the cut-off current is determined, which is the peak short-circuit current of the
downstream substation.

Short-circuits may have one or more sources. Calculations are simplest for balanced short circuits on
radial systems, as the individual contributions to a balanced short circuit can be evaluated separately
for each source.

When sources are distributed in meshed network and for all cases of unbalanced short-circuits,
network reduction is necessary to calculate short-circuit impedances Z ( 1 )  Z ( 2 ) and Z ( 0 ) at the
short-circuit location.

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Maximum and minimum short-circuit currents

When calculating maximum short-circuit currents, it is necessary to introduce the following conditions:

- voltage factor cmax , will be applied for the calculations of maximum short-circuit currents in the
absence of a national standard
- choose the system configuration and the maximum contribution from power plants and network
feeders which lead to the maximum value of short-circuit current at the short-circuit location, or for
accepted sectioning of the network to control the short-circuit current
- when equivalent impedances ZQ are used to represent external networks, the minimum equivalent
short-circuit impedance will be used which corresponds to the maximum short-circuit current
contribution from the network feeders
- motors will be included if appropriate in accordance with 2.4, 2.5 and 1
- lines resistance RL are to be introduced at a temperature of 20°C

When calculating minimum short-circuit currents, it is necessary to introduce the following conditions:
- voltage factor cmin for the calculation of minimum short-circuit currents will be applied according to
table 3
- choose the system configuration and the minimum contribution from power stations and network
feeders which lead to a minimum value of short-circuit current at the short-circuit location
- motors will be neglected
- resistances RL of lines (overhead lines and cables, line conductors, and neutral conductors) will be
introduced at a higher temperature

Initial symmetrical short-circuit current

The highest initial short-circuit current will occur for the three-phase short circuit, because for the common

Z( 0 )  Z( 1 )  Z( 2 ) , 59

For short-circuits near transformers with low zero-sequence impedance, Z(0) may be smaller than Z(1). In that
case, the highest initial short-circuit current I kE 2 E will occur for a line-to-line short circuit with earth
connection. This situation is described by the following relationships:

Z( 2 ) / Z( 0 )  1; Z ( 2 )  Z (1) , 60

The initial symmetrical short-circuit current I k"

c U n
I k" 
 
, 61
3 Rk2  X k2

Short Circuit Analysis Program

where Rk and Xk are the sum of the series-connected resistances and reactances of the positive-sequence
system respectively:

Rk  RQt  RTK  RL , 62

X k  X Qt  X TK  X L , 63

The impedance of the network feeder Z Qt  RQt  jX Qt is referred to the voltage of the transformer side
connected to the short-circuit location. Resistances Rk

Rk  0.3  X k , 64

may be neglected.

When there is more than one source contributing to the short-circuit current, and the sources are
unmeshed, the initial symmetrical short-circuit current I k" at the short-circuit location F is the sum of the
individual branch short-circuit currents. Each branch short-circuit current can be calculated as an
independent single-source three-phase short-circuit current in accordance with equation:

c U n
I k" 
 
, 65
3 Rk2  X k2

In meshed networks, it is generally necessary to determine the short-circuit impedance

Z k  Z (1) , 66

by network reduction (series connection, parallel connection, delta-star transformation) using the positive-
sequence short-circuit impedances of electrical equipment.

The impedances in systems connected through transformers to the system, in which the short-circuit occurs,
have to be transferred by the square of the rated transformation ratio. If there are several transformers with
slightly differing rated transformation ratios (trT1, trT2,..., trTn), in between two systems, the arithmetic mean
value can be used.

The peak short-circuit current

For three-phase short-circuits fed from non-meshed networks, the contribution to the peak short-circuit
current from each branch can be expressed by:

i p  2  I k" , 67

where the factor κ will be calculated by the following expression:

Short Circuit Analysis Program

  1.02  0.98  e 3( R / X ) , 68

The peak short-circuit current ip at a short-circuit location F, fed from sources which are not meshed with one
another, is the sum of the partial short-circuit currents:

i p   i pi , 69

DC component of the short-circuit current

The maximum DC component iDC of the short-circuit current may be calculated with sufficient accuracy by

id .c .  2 I k" e 2f t ( R / X ) , 70

I k" is the initial symmetrical short-circuit current
f - the nominal frequency
t - the time
R/X - the resistance/reactance ratio

Note: The correct resistance RG of the generator armature should be used and not RGf.

Symmetrical short-circuit breaking current

The breaking current at the short-circuit location consists in general of a symmetrical current Ib and a DC
current iDC at the time tmin

For some near-to-generator short circuits the value of iDC at tmin may exceed the peak value of Ib and this can
lead to missing current zeros.

For far-from-generator short circuits, the short-circuit breaking currents are equal to the initial short-circuit

I b  I k" ; I b 2  I k" 2 ; I b 2 E  I k" 2 E ; I b1  I k"1 , 71

For a near-to-generator short circuit, in the case of a single fed short-circuit or from non-meshed networks,
the decay to the symmetrical short-circuit breaking current is taken into account by the factor μ according to

I b    I k" , 72

where the factor μ depends on the minimum time delay tmin and the ratio I kG / I rG and IrG is the rated
generator current, according to IEC 60909-0/2001-07 1.

