Sample Hse Manual Issue B Rev1
Sample Hse Manual Issue B Rev1
Sample Hse Manual Issue B Rev1
Title: Health & Safety & Environment, Management System Manual
Doc. No: HSEM-01 Issue: B Rev: 00 Date: 01/09/2017 Page 2 of 31
SL IMS Manual Reference
0.1 Approvals 3
0.2 Amendments History 4
0.3 Company Profile 5
Title: Health & Safety & Environment, Management System Manual
Doc. No: HSEM-01 Issue: B Rev: 00 Date: 01/09/2017 Page 3 of 31
This section will show the approval/ authorization of this Environment, Health & Safety
Management System Manual. This also shows the commitment of Top Management. Approval
of this documented information consists of 3 stages as indicated preparation, review &
This documented information will be Prepared and Reviewed by HSE Manager and Approved
by Managing Director.
The table given below will indicate the signature, title, name & date of approval.
This section will show the revisions done on this documented information with the reasons. The
objective is to trace the document history and maintain revision control. It is the responsibility of
the IMS Coordinator to update these details.
For minor revisions only part will be revised, the revision number will be incremented. The
revision area/s will be identified by bold and italic letter and issue number will remain the
same. For major revisions / number of minor once are high (Max 9 changes), the issue number
will be incremented (this is at the discretion of HSE Manager.
Internally this documented information will be issued by taking the printouts and the revisions
will be communicated through Documented information Change Request Form (IMSF-001).
Externally this will be issued by taking the print outs, revisions will be provided if agreed
contractually – other wise it will be the responsibility of the holder to collect the revisions.
The management system described within this manual covers the policies / processes /
procedures including the risks and opportunities associated with context and objectives of
( Company Name )(( COMPANY NAME )) in line with the requirements of:
The objectives of having Environment, Health & Safety Management System Manual are
to have both standards in one platform there to achieve:
The scope of the Environment, Health & Safety Management System (IMS) covers the
3.1 Acceptable Risk: Risk that has been reduced to a level that can be tolerated by the
organisation having regard to its legal obligations and its own OH&S Policy.
3.2 Audit: Systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining audit evidence
and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which the audit criteria are
3.3 Auditor: Person with the competent to conduct an audit.
3.4 Competence: Ability to apply knowledge and skills to achieve intended results.
3.5 Compliance Obligations: Legal requirements and other requirements that ( COMPANY
NAME ) has to comply or chooses to comply with.
3.6 Conformity: Fulfillment of a requirement.
3.7 Continual Improvement: Process of enhancing the Environment, Health & Safety
system to achieve improvements in overall ( COMPANY NAME )’s performance in line
with company’s Environment, Health & Safety policy.
3.8 Corrective Action: Action to eliminate the cause of detected nonconformity.
3.9 Documented Information: Information required to be controlling and maintaining by
( COMPANY NAME ) and the medium on which it is contained.
3.10 Effectiveness: Extent to which planned activities are realized and planned results
3.11 Environment: Surroundings in which company and site operate, including air, water,
land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans and their interrelations
3.12 Environmental Aspects: Any element of business, activities or products, or services
which can interact with the environment.
3.13 Environmental Condition: State or characteristic of the environment as determined at
a certain point in time.
3.14 Environmental Impact: Any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial
wholly or partially resulting from an activity or product of the business.
3.15 Hazard; Source or situation with potential for harm in terms of human injury or ill health,
damage to property, damage to the work place environment, or combination of these.
3.16 Hazard Identification: Process of recognizing that a Hazard exists and defining its
3.17 Ill Health: Identifiable, adverse physical or mental condition arising from and or made
worse by a work activity and / or work-related situation.
3.18 Incident: Work related event (s) in which an injury or ill health (regardless of severity) or
fatality, or could have occurred.
3.19 Indicator: Measurable representation of the condition or status of operations,
management or conditions
3.20 Environment, Health & Safety Management System (IMS) : An Environment, Health &
Safety System which covers all the Clauses and requirements of ISO14001 and OHSAS
18001 standards
3.21 Interested Parties Satisfaction: The term refers to fulfilling the requirements and
exceed the expectations of Customers, Society, and employees by assuring the product
conformity to the customers, maintaining the better environment and safety to the
society and employees. This can be achieved by the effective implementation of IMS
including applicable legal and statutory requirements.
3.22 Interested Parties: Individual or group like Customers, Society, Employees, and
persons working for or on behalf of organization and others concerned with or affected
by the decision or activity of the Organization.
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3.23 Life Cycle: Consecutive and interlinked stages of a product or service system, from raw
material acquisition or generation from natural resources to final disposal.
