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Maternal Iron Intake During Pregnancy and Birth Outcomes: A Cross-Sectional Study in Northwest China

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British Journal of Nutrition (2017), 117, 862–871 doi:10.

© The Authors 2017

Maternal iron intake during pregnancy and birth outcomes: a cross-sectional

study in Northwest China

Jiaomei Yang1, Yue Cheng2, Leilei Pei1, Yufen Jiang1,3, Fangliang Lei1, Lingxia Zeng1, Quanli Wang1,
Qiang Li1, Yijun Kang1, Yuan Shen1, Shaonong Dang1* and Hong Yan1,4*
Department of Epidemiology and Health Statistics, School of Public Health, Xi’an Jiaotong University Health Science Center,
No. 76 Yanta West Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi, 710061, People’s Republic of China
Department of Nutrition, School of Public Health, Xi’an Jiaotong University Health Science Center, Xi’an, Shaanxi,
710061, People’s Republic of China
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Northwest Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Xi’an, Shaanxi, 710054, People’s
Republic of China
Nutrition and Food Safety Engineering Research Center of Shaanxi Province, Xi’an, Shaanxi, 710061, People’s Republic of China
(Submitted 5 November 2016 – Final revision received 21 February 2016 – Accepted 28 February 2017 – First published online 10 April 2017)

Previous studies have yielded conflicting results on the associations of maternal Fe intake with birth outcomes. This study aimed to investigate
the associations between maternal Fe intake (total Fe from diet and supplements, dietary total Fe, haeme Fe, non-haeme Fe and Fe
supplements use) and adverse birth outcomes in Shaanxi Province of Northwest China. In all, 7375 women were recruited using a stratified
multistage random sampling method at 0–12 months (median 3; 10th–90th percentile 0–7) after delivery. Diets were collected by a validated
FFQ and maternal characteristics were obtained via a standard questionnaire. The highest tertile of haeme Fe intake compared with the lowest
tertile was negatively associated with low birth weight (LBW) (OR 0·68; 95 % CI 0·49, 0·94), small for gestational age (SGA) (OR 0·76; 95 % CI
0·62, 0·94) and birth defects (OR 0·55; 95 % CI 0·32, 0·89). Maternal haeme Fe intake was associated with a lower risk of intra-uterine growth
retardation (IUGR) (medium tertile v. lowest tertile: OR 0·78; 95 % CI 0·61, 0·95; highest tertile v. lowest tertile: OR 0·76; 95 % CI 0·59, 0·93;
Ptrend = 0·045). The OR of LBW associated with Fe supplements use were as follows: during pregnancy: 0·72 (95 % CI 0·50, 0·95); in the second
trimester: 0·67 (95 % CI 0·42, 0·98); in the third trimester: 0·47 (95 % CI 0·24, 0·93). We observed no associations of total Fe, dietary total Fe or
non-haeme Fe intake with birth outcomes. The results suggest that maternal haeme Fe intake is associated with a reduced risk of LBW, SGA,
IUGR and birth defects, and Fe supplements use during pregnancy reduces LBW risk.

Key words: Dietary iron: Iron supplements: Pregnancy: Birth weight: Gestational age

Fe deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency among prevalent worldwide, especially in the developing countries(12).
pregnant women in both the developed and the developing To meet the increased Fe requirements, Fe supplementation has
world(1). During pregnancy Fe requirements considerably been routinely recommended during pregnancy in the USA and
increase because of the expansion of maternal red cell mass Canada. However, because of the inconsistent effects of prenatal
and the growth of fetal-placental unit(1). Evidence exists that Fe use on birth outcomes and possible gastrointestinal side
prenatal Fe use improves birth weight(2), gestational duration(3) effects, the routine Fe supplements use during pregnancy is not
and child intellectual development(4), though some studies have recommended in most countries.
not confirmed the associations(5,6). Animal studies suggested The relationship between dietary Fe intake and adverse birth
that maternal Fe deficiency in pregnancy affected blood pres- outcomes such as low birth weight (LBW), preterm birth (PTB),
sure and cardiovascular development in the offspring(7,8). small for gestational age (SGA) and birth defects has been explored
The main source of body Fe stores is from diets. Dietary Fe in several studies(13–18). However, the results were conflicting.
exists in two forms: haeme and non-haeme Fe. Haeme Fe comes Moreover, few studies considered the potential different effects of
mainly from animals and is better absorbed than non-haeme Fe different sources of Fe (dietary or supplemental) and types of Fe
that comes mainly from plants(9). Studies suggested that haeme (haeme or non-haeme) on birth outcomes(16). The evidence for the
and non-haeme Fe may be differently associated with health effects of vitamin C, smoking, alcohol drinking and anaemia
outcomes(10,11). Dietary Fe inadequacy during pregnancy is on the associations is also limited(15,16). To our knowledge, the

Abbreviations: IUGR, intra-uterine growth retardation; LBW, low birth weight; PTB, preterm birth; RNI, recommended nutrient intake; SGA, small for gestational age.
* Corresponding authors: H. Yan, fax +86 29 82655104, email xjtu_yh2014@163.com; S. Dang, fax +86 29 82655104, email tjdshn@mail.xjtu.edu.cn