Short Circuit Analysis Program

For three-phase short circuits in non-meshed networks, the symmetrical breaking current at the short-circuit
location can be calculated by the summation of the individual breaking current contributions:

I b   I bi , 73

The short-circuit breaking current Ib in meshed networks will be calculated by:

I b  I k" , 74

which is usually greater than the real symmetrical short-circuit breaking currents.

12.3 ANSI/IEEE Standard Based Device Evaluation (PDE IEEE)

12.3.1 Standard Ratings for HV and MV Circuit Breakers (CB)

The ANSI/IEEE Standards define the CB total interrupting time in cycles. However, the Contact Parting Time
(CPT) needs to be known for application of breakers. The typical total rated interrupting time for Medium-
Voltage Circuit Breakers is 5 cycles (ANSI C37.06 – 1987). However, the MV CBs interrupting time
correspond to 3 cycle contact parting time for the short circuit current, in the 2 -8 cycle network.

Table 6: CB rated interrupting time in cycles

Circuit Breaker Rated Interrupting CPT, in Cycles S

Time, in Cycles
2 1.5 1.4
3 2 1.2
5 3 1.1
8 4 1.0

S is the breakers’ asymmetrical capability factor and is determined based on the rating structure to which the
breaker was manufactured. Most breakers manufactured after 1964 are breakers rated on a ‘symmetrical’
current basis. Those manufactured before 1965 were rated on a ‘total’ current basis. Both the symmetrical
and total current rated breakers have some DC interrupting capability included in their ratings and it is a
matter of how it is accounted for in the total interrupting current.

Note: For circuit breakers rated on Total Current S=1.0

Medium voltage breakers duty is based on:

1. Momentary rating (C&L)
2. Peak (Crest)
3. Interrupting

The Momentary and Peak formulae apply to both breakers symmetrical and total current rated breakers. The
interrupting rating is calculated differently based on the formulae shown in the next sections.

Momentary Duty Calculation (C & L):

Short Circuit Analysis Program

The CB Closing and Latching Capability defines the CB ability to withstand (close and immediately latch) the
maximum value of the first-cycle short circuit current. The closing and latching capability of a symmetrical
current-rated CB is expressed in terms of Asymmetrical, Total rms current, or peak current.

DesignBase uses the following steps to calculate the circuit breaker momentary duty:

1. Calculate the ½ cycle symmetrical short circuit (Isym,rms).

2. Calculate asymmetrical current value using the following formula:

Imom,rms,asym = MFm*Isym,rms,

MFm  1  2e X / R , 75

Note: In the short circuit option tab “Control for ANSI/IEEE” the user has the option to calculate MFm
based on X/R or use MFm=1.6

3. Compare Imom,rms,asym against the medium voltage circuit breaker (C&L,rms ) value:
If Device C&L,rms rating  Imom,rms,asym, then the device Pass or otherwise it fails

4. Calculate the % Rating = (Imom,rms,asym*100)/Device C&L,rms rating

Peak Duty calculation (Crest):

1. Calculate the ½ cycle interrupting short circuit (Isym,rms).

2. Calculate the peak value of momentary SC using the following formula:

Imom,peak = MFp*Isym,rms

MFp  (1  e X /R
) 2


  0.49 - 0.1* e 3


Short Circuit Analysis Program

Note: In the short circuit option tab “Control for ANSI/IEEE” the user has the option to calculate
MFpeak based on X/R or use MFpeak = 2.7.

3. Compare Imom,peak against the medium voltage circuit breaker (Creat,peak ) value. If Device
Creast,peak rating  Imom,peak, then the device pass, or otherwise it fails
4. Calculate The % rating = (Imom,peak*100)/Device Crest,peak rating

Interrupting Duty Calculation

The Maximum Symmetrical Interrupting Capability for a Symmetrical Current-Rated CB is the maximum rms
current of the symmetrical AC and DC component, which the CB can interrupt regardless of how low the
operating voltage is.

The interrupting fault currents for the MV & HV circuit breakers is equal to 1.5-4 cycles short circuit current.
For a system other than of 60 Hz adjust the calculated X/R as follows:

(X/R) * 60
( X / R) mod  78
System Frequency (Hz)

The following steps are used to calculate the circuit breaker interrupting. There are three options:

 “All Remote” i.e. NACD = 1.0. This is the most conservative solution
 “All Local”; i.e. NACD = 0
 “Adjusted”, this is based on actual calculations

1. Determine if the generator is Local or Remote

2. Calculate total remote contribution, total local contribution, then the NACD (the current is obtained by
using the (1.5-4) cycle network impedance

3. Calculate NACD (No AC Decrement) ratio

Iremote (Itotal - Ilocal)

NACD  79
Itotal (Iremote  Ilocal)

4. Calculate the Multiplying factor based on the fault location (MFr, or MFl)

Remote – If Generator current contribution to fault is less than 40% of a generator terminal fault then
this generator is Remote, or equivalent impedance to generation terminals is > 1.5 times the
Generator Z’’dv. For remote fault the multiplying factor is MFr:

-4 
1  2e X / R
MFr  80

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Where C = CB Contact Parting Time in Cyc.

Local – For any local fault the multiplying factor MFl is calculated using the following formula within
DesignBase or look up tables. The equations are not given in ANSI C37.101, but are empirical
equations to match the curves within the ANSI breaker standard.

