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Water Awareness Center: Guide: Ar. Paranjyoti .R. Patil

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BY :
VTU Reg No: 3PD14ATO34
P.D.A College of Engg
Supervisor : Ar. ANJU WANTI
It’s a center to educate the visitors to appreciate water as a scarce fundamental resource.
Water awareness center includes promoting to the study of various policies , strategies ,qualities and activities
to sustainably manage the resource of fresh water to protect the hydrosphere and to promote the water
conservation principles through demonstrating India’s history in harvesting and recharging of rainwater to
meet the current and future needs.

AIM :-
To integrate water in the built environment at suitable places to demonstrate the institutes goal.

• To integrate water conservation techniques in the landscape and built structure.
• To provide water related structure in public to create awareness through affinity.
• To adopt reuse or recycling processes of water in design.
• To design the structure that are climate responsive with the help of water.
• To create a feel of place by water with built environment synchronizing with water conservation as a major
• Build on existing assets & context.
• Connect destinations along the waterfront.
• To Balance environmental benefits with human needs.
Scope of project :-
Ensuring availability of water for future generations where the withdrawal of freshwater from an ecosystem does
not exceed its natural replacement rate. Energy conservation as water pumping, delivery and wastewater
treatment facilities consume a significant amount of energy. In some regions of the world over 15% of
total electricity consumption is devoted to water management. Habitat conservation where minimizing human
water use helps to preserve freshwater habitats for local wildlife and also water quality.
Tentative Requirements :-
• Water Conservation yard.
• Recycling complex.
• Filtration complex.
• Administration block.
• Research centre.
• Class rooms.
• Accomadation (dormitories, private rooms etc.)
• Awareness hall ( seminar hall).
• Museum.
• Water sports complex.
• Cafeterias.
• Walkways.

Traditional Water Conservation Methods in India :-
Since ages, people across different regions of India, have experienced either excess or scarce water due to
varied rainfall and land topography. Yet, they have managed to irrigate their agricultural fields using localized
water harvesting methods. Their traditional ways, though less popular, are still in use and efficient. They are
enriched with knowledge to manage water in communal ways. Let’s learn about a few traditional water
conservation methods in India used by our illiterate yet successful water managers in India.
1.Katta/check damm:-

Katta is a temporary structure made by binding mud and loose stones available locally. Built across small streams
and rivers, this stone bund slows the flow of water, and stores a large amount (depending upon its height) during the
dry months. The collected water gradually seeps into ground and increase the water level of nearby wells. In coastal
areas, they also minimize the flow of fresh water into the sea.
It is a cost effective and simple method, used widely in rural areas. Series of stone bunds build one behind the other
have proved to be more effective than modern concrete dams in some villages, as these local structures can be
easily repaired by farmers themselves. Although they require many skilled laborers during construction, the cost is
mostly shared by all the villagers as it is a common structure. However, with more people opting for personal
borewells and handpumps, the water level in open wells has gone down severely, taking a toll on marginal villages.
Thus, rejuvenating these community Kattas can go a long way in sustainable water management.
These water soak pits called as Madakas in Karnataka, Pemghara
in Odisha and Johads in Rajasthan, are one of the oldest systems
used to conserve and recharge ground water. Constructed on an
area with naturally high elevation on three sides, soil is excavated
to create a storage area and used to create a wall on fourth side to
hold water. Johads collect monsoon water, which slowly seeps in to
recharge groundwater and maintain soil moisture. Sometimes,
many Johads are interconnected with a gulley or deep channels
with a single outlet in a river or stream nearby to prevent structural
damage. This cost-efficient and simple structure requires annual
maintenance of de-silting and cleaning the storage area of weed