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Maternal iron intake and birth outcomes 863

associations between dietary and supplemental Fe intakes during stratified multistage random sampling method. According to the
pregnancy and birth outcomes have not been reported in China. proportion of rural to urban residents, population size and fertility
China has been reported to undergo a nutrition transition during rate in Shaanxi, China, twenty counties and ten districts were
the past few decades, with animal-source foods intakes increasing randomly sampled. In each sampled county, six villages each
markedly(19). Pregnant women in Northwest China reported from six townships were randomly selected; in each sampled
dietary Fe intake close to the recommended nutrient intake (RNI); district, six communities each from three streets were randomly
however, they may have poor Fe absorption because of the high selected. In all, thirty and sixty participants were randomly
proportion of plant foods contributing to Fe intake and the low selected in each sampled village and community, respectively.
intake of vitamin C(20). In China, Fe supplements use during Among the participants, 7750 women who were pregnant
pregnancy is still not common. The present study conducted during 2012–2013 and had infants <12 months old were further
in Shaanxi Province of Northwest China aimed to examine interviewed to report their diets during pregnancy. Women who
the associations of maternal Fe intake (total Fe from diet and reported a multiple gestation or an implausible total energy intake
supplements, dietary total Fe, haeme Fe, non-haeme Fe and (>20 920 or <2092 kJ/d) were excluded from the present study.
Fe supplements use) during pregnancy with birth outcomes (LBW, The final sample included a total of 7375 eligible mothers, and the
PTB, SGA, intra-uterine growth retardation (IUGR) and birth median month after delivery when mothers were interviewed was
defects), and to investigate the potential effect modifications by 3 (10th–90th percentiles 0–7). The flow diagram of sampling
vitamin C, passive smoking, alcohol drinking and anaemia. strategy with exclusion criteria is displayed in Fig. 1.

This study was conducted in accordance with the Helsinki
Study design and participants Declaration, and all procedures involving human subjects were
A population-based cross-sectional survey with the purpose of approved by the Xi’an Jiaotong University Health Science Center.
investigating the risk factors for birth outcomes and maternal Written informed consent was obtained from all participants.
nutritional status during pregnancy was conducted in Shaanxi,
China between August and November 2013. This area can be
Assessment of nutrient intake
divided into three regions: northern, southern and central
Shaanxi, with natural resources, history, culture and lifestyle Dietary intakes of mothers during the whole pregnancy were
greatly differing among them. A total of 30 027 women who were measured by a 107-item semi-quantitative FFQ at 0–12 months
pregnant during 2010–2013 were recruited in the survey using a (median 3; 10th–90th percentiles 0–7) after delivery. Maternal

Women participating in the cross-sectional

survey (n 30 027)

Women excluded from the nutritional survey

(n 22 277):
• Being pregnant before 2012 (n 22 153)
• Being pregnant after 2012 but not live
birth (n 124)

Women reporting diets during pregnancy

(n 7750)

Women further excluded from the present

study (n 375):
• Multiple gestation (n 87)
• Implausible energy intake (n 288)

Women included in the present study

(n 7375)

Fig. 1. Flow diagram of sampling strategy with exclusion criteria.

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864 J. Yang et al.

