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Ece Trans Wp15 222a1e

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United Nations ECE/TRANS/WP.15/222/Add.

Economic and Social Council Distr.: General
26 May 2014
Original: English and French

Economic Commission for Europe

Inland Transport Committee
Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods

European Agreement concerning the International Carriage

of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR)

Draft amendments to annexes A and B of ADR

At its ninety-sixth session, the Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods
requested the secretariat to circulate an additional list of amendments for which the entry
into force is scheduled for 1 January 2015 in the form of an addendum to document
ECE/TRANS/WP.15/222, which the Chairperson will transmit to Contracting Parties
through his Government for acceptance in accordance with the procedure set out in
article 14 of ADR (see ECE/TRANS/WP.15/224, paragraph 62).
This document contains the requested additional list of amendments adopted by the
Working Party at its ninety-sixth session.


Chapter 1.1 Add a new paragraph (c) to read as follows:

"(c) Fuel contained in the tanks of non-road mobile machinery1 which is carried as a
load, when it is destined for its propulsion or the operation of any of its equipment. The fuel
may be carried in fixed fuel tanks connected directly to the vehicle engine and/or
equipment and which meet the legal requirements. Where appropriate, this machinery shall
be loaded upright and secured against falling.".
The text of footnote 1 reads as follows:
"1 For the definition of non-road mobile machinery see paragraph 2.7 of the
Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3) (United Nations
document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.3) or Article 2 of Directive 97/68/EC of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 1997 on the approximation of the
laws of the Member States relating to measures against the emission of gaseous and
particulate pollutants from internal combustion engines to be installed in non-road mobile
machinery (Official Journal of the European Communities No. L 059 of 27 February
Renumber footnote of as footnote 2. In the Table, amend the entry for "Class 9" under transport category 4 to read
as follows:
"Class 9: UN Nos. 3268, 3499 and 3509". Amend the beginning of the paragraph, before sub-paragraph (a), to read as
" Exemptions related to the carriage of electric energy storage and production
The provisions laid down in ADR do not apply to electric energy storage and production
systems (e.g., lithium batteries, electric capacitors, asymmetric capacitors, metal hydride
storage systems and fuel cells):" In subparagraphs (a) and (b), delete "Lithium batteries".

Chapter 1.2

1.2.1 Under the definition of "Bulk container", insert the definitions of "Closed bulk
container" and "Sheeted bulk container" contained in 6.11.1 in alphabetical order.
1.2.1 Under the definition of "Tank", replace "as defined in this Part" by "as defined in
this Section".
1.2.1 Insert in alphabetical order:
""Closed bulk container", see "Bulk container";"
""Sheeted bulk container", see "Bulk container";".
1.2.1 In the definition of "Service equipment", in paragraphs (a) and (b), replace
"emptying" by "discharge".
In the definition of "Service equipment", in paragraph (a), replace "venting" by "breather".


Chapter 1.4 (f) Replace "danger labels" by: "placards".

Chapter 1.6

1.6.2 Add the following new transitional measure:

" Bundles of cylinders periodically inspected before 1 July 2015 which are not
marked in accordance with applicable from 1 January 2015 may
be used until the next periodic inspection after 1 July 2015.". Delete the transitional measure and insert:
" (Deleted)". The amendment to the French text does not apply to the English text. At the end, add "Certificates of approval which conform to the model shown
in applicable from 1 January 2009 up to 31 December 2014 may continue to be
1.6.5 Add the following new transitional measure:
" As regards the application of the provisions of Part 9, vehicles first registered
or entered into service before 1 November 2014 and which have been
approved according to the provisions of the directives repealed by the
Regulation (EC) No. 661/20093, may continue to be used.".
The text of footnote 3 reads as follows:
"3 Regulation (EC) 661/2009 of 13 July 2009 concerning type-approval requirements for
the general safety of motor vehicles, their trailers and systems, components and separate
technical units intended therefor (Official Journal L 200 of 31.7.2009, p. 1).".

