RSCH Q.exam Real
RSCH Q.exam Real
RSCH Q.exam Real
Identify the mode of the following set of numbers 100 700 500 800 100
RESEARCH 110 100
(COMPILED BY EZRA) 18. What kind of sampling if your list was the phone book, it would be easiest
to start perhaps the 17th person, and then select every 50th person from that
1 Requires the interviewers have telephone point on
False Systematic Planning
2 It is the most common measure of central tendency 19. What is the median of the following set of numbers 12 13 14 15 16
Arithmetic Mean 14
3 Identify the mode on the following set of numbers 400 708 504 802 400 20. Solve the mean of the following set of give answers. Type your answer in
400 the space provided 12 79 59 87 43
4 What kind of sampling if your sample is Professor I from the Universities in
the region IV A? 21. You want to know the Number of Students in San Jose NHS
Stratified Sampling Survey research
5 It is neither the subject nor the experimenter knows whether the subject is 22. Saves time involved in processing the data
in the treatment of the control condition True
Double Blind
23. The power of a test is the probability of finding significance if the
6 213 and 314 alternative hypothesis is true
101 True
7 A researcher will represent and manipulate certain observations that they 24. In this scale are the ultimate nirvana when it comes to measurement
are studying scales because tell us about the order, they tell us the exact value between
True units
Ration Scale
8. Identify the mode on the following set of numbers 165 765 545 165 415
165 25. This reliability the reliability of two tests constructed the same way, from
the same content
9.This reliability the consistency of results across items, often measures with Parallel-Forms Reliability
Cronbach’s Alpha
Internal Consistency 26.A score on a well-constructed test is believed to reflect a psychological
construct such as achievement in a school subject, cognitive ability, aptitude,
10 one of the general guideline in reporting and writing the data analysis and emotional functioning, personality, etc.
interpretation is the subtitles of section are based on the questions in the True
statement of the problem, stated in declarative form, single space bond
True 27. Recommendations are not based on important results and conclusions
11. In order to have a random selection method of sampling that utilizes
some form of random selection 28. This is the population in research to which the researchers can apply their
True conclusions
Accessible population
12. It means that a tool measures what it sets out to measure for example,
that a pain assessment tool measures pain intensity rather than anxiety 29. The specific questions should follow the order they are given under the
Measurement Validity statement of the problem
13. 211 and 219
8 30. IN THIS SCALE it is the order of the values is what is important and
significant but the differences between each one is not really known
14. What kind of sampling if your list was the phone book, it would be easiest Ordinal scale
to start at perhaps the 8th person, and then select every 150th person from
that point on? 31. Solve the mean of the following set of give numbers. 15 75 55 85 45
Systematic Planning 55
15. 2 and 12 32. One of the general guideline in reporting and writing the data analysis
10 and the interpretation is an introductory paragraph is provided at the start of
the chapter
16. Solve the mean of the following set of give numbers. Type your answer in True
the space provided 16 78 54 82 40
54 33. It is the mid point of a distribution
survey research
34. It refers to an ANOVA using two independent variable
TWO-WAY ANOVA 51. what kind of sampling you were going to use if your sample is every 20th
child in the 1000 children in a single row
35. You want to know who is better in learning section 1 or section 2 systematic sampling
Survey research
52. you want to know who is better section Narra or section Santol
36. In this scale it is used numeric scale in which we know noit only the order survey research
but also the exact differences between the values
Interval scale 53. casual comparative research is the bed rock of most sciences most
specifically natural sciences
37. The consistency of results across items often measures wit Cronbach’s true
True 54. saves the interviewer from carrying around hundreds of questionnaires
38. What kind of sampling if your sample is every 21st of the participants
from the 1800 participants in the training seminar 55. a descriptive study establishes only associations between variables an
Systematic sampling experimental study establishes casualty
39. Solve the mean 106,708,504,802,400
504 56. tables and figures should not be im continuous numbering it should be
presented first before discussion enclose tables with double line on top
40. 15 and 35 should be used graphs should be colored
20 false
41. What kind of sampling if your sample is religious affliction from each of 57. this reliability the degree toi which different raters/ observers give
the 50 states consistent answers of estimates
Stratified sampling inter-rater/ observer reliability
42. What king of sampling if your strata where individual school in the 58. it is more structured method than in qualitative research compare to
division of antipolo you would randomly select perhaps 20 schools and test quantitative research
all of the students within those schools interview method
Cluster sampling
43. This research may include case studies, ethnographic studies, ethological -Which of the following is not an ethical dilemma in research?
studies whose primary characteristics is being observed or recorded Select one: a. Misconduct in research b. Informed consent c. Falsification of
Observational research data bank d. Conflicts of interest
44. This is the group that receives the experimental treatment manipulation -True or False: A responsible researcher looks for alternative ways to arrive at
or is different form the control group on the variable under study a conclusion in the study.
Experimental or treatment group Answer: False
45. One of the general guideline in reporting and writing the data analysis -What aspect of research experience illustrates the expedition of the
and the interpretation is the tables and figures should be in continuous researcher?
numbering. It should be presented the first before discussion enclose tables b. Research Adventure
with double line on top should be used, graphs should be colored
True -What does “observe justice” mean in ethical research?
Select one: a. Individuals should be treated as autonomous agents. b.
46. It is true experiments but use naturally formed or pre existing groups Persons with diminished autonomy (e.g., prisoners, students, children, etc)
Quasi-experiment should not be coerced to participate in a research. c. Investigators should
mind the reduction of risk that might occur from the research. d. Investigator
47. It is a subject that has an equal probability of being selected for either the should practice fairness in distribution and equitable selection of
treatment or control group participants.
Random assignment
-A researcher may withhold a participant’s name and any identifying
48. Correlational research involves comparative in this research the study of characteristics when asked to present such information when
two or more groups is done without focusing on the relationship Select one: a. They feel the information is unnecessary to the individual b.
False They have obtained a certificate of confidentiality c. It is a case involving
required reporting d. The research paper is not published yet.
49. What kind of sampling if your sample is doctorate degree holder form the
20 divisions in the NCR -What is scientific method?
Stratified sampling Select one: a. Validating the results b. Systematic process c. Good research d.
Making research instruments
50. You want to explore who is dominant graduate of BSED or BEED
-Research is described as a cycle because it follows a process. Select one: True False
-Which of the following is not included in the research experience? -The Internet has become an accepted source of information for educational
Select one: a. Identity of the researcher b. Biography of the researcher c. research. Which of the following is NOT an indicator of the quality of
Social class of the researcher d. Emotions of the researcher information found on the Internet?
Select one: a. The number of "hits" for the site b. The honesty of the
-Anonymity is when a participant does not give a researcher… reported information c. The authenticity of the information d. The lack of
Select one: a. His/her name and identifying characteristics b. Confidential bias
material c. Confidential material and identifying characteristics d. His/her
name e. Identifying characteristics f. His/her name and confidential material -What should a review of the literature enable an investigator to do?
Select one: a. Provide the insights necessary to develop a logical framework
-Research is into which the topic fits. b. Ascertain what is already known about a topic. c.
Select one: a. Reorganizing, or restating, reviewing common findings b. None of the choices d. Identify methodological strategies for designing the
Analyzing and interpreting new information c. Collecting existing information study. e. All of the choices
d. Modifying established knowledge
-What is the context of “literature” in a research project?
-Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research Select one: a. Any highly regarded novel b. Any paper source c. Any written
question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. It should not use material d. Published accounts of researchers
comparative terms (such as higher, better, etc.).
Select one: True False -Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter: Food blog
Select one: a. Syndicated b. Dynamic c. Static
-Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research
question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. The problem -Identify the citation format used in the following references by writing CMS,
statement is more specific than a topic and it limits the scope of the research APA or MLA: Pollan, Michael. 2006. The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural
problem. History of Four Meals. New York: Penguin.
Select one: True False Answer: APA
-Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research -Most of the searches for related literature are conducted using:
question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. The problem Select one: a. Long sentences b. Key word searches c. Short sentences d. Key
statement is more specific than a topic and it limits the scope of the research letter searches
Select one: True False -Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter: Braveheart
(starred and produced by Mel Gibson)
-Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research: Select one: a. Dynamic b. Static c. Syndicated
The Specific Genetic Code of the Fruit Fly
Answer: PURE -Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE with regards to the
literature review?
-Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research Select one: a. It shows why research questions are important. b. It explains
question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. It is biased in the method necessary for the gathering of data. c. It helps researchers to
terminology or position. build up an argument. d. It has everything a researcher needs to read about
Select one: False his/her research
-Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research: -What is the most popular citation style used in academic research papers?
Compositions of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons Select one: a. APA and CMS b. APA c. CMS d. MLA e. CMS and MLA f. All of
Answer: PURE the choices g. APA and MLA
-Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research -Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter: Spolarium by
question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. Indicate what is Juan Luna
probably necessary to conduct the study and explain how the findings will Select one: a. Syndicated b. Dynamic c. Static
present this information.
Select one: True False
-In a study of birth planning in China reenhalgh in Ryan and ernard 00
-Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research surveyed 1011 evermarried women gathered social and economic histories
question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. It must only ask from 10 families. he conducted indepth interviews with present and formal
about the relationship between two or more variables. officials known as cadres and collected documentary evidence from local
Select one: True False newspapers ournals and other sources. reenhalgh notes that ecause I was
largely constrained from asking direct uestions aout resistance the informal
-Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research: record of field notes interview transcripts and uestionnaire data contains few
Applying the algorithm for detecting individual trees from Drone Images overt challenges to state policy. reenhalgh concludes however that their
Answer: APPLIED conversations with the researchers oth peasants and cadres made strategic
use of silence to protest aspects of the policy they did not like. adres for
-Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research eample were loathe to comment on irthplanning campaigns peasant women
question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. It has the were reluctant to talk aout steriliation. hese silences form one part of the
potential to suggest directions for past research. unofficial record of irth planning in the villages. More eplicit protests were
registered in informal conversations. rom these interactions emerged a sense Answer: His/her name and identifying characteristics
of profound distress of villagers forced to choose etween a resistance that
was politically risky and a compliance that violated the norms of hinese -The mathematics involved is very high level and people often struggle with it
culture and of practical reason. even after being taught how to do it.
Answer: searching for missing information Answer: False
-Artwork of the child participants
Select one: a. Pictures . Word Tales and Lists c. Graphics -Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process?
-Answer 1,2,3, 4, 5 or 6, to identify the stages of the interview where the Answer: Identification of problem
following statements are said.
“How does your family view your situation?” -True or False: A responsible researcher looks for alternative ways to arrive at
Answer: 4 a conclusion in the study.
-Identify the technique used to discover the thees in the data below. Answer: False
Naomi Quinn (in Ryan and Bernard, 2003) has analyzed hundreds of hours of
interviews to discover concepts underlying American marriage and to show -What aspect of research experience illustrates the pressure to the
how these concepts are tied together. he egan y looking at patterns of researcher in meeting research deadlines?
speech and at the repetition of key words and phrases paying particular Answer: Emotions
attention to informants use of metaphors and the commonalities in their
reasoning about marriage. an one of her informants says that marriage is a Which of the following is a research method that allows a researcher to get
manufactured product. his popular metaphor indicates that an sees information about a large number of subjects relatively inexpensively and
marriages as something that has properties like strength and staying power easily?
and as something that reuires work to produce. ome marriages are put Answer: Naturalistic observation
together well while others fall apart like so many cars or toys or washing
machines. -Subjectivity of researcher in methodology is recognized less. –False
Answer: Metaphors and analogies
-Informed consent requires that individuals…
Anything that might indicate membership in groups or in supopulations of Answer: Have adequate information about the procedures and benefits
interest to the study such as profession social status socioeconomic class associated with the research
religion or ethnicity
Select one: a. Human traffic b. verbal behavior and interactions c. Physical -A researcher may withhold a participant’s name and any identifying
behavior and gestures d. Appearance e. Personal space f. People who stand characteristics when asked to present such information when
out Answer: They have obtained a certificate of confidentiality
What do you think about the two presidential candidates? -What is a research instrument?
Answer: OPEN Answer: a tool for data collection
Much can be learned from a text by what is not mentioned. -A reasoning where one start with certain particular statements and
Select one: a. Transitions . Unarked tets c. Indigenous categor d. ord conclude with a universal statement is called
repetitions e. awing f. Metaphors and analogies g. opare and contrast h. Answer: inductive method
utting and Sorting i. e words in contet I . j. Searching for missing information
k. onnectors l. Social science queries -It addresses the question of how people produce social reality in and
through interactive processes.