3.24 Management System: Set of interrelated or interacting elements of ( COMPANY NAME
) to establish policies and objectives and processes to achieve those objectives.
3.25 Measurement: Process to determine a value.
3.26 Monitoring: Determining the status of system, a process or an activity.
3.27 Non conformance: Any deviation from work standards, practices, procedures,
regulations, Environment, Health & Safety Management System performance Etc. that
could either directly or indirectly lead to unintended use or delivery, or lead to injury or
illness, property damages, damage to ( Company Name )work place environment or a
combination of these. Non-fulfillment of a requirement.
3.28 Objectives: Overall goal, consistent with the Organization’s Policy that an organization
sets itself to achieve.
3.29 Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S): conditions and factors that affect the well
beings of the employees, Temporary workers, Contractors personnel, Visitors and any
other person in the ( Company Name )Work Place.
3.30 Organization: Persons or group of people that has its own functions with
responsibilities, authorities and relationships to achieve its objectives.
3.31 Outsource: make an arrangement where external organization performs part of
( COMPANY NAME ) function or process and supply products or services .
3.32 Performance: Measurable results of process, procedure, activity related to
Environment, Health & Safety Management System.
3.33 Policy: Intentions and direction of an organization related performance as formally
expressed by our top management.
3.34 Prevention of pollution: Use of processes, practices, techniques, materials, products,
services or energy to avoid, reduce or control the creation, emission or discharge of any
type of pollutant or waste, in order to reduce adverse environmental impacts.
3.35 Process: set of interrelated or interacting activity which transforms inputs into
3.36 Preventive Action: Action to eliminate the cause of potential nonconformity.
3.37 Procedure: Specified way to carry out an activity or a process
3.38 Environment, Health & Safety Environmental and OH&S Policy (IMS Policy): It is an
Environment, Health & Safety Policy and Statement of the company of its intention and
principles in relation to its overall performance, which provides a frame work for action
and for the setting of its objectives and targets
3.39 Requirement: Need or expectation that is stated, generally implied or obligatory.
3.40 Risk: Combination of the likelihood and consequences of specified hazardous event
occurring or exposure and severity or Ill health that can be caused by the event or
3.41 Risk Assessment: Overall process of estimating the magnitude of risk and deciding
whether or not the risk is tolerable. Effect of uncertainty.
3.42 Risks and Opportunities: Potential adverse effects (threats) and potential
beneficial effects (opportunity).
3.43 Safety: Freedom from unacceptable risk of harm
3.44 Standards: The term ‘’ refers to International Standards ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001.
3.45 Top Management: Person or group of people who directs and controls an
organization at the highest level.
3.46 Workplace: Any physical location in which work related activities are performed under
the control of the ( COMPANY NAME ).
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4.4 Environment, Health & Safety Management System and its process
4.4.1 Management of ( COMPANY NAME ) shall determine the process needed for the
Environment, Health & Safety Management System (Appendix-IV) and their application
throughout the organization to enhance the performance of IMS and we have:
a) established, implemented, maintained and continually improve the IMS
b) determined the inputs required and outputs expected from these processes including
the knowledge gained from the context.
c) determined the sequences and interactions of these processes (IMS-KP-001).
d) determined and applied the criteria and methods (including monitoring,
measurements and related performance indictors) needed to ensure the effective
operation and control of these processes.
e) determined the resources needed for these processes and ensure their availability,
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5. Leadership
5.1 Leadership and commitment
5.1.1 General
The top management of ( COMPANY NAME ) has demonstrated leadership and
commitment with respect to Environment, Health & Safety Management system by:
a) taking accountability for the effectiveness of the Environment, Health & Safety
Management System;
b) ensuring that the Environment, Health & Safety Policy and objectives are
established and are compatible with the context and strategic direction of the
c) ensuring the integration of Environment, Health & Safety Management System
requirements into the ( COMPANY NAME )’s business processes;
d) promoting the use of process approach and risk-based thinking;
e) Ensuring that the resources needed for the Environment, Health & Safety
Management System are available;
f) Communicating the importance of effective Environment, Health & Safety
Management System and it is conforming to the above referred international
g) ensuring that the Environment, Health & Safety Management System achieves its
intended results;
h) engaging, directing and supporting persons to contribute to the effectiveness of the
Environment, Health & Safety Management System;
i) promoting improvement;
j) supporting other relevant management roles to demonstrate their leadership as it
applies to their areas of responsibility.
6. Planning
6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities
6.1.1 Management of ( COMPANY NAME ) determined the Risks and Opportunities when
planning the Environment, Health & Safety Management System and applicable
requirements and the expectations of interested parties.
