Modeling Oceanic Transport of Floating Marine Debris
Modeling Oceanic Transport of Floating Marine Debris
Modeling Oceanic Transport of Floating Marine Debris
Modeling Oceanic Transport of
Floating Marine Debris
National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science – Center for Coastal Environmental Health and Biomolecular Research
219 Fort Johnson Road
Charleston, South Carolina 29412
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Marine Debris Program would like to acknowledge William L. Balthis (National Centers for Coastal
Ocean Science – Center for Coastal Environmental Health and Biomolecular Research) for his effort in synthesizing the wide range of modeling research and efforts
into this paper, and Peter Murphy for providing guidance and support throughout this process. Special thanks go to Dr. Amy MacFadyen, Dr. James Potemra, and
Laurent Lebreton for reviewing this paper and providing helpful comments. An additional thank you goes to Krista Stegemann for a copy/edit review of this report
and Catherine Polk for graphic design. Funding for this project was provided by the NOAA Marine Debris Program.
This publication does not constitute an endorsement of any commercial product or intend to be an opinion beyond scientific or other results obtained by the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. No reference shall be made to NOAA, or this publication furnished by NOAA, to any advertising or sales
promotion which would indicate or imply that NOAA recommends or endorses any proprietary product mentioned herein, or which has as its purpose an interest
to cause the advertised product to be used or purchased because of this publication.
Executive Summary 1
Background 2
Synthesis of Literature 6
Surface Currents 6
Conclusion 13
Recommendations 14
Cited References 16
Glossary 20
Man-made debris in the ocean is now found from the poles Currents can be calculated from satellite-derived
to the equator and from shorelines, estuaries, and the sea measurements of sea-surface height and wind stress.
surface to the ocean floor (STAP, 2011). General oceanic
Ocean general circulation models (OGCMs): solve
circulation patterns, particularly surface currents, greatly
equations of motion in horizontal and vertical
affect the redistribution and accumulation of marine
dimensions and include both physical and
debris in the world’s oceans, as do the mass, buoyancy,
thermodynamic processes. OGCMs provide the surface
and persistence of the material (Moore, Moore, Leecaster &
currents layer used to simulate debris transport. A
Weisberg, 2001). Because of the relatively sparse amount
number of systems have been developed to update
of directly observable data on marine debris relative to
(through a process called data assimilation) these models
the immensity of the ocean and the need to predict its
with satellite and in situ measurements in near-real time.
movement, numerical models are used to simulate the
Many of these model outputs are available online.
transport of floating marine debris. Computer modeling
simulations, based on data from about 12,000 satellite- Because some of the terms used in this report may be
tracked drifters deployed since the early 1990s as part of unfamiliar to readers, a glossary of terms is provided at
the Global Drifter Program (GDP, 2011), indicate that debris the end of this document. Terms or acronyms found in the
tends to accumulate in a limited number of subtropical glossary are indicated by an asterisk on first use, unless
convergence zones associated with persistent, long-term defined explicitly in the text.
currents in the world’s oceans (Wakata & Sugimori, 1990;
Kubota, Takayama & Namimoto, 2005; Maximenko & Niiler
2008). Recent analyses of data on floating debris in the
Pacific Ocean (Eriksen et al., 2013; Law et al., 2014), Atlantic
Ocean (Law et al., 2010; Morét-Ferguson et al., 2010), and
the world’s oceans combined (Eriksen et al., 2014) have
confirmed these modeling results. Modeling simulations
can help to understand not only the likely fate of debris
from known point sources, population centers, or extreme
events such as hurricanes and tsunamis, but also to identify
potential sources of debris. This paper reviews and briefly
describes some of these methods, gives examples of their
application for modeling the movement and transport of
marine debris, and attempts to identify gaps in knowledge
and recommend potential areas of further research.
