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Nagel Et Al-2009-Pediatric Allergy and Immunology

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Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2009: 20: 81–88  2008 The Authors

DOI: 10.1111/j.1399-3038.2008.00740.x Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Munksgaard



Associations of adipokines with asthma,

rhinoconjunctivitis, and eczema in German
Nagel G, Koenig W, Rapp K, Wabitsch M, Zoellner I, Weiland SK. Gabriele Nagel1, Wolfgang Koenig2,
Associations of adipokines with asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis, and eczema Kilian Rapp1, Martin Wabitsch3, Iris
in German schoolchildren. Zoellner4 and Stephan K. Weiland1 
Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2009: 20: 81–88. Institute of Epidemiology, Ulm University, Ulm,
 2008 The Authors Department of Internal Medicine II–Cardiology, Ulm
Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Munksgaard University Medical Center, Ulm, 3Division of
Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes, Department
of Paediatrics, Ulm University Medical Center, Ulm,
There is growing evidence for an association between obesity and 4
Department of Epidemiology and Health Reporting
asthma, but little is known about the underlying mechanisms. We Baden-Wrttemberg, State Health Office, Stuttgart,
hypothesized that high plasma leptin and low plasma adiponectin Germany
concentrations might be related to asthma and allergies in children.
Plasma leptin and adiponectin concentrations were measured in a cross-
sectional study involving 462 children aged 10 years. Information on
disease symptoms and diagnosis was collected by parental questioning.
Multivariate linear and logistic regression models were used to assess
Key words: leptin; adiponectin; asthma; allergies;
the association between biomarkers and disease. High leptin levels were epidemiology
associated with increased lifetime prevalence of asthma [odds ratio
(OR): 3.76; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.42–9.92]. The relationship Dr Gabriele Nagel, Institute of Epidemiology, Ulm
was particularly strong for non-atopic asthma (OR: 5.51; 95% CI: 1.99– University, Helmholtzstr.22, 89081 Ulm, Germany
17.51). No associations were observed between plasma leptin levels and Tel.: +49-731 50 31073
hay fever, and rhinoconjunctivitis. Low adiponectin levels were asso- Fax: +49 731 50 31069
ciated with increased prevalence of both symptoms of atopic dermatitis E-mail: gabriele.nagel@uni-ulm.de
(OR: 3.23; 95% CI: 1.28–7.76) and ever-diagnosed eczema (OR: 2.35;
95% CI: 1.13–4.89). In girls and non-atopic children, stronger associ-  Stephan K. Weiland, head of the Institute of
Epidemiology, Ulm University, died suddenly and
ations for both leptin and adiponectin levels with asthma than in boys
unexpectedly on March 19, 2007. In our memories, he
and atopic children were observed. These results suggest that adipokines will live on as a friendly and always helpful person
may contribute to increased asthma and allergy risk in obese subjects. and as a great scientist.
Stronger associations among girls with non-atopic asthma may indicate
diverse pathological mechanisms. Accepted 13 February 2008

Secular trends of increased obesity and asthma by regulating food intake and basal metabolism
prevalence in both adults and children during the (7). Because of the expression of leptin receptors in
past decades have led to a debate about potential the lung (8), leptin is thought to be associated with
links between both conditions. There is growing inflammation and T-cell function in asthma (9).
evidence of an association between obesity and In animal models, leptin deficiency was associ-
asthma, which tends to be stronger in women ated with increased susceptibility to endotoxin
than in men (1, 2). Various mechanisms, i.e. and decreased induction of anti-inflammatory
mechanical, immunological, hormonal, and cytokines (10). High leptin levels were associated
genetic, have been proposed to explain this with higher prevalence of asthma in children (9)
association (3–5). Adipose tissue secretes bioac- and in adults (11). However, no association was
tive peptides such as leptin and adiponectin, found between leptin levels in cord blood and
which are collectively named ÔadipokinesÕ. wheeze during the first 2 yr in children (12).
Leptin is mainly produced by the adipose tissue Adiponectin is also synthesized by adipocytes
and corresponds with body mass index (BMI) (6) and plays a role in the regulation of insulin
Nagel et al.