K 2  2e X / R
MFl  , 81

Table 7: K factor

1.1.‫أ‬.1 CPT K=
2 3
1.5 1.0278 - 0.004288(X/R) + 0.00002945(X/R) - 0.000000068368(X/R)
2 3
2 1.0604 - 0.007473(X/R) + 0.00006253(X/R) - 0.0000002427(X/R)
2 3
3 1.0494 - 0.00833(X/R) + 0.00006919(X/R) - 0.000000075638(X/R)
2 3
4 1.0370 - 0.008148(X/R) + 0.0000611(X/R) - 0.0000002248(X/R)

The Adjusted Multiplying Factor (AMFi) is equal to:

AMFi = MFl +NACD (MFr-MFl), 82

If AMFi is less than 1.0 then the program uses 1.0

5. Calculate Iint,

All Remote: Iint = MFr*Iint,rms,sym

All Local: Iint = MFl*Iint,rms,sym

Mixed local and remote: Iint = AMFi*Iint,rms,sym

6. Calculate 3 phase Device Duty by adjusting the device interrupting duty based on rated voltage using
the following formula:

Device Int Rating * Rated Max kV

3P Device Duty  Min ( * Device Max Int Rating)
Operating Voltage kV
7. Compare Iint against the CB 3P Device Duty.
If 3P Device Duty  Iint, then the device Passes, otherwise it Fails.

8. Calculate % rating = (Iint *100)/ (3P Device Duty)

Short Circuit Analysis Program

12.3.2 Standard Ratings for Low Voltage Circuit Breakers (LV-CBs)

For Low-Voltage CBs (LV-CBs) the time of short circuit current interruption occurs within the sub transient
time interval. However, the interrupting capabilities of unfused LV-CBs are sensitive to the maximum peak
magnitude of the total /asymmetrical fault current.

If the device library does not have a value for X/R then the following default values are used as default by the

Table 8: Default Device X/R Values Using DesignBase’s Library

Breaker Type Test %PF Test X/R

Unfused Power Circuit (PCB) Breaker 15 6.59
Fused Power Circuit Breaker, MCCB, ICCB 20 4.9
(Insulated Case CB)
Molded Case (MCCB), ICCB rated  10,000A 50 1.73
Molded Case MCCB), ICCB rated 10,001-20,000 A 30 3.18
Molded Case (MCCB), ICCB rated > 20,000 A 20 4.90

The following steps are used to calculate the low voltage circuit breaker interrupting:

1. Calculate the ½ cycle interrupting short circuit (Isym,rms).

2. Calculate Low Voltage Multiplying Factor (LVF)
PCB: Power Circuit Breaker
ICCB: Insulated Case Circuit Breaker


(1  2e Calc X/R )
LVFasym  ( EQ  7)
(1  2e Test X/R )
, 83

Unfused PCB / MCCB / ICCB with Instantaneous setting

2 πτ
(1  e X/Rcalc
LVFp   2 πT
(1  e X/Rtest
, 84

Short Circuit Analysis Program

  0.49 - 0.1e 3

- X/Rtest
T  0.49 - 0.1e 3

In Options of the short circuit Tab “Control for ANSI/IEEE” , the user can select to use
 =T = 0.5 instead of using the empirical formula by selecting “Applies 0.5 Cycles”.

Unfused PCB without Instantaneous setting

If the breaker does not have an instantaneous setting then the breaker has two interrupting rating (peak
and asymmetrical). Therefore the LVFp and LVFasym are calculated.
(1  2e X/Rcalc
LVFasym 
(1  2e X/Rtest

Where t is the breaker minimum short time trip in cycles at interrupting duty. The default value used by
DesignBase is 3 cycles.

The peak interrupting rating is calculated as follows:

2 πτ
(1  e X/Rcalc
LVFp   2 πT
(1  e X/Rtest
  0.49 - 0.1e 3

- X/Rtest
T  0.49 - 0.1e 3

Short Circuit Analysis Program

3. If any of the LVF is less than 1.0 then uses 1.0

4. Calculate adjusted Interrupting factor

Fused Breakers
Iint,adj = LVFasym* Isym,rms (the 3-8 cycle interrupting short circuit)
Unfused Breakers With Inst
Iint,adj = LVFp* Isym,rms (the ½ cycle interrupting short circuit)
Unfused Breakers Without Inst
Iint,adj = LVFasym* Isym,rms (the 3-8 cycle interrupting short circuit)
Iint,adj = LVFp* Isym,rms (the ½ cycle interrupting short circuit)

5. Compare Iint,adj against the CB symmetrical interrupting rating.

If Device Symmetrical rating  Iint,adj, then the device passes, or otherwise it fails
6. Calculate The % rating = (Iint,adj*100)/Device Symmetrical rating

12.3.3 Standard Ratings for Low/High Voltage Fuses, and Switches

The LVFs interrupting capability is the maximum symmetrical rms current which the fuse can interrupt and
still remain intact. While the fuse has a symmetrical current rating it can also interrupt the DC component up
to a value based on its test X/R ratio.

The interrupting capabilities of LV-Fs are classified by the UL according to symmetrical current ratings in rms
Amperes. In some rare cases the fuse asymmetrical rating is provided.

