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Uted Systems Detail Broch
Uted Systems Detail Broch
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Autodesk ®
Inventor TM
Autodesk ®
Routed Systems Suite 2009
Routed Systems
Experience your design before it’s built.
Contents The Autodesk Inventor product family is redefining The Right Tools for Your Design Process
traditional CAD workflows by helping engineers Inventor helps designers to realize the benefits of
Tube and Pipe Design ............................... 4 focus on the functional requirements of a design Digital Prototyping by giving them the freedom
Cable and Harness Design . ...................... 6 to drive the creation of complex 3d geometry. to reuse their existing DWG™ designs in a 3d
AutoCAD Integration ................................ 8 Reducing the time spent on geometry allows design environment. Inventor lets users read and
engineers to spend more time innovating designs. write native DWG files without risking inaccurate
Part Design . ............................................... 10
By rapidly building digital prototypes that validate translations, and leverage valuable DWG data
Sheet Metal Part Design.......................... 12 a design’s function, engineers can catch errors to build accurate 3d part models the first time.
Assembly Design ...................................... 14 before they reach production. With creative Inventor includes tools to easily create and
Design and Manufacturing approaches to accelerate and simplify the concept- document 3d designs, and provides unparalleled
Documentation.......................................... 17 to-manufacturing process, Inventor has outsold all interoperability with competitive manufacturing
Data Management competitors for the seventh consecutive year. applications—simplifying collaboration with other
and Communication . ............................... 19 companies.
Customization and Automation............ 22
Learning Resources................................... 23
Learn More ................................................. 24
Specialized Tools for Your Design Needs
The Autodesk Inventor product line provides a
comprehensive and integrated set of design tools
for producing and documenting complete digital
prototypes that validate the form, fit, and function
of a design. The Inventor model is an accurate 3d
digital prototype that enables users to check design
and engineering data as they work, minimize the
need for physical prototypes, and reduce costly
engineering changes discovered after the design has
been sent to manufacturing. Inventor is tightly integrated with Autodesk
data management applications, enabling the
Autodesk Inventor software products combine an efficient and secure exchange of design data and
intuitive 3d design environment for creating parts promoting earlier collaboration between design and
and assemblies with functional design tools that manufacturing workgroups. Different workgroups
enable engineers to focus on a design’s function can manage and track all components of a digital
to drive the automatic creation of intelligent prototype with the free* Autodesk® Design Review
components such as steel frames, rotating software—the all-digital way to review, measure,
machinery, tube and pipe runs, and electrical cable mark up, and track changes to designs—allowing
and wire harnesses. for better reuse of crucial design data, management
of bills of materials (BOMs), and collaboration with
Validating the operating characteristics of designs other teams and partners.
before they are built usually requires hiring
expensive consultants. The Inventor product line With different product configurations that offer
includes easy-to-use and tightly integrated motion specific levels of functionality, no company is
simulation and stress analysis functionality, making more focused than Autodesk on helping designers
it possible for any engineer to optimize and validate create accurate digital prototypes and bring better
the digital prototype to predict how the design products to market faster at less cost.
will work under real-world conditions, before the
product or part is ever built.
Tube and Pipe Design
Flexible Hose
Make sure flexible hose and fittings fit properly
using a 3d digital prototype that drives accurate
manufacturing documentation. The system inserts
appropriate hose fittings from the Content Center
and checks for minimum bend radius based on the
selected hose style. Hose lengths are updated auto-
matically for use in length roll-up commands.
Rigid Tube Routing Hygienic Pipe Runs
Quickly create rigid tubes with superior control over Design process lines that comply with sterility and
the shape, bend angles, and radii. Create rigid tubes hygiene standards required for process equipment
with an arbitrary number of bends and variable in the pharmaceutical, food, and personal care in-
custom bend angles and radii. The radius and rota- dustries. Incorporate the correct slope into the pipe
tion handles offer greater control over the shape of route, including use of drainable angle fittings that
rigid tubes. comply with the American Society of Mechanical
Engineers (ASME) bioprocessing equipment where
Creating Runs
Automatically populate piping routes with real
parts that adhere to manufacturing standards. The
Populate Route tool turns tube, pipe, and hose
routes into physical pipe runs, automatically placing
fittings, pipe segments, rigid tubes, and hoses as
needed. Standard Inventor parts are created dur-
ing this process to make it easy to perform mass
property calculations and interference checks. In
addition, couplings are automatically placed when
pipes reach their maximum length, and users can
specify length cutoff increments.
Tube and Pipe Styles
Increase the quality and manufacturability of Tube and Pipe Documentation
designs by helping to ensure that tube and pipe runs Create manufacturing deliverables without redraw-
automatically adhere to preset design standards. ing—reducing errors and associated costs. Fully
Create tube and pipe styles to support the use of associative documentation for tube and pipe runs
threaded, welded, and flanged connections. Styles provides assembly drawings that update whenever
define the fittings to be used for both automatic and a change is made to the 3d design. ISOGEN PCF
manual routing, and enforce design rules, including file output creates isometric piping drawings in
minimum segment lengths and minimum bend radii, third-party ISOGEN software such as Alias ISOGEN,
as well as the maximum length between couplings. and tubing bend tables in ASCII format provide the
information required by tube bending machines.