The following overview presents some of the numerical
modeling techniques that have been applied to simulate
the transport of marine debris. The primary approach to
modeling the transport of drifting objects, with marine
debris being one application, typically has involved the use
of particle tracking models (PTMs) to estimate or simulate
the movement of ‘particles’ over time. This movement
depends on transport (advection) by ocean surface currents,
and some PTMs may incorporate additional factors such
as movement resulting from the proportion of buoyant
objects floating high in the water and exposed to the wind
(windage), or a random motion component (turbulent
The surface currents used to drive PTMs have been derived
using a number of different methods. The main approaches
identified from this review of the literature include:
Surface current modeling: focuses only on the surface
layer, where most floating debris is found. Surface
currents can be estimated in various ways:
Currents can be inferred from the paths of drifters,
either ship drift data or satellite-tracked drifters.
Currents can be estimated from long-term historical
measurements of temperature, salinity, depth, and
sea level pressure.
Marine debris is one of the most smaller fragments, and different types
pervasive pollution problems affecting of materials can degrade at varying “...attempting to simulate
the world’s oceans and waterways. rates. ocean circulation... is much
Debris makes its way into the marine Numerical models can be utilized
environment by way of numerous to simulate the movement of debris more complex since it must
land-based and at-sea sources. Besides for a number of different purposes.
the negative visual and aesthetic Models can be used to interpolate or take into account a large
impacts of marine debris, there can be interpret sparse data in a consistent number of effects...”
a number of other detrimental effects way. Due to the relative immensity
in terms of potential harm to marine of the ocean, observations of marine
life by ingestion or entanglement debris or other floating/drifting
(NOAA MDP, 2014a, 2014b), hazards objects, and direct measurements an observer standing on a rock in
to navigation (Johnson, 2001), acting of ocean surface currents that move the middle of the river describes the
as a pathway or vehicle for invasive them, are relatively sparse. Models current velocity at that particular
species (Ruiz, Carlton, Grosholz & can be used to “fill in the gaps” where point (Eulerian perspective), while
Hines, 1997; USEPA 2012), or posing few observations are available. We a boater being carried along by the
a chemical hazard due to the sorption can also use models to evaluate “what current experiences the flow from
of organic contaminants to plastic if ” scenarios by varying conditions a Lagrangian viewpoint. In the
debris (Van et al. 2011; Rochman, or parameters one at a time and context of marine debris modeling,
Hoh, Hentschel & Kaye, 2013). Some observing the outcome. It may be current velocities are obtained, by
types of debris may sink to the bottom of interest, for example, to vary the various methods, for points or nodes
or be washed up on beaches and amount of windage of simulated on a discrete (Eulerian) grid over a
shorelines, but a large proportion debris items to estimate its effect on series of time steps. The resulting
can remain suspended in the water travel time. Furthermore, models can current velocities may then be
column or floating at the surface for make predictions, either forecasting used to calculate the trajectory of
days or years and can be transported the likely state of the system at some an object over time, in a technique
over great distances. time in the future, or simulating sometimes referred to as Lagrangian
Modeling the transport and the current state based on past particle tracking. The location of
fate of marine debris must take observations. We often know either a particle at the end of each time
into account winds, ocean surface where debris originates (a spill or step becomes the start point for the
currents, and other factors including natural disaster) or where it ends next time step, and the process is
the type of debris. Lightweight, up (beached debris). Models can repeated. Most of the particle tracking
buoyant materials such as some be applied to forecast the probable models presented in this paper
plastics tend to float high in the trajectories of debris of known origin, use Lagrangian particle tracking
water so that they are pushed along or to identify potential sources of techniques (i.e., describing the
partially by winds as well as surface debris by predicting the likely paths trajectories of individual particles).