dietary patterns tended to change little from early to late following: (1) Socio-demographic characteristics: geographic
pregnancy(21). Diet assessment during the whole pregnancy at area (northern, southern or central Shaanxi); residence (rural or
one time was reasonable, convenient and economical for large urban); childbearing age (<25, 25–29 or ≥30 years); maternal
epidemiological studies(22), especially for our present large- education (primary school or below, junior high school or
scale survey with multiple dietary exposures and outcomes(20). senior high school or above); maternal occupation (farmer or
The FFQ was established on the basis of the previously working outside); nulliparity (yes or no); (2) health-related
validated FFQ used for pregnant women in Shaanxi, China(23). characteristics: passive smoking (yes or no); alcohol drinking
Pearson’s correlation coefficient for Fe between the FFQ (yes or no); frequency of antenatal care visits (<6 or ≥6);
and the average of six 24-h recalls was 0·65, with a range of folate supplements use (yes or no); anaemia (yes or no);
0·53–0·70 for other nutrients(23). The frequency scales of five medication use (yes or no). Passive smoking was defined as
food items (animal oils, vegetable oils, salt, sugar and sauce) being exposed to another person’s tobacco smoke for ≥15 min/d.
were open-ended, and were recorded as kilograms per Alcohol drinking included a wide range of alcoholic beverages
month and the number of people regularly consuming them. (liquor, wine and beer) consumed during pregnancy. Anaemia
Regarding the other 102 food items, women were asked to during pregnancy was diagnosed using the criteria of hb
recall consumption frequency from the eight predefined concentration <110 g/l.
categories ranging from never to two or more times per day and
identify their portion sizes according to food portion images(20).
Statistical analysis
Daily intakes of dietary total Fe, haeme Fe (mainly derived
from animal meat sources), non-haeme Fe (derived from the The study population characteristics and energy-adjusted
difference between dietary total Fe and haeme Fe) and other nutrient intakes by residual method(28) were described
nutrients were transformed using the China Food Composition according to tertiles of dietary total Fe and haeme Fe intakes.
Tables(24,25). Participants were also asked to report the type/ Categorical variables were expressed as percentages and
brand, lasting day and the amount of all dietary supplements continuous variables as means. Univariable comparisons were
they used during each trimester of pregnancy. Daily supple- made using χ2 test for categorical variables and ANOVA for
mental Fe intake was calculated by multiplying the Fe content continuous variables. Household wealth index was established
of each reported supplement and the number of supplement by principal component analysis according to the variables of
tablets taken daily. Total Fe intake was derived from the sum of family economic level (housing condition, vehicle type, income
dietary Fe and supplemental Fe intakes. The RNI of Fe for source, and type and number of household appliance), and this
Chinese pregnant women during the first, second and third index was divided into thirds as an indicator for the poor,
trimesters were 20, 24 and 29 mg/d, respectively(26). medium and rich households(29). To avoid multicollinearity of
nutrients in regression analysis, principal component analysis
was used according to the intakes of potential nutrients (protein,
Ascertainment of birth outcomes fat, carbohydrate, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, folate, vitamin C,
vitamin E, Ca, Zn and Se). The number of components extracted
Neonatal information including birth date, sex, birth weight and
was based on eigenvalues >1, the scree plot and interpret-
gestational age was obtained by reviewing birth certificates.
ability(30). The first component that explained 68·7 % of the total
Birth weight was measured with a baby scale with precision to
variance was finally extracted, and the factor loadings of protein,
the nearest 10 g. Gestational age at delivery was calculated
Zn, riboflavin, thiamin, Ca and Se were above 0·80.
according to the last menstrual period, and was confirmed by
In our study, the survey data collected from the stratified
ultrasound scans. Birth defects information was collected
multistage random sampling design had a hierarchical structure
with the pre-code structured questionnaire according to the
in which lower levels were nested within higher levels.
International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision. Medical
Considering this, multilevel models which were explicitly
records including clinical diagnosis, physical examination,
designed to analyse hierarchically structured data were applied.
ultrasound imaging report and medical history were referred
We first constructed four-level empty models representing county
to ascertain birth outcomes. Birth outcomes were defined as
(district)–township (community)–village (street)–individual and
follows: (1) LBW, birth weight <2500 g; (2) PTB, delivery
observed non-significant within-group variations (all P > 0·05)
<37 completed gestational week; (3) SGA, birth weight <10th
and low intra-class correlations (all lower than 0·001) in the village
percentile of the gestational age-sex specific Chinese reference
(street) level. Therefore, we adopted simplified multilevel models
for fetal growth(27); (4) IUGR, birth weight <3rd percentile of
with a random intercept at the county (district) and the township
the gestational age-sex specific Chinese reference for fetal
(community) levels. Multilevel logistic regression models were
used to estimate OR and 95 % CI for adverse birth outcomes
(LBW, PTB, SGA, IUGR and birth defects) associated with
maternal Fe intake and Fe supplements use, and multilevel
Assessment of socio-demographic and health-related
linear regression models were used to evaluate the effect of every
1 mg/d increase in maternal haeme Fe intake on birth weight. The
The general information of the participants during pregnancy was intake of total Fe, dietary Fe, haeme Fe and non-haeme Fe was
gathered face to face by well-trained interviewers via a standard stratified by tertile to avoid the possible influence of extreme
questionnaire. The study information was classified as the values, whereas the Fe supplements use was categorised by

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Maternal iron intake and birth outcomes 865

trimester because of the low proportion of pregnant women contributor to haeme Fe intake was red meat (76·9 %). Mean
taking Fe supplements in China and the possible different effects non-haeme Fe intake was 25·6 (SD 11·3) mg/d, with cereals and
of Fe supplements use on birth outcomes during different tubers contributing the most to non-haeme Fe intake (62·1 %).
trimesters reported before(16). Four adjusted models were 19·8 % of participants reported taking Fe supplements during
established: (1) model 1 adjusted for energy; (2) model 2 adjusted pregnancy, and women with Fe supplements use during the
for energy and socio-demographic characteristics, including first, second and third trimesters accounted for 6·9, 12·1
geographic area, residence, childbearing age, education, and 8·2 % of the sample, respectively. Only 5·4 % of women
occupation, household wealth index and parity; (3) model 3 reported taking Fe-only supplements during pregnancy, with
adjusted for all variables in model 2 plus health-related those taking Fe-only supplements during the three gestational
characteristics, including passive smoking, alcohol drinking, periods accounting for 2·1, 2·9 and 2·5 % of the sample,
antenatal care visit frequency, folate supplements use, anaemia respectively.
and medication use; (4) model 4 adjusted for all variables in
model 3 plus principal component score based on the nutrient
intakes. Models were additionally adjusted for Fe supplements Characteristics of the participants
use to examine the effect of dietary total Fe, adjusted for Fe The general characteristics, energy-adjusted nutrient intakes
supplements use and non-haeme Fe to examine the effect of and pregnancy outcomes among the participants according to
haeme Fe, adjusted for Fe supplements use and haeme Fe to tertiles of dietary total Fe and haeme Fe intakes are displayed in
examine the effect of non-haeme Fe, and additionally adjusted for Table 2. Pregnant women with higher dietary total Fe and
dietary total Fe to examine the effect of Fe supplements use. To haeme Fe intakes tended to be in central Shaanxi and southern
test for a linear trend, we used the median for each tertile of iron Shaanxi, respectively. Participants with higher dietary total Fe
intake as a continuous variable. We further conducted stratified and haeme Fe intakes were more likely to live in urban areas,
analyses and evaluated interaction terms to explore the possible be aged 25–29 years at delivery, be better educated, work
modifiable effects of vitamin C intake (the RNI of ≥ or <115 mg/d outside, be wealthier, have more antenatal care visits and take
for Chinese pregnant women), passive smoking (yes or no), supplements of folate and Fe. Women with higher dietary total
alcohol drinking (yes or no) and anaemia (yes or no) on the Fe intake were less likely to drink during pregnancy, and
associations. women with higher haeme Fe intake were less likely to be
Statistical analyses were performed using STATA software exposed to secondhand smoke. Pregnant women consuming
(version 12.0; StataCorp LP). A two-tailed P < 0·05 was regarded more haeme Fe also tended to be at their first delivery.
as statistically significant. Significant differences existed in all selected energy-adjusted
nutrient intakes among tertiles of dietary total Fe and haeme
Results Fe intakes. Dietary total Fe intake was positively associated
with most nutrients intake, and negatively associated with fat,
Status of iron intake
vitamin E and Se intake. Haeme Fe intake was positively
The status of Fe intake among pregnant women in Shaanxi, associated with most nutrients intake, and negatively associated
China is present in Table 1. Mean total Fe intake from diet and with dietary total Fe, non-haeme Fe, carbohydrate and vitamin
supplements was 29·8 (SD 12·7) mg/d, and the proportions of E intake.
participants reporting total Fe intake below the RNI of 20, Pregnancy outcomes of the participants were as follows:
24 and 29 mg/d were 27·9, 38·1 and 51·1 %, respectively. (1) birth weight, 3264 (SD 440) g; (2) gestational age, 39·6 (SD 1·3)
Mean dietary total Fe intake was 28·2 (SD 11·3) mg/d, and the weeks; (3) LBW, 3·3 %; (4) PTB, 3·1 %; (5) SGA, 12·8 %;
proportions of women who had dietary Fe intake below the RNI (6) IUGR, 5·8 %; (7) birth defects, 1·9 %. The results of univariable
of 20, 24 and 29 mg/d were 30·2, 40·9 and 53·8 %, respectively. comparisons suggested significant differences in birth weight,
Mean haeme Fe intake was 2·6 (SD 2·3) mg/d, and the main LBW, SGA and IUGR among tertiles of haeme Fe intake.

