79360B All-On-4 Proc Prod 15.1 GB
79360B All-On-4 Proc Prod 15.1 GB
79360B All-On-4 Proc Prod 15.1 GB
Procedures manual
Original protocol for All-on-4® treatment concept
The All-on-4® treatment concept is a rehabilitation concept
that maximizes the use of available bone. The surgical and
prosthetic procedures follow a strict protocol including the
products to be used. The success of the All-on-4® treatment
concept is due to these specific protocols and products,
namely NobelSpeedy implants, which have been used with
10 years of follow-up. For the long term follow-up studies
supporting the result and the success rate of the All-on-4®
treatment concept, please visit nobelbiocare.com or ask
your Nobel Biocare representative for references.
Conventional flap procedure with traditional planning and 3D diagnostics and treatment planning and a custom-
a standardized All-on-4® Guide for predictable and optimized designed surgical template to correctly drill and position
positioning of the implants. the implants.
* Guided surgery is only available for Brånemark System Mk III Groovy and Shorty and Brånemark System Mk III TiUnite RP.
** Non-engaging 30° Multi-unit Abutments are not available for implants with internal conical connection.
6 All-on-4® treatment concept manual // Conventional surgery
Mandible Maxilla
1 1
2 2
3 3
All-on-4® treatment concept manual // Conventional surgery 7
Treatment planning
The All-on-4® treatment concept was developed to maximize the use of available bone and to allow for Immediate Function.
When planning a conventional treatment using a flap technique, consider the following.
General considerations – To reduce the cantilevers, tilt the posterior implants to
– Ability to achieve primary implant stability: a maximum of 45°.
- Implants should withstand a minimum tightening torque – If the angulation is 30° or more, it is necessary to splint
of 35 Ncm. the tilted implants.
- If this tightening torque is not achieved, a conventional – For tilted posterior implants, plan the distal screw access
healing phase is recommended prior to delivery of the holes to be located at the occlusal plane of the first molar,
provisional or final restoration. second pre-molar, or first pre-molar.
– No severe parafunctions. – The All-on-4® treatment concept does not require a wider
– Indicated for edentulous maxilla with a minimum bone opening of the mouth than a treatment with straight im-
width of 5 mm and a minimum bone height of 10 mm plants due to the angulation of the posterior implants.
from canine to canine. – If there are extraction sites, clean them thoroughly. It is
– Indicated for edentulous mandible with a minimum advisable to place implants between extraction sockets.
bone width of 5 mm and a minimum bone height of 8 mm
inbetween the mental foramina.
– For internal tri-channel and external hex connection, the 30°
Multi-unit Abutment is only available for RP implants. The 17°
Multi-unit Abutment is available for NP and RP implants.
– For internal conical connection, the 17° Multi-unit Abutments
are available for NP, RP and WP implants, and the 30° Multi-
unit Abutments for NP and RP implants.
Specific considerations – prosthetics it may be used to fabricate the immediate all-acrylic bridge.
– No extensions over one tooth on each side for an immediate – For proper esthetics and function, the final bridge should
all-acrylic bridge, which should have a maximum of 12 teeth. have 12 teeth and a supporting metal framework.
– If the patient’s removable prosthesis is in good condition,
Note: For a full description of implant placement, prosthetic procedures, and all instruments needed, please refer to the
respective procedures manuals (for the current version see nobelbiocare.com/resources).
8 All-on-4® treatment concept manual // Conventional surgery
The images show Immediate Function with an all-acrylic bridge and NobelSpeedy Groovy RP implants.
4 Take an impression
– After suturing, connect the Multi-unit Impression Copings
Open Tray to the Multi-unit Abutments.
– Take an impression using silicone soft putty material and
a customized open tray.
7 Final restoration
After a sufficient healing period, follow established
prosthetic procedures for the final restoration, preferably
a NobelProcera Implant Bridge.
All-on-4® treatment concept manual // Conventional surgery 11
Note: When performing the All-on-4® treatment concept in the maxilla, add the following steps for the posterior sites in ad-
dition to those for the posterior sites in the mandible.
– Incline the drill (not more than 45°) as far back as possible
to minimize the cantilever.
12 All-on-4® treatment concept manual // Conventional surgery
Laboratory procedure
– If possible, a tooth set-up should be tried in the patient’s
mouth before finalizing the bridge.
–T he bridge can also be made by converting the existing
denture into a bridge.
All-on-4® treatment concept manual // Guided surgery 13
NobelGuide is ideal for the All-on-4® treatment Safe and predictable implant
concept, as it optimizes implant placement by placement
means of 3D diagnostics, digital treatment After planning the case in NobelClinician
planning and guided surgery with a custom- Software, a ready-to-use custom-designed
designed surgical template. It supports mini- surgical template, together with all neces-
mally invasive flapless techniques as well as sary implants, abutments and surgical in-
surgical access through mini-flaps and full struments, can be ordered online in a single Existing prosthesis can be modified
flaps. order. The surgical template enables guided directly into a radiographic guide
implant site preparation and precise and ef-
Accurate diagnostics and prosthetic- ficient implant insertion, which minimizes
driven planning patient pain and swelling.