Chapter 1.8 Replace "laws, regulations and administrative provisions applicable to the

modes of transport concerned" by "applicable laws, regulations and administrative
provisions". Delete the last sentence. After the first sentence, insert: "In the case of separate accreditation, this
entity shall be duly accredited according to standard EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 and shall be
recognised by the inspection body as an independent and impartial testing laboratory in
order to perform testing tasks in accordance with its accreditation, or it shall be accredited
according to standard EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012 (except clause 8.1.3)."

Chapter 1.9 Under "Tunnel category D" in the first row of the table, for Class 8, after
"COT" add "and UN No. 3507".


Chapter 2.2 The amendment to the French text does not apply to the English text. Amend to read as follows:
" Viscous flammable liquids such as paints, enamels, lacquers, varnishes,
adhesives and polishes having a flash-point of less than 23 °C may be assigned to packing
group III in conformity with the procedures prescribed in the Manual of Tests and Criteria,
Part III, sub-section 32.3, provided that:
(a) the viscosity2 and flash-point are in accordance with the following table:

Kinematic viscosity
(extrapolated)  (at near-zero Flow-time t in Jet diameter Flash-point, closed-cup
shear rate) mm2/s at 23°C seconds (mm) (°C)
20 <   80 20 < t  60 4 above 17
80 <   135 60 < t  100 4 above 10
135 <   220 20 < t  32 6 above 5
220 <   300 32 < t  44 6 above -1
300 <   700 44 < t  100 6 above -5
700 <  100 < t 6 no limit

(b) Less than 3% of the clear solvent layer separates in the solvent separation test;
(c) The mixture or any separated solvent does not meet the criteria for Class 6.1 or
Class 8;
(d) The substances are packed in receptacles of not more than 450 litre capacity.
NOTE: These provisions also apply to mixtures containing no more than 20%
nitrocellulose with a nitrogen content not exceeding 12.6% by dry mass. Mixtures
containing more than 20% but not more than 55% nitrocellulose with a nitrogen content
not exceeding 12.6% by dry mass are substances assigned to UN No. 2059.
Mixtures having a flash-point below 23 °C and containing:
– more than 55% nitrocellulose, whatever their nitrogen content; or
– not more than 55% nitrocellulose with a nitrogen content above 12.6% by dry
are substances of Class 1 (UN Nos. 0340 or 0342) or of Class 4.1 (UN Nos. 2555, 2556
Footnote 2 unchanged. At the beginning, delete ", formulations or mixtures of organic peroxides". The amendment to the French text does not apply to the English text.

Chapter 3.2, Table A

For UN Nos. 1011, 1075, 1965, 1969 and 1978, in column (13), insert "TT11".
For UN 1131, in column (13), insert "TU2".


For the entries of UN Nos. 1133, 1139, 1169, 1197, 1210, 1263, 1266, 1286, 1287, 1306,
1866, 1993 and 1999 to which special provision "640F", "640G" or "640H" is assigned in
column (6), delete the tank provisions in columns (10), (11), and (12), delete "FL" in
column (14) and delete "LP01" in column (8). In column (15), replace "(D/E)" by "(E)".
For the entries of UN Nos. 1133, 1139, 1169, 1197, 1210, 1263, 1266, 1286, 1287, 1306,
1866, 1993 and 1999 to which special provision "640H" is assigned in column (6), insert
"BB4" in column (9a) against "IBC02" in column (8).
For UN 1972, in column (6), insert "660".
For UN 3170, PG II and III, in column (18), insert "CV37".
For UN 3507, insert "(D)" in Column (15), at the bottom of the cell.

Chapter 3.3

SP 363 In the first sentence, delete "paragraphs (a) or (b) of".

SP 660 Amend footnote 6 in special provision 660 to read as follows:
" ECE Regulation No. 110 (Uniform provisions concerning the approval of:
I. Specific components of motor vehicles using compressed natural gas (CNG)
and/or liquefied natural gas (LNG) in their propulsion system;
II. Vehicles with regard to the installation of specific components of an
approved type for the use of compressed natural gas (CNG) and/or liquefied natural gas
(LNG) in their propulsion system.)".