sensitivity (13, 14). In contrast to leptin, adipo- following places: the folds of the elbows, behind
nectin is inversely associated with obesity in the knees, in front of the ankles, under the
children (15, 16). In mice, high adiponectin buttocks, or around the neck, ears or eyes?Õ In
concentrations attenuated allergic airway inflam- addition, data on the lifetime prevalence of
mation and hyper-responsiveness (17), suggesting asthma, eczema, and hay fever were collected.
that low levels of adiponectin may be associated Symptoms of rhinoconjunctivitis were used as a
with asthma symptoms. Recently, a relationship proxy for atopy (20).
between adiponectin concentrations in cord
blood and wheeze in children during the first
2 yr of life has been reported (12). The aim of this
study was to explore the relationship between The children were invited to a physical examina-
high plasma leptin concentrations and low tion, including the measurement of height and
adiponectin concentrations in 10-yr-old school- weight in a standardized manner. Body mass
children with respiratory and allergy symptoms. index (BMI) was calculated from weight (kg)/
height2 (m). The question: ÔDoes a smoker live in
your home?Õ was used to examine environmental
Materials and methods tobacco smoke exposure (yes, no). Information
on family history of atopy was collected asking,
Study population
whether one of the family members had/has an
A cross-sectional study was carried out as part of atopic disease.
a surveillance program of chronic conditions in
children, which included asthma and allergies.
Laboratory methods
The study was coordinated by the Baden-Würt-
temberg State Health Office and approved by the Non-fasting ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
local ethics committee (18). From October 2004 (EDTA)-added blood samples were drawn from
to March 2005, 557 grade 4 schoolchildren (47% 462 children. After centrifugation, the samples
boys, 53% girls) were enrolled after written were aliquoted and stored at )80C until anal-
informed consent had been obtained from their ysis. All laboratory analyses were performed at
parents, in three cities (Kehl, Mannheim, Stutt- the Department of Internal Medicine II-Cardi-
gart) and rural areas (Aulendorf, Calw, Hohen- ology, Ulm University Medical Center.
lohe) in south-west Germany. We investigated Leptin (pg/ml) was measured by enzyme-
the associations of adipokines with asthma, linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in
rhinoconjuctivitis, and eczema using the blood EDTA-added plasma samples (R&D Systems,
samples of 462 children (83%). Wiesbaden, Germany). The lower detection limit
of leptin in this assay was approximately
0.078 ng/ml. The inter-assay coefficient of varia-
Outcome variables
tion (CV) was 3.86%. Plasma levels of adipo-
Parental questioning by means of a standardized nectin (lg/ml) were also determined by a
questionnaire based on the International Study commercial ELISA (R&D Systems). The lower
on Allergies and Asthma (ISAAC) was per- detection limit was 0.246 ng/ml and the inter-
formed (19). Information on asthma, respiratory assay CV was 5.75%.
symptoms, allergy symptoms, and lifestyle vari- For plasma leptin and adiponectin concentra-
ables was collected. tions, no accepted cut-off points were available
The analyses focused on the prevalence of to define obesity in children. We therefore chose
asthma or allergies during lifetime and the as cut-off points, values above the 90th percentile
previous year. The relevant questions were: for leptin and values below the 10th percentile
ÔHas your child had wheezing or whistling in for adiponectin from the distribution of our
the chest in the past 12 months?Õ For rhinocon- data.
junctivitis, the following questions were exam- As plasma leptin concentrations differed
ined: ÔHas your child had a problem with significantly by sex, values above the sex-
sneezing or running or a blocked nose?Õ and ÔIn specific 90th percentiles were considered high
the past 12 months has this nose problem been (cut-off: boys ‡13,918 pg/ml, girls ‡20,292 pg/
accompanied by itchy watery eyes?Õ For atopic ml) and compared with lower plasma leptin
dermatitis the following questions were relevant: levels. For adiponectin, the 10th percentile was
ÔHas your child ever had an itchy rash, which was chosen as the cut-off point ( £ 4.97 lg/ml) and
coming and going for at least six months?Õ ÔHas compared with higher plasma adiponectin
the itchy rash at any time affected any of the concentrations.
Adipokines, asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis, and eczema

