Fybsc It Semii
Fybsc It Semii
Fybsc It Semii
Semester – 1
Course Code Course Type Course Title Credits
USIT101 Core Subject Imperative Programming 2
USIT102 Core Subject Digital Electronics 2
USIT103 Core Subject Operating Systems 2
USIT104 Core Subject Discrete Mathematics 2
USIT105 Ability Enhancement Skill Communication Skills 2
USIT1P1 Core Subject Practical Imperative Programming 2
USIT1P2 Core Subject Practical Digital Electronics Practical 2
USIT1P3 Core Subject Practical Operating Systems Practical 2
USIT1P4 Core Subject Practical Discrete Mathematics Practical 2
USIT1P5 Ability Enhancement Skill Communication Skills Practical 2
Course Practical
Total Credits 20
Semester – 2
Course Code Course Type Course Title Credits
USIT201 Core Subject Object oriented Programming 2
USIT202 Core Subject Microprocessor Architecture 2
USIT203 Core Subject Web Programming 2
USIT204 Core Subject Numerical and Statistical 2
USIT205 Ability Enhancement Skill Green Computing 2
USIT2P1 Core Subject Practical Object Oriented Programming 2
USIT2P2 Core Subject Practical Microprocessor Architecture 2
USIT2P3 Core Subject Practical Web Programming Practical 2
USIT2P4 Core Subject Practical Numerical and Statistical 2
Methods Practical
USIT2P5 Ability Enhancement Skill Green Computing Practical 2
Course Practical
Total Credits 20
The B.Sc. Information Technology programme was started in 2001 with an aim to make the
students employable and impart industry oriented training. The main objectives of the course
The new syllabus is aimed to achieve the objectives. The syllabus spanning three years covers
the industry relevant courses. The students will be ready for the jobs available in different fields
The students will also be trained in communication skills and green computing.
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B. Sc. (Information Technology) Semester – II
Course Name: Object Oriented Programming Course Code: USIT201
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 5
Credits 2
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2½ 75
Internal -- 25
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3. C++ for beginners B. M. Hirwani SPD 2013
4. Effective Modern C++ Scott Meyers SPD
5. Object Oriented E. Balagurusamy Tata 4th
Programming with C++ McGraw
6. Learning Python Mark Lutz O’ Reilly 5th 2013
7. Mastering Object Oriented Steven F. Lott Pact 2014
Python Publishing
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B. Sc. (Information Technology) Semester – II
Course Name: Object Oriented Programming Practical Course Code: USIT2P1
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 3
Credits 2
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Practical Examination 2½ 50
Internal -- --
5. Inheritance
a. Design a class for single level inheritance using public and private type derivation.
b. Design a class for multiple inheritance.
c. Implement the hierarchical inheritance.
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6. Virtual functions and abstract classes
a. Implement the concept of method overriding.
b. Show the use of virtual function
c. Show the implementation of abstract class.
7. String handling
a. String operations for string length , string concatenation
b. String operations for string reverse, string comparison,
c. Console formatting functions.
8. Exception handling
a. Show the implementation of exception handling
b. Show the implementation for exception handling for strings
c. Show the implementation of exception handling for using the pointers.
9. File handling
a. Design a class FileDemo open a file in read mode and display the total number of
words and lines in the file.
b. Design a class to handle multiple files and file operations
c. Design a editor for appending and editing the files
10. Templates
a. Show the implementation for the following
b. Show the implementation of template class library for swap function.
c. Design the template class library for sorting ascending to descending and vice-
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B. Sc. (Information Technology) Semester – II
Course Name: Microprocessor Architecture Course Code: USIT202
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 5
Credits 2
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2½ 75
Internal -- 25
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IV Code Conversion, BCD Arithmetic, and 16-Bit Data Operations:
BCD-to-Binary Conversion, Binary-to-BCD Conversion, BCD-to-
Seven-Segment-LED Code Conversion, Binary-to-ASCII and ASCII-
to-Binary Code Conversion, BCD Addition, BCD Subtraction,
Introduction To Advanced Instructions and Applications,
Multiplication, Subtraction With Carry.
Software Development System and Assemblers: 12
Microprocessors-Based Software Development system, Operating
System and Programming Tools, Assemblers and Cross-Assemblers,
Writing Program Using Cross Assemblers.
The 8085 Interrupt, 8085 Vectored Interrupts, Restart as S/W
Instructions, Additional I/O Concepts and processes.
V The Pentium and Pentium Pro microprocessors: Introduction,
Special Pentium registers, Memory management, Pentium instructions,
Pentium Pro microprocessor, Special Pentium Pro features.
Core 2 and later Microprocessors: Introduction, Pentium II software 12
changes, Pentium IV and Core 2, i3, i5 and i7.
