Customer Satisfaction Iffco.
Customer Satisfaction Iffco.
Customer Satisfaction Iffco.
To make the student conversant with the practical knowledge and the
industrial atmosphere implant training is must. The training basically aims at
To be familiar with the industrial environment.
To be aware of what is happening in fast growing professional work.
To visualize study text through practical happenings.
To explore own fields of project.
IFFCO commissioned an ammonia - urea complex at Kalol and the NPK/DAP plant
at Kandla both in the state of Gujarat in 1975. Another ammonia - urea complex
was set up at Phulpur in the state of Uttar Pradesh in 1981. The ammonia - urea unit
at Aonla was commissioned in 1988. The annual installed capacity of all the plants
was 1.62 million tones of Urea and NPK/DAP equivalent to 309 thousand tone of
At IFFCO, the thirst for ever improving the services to farmers and member co-
operatives is insatiable, commitment to quality is insurmountable and harnessing of
mother earths' bounty to drive hunger away from India in an ecologically
sustainable manner is the prime mission. All that IFFCO cherishes in exchange is an
everlasting smile on the face of Indian Farmer who forms the moving spirit behind
this mission.
Zone Headquarter
North Zone Chandigarh
East Zone Kolkata
West Zone Bhopal
North Central Zone Lucknow
South Zone Bangalore
Each head quarter has certain number of neighboring states under it and the
functioning of those states is controlled by that particular head quarter. Each state
has a State Office under each zone. Under each State Office there are Area Offices
and under each Area Office there are Service Sectors.
The organization structure of IFFCO consists of Board of Directors. The
Govt. of India nominates two members of the board. The members of the
Cooperative Societies nominate rest of the members. A Chairman heads the Board
of Directors. The Chairman is the Functional Head of the organization since he is an
elected member. There is also a Vice Chairman elected by the members of the
Board of Directors.
One of the members of the Board of Directors is the Managing Director
(MD). The MD is the Executive Head since he is an appointed member. The MD is
responsible for carrying out all the functions of the organization.
The Managing Director controls the functions of the following:
• Director Marketing
• Director Finance
• Executive Director (Personnel &Administration)
• Executive Director (Technical)
•Executive Director (Technical Service Deptt. / Planning & Development)
The Finance Director and the Marketing Director are also the members of
the Board of Directors but they do not have voting rights since they are not elected
Organization Chart Of IFFCO
Board of Directors
Managing Director
3) It aims to promote the activities for enriching the life of rural masses playing a
role of catalyst by village adoption.
IFFCO has grown steadily since its inception today. It has emerged not only
as the largest fertilizer producing organization in India but also Asia’s largest
fertilizer co-operative.
IFFCO production capacity not only offers the best quality product but also
enables production at the most competitive cost; constant improvement in energy
efficient has been a major focus area a part of optimization of operational cost.
Natural gas as feed stock for the plant will be supplied by the govt. of
Oman under a long term gas supply agreement. The Govt. of India (GOI) will
purchase the entire urea production from OMIFCO under a 15 year urea off take
agreement .IFFCO will purchase the entire surplus Ammonia under 10 year
Ammonia off take agreement.
Logo's ratio is 1:2:5 and the color is green. The rectangle shows that the
Indian economy is depend upon the agriculture and green color shows the faith of
the farmers, they believe that after using the urea their fields will always be green,
the remaining white color shows that the quality of the IFFCO's product is very
good and oval shape is meant for the wealth and prosperity.
IFFCO AONLA unit is one of the most efficient and quality-wise as well
as environment oriented unit so that M/s KPMG Peat Marwick, a quality registrar
has certified it as ISO:9002 unit and M/s BVQI London has accredited it as
ISO:14001 unit. The Aonla unit, Ammonia -Urea complex is comprised of the two
The total capacity of both the phases is 891000 million tones ad 145200
millions tones per annum of ammonia and urea respectively. There are two streams
of ammonia and four streams of urea.
The natural gas from H.B.J pipeline being supplied from Bombay
highway is the feed for the plant. AONLA I was commenced on May 1988 and
AONLA II were on December 1996. Both units are achieving the annual capacity
utilization 116%.