Statistical analysis

16.5 (12.9–24.1)

9.9 (8.3–12.0)
Eczema ever 

8.2 (1.1–21.0)
Median and percentile values were calculated

using the SAS procedure univariate. We used


Mann–Whitney U-test for continuous variables


(SAS procedure npar1way) and chi-squared test
for proportions. SpearmanÕs correlation coeffi-

17.7 (12.9–31.3)
Atopic dermatitis 
cients were used to evaluate the association

10.0 (9.1–12.0)

8.1 (1.1–18.5)
between continuous variables. Logistic regression

was used to calculate multivariate odds ratios


(OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the


presence of respiratory symptoms and allergies.
Models were adjusted for sex, environmental

(299.0– 59611.00)
tobacco smoke (yes, no), family history of atopy

17.1 (14.0–24.6)
Hay fever ever 

9.9 (8.7–11.9)
(yes, no) and also for BMI (kg/m2). Analyses

8.2 (1.4–21.0)
were performed separately by gender. Models

with continuous values of the log-transformed



exposure variables (leptin, adiponectin) were
calculated in order to examine the consistency
of the data. Interactions were tested using the

17.6 (13.7–21.8)

(116.0– 20662.0)
9.8 (9.2–10.2)

11.8 (5.9–18.7)
Atopic asthma 
Wald test. All provided p-values are two-sided.

The statistical software package SAS release 9.1

(SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA) was used.




17.5 (12.9–25.4)

(116.0– 27315.0)
9.8 (9.1–11.9)

9.5 (4.0–18.7)
Selected characteristics of the study sample

3853. 0
according to asthma and atopy are shown in

Table 1. Among 462 randomly selected 10-yr-old

àAmong 30 children with asthma during lifetime, 11 (37%) children had experienced wheeze during the past year.

schoolchildren, 30 (6.7%) suffered from wheeze
during the past year and 30 (6.7%) children
experienced asthma during their lifetime.
4717.0 (116–59611.0)

Regarding atopy, 41 (9.0%) children experienced

18.6 (13.7–27.4)
Asthma ever à

10.0 (9.2–12.0)

7.3 (2.6–21.0)

rhinoconjunctivitis during the past year, while


52 (11.8%) children ever had hay fever.

Compared with the entire group, median age


 Numbers in each variable do not add up to total study sample due to missing data.
and BMI did not differ statistically significantly 8.7
in children with wheeze during the past year,
Table 1. Sample characteristics of 462 schoolchildren by asthma and allergies

rhinoconjunctivitis, and atopic dermatitis. Pre-

Wheeze past year 

17.0 (12.9–25.7)

(116.0– 31155.0)
9.9 (9.2–11.5)

0.8 (2.6–23.0)

valence of wheeze during the past year was low

among girls. Family history of atopy was signif-

icantly associated with all outcomes, except





wheeze during the past year and hay fever. There

was a strong positive correlation for plasma
leptin concentrations with BMI (r = 0.81,
(74.1– 66596.0)
17.1 (12.9–31.3)
10.0 (8.3–12.6)

9.3 (1.1–25.0)

p < 0.001), but no correlation was found with


plasma adiponectin concentrations (r = )0.01,


p = 0.85). Adiponectin, however, was negatively




correlated with BMI (r = )0.11, p = 0.02)

*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.

(data not shown).