Evaluation procedure:
3. Calculate the ½ cycle interrupting short circuit (Isym,rms).
4. Calculate Iasym:
Iasym,adj = MFasym*Isym(1/2 Cyc)
 If the fuse is symmetrical rated, then MFasym is calculated using the following formula:

Short Circuit Analysis Program

MFasym (1  2e X/R

 If the fuse is asymmetrical rated, then MFasym is calculated using the following formula:
(1  2e Calc X/R
(1  2e Test X/R
, 88
5. Compare Iasym,adj against the fuse symmetrical interrupting rating.
If Device Symmetrical rating  Iasym,adj, then the device Pass otherwise it Fails
6. Calculate The % rating = (Iasym,adj*100)/Device Symmetrical rating.

Note: For standard switches the same formulae are used

Short Circuit Analysis Program


Perform Short-Circuit Study & Update Answer File.
For frequency other than 60 Hz, then adjust the X/R where,
(X/R)mod=(X/R)*60/(System Hz)

 For LVCB, MVCB & Fuses Calculate the ½ cycle short-circuit current
 For MVCB calculate the Iint,rms,sym.
 Run the PDE analysis

Fuses/ Switches LVCB

Fuse / Switch Symmetrical Rating, selected: MVCB

 Calculate MF based on EQ-1 NO Fused?
Fuse / Switch Asymmetrical Rating selected:
 Calculate MF based on EQ-10

CB X/R is known? CB X/R is known?


Yes The X/R is equal to:

The X/R is equal to:
PCB, ICCB = 6.59 YES
MCCB, ICCB rated <=10,000 A = 1.73 PCB, MCCB, ICCB = 4.9
MCCB, ICCB rated 10,001-20,000A = 3.18
MCCB, ICCB rated > 20,000 A = 4.9

Calculate LVF
Calculate LVF based on EQ-8 for PCB breaker with based on EQ-7
Instantaneous Setting, MCCB and ICCB.

For PCB without instantaneous use EQ-8 & EQ-9 Go to

Page 2

IF LVF < 1,
then LVF =1

Is Device rating greater

or Equal to Iasym,adj? MCCB/ICCB/PCBWith Instantaneous :
Iint,adj =LVF*Isym,rms
PCB Without Instantaneous:
Iint,adj =LVFp*Isym,rms(½ Cyc)
NO Yes int,adj =LVFasym*Isym,rms(3-8 Cyc)

Is Device Symmetrical
NO rating greater or Equal Yes
to Iint,adj?

Fail Pass Fail Pass

Calculate Calculate
%rating=Isym,adj*100/ %rating=Iint,adj*100/
Device rating Device rating

Figure 32: Device Evaluation, ANSI Standard, Part 1

Short Circuit Analysis Program


Calculation Based on Generation:
MVCB From  All Remote Page 2
Page 1  All Local
In the short circuit option tab
“Control for ANSI/IEEE” the user NO
has selected the fixed MF factor

Interrupting Duty

 Total Remote Contribution Peak Duty Peak Duty Momentary Momentary
 Total Local contribution (Crest) (Crest) Duty (C&L) Duty (C&L)
 Total Contribution (Iint,rms,sym)
 NACD using (EQ-3)
 If NACD=0 then all contribution are Local
 If NACD=1 then all contribution are Remote
MFp = 2.7 MFm = 1.6

Calculate MFp using EQ-2 Calculate MFm using EQ-1

ALL Remote

Calculate Calculate Calculate

 MFr using EQ-4 Imom,peak=MFp*Isym,rms Imom,asym=MFm*Isym,rms
 Iint=MFr*Iint,rms,sym
All Local

 MFl using EQ-5
 Iint=MFl*Iint,rms,sym Is Device peak (crest)
NACD rating greater or Equal to

Calculate: Yes
 NACD using EQ-3
 MFr using EQ-4
 MFl using EQ-5
 AMFi = using EQ-6. Fail Pass
 If AMFl less than 1 use 1.0
 Iint = AMFi*Iint,rms,sym/S

Calculate 3 phase device %rating=Imom,peak*100/
duty using EQ-6a device peak (crest) rating

Is Device C&L,rms rating

greater or Equal to
NO Imom,rms,asym?
Is Device Int rating greater Yes
NO Yes
or Equal to calculated Iint?

Fail Pass Fail Pass

Calculate %rating=Iint*100/ Calculate

3P device Int rating %rating=Imom,rms,asym*100/
device C&L,rms rating

Figure 33: Device Evaluation, ANSI Standard, Part 2

Short Circuit Analysis Program

12.4 IEC Standard Based Device Evaluation (PDE IEC)

12.4.1 Circuit-Breakers

Circuit-breaker design techniques have improved over time leading to benefits of technical performances,
reduced size, weight, energy requirements and cost. This progression is also perceived to have led to an
inevitable reduction in inherent design margins such that much of the older equipment, for which extensive
operating experience is available, may have considerable margins in hand-over and above modern
equipment. This trend is not problematic in itself but further emphasizes the need for future testing regimes to
be fully representative of the system conditions in which the equipment needs to function correctly.

In technologies where the interruption capability is fundamentally constant regardless of the switching duty,
interpolation of test evidence is relatively simple and accepted. However, in technologies where the basic
interruption characteristics of the device are duty dependent, such interpolations are far more difficult to
achieve simply and it is quite conceivable that critical fault duties may be identified at fractional short-circuit
levels. In principle, the high energies and relatively low di/dt values associated with an asymmetrical duty
make it less onerous for such a device than an equivalent symmetrical duty. However, the effect of low
energy minor loops and the possibility of extended arcing periods, in what are generally very short overall
travel times, are factors which might prove particularly critical.