The organization structure of IFFCO —Aonla Unit is as follows:
General Manager:
The GM is the next higher authority of Aonla Unit. He assists the
Senior General Manager in taking all decisions.
Systems Department:
This department is responsible for consolidation and integration of database.
Further, it provides services beyond the operation level requirements in application
of material management, production reports, financial management and personnel
management, etc.
Utility Department:
This department of Utilities controls the functioning of steel and power purification
of water for recycling.
Production Department:
Under this department, the production and all related activities of production of
ammonia and urea are carried on.
Maintenance Department:
Under this, the maintenance of all mechanical, electrical, telephone and mechanical
services are controlled.
Organizational Chart at Aonla Unit
Unit Head
General Manager
IFFCO from its very inception has been alive to its responsibility of
increasing the agricultural productivity through promotion of scientific farming
among the farming community including balanced fertilization. IFFCO field staff
use the whole range of methods such as field demonstration, farmers’ meeting, soil
testing, crop seminars, field days, distribution of mini kits etc. to the weaker
sections of the community for effective transfer of improved agricultural
IFFCO has established about 200 Farmers Service Centers where all
essential inputs like fertilizers, seeds, agro chemicals and guidance for their
judicious use are provided under one roof. The agricultural implements like seed
cum fertilizer drills, sprayers, dusters etc. are also provided to farmers on custom
hiring basis. Considering their popularity among the farming community, IFFCO in
collaboration with NCDC is presently engaged in developing 2500 co-operative
societies on the pattern of IFFCO Farmers Services Centers.
To fulfill its objectives of serving the farming community, the society has
drawn up a scheme of farmers’ integration under which the farmers from one part of
the country are taken to another part in small groups. The objective is to expose
them to modern agricultural heritage, social customs and lifestyle of different
regions of the country and thus to achieve the objective of national integration.
Quality Control
Being an ISO: 9002 Unit, IFFCO Aonla lays much emphasis on customer
satisfaction through quality objectives. To meet its quality objective, a full-fledged
laboratory has been established to monitor quality of production process at various
stages round the clock and as well as the inputs and final product Urea.
Community Development
Safety and fire prevention bring the primary factor of well being of an
organization. Therefore a well equipped fire and safety section has been established
in addition to various in built safety features of the plants and their technology. Fire
and Safety section has been provided with sophisticated and modern facilities like
fire fighting tenders , rapid intervention vehicle , fire proof clothing , personal
protective equipments , explosive meters, safety belts, air breathing apparatus , etc.
To inculcate safety habit in each of the employee, various safety seminars, training
and competitions are organized from time to time. A detailed on -site emergency
plan has been developed and practiced at regular intervals to maintain preparedness
to meet any eventuality.
IFFCO Aonla Unit has won the NSCI Safety Award- 2002 ( PRASHANSA
PATRA) from National safety Council of India. The awards committee under the
Chairmanship of Shri Anil D. Ambani has declared the results of the NSCI safety
awards for the year -2002. The achievement reflects the corporate culture on safety
and health built assiduously with commitment and leadership from the top.
The award was presented by Shri Sushil Kumar Shinde , Hon'ble Chief Minister of
Maharashtra at a function held at 10.00 AM on 27th December, 2003 at Walchand
Hirachand Hall ( 4th floor) , Indian Merchants Chamber , LNM IMC Building ,
Churchgate, Mumbai. Shri Anil D. Ambani , Chairman NSC presided over the
• IFFCO Aonla Unit is a natural gas based fertilizer plant set up on Hazeera –
Beejpur- Jagdishpur (HBJ) Pipeline. This pipeline is running through four states and
has become very old there by posing a threat for the IFFCO Aonla Unit.
• The IFFCO Phulpur Unit is a non- gas based plant running on Naphtha and Coal.
The problem faced by it is that the cost of Naphtha is very high thus increasing the
cost of production.
• The IFFCO Aonla Unit is a subsidized organization but the Government of India is
trying to finish this subsidy as soon as possible.
• The Aonla Unit is also facing a problem of shortage of gas; therefore, the cost of
production is growing higher.