What is your message to people who are still fighting cancer until now Answer: Qualitative research is the best design for a social inquiry since it
Answer: 5 explores and analyzes people's values and perspective through observation.
-The idea that themes represent the ways in which tets are either similar or -What is an ethical dilemma?
different from each other. Answer: conflict between the different principles of immoral conduct
Select one: a. Unarked tets . Searching for issing inforation c. onnectors d.
Indigenous categor e. awing f. Social science queries g. compare and contrast -What does “observe justice” mean in ethical research?
h. Metaphors and analogies i. ord repetitions . e words in contet I k. utting Answer: Investigator should practice fairness in distribution and equitable
and Sorting l. Transitions selection of participants
-Barkin et al. (in Ryan and Bernard, 2003) interviewed clinicians community -Which of the following is a characteristic of a well-written research
leaders and parents aout what physicians could and did do to prevent hypothesis?
violence among youth. hese were long comple interviews so arkin et al. roke Answer: pertinent question
the coding process into two steps. hey started with three maor themes that
they developed from theory. he principle investigator went through the -Which of the following is NOT a role of a researcher?
transcripts and cut out all the uotes that pertained to each of the maor Answer: fabricator of data
themes. hen four other coders independently sorted the uotes from each
maor theme into piles. hen the pile sort data were analyed with -Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements
multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis to identify suthemes shared about research knowledge and experience. “In much of society, research
across coders. means to investigate something you do not know or understand. ” -Neil
Answer: cutting and sorting Armstrong
Answer: Research is an investigation of the unknown.
-Anonymity is when a participant does not give a researcher…
-True or False: Qualitative research requires data from a natural setting.
Answer: true -How can a researcher become the data gathering instrument in qualitative
-Which of the following is not an ethical dilemma in research? research?
Answer: Falsification of data bank Answer: The researcher is at the center of the data-gathering phase.
-Write TRUE if the statement gives the correct description of an everyday life -What is conceptual audacity that can be found in the theme of everyday life
research and FALSE if it is incorrect. The observation of such forms can be research?
broken into the dimensions of temporal, spatial, material, social, meaningful, Answer: A tool that enables us to see new and perhaps surprising aspects of
media-technical, emotional and bodily aspects. the everyday lives that we lead.
Answer: true
-It must only ask about the relationship between two or more variables
-Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research Answer: True
question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. It has the
potential to suggest directions for past research. -Which of the following titles is best for applied research?
Answer: False Answer: The effectiveness of abstinence programs
-Which of the following is a good research question? -What does participant-researcher relationship mean in qualitative research?
Answer: How do teenagers view the word “forever”? Answer: The participants and the researcher share the “research space”.
-Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research: -What is the scope of the research?
Compositions of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons Answer: Identifies the possibilities to which to which the study becomes
Answer: PURE manageable in terms of issues, respondents, and time.
-Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research, -The researcher invented the results of the study.
and write ELIMITATI if it is a restriction of the research. The study is focused Answer: Fabrication
on the possible implementation of online ea in the university.
Answer: SCOPE
-A director didn’t cite the name of the playwright he used in the contest. -Identify the sample used in the researches below by choosing the letter of
Answer: Plagiarism the best answer:
Adler (2003) examined the relationship of foreign language study and SAT
-What information is required for the APA in-text citation? Verbal scores. Additionally, the study explored whether or not the number of
Personal author: McCullough, David G. Title: John Adams Publication info: years of foreign language study had an impact on SAT verbal scores. The
New York : Simon & Schuster, c2001. Bibliography note: Includes students involved were female seniors at a private high school in suburban
bibliographical references (p. 703-726) and index Maryland. It was hypothesized that there would be no significant effect that
Answer: McCullough, 2001 the choice of foreign language study has on the verbal score achieved on the
SAT. This hypothesis was rejected because there was a significant difference
-What organization principle is used to explain historical changes or in SAT Verbal averages among the students of three different foreign
perspectives? languages. French foreign language students outperformed Spanish and Latin
Answer: Chronology foreign language students
Answer: female senior students
-Name the research misconduct performed in the following situations by
choosing the letter of the correct answer: She hastily distorted the statistical -Which part of the review of the related literature engages in a dialogue with
computation of the data to finish her paper on time. the literature?
Answer: Falsification Answer: Introduction
-Identify the sample used in the researches below by choosing the letter of -A researcher is interested in the examples or illustrations several authors
the best answer: have used to prove a point. How can he pull them all together and use them
Dunckley, Aspinal, Addington-Hall, Hughes, & Higginson (in Nieswiadomy, in his own paper in a list?
2008) used the staff in one hospice and one nursing home setting in London Answer: Include a citation after each separate example to indicate where you
as their research data. The purpose of the study was to identify facilitators found them.
and barriers to the use of the Palliative Care Outcome Scale (POS). Staff took
part in semi-structured interviews, completed diaries, and participated in -Which of the following is the best way to maximize the process of reviewing
monthly meetings to give their opinions of what they thought were the of the related literature?
facilitators and barriers to the implementation of the POS. Answer: Reviewing the researcher’s notes made on editorial and overview
Answer: staff of one hospice and one nursing home papers and chapters
-Answer 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, to identify the stages of the interview where the -Draw your conclusion on the following statements by choosing the letter of
following statements are said. the correct answer.
“This research is conducted to investigate the life experiences of people who In reading, we should consider not only what we can directly get from the
survived cancer and now living cancer free for more than 5 years.” text but also what we can read between the lines. In order to fully
Answer: 2 understand and appreciate a thought, a sentence, a passage, and a text, we
need to read more than the literal meaning (Yu & Plata, 2006).
-Identify the most appropriate way to display the following research data. Answer: We should use given information in inferring ideas.
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
Summary of research findings -Identify the most appropriate way to display the following research data.
Answer: Word Tables and Lists Choose the letter of the correct answer.
-Draw your conclusion on the following statements by choosing the letter of The list of research participants
the correct answer. Answer: Word Tables and Lists
The club president tendered his resignation and said, “While I may no longer
lead this organization, I will continue to support its endeavors and activities.” -Draw your conclusion on the following statements by choosing the letter of
Answer: He will still participate in the activities of the organization. the correct answer.
-Identify the most appropriate way to display the following research data. Mateo almost wished that he hadn’t listened to the radio. He went to the
Choose the letter of the correct answer. closet and grabbed his umbrella. He would feel silly carrying it to the bus stop
Area plan of a research field on such a sunny morning.
Answer: Graphics Answer: Mateo heard a weather forecast; it would rain in the afternoon.
-Answer 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, to identify the stages of the interview where the -What is a research design?
following statements are said. Answer: all of the choices
“Thank you for finding time to be in this interview. Your story is very
inspiring.” -What is bibliography?
Answer: 6 Answer: A complete list of all works related to the study including the ones
that are not directly contained in the report.
-Choose the technique for discovering theme to the description:
The idea that themes represent the ways in which texts are either similar or -Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:
different from each other. Children of wealthy parents in the education system
Answer: Compare and contrast Answer: Grounded Theory
-Identify the following questions as OPEN, LEADING or MAPPING. -Which of the following is the correct notion about observation?
Do you think he is gay? Answer: A key data gathering method in social sciences
-Which of the following is not a type of narrative research?
Answer: Case study
-Not too much detail is needed in the summary of findings – simple answer
the research questions, and draw the conclusion. -What is the final stage of analyzing data?
Answer: true Answer: Presenting the data in tabular form
-Choose the technique for discovering theme to the description: -Which of the following is NOT the function of references?
Interviews searching for what people do in managing impersonal social Answer: To ensure sufficiently long reference list
relationships, methods by which people acquire and maintain achieved and
ascribed status, and information about how people solve problems. -A study is based on 30 people (across three focus groups). What type of
Answer: Social science queries study is this?
Answer: Qualitative
-Choose the best research design approach for the following research title: A -Threats to credibility in qualitative research exist when _____________.
personal journey with grounded theory methodology Answer: The data that fail to fit the explanation or interpretation are not
Answer: Grounded Theory addressed.
-Which of the following titles is a narrative research? -What is common in data collection among qualitative researches?
Answer: The Life and Works of Rizal Answer: Language based
-How does verification of data happen? -Which of the following is the purpose of recommendations?
Answer: Check and recheck the data to ensure the initial conclusions are Answer: Courses of actions suggested by the researcher based on the
realistic, supportable, and valid. findings of the study
-When assessing Internet based literature, which of the following is NOT -In participant observation, what information can be observed?
important? Answer: All of the choices
Answer: The layout of the site
-Which of the following is the correct order in writing the research paper?
-A surveyor placed a cable across a street to count the number of vehicles Answer: Introduction, method, results, discussion and references
which pass over it at different times of the day in order to select a site for a
new 7-Eleven store. What type of data collection did he use? -Which of the following method is used in qualitative research?
Answer: Observation Answer: Focus group discussion
-Which of the following should be considered in questioning data validity and -Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:
reliability? Lived experiences of adult caregiving daughter and their elderly mothers
Answer: All of the choices Answer: Phenomenological Research
-Choose the best research design approach for the following research title: -Which of the following citation used the APA format?
Solving word problems of preschoolers through illustrations Answer: Canonigo, C.S. (1999). English Grammar & Composition Part 1.
Answer: Action Research Manila: CKC Publication
-The researcher collected data using questionnaires, structured observation -Choose the best research design approach for the following research title: A
and interviews. What is the research design applied? historical and comparative note on the relationship between analytic
Answer: Ethnographic induction and grounded theorizing
Answer: Ethnographic Research
-Choose the best research design approach for the following research title: A
Qualitative Study of Multicultural Identities: Three Cases of London's Inner- -Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:
City Children The lived experience of being a sole mother in the Philippines
Answer: Ethnographic Research Answer: Phenomenological Research
-What is the purpose of the qualitative data analysis? -Which connector is used to signify conditional relationships?
Answer: To accomplish a clear description of the phenomenon under study Answer: Rather than
-Which statement is true in writing research recommendations? -A study is based on 1000 people interviewed face-to-face in shopping areas.
Answer: Recommendations should be logical and valid. What qualitative data collection was used?
Answer: Interview
-What techniques for discovering research texts fall under simple
observation? -The entire research project is an exercise in
Answer: Word repetitions, key-indigenous terms, and key-words-in-contexts Answer: All of the choices
-Which citation style is usually used in social science researches?
-What type of source are documentary films? Answer: APA format
Answer: Static
-Which statement is correct in writing research conclusion?
-What influences the choice of the research design? Answer: All of the choices
Answer: All of the choices
-What are research data?
-Which of the following belongs to related literature? Answer: All of the choices
Answer: textbook
-Why is participant observation common among ethnographic studies?
-Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of related literature and Answer: Because it helps researchers learn the perspectives held by study
studies? populations.
Answer: Reviewed materials must be many.
-What kind of questions must be used in conducting interviews? Select one:
Answer: Mapping questions c. Using marginalized in the society
Question 17 Question 23
Complete Complete
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Question 30
Flag question Complete
Question text Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Which of the following value of research in the area of interest that research Flag question
entails both reading and writing? Question text
Select one: This is a word that is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspects of the
d. A Seed to love reading, writing analyzing and sharing valuable information natural word, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed
through observation and experiment.
Question 24 Select one:
Complete c. Theory
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question Question 31
Question text Complete
Classify the following material: Government Libraries Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Select one: Flag question
d. Example of the Location on Preparing the Related Literature and Studies Question text
This is the base word of the variable.
Question 25 Select one:
Complete a. Vary
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question Question 32
Question text Complete
Classify the following material: Private Offices Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Select one: Flag question
b. Example of the Location on Preparing the Related Literature and Studies Question text
Which of the following value of research in the area of interest that research
Question 26 is required not just for students but for all professionals?
Complete Select one:
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. A tool for building knowledge and efficient learning
Flag question
Question text Question 33
This research used a scale, range and verbal interpretation in conducting the Complete
research. Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Select one: Flag question
c. Descriptive Research Question text
This is a method in writing the bibliography in the title of the reading
Question 27 material wherein it will italicized title with only the beginning word
Complete capitalized.
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Select one:
Flag question a. APA System
Question text
Classify the following material: Reports from seminar Question 34
Select one: Complete
d. Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question 28 Question text
Complete Classify the following material: Encyclopedias
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Select one:
Flag question d. Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies
Question text
Identify the method in writing the bibliography used in this entry: Belchez, Question 35
Romana F. Complete
Select one: Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
a. MLA System Flag question
Question text
Question 29 Why experimental research is considered to be true experimental?
