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Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) : B.Sc. I Botany Unit - I Lecture - 3

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I Botany Unit –I lecture - 3

Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV)
Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) is a single stranded RNA virus that infects plants,
especially tobacco and other members of the family Solanaceae. It can infect well over
350 different species of plants. The infection causes characteristic patterns, such as
"mosaic"-like mottling and discoloration on the leaves (hence the name). TMV was the
first virus to ever be discovered.
W. M. Stanley in 1935 who also showed that TMV remains active even after
crystallization. For his work, he was awarded 1/3 of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in
Structure: TMV is made up of a piece of nucleic acid (ribonucleic acid; RNA) and a
surrounding protein coat. The complete virus is a submicroscopic, rigid, rod-shaped
particle. Once inside the plant cell, the protein coat falls away and nucleic acid portion
directs the plant cell to produce more virus nucleic acid and virus protein, disrupting the
normal activity of the cell. Its capsid is made from 2130 molecules of coat protein and
one molecule of genomic single strand RNA 6400 bases long. The protein monomer
consists of 158 amino acids which are assembled into four main alpha-helices, which
are joined by a prominent loop proximal to the axis of the virion. Virions are ~300 nm in
length and ~18 nm in diameter. There are three RNA nucleotides per protein monomer.
TMV can multiply only inside a living cell but it can survive in a dormant state in dead
tissue, retaining its ability to infect growing plants for years after the infected plant part

Mechanical Transmission: The mostly TMV spreads from plant to plant through workers'
hands, clothing or on tools. Vegetative propagation of infected plant carries TMV and
other virus diseases. The virus particles are found in all parts of the plant except the few
cells at the tips of the growing points. Infected stock plants should be discarded
Symptoms vary with the species of plant infected and the environmental conditions. In
some cases environmental conditions bring out symptoms while other conditions mask or
hide symptoms. Symptoms associated with TMV infections:

• stunting

• mosaic pattern of light and dark green (or yellow and green) on the leaves

• malformation of leaves or growing points

• yellow streaking of leaves (especially monocots)

• yellow spotting on leaves

• distinct yellowing only of veins

Some of the above symptoms can also be caused by high temperature, insect feeding,
growth regulators, herbicides, mineral deficiencies, and mineral excesses. TMV diseases
cannot be diagnosed on the basis of symptoms alone.


Schematic model of TMV: 1. nucleic acid (RNA), 2. capsomer (protomer), 3. capsid

Tobacco mosaic virus has a rod-like appearance. Its capsid is made from 2130 molecules
of coat protein (see image to the left) and one molecule of genomic single strand RNA
6400 bases long. The coat protein self-assembles into the rod like helical structure (16.3
proteins per helix turn) around the RNA which forms a hairpin loop structure (see the
electron micrograph above). The protein monomer consists of 158 amino acids which are
assembled into four main alpha-helices, which are joined by a prominent loop proximal to
the axis of the virion. Virions are ~300 nm in length and ~18 nm in diameter. Negatively
stained electron microphotographs show a distinct inner channel of ~4 nm. The RNA is

located at a radius of ~6 nm and is protected from the action of cellular enzymes by the
coat protein. There are three RNA nucleotides per protein monomer.[13] X-ray fiber
diffraction structure of the intact virus was studied based on an electron density map at
3.6 Å resolution.

Physicochemical properties
TMV is a thermostable virus. On a dried leaf, it can withstand up to 120 degrees
Fahrenheit (50 °C) for 30 minutes. TMV has an index of refraction of about 1.57.

Multiplication and Infection

The replication of virus RNA is an essential part of the TMV reproduction or
multiplication. Most of the plants contain RNA dependent RNA Polymerases which helps
in replication of viral RNA. Four TMV – specific proteins are known to be made. TMV
viral RNA directly serve as mRNA in the production of messenger in complex. After the
coat protein and RNA genome have been synthesized they automatically assemble into
complete TMV virion. The protomere come together to form disks composed of two
layers of protomere arranged in a helical spiral. After its multiplication, it enters the
neighboring cells through plasmodesmata. For its smooth entry, TMV produces a 30 kDa
movement protein called P30 which enlarge the plasmodesmata. TMV most likely moves
from cell-to-cell as a complex of the RNA, P30, and replicase proteins.
It can also spread through phloem for longer distance movement within the plant.
Moreover, TMV can be transmitted from one plant to another by direct contact. Although
TMV does not have defined transmission vectors, the virus can be easily transmitted from
the infected hosts to the healthy plants, by human handling.

Tobacco mosaic virus symptoms on tobacco

Tobacco mosaic virus symptoms on orchid

Consumption of tobacco products infected with the tobacco mosaic virus has not been
found to have any effect on humans.

Treatment and Managing TMV

No chemicals can cure a virus-infected plant.

• Purchase virus-free plants.

• Remove all weeds since these may harbor TMV.

• Remove all crop debris from benches and the greenhouse structure.

• Set aside plants with the above symptoms and obtain a diagnosis.

• Discard infected plants.

• Disinfest tools by placing them in disinfectant for at least 10 min. Rinse

thoroughly with tap water. Disinfest door handles and other greenhouse structures
that may have become contaminated by wiping thoroughly with one of these

• Propagate plants via seed rather than vegetative propagation.

• Thoroughly wash hands after handling tobacco products or TMV-infected plants.

• Do not keep tobacco products in the pockets of clothing worn into the greenhouse.

Launder greenhouse work clothes regularly.

Investigational uses
TMV has ability to incorporate metal coatings (nickel and cobalt) into its shell due this
property TMV can be incorporated into battery electrodes. Addition of TMV to a battery
electrode increases the battery's capacity by up to six times compared to a normal

Dr A K Dixit

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