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Determination of 21.7.2005



1. Following a determination of 29 May 20031, ICP-ANACOM has confirmed the

temporary suspension, by order of 7 January 20032, of the “PT Network Line
without Subscription” plans for, comprised of an offer in which the traditional network
line subscription for telephone service at a fixed location was replaced by a
monthly expense that could be converted into traffic.

2. PT Comunicações, S.A. (PTC), as an entity with significant market power (SMP),

was bound at that time and still is3 to the principle of non-discrimination in
interconnection, which primarily involves the obligation to offer the conditions and
informations that it applies to its own services, subsidiaries and associated
undertakings to interconnection applicants offering similar services and that are
under similar conditions.

3. Consequently, given that PTC exclusively handled billing and collecting of its direct
customers subscriptions and given the absence of a network line subscription
wholesale offer, ICP-ANACOM has concluded that indirect access providers
would not be able to bundle subscription and traffic under the same offer and that
this was discriminatory treatment and would constitute an obstacle to both market
entry and new operators’ development.

4. On 2 February 2005, PTC presented a proposal revising universal service pricing

for residential customers and bundling monthly subscriptions with intra-network
traffic on weekends and public holidays.

5. ICP-ANACOM objected to such a proposal, notifying PTC, on 22 March 2005,

that the offer of a mandatory consumer package including both subscription and

See ICP-ANACOM determination of 17th December 2004 concerning the imposition of obligations in
the wholesale markets for call origination and termination in the public telephone network at a fixed
traffic could constitute a conditioned sale, in breach of article 9 of Law n.º 24/96,
of 31 July, which prohibits service providers from making the provision of a good
or service dependent upon the purchase or provision of another/other services. ICP-
ANACOM also reiterated the determination of 29 May 2003, saying that although
the “package” was not mandatory, questions would remain with regard to other
operators’ ability to replicate a similar offer.

6. Following a determination of 14 December 20044 concerning the imposition of

obligations in narrowband retail markets, companies of the PT Group which
are active in retail markets of access were obliged to publish a reference proposal
for the Subscriber Line Resale Offer (SLRO), in order to enable the SLRO
beneficiaries therefrom to render available its own innovative retail offers (thus
adding value to the subscriber through the establishment of diversified services)
and to compete with the offers of the PT Group that bundle access and other
services in optional plans.

7. The minimum elements to be comprised in the Reference SLRO Offer were

approved, after consultation5, by determination of 29 April 20056, and PTC send a
Reference SLRO Offer on 1 June 2005, followed by a second version thereof on 15
June 2005.

8. Following a determination of 21 July 2005, ICP-ANACOM’s Board of Directors

approved the decision on changes to the Reference SLRO Offer.

9. In light of anticipated advantages concerning the “economies of learning” resulting

from experience accumulated by activating the SLRO in analogue accesses, ICP-
ANACOM did not object to PTC including ISDN accesses in the reference offer
until the end of the first quarter of 2006, and decided in favour of this in its
determination of 29 April 2005. In any case, it is believed that the complete and
effective deployment of the SLRO will be dependent upon the inclusion of
ISDN accesses in the reference offer, as this is considered essential in order to
allow all companies, wishing to, offer “packages” that include subscription and
traffic to their commercial customers.

10. In a letter dated 1 June 2005, PTC presented its estimate of access activations under
the SLRO, forecasting 660,000 activations in 2005, 147,000 in 2007 and 99,000
annually for the 2007-2009 period, excluding ADSL activations (for which it did
not present estimates). As stated in this letter, PTC expects that all pre-selection
regime users will activate the SLRO.

11. According to ICP-ANACOM estimates, at the end of the first quarter of 2005 there
were around 666,000 accesses in pre-selection, with companies of the PT
Group offering telephone services under a pre-selection regime in approximately
62,400 of these accesses (9.4 percent of all accesses in pre-selection).



12. According to PTC estimates, there should be 807,000 accesses associated with the
SLRO by the end of 2006. Excluding accesses in pre-selection from PT
Group companies, this number should be around 731,400 accesses
(assuming that the percentage of accesses for which companies of the PT
Group offer pre-selection remains constant).