Leptin levels ‡90th percentile
Adiponectin levels £ 10th

The associations of plasma leptin levels with

Continuous, median (range)

Family history of atopy

Environmental tobacco

asthma and allergies are shown in Table 2. High

Adiponectin (lg/ml)

plasma leptin levels were associated with an

increased prevalence of asthma (OR: 3.76; 95%
Leptin (pg/ml)

Categorical, %
BMI (kg/m2)
Age (years)

smoke (ETS)

CI: 1.42–9.92). The association of high leptin


levels was stronger with non-atopic asthma (OR:

Total (n)


5.51; 95% CI: 1.99–17.51) than with atopic


Nagel et al.

Table 2. Associations between plasma leptin (pg/ml) levels and asthma and allergies (OR with 95% CI for logistic and b-coefficient and p-value for linear regression

Multivariate§ Continuous values§–
<90th percentile ‡90th percentile ‡90th percentile log leptin

n/N  OR OR 95% CI OR 95% CI b-coefficient p-value

Wheeze past year 30/429 1 1.97 0.69–5.58 2.40 0.74–7.83 )0.01 0.93
Asthma ever 28/427 1 3.76 1.42–9.92 4.10 1.34–12.51 0.22 0.19
Atopic asthma 10/380 1 1.27 0.15–11.08 1.49 0.14–15.59 )0.03 0.92
Non-atopic asthma 18/388 1 5.51 1.99–17.51 6.42 1.67–24.69 0.40 0.06
Rhinoconjunctivitis 39/438 1 1.12 0.37–3.39 1.18 0.36–3.92 0.06 0.69
Hay fever ever 51/425 1 1.37 0.54–3.49 1.48 0.53–4.17 0.10 0.43
Atopic dermatitis 47/373 1 2.04 0.79–5.27 1.96 0.71–5.45 0.15 0.30
Eczema ever 80/427 1 0.32 0.09–1.07 0.40 0.11–1.43 )0.38 <0.001

 Numbers in each variable do not add up to total study sample due to missing data.
àAdjusted for sex, family history of atopy, environmental smoking.
§Adjusted for sex, family history of atopy, environmental smoking, BMI in tertiles.

Table 3. Associations between plasma adiponectin (lg/ml) levels and asthma and allergies (OR with 95% CI for logistic and b-coefficient and p-value for linear
regression models)

Multivariate§ Continuous values§–
>10th percentile £ 10th percentile £ 10th percentile log adiponectin

n/N  OR OR 95% CI OR 95% CI b-coefficient p-value

Wheeze past year 30/429 1 0.95 0.27–3.23 0.98 0.28–3.44 0.09 0.84
Asthma ever 28/427 1 1.60 0.51–4.99 1.62 0.52–5.09 0.56 0.20
Atopic asthma 10/380 1 – – – – )1.27 0.11
Non-atopic asthma 18/388 1 2.70 0.82–8.88 2.74 0.83–9.09 1.35 <0.01
Rhinoconjunctivitis 39/438 1 0.75 0.22–2.59 0.81 0.23–2.80 )0.33 0.41
Hay fever ever 51/425 1 1.52 0.67–3.68 1.60 0.66–3.89 0.36 0.28
Atopic dermatitis 47/373 1 3.23 1.31–7.96 3.15 1.28–7.76 0.51 0.07
Eczema ever 81/428 1 2.35 1.13–4.89 2.59 1.22–5.51 0.84 0.02

 Numbers in each variable do not add up to total study sample because of missing data.
àAdjusted for sex, family history of atopy, environmental smoking.
§Adjusted for sex, family history of atopy, environmental smoking, BMI in tertiles.