Ultimately, equipment testing should consider the equipment under test to be a "black box" model regardless
of the technology being employed, but this presents obvious difficulties if varying design technologies have
specific sensitivities.

It must be stressed at this point that there is no intention to cast doubt on the capabilities of particular
equipment design philosophies merely to emphasize that as refined design techniques lead to minimized
designs so the importance of well constructed and realistic testing regimes increases.
An obvious, but non-preferred, solution to problems of asymmetric switching is to increase circuit-breaker
operating times, although this does not alleviate the duty on other associated equipment and may be
inconvenient from an overall system viewpoint. This contrary to the tendency for reducing protection times in
modern equipment.

High Voltage Breakers. Normally the interrupting current is a constant current at any voltage. However,
some manufacturers do give a different current at various voltages. On the HV breakers it may to check if the
breaker voltage rating is greater than the system voltage. The voltage rating of IEC breakers is the maximum
voltage that the breaker can be applied at.

Low Voltage Breakers. The same standards are used for LVPCB and MCCB.

12.4.2 Rated characteristics to be given for all circuit-breakers

a1) Rated voltage Ur.:

If the manufacturer indicates a few values for the rated voltage, then the greatest represents the maximum
rated voltage;

a2) Rated insulation level;

a3) Rated frequency fr.

The standard values for the rated frequency of high voltage circuit-breakers are 50 Hz and 60 Hz;

Short Circuit Analysis Program

a4) Rated normal current Ir:

Current which the main circuit of a circuit-breaker is capable of carrying continuously under specified
conditions of use and behavior;

a5) Rated short-time withstand current Icw.

The rated short-time withstand current Icw of a CB, disconector or swich-disconector means the rms value of
a rated, admited, short-time current, indicated by a manufacturer, which the equipment can support without
any damages. The testing determination of this current for a concret equipment is made in standard
conditions CEI 60947-1.

The rated short-time withstand current must be greater than twelve times the rated maximum operation
current and, without other manufacturer’s indication, the current duration must be 1 s:

I cw  12  I e , pt . Tcw  1s , 89

A complete determination of the rated short-time withstand current is made, on the base of the mentioned
standard, as follows:

I cw  Max12  I e ; 5 kA, pt . I e  2,5 kA, 90

I cw  30 kA, pt . I e  2,5 kA , 91

InAC the rated short-time withstand current is compearing with the rms value of the periodical short-circuit
current component. It is necessary that the last mentioned value to be lower than the product between the
short duration acceptable rated current and the factor n, indicated in table 3, in accordance with CEI 60947-1:

I k  n  I cw , 92

Values of the power factor, the time constants and the ratio n between the peak value and the rated short-
time withstand current.

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Table 9: n factor based on PF and short circuit level

Short-circuit current, Time constant,

Power Factor n factor
kA ms
≤1,5 0,95 1,41
(1,5, 3 0,9 1,42
(3, 4,5 0,8 5 1,47
(4,5, 6 0,7 1,53
(6, 10 0,5 1,70
(10, 20 0,3 10 2,00
(20, 50 0,25 2,10
50≤ 0,2 2,20

At the same time, the short duration acceptable rated current represents the upper limit value of the rms
value of the short-circuit current periodical component which is presumed constant during the short timing ,
for which the following normalized values are recommended:

  0,05; 0,1; 0,25; 0,5;1 s

The rated short-time withstand current is equal to the rated short-circuit breaking current [5, p.33] -
EN 60947-3:1999 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 3: Switches, disconnectors, switch-
disconnectors and fuse-combination units.

a6) Rated peak withstand current (Ip):

It is equal to the rated short-circuit making current;

a7) Rated duration of a short-circuit tk.

A rated duration of a short-circuit need not be assigned to a self-tripping circuit-breaker provided that the
following applies. When connected in a circuit the prospective breaking current of which is equal to its rated
short-circuit breaking current, the circuit-breaker shall be capable of carrying the resulting current for the
break-time required. This break time is that required by the circuit-breaker with the over current release set
for the maximum time lag when operating in accordance with its rated operating sequence. Direct over
current releases include integrated tripping systems.

a8) Rated supply voltage

of closing and opening devices and of auxiliary circuits Ua;

a9) Rated supply frequency

of closing and opening devices and of auxiliary circuits;

a10) Rated pressures

of compressed gas supply and/or of hydraulic supply for operation, interruption and insulation, as applicable;

Short Circuit Analysis Program

a11) Rated short-circuit breaking current Icn.

The rated short-circuit breaking current is the highest short-circuit current which the circuit breaker shall be
capable of breaking under the conditions of use and behavior prescribed in standards. Such a current is
found in a circuit having a power-frequency recovery voltage corresponding to the rated voltage of the circuit-
breaker and having a transient recovery voltage equal to a specified value. For three-pole circuit-breakers,
the AC component relates to a three-phases short-circuit.

The rated short-circuit breaking current is characterized by two values:

– the rms value of its AC component;

– the percentage DC component. If the DC component does not exceed 20%, the rated short-circuit
breaking current is characterized only by the rms value of its AC component.

The circuit-breaker shall be capable of breaking any short-circuit current up to its rated short-circuit breaking
current containing any AC component up to the rated value and, associated with it, any percentage DC
component up to that specified, under the conditions mentioned above.