Complete Select one:
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 a. Because uses valid results
Flag question
Question text Question 36
Classify the following material: Books Complete
Select one: Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
c. Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies Flag question
Question text
This is the tips in writing the significance of the study that by looking into the Question 43
general contribution of your study. Complete
Select one: Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
d. Write from general to specific Flag question
Question text
Question 37 Classify the following material: 80. Museum
Complete Select one:
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 c. Example of the Location on Preparing the Related Literature and Studies
Flag question
Question text Question 44
This is the another tips for writing an introduction of the research paper that Complete
there is no rule for exactly how long an introduction should be you must Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
consider your length of paper. Flag question
Select one: Question text
a. What's your point? This is a method in writing the bibliography in the copyright date that it will
written after the publisher's name.
Question 38 Select one:
Complete d. MLA System
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question Question 45
Question text Complete
Which of the following value of research in the area of interest that research Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
has a vital role in business? Flag question
Select one: Question text
a. An aid to business success and job search Classify the following material: Private Libraries
Select one:
Question 39 b. Example of the Location on Preparing the Related Literature and Studies
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question Question 46
Question text Complete
Classify the following material: National Library Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Select one: Flag question
b. Example of the Location on Preparing the Related Literature and Studies Question text
Classify the following material: Magazines
Question 40 Select one:
Complete d. Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question Question 47
Question text Complete
Which of the following you need to keep in mind in choosing your own topic Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
that make sure you select a subject that you can develop with sufficient Flag question
details? Question text
Select one: Classify the following material: Almanacs
c. Choose a topic on which you can find material Select one:
b. Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies
Question 41
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Question 48
Flag question Complete
Question text Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Classify the following material: Newspaper Flag question
Select one: Question text
c. Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies This is kind of quantitative research that the best example is true
experimental research.
Question 42 Select one:
Complete b. Experimental Research
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question Question 49
Question text Complete
Classify the following material: Periodicals Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Select one: Flag question
a. Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies Question text
Which of the following value of research in the area of interest that True
television shows and movies ooze with research - both on the part of the
writers and the actors? It addresses indirectly some real problem in the world.
Select one: Select one:
b. Means to understand various issues True
What does “observe justice” mean in ethical research? It has the potential to suggest directions for past research.
Select one: Select one:
d. Investigator should practice fairness in distribution and equitable selection False
of participants.
The Internet has become an accepted source of information for educational
A researcher may withhold a participant’s name and any identifying research. Which of the following is NOT an indicator of the quality of
characteristics when asked to present such information when information found on the Internet?
Select one: Select one:
b. They have obtained a certificate of confidentiality c. The authenticity of the information
What is scientific method? What should a review of the literature enable an investigator to do?
Select one: Select one:
b. Systematic process a. Provide the insights necessary to develop a logical framework into which
the topic fits.
Research is described as a cycle because it follows a process.
What is the context of “literature” in a research project?
Which of the following is not included in the research experience? Select one:
Select one: d. Published accounts of researchers
c. Social class of the researcher
Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter:
Anonymity is when a participant does not give a researcher… Food blog
Select one: Select one:
a. His/her name and identifying characteristics a. Syndicated
Research is Identify the citation format used in the following references by writing CMS,
Select one: APA or MLA:
b. Analyzing and interpreting new information Pollan, Michael. 2006. The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four
Meals. New York: Penguin.
It should not use comparative terms (such as higher, better, etc.). Answer: APA
Select one:
False Most of the searches for related literature are conducted using:
Select one:
The problem statement is more specific than a topic and it limits the scope of b. Key word searches
the research problem.
Select one: Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter:
Braveheart (starred and produced by Mel Gibson) Identify the category of the information in participant observation by
Select one: choosing the letter of the best answer.
b. Static Anything that might indicate membership in groups or in sub-populations of
interest to the study, such as profession, social status, socioeconomic class,
Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE with regards to the literature religion, or ethnicity
review? Select one:
Select one: d. Appearance
b. It explains the method necessary for the gathering of data.
Identify the following questions as OPEN, LEADING or MAPPING.
What is the most popular citation style used in academic research papers? What do you think about the two presidential candidates?
Select one: Answer: OPEN
g. APA and MLA
Choose the technique for discovering theme to the description:
Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter: Much can be learned from a text by what is not mentioned.
Spolarium by Juan Luna Select one:
Select one: j. Searching for missing information
c. Static
Answer 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, to identify the stages of the interview where the
Identify the technique used to discover the themes in the data below. following statements are said.
In a study of birth planning in China, Greenhalgh (in Ryan and Bernard, 2003) “What is your message to people who are still fighting cancer until now?”
surveyed 1,011 ever-married women, gathered social and economic histories Answer: 5
from 150 families. She conducted in-depth interviews with
present and formal officials (known as cadres), and collected documentary Choose the technique for discovering theme to the description:
evidence from local newspapers, journals and other sources. Greenhalgh The idea that themes represent the ways in which texts are either similar or
notes that "Because I was largely constrained from asking direct different from each other.
questions about resistance, the informal record of field notes, interview Select one:
transcripts, and questionnaire data contains few overt challenges to state g. Compare and contrast
policy." Greenhalgh concludes, however, that their conversations with
the researchers, both peasants and cadres made strategic use of silence to Identify the technique used to discover the themes in the data below.
protest aspects of the policy they did not like. Cadres, for example were Barkin et al. (in Ryan and Bernard, 2003) interviewed clinicians, community
loathe to comment on birth-planning campaigns; peasant women leaders, and parents about what physicians could and did do to prevent
were reluctant to talk about sterilization. These silences form one part of the violence among youth. These were long, complex interviews, so
unofficial record of birth planning in the villages. More explicit protests were Barkin et al. broke the coding process into two steps. They started with three
registered in informal conversations. From these interactions major themes that they developed from theory. The principle investigator
emerged a sense of profound distress of villagers forced to choose between a went through the transcripts and cut out all the quotes that
resistance that was politically risky and a compliance that violated the norms pertained to each of the major themes. Then four other coders
of Chinese culture and of practical reason. independently sorted the quotes from each major theme into piles. Then,
Answer: searching for missing information the pile sort data were analyzed with multidimensional scaling and cluster
analysis to identify subthemes shared across coders.
Identify the most appropriate way to display the following research data. Answer: cutting and sorting
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
Artwork of the child participants What is a research design?
Select one: Select one:
a. Pictures b. all of the choices
What is bibliography?
Answer 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, to identify the stages of the interview where the Select one:
following statements are said. c. A complete list of all works related to the study including the ones that are
“How does your family view your situation?” not directly contained in the report.
Answer: 4
Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:
Identify the technique used to discover the themes in the data below. Children of wealthy parents in the education system
Naomi Quinn (in Ryan and Bernard, 2003) has analyzed hundreds of hours of Select one:
interviews to discover concepts underlying American marriage and to show b. Grounded Theory
how these concepts are tied together. She began by looking
at patterns of speech and at the repetition of key words and phrases, paying Which of the following is the correct notion about observation?
particular attention to informants' use of metaphors and the commonalities Select one:
in their reasoning about marriage. Nan, one of her informants, d. A key data gathering method in social sciences.
says that "marriage is a manufactured product." This popular metaphor
indicates that Nan sees marriages as something that has properties, like Which of the following is not a type of narrative research?
strength and staying power, and as something that requires work to Select one:
produce. Some marriages are "put together well," while others "fall apart" c. Case study
like so many cars or toys or washing machines.
Answer: metaphors and analogies What is the final stage of analyzing data?
Select one: Select one:
d. Presenting the data in tabular form d. To accomplish a clear description of the phenomenon under study
Which of the following is NOT the function of references? Which statement is true in writing research recommendations?
Select one: Select one:
c. To ensure sufficiently long reference list b. Recommendations should be logical and valid.
A study is based on 30 people (across three focus groups). What type of What techniques for discovering research texts fall under simple
study is this? observation?
Select one: Select one:
d. Qualitative d. Word repetitions, key-indigenous terms, and key-words-in-contexts
Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:
A personal journey with grounded theory methodology What type of source are documentary films?
Select one: Select one:
c. Grounded Theory a. Static
Which of the following titles is a narrative research? What influences the choice of the research design?
Select one: Select one:
c. The Life and Works of Rizal b. All of the choices
How does verification of data happen? Which of the following belongs to related literature?
Select one: Select one:
b. Check and recheck the data to ensure the initial conclusions are realistic, b. textbook
supportable, and valid.
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of related literature and
When assessing Internet based literature, which of the following is NOT studies?
important? Select one:
Select one: c. Reviewed materials must be many.
b. The layout of the site
Threats to credibility in qualitative research exist when _____________.
A surveyor placed a cable across a street to count the number of vehicles Select one:
which pass over it at different times of the day in order to select a site for a a. The data that fail to fit the explanation or interpretation are not
new 7-Eleven store. What type of data collection did he use? addressed.
Select one:
a. Observation What is common in data collection among qualitative researches?
Select one:
Which of the following should be considered in questioning data validity and a. Language based
Select one: Which of the following is the purpose of recommendations?
d. All of the choices Select one:
b. Courses of actions suggested by the researcher based on the findings of
Choose the best research design approach for the following research title: the study
Solving word problems of preschoolers through illustrations
Select one: In participant observation, what information can be observed?
a. Action Research Select one:
a. All of the choices
__________ contains a small number of people (usually eight to twelve) and
is convened to address topics introduced by a group moderator? Which of the following is the correct order in writing the research paper?
Select one: Select one:
c. Focus group discussion d. Introduction, method, results, discussion and references
The researcher collected data using questionnaires, structured observation Which of the following method is used in qualitative research?
and interviews. What is the research design applied? Select one:
Select one: d. Focus group discussion
b. Ethnographic
Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:
Choose the best research design approach for the following research title: Lived experiences of adult caregiving daughter and their elderly mothers
A Qualitative Study of Multicultural Identities: Three Cases of London's Inner- Select one:
City Children d. Phenomenological Research
Select one:
d. Ethnographic Research Which of the following citation used the APA format?
Select one:
What is the purpose of the qualitative data analysis?
b. Canonigo, C.S. (1999). English Grammar & Composition Part 1. Manila: CKC What qualitative analytic approach is mentioned here? This approach
Publication involves the researcher in the production of “objective” accounts of the
content of the verbal, written or visual texts, the development of codes and
Which of the following do you need to consider in designing a research? categories often prior to analysis, and the definition and measurement of
Select one: units of analysis.
d. Focus on your research questions. Select one:
d. Enumerative approach
Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:
A historical and comparative note on the relationship between analytic What section of the research should clarify concepts defined within the
induction and grounded theorizing scope of the study?
Select one: Select one:
d. Ethnographic Research b. Conclusion
Choose the best research design approach for the following research title: Which of the following is the first stage of in-depth interview?
The lived experience of being a sole mother in the Philippines Select one:
Select one: c. Establish an initial rapport
a. Phenomenological Research
Write TRUE if the statement gives the correct description of an everyday life
Which connector is used to signify conditional relationships? research and FALSE if it is incorrect.
Select one: The mathematics involved is very high level and people often struggle with it
b. Rather than even after being taught how to do it.
Select one:
A study is based on 1000 people interviewed face-to-face in shopping areas. False
What qualitative data collection was used?
Select one: Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process?
a. Interview Select one:
b. Identification of problem
The entire research project is an exercise in
Select one: True or False: A responsible researcher looks for alternative ways to arrive at
d. All of the choices a conclusion in the study.
Answer: False
Which citation style is usually used in social science researches?
Select one: What aspect of research experience illustrates the pressure to the researcher
b. APA format in meeting research deadlines?
Select one:
Which statement is correct in writing research conclusion? a. Emotions
Select one:
b. All of the choices Which of the following is a research method that allows a researcher to get
information about a large number of subjects relatively inexpensively and
What are research data? easily?
Select one: Select one:
c. All of the choices d. Naturalistic observation
Why is participant observation common among ethnographic studies? Write TRUE if the statement gives the correct description of an everyday life
Select one: research and FALSE if it is incorrect.
d. Because it helps researchers learn the perspectives held by study Subjectivity of researcher in methodology is recognized less.
populations. Select one:
What kind of questions must be used in conducting interviews?
Select one: Informed consent requires that individuals…
c. Mapping questions Select one:
b. Have adequate information about the procedures and benefits associated
What is known to be deliberately fabricating details of a research project? with the research
Select one:
c. Lying by fabrication A researcher may withhold a participant’s name and any identifying
characteristics when asked to present such information when
What are the ways to verify conclusions for qualitative research? Select one:
Select one: a. They have obtained a certificate of confidentiality
b. Memoing, verification and credibility
What is a research instrument?