These step-wells are grand structures of high
archaeological significance constructed since ancient
times, mainly in honor of kings and queens. They are
typically square shaped step-wells with beautiful
arches, motifs and sometimes rooms on sides. Apart
from storing water for basic needs, they at times also
served for water sports.
Located away from residential areas, the water quality
in these Bawdis is considered to be good for
5.Bamboo Drip Irrigation.
Innovated by tribes of north eastern states, this technique
economically uses water during dry seasons. It is practiced in hilly
areas where construction of ground channels is not possible due to
sloppy and stony terrain. This arrangement taps spring water to
irrigate fields. A network of channels made by bamboo pipes of
various diameters (to control flow), allows downward flow of water
by gravity. An efficient system can reduce around 20 liters of inflow
water running over kms to 20-80 drops per minute in agricultural
Construction material such as bamboo and fiber is locally available.
It is cost effective requiring less maintenance and only 1-2 laborers,
who use tools to create a network of bamboo pipes to irrigate one
hectare of land in 15 days. The system lasts for around three years
after which the wood rots and decomposes to become nutrient-rich
6.Transferring Water by Gravity Method.
A underground canals that tap an alluvial fan on mountain slopes and carry it over large
distances, were one of the most ingenious of ancient hydro-technical inventions. They originated
in Armenia around 1000 BC and were found in india since 300 BC.
7.ABC Filtering Tank.

A series of tanks ensured

Desilting and filtering, and waste
weir and seven spill chambers
ensured that overflow was
properly channel back to the

This scheme basically consists of storage tanks which collect groundwater from
underground springs flowing down from hill towards storage tank . the ground water is
intercepted at four places . water is carried out with a number of connected wells to a
collection chamber , and from there to town .
 It’s a design synchronizing with water conservation techniques, water recycling and water
reusing techniques inside or outside the building’s. which can be adopted in the form of
water waves and other properties of water which give the feel of water while moving
throughout the premises.
 It will be designed, keeping in mind water as main concept.
 It is adopted to achieve educational goal to provide information and solution about the
water declination.
 It is for both public and private purpose standing as a whole to save the water for future.
 The water base design can be adopted for various purposes as follows:-
- It can be adopted in Roof top rainwater harvesting.
- It can be adopted in utilizing harvested water.
- It can be adopted in the process of re-using the waste water produced by R.O. plant.
- It can be adopted in catchment of water.
- It can be adopted by providing major landscape of water to create awareness among
Dekstop case study
The Energy Research Institute
Dekstop case study
Indira Gandhi institute of research & development
Design guidelines

- Locating all water conservation / recycling / reuse technique structures appropriately.
- Locating structures that integreates with topography and conservation structures.
- Using water bodies to modulate the site micro climate.
- Water related structures to become part of landscape.

- Exploring and evoking the design of water as concept.
- Plan using levels and maintaing natural topography.
- To use stone as building material.
- To design a roof to harvest rain water.
- Using water bodies to modulate the interior micro climate.
- Providing refreshment area in higher place in order to have feel of landscape.
- No use of R.O plant in design but adopting only sand and carbon filter for drinking water.
Site selection:-


It is established on August 2016 with influence of Shankar Nayak who works for the Archaeological Survey
and is in charge of Taj bavadi, states that the City Corporation dredged it about 7-8 years ago.Inaugurated
on water conservation day ie on august 2017.
This is the first time that such an event, generally organised in metropolitan cities of the country, is being
held in Vijayapura. Dozens of experts in water conservation will take part to share their views. Personalities
such as Anna Hazare and Rajendra Singh are expected to attend.
One of the reasons behind selecting Vijayapura for the event is the effort made by the State government in
reviving ancient tanks and historic Bawadis (open wells) for water conservation.
While several ancient tanks including Begum Talab, Mamadapur and Bhutanal that had been dry for
decades have been filled with water, around 22 historic Bawadis of the city have been cleaned.
These tanks and Bawadis were built during Adil Shahi era for supplying water to the parched city. However,
owing to negligence, they are either running dry or being used to dump garbage. The water in these
Bawadis was completely contaminated.

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