Ejari 2017 - Abi Star
Ejari 2017 - Abi Star
Ejari 2017 - Abi Star
Contract Amount 26,000.00 AED ر ا Security Deposit 1,000.00 AED ن ا
Actual Contract Amount 26,000.00 AED ا د ا ا Annual Contract Amount 26,000.00 AED و را ا
License/Expiry 748885 / 27-12-2017 ء ا و ر رمار License Issuer DED-Dubai إ دار ا ر
Property No.(s) / ر رما Type / ا وع SubType / ا وع ا ر Usage / دام ا Size / ا DEWA Premise No. / ر م د وا
206 Office Office Commercial 30.00 (Sq.m) 117042064
Management Companies with Real Estate supervision activity are not entitled to receive or collect rental cheques in favour of their companies. ا ر ر ا ل ت او م رات إ راف ا دارى ط د تا ر ت ذات ق
● This certificate has been issued based on information provided by EJARI user. Real ل ؤ دم ا ظ م دون ن ل تا د ا
دة ء ● م إ دار ذه ا
Estate Regulatory Agency (RERA) doesn't take any responsibility to others. ها ر ؤو ا ظ م ا ري أي
● Users are solely responsible for any legal liability towards third parties due to ت ا و ود أي ط ها ر ا و ا ؤو دم لا ●
providing any incorrect information to the system and this includes the tenants who طن ر رح را ل ذك ا رو و ا ظما ا د
were authorized to sublease their rented properties.
ء أو د ل ا د ل إ ل ا دا ر دة ● ر ذه ا
● This certificate will be invalid by registered contract expiry date, or in case the
contract is cancelled or modified before contract expiry date. ا رة ا د
● This certificate to be cancelled in case of any modification on it. ر دة ذه ا ● أي د ل
● Please visit Dubai Land Department website to verify the certificate information. دة تا ق ن ك وا دا رة ا را رو ● ا ر ء ز رة ا و ا 0120171031000007
Registered by: mohmmed rashid alsuwaidi Printed on : 26/11/2017 07:46 AM Page 1/1