currents. Such materials are referred taken to reach a known destination. However, some techniques use an
to as having high “windage.” Other, The equations governing motion Eulerian approach, which describes
heavier buoyant materials such as in the ocean are continuous. Solving the concentration of passive tracers
wooden construction debris float them on a computer, however, at every (Eulerian) grid point at each
just below the surface (low windage) requires discretizing, selecting time step. Both of these particle
and so are influenced primarily by distinct points from the range. This tracking techniques are relatively
surface currents. Still other types creates a system of distinct grid straightforward, in the sense that
of debris, such as derelict fishing points on which to solve them. the equations describing transport
gear, may be suspended lower in Modeling of marine debris transport of an object (or concentration of
the water column and drift mainly by ocean currents is often carried tracers) depend only on current
with subsurface currents. Since out within an Eulerian-Lagrangian* velocity at each time step (although
subsurface currents generally move framework, which is related to the some models also incorporate terms
at a much slower speed than surface frame of reference of an observer. for other factors such as windage,
currents, the vertical position of The Eulerian perspective describes diffusion, or vertical mixing). In
debris in the water column influences the current velocity (speed and contrast, attempting to simulate
how fast it gets transported from a direction) at a fixed point (or points) ocean circulation, whether focused
point of origin (source) to its final over time, while the Lagrangian only on currents in the surface layer
destination (receptor). Additionally, approach follows the trajectory, or or circulation throughout the water
the characteristics of debris items path, of a debris “particle” being column, is much more complex since
can change over time; encrusting carried along by currents over time. it must take into account a large
organisms can affect the buoyancy of These two points of view can be number of effects, some of which are
objects, large items can be broken into visualized by imagining river flow: described below.
(so-called ‘eddy-resolving’ models), Types and Sources of Data pressure, surface winds, and other
or model circulation regionally within measurements.
an ocean basin, sea, or gulf and over a With the advent of satellite remote
Numerical ocean models require sensing, many of these quantities
shorter time period. input of measured data for model can be measured directly on a global
setup, initialization, and validation. scale and made available in near-
Different kinds of models require real time. Sea surface height can be
various types of information, and measured using altimetry, which
the methods for acquiring the data involves sending a microwave pulse
“Different kinds of models
have evolved with the development of to the ocean’s surface and recording
require various types
new technologies. Current velocities the time it takes to return. Altimetry
can be measured directly using measurements from NASA satellites,
of information, and the
(Lagrangian) drifters, or measured such as Topex/Poseidon*, Jason-1/2*,
at fixed (Eulerian) locations using and the European Space Agency
methods for acquiring the
moored current meters. Currents can (ESA) ERS-1/2*, make it possible to
data have evolved with
also be calculated from measurements measure sea surface height to within
of the physical factors that drive them. a few centimeters. Satellites such
the development of new
For example, long-term geostrophic as NASA’s Quikscat/Seawinds* and
currents can be obtained by calculating ESA’s ERS-1/2 can also measure ocean
technologies. “
variations in sea surface height (and near-surface wind speed and direction
resulting pressure gradients) from in using a microwave radar sensor called
situ measurements of temperature a scatterometer. Such measurements of
and salinity with depth. Such sea surface height and winds are made
measurements have been compiled available online. Global surface current
in the Levitus (1982) Climatological products calculated directly from
Atlas of the World Ocean, which satellite altimetry and ocean vector
provided monthly global temperature winds are also provided, for example,
and salinity climatologies with a by OSCAR* (Ocean Surface Current
spatial resolution of 1x1 degree at 19 Analysis – Real Time), which provides
depth levels (surface – 1000m). The long-term, monthly, or 5-day mean
Levitus Atlas has been updated as surface currents from 1992 to the
the World Ocean Atlas, and the most present on a 1° grid (OSCAR, 2014). A
recent version provides higher vertical similar global surface current product
resolution for all variables, with 102 is provided by Mercator/SURCOUF
vertical levels from the surface to (Larnicol et al., 2006) and AVISO*
5500m depth (WOA, 2013). Other (Sudre & Morrow 2008).