Chapter 4.1 At the end, add "and large salvage packagings". At the end of the first sentence, add "and in large salvage packagings
mentioned in". In the second sentence, after "packaging", insert ", including intermediate
bulk container (IBC) and large packaging,". In the first and second sentence, after "salvage packaging", insert "or large
salvage packaging"., P200 (10) u Replace "ISO 7866:1999" with "ISO 7866:2012"., P200 In the French text, in Table 3, for UN Nos. 1745, 1746 and 2495, insert "X"
in the "pressure drums" column.
IBC02 Add the following new special packing provision specific to RID and ADR:
"BB4 For UN Nos. 1133, 1139, 1169, 1197, 1210, 1263, 1266, 1286, 1287, 1306, 1866,
1993 and 1999, assigned to packing group III in accordance with, IBCs with a
capacity greater than 450 litres are not permitted.". In Note 2, replace "goods of Class 7" by "radioactive material". MP 18 In the first indent, delete: "or articles". MP 20 In the second sentence, delete: "and articles".

ECE/TRANS/WP.15/222/Add.1 MP 23 In the second sentence, delete: "and articles".

Chapter 4.5 Replace " to" by " to".

4.5.2 Insert the new sub-sections and to read as follows:
" (Reserved) When a vacuum pump/exhauster unit which may provide a source of ignition
is used to fill or discharge flammable liquids, precautions shall be taken to avoid ignition of
the substance or to avoid the propagation of the effects of the ignition outside the tank

Chapter 5.2 Delete the third sentence which reads: "Each overpack containing radioactive
material shall bear at least two labels on opposite sides of the outside of the overpack.".

Chapter 5.3 The amendment to the French text does not apply to the English text. The amendment to the French text does not apply to the English text.

Chapter 5.4 The amendment to the French text in the first indent of the first page of the
Instructions in writing does not apply to the English text., in the first page of the Instructions in writing, amend the second indent to read as
"- Avoid sources of ignition, in particular, do not smoke, use electronic cigarettes or
similar devices or switch on any electrical equipment.".

Chapter 6.2 The amendment to the French text does not apply to the English text. After the entry for ISO 7866:1999, insert a new entry to read as follows:
ISO 7866: 2012 Gas cylinders – Refillable seamless Until further
aluminium alloy gas cylinders – Design, notice
construction and testing
NOTE: Aluminium alloy 6351A or equivalent
shall not be used. The amendment to the French and Russian texts does not apply to the English
text. The amendment to the French text does not apply to the English text. Add the following new paragraph:
" Acetylene cylinders shall not be fitted with fusible plugs.".

ECE/TRANS/WP.15/222/Add.1 Amend the Table, under "for design and construction", as follows:
– For standard "EN 1975:1999 + A1:2003", in column (4), replace "Until
31 December 2014" by "Between 1 January 2009 and 31 December 2016".
– After standard "EN 1975:1999 + A1:2003", insert the following new row:
EN ISO Gas cylinders – Refillable seamless aluminium Until
7866:2012 alloy gas cylinders – Design, construction and and further
+ AC:2014 testing (ISO 7866:2012) notice
Amend the Table, under "for closures", as follows:
– Add the following new rows:

Cryogenic vessels – Safety devices for protection Until

EN 13648-1:2008 against excessive pressure – Part 1: Safety valves and further
for cryogenic service notice
EN 1626:2008 Until
(except valve Cryogenic vessels – Valves for cryogenic service and further
category B) notice Amend the Table as follows:
– For standard "EN 12863:2002 + A1:2005", in the last column, replace "Until further
notice" by "Until 31 December 2016".
– After standard "EN 12863:2002 + A1:2005", insert the following new row:
EN ISO 10462:2013 Gas cylinders – Acetylene cylinders – Periodic Mandatorily from
inspection and maintenance (ISO 10462:2013) 1 January 2017
– Delete the entry for standard "EN 14189:2003".
– For standard "EN ISO 22434:2012", in column "Reference", replace "EN ISO
22434:2012" by "EN ISO 22434:2011".
– For standard "EN ISO 22434:2012", in column "Applicable", replace " Mandatorily
from 1 January 2015" by "Until further notice".
– For standard "EN 1440:2008 + A1:2012 (except annexes G and H)", in column
"Applicable", replace "Mandatorily from 1 January 2015" by "Until further notice".