SUN SPARC Microprocessor: Architecture, Register file, data types
and instruction format
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B. Sc. (Information Technology) Semester – II
Course Name: Microprocessor Architecture Practical Course Code: USIT2P2
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 3
Credits 2
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Practical Examination 2½ 50
Internal -- --
List of Practical
1. Perform the following Operations related to memory locations.
a. Store the data byte 32H into memory location 4000H.
b. Exchange the contents of memory locations 2000H and 4000H
4. Register Operations.
a. Write a program to shift an eight bit data four bits right. Assume that data is in
register C.
b. Program to shift a 16-bit data 1 bit left. Assume data is in the HL register pair
c. Write a set of instructions to alter the contents of flag register in 8085.
d. Write a program to count number of l's in the contents of D register and store the
count in the B register.
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5. Multiple memory locations.
a. Calculate the sum of series of numbers. The length of the series is in memory
location 4200H and the series begins from memory location 4201H. a. Consider the
sum to be 8 bit number. So, ignore carries. Store the sum at memory location 4300H.
b. Consider the sum to be 16 bit number. Store the sum at memory locations 4300H
and 4301H
b. Multiply two 8-bit numbers stored in memory locations 2200H and 2201H by
repetitive addition and store the result in memory locations 2300H and 2301H.
c. Divide 16 bit number stored in memory locations 2200H and 2201H by the 8 bit
number stored at memory location 2202H. Store the quotient in memory locations
2300H and 2301H and remainder in memory locations 2302H and 2303H.
d. Find the number of negative elements (most significant bit 1) in a block of data. The
length of the block is in memory location 2200H and the block itself begins in
memory location 2201H. Store the number of negative elements in memory location
e. Find the largest number in a block of data. The length of the block is in memory
location 2200H and the block itself starts from memory location 2201H. Store the
maximum number in memory location 2300H. Assume that the numbers in the block
are all 8 bit unsigned binary numbers.
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7. Assembly programs on memory locations.
a. Write an assembly language program to separate even numbers from the given list
of 50 numbers and store them in the another list starting from 2300H. Assume
starting address of 50 number list is 2200H
b. Write assembly language program with proper comments for the following:
A block of data consisting of 256 bytes is stored in memory starting at 3000H.
This block is to be shifted (relocated) in memory from 3050H onwards. Do not shift
the block or part of the block anywhere else in the memory.
c. Add even parity to a string of 7-bit ASCII characters. The length of the string is in
memory location 2040H and the string itself begins in memory location 2041H.
Place even parity in the most significant bit of each character.
d. A list of 50 numbers is stored in memory, starting at 6000H. Find number of
negative, zero and positive numbers from this list and store these results in memory
locations 7000H, 7001H, and 7002H respectively
e. Write an assembly language program to generate fibonacci number.
f. Program to calculate the factorial of a number between 0 to 8.
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Books and References:
Sr. No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1. Microprocessors Ramesh Gaonkar PENRAM Fifth 2012
Architecture, Programming
and Applications with the
2. 8080A/8085 Assembly Lance A. Osborne 1978
Language Programming Leventhel
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B. Sc (Information Technology) Semester – II
Course Name: Web Programming Course Code: USIT203
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 5
Credits 2
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2½ 75
Internal -- 25
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Core JavaScript (Properties and Methods of Each) : Array,
Boolean, Date, Function, Math, Number, Object, String, regExp
Document and its associated objects: document, Link, Area, Anchor,
Image, Applet, Layer
Events and Event Handlers : General Information about Events,
Defining Event Handlers, event, onAbort, onBlur, onChange, onClick,
onDblClick, onDragDrop, onError, onFocus, onKeyDown,
onKeyPress, onKeyUp, onLoad, onMouseDown, onMouseMove,
onMouseOut, onMouseOver, onMouseUp, onMove, onReset,
onResize, onSelect, onSubmit, onUnload
Why PHP and MySQL? Server-side scripting, PHP syntax and
variables, comments, types, control structures, branching, looping,
termination, functions, passing information with PHP, GET, POST, 12
formatting form variables, superglobal arrays, strings and string
functions, regular expressions, arrays, number handling, basic PHP
V Advanced PHP and MySQL : PHP/MySQL Functions, Integrating
web forms and databases, Displaying queries in tables, Building Forms
from queries, String and Regular Expressions, Sessions, Cookies and
HTTP, E-Mail
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B. Sc. (Information Technology) Semester – II
Course Name: Web Programming Practical Course Code: USIT2P3
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 3
Credits 2
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Practical Examination 2½ 50
Internal -- --
List of Practical
1. Use of Basic Tags
a. Design a web page using different text formatting tags.
b. Design a web page with links to different pages and allow navigation between
web pages.
c. Design a web page demonstrating all Style sheet types
3. Java Script
a. Using JavaScript design, a web page that prints factorial/Fibonacci series/any
given series.
b. Design a form and validate all the controls placed on the form using Java Script.
c. Write a JavaScript program to display all the prime numbers between 1 and 100.
a. Write a JavaScript program to accept a number from the user and display the sum
of its digits.
d. Write a program in JavaScript to accept a sentence from the user and display the
number of words in it. (Do not use split () function).
e. Write a java script program to design simple calculator.
