Alabama Wing - Jan 2007
Alabama Wing - Jan 2007
Alabama Wing - Jan 2007
January 2007 1
December 1-7th CAP Week
January 2007 2
Capt. Amanda Anderson The parade route is approximately 1 1/2
Senior Officer Robert Byford miles from the formation point to the
Senior Officer Ashley Clarke intersection of Coosada Road, where the
Capt. Oliver A. Cork parade disbanded.
2 Lt. Bruce Yeager
C/CMSgt Chris Smithson
January 2007 3
Capt Dani Richards accepts proclamation
from Mayor Loretta Spencer on behalf of
the Huntsville and Redstone Squadrons.
Capt Dani Richards, 1Lt Anthony Beresford,
2Lt. Kim Miller and C/SSgt Travis Wilson
represented the Huntsville and Redstone
CAP squadrons at the signing ceremony at
City Hall.
Capt Dani Richard, Redstone Squadron The Bessemer Squadron AL-087 celebrated the
Commander, and Lt Anthony Beresford, Civil Air Patrol’s 65th Birthday. The party was
Huntsville Squadron Commander, held at Golden Corral in Hoover. The evening’s
represented the two squadrons in Madison events included awards, birthday celebration and
County as Mayor Sandy Kirkindall Christmas party. The awards earned by the
members are:
proclaimed Dec. 1-7, 2006 as Civil Air
Patrol Week. Lt. Kim Miller, PAO for
Redstone and Maj. Pat Mitcham, PAO for
Huntsville Squadron and Alabama Wing
5 Years Service
also attended. Cadet – Devin Adams
Cadet- Amos Elmore
Cadet – Jeremy Adams
Captain – Bo Andrews
Cadet – Cesar Diego
Mayor Loretta Spencer Signs 10 Years Service
Proclamation 1LT – Rosalind Fazel
Captain Paul Robuck
1LT – Tommy Gladney
Cadet – Cody Key
LtCol. – Walter Williams
Level 1 Graduates
Standing, from left to right: 1Lt Anthony We would like to recognize our Officer
Beresford, Mayor Loretta Spencer and Capt members that have completed training and time
Dani Richards. Photo by 2LT Kim Miller in service requirements for advancement in rank.
Our recently promoted members are:
January 2007 4
Maj. Jimmy Mitchell birthday with a combined dinner at Redstone
1Lt. Jacob Meins Jacob is a recent transfer Officers Club. Col. Mike Oakman and Lt.
from the cadet program Col Dave Boswell attended and helped Capt
2Lt. John Pearson Dani Richard and Lt Anthony Beresford
2Lt. Dale Chambers
present awards to members of the
2Lt. Sheila Smiley
Commander’s Commendations
Huntsville Squadron
Capt. Barry Roberts
Capt. Carl Foster
Lt. Jerry Tignor
Lt. Ian Johnston
Cadet Awards
Redstone Squadron
January 2007 5
Capt Dani Richard, Col Mike Oakman, and Air ops dispatched over 15 sorties and
Lt Anthony Beresford present the proclamations to ground teams were able to divide up into 4
the squadrons.
separate ground teams. Lt. Kay Barry and
Lt John Pearson cooked and served hotdogs
as our meal. The flights were entered in the
SAREX/Guided Practice
new WIMRS tracking system and projected
on a screen for everyone to see.
Bessemer Composite Squadron hosted the
Alabama Wings SAREX on November 18th
at the Bessemer CAP building.
By George Jones
The Sand Mountain Reporter
January 2007 6 “The second leg of the mission is search and
?ewcd=476ef982903bf8f6 rescue,” Haney said. “We have 537
airplanes nationwide that belong to and are
Boaz Middle School is home to the first maintained by the Air Force, and flown by
Civil Air Patrol squadron in a middle school senior volunteers, like myself.
in Alabama, according to Boaz Assistant
Superintendent Randall Haney. “We fly 85 percent of the aerial search and
rescue missions in America.”
Haney, who initiated the Boaz program,
said, “I find it ironic we are the first middle CAP helped in the search-and-rescue effort
school in Alabama to have a CAP program after the most recent plane crash near Mount
when the national headquarters of the CAP Cheaha, Haney said.
is in Montgomery.
“That is our job, that is what we do as
“States all over the nation have middle volunteers,” he said.
school CAP programs, but for some reason
Alabama had never had anyone interested CAP also has a cadet program, Haney said.
enough to start a middle school program He noted the Air Force has about 30,000
previously.” cadets nationwide in CAP.