Table 1. Daily iron intake from different sources among pregnant women Associations between total iron intake from diet and
in Shaanxi Province, Northwest China
(Mean values and standard deviations)
supplements and birth outcomes
Total Fe intake from diet and supplements was not associated
Mean SD
with LBW, PTB, SGA, IUGR or birth defects and the tests for
Total Fe intake from diet and supplements (mg/d) 29·8 12·7 trend were not statistically significant in all models (online
Dietary total Fe intake (mg/d) 28·2 11·3 Supplementary Table S1).
Haeme Fe intake (mg/d) 2·6 2·3
Fe intake from red meat (mg/d)* 2·0 1·6
Fe intake from white meat (mg/d)† 0·6 0·5
Non-haeme Fe intake (mg/d) 25·6 11·3 Associations between dietary iron intakes and birth
Fe intake from cereals and tubers (mg/d) 15·9 11·9 outcomes
Fe intake from vegetables and fruits (mg/d) 5·5 3·3
Fe intake from legumes and nuts (mg/d) 3·0 2·7 There was no relationship between dietary total Fe intake and
* Red meat included pork, beef, mutton and their products.
adverse birth outcomes (online Supplementary Table S1). The
† White meat included poultry, fish, shrimp, shellfish and their products. associations of dietary haeme Fe and non-haeme Fe intakes

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866 J. Yang et al.

Table 2. Baseline characteristics of participants by tertiles (T) of dietary total iron and haeme iron intakes among pregnant women in Shaanxi Province,
Northwest China
(Mean values and percentages)