products, such as the International
Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere
Data Set (ICOADS), provide
observations and monthly summaries
of sea surface temperature, sea level
driver of floating particles. Their Pacific gyre/accumulation zone and the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth
simulation results were in agreement pushed towards the west coast of Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
with both measured and modeled North America or the windward to reproduce the dynamic state of
descriptions of concentrations of shores of the Hawaiian Islands. the seasonal to interannual time
floating debris, showing areas of However, the bulk of the material scale global climate and to create
accumulation associated with the would eventually accumulate in areas a comprehensive reanalysis and
five major ocean-wide gyres (North of subtropical convergence associated forecast dataset of ocean currents
Atlantic, South Atlantic, North Pacific, with the North Pacific Subtropical and and ocean surface winds (MOEJ
South Pacific, and Indian Ocean). Subpolar gyres, adding significantly to 2014). Additionally, particle diffusion
In contrast to models starting from the total mass of debris contained in simulations were carried out using
initial uniform distribution of floating the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch”. a particle random-walk model, the
objects (for example, Maximenko et The Government of Japan and SEA-GEARN, developed at the Japan
al. (2012), described in the previous Kyoto University researchers have Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). The
section), Lebreton et al. (2012) conducted simulations of JTMD SEA-GEARN uses ocean current data
evaluated scenarios of debris input drift and transport using the Japan calculated by an OGCM as input
determined by the relative proportion Meteorological Research Institute variables. Wind drift current and
of impervious watershed area, coastal (MRI) Multivariate Ocean Variational leeway, with parameters determined
population density, or global shipping Estimation system (MOVE; Usui et for various kinds of debris by the Japan
routes to produce more realistic al., 2006). The OGCM used in the Coast Guard, also were incorporated
estimates of the relative concentrations MOVE system is the eddy-resolving into the experiments (MOEJ 2014).
of debris in accumulation zones. (1/10°) Meteorological Research Model predictions were validated
Lebreton and Borrero (2013) used a Institute Community Ocean Model against information on sightings of
similar modeling approach to simulate (MRI COM; Tsujino et al., 2010). Data debris reported by ships, as well as
dispersion and transport of JTMD. assimilation and forecast experiments high-resolution image analysis based
Their results suggested that some were performed by using the coupled on synthetic aperture radar (SAR)
isolated debris items would be shed atmosphere-ocean 4D-VAR data satellite observations.
from the clockwise-rotating North assimilation system developed by
State of the Science with dense concentrations in the satellite altimetry, scatterometry, and
area of the North Pacific Subtropical gravity measurements to calculate
High (Eastern Garbage Patch, Figure surface current velocities, but with
Although knowledge of large-scale 3). Additional simulations revealed
ocean surface currents has existed model parameters tuned to reproduce
similar convergence features in velocities derived from trajectories of
since the Age of Sail in the 16th to mid-latitude regions of other ocean
19th centuries, the increased accuracy standard drifters drogued at 15 meters
basins. Currents derived from satellite depth (Maximenko & Hafner, 2010).
and availability of oceanographic altimetry and scatterometry were also
measurements in recent decades has The approaches for modeling
used to drive a PTM in simulations of surface currents based on long-term
helped to refine and improve surface debris drift and accumulation in the
current models. average conditions provide a means
South Pacific Ocean (Martinez et al., of predicting the likely paths of
Modeling simulations using a 2009). The simulations were initiated
Lagrangian PTM driven by currents marine debris, with the models often
with virtual particles homogeneously tuned, calibrated, or adjusted using
derived from ship drift data (Wakata distributed on a 1/3° grid, and also
& Sugimori, 1990) suggested regions information on reported sighting
with targeted releases from South locations. These models are not able
of the world’s oceans (5° x 5° global America, Australia, New Zealand,
grid) where surface currents would to represent small-scale oceanic
and South Pacific Island nations. The processes, such as mesoscale eddies,
result in areas of debris accumulation. results suggested that debris would be
Subsequent studies using in situ nor do they model coastal processes,
transported and concentrated in the such as tides, freshwater inputs, and
measurements of temperature, salinity, eastern portion of the South Pacific
and depth to calculate geostrophic estuarine circulation. Hence, such
Subtropical Gyre. Windage of drifting models are not accurate in nearshore
currents and surface winds to derive objects was not considered in either
Ekman currents together with a PTM areas or in areas where mesoscale
study. turbulence might be expected to have
also suggested zones of accumulation,
focusing on the North Pacific a large or frequent impact on overall
Ocean basin at a spatial resolution “The availability of global patterns of water movement (Walter,
of approximately 1° x 1° (Ingraham satellite measurements Scandol, & Healey, 1997). The value
& Miyahara, 1988; Kubota, 1994). of these models is in their ability to
These latter studies initially did represented a significant forecast or predict the transport of
not incorporate an adjustment for debris resulting from long-term mean
windage of drifting objects, although advance in our ability to circulation patterns.