13. As specified in the decision of 14 December 2004 concerning the imposition of

obligations in the retail markets, “may exist obstacles to the SLRO
deployment originating from the technical complexity associated with its
implementation and the fact that the operator with SMP may have little incentives
to effectively carry it out”. Likewise, in light of PTC’s position concerning the
retail and wholesale markets and the need to safeguard market competition, it is
believed that an offer from PTC bundling traffic with the subscription value must
be conditional upon the SLRO’s development and effective deployment.

14. Given PTC’s estimates, it is believed that achieving 150,000 SLRO activations,
corresponding to around 20% of the activations forecasted for the end of 2006
(excluding activations from PT Group companies), is possible in a relatively
short time frame and compatible with the rapid and effective
implementation of this offer.

15. It is also important to note, as stated in the determination of 14 December 2004,

following the SLRO deployment and in light of its impact on the market, that
ICP-ANACOM may reassess the market conditions and readjust the applicable
price cap in markets of access and local and national telephone services in the
public telephone network at a fixed location for residential customers.

16. In the public consultation on the minimum elements to be comprised in the

Reference SLRO Offer7, service providers, with the exception of the PT Group,
state that a single bill should be ensured, that a multiple billing scenario would be
defraud the customers, and that therefore the beneficiary company should ensure
the billing of the services currently billed by the PT Group, if the subscriber so

17. In the respective consultation report, ICP-ANACOM clarified that the existence of
the SLRO can promote the existence of a single bill, but it may not ensure it, since
there could be circumstances in which the undertakings of the PT Group may not
request the beneficiaries to bill and collect the remaining services comprised in the
SLRO beyond the line’s monthly payment, as well as situations of non-agreement
between the beneficiaries and third parties providing services comprised in the
SLRO. According to available information, there is no country where a single bill
is guaranteed under all circumstances and for all types of access.

18. Nonetheless, ICP-ANACOM recognizes the concrete possibility of a single bill as

a means of increasing the level of competition in the market.

19. Thus, ICP-ANACOM’s Board of Directors, in the scope of its jurisdiction provided
for in article 6, item 1, sections b) and f) of its articles of association, approved by
Decree Law n.º 309/2001 of 7 December, in exercising its powers provided for in


article 9, sections b) and g) of its articles of association and in light of the
regulatory objectives established in article 5, item 1, section a) and item 2, section
b) of Law n.º 5/2004 of 10 February (Electronic Communications Law), hereby
approves as a draft decision:

1. That companies of the PT Group may not provide retail offers which
bundle access and telephone traffic at a single price unless all of the following
cumulative requirements are met:

a) PT Group companies must provide Basic and Primary ISDN

(in addition to analogue) accesses for activation of the SLRO;

b) The minimum number of SLRO accesses activated must be at least

150,000 in equivalent analogue loops, excluding activations from PT
Group companies;

And, insofar as the billing and collecting price set by the beneficiary
undertaking is reasonable,

c) PT Group companies must request the beneficiary companies to bill

and collect all services provided over accesses activated for the
SLRO, whether provided by PT Group companies or provided
by other companies when billed to and collected from
subscribers by PT Group companies.

2. Notwithstanding the fulfillment of the aforementioned requirements, retail

offers from PT Group companies must conform to the applicable regulatory
framework, in particular by fulfilling obligations involving cont
orientation of prices and non-discrimination.

3. PT Group companies must send ICP-ANACOM information on

the number of accesses activated under the SLRO up to the month following
the month to which the information in question concerns, in accordance with
the attached chart.

20. It should also be emphasized that ICP-ANACOM, under the scope of its
supervision and monitoring powers, will continue to verify the deployment and
operation of proceedings associated with the SLRO, which PT Group companies
must guarantee to be transparent and effective.

21. Interested parties wishing to state their opinions on the draft decision may do so, in
writing, within a period of thirty working days, in accordance with the provisions
of articles 100 and 101 of the Code of Administrative Procedure. For this purpose,
“interested parties” include telephone service providers at a fixed location, data
transmission service providers, Internet access service providers and PT
Group companies.

22. This draft decision will be submitted to a general consultation procedure under the
terms of article 8 of Law no. 5/2004 and consultation procedures approved by ICP-
ANACOM on 12 February 2004, with interested parties wishing to state their
opinions having a period of thirty working days to do so.

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traffic offerings at a single price by PT Group companies

Url: http://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?contentId=1092788

Published: 04.08.2005
Author: ANACOM

File generated on: 10.09.14 © ANACOM 2014

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