Digests For Defective Contracts: Universal Food Corp vs. CA
Digests For Defective Contracts: Universal Food Corp vs. CA
Digests For Defective Contracts: Universal Food Corp vs. CA
Digests for Defective Contracts contract that he will be chief chemist and that he shall
exercise absolute control and supervision from
personnel to the preparation of the said product. No
Rescissible Contracts other persons were allowed to enter the laboratory
even his sons or the President of the corp.
Universal Food Corp Vs. CA c) Civil Code—conveyance should be interpreted to effect
the “least transmission of right” and there is a better
Facts: example of least transmission by allowing or
permitting only the use, without transfer of
This is a petition for certiorari by UFC against the ownership, of the formula of the mafran sauce.
decision of the CA whereby CA ordered UFC to return
to plaintiff Magdalo Francisco his Mafran sauce 2) Yes. UFC issued a memorandum directing that only
trademark and formula and to pay his monthly salary Ricardo Francisco (another Francisco in the case who
of P300 per month. was the assistant chief chemist) be retained and that
In 1960 plaintiff and def corp entered into a contract the salary or Magdalo Franciso be stopped until the
where it was stipulated that Francisco is the owner corp resume operations and their reason was bec of
and the author of the formula of the mafran sauce the scarcity and high prices of raw materials but 5
and he will be appointed Second VP and Chief days after this memorandum, they filed several
Chemist. That he will have absolute control and memoranda directing plaintiff to report to work and
supervision over the lab assistants and personnel. produce sauc of not less than 100 cases a day, to hire
In return, plaintiff assigned to corp his interests and personnel, and to produce what is being demanded.
rights over the said trademark and formula so that Clearly it was the corp’s way of maneuvering to ease
the def corp could use the formula in the preparation out, separate and dismiss plaintiff.
and manufacture of the mafran sauce and the trade
name fro the marketing as shown in a contract 3) Yes. 1191 vs. 1383 and 1384.
entitled “Bill of Assignment”. General rule ios that rescission of a contract will not
Def without any justifiable cause dismissed all the be permitted for a slight causal breach but only for
assistants and laborers of plaintiff with evident such substantial and fundamental breach as would
intention to discover the formula and were not able to defeat the very object of the parties in making the
do so, dismissed the plaintiff as chief chemist and agreement. (Corp is alleging the rescission is only
appointer other employees in his place in the subsidiary remedy and should be instituted if there
preparation of said sauce. are no other means)
Def corp also deprived him of his right to the royalty The dismissal of Francisco is fundamental and
equivalent to 2% of the net profit of the corp. (He has substantial. Apart from the legal legal principle that
registered his trademark in the Bureau of Patents in the option for rescission belongs to the injured party,
1938). the fact remains that there is no alternative but to file
Def Corp thru its President Tirso Reyes, is selling in the present action.
favor or a third party the assets of the said corp The corp is alleging that plaintiff cannot have both,
together with the ownership of the aforementioned rescission and the performance of an obligation i.e.
trademark and formula in violation of the contract. payment of salary. Court held that the use, the right
Def defenses are that they have complied with the to use, and the formula for the sauce remained in the
terms of the contract and that Francisco was not corp when plaintiff was dismissed.
dismissed and that he was even given several Bill of Assignment rescinded and corp ordered to
memoranda that he reports to work but he failed to retrun and restore the right to the use of his mafran
do so, thus, he is the one who has failed to comply sauce trademark and formula, corp enjoined from
with the stipulations of the contract. using the mafran trademark and formula and to pay
It was Francisco who filed for rescission of the the salary from 1960 until date of inality of judgment.
Note: Discussed the reconciliation of rescission articles.
Guzman, Bocaling & Co. vs. Bonnevie
1) WON the Bill of Assignment ceded and transferred to UFC
the formula of Mafran sauce. Facts:
2) WON Franciso was dismissed from the corporation without A 600 sqm parcel of land with two buildings belonging
justifiable cause and in violation of the stipulations in the Bill of to the Intestate Estate of Jose Reynoso was leased to
Assignment which states that his appointment is permanent in Raoul and Christopher Bonnevie by the administratix
character Africa Valdez for a period of one year at a rate of 4K a
month starting Aug. 1976.
3) WON the rescission of the Bill of Assignment should be In the contract of lease, there is a stipulation that “in
granted. case the lessor desires or decides to sell the leased
property, the lessees shall be given a first priority to
Held: purchase the same, all things and considerations
being equal.