The following applies to a standard circuit-breaker:

- at voltages below and equal to the rated voltage, it shall be capable of breaking its rated short-circuit
breaking current
- at voltages above the rated voltage, no short-circuit breaking current is guaranteed. The standard value of
the AC component of the rated short-circuit breaking current shall be selected from the R10 series
specified in IEC 60059. The R10 series comprises the numbers

{1 – 1,25 – 1,6 – 2 – 2,5 – 3,15 – 4 – 5 – 6,3 – 8}

and their products by 10 .

The value of the percentage DC component shall be determined as follows:

- for a self-tripping circuit-breaker, the percentage DC component shall correspond to a time interval equal to
the minimum opening time of the first opening pole Top of the circuit breaker. Time Tr in the formula (6) is to
be set to 0 ms
- for a circuit-breaker which is tripped solely by any form of auxiliary power, the percentage DC component
shall correspond to a time interval equal to the minimum opening time of the first opening pole Top of the
circuit-breaker plus one half-cycle of rated frequency Tr.

The minimum opening time mentioned above is that specified by the manufacturer. The minimum opening
time is the shortest opening time, which is expected by the manufacturer to cover the entire population of the
circuit-breaker concerned under any operational conditions when breaking asymmetrical currents.

The percentage value of the dc component (iDC%) is based on the time interval (Top + Tr) and the time
constant  using the formula:

 Top  Tr 
id .c. %  100  exp    , %
  

Short Circuit Analysis Program

The graphs of the DC component against time given in figure 1 below are based on:

a) standard time constant of 45 ms

b) special case time constants, related to the rated voltage of the circuit-breaker:
- 120 ms for rated voltages up to and including 52 kV
- 60 ms for rated voltages from 72,5 kV up to and including 420 kV
- 75 ms for rated voltages 550 kV and above

Figure 34: Percentage D.C. current component in relation to the time interval from initiation of short-circuit
current, for different time constant.

These special case time constant values recognize that the standard value may be inadequate in some
systems. They are provided as unified values for such special system needs, taking into account the
characteristics of the different ranges of rated voltage, for example their particular system structures, design
of lines, etc.

In addition, some applications may require even higher values, for example if a circuit-breaker is close to a
generator. In these circumstances, the required DC component and any additional test requirements should
be specified in the inquiry.

a12) Rated ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity Icu

The rated ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity Icu represents the highest rms value of the current that the
device is able to interrupt without suffering significant damages.

Short Circuit Analysis Program

The magnitude of this current, determined under the conditions specified in the product standard, is the upper
(superior/higher) limit of the short-circuit ac component (the dc component is considered null):

I cu  I k 93

a13) Transient recovery voltage - TRV

related to the rated short-circuit breaking current is the reference voltage which constitutes the limit of the
prospective transient recovery voltage of circuits which the circuit-breaker shall be capable of withstanding
under fault conditions.

In some cases, particularly in systems with a voltage 100 kV and above, and where the short-circuit currents
are relatively large in relation to the maximum short-circuit current at the point under consideration, the
transient recovery voltage contains first a period of high rate of rise, followed by a later period of lower rate of
rise. This waveform is generally adequately represented by an envelope consisting of three line segments
defined by means of four parameters.

In other cases, particularly in systems with a voltage less than 100 kV, or in systems with a voltage greater
than 100 kV in conditions where the short-circuit currents are relatively small in relation to the maximum
short-circuit currents and fed through transformers, the transient recovery voltage approximates to a damped
single frequency oscillation. This waveform is adequately represented by an envelope consisting of two line
segments defined by means of two parameters.

The influence of local capacitance on the source side of the circuit-breaker produces a slower rate of rise of
the voltage during the first few microseconds of the TRV. This is taken into account by introducing a time

The transient recovery voltage corresponding to the rated short-circuit breaking current when a terminal fault
occurs, is used for testing at short-circuit breaking currents equal to the rated value.

a14) The rated short-circuit making current Icm

of a circuit-breaker having simultaneity of poles is that which corresponds to the rated voltage and the rated

The rated short-circuit making capacity Icm of a circuit-breaker or switch represents the value of the short-
circuit closing capacity, expressed by the highest instantaneous value of the current that the device can
connect at the rated voltage and frequency and at a specified power factor. This parameter is indicated by
the equipment manufacturer in the device catalogue data.

According to IEC 60947-1 the rated short-circuit making capacity is established in comparison with the limit
value of the short-circuit rated breaking capacity Icu, by multiplying it to the factor k, given in the table 2, for
LVCB, in accordance with the relationship:

I cm  k  I cu 94

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Values of the multiplying factor k when fixing the rated short-circuit making capacity Icm of the LVCB

Table 10: Icu and k factor

cos k
(6, 10 0.50 1.7
(10, 20 0.30 2.0
(20, 50 0.25 2.1
50 0.20 2.2

The rated short-circuit making capacity implies that the breaker is able to connect the current suitable to this
rated capacity at an applied voltage corresponding to the use rated voltage.

