56 Preventing Rope Spoilage PDF
56 Preventing Rope Spoilage PDF
56 Preventing Rope Spoilage PDF
++ figure 1
Rope spoilage is a condition of bacterial decomposi- strain that prevails under the given conditions to trigger the
+ tion of the bread crumb. Spoilage organisms are dif-
ferent Bacillus species whose heat-resistant spores survive
spoilage. Therefore, the determination of the total count
does not make sense. Since the spores are activated when
the baking process. Most important rope formers are Bacil- coming into contact with water at higher temperatures, the
lus subtilis, B. licheniformis and B. pumilus. Ropiness is only use of hot soaker dough should be considered with care. Hot
visible for a short period of time; some strains do not even soaker doughs should be cooled down and processed as
form ropes at all. The main characterization is therefore a quickly as possible. Acidification of bread made with hot
fruity, melon-type odor. Discoloration of the crumb and a soaker dough is recommended.
bitter taste may also be other symptoms. The bread disease Care should also be taken when using waste bread. An al-
occurs in non-acidified wheat breads but can also be experi- ready activated Bacillus can be reintroduced into the bread
enced in slightly acidified groat bread or fine bakery ware. via waste bread. The disease can multiply in this way. When
Packed wheat bread with a long shelf life such as toast bread using waste bread, acidification is also recommended. Fur-
is highly susceptible. According to Dr. Markus Brandt, Man- thermore, storage containers for waste bread must be
ager Research, Development and Quality at Ernst Böcker cleaned frequently and thoroughly. The same is applicable
GmbH, Minden, Germany; the bread disease will occur in for the use of waste bread slurry. The containers should be
non-acidified bread at least 14 days after storage at 35°C. cleaned at least once a week and subsequently disinfected.
It is recommended that the slurry is stored at temperatures
Prevention below 25°C.
A comprehensive project on the subject of ropiness and rope
formers is running currently under the aegis of Prof. Dr.
Corinne Gantenbein-Demarchi at the Institute for Food and Optimum growth conditions
Beverage Innovations ILGI, Wädenswil, Switzerland. One for rope formers
part of the project is the development of a rapid method for + 35-45°C
identification of the rope formers. According to Brandt, the + Humid environment (e.g. packed bread)
microbiological counts in flour do not indicate the presence + pH >5.3 +++
of rope forming bacteria. It needs only one spore from a
Bread with a long shelf life should be acidified for food safe-
ty reasons. The bread crumb should have a pH of below 5.2. Prevention of rope
A low pH can be achieved effectively with a strong acid. Lac- Hot soaker dough Sourdough Waste bread
tic acid is therefore preferred over acetic acid. The use of so- cool quickly, Wheat cool slurry, clean storage
short storage time sourdough containers frequently,
dium diacetate is therefore not very efficient. When using for light in warm countries
sourdough, it must be considered that the lactic acid forma- baked goods avoid the use of slurry
tion in a wheat sourdough is better than in a rye sourdough. and lots of and process waste
lactic acid bread into dry bread
According to Brandt, the reason for this is the composition of crumbs (breading)
sugars in the grain. Lactic acid bacteria which do not only
produce lactic acid but also acetic acid need fructose for the
formation of acetic acid. Wheat contains less fructose than
rye so that the lactic acid formation in wheat sourdough
dominates. Citric acid is hardly efficient as protection
against ropiness because citric acid is a rather weak acid. Af-
ter baking, the breads should be allowed to cool down as
quickly as possible. The storage temperature should not ex- Proofing
ceed 30°C.
For control purposes, risk products should be stored at
37°C for several days and then checked for rope forming
short baking times promotes rope
When selecting cleaning agents, it is important that no bac-
teriological agent is used. There are cleaning agents com-
mercially available that contain Bacillus species to support
the degradation of food residues during cleaning. cooling period as short as possible
++ figure 2
Photos: Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Inst. of Food and Beverage Innovation, Prof. Dr. Corinne Gantenbein-Demarchi