Which qualitative research design seeks action to improve practice and study Select one:
the effects of the action that was taken? d. a tool for data collection
Select one:
d. Action research
A reasoning where one start with certain particular statements and conclude Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research,
with a universal statement is called and write DELIMITATION if it is a restriction of the research.
Select one: The study is focused on the possible implementation of online exam in the
d. inductive method university.
Answer: SCOPE
1.It addresses the question of how people produce social reality in and
through interactive processes. The beneficiaries mentioned in the significance of the study pertain to
Select one: Select one:
c. Qualitative research is the best design for a social inquiry since it explores a. People and institution who have directly or indirectly experienced the
and analyzes people's values and perspective through observation. research problem.
What is an ethical dilemma? What qualitative research characteristic is being described in the statement:
Select one: The data and the researcher’s interpretation of the data – hinge greatly on
a. conflict between the different principles of immoral conduct the contexts from which the data are obtained.
Select one:
What does “observe justice” mean in ethical research? b. Importance of context
Select one:
b. Investigator should practice fairness in distribution and equitable selection Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research
of participants. question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description.
It clearly states the constructs to be examined.
Which of the following is a characteristic of a well-written research Select one:
hypothesis? True
Select one:
b. pertinent question Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research,
and write DELIMITATION if it is a restriction of the research.
Which of the following is NOT a role of a researcher? Reliability of survey questions was not established.
Select one: Answer: DELIMITATION
b. fabricator of data
In the title “The Chemistry of English Language between Foreign and Local
Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements Students of Holy Ghost College in Bangued, Abra”, who could be the possible
about research knowledge and experience. beneficiaries of the research?
“In much of society, research means to investigate something you do not Select one:
know or understand. ” -Neil Armstrong c. Students, teachers, school administrators and future researchers
Select one:
d. Research is an investigation of the unknown. What should be considered in formulating research questions for the
statement of the problem?
True or False: Qualitative research requires data from a natural setting. Select one:.
Answer: True c. Avoid open-ended questions that need explanatory answers.
Which of the following is not an ethical dilemma in research? Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research,
Select one: and write DELIMITATION if it is a restriction of the research.
d. Falsification of data bank The results of this study should be limited to students enrolled in similar
Write TRUE if the statement gives the correct description of an everyday life Answer: DELIMITATION
research and FALSE if it is incorrect.
The observation of such forms can be broken into the dimensions of Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research
temporal, spatial, material, social, meaningful, media-technical, emotional question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description.
and bodily aspects. It should not pose an ethical or moral problem for implementation.
Select one: Select one:
True True
Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research,
question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. and write DELIMITATION if it is a restriction of the research.
It has the potential to suggest directions for past research. Statistics will not be utilized in analyzing the results.
Select one: Answer: DELIMITATION
Research benefits and beneficiaries are mentioned in
Which of the following is a good research question? Select one:
Select one: c. Significance of the study
a. How do teenagers view the word “forever”?
How can a researcher become the data gathering instrument in qualitative
Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research: research?
Compositions of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons Select one:
Answer: PURE b. The researcher is at the center of the data-gathering phase.
b. The lack of bias
What is conceptual audacity that can be found in the theme of everyday life c. The number of "hits" for the site
research? d. The honesty of the reported information
Select one: The correct answer is: The authenticity of the information
b. A tool that enables us to see new and perhaps surprising aspects of the
everyday lives that we lead. What is the context of “literature” in a research project?
Select one:
Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research a. Any paper source
question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. b. Any written material
It must only ask about the relationship between two or more variables. c. Any highly regarded novel
Select one: d. Published accounts of researchers
True The correct answer is: Published accounts of researchers
Which of the following titles is best for applied research? Identify the citation format used in the following references by writing CMS,
Select one: APA or MLA:
c. The effectiveness of abstinence programs The World Famous Hot Dog Site. (1999, July 7). Retrieved January 5, 2008,
What does participant-researcher relationship mean in qualitative research? Answer: APA
Select one: The correct answer is: APA
a. The participants and the researcher share the “research space”.
Do the preliminary data analysis on the interview below by agreeing or
What is the scope of the research? disagreeing on the following statements. Write TRUE for agree and FALSE for
Select one: disagree.
d. Identifies the possibilities to which to which the study becomes Interview Segment
manageable in terms of issues, respondents, and time. Q: What are your views on homelessness?
A: Well, I think it’s a terrible thing that in a modern society we have a
Name the research misconduct performed in the following situations by problem such as this. I don’t know though what we can do about it. I want to
choosing the letter of the correct answer: do something but I don’t know what. You are constantly reminded of the
The researcher invented the results of the study. problem if you go to town. They are always there asking for money. You
Select one: don’t know though if they really need it or if they are in fact doing quite well
a. Fabrication from begging. But if you have any caring qualities you can’t ignore
b. Plagiarism requests for help, when you have so much for yourself. They say a lot of
c. Falsification people choose to live on the streets – well I don’t believe that. I think that is
The correct answer is: Fabrication an easy thing for the authorities to say – it lets them off the hook. So
really I guess the answer to your questions is that I am not sure what to think
Do the preliminary data analysis on the interview below by agreeing or about homelessness. I feel that something should be done but I feel
disagreeing on the following statements. Write TRUE for agree and FALSE for powerless to do anything personally. I think that the time has come for the
disagree. government to do something. It makes me feel uncomfortable; I don’t know
Interview Segment what to do.
Q: What are your views on homelessness? Source: Grbich (2013)
A: Well, I think it’s a terrible thing that in a modern society we have a The homeless are stereotyping their social conditions to beg for money.
problem such as this. I don’t know though what we can do about it. I want to Answer: False
do something but I don’t know what. You are constantly reminded of the The correct answer is: False
problem if you go to town. They are always there asking for money. You
don’t know though if they really need it or if they are in fact doing quite well Identify the sample used in the researches below by choosing the letter of
from begging. But if you have any caring qualities you can’t ignore the best answer:
requests for help, when you have so much for yourself. They say a lot of Harmon (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) collected data from 8 nurses who were
people choose to live on the streets – well I don’t believe that. I think that is employed between 1951 and 1965 in a Virginia state hospital. These nurses
an easy thing for the authorities to say – it lets them off the hook. So were now retired and had between 12 and 46 years of psychiatric
really I guess the answer to your questions is that I am not sure what to think nursing experience. The researcher wanted to describe the experiences of
about homelessness. I feel that something should be done but I feel these nurses who practiced in a state mental hospital before and during the
powerless to do anything personally. I think that the time has come for the introduction of antipsychotic medications. They expressed
government to do something. It makes me feel uncomfortable; I don’t know resignation and frustration while trying to provide care despite crowded
what to do. wards and inadequate personnel and supplies. The nurses indicated that they
Source: Grbich (2013) focused on the patient’s body instead of on the patient’s mind. The
The government is the only one who can help the homeless. camaraderie they experienced with other nurses helped them continue in
Answer: False their positions, despite what they felt to be a “thankless job.”
The correct answer is: False Select one:
a. experiences of these nurses
The Internet has become an accepted source of information for educational b. crowded wards and inadequate personnel and supplies
research. Which of the following is NOT an indicator of the quality of c. antipsychotic medications
information found on the Internet? d. 8 nurses
Select one: The correct answer is: 8 nurses
a. The authenticity of the information
Name the research misconduct performed in the following situations by problem if you go to town. They are always there asking for money. You
choosing the letter of the correct answer: don’t know though if they really need it or if they are in fact doing quite well
A director didn’t cite the name of the playwright he used in the contest. from begging. But if you have any caring qualities you can’t ignore
Select one: requests for help, when you have so much for yourself. They say a lot of
a. Falsification people choose to live on the streets – well I don’t believe that. I think that is
b. Plagiarism an easy thing for the authorities to say – it lets them off the hook. So
c. Fabrication really I guess the answer to your questions is that I am not sure what to think
The correct answer is: Plagiarism about homelessness. I feel that something should be done but I feel
powerless to do anything personally. I think that the time has come for the
What information is required for the APA in-text citation? government to do something. It makes me feel uncomfortable; I don’t know
Personal author: McCullough, David G. what to do.
Title: John Adams Source: Grbich (2013)
Publication info: New York : Simon & Schuster, c2001. Many people are still unconditionally helping the homeless.
Bibliography note: Includes bibliographical references (p. 703-726) and index. Answer: True
Select one: The correct answer is: True
a. McCullough, 2001
b. David Mc Cullough, 2001 (p.703-726) Identify the citation format used in the following references by writing CMS,
c. David Mc Cullough, 2001 APA or MLA:
d. McCullough, 2001 (p.703-726) Google. “Google Privacy Policy.” Last modified March 11, 2009.
The correct answer is: McCullough, 2001
Answer: MLA
What organization principle is used to explain historical changes or The correct answer is: MLA
Select one: What type of source is the newspaper clipping?
a. Theme Select one:
b. Chronology a. Static
c. Development of ideas b. Syndicated
d. Section c. Dynamic
The correct answer is: Chronology d. All of the choices
The correct answer is: Syndicated
Name the research misconduct performed in the following situations by
choosing the letter of the correct answer: What citation style was used in this source?
She hastily distorted the statistical computation of the data to finish her Ellis, Rod. Understanding Second Language Acquisition. New York: Oxford
paper on time. University, 1986. Print.
Select one: Select one:
a. Plagiarism a. CMS
b. Falsification b. APA
c. Fabrication c. MLA
The correct answer is: Falsification d. None of the choices
Identify the sample used in the researches below by choosing the letter of The correct answer is: MLA
the best answer: Identify the sample used in the researches below by choosing the letter of
Dunckley, Aspinal, Addington-Hall, Hughes, & Higginson (in Nieswiadomy, the best answer:
2008) used the staff in one hospice and one nursing home setting in London Adler (2003) examined the relationship of foreign language study and SAT
as their research data. The purpose of the study was to identify Verbal scores. Additionally, the study explored whether or not the number of
facilitators and barriers to the use of the Palliative Care Outcome Scale (POS). years of foreign language study had an impact on SAT verbal
Staff took part in semi-structured interviews, completed diaries, and scores. The students involved were female seniors at a private high school in
participated in monthly meetings to give their opinions of what they suburban Maryland. It was hypothesized that there would be no significant
thought were the facilitators and barriers to the implementation of the POS. effect that the choice of foreign language study has on the verbal
Select one: score achieved on the SAT. This hypothesis was rejected because there was a
a. semi-structured interviews, completed diaries significant difference in SAT Verbal averages among the students of three
b. staff of one hospice and one nursing home different foreign languages. French foreign language students
c. facilitators and barriers of the Palliative Care Outcome Scale (POS) outperformed Spanish and Latin foreign language students.
d. one hospice and one nursing home Select one:
The correct answer is: staff of one hospice and one nursing home a. female senior students
b. Latin foreign language students
Do the preliminary data analysis on the interview below by agreeing or c. French foreign language students
disagreeing on the following statements. Write TRUE for agree and FALSE for d. relationship of foreign language study and SAT Verbal scores
disagree. The correct answer is: female senior students
Interview Segment
Q: What are your views on homelessness? Which part of the review of the related literature engages in a dialogue with
A: Well, I think it’s a terrible thing that in a modern society we have a the literature?
problem such as this. I don’t know though what we can do about it. I want to Select one:
do something but I don’t know what. You are constantly reminded of the a. Introduction
b. All of the choices Summary of research findings
c. Conclusion Select one:
d. Body c. Word Tables and Lists
The correct answer is: Introduction
Draw your conclusion on the following statements by choosing the letter of
A researcher is interested in the examples or illustrations several authors the correct answer.
have used to prove a point. How can he pull them all together and use them The club president tendered his resignation and said, “While I may no longer
in his own paper in a list? lead this organization, I will continue to support its endeavors and activities.”
Select one: Select one:
a. All of the choices d. He will still participate in the activities of the organization.
b. Include a citation after each separate example to indicate where you
found them. Identify the most appropriate way to display the following research data.
c. Examples used to prove a point are managed a little differently than Choose the letter of the correct answer.
opinions, ideas, or facts. These are treated the same way one would treat Area plan of a research field
common knowledge, and not referenced. Select one:
d. Include them in one parenthetical citation or endnote after you have c. Graphics
finished listing them.
The correct answer is: Include a citation after each separate example to Answer 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, to identify the stages of the interview where the
indicate where you found them. following statements are said.