Cable and Harness Design
Complex electrical Functional Harness Design
Design cable and harness components in 3d to
Wire Routing
Quickly route thousands of wires while providing
systems are present in reduce manufacturing problems, facilitate output control over the paths of crucial wires. Manual rout-
almost every product of manufacturing drawings, and avoid late-stage ing requires explicit selection of the wire’s path, in-
engineering change orders. In Inventor, wire list teractive routing requires selection of the start/end
or machine, and require and connector information is used to drive harness points and the algorithm chooses the shortest path,
increasingly careful design with built-in cross-checking of electrical and and in automatic routing the system find the short-
design of the physical mechanical data so users can make sure that all
wires and connectors in the wire list are represented
est possible path based on all available paths.
Ribbon Cables Harness Validation
Reduce errors in the design of electronic equipment Improve cable quality and manufacturability, and pre-
by incorporating ribbon cables in the 3d digital proto- vent costly recalls and product failures by adhering to
type. Add ribbon cables between connectors with full design standards. Inventor automatically calculates
control over the locations of twists and folds. quality parameters, including bundle diameter, bend
radius, and wire lengths, whenever changes are made
to the harness. As a result, users can eliminate the
time-consuming and error-prone process of manually
measuring a hardware prototype.
Harness Documentation
Quickly and easily create manufacturing docu-
mentation before building the first article. Since
cable and harness geometry is native to Inventor,
users can create assembly documentation showing
accurate details of cable and harness placement.
Comprehensive tools for the rapid generation of
harness documentation include the following:
AutoCAD Integration
DWG Save AutoCAD Blocks from Inventor Views
Integrate DWG technology into the 3d design Reduce the cost of using 3d for upgrade projects
workflow to take advantage of existing skills; easily originally designed in 2d. This feature generates
combine part, assembly, and schematic drawings AutoCAD blocks from Inventor drawing views so
data; and streamline communication with suppliers users can redesign subassemblies using Inventor
and partners who rely on DWG technology. This and then integrate the new drawing views directly
feature stores Inventor drawing views in the DWG into the original drawings.
file to provide view, plot, and measure capabilities
in AutoCAD with complete visual fidelity, while
preserving fully associative drawing updates.
Part Design
Advanced Shape Description Import from AliasStudio
Create a wide range of complex geometries by easily Use concept design data from Autodesk®
combining solids and surfaces. Inventor gives users AliasStudio™ software to reduce the time required
precise control of shape characteristics, such as to complete 3d product design. Incorporate curve
tangency and continuity. Advanced modeling tools and surface data from AliasStudio into Inventor part
include Loft to a Point, N-Sided Patch, Sweep Normal models using DWG import and export tools built
to Surface, Area Loft, Centerline Loft, G2 Continuous into the two products.
Fillets, Full Round Fillets, and Face-to-Face Fillets.
Sculpt Tool
Quickly and easily modify shape details using
surfaces from Inventor or by incorporating imported
surfaces. Construct 3d part geometry from closed
set surfaces, and incorporate imported surface
data into the model using the Sculpt tool to modify
existing parts by adding or removing material.
Sheet Metal Part Design
Flat Pattern Features Sheet Metal Fasteners
Generate optimized flat patterns to eliminate Quickly insert specialized sheet metal fasteners in
unnecessary manufacturing costs. Unfold sheet the sheet metal design. A comprehensive range of
metal models to create flat patterns with associative PEM™ fasteners are included in the Content Center.
flat-pattern editing to support cleanup operations
such as modifying corner reliefs to match specific
capabilities available on the shop floor.
DXF Output
Reduce programming time by eliminating time
spent cleaning up DXF™ files for CNC machining.
DXF/DWG export for sheet metal provides control
of preprocessing and postprocessing options such
as DXF/DWG file version, layer mapping, user-
Punch Libraries defined chord length for spline simplification, and
Users can define their own sheet metal punch customization through external XML files.
libraries to standardize punch usage and reduce
computer numerical control (CNC) tooling costs. Sheet Metal Manufacturing Drawings
Table-driven punches enable users to define Quickly create accurate manufacturing drawings
families of punches, typically different sizes of to support sheet metal manufacturing operations.
the same punch shape with full representation of Document flat pattern drawings by inserting punch
manufacturing parameters, including PunchID, notes, punch tables, and bend tables that display
punch depth, and sketches for alternate punch punch and bend data from the 3d mode and select
representations. display of bend directions using drawing styles.
Assembly Design
Interference Analysis and Contact Large Assembly Management
Detection Realize the benefits of 3d design when developing
Eliminate costly errors and improve manufacturability very large assemblies. With level of detail (LOD)
by testing assembly function within Inventor. Check representations, users have full control over how
for both static interference between parts with much information to load when working with large
graphic highlighting of overlapping material, and then assemblies. Control memory consumption by
test for potential collisions between moving parts by suppressing components. A large assembly “capacity
driving assembly constraints or dragging components meter” provides a visual indication of how much
until they collide. memory is available.