The Personnel department is concerned with people at work and with their
relationships with each other. It may be defined as a set of programs, functions, and
activities designed to maximize both personal and organizational goals. It ensures
that the organization attracts and hires qualified, imaginative and competent people.
It involves the establishment of various policies to deal with employees and to retain
them. To this end, it lays rules regarding working conditions, designs appropriate
compensation plans, and strengthens employer-employee relations.
Executive Director
(Head Office)
J G M (P&A)
Chief Manager
Senior Manager
Deputy Manager
Sr. Assistant
Jr. Assistant
Various section under personnel Department at IFFCO
The cells have been created at divisional levels to ensure effective implementation
of HRD plan with special emphasis on Identification of development needs and
preparing manpower for future needs.
It carries out following activities:
a) Recruitment: For recruitment and selection both internal as well as external
sources are used.
b) Internal recruitment: Lower grade employees are promoted to higher grades
according to the eligibility criterion.
c) External Sources: No agencies are hired. Vacancies are notified in employment
Exchange, advertisement in News paper in also given. Usually, external recruitment
is resorted only when internal sources dry up.
2) Selection: After screening of application suitable applications are called for
psychological, personality physical tests and interview. Selection is done by a
selection committee. It consists of Head of concerned Department, Specialist and
member from Personal Department.
3) Training: Most of the employees are recruited as trainees and then required to
undergo extensive off the job and on the job training in various disciplines.
IFFCO has a fixed and written promotion policy which is based on both seniority
and merit. Usually it is based on both qualification as well as cadre.
Termination :
An employee’s service may be terminated at any time on one month’s (but not less
than 30 days) notice on either side or by the emp1oye.
Industrial Relation :
The organization has set up healthy traditions in encouraging and fostering cordial
and, harmonious industrial relations in dealing with employees.
This sections deals with various welfare activities. (Like sport and cultural
programmed for employees, Canteen facility etc.)
Time office:
Keep track of employee attendance. Employees are given electronic cards which are
to be electronically punched at the time of entering or leaving the office.
Provident fund :
IFFCO has its Own Board of Employees Provident fund as per EPF and misc.
Provisions. Act, 1952 and PF benefits shall be as IFFCO EPF rules.
Retirement and super annotation shall be at the age of 60 years.
Various Section Under Administration Department:
Estate Office:
Takes care of sanitation of plant and township, allotment of houses, shops etc.
Administration department also take care of indirect facilities like medical, HBL,
libraries etc.
Looks after the plantation in the whole IFFCO Unit including township.
Guest house:
Proper maintenance of guest house is required for accommodation facility to people
like contractors, trainees etc.
Takes care of sanitation of plant and township.
Takes care of proper running of transport facility provided to the employees.
General Administration:
It takes care of other things such as furniture and fixtures, stationery, stock and non
stock items.
Attention is paid by Administration department for proper running of hospital,
responsible for appointment of doctors and hiring specialists.
The research indicates that there are rewards for having satisfied
service communications.
more price conscious, more demanding, less forgiving and they are
generate leads, the company develops ads and places them in media that
will reach new prospects; it sends direct mails and makes phone calls to
where they might find new leads; and so on. All this activity products a
list of suspect. The next task is to identify which suspects are really
good prospects.
the company rather than switch to another firm. In almost all business
2. Loyal customer are less price sensitive and pay less attention to
competitors advertising
from sellers, friends and other source that give information for instance
even a sales promotion offer. As the gap between the expectations and
play. Some consumers magnify the gap when the produce is not perfect,
and they are highly dissatisfied, others minimize the gap and are less
irreplaceable asset and treat him or her as they themselves would wish
satisfaction deals with data, nor theory, and there is a beauty of data:
In IFFCO proper attention and care has been taken for the welfare of
employees and employees here are very satisfied.
The welfare measures at IFFCO whether inside the work place or outside the
work place, extramural or intramural welfare facilities are in compliance with the
Factories Act.
IFFCO has been doing a great job in recognizing the unique place of the
worker in the society and doing well for retaining and motivating employees.
In short IFFCO has been providing its employees the circle of care
as shown below:
(Human Resource Management)
(Human Resource Management)
(Personnel Management)