“Thank you for finding time to be in this interview. Your story is very
Which of the following is the best way to maximize the process of reviewing inspiring.”
of the related literature? Answer: 6
Select one:
a. Reviewing the researcher’s notes made on editorial and overview papers Choose the technique for discovering theme to the description:
and chapters The idea that themes represent the ways in which texts are either similar or
b. Critically evaluating the personal study like how one does to other different from each other.
research work Select one:
c. All of the choices f. Compare and contrast
d. Using the internet to find the key researchers
The correct answer is: Reviewing the researcher’s notes made on editorial Identify the following questions as OPEN, LEADING or MAPPING.
and overview papers and chapters Do you think he is gay?
The research report need not to be substantially different from drafts, except
where participants have indicated that change is necessary. Not too much detail is needed in the summary of findings – simple answer
Select one: the research questions, and draw the conclusion.
b. True Select one:
b. True
Identify the category of the information in participant observation by
choosing the letter of the best answer. Choose the technique for discovering theme to the description:
How people use their bodies and voices to communicate different emotions; Interviews searching for what people do in managing impersonal social
what individuals’ behaviors indicate about their feelings toward one another, relationships, methods by which people acquire and maintain achieved and
their social rank, or their profession. ascribed status, and information about how people solve problems.
Select one: Select one:
f. Physical behavior and gestures h. Social science queries
Identify the category of the information in participant observation by Draw your conclusion on the following statements by choosing the letter of
choosing the letter of the best answer. the correct answer.
Gender, age, ethnicity, and profession of speakers; dynamics of interaction The coordinator made an announcement, “Only the first 100 applicants will
Select one: be interviewed today. The others would have to come back tomorrow.”
d. Verbal behavior and interactions Select one:
c. Interview of applicants will be conducted today and tomorrow.
Recommendations should aim for the ideals but they must be feasible,
practical, and attainable even for impossible. Identify the category of the information in participant observation by
Select one: choosing the letter of the best answer.
a. False Where people enter and exit; how long they stay; who they are (ethnicity,
age, gender); whether they are alone or accompanied; number of people
Answer 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, to identify the stages of the interview where the Select one:
following statements are said. c. Human traffic
“This research is conducted to investigate the life experiences of people who
survived cancer and now living cancer free for more than 5 years.” Identify the following questions as OPEN, LEADING or MAPPING.
Answer: 2 Since you wish to pursue your graduate studies, what course will you enroll?
Identify the most appropriate way to display the following research data.
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
Draw your conclusion on the following statements by choosing the letter of False
the correct answer.
In reading, we should consider not only what we can directly get from the What is scientific method?
text but also what we can read between the lines. In order to fully Select one:
understand and appreciate a thought, a sentence, a passage, and a text, we c. Systematic process
need to read more than the literal meaning (Yu & Plata, 2006).
Select one: Research hypotheses can be defined as
a. We should use given information in inferring ideas. a. A tentative conclusion or answer to a specific question raised at the
beginning of the investigation.
Identify the most appropriate way to display the following research data.
Choose the letter of the correct answer. What is the common research experience of a novice researcher?
The list of research participants Select one:
Select one: c. Reading various materials in answering assignments.
a. Word Tables and Lists
What scope of research promotes awareness to its audience?
Draw your conclusion on the following statements by choosing the letter of a. Education
the correct answer.
Mateo almost wished that he hadn’t listened to the radio. He went to the Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements
closet and grabbed his umbrella. He would feel silly carrying it to the bus stop about research knowledge and experience.
on such a sunny morning. “All I’m armed with is research.” -Mike Wallace
Select one: h. Research can equip anyone.
c. Mateo heard a weather forecast; it would rain in the afternoon.
What is a research instrument?
Modern qualitative research can generally involve a detailed study of d. a tool for data collection
c. values and judgement
Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements
Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process? about research knowledge and experience.
c. Identification of problem “Research is the highest form of adoration” ― Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
d. Research is valuing others’ work.
Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements
about research knowledge and experience. Which of the following is not part of the library research?
“Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose. ” - b. Decide the research design appropriate for the topic.
Zora Neale Hurston
h. Research is a formalized curiosity with a purpose. Which of the following is not an example of qualitative researchers?
Select one:
A researcher may withhold a participant’s name and any identifying a. descriptive research
characteristics when asked to present such information when
b. They have obtained a certificate of confidentiality Researchers can encourage people to volunteer to participate in their project
Among the steps in the research process, which part typically takes the most Select one:
time of the researcher? a. Offering small incentives
Select one:
a. Collecting data Debriefing shoulD
c. Explain all relevant aspects of research procedures
What aspect of research experience illustrates the expedition of the
researcher? Research involves exploring what _________________ other researchers
Select one: have come to.
b. Research Adventure b. conclusion
Which of the following is a type of quantitative research design? 1.Which part of the research paper do you find the following?
b. Television ratings It must give precise answers that will determine the difference or
relationship, or implication of the variables under study.
Question text ANSWER:Statement of the Problem
Confidentiality is used to protect a participant’s privacy by
Select one: 2.Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research
c. Sharing only the information permitted by the participant question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description.
Anonymity is when a participant does not give a researcher… It should not pose an ethical or moral problem for implementation.
Select one: ANSWER:TRUE
b. His/her name and identifying characteristics
3.Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE
True or False: A responsible researcher looks for alternative ways to arrive at research:
a conclusion in the study. The Specific Genetic Code of the Fruit Fly
Select one: a. Validating the results b. Systematic process c. Good research d.
4.Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research Making research instruments
question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. -Research is described as a cycle because it follows a process.
-Which of the following is not included in the research experience?
The problem statement is more specific than a topic and it limits the scope of Select one: a. Identity of the researcher b. Biography of the researcher c.
the research problem Social class of the researcher d. Emotions of the researcher
ANSWER:TRUE -Anonymity is when a participant does not give a researcher…
Select one: a. His/her name and identifying characteristics b. Confidential
5.Which part of the research paper do you find the following? material c. Confidential material and identifying characteristics d. His/her
It embodies substantive words or keywords or phrases that describe one’s name e. Identifying characteristics f. His/her name and confidential material
research study -Research is
ANSWER:Research Title Select one: a. Reorganizing, or restating, reviewing common findings b.
Analyzing and interpreting new information c. Collecting existing information
6.Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research d. Modifying established knowledge
question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. -Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research
question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. It should not use
It clearly states the constructs to be examined. comparative terms (such as higher, better, etc.).
ANSWER:TRUE Select one: True False
-Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research
7.Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. The problem
question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. statement is more specific than a topic and it limits the scope of the research
It is biased in terminology or position. Select one: True False
ANSWER:FALSE -Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research
question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. The problem
8.Which part of the research paper do you find the following? statement is more specific than a topic and it limits the scope of the research
This section indicates the specific benefits which will be gained from the problem.
results of the study. Select one: True False
ANSWER:Significance of the Study -Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research:
The Specific Genetic Code of the Fruit Fly
9.Which part of the research paper do you find the following? Answer: PURE
It must also reflect the variables under study. -Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research
ANSWER:Research Title question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. It is biased in
terminology or position.
10:Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research Select one: True False
question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. -Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research:
Compositions of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons
It has multiple possible answers. Answer: PURE
ANSWER:FALSE -Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research
question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. Indicate what is
RSCH G11 probably necessary to conduct the study and explain how the findings will
-Which of the following is not an ethical dilemma in research? present this information.
Select one: a. Misconduct in research b. Informed consent c. Falsification of Select one: True False
data bank d. Conflicts of interest -Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research
-True or False: A responsible researcher looks for alternative ways to arrive at question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. It must only ask
a conclusion in the study. about the relationship between two or more variables.
Answer: False Select one: True False
-What aspect of research experience illustrates the expedition of the -Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research:
researcher? Applying the algorithm for detecting individual trees from Drone Images
Select one: a. Involvement b. Research Adventure c. Emotions d. Knowledge Answer: APPLIED
-What does “observe justice” mean in ethical research? -Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research
Select one: a. Individuals should be treated as autonomous agents. b. question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. It has the
Persons with diminished autonomy (e.g., prisoners, students, children, etc) potential to suggest directions for past research.
should not be coerced to participate in a research. c. Investigators should Select one: True False
mind the reduction of risk that might occur from the research. d. Investigator
should practice fairness in distribution and equitable selection of -The Internet has become an accepted source of information for educational
participants. research. Which of the following is NOT an indicator of the quality of
-A researcher may withhold a participant’s name and any identifying information found on the Internet?
characteristics when asked to present such information when Select one: a. The number of "hits" for the site b. The honesty of the
Select one: a. They feel the information is unnecessary to the individual b. reported information c. The authenticity of the information d. The lack of
They have obtained a certificate of confidentiality c. It is a case involving bias
required reporting d. The research paper is not published yet. -What should a review of the literature enable an investigator to do?
-What is scientific method? Select one: a. Provide the insights necessary to develop a logical framework
into which the topic fits. b. Ascertain what is already known about a topic. c.
None of the choices d. Identify methodological strategies for designing the and as something that reuires work to produce. ome marriages are put
study. e. All of the choices together well while others fall apart like so many cars or toys or washing
-What is the context of “literature” in a research project? machines.
Select one: a. Any highly regarded novel b. Any paper source c. Any written Answer: Metaphors and analogies
material d. Published accounts of researchers Anything that might indicate membership in groups or in supopulations of
-Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter: Food blog interest to the study such as profession social status socioeconomic class
Select one: a. Syndicated b. Dynamic c. Static religion or ethnicity
-Identify the citation format used in the following references by writing CMS, Select one: a. Human traffic b. verbal behavior and interactions c. Physical
APA or MLA: Pollan, Michael. 2006. The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural behavior and gestures d. Appearance e. Personal space f. People who stand
History of Four Meals. New York: Penguin. out
Answer: APA What do you think about the two presidential candidates?
-Most of the searches for related literature are conducted using: Answer: OPEN
Select one: a. Long sentences b. Key word searches c. Short sentences d. Key
letter searches
-Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter: Braveheart
(starred and produced by Mel Gibson) -Much can be learned from a text by what is not mentioned.
Select one: a. Dynamic b. Static c. Syndicated Select one: a. Transitions . Unarked tets c. Indigenous categor d. ord
-Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE with regards to the repetitions e. awing f. Metaphors and analogies g. opare and contrast h.
literature review? utting and Sorting i. e words in contet I . j. Searching for missing information
Select one: a. It shows why research questions are important. b. It explains k. onnectors l. Social science queries
the method necessary for the gathering of data. c. It helps researchers to What is your message to people who are still fighting cancer until now
build up an argument. d. It has everything a researcher needs to read about Answer: 5
his/her research -The idea that themes represent the ways in which tets are either similar or
-What is the most popular citation style used in academic research papers? different from each other.
Select one: a. APA and CMS b. APA c. CMS d. MLA e. CMS and MLA f. All of Select one: a. Unarked tets . Searching for issing inforation c. onnectors d.
the choices g. APA and MLA Indigenous categor e. awing f. Social science queries g. compare and contrast
-Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter: Spolarium by h. Metaphors and analogies i. ord repetitions . e words in contet I k. utting
Juan Luna and Sorting l. Transitions
Select one: a. Syndicated b. Dynamic c. Static -Barkin et al. (in Ryan and Bernard, 2003) interviewed clinicians community
leaders and parents aout what physicians could and did do to prevent
violence among youth. hese were long comple interviews so arkin et al. roke
-In a study of birth planning in China reenhalgh in Ryan and ernard 00 the coding process into two steps. hey started with three maor themes that
surveyed 1011 evermarried women gathered social and economic histories they developed from theory. he principle investigator went through the
from 10 families. he conducted indepth interviews with present and formal transcripts and cut out all the uotes that pertained to each of the maor
officials known as cadres and collected documentary evidence from local themes. hen four other coders independently sorted the uotes from each
newspapers ournals and other sources. reenhalgh notes that ecause I was maor theme into piles. hen the pile sort data were analyed with
largely constrained from asking direct uestions aout resistance the informal multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis to identify suthemes shared
record of field notes interview transcripts and uestionnaire data contains few across coders.
overt challenges to state policy. reenhalgh concludes however that their Answer: cutting and sorting
conversations with the researchers oth peasants and cadres made strategic -Anonymity is when a participant does not give a researcher…
use of silence to protest aspects of the policy they did not like. adres for Answer: His/her name and identifying characteristics
eample were loathe to comment on irthplanning campaigns peasant women -The mathematics involved is very high level and people often struggle with it
were reluctant to talk aout steriliation. hese silences form one part of the even after being taught how to do it.
unofficial record of irth planning in the villages. More eplicit protests were Answer: False
registered in informal conversations. rom these interactions emerged a sense -Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process?
of profound distress of villagers forced to choose etween a resistance that Answer: Identification of problem
was politically risky and a compliance that violated the norms of hinese -True or False: A responsible researcher looks for alternative ways to arrive at
culture and of practical reason. a conclusion in the study.