Based on 3D (CB)CT diagnostic imaging of
the patient and a radiographic guide, virtual Prefabrication of provisional
implant placement following prosthetic- prosthesis before surgery
driven planning can be performed within The surgical template can be used to create
the NobelClinician Software, ensuring high a stone model with implant replicas already
diagnostic accuracy and safe and predict- in place before surgery. This enables the Digital prosthetic-driven planning in
able implant placement. dental technician to produce the provisional NobelClinician Software
1 2
3 4
5 6
All-on-4® treatment concept manual // Guided surgery 15
Treatment planning
The All-on-4® treatment concept was developed to maximize the use of available bone and to allow for Immediate Function.
When planning the All-on-4® treatment concept with NobelGuide, consider the following.
General considerations – If the angulation is 30° or more, it is necessary to splint the
– For NobelGuide computer-based planning, a CT scan tilted implants.
using a radiographic guide is required. Please refer to – For tilted posterior implants, plan the distal screw-access
the NobelGuide concept manual for details. holes to be located at the occlusal plane of the first molar,
– Ability to achieve primary implant stability: second premolar, or first premolar.
- Implants should withstand the minimum tightening – The All-on-4® treatment concept does not require a wider
torque of 35 Ncm to allow for Immediate Function (perform opening of the mouth than a treatment with straight
final torque measurement without surgical template). implants due to the angulation of the posterior implants.
- If this tightening torque is not achieved, a conventional However, as with all NobelGuide treatments, it is important
healing phase is recommended prior to delivery of the to compensate for the extra height needed for NobelGuide
provisional or final restoration. components and instruments.
– No severe parafunctions.
– Indicated for totally edentulous maxilla with a minimum Smile line consideration
bone width of 5 mm and a minimum bone height of Pay special attention to the transition zone and smile line
10 mm from canine to canine. when planning the case. If the smile line does not hide the
– Indicated for totally edentulous mandible with a minimum transition zone, pre-prosthetic surgery reducing the alveolar
bone width of 5 mm and a minimum bone height of 8 mm bone needs to be taken into consideration.
inbetween the mental foramina.
– To reduce the cantilevers, tilt the posterior implants to a
maximum of 45°.
Note: For a full description of implant placement, prosthetic procedures, and all instruments needed, please refer to the
respective procedures manuals (for the current version see nobelbiocare.com/resources).
16 All-on-4® treatment concept manual // Guided surgery
Prosthetic components
Temporary restoration
* When ordering 30° Multi-unit Abutment Non-Engaging, the Abutment Holder, Jig Stabilizer and Abutment Screw are included.
All-on-4® treatment concept manual // Guided surgery 17
Acrylic jig
Disinfect the jig according to normal procedures for
non-autoclavable products.
18 All-on-4® treatment concept manual // Guided surgery
Clinical procedure
The images show Immediate Function with an all-acrylic bridge and NobelSpeedy Groovy RP implants in the maxilla.
The same procedure also applies for the mandible.
1 Place implants
– Place four implants according to the computer-based
– Remove the surgical template.
5 Disconnect jig
– Disconnect the jig by unscrewing the abutment holder (1)
and guide pin (2).
– Repeat the entire procedure for the opposite side.
– Place cover screws on all four implants and suture the en-
trance to the implants or close the flap in case it was raised.
– Wait with further steps until osseointegration has taken
20 All-on-4® treatment concept manual // Guided surgery
– The all-acrylic bridge is delivered with Temporary Copings
Multi-unit Titanium in three implant positions. There is an
extended hole located in one of the posterior positions.
– If the treatment team is not experienced with the proce-
dure, it is recommended to leave two extended holes
in the all-acrylic bridge.
se tooth-colored flowable composite or acrylic to secure
the temporary coping to the bridge, making sure to keep
the screw-access hole free from composite.
All-on-4® treatment concept manual // Guided surgery 21
10 Final restoration
After adequate healing time, follow established prosthetic
procedures for the final restoration, preferably using a
NobelProcera Implant Bridge.
22 All-on-4® treatment concept manual // Guided surgery
Laboratory procedure –
fabrication of jig
4 Apply acrylic
Use quick-setting acrylic to secure the wire/floss between
jig stabilizer and the impression coping.
5 Remove jig
– Loosen, but do not remove, the guide pin from the straight
Multi-unit Abutment.
– Loosen the abutment screw securing the 30° Multi-unit
Abutment to the implant replica.
– Remove the jig from the stone model.
6 Repeat procedure
Repeat the procedure for the other two abutments.