Dietary total Fe intake Haeme Fe intake

Tertile 1 Tertile 2 Tertile 3 P* Tertile 1 Tertile 2 Tertile 3 P*

General characteristics
Geographic area (%) <0·001 <0·001
Northern Shaanxi 22·0 17·1 16·8 22·9 19·3 13·8
Southern Shaanxi 38·2 29·6 10·2 24·9 29·2 35·0
Central Shaanxi 39·8 53·3 64·0 52·3 51·5 51·2
Rural residence (%) 80·1 74·7 73·4 <0·001 87·4 76·4 64·3 <0·001
Childbearing age (years) (%) <0·001 0·043
<25 45·9 41·0 37·5 42·9 41·5 40·1
25–29 34·8 37·2 41·3 35·7 37·5 40·0
≥30 19·3 21·8 21·3 21·4 21·0 19·9
Maternal education (%) <0·001 <0·001
Primary school or below 11·4 8·3 8·0 14·1 7·9 5·8
Junior high school 56·7 53·3 53·5 59·2 54·9 53·5
Senior high school or above 31·9 38·4 37·3 26·7 37·2 37·3
Farmer (%) 75·3 71·3 67·9 <0·001 78·2 71·7 64·6 <0·001
Household wealth index (%) 0·039 <0·001
Poor 30·4 31·7 29·5 31·7 33·0 26·9
Medium 38·7 36·3 36·1 40·9 36·1 34·1
Rich 30·9 32·0 34·4 27·4 30·9 39·0
Nulliparity (%) 59·6 59·4 60·1 0·882 53·6 59·8 65·7 <0·001
Passive smoking (%) 22·2 21·5 19·9 0·140 23·3 20·9 19·4 0·004
Alcohol drinking (%) 1·8 1·1 1·0 0·020 0·9 1·4 1·6 0·116
More than six antenatal check visits (%) 52·0 56·2 56·6 0·002 44·6 55·2 65·1 <0·001
Folate supplements use (%) 66·4 69·2 71·3 0·001 65·2 70·3 71·5 <0·001
Fe supplements use (%) 17·0 19·9 22·5 <0·001 15·4 20·1 23·9 <0·001
Anaemia (%) 17·5 17·9 19·9 0·072 18·9 18·9 17·5 0·366
Medication use (%) 17·7 19·7 19·8 0·122 19·3 19·0 19·1 0·590
Energy-adjusted nutrient intakes
Energy (kJ/d) 6753 9134 11 268 <0·001 7489 8699 10 962 <0·001
Fe (mg/d) 20 26 38 <0·001 29 28 27 0·027
Haeme Fe (mg/d) 2·5 2·7 2·8 <0·001 1·9 2·0 4·1 0·027
Non-haeme Fe (mg/d) 17 24 36 <0·001 27 26 24 0·027
Protein (g/d) 65 67 68 <0·001 60 61 69 <0·001
Fat (g/d) 90 86 81 <0·001 77 80 90 <0·001
Carbohydrate (g/d) 300 311 323 <0·001 314 306 274 <0·001
Vitamin A (μg retinol equivalent/d) 306 441 512 <0·001 279 328 752 <0·001
Thiamin (mg/d) 0·6 0·7 0·7 0·007 0·6 0·6 0·7 <0·001
Riboflavin (mg/d) 0·6 0·7 0·7 <0·001 0·6 0·6 0·8 <0·001
Folate (μg/d) 278 289 318 <0·001 258 264 310 <0·001
Vitamin C (mg/d) 58 60 63 <0·001 56 57 60 <0·001
Vitamin E (mg/d) 41 40 39 0·019 41 40 39 0·028
Ca (mg/d) 549 566 586 <0·001 520 533 556 <0·001
Zn (mg/d) 6·1 6·2 6·5 <0·001 5·3 5·7 6·8 <0·001
Se (mg/d) 34 33 32 0·001 27 29 38 <0·001
Pregnancy outcomes
Birth weight (g) 3257 3266 3267 0·396 3231 3267 3294 <0·001
Gestational age (weeks) 39·5 39·6 39·6 0·157 39·5 39·6 39·6 0·233
Low birth weight (%) 3·6 3·4 3·1 0·377 4·3 2·8 2·8 0·004
Preterm birth (%) 3·7 3·0 2·5 0·052 3·6 2·9 2·8 0·236
Small for gestational age (%) 13·0 12·8 12·6 0·261 15·2 12·7 10·5 <0·001
Intra-uterine growth retardation (%) 6·5 5·6 5·4 0·199 7·6 5·3 4·5 <0·001
Birth defects (%) 2·2 1·9 1·8 0·323 2·4 1·9 1·6 0·117

* P values for the differences among groups were derived from χ2 tests for categorical variables and ANOVA for continuous variables.

with birth outcomes are shown in Table 3. No associations of and were not significant after further adjustment for health-
non-haeme Fe intake with LBW, SGA, IUGR or birth defects related factors in model 3 and further adjustment for health-
were observed. The highest tertiles of non-haeme Fe intakes related plus dietary factors in model 4, and the tests for trend
compared with the lowest tertiles were significantly and nega- were not statistically significant in these two models
tively associated with PTB risk in model 1 (OR 0·65; 95 % CI (Ptrend > 0·05).
0·43, 0·97) and in model 2 (OR 0·66; 95 % CI 0·44, 0·98), and the Participants in the highest tertile of >2·65 mg/d haeme Fe intake
tests for trend were significant in model 1 (Ptrend = 0·039) and in were less likely to have a LBW baby (OR 0·68; 95 % CI 0·49, 0·94)
model 2 (Ptrend = 0·047). However, the associations attenuated and a SGA baby (OR 0·76; 95 % CI 0·62, 0·94) compared with those

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Maternal iron intake and birth outcomes 867

Table 3. Birth outcomes associated with tertiles (T) of dietary haeme iron and non-haeme iron intakes during pregnancy in Shaanxi Province,
Northwest China*
(Odds ratios and 95 % confidence intervals)