asthma (OR: 1.27; 95% CI: 0.15–11.08). High atopic asthma (b-coefficient = 1.35, p < 0.01)
leptin levels were non-significantly associated but not with atopic asthma (b-coefficient =
with prevalence of wheeze during the past year )1.27, p = 0.11).
(OR: 1.97: 95% CI: 0.69–5.58). No statistically Non-significant associations were found for
significant associations were found between high low adiponectin levels with reduced rhinocon-
leptin levels and lifetime prevalence of eczema junctivitis (OR: 0.75, 95% CI: 0.22–2.59) and
and symptoms of atopic dermatitis. increased hay fever prevalence (OR: 1.52, 95%
Table 3 shows the associations of plasma CI: 0.67–3.68), while low adiponectin levels were
adiponectin levels with asthma and allergies. associated with increased prevalences of both
The prevalence of asthma was statistically non- eczema (OR: 2.35, 95% CI: 1.13–4.89) and
significantly increased (OR: 1.60, 95% CI: 0.51– symptoms of atopic dermatitis (OR: 3.23, 95%
4.99) for low adiponectin levels, whereas no CI: 1.31–7.96).
association was found for wheeze during the past Mutual adjustment for plasma leptin and
year (OR: 0.95, 95% CI: 0.27–3.23). In linear adiponectin in the fully adjusted model did not
regression analysis, decreasing plasma adiponec- substantially alter the associations (data not
tin concentrations were associated with non- shown). The introduction of BMI in the models
Adipokines, asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis, and eczema

Table 4. Associations of serum leptin (pg/ml) and adiponectin (lg/ml) with asthma and allergies by sex (OR with 95% CI for logistic and b-coefficient and p-value
for linear regression models)

Leptin Adiponectin

Multivariate  Multivariate 
Continuous Continuous
<90th ‡90th values à <10th <10th values à
percentile percentile log leptin percentile percentile log adiponectin

n/N OR OR 95% CI b-coefficient p-value OR OR 95% CI b-coefficient p-value

Girls (n = 243)*
Wheeze past year 11/231 1 2.01 0.40–10.09 )0.06 0.85 na )0.69 0.36
Asthma ever 10/228 1 13.34 3.18–55.97 0.70 0.04 1 2.87 0.55–14.91 1.75 0.01
Rhinoconjunctivitis 17/234 1 0.51 0.06–4.12 )0.10 0.67 1.48 0.31–7.07 0.09 0.88
Hay fever 22/240 1 0.48 0.06–3.77 )0.24 0.24 1 4.05 1.27–12.86 0.98 0.05
Atopic dermatitis 30/206 1 1.51 0.44–5.19 0.18 0.32 1 3.35 0.98–11.42 0.74 0.11
Eczema ever 44/230 1 0.62 0.17–2.27 )0.12 0.45 1 2.93 1.03–8.31 0.66 0.10
Boys (n = 215)*
Wheeze past year 19/198 1 2.10 0.53–8.42 0.03 0.90 1 1.70 0.43–6.70 0.52 0.33
Asthma ever 18/199 1 1.30 0.26–6.50 0.02 0.91 1 1.12 0.23–5.48 )0.19 0.74
1 na
Rhinoconjunctivitis 22/204 1 1.85 0.48–7.22 0.18 0.36 0.38 0.05–3.00 )0.65 0.22
Hay fever 29/195 1 2.34 0.76–7.22 0.32 0.06 1 0.52 0.11–2.38 )0.15 0.74
Atopic dermatitis 17/184 1 3.55 0.78–16.11 0.10 0.66 1 3.14 0.82–11.97 1.04 0.08
Eczema ever 36/233 1 <0.001 )0.69 <0.01 1 1.81 0.64–5.14 0.35 0.40

 Adjusted for sex, family history of atopy, environmental smoking.