Being an instantaneous value, the rated short-circuit making capacity Icm of an CB is compared with the peak
current ip and the next inequality have to be fulfilled in order that the device withstands the short-circuit

I cm  i p 95

The following values apply for the high voltage CB (Ur >1 kV):

 for a rated frequency of 50 Hz and the standard value of the time constant of 45 ms it is
equal to 2,5 times the rms value of the AC component of its rated short-circuit breaking
current (Icn), so a following relationship can be written:

I cm  k H  I cn , 96

where the multiplying factor kH was introduced. In this case, kH=2,5;

 for a rated frequency of 60 Hz and the standard value of the time constant of 45 ms it is
equal to 2,6 times the rms value of the AC component of its rated short-circuit breaking

 for all special case time constants it is equal to 2,7 times the rms value of the AC
component of its rated short-circuit breaking current, independent of the rated frequency of
the circuit-breaker

a15) Rated operating sequence;

a16) Rated time quantities:

- opening time of a circuit-breaker defined according to the tripping method as stated below and with any
time delay device forming an integral part of the circuit-breaker adjusted to its minimum setting

Short Circuit Analysis Program

- for a circuit-breaker tripped by any form of auxiliary power, the opening time is the interval of time between
the instant of energizing the opening release, the circuit-breaker being in the closed position, and the
instant when the arcing contacts have separated in all poles
- for a self-tripping circuit-breaker, the opening time is the interval of time between the instant at which, the
circuit-breaker being in the closed position, the current in the main circuit reaches the operating value of
the over current release and the instant when the arcing contacts have separated in all poles

The opening time may vary with the breaking current. For circuit-breakers with more than one interrupting
unit per pole, the instant when the arcing contacts have separated in all poles is determined as the instant
of contact separation in the first unit of the last pole. The opening time includes the operating time of any
auxiliary equipment necessary to open the circuit breaker and forming an integral part of the circuit-

- arcing time (of a multipole switching device): interval of time between the instant of the first initiation of an
arc and the instant of final arc extinction in all poles
- break time: interval of time between the beginning of the opening time of a mechanical switching device
and the end of the arcing time

12.4.3 Circuit Breaker Name Plate Data

The nameplates of a CB and its operating devices shall be marked and must contain data in accordance with
the standards IEC Standards. The main nameplate information is indicated in the Table 10 below.

Table 11: CB Name plate data

Abbrevi- Required marking

Information Unit
ation condition
Manufacturer Mandatory for CB and
operation device
Type designation and serial number “
Rated voltage Ur kV Mandatory
Rated lightning impulse withstand
Up kV “
Rated switching impulse withstand Rated voltage 300 kV
voltage Us kV and
Rated frequency Rating is not applicable
fr Hz at
both 50 Hz and 60 Hz
Rated normal current Ir A Mandatory
Rated short-circuit breaking current Isc kA “
DC component of the rated short-circuit More than 20 %
(idc%) %
breaking current
Rated duration of short-circuit tk s Different from 1 s

Coils of operating devices shall have a reference mark permitting the complete data to be obtained
from the manufacturer. Releases shall bear the appropriate data.

The nameplate shall be visible in the position of normal service and installation.

Short Circuit Analysis Program

12.4.4 FUSES

The fuses can operate as single devices or can be combined with switch disconnectors. The choice depends
on each application requirements and specific network conditions. One of the most critical factors for
optimum protection is proper fuse selection. This can be done based on theoretical calculations but in many
cases practical knowledge obtained from actual test results could make it easier and even more reliable.

The speed at which a fuse blows depends on how much current flows through it and the material of which the
fuse is made. The operating time is not a fixed interval, but decreases as the current increases. Fuses have
different characteristics of operating time compared to current, characterized as "fast-blow", "slow-blow" or
"time-delay", according to time required to respond to an over current condition. A standard fuse may require
twice its rated current to open in one second, a fast-blow fuse may require twice its rated current to blow in
0.1 seconds, and a slow-blow fuse may require twice its rated current for tens of seconds to blow.

A characteristic of modern cartridge fuses is that, owing to the rapidity of fusion in the case of high short-
circuit current levels, a current cut-off begins before the occurrence of the first major peak, so that the fault
current never reaches its prospective peak value [Schneider]. This limitation of current reduces significantly
the thermal and dynamic stresses which would otherwise occur, thereby minimizing danger and damage at
the fault position. The rated short-circuit breaking current of the fuse is therefore based on the rms value of
the AC component of the prospective fault current. No short-circuit current-making rating is assigned to fuses.

Short-circuit currents initially contain DC components, the magnitude and duration of which depend on the
XL/R ratio of the fault current loop. Close to the source (MV/LV transformer) the relationship Ipeak / I rms (of
AC component) immediately following the instant of fault, can be as high as 2.5 (standardized by IEC).

At lower levels of distribution in an installation, as previously noted, XL is small compared with R and so for
final circuits Ipeak / Irms ~ 1.41. The peak-current-limitation effect occurs only when the prospective rms AC
component of fault current attains a certain level. As already mentioned, at lower distribution levels in an
installation, R greatly predominates XL, and fault levels are generally low. This means that the level of fault
current may not attain values high enough to cause peak current limitation. On the other hand, the DC
transients (in this case) have an insignificant effect on the magnitude of the current peak, as previously

12.4.5 Fuse IEC Characteristic Quantities [IEC 60269-1]

Prospective current (of a circuit with respect to a fuse) – current that would flow in the circuit if each pole of
the fuse were replaced by a conductor of negligible impedance. For AC, the prospective current is expressed
by the rms value of the AC component.

Note: the prospective current is the quantity to which the breaking capacity and characteristics of the fuse
are normally referred, e.g. I t and cut-off current characteristics.