Haeme Fe intake Non-haeme Fe intake

Tertile 1 Tertile 2 Tertile 3 Ptrend† Tertile 1 Tertile 2 Tertile 3 Ptrend†

Intake (mg/d) <1·82 1·82–2·65 >2·65 <19·56 19·56–29·13 >29·13

Low birth weight
Case/n‡ 105/2430 70/2440 68/2440 85/2427 83/2439 75/2444
Model 1§ 1 0·70 0·49, 1·01 0·67 0·49, 0·91 0·028 1 1·07 0·77, 1·49 1·04 0·71, 1·51 0·889
Model 2|| 1 0·71 0·49, 1·03 0·66 0·48, 0·91 0·024 1 1·05 0·75, 1·47 1·04 0·71, 1·53 0·878
Model 3¶ 1 0·75 0·52, 1·08 0·68 0·49, 0·93 0·026 1 1·06 0·76, 1·48 1·01 0·69, 1·49 0·968
Model 4** 1 0·78 0·53, 1·15 0·68 0·49, 0·94 0·023 1 1·07 0·77, 1·49 1·02 0·69, 1·50 0·939
Preterm birth
Case/n‡ 87/2449 71/2451 68/2453 82/2449 74/2450 70/2454
Model 1 1 0·91 0·64, 1·28 0·93 0·64, 1·36 0·686 1 0·76 0·54, 1·07 0·65 0·43, 0·97 0·039
Model 2 1 0·94 0·67, 1·34 0·98 0·67, 1·45 0·739 1 0·74 0·52, 1·05 0·66 0·44, 0·98 0·047
Model 3 1 0·96 0·67, 1·37 0·98 0·67, 1·46 0·806 1 0·78 0·55, 1·11 0·72 0·47, 1·08 0·115
Model 4 1 0·92 0·64, 1·31 0·93 0·63, 1·39 0·761 1 0·78 0·55, 1·12 0·73 0·48, 1·10 0·126
Small for gestational age
Case/n‡ 369/2427 310/2436 255/2432 299/2422 312/2433 323/2440
Model 1 1 0·85 0·72, 1·01 0·69 0·57, 0·85 0·001 1 1·13 0·84, 1·34 1·24 0·91, 1·52 0·143
Model 2 1 0·87 0·73, 1·03 0·73 0·60, 0·89 0·004 1 1·15 0·86, 1·38 1·26 0·92, 1·55 0·130
Model 3 1 0·87 0·73, 1·03 0·74 0·61, 0·91 0·007 1 1·16 0·86, 1·39 1·26 0·92, 1·56 0·129
Model 4 1 0·87 0·74, 1·04 0·76 0·62, 0·94 0·018 1 1·16 0·86, 1·40 1·27 0·93, 1·57 0·124
Intra-uterine growth retardation
Case/n‡ 186/2427 130/2436 109/2432 145/2422 142/2433 137/2440
Model 1 1 0·73 0·58, 0·93 0·67 0·51, 0·87 0·017 1 1·11 0·86, 1·44 1·19 0·89, 1·60 0·250
Model 2 1 0·76 0·60, 0·97 0·74 0·56, 0·91 0·036 1 1·10 0·85, 1·42 1·14 0·85, 1·53 0·402
Model 3 1 0·77 0·61, 0·98 0·76 0·57, 0·91 0·039 1 1·11 0·86, 1·44 1·13 0·84, 1·53 0·424
Model 4 1 0·78 0·61, 0·95 0·76 0·59, 0·93 0·045 1 1·12 0·86, 1·45 1·14 0·85, 1·53 0·397
Birth defects
Case/n‡ 58/2453 47/2451 38/2452 51/2450 47/2451 45/2455
Model 1 1 0·83 0·56, 1·15 0·68 0·42, 0·97 0·046 1 0·87 0·56, 1·34 0·82 0·53, 1·26 0·433
Model 2 1 0·84 0·56, 1·16 0·66 0·40, 0·93 0·037 1 0·88 0·57, 1·35 0·84 0·54, 1·30 0·861
Model 3 1 0·81 0·53, 1·13 0·59 0·35, 0·90 0·036 1 0·89 0·56, 1·39 0·91 0·58, 1·42 0·671
Model 4 1 0·80 0·53, 1·12 0·55 0·32, 0·89 0·028 1 0·89 0·56, 1·40 0·91 0·58, 1·42 0·670

* Multilevel logistic regression models were used to estimate OR and 95 % CI. Models were additionally adjusted for Fe supplements use and non-haeme Fe to examine the effect of
haeme Fe, and additionally adjusted for Fe supplements use and haeme Fe to examine the effect of non-haeme Fe.
† Pfor trend across tertiles was calculated using the median intake of each tertile as a continuous variable.
‡ Number of participants who had the corresponding adverse birth outcomes in the corresponding groups/the total number of participants in the corresponding groups.
§ Model 1 was adjusted for energy.
|| Model 2 was adjusted for energy and socio-demographic characteristics, including geographic area, residence, childbearing age, education, occupation, household wealth index
and parity.
¶ Model 3 was adjusted for all variables in model 2 plus health-related characteristics, including passive smoking, alcohol drinking, antenatal check visit frequency, folate
supplements use, anaemia and medication use.
** Model 4 was adjusted for all variables in model 3 plus principal component score based on the nutrient intakes.

in the lowest tertile. Pregnant women in the medium and highest all possible confounders (socio-demographical, health-related and
tertiles of haeme Fe intake were less likely to deliver an IUGR baby dietary factors), the birth weight increase was 16 g (95 % CI 3, 31;
relative to those in the lowest tertile (medium tertile v. lowest tertile: P = 0·035) for per 1 mg/d increase in maternal haeme Fe intake
OR 0·78; 95 % CI 0·61, 0·95; highest tertile v. lowest tertile: OR 0·76; during pregnancy.
95 % CI 0·59, 0·93; Ptrend = 0·045). We found a 45 % lower risk of
birth defects for the highest compared with the lowest tertile of
Associations between iron supplements use and birth
haeme Fe intake (OR 0·55; 95 % CI 0·32, 0·89). Moreover, the risks
for LBW, SGA, IUGR and birth defects were reduced with
increasing tertiles of haeme Fe intake in all models (Ptrend < 0·05). The association between Fe supplements use and LBW risk
However, we observed no relationship between haeme Fe intake is shown in Fig. 2. Women taking Fe supplements during
and PTB risk. pregnancy had a lower risk of delivering a LBW baby (OR 0·72;
We further explored the magnitude of change in birth weight in 95 % CI 0·50, 0·95). Fe supplements use during the second and
association with maternal haeme Fe intake during pregnancy third trimesters was associated with a significantly reduced risk
(Table 4). In the energy-adjusted model, per 1 mg/d increase of of LBW (during the second trimester: OR 0·67; 95 % CI 0·42,
haeme Fe intake resulted in an increase of 24 g of birth weight 0·98; during the third trimester: OR 0·47; 95 % CI 0·24, 0·93),
(95 % CI 10, 38; P = 0·001). The significant association persisted whereas no association was observed between Fe supplements
when additional adjustments were performed. After adjustment for use during the first trimester and LBW risk. The associations of

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868 J. Yang et al.