1) No. It was only the use of the sauce and not the In Nov. 1976, administratix notified the resp by
formula which was the intention of the parties. registered mail that she is selling the premises for
a) Payment of royalty: royalty when used in connection 600K less a mortgage loan and giving them 30 days
with a license under a patent, menas the from receipt to exercise their right of first priority. If
compensation paid by the licensee to the licensor for they would not exercise, she expects them to vacate
the use of the licensor’s patented invention. the prop in March 1977.
b) It was clear that plaintiff wanted to preserve the In Jan 1977, she sent a letter notifying them that in
secrecy of the Mafran formula and to prevent its their failure to exercise their right, she has already
unauthorized proliferation, it is provided in the sold the property. This is the only letter that the
Duman \ OBLICON \ Prof Morales \ I-E \ Page 2
Bonnevies received. They informed agent that they Santiago returned to China after one year and entered
are willing to make negotiations and that they refuse into an illicit relationship with Chan Quieg.
the termination of the lease. He returned to the Phil and never saw Chan Quieg
In March 1977, property formally sold to Guzman, again but then he received a letter from her saying
Bocaling & Corp for 400K and the balance of this that she had borne him a son Uy Soo Lim.
amount shall be paid when the Bonnevies have Santiago died without even seeing his son and with
already vacated the premises. the belief that he is his only son, he dictated the
Administratix demanded that they vacate the provisions of his will upon this belief disposing a
premises and pay the rentals for four months. greater part of his properties to his son.
They had a Compromise Agreement that the In 1901, Santiago died with persons who survived
Bonnevies shall vacate the premises not later than him, Candida Vivares and daughters and Chan Quieg
Oct. 1979 but this was set aside. and Uy Soo Lim.
The Bonnevies filed an action for annulment of the Tan Chuan was named executor and Uy Bundan, the
sale between REynoso and the GBC and ancellation of brother of Sanitago was named testator guardian of
the transfer certificate. They also asked that Reynoso Francisca, Concepcion and Uy Soo Lim.
be required to sell the property to them under the Until Oct 1910, Uy Bundan continued administering
same terms and conditions agreed upon the Contract the properties and on Oct 18, 1910, Francisca had
of sale. reached majority, Concepcion would reach majority in
Issue: a few months and Uy Soo Lim had married, the
guardian was ordered to present a plan of distribution
WON the Bonnevies can file for an action for annulment of the of the estate accdg to the dispositions of Santiago’s
sale between Reynoso and the GBC considering that they are will. He did not comply.
third parties to the contract. Candida claims the right as widow and claims for ½ of
the estate and asked that administration of the estate
Held: be reopened.
Francisca and Concepcion filed that Uy Soo Lim was
Yes. The Contract of Sale was not voidable but rescissible. not entitled under law to the amount assigned to him
for the reason that the marriage of Chan Quieg with
Under Art 1380 to 1381 (3) of the CC, a contract Santiago was null and void and that Uy Soo Lim was
otherwise valid may nonetheless be subsequently not a son of Santiago, either legitimate or illegitimate.
rescinded by reason of injury to third persons, like Chan Quieg claims for ½ of the properties bec she
creditors. The status of creditors could be validly claims that she has lived martially with Santiago and
accorded the Bonnevies for they had substantial that their union was valid under the laws and customs
interest that were prejudiced by the sale of the of China.
subject property to the petitioner without recognizing Uy Soo Lim appointed Choa Tek Hee as agent and
their right of first priority under the Contract of Lease. adviser and executed a power of attorney in favor of
Tolentino: rescission is a remdy granted by law to the Tek Hee to represent him in the pending negotiations.
contracting parties and even to third persons, to There was an agreement reached that they would
secure reparation for damages caused to them by a submit the dispute to there respectable Chinese
contract, even if this should be valid, by means of the mechants as friendly advisers.
resotoration of things to their condition at the In 1911, Uy Soo Lim executed a deed which
moment prior to the celebration of said contract. relinquished and sold to Francisca all his right, title
It is a relief allowed for the protection of one of the and interest in the estate in consideration of P82,500.
contracting parties and even third persons from all Concepcion and Candida Vivares relinquished and sold
injury and damage the contract may cause, or to also to Francisca all their right, title and interest.
protect some incompatible and preferred right created Chan Quieg also sold and relinquished to Francisca all
by the contract. her right, title and interest. She also gave her consent
Rescission implies a contract which, even if initially to the sale of Uy Soo Lim of his right and interest (Uy
valid, produces a lesion or pecuniary damage to Soo Lim was still a minor).
someone that justifies its invalidation for reasons of Francisca was declared as sole owner of all properties
equity. of Santiago.
GBC cannot be buyers in good faith bec they had In 1914, Uy Soo Lim seek to rescind and annul the
knowledge of the lease of the premise. They were contract by which he has sold and transferred to
negligent in not inquiring about the terms of the Francisca his interest in the estate.
Lease Contract. He alleges that undue influence was exercised upon
him, taking advantage of his youth. The court
Voidable Contracts discounted this allegations because there has been no
evidence to prove such claim (he was even a student
Uy Soo Lim vs. Tan Unchuan of law and the court said he was a youth of more than
ordinary intelligence—wow tayo rin?). Furthermore,
Facts: he had the benefit of the advice of two lawyers.
WON the contract was merely voidable and was later ratified
by the amicable settlement.