Frame Generator Content Center
Quickly design and develop welded frames for The Content Center provides fast and easy access
industrial machinery applications. The Frame to frequently used content, simplifying creation,
Generator builds up structural frames by dropping reuse, and management of all standard company
predefined steel shapes onto wireframe or solid content. The Content Center is a centralized library
skeletal frames and simplifies creation of end for engineering content that provides an easy-to-use
conditions with predefined options for mitered, content browser with search and filter tools to help
notched, and straight butt welded joints. It includes users quickly find the right part families. It includes
profile authoring so users can add custom profiles to more than 650,000 components—such as nuts, bolts,
the existing library of standard profiles. and screws—and enables companies to add in-house
parts and standard features to user-defined libraries.
Design and Manufacturing Documentation
Automatic Drawing Updates Associative Parts List
Reduce errors and the need for manual checking Automatically generate and update accurate parts
through automatic drawing update. Inventor lists in a fraction of the time required by traditional
associates drawing views to the original 2d methods, virtually eliminating human error.
components so any change made to a part or an The associative parts list enables users to maintain
assembly is automatically reflected in the drawing. an accurate parts list with part and subassembly
Inventor also supports global updates of drawing quantities that are automatically kept up-to-date,
resources, such as title blocks, borders, and organized, and populated into a drawing parts list.
sketched symbols. Rapidly add balloons and item numbers to assembly
drawings. And users have greater flexibility in cus-
Bill of Materials tomizing parts lists to meet company standards.
Provide earlier visibility into accurate component
lists to improve costing and sourcing decisions.
Simplify release to manufacturing with accurate
engineering BOM data. The BOM is a single source
for managing the assembly and subassembly
structure of purchased and nonpurchased parts,
including virtual components. Timesaving features
include the following:
Technical Illustrations
Use the presentation environment in Inventor
to quickly create technical illustrations, process
sheets, training materials, part manuals, assembly
instruction sheets, and videos to train assembly
teams on the manufacturing floor.
Data Management and Communication
Data Management and Communication
Publishing Formats
Share product information with partners and
customers who need to incorporate your designs
into their products. Publish Inventor drawings as
PDF files, publish 3d part and assembly models in
SAT or JT format, and create STL files for output to
stereolithography and 3d print machines.
The AEC (Architecture, Engineering, and Simplify accurate collaboration with suppliers and
Construction) Exchange tool creates and pub- customers by enabling sharing and reuse of design
lishes simplified 3d representations, intelligent data with 3d CAD/CAM systems. Read and write
connection points, and additional information in design and drawing data using industry-standard
native file formats for AutoCAD® MEP software. formats.
Users can also export 3d geometry to AutoCAD®
Architecture, Revit®-based software, and AutoCAD Construction Environment
software. Reduce the time required to inspect and repair
customer data files. The Inventor Construction
Environment provides fault-tolerant import of large
STEP and IGES data sets, with a quarantine to hold
entities containing geometric problems such as sur-
face slivers and mismatched boundary curves. The
construction environment also includes a compre-
hensive toolkit for inspecting, editing, and correct-
ing quarantined entities, including solids, surfaces,
wireframes, and points. Data sets can be corrected
and promoted into 3d part models, surfaces, or 3d
Native Translators
Streamline projects that require opening files
from vendors or customers in native formats.
Deliver 3d design data to customers or vendors
who prefer native file formats. Users can easily
exchange data between Autodesk Inventor, UGS,®
SolidWorks,® and Pro/ENGINEER® by importing and
exporting Parasolid,® importing UG-NX,™ importing
SolidWorks, importing and exporting Granite, and
importing Pro/ENGINEER directly with Inventor.
Customization and Automation
Open API
Increase productivity by developing tools to auto-
mate your company’s design and documentation
processes. Inventor includes a well-documented API
to create customized programs to automate special-
ized workflows and extend the Inventor data model
Content Center Publishing Tools with custom attributes.
Quickly prepare and publish intelligent part librar-
ies. The publishing tools in the Content Center
include an editing environment and batch process-
ing of large data sets to streamline the process of
preparing and publishing company parts as well as
vendor catalogs.
Learning Resources
Accelerate learning through flexible access to
tutorials and best practices. A valuable component
of Autodesk® Subscription, e-Learning provides a
continually expanding curriculum of short training
Deployment Guide
Complete the installation of Inventor with minimum
time and effort. Whether you are planning a new
deployment or upgrading to Autodesk Inventor
2009, this easy-to-read booklet provides the
information you need to succeed.
Learn More
Autodesk Inventor • • • •
AutoCAD Mechanical • • • •
Dynamic Simulation • •
Autodesk Vault • • • •
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attainable, and cost-effective, which
allows a broader group of manufacturers to realize the benefits
with minimal disruption to existing workflows, and provides the
most straightforward path to creating and maintaining a single
digital model in a multidisciplinary engineering environment.
Learn about the different Inventor products available to fit your specific
design needs, and discover why Inventor products are the best choice for
manufacturing companies. For more information, visit www.autodesk.com/
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