Fe supplements use during pregnancy or during three different non-haeme Fe and Fe supplements use) and birth outcomes did
gestational periods with PTB, SGA, IUGR or birth defects were not vary by vitamin C intake, passive smoking, alcohol drinking
not statistically significant (data not shown). or anaemia (data not shown), and the tests for interaction were
not significant (P > 0·05).
Roles of modifiable factors
The associations between maternal Fe intake (total Fe intake Discussion
from diet and supplements, dietary total Fe, haeme Fe, In this population-based cross-sectional study, we observed
significant and negative associations between maternal haeme
Table 4. Birth weight changes associated with per 1 mg/d increase in Fe intake during pregnancy and birth outcomes, including LBW,
maternal haeme iron intake during pregnancy*
SGA, IUGR and birth defects. Fe supplements use during
(Changes and 95 % confidence intervals)
pregnancy and during the second and third trimesters was
Change (g) 95 % CI P associated with a reduced risk of LBW. We found no significant
associations of total Fe from diet and supplements, dietary total
Model 1† 24 10, 38 0·001
Model 2‡ 21 7, 35 0·004 Fe or non-haeme Fe intake with birth outcomes.
Model 3§ 20 6, 35 0·006 Previous studies on maternal Fe intake and birth outcomes
Model 4|| 16 3, 31 0·035 have generally reported on dietary total Fe intake and Fe
* Multilevel linear regression models were used to estimate changes and 95 % CI.
supplements use only. Similar to the current study, several
Models were additionally adjusted for Fe supplements use and non-haeme Fe to studies reported no association of dietary total Fe intake during
examine the effect of haeme Fe.
pregnancy with birth weight(13,14). A recent comprehensive
† Model 1 was adjusted for energy.
‡ Model 2 was adjusted for energy and socio-demographic characteristics, including meta-analysis showed a significantly negative association of
geographic area, residence, childbearing age, education, occupation, household prenatal Fe use with LBW and no associations with PTB or
wealth index and parity.
§ Model 3 was adjusted for all variables in model 2 plus health-related characteristics, SGA(2), which is also consistent with our present study. To our
including passive smoking, alcohol drinking, antenatal check visit frequency, folate knowledge, only one study conducted in the UK investigated
supplements use, anaemia and medication use.
|| Model 4 was adjusted for all variables in model 3 plus principal component score the associations of different sources and types of Fe intakes with
based on the nutrient intakes. birth weight and gestational age. The result of this previous

Fe supplements use OR (95 % CI)

Fe supplements use during pregnancy

Model 1 0.67 (0.46, 0.87)
Model 2 0.69 (0.47, 0.90)
Model 3 0.72 (0.49, 0.94)
Model 4 0.72 (0.50, 0.95)

Fe supplements use during the first trimester

Model 1 0.91 (0.54, 1.55)
Model 2 0.95 (0.56, 1.63)
Model 3 0.97 (0.57, 1.66)
Model 4 0.98 (0.57, 1.67)

Fe supplements use during the second trimester

Model 1 0.62 (0.38, 0.90)
Model 2 0.64 (0.39, 0.93)
Model 3 0.67 (0.41, 0.97)
Model 4 0.67 (0.42, 0.98)

Fe supplements use during the third trimester

Model 1 0.43 (0.22, 0.85)
Model 2 0.45 (0.23, 0.87)
Model 3 0.47 (0.24, 0.92)
Model 4 0.47 (0.24, 0.93)

0.2 0.6 1 1.4 1.8

Fig. 2. OR of low birth weight associated with iron supplements use during pregnancy in Shaanxi Province, Northwest China. Multilevel logistic regression models
were used to estimate OR and 95 % CI. Model 1 was adjusted for energy. Model 2 was adjusted for energy and socio-demographic characteristics, including
geographic area, residence, childbearing age, education, occupation, household wealth index and parity. Model 3 was adjusted for all variables in model 2 plus health-
related characteristics, including passive smoking, alcohol drinking, antenatal check visit frequency, folate supplements use, anaemia and medication use. Model 4
was adjusted for all variables in model 3 plus principal component score based on the nutrient intakes. Models were additionally adjusted for dietary total iron intake to
examine the effect of iron supplements use.

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Maternal iron intake and birth outcomes 869