Fuse Breaking capacity – value of prospective current that a fuse is capable of breaking at a stated voltage
under prescribed conditions of use and behavior (the rms value of the periodic component, for AC).

Breaking range – range of prospective currents within which the breaking capacity of a fuse-link is assured.

Cut-off current – maximum instantaneous value reached by the current during the breaking operation of a
fuse-link when it operates in such a manner as to prevent the current from reaching the otherwise attainable

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Cut-off current characteristic; let-through current characteristic – curve giving the cut-off current as a
function of the prospective current under stated conditions of operation.

Note: in the case of AC, the values of the cut-off currents are the maximum values which can be reached
whatever the degree of asymmetry. In the case of DC, the values of the cut-off currents are the maximum
values reached related to the time constants as specified.

Peak withstand current – value of the cut-off current that the fuse-holder can withstand.

Note: the peak withstands current is not less than the highest cut-off current of any fuse-link with which the
fuse-holder is intended to be associated.

Pre-arcing time; melting time – interval of time between the beginning of a current large enough to cause a
break in the fuse element(s) and the instant when an arc is initiated.

Arcing time of a fuse - interval of time between the instant of the initiation of the arc in a fuse and
the instant of final arc extinction in that fuse.

Operating time; total clearing time – sum of the pre-arcing time and the arcing time.
I t (Joule integral) – integral of the square of the current over a given time interval:

I 2t  t 1 i 2 dt


2 2
The pre-arcing I t is the I t integral extended over the pre-arcing time of the fuse

2 2
The operating I t is the I t integral extended over the operating time of the fuse
 The energy in Joules released in a 1Ω resistor in a circuit protected by a fuse is equal to the value of
2 2
the operating I t expressed in A s
I t characteristic – curve giving I2t values (pre-arcing I2t and/or operating I2t) as a function of prospective
current under stated conditions of operation.
I t zone – range contained by the minimum pre-arcing I2t characteristic and the maximum operating I2t
characteristic, under specified conditions.

Rated current of a fuse-link (In) – value of current that the fuse-link can carry continuously without
deterioration under specified conditions.

Time-current characteristic – curve giving the time, e.g. pre-arcing time or operating time as a function of
the prospective current under stated conditions of operation.

Note: for times longer than 0,1 s, for practical, purposes the difference between pre-arcing and operating time
is negligible.

Time-current zone – range contained by the minimum pre-arcing time-current characteristics and the
maximum operating time-current characteristic, under specified conditions.

Conventional non-fusing current (Inf) – value of current specified as that which the fuse-link is capable of
carrying for a specified time (conventional time) without melting.

Short Circuit Analysis Program

Conventional fusing current (If) - value of current specified as that which causes operation of the fuse-link
within a specified time (conventional time).

12.4.6 Fuse nameplate data

The follwoing data will generally be provided for a fuse:

1. Rated current (Ampere rating) of the fuse

2. Voltage rating of the fuse
3. Time-current characteristic, i.e. fuse speed
4. Approvals by national and international standards agencies
5. Manufacturer / part number / series
6. Breaking capacity

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12.5 Protective Device Evaluation Based on IEC Standard

Figure 35: IEC PDE Flow Chart – Part 1

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Figure 36: IEC PDE Flow Chart – Part 2

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Figure 37: IEC PDE Flow Chart – Part 3

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12.5.1 Fuses Evaluation

Compare the voltage rating of the fuse (Ur) against the system voltage (Un) where the fuse is placed:
if the fuse rated voltage

Ur ≥ Un then

the device Pass, otherwise Fail (the user have to verify the fuse ratings).

For the Ur ≥ Un case, there are two situations:

a. if Ur = Un then the fuse breaking capacity rating (Irb) = the fuse real breaking capacity (Ib);

b. if Ur > Un then the real breaking capacity of the fuse will be used in the next steps; for this
situation calculate the fuse real breaking capacity:

Ib   I rb .

Compare the fuse real breaking capacity against the initial symmetrical short-circuit current I k" :
if Ib ≥ I k then the device Pass, otherwise Fail.

For both situations of the last comparison

Calculate %rating 

12.5.2 LVCB Evaluation

The LVCB evaluation begins after the comparison of the CB rated voltage presented in the right side of the
figure 2,a.

Determination of the LVCB short-circuit making current Icm.

Compare Icm with the peak short-circuit current.

if Icm ≥ ip then the device Pass, otherwise Fail.

For the FAIL situation

Calculate % rating   100 .
I cm

For the PASS situation

 Top  Tr 
Calculate i dc %  exp   ,
 
 

Short Circuit Analysis Program


Top represents the minimum opening time and it is specified by the manufacturer;
Tr – according to the specifications from figure 2,b;
τ – circuit time constant, given in paragraph.
i %
Calculate the asymmetrical short-circuit presumed current I asymsc  I k 1   dc  .
 100 

Compare the asymmetrical short-circuit presumed current with the CB short-circuit breaking current Icn.

if Iasymsc < Icn then the LVCB Pass, otherwise Fail.

For both situations of the last comparison

I asymsc
calculate % rating   100 .
I cn

12.5.3 HVCB Evaluation

The HVCB evaluation, presented in Figure 2,c is similar to the LVCB one. The differences occur just in the
loop of the Icm determination, according to the IEC standards calculus.


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