later applications of the OSCURS model ocean surface currents In contrast to forecast models
model (Ebbesmeyer & Ingraham, based on long-term mean currents,
1994, 2012; Ebbesmeyer et al., 2007) and floating debris with OGCMs are regularly updated with
added a windage factor, used to tune satellite-derived surface measurements
model parameters so that simulations greater accuracy. “ of SSH, SST, and winds, as well as in
matched closely the known trajectories situ vertical profile measurements of
of debris items. Simulated release Besides the Lagrangian particle- temperature, salinity, and depth, and
locations of virtual drifters were tracking approaches described above, simulate three-dimensional dynamics.
uniformly distributed over the which describe the trajectories of OGCMs simulate the state of the ocean
model grid (Wakata & Sugimori, virtual particles, statistical models at a particular instant in time, based
1990; Kubota, 1994), targeted on have also been developed to describe on the most recent (near real-time)
known debris spill locations (e.g., the evolution of tracer density over measurements. Hence, in most of
Ebbesmeyer & Ingraham, 1994), or an Eulerian grid. One such statistical the examples presented in this paper,
evenly spaced along a specific length model of drifter spread (Maximenko et OGCMs have been used in hindcasting
of coastline (e.g., area of the Japanese al., 2012) used satellite-tracked drifter applications, although statistical
coast impacted by the 2011 tsunami; trajectories to calculate the probability methods can be used to produce
Ebbesmeyer & Ingraham, 2012). of a drifter to move between bins of forecasts, as pointed out previously.
Using altimetry data to calculate size ½° x ½° over a time step of 5 days Besides their capacity to model the
geostrophic currents and scatterometry for 10 years, starting from a condition ocean in three dimensions, another
to derive wind-driven Ekman currents, of uniform tracer distribution. advantage of OGCMs is their ability
PTM simulations were initialized with Rather than following individual to resolve finer-scale (mesoscale)
virtual particles distributed uniformly trajectories of many simulated drifters processes, with some regional models
on each 1° x 1° grid in the North over time, these kinds of statistical capable of 1/25° to 1/36° horizontal
Pacific Ocean (Kubota et al., 2005). models describe the distribution and resolution and 20 to 30 vertical layers.
The simulations resulted in areas of density of tracers throughout the Several different OGCMs have
accumulation corresponding roughly grid domain at each time step. The been used as sources of information
to the North Pacific Subtropical Surface CUrrents from Diagnostic on surface currents to drive PTMs,
Convergence Zone (see Figure 3), model (SCUD model) combines depending on the specific application.
Key Outputs
Increased accuracy and availability of oceanographic wind and current measurements has provided opportunity
for significant and relatively rapid improvement in modeling.
Improved understanding and quantification of windage has improved application of wind data to better esti
mate the speed and direction of debris movement, and its eventual fate.
For long term forward-looking estimates, modeling methods that use statistical long term averages of forcing
(currents & winds) or drifter data can give a good picture of debris movement based on those averages. How
ever, they cannot anticipate fine scale temporal or spatial variations in forcing (e.g. to estimate the weather for
some time in the future, looking at an almanac can tell you the general trends for a given location and timeframe,
but not a specific forecast for a given day in the future).
For short-term trajectories, modeling approaches that use detailed forecasts of currents & winds (forcing) can
provide fine scale temporal and spatial projections of debris movement, but are limited by the availability and
duration of those forecasts, typically only 72 hours into the future as of this writing.