Risk and opportunities are determined addressing the need for:
a) ensuring the Environment, Health & Safety Management System can achieve its
intended results(s)
b) enhancing desirable effects,
c) achieving improvement.
6.1.2 The Management of ( COMPANY NAME ) is planed necessary action for the identified
risks and opportunities related to its context and how to integrate and implement the
actions into its Environment, Health & Safety processes and evaluate the effectiveness
of these actions.
Risks and opportunity related to Environment, Health & Safety Management System is
maintained as a documented information in Appendix-VI of this manual.
Environmental Aspects
A team consisting of HSE Manager and relevant project Heads have been given the
responsibility and the authority to determine environmental aspects of all
activities/processes/services (A/P/S) of the company, keeping in view of the significance
of its impact of the environment.
For all significant aspects, an effective control & monitoring mechanism will be applied in
order to prevent them from becoming significant. These mechanisms will be in the form
of procedures, work instructions, monitoring, training… etc., depending on the level of
significance and nature of A/P/S. All new developments, new or modified A/P/S will be
The aspects, which are considered as significant, are taken into consideration for
establishing the SMART objectives.
This will be done on defined intervals, whenever there is a change in A/P/S, whenever
there is new A/P/S, whenever there is a change in control & monitoring mechanism and
whenever there is an incident.
Procedure for identification & evaluation of aspects is defined, documented and
implemented (Environmental Impact Assessment IMSP-008).
A team consisting of HSE Manager & Project HSE Team have been given the
responsibility and the authority to determine the hazard and associated risks of all
activities/processes/services (A/P/S) with its nature and time, to ensure it is a proactive
rather than reactive.
The level of risk for each identified hazard will be decided based on risk assessment
(severity and probability)
Hazards related to A/P/S/ shall be identified, prioritize and risk shall be assessed and
documented, appropriate controls shall be applied considering the results of
assessment in order to eliminate control of the risk. These mechanisms will be in the
form of procedures, work instructions, monitoring, training… etc., depending on the level
of risk and nature of A/P/S.
The results of risk assessment and effects of controls are considered when setting
SMART Objectives.
MD will keep the information concerning identification of hazards and risk assessment,
up to date.
This will be done on defined intervals, whenever there is a change in A/P/S, whenever
there is new A/P/S, whenever there is a change in control & monitoring mechanism and
whenever there is an incident.
Procedure for Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment is defined, documented and
implemented (Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment and Risk Control IMSP-006).
6.2 Environment, Health & Safety Management System Objectives and Planning to
achieve them
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6.2.1 Management of ( COMPANY NAME ) has established Environment, Health & Safety
objectives at relevant functions and processes needed for the Environment, Health &
Safety management system.
The Environment, Health & Safety objectives are :
a) consistent with Environment, Health & Safety, Environmental, Health & Safety Policy.
b) are measurable
c) taking into account applicable requirements
d) relevant to conformity of products and services to enhance customer satisfaction.
e) will be monitored, communicated and updated as appropriate.
Environment, Health & Safety objectives are maintained as documented information
For detail reference please see procedure of Risk Assessment & Aspect & Impact Analysis
(Procedure NO xxx), Procedure of Compliance Obligation (Procedure NO xx) and
Procedure for Objectives and targets (Procedure No xx)
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7.0 Support
7.1 Resources
7.1.1 General
The Management of ( COMPANY NAME ) has determined and provided the resources
needed for the establishment, implementation, maintenance and continual improvement
of the Environment, Health & Safety Management System considering the following:
a) the capabilities of and constraints on existing resources;
b) what needs to be obtained from external providers.
7.1.2 People
( COMPANY NAME ) has determined and provided the persons necessary for the
effective implementation of its Environment, Health & Safety Management System and
for the operations and control of its processes. ( COMPANY NAME ) has established
competency requirements for all the levels in Competency Matrix (IMS-JM-01) as a
documented information.
7.1.3 Infrastructure
The Top management has determined the need for providing adequate and suitable
infrastructure to achieve the conformity to product requirements and Interested Parties
satisfaction. Managing Director is responsible for all process operation and controls and
to ensure that adequate infrastructure is available for the process requirements.
Infrastructure requirements include:
Workspace Building and associated utilities for company’s operation
Adequate equipments and spare parts
Adequate personnel protective equipment.
Warehouse/storage facilities to stock the raw materials and products
Environment required like accommodation, canteen to maintain good health and
Adequate facilities to protect and meet the emergency situations
To keep motivated all personnel, the management has provided suitable supporting
facilities such as communication, transportation and accommodation facilities.