Answer: searching for missing information Answer: False
-Artwork of the child participants -What aspect of research experience illustrates the pressure to the
Select one: a. Pictures . Word Tales and Lists c. Graphics researcher in meeting research deadlines?
-Answer 1,2,3, 4, 5 or 6, to identify the stages of the interview where the Answer: Emotions
following statements are said. Which of the following is a research method that allows a researcher to get
“How does your family view your situation?” information about a large number of subjects relatively inexpensively and
Answer: 4 easily?
-Identify the technique used to discover the thees in the data below. Answer: Naturalistic observation
Naomi Quinn (in Ryan and Bernard, 2003) has analyzed hundreds of hours of
interviews to discover concepts underlying American marriage and to show -Subjectivity of researcher in methodology is recognized less. –False
how these concepts are tied together. he egan y looking at patterns of -Informed consent requires that individuals…
speech and at the repetition of key words and phrases paying particular Answer: Have adequate information about the procedures and benefits
attention to informants use of metaphors and the commonalities in their associated with the research
reasoning about marriage. an one of her informants says that marriage is a -A researcher may withhold a participant’s name and any identifying
manufactured product. his popular metaphor indicates that an sees characteristics when asked to present such information when
marriages as something that has properties like strength and staying power Answer: They have obtained a certificate of confidentiality
-What is a research instrument?
Answer: a tool for data collection -The results of this study should be limited to students enrolled in similar
-A reasoning where one start with certain particular statements and programs.
conclude with a universal statement is called Answer: DELIMITATION
Answer: inductive method -It should not pose an ethical or moral problem for implementation.
-It addresses the question of how people produce social reality in and Answer: True
through interactive processes. -Statistics will not be utilized in analyzing the results.
Answer: Qualitative research is the best design for a social inquiry since it Answer: DELIMITATION
explores and analyzes people's values and perspective through observation. -Research benefits and beneficiaries are mentioned in
-What is an ethical dilemma? Answer: Significance of the study
Answer: conflict between the different principles of immoral conduct -How can a researcher become the data gathering instrument in qualitative
-What does “observe justice” mean in ethical research? research?
Answer: Investigator should practice fairness in distribution and equitable Answer: The researcher is at the center of the data-gathering phase.
selection of participants -What is conceptual audacity that can be found in the theme of everyday life
-Which of the following is a characteristic of a well-written research research?
hypothesis? Answer: A tool that enables us to see new and perhaps surprising aspects of
Answer: pertinent question the everyday lives that we lead.
-Which of the following is NOT a role of a researcher? -It must only ask about the relationship between two or more variables
Answer: fabricator of data Answer: True
-Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements -Which of the following titles is best for applied research?
about research knowledge and experience. “In much of society, research Answer: The effectiveness of abstinence programs
means to investigate something you do not know or understand. ” -Neil -What does participant-researcher relationship mean in qualitative research?
Armstrong Answer: The participants and the researcher share the “research space”.
Answer: Research is an investigation of the unknown. -What is the scope of the research?
-True or False: Qualitative research requires data from a natural setting. Answer: Identifies the possibilities to which to which the study becomes
Answer: true manageable in terms of issues, respondents, and time.
-Which of the following is not an ethical dilemma in research? -The researcher invented the results of the study.
Answer: Falsification of data bank Answer: Fabrication
-Write TRUE if the statement gives the correct description of an everyday life
research and FALSE if it is incorrect. The observation of such forms can be
broken into the dimensions of temporal, spatial, material, social, meaningful,
media-technical, emotional and bodily aspects.
Answer: true -Q: What are your views on homelessness? A: Well, I think it’s a terrible thing
-Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research that in a modern society we have a problem such as this. I don’t know though
question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. It has the what we can do about it. I want to do something but I don’t know what. You
potential to suggest directions for past research. are constantly reminded of the problem if you go to town. They are always
Answer: False there asking for money. You don’t know though if they really need it or if
-Which of the following is a good research question? they are in fact doing quite well from begging. But if you have any caring
Answer: How do teenagers view the word “forever”? qualities you can’t ignore requests for help, when you have so much for
-Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research: yourself. They say a lot of people choose to live on the streets – well I don’t
Compositions of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons believe that. I think that is an easy thing for the authorities to say – it lets
Answer: PURE them off the hook. So really I guess the answer to your questions is that I am
-Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research, not sure what to think about homelessness. I feel that something should be
and write ELIMITATI if it is a restriction of the research. The study is focused done but I feel powerless to do anything personally. I think that the time has
on the possible implementation of online ea in the university. come for the government to do something. It makes me feel uncomfortable;
Answer: SCOPE I don’t know what to do. Source: Grbich (2013)
-The beneficiaries mentioned in the significance of the study pertain to The government is the only one who can help the homeless
Answer: People and institution who have directly or indirectly experienced Answer: False
the research problem. -The Internet has become an accepted source of information for educational
-What qualitative research characteristic is being described in the statement: research. Which of the following is NOT an indicator of the quality of
The data and the researchers interpretation of the data - hinge greatly on the information found on the Internet?
contents fro which the data are obtained Answer: The authenticity of the information
Answer: Importance of context -What is the context of “literature” in a research project?
-It clearly states the constructs to be examined. Answer: Published accounts of researchers
Answer: True -The World Famous Hot Dog Site. (1999, July 7). Retrieved January 5, 2008,
-Reliability of survey questions was not established. from
-In the title “The chemistry of English Language between Foreign and Local -Q: What are your views on homelessness? A: Well, I think it’s a terrible thing
Students of Holy Ghost College in Bangued, Abra”, who could e the possible that in a modern society we have a problem such as this. I don’t know though
beneficiaries of the research what we can do about it. I want to do something but I don’t know what. You
Answer: Students, teachers, school administrators and future researchers are constantly reminded of the problem if you go to town. They are always
-What should e considered in formulating research questions for the there asking for money. You don’t know though if they really need it or if
statement of the problem? they are in fact doing quite well from begging. But if you have any caring
Answer: Avoid open-ended questions that need explanatory answers. qualities you can’t ignore requests for help, when you have so much for
yourself. They say a lot of people choose to live on the streets – well I don’t the time has come for the government to do something. It makes me feel
believe that. I think that is an easy thing for the authorities to say – it lets uncomfortable; I don’t know what to do. Source: Grbich (2013)
them off the hook. So really I guess the answer to your questions is that I am Many people are still unconditionally helping the homeless.
not sure what to think about homelessness. I feel that something should be Answer: True
done but I feel powerless to do anything personally. I think that the time has -Identify the citation format used in the following references by writing CMS,
come for the government to do something. It makes me feel uncomfortable; APA or MLA: Google. “Google Privacy Policy.” Last modified March 11, 2009.
I don’t know what to do. Source: Grbich (2013)
The homeless are stereotyping their social conditions to beg for money. Answer: MLA
Answer: False ¬-What type of source is the newspaper clipping?
-Harmon (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) collected data from 8 nurses who were Answer: Syndicated
employed between 1951 and 1965 in a Virginia state hospital. These nurses -What citation style was used in this source? Ellis, Rod. Understanding
were now retired and had between 12 and 46 years of psychiatric nursing Second Language Acquisition. New York: Oxford University, 1986. Print.
experience. The researcher wanted to describe the experiences of these Answer: MLA
nurses who practiced in a state mental hospital before and during the -Identify the sample used in the researches below by choosing the letter of
introduction of antipsychotic medications. They expressed resignation and the best answer:
frustration while trying to provide care despite crowded wards and Adler (2003) examined the relationship of foreign language study and SAT
inadequate personnel and supplies. The nurses indicated that they focused Verbal scores. Additionally, the study explored whether or not the number of
on the patient’s body instead of on the patient’s mind. The camaraderie they years of foreign language study had an impact on SAT verbal scores. The
experienced with other nurses helped them continue in their positions, students involved were female seniors at a private high school in suburban
despite what they felt to be a “thankless job.” Maryland. It was hypothesized that there would be no significant effect that
Answer: 8 nurses the choice of foreign language study has on the verbal score achieved on the
-A director didn’t cite the name of the playwright he used in the contest. SAT. This hypothesis was rejected because there was a significant difference
Answer: Plagiarism in SAT Verbal averages among the students of three different foreign
-What information is required for the APA in-text citation? languages. French foreign language students outperformed Spanish and Latin
Personal author: McCullough, David G. Title: John Adams Publication info: foreign language students
New York : Simon & Schuster, c2001. Bibliography note: Includes Answer: female senior students
bibliographical references (p. 703-726) and index -Which part of the review of the related literature engages in a dialogue with
Answer: McCullough, 2001 the literature?
-What organization principle is used to explain historical changes or Answer: Introduction
perspectives? -A researcher is interested in the examples or illustrations several authors
Answer: Chronology have used to prove a point. How can he pull them all together and use them
-Name the research misconduct performed in the following situations by in his own paper in a list?
choosing the letter of the correct answer: She hastily distorted the statistical Answer: Include a citation after each separate example to indicate where you
computation of the data to finish her paper on time. found them.
Answer: Falsification -Which of the following is the best way to maximize the process of reviewing
-Identify the sample used in the researches below by choosing the letter of of the related literature?
the best answer: Answer: Reviewing the researcher’s notes made on editorial and overview
Dunckley, Aspinal, Addington-Hall, Hughes, & Higginson (in Nieswiadomy, papers and chapters
2008) used the staff in one hospice and one nursing home setting in London -Answer 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, to identify the stages of the interview where the
as their research data. The purpose of the study was to identify facilitators following statements are said.
and barriers to the use of the Palliative Care Outcome Scale (POS). Staff took “What is your message to people who are still fighting cancer until now?”
part in semi-structured interviews, completed diaries, and participated in Answer: 5
monthly meetings to give their opinions of what they thought were the -The research report need not to be substantially different from drafts,
facilitators and barriers to the implementation of the POS. except where participants have indicated that change is necessary.
Answer: staff of one hospice and one nursing home Answer: True
-Identify the category of the information in participant observation by
choosing the letter of the best answer.
How people use their bodies and voices to communicate different emotions;
-Do the preliminary data analysis on the interview below by agreeing or what individuals’ behaviors indicate about their feelings toward one another,
disagreeing on the following statements. Write TRUE for agree and FALSE for their social rank, or their profession.
disagree. Answer: Physical behavior and gestures
Interview Segment Q: What are your views on homelessness? A: Well, I think -Identify the category of the information in participant observation by
it’s a terrible thing that in a modern society we have a problem such as this. I choosing the letter of the best answer.
don’t know though what we can do about it. I want to do something but I Gender, age, ethnicity, and profession of speakers; dynamics of interaction
don’t know what. You are constantly reminded of the problem if you go to Answer: Verbal behavior and interactions
town. They are always there asking for money. You don’t know though if they -Recommendations should aim for the ideals but they must be feasible,
really need it or if they are in fact doing quite well from begging. But if you practical, and attainable even for impossible.
have any caring qualities you can’t ignore requests for help, when you have Answer: False
so much for yourself. They say a lot of people choose to live on the streets –
well I don’t believe that. I think that is an easy thing for the authorities to say
– it lets them off the hook. So really I guess the answer to your questions is
that I am not sure what to think about homelessness. I feel that something -Answer 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, to identify the stages of the interview where the
should be done but I feel powerless to do anything personally. I think that following statements are said.
“This research is conducted to investigate the life experiences of people who Mateo almost wished that he hadn’t listened to the radio. He went to the
survived cancer and now living cancer free for more than 5 years.” closet and grabbed his umbrella. He would feel silly carrying it to the bus stop
Answer: 2 on such a sunny morning.
-Identify the most appropriate way to display the following research data. Answer: Mateo heard a weather forecast; it would rain in the afternoon.
Choose the letter of the correct answer. -What is a research design?
Summary of research findings Answer: all of the choices
Answer: Word Tables and Lists -What is bibliography?
-Draw your conclusion on the following statements by choosing the letter of Answer: A complete list of all works related to the study including the ones
the correct answer. that are not directly contained in the report.
The club president tendered his resignation and said, “While I may no longer -Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:
lead this organization, I will continue to support its endeavors and activities.” Children of wealthy parents in the education system
Answer: He will still participate in the activities of the organization. Answer: Grounded Theory
-Identify the most appropriate way to display the following research data. -Which of the following is the correct notion about observation?
Choose the letter of the correct answer. Answer: A key data gathering method in social sciences
Area plan of a research field -Which of the following is not a type of narrative research?