study showed a positive association between both total Fe different sources and types of Fe intake, measures of body Fe
intake and non-haeme Fe intake, derived by 24 h dietary recall status with genetic backgrounds are warranted.
in the first trimester, and birth weight, which is different from The present study was conducted in Shaanxi Province of
the result of our study. The discrepancy may be partially due to Northwest China using a stratified multistage random sampling
different study designs, nutrient assessment methods and method, with the large sample size accounting for 3 % of
population characteristics such as genetic backgrounds and neonates in Shaanxi, China. The Shaanxi Province was similar
dietary habits. However, the result of no association between to the Northwest China in the diversity of culture and lifestyle.
maternal Fe intake and PTB in this previous study is in agree- Thus, our results can be generalised to the overall Shaanxi
ment with our study result. Studies on the association between Province and Northwest China, and may also partly reflect the
maternal Fe intake and birth defects are sparse. A previous status among pregnant women in China. Another strength of
study reported a negative association between dietary total Fe this study included the relatively accurate birth outcomes
intake and spinal bifida in the offspring(17). In the current study, collected by reviewing birth certificates and medical records.
we observed a negative association between haeme Fe intake However, some limitations should be acknowledged. First, the
and birth defects. However, we cannot further evaluate the information on nutrient intakes and non-dietary characteristics
associations of maternal Fe intake with birth defects subtypes during pregnancy was retrospectively self-reported by the
because of the limited cases. Further large studies with better mothers at 0–12 months (median: 3; 10th–90th percentiles: 0–7)
designs are needed to explore the effect of maternal Fe after delivery. Although previous studies suggested that nutrient
intake on birth defects, especially for the subtypes with a high intakes and events during pregnancy could be recalled rather
prevalence such as congenital heart defects(31). well even after years(38–40), we cannot rule out the possible
Fe is an essential constituent of hb and myoglobin, which exposure misclassification due to recall bias. To minimise bias,
account for 60 % of total body Fe. Fe is necessary for DNA we made efforts to help participants recall accurately in the
synthesis, various enzymatic processes and mitochondrial study. For one thing, we used standard questionnaires and
energy generation(1), which may exert effects on pregnant detailed supporting materials such as food portion images
women and their fetus. Dietary Fe is the main determinant and calendars to gather information. For another thing, we
of body Fe store, and exists as haeme and non-haeme Fe. conducted a pilot study to test the survey instruments and
Consistent with the current study, previous studies reported that trained interviewers rigorously according to the detailed guides
the two forms of Fe may have different relations with health before the formal survey. Second, we cannot reveal a real
outcomes(10,11). Although precise mechanisms are not clear, the causal association because of the cross-sectional design. Third,
different bioavailability of haeme and non-haeme Fe could we cannot fully rule out all other unobserved and unknown
partially explain the discrepancy in their relations with birth confounders even after controlling for some potential
outcomes. Haeme Fe absorption is more efficient and affected confounders, including socio-demographic, health-related and
little by other dietary factors, whereas non-haeme Fe absorption dietary factors. For example, we did not collect data on
is well regulated and depends on accompanying dietary maternal pre-pregnancy weight and height, which were
components such as vitamin C, the enhancer of Fe absorption, reported to be associated with birth outcomes(16). Fourth, we
and Ca and polyphenols, the inhibitors of Fe absorption(9,32). lacked data on biomarkers of body Fe status such as hb, ferritin
It has been reported that haeme Fe absorption was 10–15 times and transferrin receptor during pregnancy, which limited us to
higher than non-haeme Fe absorption(10). Therefore, it is further explore the associations between maternal Fe status and
plausible that higher haeme Fe intake is more likely to increase birth outcomes.
body Fe stores and thus is more likely to be associated with In conclusion, findings from the present study suggest that
reduced risks for adverse birth outcomes. It is also plausible that higher haeme Fe intake is associated with a reduced risk for
pregnant women with a higher intake of haeme Fe may have a LBW, SGA, IUGR and birth defects. The result also suggests that
much better baseline Fe status because of their more concern Fe supplements use during pregnancy is negatively associated
about nutrition, such that their subsequent increase in Fe stores with LBW risk. The increase in maternal haeme Fe intake and
resulting from haeme Fe intake may have raised Fe levels Fe supplements use during pregnancy may reduce adverse
enough to be beneficial. In fact, the participants in our study birth outcomes risk. Future studies with data on different
with a higher intake of haeme Fe tended to have better overall sources and types of Fe, measures of body Fe status and genetic
nutrition status, which was supported by the higher intakes of backgrounds are warranted to further explore their associations
most energy-adjusted nutrients in the higher tertile of haeme Fe and to decipher underlying mechanisms.
intake shown in Table 2. Previous studies supported significant
associations between maternal Fe status (hb, ferritin and
transferrin receptor) and birth outcomes (LBW, PTB and
SGA)(2,33,34). Maternal hepcidin, the master regulator of
systemic Fe bioavailability, was reported to influence placental The authors are grateful to all mothers who participated in this
uptake of dietary haeme and non-haeme Fe(35) and relate with study, all staff who coordinated field work and all investigators
adverse pregnancy outcomes(36). Moreover, a previous study who contributed to data collection.
demonstrated gene–Fe interaction affected birth weight(37). This study was supported by the National Natural Science
People with distinct genetic backgrounds may respond Foundation of China (grant no.: 81230016) and the Shaanxi Health
variously to Fe intake and Fe status. Future studies integrating and Family Planning Commission (Sxwsjswzfcght2016-013).

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870 J. Yang et al.

The authors’ contributions are as follows: J. Y., S. D. and H. Y. 16. Alwan NA, Greenwood DC, Simpson NA, et al. (2011)
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analysed and interpreted the data; J. Y., L. P., L. Z., Q. W., Q. L., 911–919.
17. Groenen PM, van Rooij IA, Peer PG, et al. (2004) Low
Y. K. and Y. S. collected and cleared the data. All authors have
maternal dietary intakes of iron, magnesium, and niacin
read and approved the final version of the manuscript. are associated with spina bifida in the offspring. J Nutr 134,
The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest. 1516–1522.
18. Shaw GM, Carmichael SL, Yang W, et al. (2010) Periconceptional
Supplementary material nutrient intakes and risks of conotruncal heart defects. Birth
Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol 88, 144–151.
For supplementary material/s referred to in this article, please 19. Zhai FY, Du SF, Wang ZH, et al. (2014) Dynamics of the
visit https://doi.org/10.1017/S0007114517000691 Chinese diet and the role of urbanicity, 1991–2011. Obes Rev
15, Suppl. 1, 16–26.
20. Yang J, Dang S, Cheng Y, et al. (2017) Dietary intakes and
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