Control of Process Operation include the careful selection and monitoring of raw
materials, the use of documented procedures and work instruction, continuous
monitoring and recording of process parameters to control the process as well as to
protect the work environment to its ideal condition.
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Personnel to keep the safe work environment suitable for the respective work areas
issue Procedures/work instructions to define locations/holders for reference.
Disposition of any waste from the process are made in line with the legal and
regulatory obligations laid by the Ministry of Environment Protection, Abu Dhabi.
Refer IMSPR- 006.
The HSE Manager will ensure that the control measures were taken to mitigate or
eliminate for the identified significant environmental impact and high risk and hazard.
The workshop facilities are provided with adequate and suitable equipment and work
environment like adequate ventilation and Personnel Protective Equipments by taking
account of the needs of relevant interested parties e.g. Emergency services and
All the calibrated measuring equipments are identified by suitable labels in order to
determine its calibration status and be safeguarded and protected from damages.
The records of the results of calibration and verification shall be maintained.
For Details see procedure for Calibration and PMV (Procedure No xx)
7.3 Awareness
( COMPANY NAME ) has adopted various techniques for awareness to employees such
as Tool Box Meetings, Environment, Health & Safety induction, Management Reviews,
notices, sign boards etc to ensure that the employees and those who works under the
control of organization is aware of Environment, Health & Safety, Environmental, Health
& Safety Policy, Environment, Health & Safety Objectives, their contribution towards
effectiveness of Environment, Health & Safety Management System including the
benefits of improved performance and implication of not conforming with the
Environment, Health & Safety system requirements.
For Details see procedure for Trainings (Procedure No xx)
7.4 Communication
( COMPANY NAME ) has determined the internal and external communications relevant
to Environment, Health & Safety Management System, which includes the details of
requirements of communication, the situation when communication is required, mode of
communication and responsibilities are clearly defined in a documented procedure
Internal Communication
( COMPANY NAME ) has established an effective two-way communication system.
Communication from employees to management covers the following subjects:
External Communication
ensure it is available and suitable for use where and when it is needed at the right place.
Also documented information within our IMS will be adequately protected from any loss
of confidentiality, improper use.
Documents used less than once per year may be reviewed and updated as necessary,
prior to use. Documented Information retained as evidence of conformities are protected
from unintended alterations.
For Details see procedure for Documents & records Control (Procedure No xx)
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8.0 Operation
8.1 Operational Planning and Control
( COMPANY NAME ) has developed, implemented and controlled various plans for
planning, operations and controlled the process in the form of process Maps needed to
meet the requirements for the provision of our products and services and to implement
the actions determined the risks and opportunities by:
a) determining the requirements for our products and services within the Environment,
Health & Safety Management System
b) establishing the criteria for the processes and the acceptance of products and
c) controls over the processes are established with the acceptable criteria
d) necessary information are determined and retained as a documented information by
implementing operational formats to have confidence of these processes is being
carried out as planned and to demonstrate the conformity of products requirements.
The management of ( COMPANY NAME ) will ensure the output of planning is suitable
for the ( COMPANY NAME ) operations and planned. Changes of plans are reviewed for
the consequences of unintended changes taking actions to mitigate any adverse effects
as necessary. ( COMPANY NAME ) does not outsource any process that affects product
conformity to requirements. Any processes required to outsource are being controlled
as per the requirements.
Identification will be based on the potential emissions to air, discharge to water and
effect to environment and eco system and those areas and activities of risk that are
not tolerable
This procedure includes preventing and mitigating the environmental impacts and
risks and hazard that are associated with the emergencies.
These preparedness and response will be in the form of operational control, plans,
contacts fire emergency procedure and oil and chemical spillage procedures.
The emergency preparedness and response shall be reviewed where necessary
and amended based on occurrence of incidents or emergency situations.
This procedure also reviewed to meet the requirements and incorporates periodical
testing of the emergency preparedness and response.
Documented information related to emergency preparedness and response will be
Post delivery requirements such as warranty / guarantee are defined and noted for
providing customer satisfaction even after products are handed over.
Any changes to the requirements differing from previously expressed will be reviewed as
earlier and resolved.
Customer requirements are stated through bid requests and orders. At the inquiry stage
the customer’s requirements are clear and understandable and where there are
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ambiguities, clarifications are further obtained. All contracts are reviewed prior to signing
to ensure that:
A final review of customer requirements is done prior to shipment to assure that all
differences are addressed and resolved.
A documented Information will be maintained on the results of the review and any new
requirements for the products by HSE Manager.