“That includes educating the community on “The cadet who completes the program
the necessity of aviation, and advantage of through high school has acquired the
having airports, such as we have here in equivalent experience of an Air Force-
Albertville,” Haney said. “Because we have enlisted person going through boot camp,”
an airport, we are getting those 500 jobs Haney said.
[from Aerospace Integration Corp.] with an
average salary of $60,000.” Boaz’s very first CAP cadet, Ryan Erskine,
will be attending a one-week winter
January 2007 7
encampment at Fort Benning, Ga., where he months, said, “It has changed me a lot. I am
will be taught, among other subjects, one of the leaders now. I want to be in the
military leadership skills. Air Force when I get older too.”
Haney attributes a cadet’s interest in a Her Air Force goal she said “Is to be in
military career to the military-type training search and rescue.”
associated with the CAP program.
Smith’s father, Larry, speaking of the
The military influence becomes evident program’s value, said; “The CAP’s program
when talking with a cadet, as they of discipline itself, which teaches children to
demonstrate a distinct respectful attitude in be respectful and honor their country, their
manner and speech, with “Yes, sir,” and peers, and develop a moral character, is a
“No, sir,” that sets them apart from other good thing.
“Leadership is good for anyone, no matter
“How many kids out here on the street will where it comes from.”
you find being that respectful to an adult?”
Haney asked. Anyone interested in the CAP may contact
Haney at 593-7701.
The excellence of the cadets is one of the
reasons Haney believes the Air Force
maintains the program. They are aware of Copyright © 2006 Sand Mountain Reporter
the potential number of high-quality future
Air Force officers coming from the program. Thank you to George Jones who granted
permission to reprint his article.
Cadet Adam Smith, son of a retired 21-year
military veteran and a member of the
program for two years, said, “It has been a
learning experience that you cannot pass up. The Alabama Wing FTX Cycle
It has helped me to learn how to work on
aircraft.” Presses On Into the New Year
Justin Smith, 1st Lt, CAP FTX/PA
Smith’s experience has motivated him, he
said, toward the Air Force as a pilot. 01 DEC 2006
January 2007 8
units. In addition, two other Wings and triangulation exercise covering an area of
National Headquarters are represented, Elmore County.
bringing a great diversity of past training
and experiences to this year’s course.
January 2007 9
login for the forum). Please keep in mind
that most parts of the forum are viewable by
Professional Development Weekend the public so let’s keep the discussion
professional and constructive.
The second of our Professional Lt. Ande Boyer, ALWG Webmaster
Development Weekends (PDW) has been
scheduled for the weekend of February 17- Flight Tracking System
18, 2007 by AL090 Squadron Commander .
Capt. Lisa Robinson, who will host the As of 1 Jan, all flights made in Alabama
school. The school will offer the SLS Wing aircraft should be logged in the online
and CLC. If there is a need, the UCC and Alabama Wing Flight Tracking System. Use
TLC will also be offered. of this system has been mandated by the
Wing Commander and will also be
More information will be forthcoming on mandated by the next revision of the
the school, but reservations will be required appropriate supplement.
by Jan 25th to reserve a slot in the school.
A practice/demo version of this system has
This school is in addition to the PDW that been up at
will be conducted in Montgomery on the
preceding weekend. It is my goal to provide Tracker/flightTracker.php for the last
this training at locations as close as possible couple of months. I hope everyone
to the members, to help avoid travel and whoever might have anything to do with
lodging costs to the members. The success wing aircraft has had a chance to 'test
or failure of this experiment will determine drive' and learn how to use this system.
future scheduling of this type of training. A The live version is located on the wing web
school will be held in the south part of the page,, under menu
state, probably in Northwest Florida in section "Ops & Emergency Services | Flight
conjunction and cooperation with our sister Tracker". A formalized manual for using the
squadrons in the northwest part of the system is posted just under the link which
Florida wing, later in the spring. Details will opens the system. For accountability
be forthcoming as soon as they are available. reasons, users must first login to the wing
Lt. Col. David Spivey, ALWG, DPD website before access is granted to the
AFTS. If you do not yet have an account,
Discussion Forum click on "Account Setup" and enter your
CAPID. An activation email will be sent to
As a means of improving intrawing the primary email address you have on file
communications, we've also posted an in MIMS.
online discussion forum on the wing web
page. It can be accessed under menu section This tool is a great asset to the wing and
"Headquarters | Discussion Forum" or hopefully everyone will find it easy to use.