Chapter 6.4

6.4.13 b) The amendment to the French text does not apply to the English text.

Chapter 6.8 The amendment to the French text does not apply to the English text. Amend the Table under "for all tanks" as follows:
– For standard "EN 14025:2008", in column (4), replace "Until further notice" by
"Between 1 July 2009 and 31 December 2016".
– After standard "EN 14025:2008", insert the following new row:
EN 14025:2013 Tanks for the transport of dangerous Until


goods – Metallic pressure tanks – and further

Design and construction notice
Amend the Table under "for tanks for gases of Class 2" as follows:
– After the standard "EN 12493:2008 + A1:2012 (except Annex C)", insert the
following new row:
LPG equipment and accessories –
Welded steel tanks for liquefied,
petroleum gas (LPG) – Road tankers –,
EN 12493:2013 Design and manufacture,
(except Annex C) NOTE: Road tankers is to be,
understood in the meaning of "fixed to
tanks" and "demountable tanks" as per
– For standard "EN 14398-2:2003 (except Table 1)", in column (2), after the title of
the standard, add the following Note:
"NOTE: This standard shall not be used for those gases which are carried at
temperatures below -100 ºC."
– For standard "EN 14398-2:2003 (except Table 1)", in column (4), replace "Until further
notice" by "Between 1 January 2005 and 31 December 2016".
– After standard "EN 14398-2:2003 (except Table 1)", insert the following new row:
Cryogenic vessels – Large transportable (with the
non-vacuum insulated vessels – Part 2:
exception of
EN 14398- Design, fabrication, inspection and Until,
2:2003 + testing further
A2:2008 NOTE: This standard shall not be notice, and
used for those gases which are carried
at temperatures below -100 ºC.
– At the end, add the following row: Until
EN 1626:2008 (except Cryogenic vessels – Valves for
and further
valve category B) cryogenic service notice
6.8.4 (d) Add the following new special provision TT11 (left hand side only):
"TT11 For fixed tanks (tank-vehicles) and demountable tanks used exclusively for
the carriage of LPG, with carbon steel shells and service equipment, the hydraulic pressure
test, may, at the time of the periodic inspection and at the request of the applicant, be
replaced by the non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques listed below. These techniques
may be used either singularly or in combination as deemed suitable by the competent
authority, its delegate or inspection body (see special provision TT9):
– EN ISO 17640:2010 – Non-destructive testing of welds – Ultrasonic testing –
Techniques, testing levels and assessment,
– EN ISO 17638:2009 – Non-destructive testing of welds – Magnetic particle testing,
with indications acceptance in accordance with EN ISO 23278:2009 – Magnetic particle
testing of welds. Acceptance levels,
– EN 1711:2000 – Non-destructive testing of welds – Eddy current examination of welds
by complex plane analysis,


– EN 14127:2011 – Non-destructive testing – Ultrasonic thickness measurement,

Personnel involved in NDT shall be qualified, certified and have the appropriate theoretical
and practical knowledge of the non-destructive tests they perform, specify, supervise,
monitor or evaluate in accordance with:
– EN ISO 9712:2012 – Non-destructive testing – Qualification and certification of NDT
After direct application of heat such as welding or cutting to the pressure containing
elements of the tank a hydraulic test shall be carried out in addition to any prescribed NDT.
NDT shall be performed on the areas of the shell and equipment listed in the table below:
Area of shell and equipment NDT
Shell longitudinal butt welds
Shell circumferential butt welds
Attachments, manway, nozzles and
opening welds (internal) direct to the 100% NDT, using one or more of the
shell following techniques: ultrasonic, magnetic
High stress areas of fastening doubling particle or eddy current testing
plates (over the end of the saddle horn,
plus 400 mm down each side)
Piping and other equipment welds
Shell, areas that cannot be visually Ultrasonic thickness survey, from inside,
inspected from the outside on a 150 mm (maximum) spaced grid
Irrespective of the original design and construction standard or technical code used for the
tank, the defect acceptance levels shall be in accordance with the requirements of the
relevant parts of EN 14025:2013 (Tanks for the transport of dangerous goods – metallic
pressure tanks – design and construction), EN 12493:2013 (LPG equipment and accessories
– welded steel tanks for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) – road tankers – design and
manufacture), EN ISO 23278:2009 (Non-destructive testing of welds – magnetic particle
testing of welds – acceptance levels) or the acceptance standard referenced in the applicable
NDT standard.
If an unacceptable defect is found in the tank by NDT methods it shall be repaired and
retested. It is not permitted to hydraulic test the tank without undertaking the required
The results of the NDT shall be recorded and retained for the lifetime of the tank.".
6.8.4 (e) TM3 Amend the first sentence to read:
"Tanks shall also bear, on the plate prescribed in, the proper shipping name and
the maximum permissible load mass in kg for this substance.".