For other purchases once in once a year evaluation (IMSF-019) of existing suppliers will
be done by the concerned department heads, on the basis of Environment, Health &
Safety, price and performance (delivery, communication) and environmental and health
and safety aspects. Based on this evaluation these suppliers will be graded for further
When services are procured from external provider, the purchase order may refer as
applicable, to supplier’s quotation to ensure that they completely understand the
requirements and prices are agreed.
Operational Control
Those operations and activities, which are identified as significant environmental aspects
and high risk in line with the policy, objectives & targets, legal & other requirements etc.
will be controlled.
These controls can be in the form of Code of Practices & Method Statements (Number
of Cop’s), work instructions, check points, monitoring… etc.
Objective of all these controls will be to prevent, correct and monitor the significant
impacts identified.
The effectiveness and efficiency of these controls will be monitored through impact
assessment, risk assessment, incidents, complaints… etc.
A Documented procedure is established, implemented and maintained for Operational
Control of overall organization and its activities, purchased goods & equipments,
services and to control over contractors and other visitors to workplace, to cover
8.5.2 Identification and Traceability
Where appropriate identification and traceability throughout the product realization is
done to ensure conformity of products. Identification is a requirement this shall be
controlled by unique identification and documented information shall be retained through
production process if required.
8.5.3 Property belonging to customers or external providers
( COMPANY NAME ) exercises care with the customer's property (e.g.: intellectual
properties like designs and specifications) while it is under the control or being used by
the organization. Such controls imply identification, verification, protection and
safeguarding the customer property provided for use or incorporation into the product. If
any customer property is lost, damaged or otherwise found to be unsuitable for use, this
is reported to the customer and records maintained in the form of official letters.
8.5.4 Preservation
Personnel related to products handling, storage and delivery shall be instructed to
ensure safe usage of methods and practices to prevent damage, deterioration, loss or
degradation of products / environment in order to maintain conformity to requirements.
Where manufacturer specifies special storage conditions, it shall be maintained.
( COMPANY NAME ) uses designated areas to prevent incoming materials Environment,
Health & Safety and prevent damages and deterioration. The method of preservation
and segregation shall be specified where required.
This preservation includes identification, handling, storage and protection. Preservation
also apply to the constituent parts of a product..
During processing and delivery time safe methods shall be adopted for loading,
unloading and transportation process. Where required, pallets or other suitable means
shall be used for keeping materials.
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Identification of incidents.
Correction of Incidents.
Information to customer or any interested parties if required
Obtaining authorization for accepting nonconformities
Taking action appropriate to the effects, or potential effects, of the nonconformity
The HSE Team shall decide methods of monitoring (qualitative and quantitative) and
measurement with acceptance criteria is maintain for ( COMPANY NAME ) to ensure
valid results.
All ( COMPANY NAME ) functional processes would reflect how departments monitor
their own performance and process delivery including support departments as
Administration, to which the organization objectives are met and to monitor
effectiveness of controls.
HSE Team shall be responsible for taking correction, corrective and when planned results
are not achieved including proactive measure of performance that conformance the IMS
Statistics and basic report writing will be used most of the cases for the reporting. Internal
audit will also be treated as good tool for monitoring and measurement processes and to
evaluate the performance and the effectiveness of the Environment, Health & Safety
Management System.
Monitoring and measurement enables environmental and health and safety to gauge its
performance, analysis root causes of problems, identify the areas where corrective and
preventive actions are needed, improve performance and increase efficiency.
Monitoring and measurement activities are controlled through operation control procedure
(IMSP-010) covers the measuring and monitoring efforts of key characteristics of
environmental and health and safety operations and activities that can have high risk and a
significant impact on the environment.
Documented information will be retained as appropriate documented information as
evidence of the results.
Evaluation of compliance
HSE Manager and HSE Team will identify, obtain, implement and maintain all applicable
legal and other relevant requirements related to the environmental aspects and hazard
identification and risk assessment of all activities/processes/services of the company
are taken into account in establishing, implementing and maintaining Environment,
Health & Safety Management System.
All these requirements will be logged-in with details in a central point. This will be
communicated to persons working under the control of the ( COMPANY NAME ) and
other relevant interested parties using any one or more of the following – trainings,
distribution of copies, discussions, posters… etc.
The relevant legislative requirements are identified, implemented and monitored for
conformance to IMS requirements applicable for ( COMPANY NAME ) activities.
A detailed master registers of legislation / requirements, applicable to ( COMPANY
NAME ) activities are maintained in the list of external origin documents.
Evaluation of Compliance: A documented procedure for evaluating the legal and other
requirements is established and implemented (Compliance & Evaluation of Legal &
Other Requirements IMSP-012). Records of such evaluation shall be maintained.