Silabus Translation II
Silabus Translation II
Silabus Translation II
Display Kegiatan
Topik Inti Kegiatan Sumber
1 Class orientation and
syllabus discussion
2 Define what
translation is and
Discussing the terms,
figure out the
procedures, and processes in
processes and
problems in
3 Translate simple Find the direct or closest
sentences with equivalents of Indonesian
accurate collocation words in English and vice versa
4 Translate simple sentences with
Present and discuss the result of
accurate collocation
Ss’ translation
5 Translate complex sentences Present and discuss the result of
Ss’ translation
6 Quiz
7 Translate complex sentences Present and discuss the result of
Ss’ translation
8 Translate paragraphs
9 Midterm
10 Analyze the result of translation Present and discuss the result
of Ss’ translation
11 Analyze the result of translation Present and discuss the result
of Ss’ translation
12 Analyze the result of translation Present and discuss the result
of Ss’ translation
13 Analyze the result of translation Present and discuss the result
of Ss’ translation
14 Analyze the result of translation Present and discuss the result
of Ss’ translation
15 Analyze the result of translation Present and discuss the result
of Ss’ translation
16 Analyze the result of translation Present and discuss the result
of Ss’ translation
Final Test
1. Participation can be the forms of comments, suggestion, questions/answers related to the topic
2. Bringing dictionaries (both bilingual and monolingual) are compulsory.
1. Class participation = 10 %
2. Quiz = 20 %
3. Midterm test = 30 %
4. Final test = 40 %
Zahratul Idami, M. Pd