Chapter 6.10 (b) Replace "to both the inlet and outlet" by "to all openings". (b) The second amendment does not apply to the English text.

Chapter 6.11

6.11.1 Amend to read as follows:

"6.11.1 (Reserved)".

ECE/TRANS/WP.15/222/Add.1 In the Note, after "591", insert ", 592".

Chapter 7.1

7.1.3 After "591 (status at 01.10.2007, 3rd edition),", insert "592 (status at
01.10.2013, 2 edition),".
7.1.3 At the end, after "591", insert ", 592".

Chapter 7.3 Delete "(code BK2)". b) The amendment to the French text does not apply to the English text.

Chapter 7.5
7.5.1 Add the following new sub-section:
" All means of containment shall be loaded and unloaded in conformity with a
handling method for which they have been designed and, where required, tested."
7.5.9 Insert the following new sentence at the end "This prohibition of smoking is
also applicable to the use of electronic cigarettes and similar devices.".
7.5.11 At the end add the following additional provision:
"CV37 Before carriage, aluminium smelting by-products or aluminium remelting by-
products shall be cooled to ambient temperature prior to loading. Sheeted vehicles and
sheeted containers shall be waterproof. The cargo doors of the closed vehicles and closed
containers shall be marked with the following in letters not less than 25 mm high:
This shall be in a language considered appropriate by the consignor.".

Chapter 8.3
8.3.5 Insert the following new sentence at the end "This prohibition of smoking is
also applicable to the use of electronic cigarettes and similar devices.".
8.3.8 Replace "an O3 or O4 trailer" by "a trailer with a maximum mass exceeding 3.5
8.5 S1 (3) Insert the following new sentence at the end "This prohibition of smoking is
also applicable to the use of electronic cigarettes and similar devices.".

Chapter 9.1 Update the reference to R.E.3 in footnote 1 to read as follows: "Document of
the UNECE, TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.3, as amended". In the definition "Type-approved vehicle", delete "or Directive 98/91/EC3". Delete footnote 3. Renumber footnote 4 as footnote 3. In the second sentence, delete "or Directive 98/91/EC3" and "or the said

ECE/TRANS/WP.15/222/Add.1 Delete footnote 3. In table note 1 of the certificate of approval for vehicles, replace "Directive
97/27/EC" by "Directive 2007/46/EC".

Chapter 9.2 Delete "or Directive 71/320/EEC5". Delete footnote 5. Delete "or of Directive 2001/56/EC7, as amended,". Delete footnote 7.
9.2.5 In footnote 8, delete "As an alternative, the corresponding provisions of
directive 92/24/EEC of the Council of 31 March 1992 (originally published in the Official
Journal of the European Communities No. L 129 of 14.05.1992), as amended, may apply
provided that they have been amended in accordance with the latest amended form of ECE
Regulation No. 89 applicable at the time of the vehicle approval.".
9.2.6 Delete "or Directive 94/20/EC10".
9.2.6 Delete footnote 10.
In Chapter 9.2, renumber footnotes 3 and 4 as footnotes 2 and 3 respectively, renumber
footnote 6 as footnote 4 and renumber footnotes 8 and 9 as footnotes 5 and 6 respectively.


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