directly at Hopefully, through use of this
system, aircraft flight time reporting errors
Since our mailing lists are intended for will completely be eliminated. Every pilot
announcement type messages only and not should incorporate entering the
general discussion, this forum is meant to flight information for their aircraft as a part
fill that gap. Please check it regularly and of their post flight procedures. While it is's for you! (Due to technical not necessary to enter flight data after every
limitations, you'll have to create a separate
January 2007 10
single sortie, all times should be updated at
the end of the day at the latest. a. State Director monthly missions will be
approved by the State Director online and
mission numbers will be auto-generated. No
For Jan and Feb, we will be running this WMIRS request will be necessary for these
new system in parallel with the traditional missions. An e-mail will automatically be
Form 18. Our goal is to eliminate the paper sent to the Wing Commander, Vice
Form 18 beginning in March assuming the Commander, Director of Operations, ES
transition goes well. . Officer, Liaison Region and State Director
Lt Ande Boyer, ALWG Webmaster when these missions are approved. This will
include a monthly mission number for
reimbursed “A” missions like A6
14 December 2006 AFROTC flights, A15 cadet orientation
MEMORANDUM FOR NATIONAL flights, and A20 glider tow flights. It will
BOARD also include a monthly mission number for
SUBJECT: NEC Directed Action Item: nonreimbursed “B” missions like B9
New WMIRS Mission and CAPF 108 maintenance flights, B12 proficiency flights,
Requirements and B17 CAPF 5/91 flights. Sorties for these
1. The National Executive Committee missions must be reported in WMIRS but it
directed the following changes at the can be done after they are flown.
November meeting. These new requirements b. As stated above, cadet orientation flights
are necessary so CAP and Department of will get a mission number from WMIRS, but
Defense leaders can have a real-time picture the current reimbursement process will
of all the missions CAP is executing remain in effect until further notice.
nationwide and how our funds are being c. C8, C9, C16, C17, and C20 missions are
spent to support these missions. This letter an exception to the above rules. These
supplements the Air Force Assigned missions are required to be in WMIRS by 1
Mission policy letters dated 5 May 2006 and March 2007. NHQ is testing procedures for
7 December 2006 that were signed by Gen these flights with WMU/IMU and PLW, as
Pineda and Col Hodgkins. well as a user interface in WMIRS for
2. By 1 January 2007, all missions, (except
those listed in para 2.c.) must be requested 3. By 1 January 2007, all original CAPF
and approved in WMIRS, and all sortie data 108s and modifications/corrections must be
including actual costs must be entered into completed in WMIRS for missions
WMIRS within 72 hours of completing a reimbursed by national headquarters, and
sortie unless the customer requires a shorter preferably for all missions so that CAP has a
turnaround. Data feeds and imports from consistent mechanism for mission
other systems are allowable, but must reimbursement. CAPR 173-3 will be
provide the data in the format updated to reflect this change. Data feeds
required by NHQ, and any imported data and imports will not be possible at this stage
will be required to go through the same as it is impossible to consistently audit the
process within WMIRS for validation and systems if data is imported after the
approval. For example, WMU/IMU is able validation and approval process for the
to “push” the sortie information into mission. However, data reported in WMIRS
WMIRS. WMIRS data is exportable to field will be exportable to allow wings to import
systems to allow for offline mission it into other systems as necessary so wings
January 2007 11
can use it to bill local customers for “C”
January 2007 12
"While I would have liked stronger language prepping your color guards and drill teams.
protecting the religious freedom of The winner of each category will represent
chaplains, this legislation is a first step the ALWG at the Region level.
forward in protecting the First Amendment
rights of chaplains and all the men and Be advised that NHQ has ratified the new
women serving our country in the military," National Cadet Competition Manual. This
said Akin. will replace ROE's used previously and will
govern the ALWG Competition as well.
Congressman Akin intends to again CAPM 52-4 can be found here:
introduce language which explicitly
guarantees a chaplain's right to pray
according to his conscience next year.
Information on NCC can be found here:
As most of you know, the CAP
chaplain must have the exact same
qualifications as an active duty chaplain in 75
any of the Armed Forces. Therefore, what is
decided for the Air Force is decided for the JUSTIN D. SMITH, 1st Lt, CAP
CAP Chaplains. ALWG/DCP
January 2007 13
scoring the Cadet Physical Fitness Test.