both for leptin and adiponectin levels strength- associated with wheeze during the first 2 yr of life
ened the associations for most outcomes. For (12). The association with asthma was markedly
leptin, in particular, stronger associations were stronger in girls than that in boys. Consistent
found with asthma ever (OR: 4.10, 95% CI: with results from other studies, we found a more
1.67–12.51) and non-atopic asthma (OR: 6.42; pronounced association between high leptin lev-
95% CI: 1.67–24.69). els and asthma in girls (2, 11, 22). However,
In sex-specific analyses (Table 4), stronger between children with asthma and healthy con-
associations between high leptin levels and the trols a larger difference of unadjusted mean
prevalence of asthma in girls (OR: 13.34, 95% plasma leptin levels has been reported in boys
CI: 3.18–55.97) than in boys (OR: 1.30, 95% CI: than in girls (9). Sood et al. found effect modi-
0.26–6.50) were found. In contrast to girls, fication by menopausal status among women in
among boys high leptin levels were associated adjusted analysis, suggesting that sex hormones
with increased prevalence of hay fever and might be involved in the causal pathway (11).
rhinoconjuntivitis. However, none of these asso- A sex hormone-related pattern is also suggested
ciations for leptin were statistically significant. by the association between BMI and asthma
Low adiponectin levels were associated with symptoms, which was stronger in girls with onset
increased prevalence of hay fever in girls (OR: of puberty before the age of 11 yr (2). Testoster-
4.05, 95% CI: 1.27–12.86) but not in boys (OR: one increases leptin secretion, while estrogens
0.52, 95% CI: 0.11–2.38). decrease it (23). Thus, it might be speculated that
sex hormones affect the relationship with respi-
ratory symptoms by affecting the onset of
Discussion puberty and inflammatory markers as seen in
adults (24). In addition, the body fat pattern
Evidence for an association between plasma leptin levels and
per se may influence leptin production (25, 26).
In agreement with previous studies, we found
Evidence for associations of plasma leptin levels with
high plasma leptin levels to be associated with
rhinoconjunctivitis and eczema
increased prevalence of asthma and a trend for
wheeze during the past year (9, 21). However, Concerning allergies, no clear associations were
leptin concentrations in cord blood were not found for high plasma leptin levels. Prevalence of
Nagel et al.

hay fever and atopic dermatitis were somewhat Evidence for an association between plasma adiponectin
increased in children with high leptin levels, while levels and eczema
no association was found for rhinoconjunctivitis. A linear relationship between increasing BMI
Results of experimental studies suggest a protec- and the presence of atopic dermatitis in women
tive effect of high leptin levels against allergies but not in men (32) is consistent with our finding
(27, 28). Early reports have found positive corre- concerning eczema, but not for symptoms of
lations between serum leptin levels and immuno- atopic dermatitis. In our data, median adiponec-
globulin (Ig) E levels, particularly among boys (9, tin levels did not differ substantially between girls
29). Consistent with these reports, we found that (median 9.3 lg/ml) and boys (median 9.4 lg/ml),
plasma leptin concentrations were related to but clearly lower adiponectin levels are seen in
increased prevalences of rhinoconjunctivitis, hay men than in women (13), which can be explained
fever and atopic dermatitis in boys, while inverse by hormonal status in adults (33). As plasma
associations were found in girls. Leptin stimulates adiponectin levels are sex-specifically associated
T-helper 1 (TH1) and inhibits TH2 cytokine with lipid profiles (34), it is possible that the sex-
production in mice (27), suggesting a protective specific eczema patterns are also mediated by
effect against allergies. In animal studies, leptin other metabolic or inflammatory factors.
deficiency enhanced sensitivity to endotoxin-
enhanced reactions (10, 30). These findings are
consistent with our observation of a stronger Study limitations and strengths
association between leptin levels and non-atopic Our study has several limitations that need to be
asthma. Unfortunately, no data on IgE levels or considered. Asthma and the occurrence of dis-
results of skin prick tests are available. Because of ease symptoms were reported by parents and
the cross-sectional design of our study, the may be biased by recall. However, we used a
direction of the observed association among validated ISAAC questionnaire (19). Apart from
non-atopic children remains unclear. questions regarding respiratory symptoms, data
on diagnosis of asthma and eczema were col-
Evidence for associations of plasma adiponectin levels with lected in order to reduce misclassification. Mea-
asthma and rhinoconjunctivitis surement error of the exposure variables seems
unlikely, as in our data the leptin and adiponec-
The relationship between low adiponectin levels tin levels correlate with BMI (35). However,
and increased prevalence of asthma is supported residual confounding because of the exposure to
by the observation that high adiponectin levels infections, dietary factors, and physical activity
attenuate allergen-induced hyper-responsiveness cannot be ruled out. In addition, the nature of
in mice (17), suggesting a link between adipo- the environment (urban–rural) may be a source
nectin and asthma. Further evidence came from a of residual confounding. In our data, however,
study using cord blood, in which high adiponec- further adjustment for study center did not
tin levels were associated with increased risk of substantially change the estimates in the linear
wheeze during the first 2 yr of life (12). Obesity is models. Compared with non-obese persons, pul-
accompanied by decreases in adiponectin con- monary function in obese individuals is charac-
centrations, which may lead to a reduction in the terized by a higher respiratory frequency and
favourable effects of adiponectin such as oval- smaller tidal volume (36). In our study, however,
bumin-induced airway inflammation (17). Our further adjustment for BMI did not appreciably
findings of a stronger association for non-atopic change the association. The use of non-fasting
asthma than for atopic asthma and no clear blood samples may have distorted our results.
relationships with rhinoconjunctivitis and hay However, in our data further adjustment for
fever are consistent with these results of exper- BMI did not substantially affect the associations.
imental studies. Interestingly, low adiponectin The cross-sectional design of our study allows no
levels were associated with an increased preva- conclusions regarding causality. Because of the
lence of rhinoconjunctivitis and hay fever in girls low statistical power of the study and the large
but not in boys. We do not have straightforward number of statistical tests, results have to be
explanations for these observations. However, interpreted with caution, as some may
testosterone levels seem to correlate with lower have occurred by chance alone. The strengths
serum leptin or adiponectin levels in boys, of the present study are its population-based
indicating that other hormonal factors might be approach, the use of a validated questionnaire,
involved (23, 31). Further adjustment for BMI and the measurement of biological markers of
had little effect on the estimates in our data, exposure.
suggesting a different mode of action.
Adipokines, asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis, and eczema