Final restorations
Intra-oral bite
Extra-oral smile
Multi-unit Abutments
1 mm
1 mm
Multi-unit Abutment 1
mm 29176 29179 29184 – – – 29196 29199 29204 –
1.5 mm
2 mm
2 mm
Multi-unit Abutment 2
mm 29177 29180 29185 – – – 29197 29200 29205 –
2.5 mm
3 mm
3 mm
Multi-unit Abutment 3
mm 29178 29181 29186 – – – 29198 29201 29206 –
3.5 mm
4 mm
4 mm
Multi-unit Abutment 4
mm – 29182 – – – – – 29202 – –
4.5 mm
5 mm
5 mm
Multi-unit Abutment 5
mm – 29183 – – – – – 29203 – –
0.5 mm
2 mm
2 mm
2.5 mm
3 mm
3 mm
3.5 mm
4 mm
4 mm
3.5 mm
4 mm
4 mm
4.5 mm
5 mm
5 mm
Abutment Screw Multi-unit Angled 29194 29195 – 36892 37893 37893 29242 29243 – –
Prosthetic Screw Multi-unit 29285 29285 29286 29285 29285 29285 29285 29285 29285 –
Healing Cap Multi-unit (1/pkg) 31145 31145 29066 31145 31145 31145 31145 31145 31145 –
Healing Cap Multi-unit (5/pkg) 29064 29064 – 29064 29064 29064 29064 29064 29064 –
Healing Cap Wide Multi-unit (1/pkg) 31146 31146 29067 31146 31146 31146 31146 31146 31146 –
Torque guide for clinical screws for Nobel Biocare implant systems
Surgical components
Kit includes
Screwdriver Machine Unigrip™ 20 mm 29151
Screwdriver Machine Unigrip™ 30 mm 29153
Screwdriver Machine Multi-unit 21mm 29158
Omnigrip™ Screwdriver Machine 20 mm 37379
Omnigrip™ Screwdriver Machine 30 mm 37381
Manual Torque Wrench Prosthetic 29165
Screwdriver Manual Unigrip 36 mm 29150
**10 mm
11 mm 11 mm
*11 mm
Impression Coping Open Tray Multi-
unit (includes 15
mm Guide Pin) 29089* 29089* 29091** 29089 29089 29089 29089 29089 29089 –
All-on-4® treatment concept manual // Product information 33
Laboratory components
Abutment Replica Multi-unit (1/pkg) 31161 31161 31162 31161 31161 31161 31161 31161 31161 –
Abutment Replica Multi-unit (5/pkg) 29110 29110 – 29110 29110 29110 29110 29110 29110 –
Lab Screw Multi-unit (5/pkg) 29287 29287 – 29287 29287 29287 29287 29287 29287 –
Lab Screw Multi-unit Angled (1/pkg) 37896 37897 – 37896 37897 37897 31166 31167 – –
All-on-4® treatment concept manual // Appendices 35
Clinical cases
Limited bone volume in the posterior and a need for
bone crest level optimization.
A conventional flap procedure is performed, the bone
crest level optimized and the All-on-4® Guide anchored.
Implant insertion
Insertion of NobelSpeedy Groovy implants with external
hex connection.
Provisional prosthesis
Immediate loading of the implants with fixed provisional
prosthesis based on an impression taken straight after
63-year old edentulous female patient requests a fixed
restoration. The transition zone is completely hidden above
the smile line.
Chairside diagnosis
The All-on-4® treatment concept using NobelGuide is cho-
sen using a minimally invasive flapless approach (adequate
mouth opening is possible).
The existing removable denture represents the intended
tooth setup and is transformed into a radiographic guide
(gutta percha markers). A bite index is created to ensure
correct anatomical positioning of the guide during CT
Treatment planning
Based on 3D CT diagnostic imaging of patient and radio-
graphic guide, the four implants are placed virtually in the
NobelClinician Software, optimizing position, angulation
and distribution.
Implant insertion
The first anterior NobelSpeedy Groovy implant is inserted
into the prepared site. After proper seating, the second
anterior implant site gets prepared and the implant inserted.
Preparation and insertion of the distal implants is only per-
formed after full seating of the two anterior implants.
Provisional prosthesis
A fixed prosthesis fabricated prior to surgery is finalized in
the patient’s mouth and secured with four prosthetic screws
(with Multi-unit Abutments installed on the implants and
Temporary Copings Multi-unit within the prosthesis).
Immediate Function
As immediate loading is part of the treatment plan, the
patient benefits from a fixed, screw-retained prosthesis
immediately after surgery.
Final restoration
After adequate healing time, a final NobelProcera Implant
Bridge is fabricated based on a new impression.
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Nobel Biocare, the Nobel Biocare logotype and all other trademarks are, if nothing else is stated or is evident from the context in a certain case, trademarks of Nobel Biocare.
Please refer to nobelbiocare.com/trademarks for more information. Product images are not necessarily to scale.