Answer: Graphics Answer: Case study
-Answer 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, to identify the stages of the interview where the -What is the final stage of analyzing data?
following statements are said. Answer: Presenting the data in tabular form
“Thank you for finding time to be in this interview. Your story is very -Which of the following is NOT the function of references?
inspiring.” Answer: To ensure sufficiently long reference list
Answer: 6 -A study is based on 30 people (across three focus groups). What type of
-Choose the technique for discovering theme to the description: study is this?
The idea that themes represent the ways in which texts are either similar or Answer: Qualitative
different from each other. -Choose the best research design approach for the following research title: A
Answer: Compare and contrast personal journey with grounded theory methodology
-Identify the following questions as OPEN, LEADING or MAPPING. Answer: Grounded Theory
Do you think he is gay? -Which of the following titles is a narrative research?
Answer: LEADING Answer: The Life and Works of Rizal
-How does verification of data happen?
Answer: Check and recheck the data to ensure the initial conclusions are
-Not too much detail is needed in the summary of findings – simple answer realistic, supportable, and valid.
the research questions, and draw the conclusion. -When assessing Internet based literature, which of the following is NOT
Answer: true important?
-Choose the technique for discovering theme to the description: Answer: The layout of the site
Interviews searching for what people do in managing impersonal social -A surveyor placed a cable across a street to count the number of vehicles
relationships, methods by which people acquire and maintain achieved and which pass over it at different times of the day in order to select a site for a
ascribed status, and information about how people solve problems. new 7-Eleven store. What type of data collection did he use?
Answer: Social science queries Answer: Observation
-Draw your conclusion on the following statements by choosing the letter of -Which of the following should be considered in questioning data validity and
the correct answer. reliability?
The coordinator made an announcement, “Only the first 100 applicants will Answer: All of the choices
be interviewed today. The others would have to come back tomorrow.” -Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:
Answer: Interview of applicants will be conducted today and tomorrow. Solving word problems of preschoolers through illustrations
-Identify the category of the information in participant observation by Answer: Action Research
choosing the letter of the best answer. -__________ contains a small number of people (usually eight to twelve) and
Where people enter and exit; how long they stay; who they are (ethnicity, is convened to address topics introduced by a group moderator?
age, gender); whether they are alone or accompanied; number of people Answer: Focus group discussion
Answer: Human traffic -The researcher collected data using questionnaires, structured observation
-Identify the following questions as OPEN, LEADING or MAPPING. and interviews. What is the research design applied?
Since you wish to pursue your graduate studies, what course will you enroll? Answer: Ethnographic
Answer: MAPPING -Choose the best research design approach for the following research title: A
-Draw your conclusion on the following statements by choosing the letter of Qualitative Study of Multicultural Identities: Three Cases of London's Inner-
the correct answer. City Children
In reading, we should consider not only what we can directly get from the Answer: Ethnographic Research
text but also what we can read between the lines. In order to fully -What is the purpose of the qualitative data analysis?
understand and appreciate a thought, a sentence, a passage, and a text, we Answer: To accomplish a clear description of the phenomenon under study
need to read more than the literal meaning (Yu & Plata, 2006). -Which statement is true in writing research recommendations?
Answer: We should use given information in inferring ideas. Answer: Recommendations should be logical and valid.
-Identify the most appropriate way to display the following research data.
Choose the letter of the correct answer. -What techniques for discovering research texts fall under simple
The list of research participants observation?
Answer: Word Tables and Lists Answer: Word repetitions, key-indigenous terms, and key-words-in-contexts
-Draw your conclusion on the following statements by choosing the letter of (KWIC)
the correct answer. -What type of source are documentary films?
Answer: Static Answer: Action research
-What influences the choice of the research design? -What qualitative analytic approach is mentioned here? This approach
Answer: All of the choices involves the researcher in the production of “objective” accounts of the
-Which of the following belongs to related literature? content of the verbal, written or visual texts, the development of codes and
Answer: textbook categories often prior to analysis, and the definition and measurement of
-Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of related literature and units of analysis.
studies? Answer: Enumerative approach
Answer: Reviewed materials must be many. -What section of the research should clarify concepts defined within the
-Threats to credibility in qualitative research exist when _____________. scope of the study?
Answer: The data that fail to fit the explanation or interpretation are not Answer: Conclusion
addressed. -Which of the following is the first stage of in-depth interview?
-What is common in data collection among qualitative researches? Answer: Establish an initial rapport
Answer: Language based
-Which of the following is the purpose of recommendations? Which of the following is not an ethical dilemma in research?
Answer: Courses of actions suggested by the researcher based on the Select one:
findings of the study c. Falsification of data bank
-In participant observation, what information can be observed?
Answer: All of the choices True or False: A responsible researcher looks for alternative ways to arrive at
-Which of the following is the correct order in writing the research paper? a conclusion in the study.
Answer: Introduction, method, results, discussion and references Answer: False
-Which of the following method is used in qualitative research?
Answer: Focus group discussion What aspect of research experience illustrates the expedition of the
-Choose the best research design approach for the following research title: researcher?
Lived experiences of adult caregiving daughter and their elderly mothers Select one:
Answer: Phenomenological Research b. Research Adventure
-Which of the following citation used the APA format? What does “observe justice” mean in ethical research?
Answer: Canonigo, C.S. (1999). English Grammar & Composition Part 1. Select one:
Manila: CKC Publication d. Investigator should practice fairness in distribution and equitable selection
-Which of the following do you need to consider in designing a research? of participants.
Answer: Focus on your research questions.
-Choose the best research design approach for the following research title: A A researcher may withhold a participant’s name and any identifying
historical and comparative note on the relationship between analytic characteristics when asked to present such information when
induction and grounded theorizing Select one:
Answer: Ethnographic Research b. They have obtained a certificate of confidentiality
-Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:
The lived experience of being a sole mother in the Philippines What is scientific method?
Answer: Phenomenological Research Select one:
-Which connector is used to signify conditional relationships? b. Systematic process
Answer: Rather than
-A study is based on 1000 people interviewed face-to-face in shopping areas. Research is described as a cycle because it follows a process.
What qualitative data collection was used?
Answer: Interview Which of the following is not included in the research experience?
-The entire research project is an exercise in Select one:
Answer: All of the choices c. Social class of the researcher
-Which citation style is usually used in social science researches?
Answer: APA format Anonymity is when a participant does not give a researcher…
-Which statement is correct in writing research conclusion? Select one:
Answer: All of the choices a. His/her name and identifying characteristics
-What are research data?
Answer: All of the choices Research is
-Why is participant observation common among ethnographic studies? Select one:
Answer: Because it helps researchers learn the perspectives held by study b. Analyzing and interpreting new information
Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research
question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description.
-What kind of questions must be used in conducting interviews? It should not use comparative terms (such as higher, better, etc.).
Answer: Mapping questions Select one:
-What is known to be deliberately fabricating details of a research project? False
Answer: Lying by fabrication
-What are the ways to verify conclusions for qualitative research? Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research
Answer: Memoing, verification and credibility question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description.
-Which qualitative research design seeks action to improve practice and The problem statement is more specific than a topic and it limits the scope of
study the effects of the action that was taken? the research problem.
Select one: Answer: False
What aspect of research experience illustrates the pressure to the researcher
Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research in meeting research deadlines?
question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. Select one:
It addresses indirectly some real problem in the world. a. Emotions
Select one:
Which of the following is a research method that allows a researcher to get
Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research: information about a large number of subjects relatively inexpensively and
The Specific Genetic Code of the Fruit Fly easily?
Answer: PURE Select one:
d. Naturalistic observation
Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research
question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. Write TRUE if the statement gives the correct description of an everyday life
It is biased in terminology or position. research and FALSE if it is incorrect.
Select one: Subjectivity of researcher in methodology is recognized less.
False Select one:
Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research:
Compositions of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons Informed consent requires that individuals…
Answer: PURE Select one:
b. Have adequate information about the procedures and benefits associated
Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research with the research
question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description.
Indicate what is probably necessary to conduct the study and explain how A researcher may withhold a participant’s name and any identifying
the findings will present this information. characteristics when asked to present such information when
Select one: Select one:
True a. They have obtained a certificate of confidentiality
Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research What is a research instrument?
question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. Select one:
It must only ask about the relationship between two or more variables. d. a tool for data collection
Select one:
True A reasoning where one start with certain particular statements and conclude
with a universal statement is called
Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research: Select one:
Applying the algorithm for detecting individual trees from Drone Images d. inductive method
1.It addresses the question of how people produce social reality in and
Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research through interactive processes.
question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. c. Qualitative research is the best design for a social inquiry since it explores
It has the potential to suggest directions for past research. and analyzes people's values and perspective through observation.
Select one:
False What is an ethical dilemma?
Select one:
a. conflict between the different principles of immoral conduct
Anonymity is when a participant does not give a researcher…
Select one: What does “observe justice” mean in ethical research?
d. His/her name and identifying characteristics Select one:
b. Investigator should practice fairness in distribution and equitable selection
Write TRUE if the statement gives the correct description of an everyday life of participants.
research and FALSE if it is incorrect.
The mathematics involved is very high level and people often struggle with it Which of the following is a characteristic of a well-written research
even after being taught how to do it. hypothesis?
Select one: Select one:
False b. pertinent question
Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process? Which of the following is NOT a role of a researcher?
Select one: Select one:
b. Identification of problem b. fabricator of data
True or False: A responsible researcher looks for alternative ways to arrive at Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements
a conclusion in the study. about research knowledge and experience.
“In much of society, research means to investigate something you do not In the title “The Chemistry of English Language between Foreign and Local
know or understand. ” -Neil Armstrong Students of Holy Ghost College in Bangued, Abra”, who could be the possible
Select one: beneficiaries of the research?
d. Research is an investigation of the unknown. Select one:
c. Students, teachers, school administrators and future researchers
True or False: Qualitative research requires data from a natural setting.
Answer: True What should be considered in formulating research questions for the
statement of the problem?
Which of the following is not an ethical dilemma in research? Select one:
Select one: c. Avoid open-ended questions that need explanatory answers.
d. Falsification of data bank
Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research,
Write TRUE if the statement gives the correct description of an everyday life and write DELIMITATION if it is a restriction of the research.
research and FALSE if it is incorrect. The results of this study should be limited to students enrolled in similar
The observation of such forms can be broken into the dimensions of programs.
temporal, spatial, material, social, meaningful, media-technical, emotional Answer: DELIMITATION
and bodily aspects.
Select one: Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research
True question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description.
It should not pose an ethical or moral problem for implementation.
Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research Select one:
question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. True
It has the potential to suggest directions for past research.
Select one: Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research,
False and write DELIMITATION if it is a restriction of the research.
Statistics will not be utilized in analyzing the results.
\Which of the following is a good research question? Answer: DELIMITATION
Select one: Research benefits and beneficiaries are mentioned in
a. How do teenagers view the word “forever”? Select one:
c. Significance of the study
Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research:
Compositions of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons How can a researcher become the data gathering instrument in qualitative
Answer: PURE research?
Select one:
Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research, b. The researcher is at the center of the data-gathering phase.
and write DELIMITATION if it is a restriction of the research.
What is conceptual audacity that can be found in the theme of everyday life
The study is focused on the possible implementation of online exam in the research?
university. Select one:
Answer: SCOPE b. A tool that enables us to see new and perhaps surprising aspects of the
everyday lives that we lead.
The beneficiaries mentioned in the significance of the study pertain to
Select one: Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research
a. People and institution who have directly or indirectly experienced the question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description.
research problem. It must only ask about the relationship between two or more variables.
Select one:
What qualitative research characteristic is being described in the statement: True
The data and the researcher’s interpretation of the data – hinge greatly on
the contexts from which the data are obtained. Which of the following titles is best for applied research?
Select one: Select one:
b. Importance of context c. The effectiveness of abstinence programs
Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research What does participant-researcher relationship mean in qualitative research?
question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. Select one:
It clearly states the constructs to be examined. a. The participants and the researcher share the “research space”.
Select one:
True What is the scope of the research?
Select one:
Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research, study.
and write DELIMITATION if it is a restriction of the research. d. Identifies the possibilities to which to which the study becomes
Reliability of survey questions was not established. manageable in terms of issues, respondents, and time.
RESEARCH 111 (COMPILED BY ROI) Which sample belongs to quantitative research?
Illegal behaviors
Which of the following statements is wrong?
Qualitative research addresses scientific issues.
It is generally used to figure out the changes in a system
when a variable in the system changes, measuring how
the end result changes by altering a variable.