5. Basic PHP I
a. Write a PHP Program to accept a number from the user and print it factorial.
b. Write a PHP program to accept a number from the user and print whether it is prime
or not.
6. Basic PHP II
a. Write a PHP code to find the greater of 2 numbers. Accept the no. from the user.
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b. Write a PHP program to display the following Binary Pyramid:
0 1
1 0 1
0 1 0 1
9. Email
a. Write a program to send email with attachment.
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B. Sc. (Information Technology) Semester – II
Course Name: Numerical and Statistical Methods Course Code: USIT204
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 5
Credits 2
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2½ 75
Internal -- 25
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Books and References:
Sr. No. Title Author/s Publisher Edition Year
1. Introductory Methods of S. S. Shastri PHI Vol – 2
Numerical Methods
2. Numerical Methods for Steven C. Chapra, Tata Mc 6th 2010
Engineers Raymond P. Graw Hill
3. Numerical Analysis Richard L. Cengage 9th 2011
Burden, J. Learning
Douglas Faires
4. Fundamentals of S. C. Gupta, V. K.
Mathematical Statistics Kapoor
5. Elements of Applied P.N.Wartikar and A. V. Volume
Mathematics J.N.Wartikar Griha, 1 and 2
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B. Sc. (Information Technology) Semester – II
Course Name: Numerical and Statistical Methods Course Code: USIT2P4
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 3
Credits 2
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Practical Examination 2½ 50
Internal -- --
List of Practical
1. Iterative Calculation
a. Program for iterative calculation.
b. Program to calculate the roots of a quadratic equation using the formula.
c. Program to evaluate 𝑒 𝑥 using infinite series.
3. Interpolation
a. Program for Newton’s forward interpolation.
b. Program for Newton’s backward interpolation.
c. Program for Lagrange’s interpolation.
5. Numerical Differentiation
a. Programing to obtain derivatives numerically.
6. Numerical Integration
a. Program for numerical integration using Trapezoidal rule.
b. Program for numerical integration using Simpson’s 1/3rd rule.
c. Program for numerical integration using Simpson’s 3/8th rule.
8. Regression
a. Program for Linear regression.
b. Program for Polynomial Regression.
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c. Program for multiple linear regression.
d. Program for non-linear regression.
10. Distributions
a. Program for Uniform distribution.
b. Program for Bernoulli distribution
c. Program for Negative binomial distribution.
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B. Sc. (Information Technology) Semester – II
Course Name: Green Computing Course Code: USIT205
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 5
Credits 2
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 2½ 75
Internal -- 25
49 | P a g e
IV Recycling:
Problems, China, Africa, Materials, Means of Disposal, Recycling,
Refurbishing, Make the Decision, Life Cycle, from beginning to end,
Life, Cost, Green Design, Recycling Companies, Finding the Best One,
Checklist, Certifications, Hard Drive Recycling, Consequences,
cleaning a Hard Drive, Pros and cons of each method, CDs and DVDs,
good and bad about CD and DVDs disposal, Change the mind-set,
David vs. America Online
Hardware Considerations:
Certification Programs, EPEAT, RoHS, Energy Star, Computers,
Monitors, Printers, Scanners, All-in-Ones, Thin Clients, Servers, Blade
Servers, Consolidation, Products, Hardware Considerations, Planned
Obsolescence, Packaging, Toxins, Other Factors, Remote Desktop,
Using Remote Desktop, Establishing a Connection, In Practice
V Greening Your Information Systems:
Initial Improvement Calculations, Selecting Metrics, Tracking
Progress, Change Business Processes, Customer Interaction, Paper
Reduction, Green Supply Chain, Improve Technology Infrastructure,
Reduce PCs and Servers, Shared Services, Hardware Costs, Cooling.
Staying Green:
Organizational Check-ups, Chief Green Officer, Evolution, Sell the
CEO, SMART Goals, Equipment Check-ups, Gather Data, Tracking
the data, Baseline Data, Benchmarking, Analyse Data, Conduct Audits,
Certifications, Benefits, Realities, Helpful Organizations.
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B. Sc. (Information Technology) Semester – II
Course Name: Green Computing Practical Course Code: USIT2P5
Periods per week (1 Period is 50 minutes) 3
Credits 2
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Practical Examination 2½ 50
Internal -- --
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Evaluation Scheme:
1. Internal Evaluation (25 Marks).
i. Test: 1 Class test of 20 marks. (Can be taken online)
Q Attempt any four of the following: 20
1. Practical Question 1 20
2. Practical Question 2 20
3. Journal 5
4. Viva Voce 5
1. Practical Question 40
2. Journal 5
3. Viva Voce 5
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