Additional research & data on the behavior and life cycles of debris over time will improve modeling. The effects
of bio-fouling and degradation and the resulting change in the behavior of an object over time can have a signifi
cant impact on the object’s fate and movement.
Improved communications and information sharing between the modeling community and those collecting real-
world observations of debris concentrations and behavior have the potential to help validate and even improve
modeling processes, products and accuracy.
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Coriolis effect - Apparent force that must be included if Newton’s laws of motion are to be used in a rotating system.
First described by Gustave Gaspard Coriolis (1792–1843) in 1835, the force acts to the right of the direction of body
motion for counterclockwise rotation and to the left for clockwise rotation. On Earth, an object that moves along a
north-south path, or longitudinal line, will be apparently deflected to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to
the left in the Southern Hemisphere. The deflection is related to the motion of the object, the motion of the Earth, and
Ekman flow - The Ekman spiral, named after Swedish scientist Vagn Walfrid Ekman (1874-1954) who first theorized it
in 1902, is a consequence of the Coriolis effect. When surface water molecules move by the force of the wind, they drag
deeper layers of water molecules with them. Each layer of water molecules is moved by friction from the shallower layer,
and each deeper layer moves more slowly than the layer above it, until the movement ceases at a depth of about 100
meters (330 feet). Like the surface water, however, the deeper water is deflected by the Coriolis effect—to the right in the
Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. As a result, each successively deeper layer of water
moves more slowly to the right or left, creating a spiral effect. Because the deeper layers of water move more slowly than
the shallower layers, they tend to “twist around” and flow opposite to the surface current.
Eulerian-Lagrangian - In fluid dynamics the Eulerian-Lagrangian specification of the flow field is a way of looking at
fluid (or particle) motion. In the Eulerian framework, velocities of the flow are given at fixed points in space as time
varies (this can be visualized as measuring the flow of a river from a fixed location on the riverbank). In the Lagrangian
framework, the observer follows an individual fluid parcel as it moves through space and time (this can be visualized as
sitting in a boat and drifting down a river).
Geostrophic flow - The horizontal movement of surface water arising from a balance between the pressure gradient
force and the Coriolis force.
GNOME - General NOAA Operational Modeling Environment. GNOME is an interactive environmental simulation
system designed for the rapid modeling of pollutant/particle trajectories in the marine environment.
Gyre - Component of a large system of circular ocean currents formed by global wind patterns and forces created by
Earth’s rotation. There are five major ocean gyres: North Atlantic, South Atlantic, Indian, North Pacific, and South
Hindcast - A way of testing a mathematical model. Known or closely estimated inputs for past events are entered into
the model to see how well the output matches the known results.
HYCOM - HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model. An eddy-resolving numerical Ocean General Circulation Model
Jason-1/2 – NASA’s altimetry satellites, used to measure sea surface height. Jason-1 and Jason-2 are the successors to
OSCAR - Ocean Surface Current Analysis - Real time. A collaborative project to derive ocean surface currents from
satellite altimeter and scatterometer data.
QuikSCAT/SeaWinds - NASA’s Quick Scatterometer satellite. The SeaWinds instrument on the QuikSCAT satellite is a
specialized microwave radar that measures near-surface wind speed and direction under all weather and cloud conditions
over Earth’s oceans.
SCUD - Surface CUrrents from Diagnostic model. A simple diagnostic model that utilizes AVISO satellite altimetry to
determine geostrophic current component, and QuikSCAT ocean surface wind data to calculate the wind-driven Ekman
Stokes drift - The average velocity of a particle floating at the ocean surface, caused by wave motion. A particle on the
surface experiences a net Stokes drift velocity in the direction of wave propagation.
TOPEX/POSEIDON - A joint satellite altimetry mission between NASA, the U.S. space agency, and CNES, the French
space agency, to measure sea surface height (i.e., map the ocean surface topography).