What should happen if a participant withdraws from
your research? False
b. more likely to involve applied research than b. Participants can enrich their text responses by
basic research attaching files, images, links to websites, and voice
Identify the research title with the description of Which of the following statements is true?
APPLIED or PURE research:
c. Everyday life is a research methodology.
College Tuition Becoming Prohibitive to Young Adults
from Being Successful
Research Title
Qualitative design is a flexible design because
Which of the following guide questions does NOT define B. All parts will continually be shaped during the
your research purpose? research project.
d. Social Science
Identify the research title with the description of
APPLIED or PURE research:
Multitasking: Helpful or Hurtful
Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the
coverage of the research, and write DELIMITATION if it APPLIED
is a restriction of the research.
What is the composition of a research title?
b. The title must reflect the variables under study. Fraud in research comprises
“The more important reason is that the research itself
provides an important long-run perspective on the
issues that we face on a day-to-day basis. ” -Ben
Select one:
a. Research is exciting and challenging if people
understand it and its demands.
a. the researchers
a. Identifying an area of research and formulating Researcher’s involvement to the research means
research questions Select one:
b. Coming up with detailed explanations of the a. It is the researcher’s quest of something new.
overall process of research and the results
Select one:
b. by conducting the data collection properly,
a. Be familiar with the needed software for the data
ethically and factually.
b. Get an approval from the research adviser.
c. by realizing the usefulness of those research
outputs by employing the systematic process of c. Find a research partner or group.
research d. Find an interesting social issue to address.
a. Education
a. Analyzing and interpreting new information
b. Profession
b. Reorganizing, or restating, reviewing common
c. Business
Select one:
a. ethical violations in methodology
e. The importance of context and meaning are the
reasons to get the depth of explorations in qualitative
research. The setting of the problem and multiple
ways to get data from the locale will surely help the
researcher to explain the unexplainable. Qualitative research proves the absence of the absolute
truth because
What is NOT an advantage of qualitative research?
a. Case study
Why are research questions used in qualitative What is a research rationale needed in scope and
research? delimitation?
b. All of the above a. It gives reasons for the beneficiaries of the study.
What does “context” mean in qualitative research? How does everyday life research encourage diversity?
a. The situation where the data is obtained b. It is widely used among marginalized groups to
privilege their personal perspectives.
Change the topic “Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW’s)” into Select one:
an effective research title.
a. The title reflects the findings of the study.
Select one:
b. The title embodies substantive words that describe the
a. The Dilemma of OFW’s study.
b. The Plight of OFW’s and their families in the c. The study must reflect the purpose of the study.
d. The title must reflect the variables under study.
c. None of the choices
Select one:
a. Informed consent
What is the classification of this research question? What
b. Conflicts of interests
kind of emotions and attitudes motivate individuals to take
c. Misconduct in research part in mass events?
a. Major problem
b. Sub-problem
a. research coverage
b. research beneficiaries
c. research questions
d. research purpose
Which of the following is a good research question?
e. Qualitative Research
What ethical dilemma is needed in this situation: A
celebrity’s recent scandal involving the “hacking” of her
personal photographs on iCloud where her personal
information was accessed for a research on the lifestyle of
local celebrities. In formulating research questions, the _____________
governs the entire study.
Select one:
Select one:
a. Informed consent
a. Statement of the problem
b. Misconduct in research
b. Major problem
c. Authorship
c. Title
d. Conflicts of interests
d. Sub-problem
What is the simplest meaning of inductive approach in Which of the following is a qualitative method?
qualitative research?
Select one:
Select one:
a. Observation
a. Practical solutions
b. Survey
b. Addressing the need
c. Statistics
c. Proving the observations
d. Experiment
d. Learning from experience
a. A concrete object in the everyday life of humans. a. It has brought the human race farther.
b. A tool to see new and surprising aspects of the b. It makes the school days more interesting.
human everyday lives
c. It makes the human routine complicated.
c. The critical voices of the participants
d. It develops math operational skills.
d. The filtered reality of human’s local, historical,
contextual, and multiple lenses
c. How did election start according to Philippine
It is an exploratory research.
It is also known as the research plan.
Select one:
Select one:
a. Research design
a. Qualitative
Having no research questions or poorly formulated What characteristic of qualitative research is mentioned
research questions will lead to poor research because here? It is designed to match the dynamics of the evolving
research process (Klenke, 2008).
Select one:
Select one:
a. The research will be unfocused and unsure of the
data to collect. a. Importance of context
b. The researcher will not know the data analysis method to b. Flexible design
c. Participant-researcher relationship
c. The researcher will not be able to complete the
requirements. d. Importance of meaning
Select one:
a. It is a rhetorical question.
Choose the correct research question. b. It may result to inaccuracies in the attitudes being
measured for the question.
Select one:
c. None of the choices
a. Where did the first election happen in the Philippines?
d. It is grammatically incorrect.
b. When did the election start according to Philippine
c. A tentative statement about the relationship
d. Outcome of an experiment
Select one:
a. Education, business and science What is the best description of “research space” that the
researcher and participants share?
b. Economics, governance and society
Select one:
c. Engineering, profession and science
a. Research partnership
d. Education, profession and administration
b. Participant-researcher relationship
c. Research location
Having no research questions or poorly formulated
d. None of the choices
research questions will lead to poor research because
Select one:
a. The researcher will only consider epistemological It lets the meaning emerge from the participants.
Select one:
b. The researcher will not be able to complete the
requirements. a. Statement of the Problem
c. The researcher will not know the data analysis method to b. Quantitative Research
use. c. Qualitative Research
d. The research will be unfocused and unsure of the
d. Significance of the Study
data to collect.
e. Scope and Delimitation
It is objective, replicable and reliable. Why does online qualitative research hold an advantage
over paper-based systems?
Select one:
Select one:
a. None of the choices
a. Because of the ability to review trends and analyze data
b. Qualitative
b. Because of the ability to insure that all required items are
c. Quantitative collected for a trial
Select one:
a. Manipulated
d. Numerical
Which of the following is a research design? This part distinguishes the constraints of the study by
stating the demarcations of time, measurability, availability
Select one: of subjects, resources and ethical considerations.
a. Observation Select one:
b. Qualitative a. Scope and Delimitation
c. Pure/ basic research b. Significance of the Study
d. Everyday life c. Quantitative Research
e. Qualitative Research
What type of issue is addressed by qualitative research?
Select one:
Which of the following statements applies to research c. How does the image of the ideal man influences
knowledge? the male population between the ages 20 and 35?
Select one: d. What is the biggest size of a super moon that can be
seen by the naked eyes?
a. Determined students travel to search for topics.
What is the separation between independent and
dependent variable?
What part of the research problem is described here? It
must be free from biases and impartiality. Select one:
It is also used to uncover trends in thought and opinions, What is the intervention used in quantitative research?
and dive deeper into the problem.
Select one:
Select one:
a. Case to case basis
a. All of the choices
b. Participant involvement
b. Quantitative
c. No participant involvement
c. None of the choices
d. Immersion and simulation
d. Qualitative
Paraphrase the statement: Qualitative approaches are Which of the following is a good research question?
typically used to explore new phenomena and to capture
individuals’ thoughts, feelings, or interpretations of Select one:
meanings and process (Given, 2008).
a. How many teenagers are using the social media?
Select one:
b. Does the information on the issue appear to have
a. All of the choices evidences?
b. It is used to study paranormal activities that humans c. Is the source current or out of date to answer the
experience. problem?
c. It is used to survey the number of participants affected d. What are the basic values or goals of the
by the research problem. organization?
d. It is used to gain an understanding of underlying
reasons, opinions, and motivations of humans.
Select one: a. Because of the ability to review trends and analyze data
b. Qualitative Research c. Because of the ability to insure that all required items are
collected for a trial
c. Quantitative Research
d. Because of the ability to maintain confidentiality of
d. Significance of the Study research records
a. need a special class of analytical skills a. investigating, analyzing and synthesizing new
information from various sources
b. a participant observer has little control over the
activities of the observed b. any organized inquiry carried out to provide information
for solving problems
c. all of the choices
c. the activity anyone who has good reputation and integrity
d. analyze their outcomes from the inside out
d. triggers one to find the true meaning of knowledge
Which of the following is a characteristic of a researchable The variable which is not influenced by other variables in
question? the study.
Select one: Select one:
a. Interesting a. Independent variable
b. Trendy b. Common variable
c. Unique c. Dependent variable
d. Empowerment d. Discrete variable
What is a variable?
Its method is limited by variables.
Select one:
Select one:
What is the independent variable in the title stated in the
a. Qualitative previous item?
b. All of the choices Select one:
c. None of the choices a. Manila
d. Quantitative b. intervention
c. Dogs
There should be a general statement of the problem which Which of the following is not under qualitative research?
narrows down to sub-problems or specific questions.
Select one:
Select one:
a. everyday life research
a. Significance of the Study
b. pure research
b. Scope and Delimitation
c. applied research
c. Statement of the Problem
d. none of the choices
d. Qualitative Research
e. Quantitative Research
Which of the following is NOT a description of a good
Select one:
Which of the following is a proof of the research
experience? a. Research scope is ambiguous.
Select one:
An understanding of qualitative research is important
because a. Importance of context
Select one: b. Presence of absolute truth
a. The knowledge on numbers can be practiced in c. Inductive approach
d. Flexible design
b. The daily life activities can be studied.
Select one:
a. Qualitative b. Plight
c. None of the choices d. Both Filipino Migrant Workers and Middle East
d. Quantitative
Generalize the beneficiaries of a study. What research purpose could be used in this title, Dogs:
Intervention for Children with Disabilities in Manila?
Select one:
Select one:
a. Teenagers are always involved in social issues.
a. Applied
b. Students will learn much information in any research.
b. none of the choices
c. The government must be concerned in any human
problem. c. both choices are correct
d. The readers are involved in all the studies that d. Pure/basic
they read.
Where can one find the literature of a qualitative research? Which of the following is incorrect about everyday life
Select one:
Select one:
a. Ending part
a. It is a scientific research methodology.
b. Beginning part
b. It focuses on details and seemingly insignificant
c. Reference part occurrences.
Select one:
Which word was developed from the everyday life of man?
a. researcher’s personal aspects
Select one:
b. one’s research knowledge
a. Social
c. researcher’s achievements
b. Science
d. researcher’s expertise
c. Qualitative
d. Quantitative
Research is
Which of the following applies the double meaning ____________ tend to be generally expressed; a
questions? ____________ is a specific prediction about what the
readers will find.
Select one:
Select one:
a. All of the choices
a. variable; findings
b. Is this tool interesting and useful?
b. scope and delimitation; significance of the study
c. How often and how much time do you spend on each
visit to a hospital? c. all of the choices
d. How satisfied are you with your pay and job conditions? d. research question; hypothesis
Which is a good argument in the research hypothesis? What is the basic skill required of any researcher?
a. A dog can be trained to alert a human if the a. Ability understand major philosophical issues
telephone is ringing.
b. Ability to source data
b. Childhood obesity is alarming nowadays.
c. Ability to calculate statistics
c. The amount of sun exposure is good to a plant.
d. Ability to generate ideas for research projects
d. More students get sick during the final week of testing
than at other times.
d. None of the choices d. They must inform the content of the research discussion.
Which of the following is not a characteristic of qualitative Which of the following is excluded in the scope and
research? delimitation?
c. anywhere
d. in a laboratory
Select one:
In ethical dilemma, conflict of interest happens when
a. Personal experience
Select one:
b. All of the choices
a. The researcher’s background is not related to his/her
research topic. c. Looking for the next step in the research process
b. The researcher bribes the authority to be in the research d. Getting an idea from your adviser
a. True
Online and mobile qualitative research enhance data
integrity by b. None of the choices
c. They are available for investigation. b. How well a test measures what it is supposed to
d. They do not lead to another question.
c. the legality of the test to be used
Select one:
What is an example of qualitative research?
a. Quantitative
c. Correlational research
d. Case study
What is the best description of research rationale?
Select one:
A case study methodology is useful in
a. Location of the research
c. Statistical analysis
Select one:
What is the use of research variables?
d. Quantity of participants
Select one:
Which of the following best describes a hypothesis? Which research refers to scientific study and research that
seeks to solve practical problems?
Select one:
Select one:
a. The data that need to be supported
a. Pure research
b. A clear relationship between factors
b. Both Basic and Applied research
c. Basis for research questions
c. All of the choices
d. Statement that the researcher set out to prove
d. Both Basic and Pure research
Select one:
Select one:
b. Quantitative
d. Qualitative
Select one:
b. Qualitative
c. Quantitative