Also, this Wing Conference will be a little Allows cadets to assist senior staff officers,
different that what we all are used to. Don't but prohibits commanders from assigning
be scared...I promise we won't bite...but cadets with the formal duties of senior staff
what I can promise is that it will be an event officers. Refers members to CAPR 51-1 for
to remember...not to miss. Drug Demand Reduction program guidance.
Introduces the Training Leaders of Cadets
I can promise the cadets that this Wing program. Relaxes requirements for
Conference will be one that they will enjoy completing part 1 of Required Staff
and get a lot out of. One reason I can Training. Establishes guidelines for cadet
promise that is because our cadets are 100% participation in obstacle courses. Introduces
in charge of their activities. Our Officers guidelines for personal conduct. Introduces
just observe. the CAP School Program. Allows overseas
cadets to advance in the Cadet Program
Senior Members, this too, will be a very through independent study. Clarifies how
informative and beneficial Conference for cadets are assigned to physical fitness
you. We have many people working categories, and clarifies procedures for
together to bring you the best classes and Category III and IV cadets when requesting
entertainment as possible. milestone awards other than the Spaatz
As far as the banquet, itself, goes...I'll have CHAPTER 2
to leave that to your imaginations for now. Allows units to use a spreadsheet or
database in lieu of a CAPF 66. Allows
To recap, please help us out with commanders to waive drill tests for cadets
information regarding sponsors. I would who have an injury or disability. Requires 2
love nothing more than to send an email out months (8 weeks) separation between each
to you all saying that the Conference is free achievement and milestone award except the
to attend! Also, please encourage everyone Spaatz; deletes the minimum time for
to attend, ESPECIALLY cadets. completing milestone awards that go beyond
Capt Christopher Tate, Commander AL113 the 60-day separation rule. Defines the
primary goals of each program element
during each Phase. Requires cadets to
complete an introductory module for
Cadet Program Changes moral leadership during Achievement 1.
Mandates use of the case studies found in
CAPP 265-2 during moral leadership
SUMMARY OF POLICY CHANGES forums. Simplifies the moral leadership
READER-FRIENDLY IMPROVEMENTS requirements, using active participation in
Office symbols, e-mail addresses, and one forum per achievement as the standard.
website addresses have been updated as Deletes requirement for cadets to serve as
necessary. This version also includes recorders and discussion leaders. Revises the
editorial changes made to improve Phase III and IV mentoring and instructing
readability, grammar, and how the requirements. Slightly modifies the scope
regulation is organized in general. and format of the Mitchell Award and
CHAPTER 1 Earhart Award exams. Revises the essay and
Defines the goals of each program element. speech topics for the Eaker Award exam.
Clarifies that the title of the leadership text Clarifies that CAP-USAF Reservists may
has been changed. Revises the method of administer the Spaatz Award exams. Limits
January 2007 14
to 30 days the time cadets may take issue March 20, 2007 with prizes to be awarded.
with the Spaatz Award exam or how it was The Announcement was made at the
administered to them. Explains that Spaatz Commanders Call at Maxwell AFB
Award exams are administered on-line. December 9 by Lt. Col. Johnny Ward,
Introduces CAPP 52-13. Introduces the Jack Alabama Wing Recruiting and Retention
Sorenson Cadet Programs Officer of the Officer.
Year Award and the Cadet Programs
Mission Award. Clarifies rules regarding The following prizes will be awarded at the
demotions and milestone award revocations. Alabama Wing Conference in late March.
CHAPTER 3 Officer (Senior Members) recruiting the
Allows commanders to appoint cadets to the most members (Cadets or Officers) a 20-21
CAC via e-mail. Clarifies that commanders inch TV/VCR/DVD, second place a small
may remove cadets from CAC due to poor TV/VCR/DVD. For the Cadet recruiting the
conduct. Introduces CAPP 52-19. Clarifies most members (Cadets or Officers) a $200
that squadrons have the option of appointing gift Certificate to Vanguard and second
a representative to the CAC or not. Place will be a $100 gift certificate. The
Squadron that recruits the most
CHAPTER 4 members will receive a 20-21”
Clarifies that cadets must complete an TV/VCR/DVD with the Second highest
encampment before attending a NCSA. recruiting Squadron a small TV/DVD/VCR
Revises the reporting and reimbursement (13”).
process for cadet orientation flights. Deletes
the requirement that cadets physically We want to encourage every member of the
possess a CAP ID card to fly. Allows drill Alabama Wing to try to recruit at least one
team, color guard, and honor guard cadets to member. It’s a member-get-a-member
wear distinctive shoulder cords. Defines the campaign. Send all paperwork in as usual
purpose of honor guards and introduces but please send a copy of the application to
CAPP 52-8. Clarifies the purpose and scope Lt. Col. Johnny Ward so he can keep the
of the IACE program. totals.