Conclusion 12. Rothenbacher D, Weyermann M, Fantuzzi G,

Brenner H. Adipokines in cord blood and risk of
Our results provide further evidence for an wheezing disorders within the first two years of life. Clin
association between plasma leptin concentrations Exp Allergy 2007: 37: 1143–9.
and increased asthma prevalence. For leptin, in 13. Weyer C, Funahashi T, Tanaka S, et al. Hypoa-
particular, this association was markedly stron- diponectinemia in obesity and type 2 diabetes: close
association with insulin resistance and hyperinsulin-
ger in girls than in boys. To our knowledge, this emia. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2001: 86: 1930–5.
is the first study to explore the relationship 14. Lindsay RS, Funahashi T, Hanson RL, et al. Adipo-
between adiponectin levels and symptoms of nectin and development of type 2 diabetes in the Pima
asthma and allergies. Low adiponectin levels Indian population. Lancet 2002: 360: 57–8.
were modestly associated with increased preva- 15. Asayama K, Hayashibe H, Dobashi K, et al. Decrease
lence of non-atopic asthma in a sex-specific in serum adiponectin level due to obesity and visceral
fat accumulation in children. Obes Res 2003: 11: 1072–
manner. In order to clarify the sex-specific 9.
disease pattern, additional measurements of sex 16. Weiss R, Dziura J, Burgert TS, et al. Obesity and the
hormones may be needed. The particularly metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents. N Engl
strong association between low plasma adipo- J Med 2004: 350: 2362–74.
nectin levels and increased prevalence of atopic 17. Shore SA, Terry RD, Flynt L, Xu A, Hug C.
Adiponectin attenuates allergen-induced airway
dermatitis suggests differential involvement of inflammation and hyperresponsiveness in mice. J Al-
adiponectin in various outcomes. lergy Clin Immunol 2006: 118: 389–95.
18. Zollner IK, Weiland SK, Piechotowski I, et al. No
Acknowledgments increase in the prevalence of asthma, allergies, and
We would like to thank Gerlinde Trischler for her excellent atopic sensitisation among children in Germany: 1992–
technical assistance, Holger Knebel for documentation and 2001. Thorax 2005: 60: 545–8.
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