Deletes references to national encampments. Send copies to Lt. Col. Johnny Ward, 115
Amends schedule requirements for weekend Havenwood Court, Birmingham AL,
encampments. Simplifies the process of 35209.
reporting encampments.
CHAPTER 6 All applications must be received no later
No substantive changes." than March 20 to count for this Membership
Quoted from the regulation by
How do we retain our members? We will
loose some through attrition. Cadets grow
out of the program due to age, go off to
RECRUITING FOR FUN AND college, boys discover girls, girls discover
boys, etc. Officers (Senior Members) die,
PROFIT move away, just get bored, etc. We must
Do everything we can to keep our members
The Alabama Wing has launched a as long as we can.
recruiting drive from December 9, 2006 thru
January 2007 15
One way we can do this is by being an This can be another activity for your
active Squadron and keeping our members Squadron or Flight. The glider Cadet
involved. Every Officer should have an Orientation Flights are coordinated by Capt.
assignment and ask them to do certain things Bill McAbee, Glider Operations Officer,
for the unit. There must be activities for the Shelby County Squadron and he may be
Cadets…not just a meeting every week. reached at 334/281-0235 or
Field trips, Cadet Orientation Flights for To assure that everyone
both power and gliders, campouts/survival that comes to the Flying X for flights gets to
training, attending Alabama Wing Activities fly, we will have to limit the number to eight
like Commanders Calls, Encampments, (8) per day. Overnight camping on the field
Practice Missions, etc. And don’t can be arranged but must be done in
forget…let’s have FUN. It is hard for advance. SOAR LIKE AN EAGLE!
someone to get out of an organization that
they enjoy. Keep everybody involved and
active…and have FUN. What are your
Lt. Col. Johnny Ward, FTX Receives Grant from
ALWG, Recruiting and Retention
Enterprise for FTX
Emergency Services
January 2007 16
Working in coordination with the Alabama Clay County about ten miles from Talladega
State Troopers, the Department of in Alabama. The site was originally
Homeland Security, and the Sheriffs’ reported as in Talladega County, on
Departments in Talladega and Tallapoosa Wednesday, October 11, 2006.
Counties, the Alabama Wing, Civil Air
Patrol, conducted a search for an aircraft Air crews, searching the heavily wooded
reported overdue on a flight from Auburn, area, had been unable to see the aircraft, or
Alabama to Murfreesboro, Tennessee. electronically hear the Emergency Locator
Transmitter (ELT) on the aircraft, making
After the pilot J. Johnson, a student at the search difficult.
Middle Tennessee University, in
Murfreesboro, did not arrive in time for
classes, friends and family began a search.
The Alabama and Tennessee Wings were Wreaths across America
notified on Monday afternoon by the Air
Force Rescue Coordination Center
Across the United States, at every National
(AFRCC) to begin an active search mission
Cemetery six wreaths were laid at grave
to locate the aircraft on Monday, October 9,
sites in remembrance of those who have
given their all for the United States.
In Alabama, twenty-two air sorties were
From the Wreaths across America
flown in the two and one-half days of the
search, with ground teams dispatched to
eight different sites that needed closer
investigation. Fifty-seven Civil Air Patrol
volunteers spent 700 man hours in the
search, with other volunteers on stand-by.
Additional air and ground sorties were
conducted in Tennessee by members of the
Tennessee Wing.
1Lt. Rick Swatloski, Capt. Ed Barnes, 1Lt. Teach our children the value of freedom.
Glenn Wilson were the SDIS aircrew which
took the picture after the site was identified. 2006 marked the 15th anniversary of holiday
wreaths being sent from the State of Maine
The wreckage was found about 3:00 pm by to Arlington National Cemetery.
friends of the family near Mt. Cheaha in
January 2007 17
Each year the folks at Worcester Wreath
Company make and decorate wreaths that
will adorn over 5000 headstones of our
Nation’s fallen heroes - in what has become
an annual event coordinated with the
Cemetery Administration and the Maine
State Society.”
January 2007 18
notes, squadron newsletters, articles written on
the back of dinner napkins, and so on.
Public Affairs
January 2007 19