Small Big Data: Using Multiple Data-Sets To Explore Unfolding Social and Economic Change
Small Big Data: Using Multiple Data-Sets To Explore Unfolding Social and Economic Change
Small Big Data: Using Multiple Data-Sets To Explore Unfolding Social and Economic Change
2013–4:00pm] [1–6]
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Big Data & Society
January–June 2015: 1–6
Small Big Data: Using multiple data-sets ! The Author(s) 2015
DOI: 10.1177/2053951715589418
Bold approaches to data collection and large-scale quantitative advances have long been a preoccupation for social
science researchers. In this commentary we further debate over the use of large-scale survey data and official statistics
with ‘Big Data’ methodologists, and emphasise the ability of these resources to incorporate the essential social and
cultural heredity that is intrinsic to the human sciences. In doing so, we introduce a series of new data-sets that integrate
approximately 30 years of survey data on victimisation, fear of crime and disorder and social attitudes with indicators
of socio-economic conditions and policy outcomes in Britain. The data-sets that we outline below do not conform to
typical conceptions of ‘Big Data’. But, we would contend, they are ‘big’ in terms of the volume, variety and complexity of
data which has been collated (and to which additional data can be linked) and ‘big’ also in that they allow us to explore
key questions pertaining to how social and economic policy change at the national level alters the attitudes and experi-
ences of citizens. Importantly, they are also ‘small’ in the sense that the task of rendering the data usable, linking it and
decoding it, required both manual processing and tacit knowledge of the context of the data and intentions of its
Crime, victimisation, social and political change, Thatcherism, surveys, secondary data analyses
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the close inspection of historical processes, of which the the 1980s to the present day. Our initial analysis had
most reliable data is habitually derived from national demonstrated, in line with a substantial field of research
surveys and official indicators – and for which ‘Big on the link between the economy and crime rates
Data’ cannot be created, either due to the impossibility (e.g. Cantor and Land, 1985), that as levels of
of retrospectively imputing measures of social attitudes unemployment and economic inequality rose, property
or because the manual extraction of data from paper crime rose (Jennings et al., 2012; c.f. Morgan, 2014).
records is either too costly and time-consuming or As property crime increased, SO too did fear of crime
where missing data may not be random. Furthermore, and government attention to the issue of crime (see
many large-scale national surveys, such as the Crime Farrall and Hay, 2010; Farrall and Jennings, 2012;
Survey for England and Wales (CSEW),1 the British Hay and Farrall, 2011). However, we wanted to further
Social Attitudes Survey (BSA), the British Election explore the differences across different demographics,
Study and the Labour Force Survey, continue to be such as by gender, housing tenure and geography,
updated on a regular basis. This means it is possible and to model attitudinal shifts in relation to other
to use this data to understand dynamic interrelation- types of crime (such as violence). Notably, scholars
ships and to observe and model both rates of change from related branches of social policy have also
and lagged processes over time (Pawson and Tilley, begun to conduct allied longitudinal investigations in
1997). In recent years computational technology has housing policy (Dorling, 2014), opiate drug-use
broadened the scope of statistical techniques available (Morgan, 2014), education policy (Berridge et al.,
to us (c.f. Mayer-Schönberger and Cukier, 2013). It is 2001) and social attitudes (Duffy et al., 2013; Nacten,
now possible to combine high volume2 data-sets from a 2014), highlighting the need for us to build an inte-
variety of sources, explore dynamic social processes grated model of analysis.
through advanced quantitative methods and organise
the data in such a way as to observe shifts at individual Small big data: The construction of
and aggregate levels. By collating data over large peri-
ods of time, it also allows for robust analyses of par-
a multi-layered data-set
ticular items where responses or subgroups may be rare, These ambitions necessitated the creation of a con-
for example, male victims of domestic or sexual vio- nected series of longitudinal survey data-sets (which
lence (Gadd et al., 2002), or to dissect three types of incorporate demographic markers such as age, educa-
time-related effects such as age, period and cohort ana- tion, household income, region and gender) and aggre-
lysis (Ryder, 1965).3 gate statistics on policy, economy and society, such as
In sum, repeated cross-sectional surveys afford indexes of unemployment and inflation rates or num-
researchers distinctive opportunities to assess long- bers of probation and police officers. The data is not
term temporal processes to address complex research only linked through common variables, most notably
questions. Attention to historical resources has been the observed time period (i.e. the year or month), but
underlined by Rock (2005), who has stressed that crim- also by categories of respondent (e.g. age, ethnicity,
inological researchers – as well as other social scientists income, region, employment status). The significance
– should be aware of a manifest ‘chronocentrism’ that and challenge of building such a data-set became ever
frequently ‘‘neglect[s] what is old’’ (p. 20), overlooks the more apparent during their construction. Secondary
accumulation of data and works against the collective data analysis may side-step the task of data collection,
structure of knowledge. Similarly, scholars in sociology but, in our experience, such data was rarely ready to use
and politics have argued that crucial social phenomena ‘off the shelf’. We therefore needed to manually check
are best explained in terms of the temporal study of variable names and codings (against original documen-
‘path dependence’, that is to say how particular courses tation that did not render itself amenable to automated
of action and development are alighted upon processing), the length and ‘direction’ of any scales
and become reinforced over time (David, 2011; employed and the consistency of survey question word-
Pierson, 2000).4 ings and sampling techniques over time. This work, as
laborious as it was, nevertheless made us intimately
The long view: Capturing the legacy familiar with the data-sets at hand and tacit features
of Thatcherite social and economic of the original data collection. As such, the longitudinal
data-sets that we mined have required extensive
policy on crime ‘cleaning’ and adaption (such as the standardisation
As a research team, we were confronted with the meth- of variable names or the re-coding of variables to
odological and theoretical considerations of ‘big’ data- enable comparisons across cross-sections), which was
sets after embarking on a project to understand the far more intricate and resource-intensive than might
long-term impact of Thatcherite public policies from typically be associated with a ‘Big Data’ approach to
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Gray et al. 3
the processing of large data-sets. It also involved the of social and economic life, is taken from two main
consultation of portable document format copies of sources. First, we have drawn on the 28 waves of the
original documentation, especially for older surveys, BSA,8 which provide measures of social attitudes
to identify variables and the response categories for towards sentencing, punitiveness and matters relating
survey questions where no readable electronic data to welfare. Second, the British Election Study’s
existed. Such information cannot be automatically ‘Continuous Monitoring Survey’ (BES-CMS) that ran
extracted from the digital record due to its format on a monthly basis between 2004 and 2013 includes a
and variation in the way it was originally collected. range of measures of socio-political attitudes, such as
What resulted from this manual process of integrating satisfaction with the criminal justice system, evalu-
the data, however, is a valuable and unique resource, ations of government/party handling of crime and emo-
which would otherwise not be readily accessible in an tions about crime.
integrated and usable format. In the next section we
describe the content and structure of our data-sets
which will be deposited with the UK Data Service in
Aggregate-level data
late 2015. Full details will be provided in a technical The longitudinal processes that we are interested in
manual, but some important components are identified require us to examine trends over time. To do this,
and summarised below (see Table 1).5 our individual-level data-sets are also recoded to aggre-
gate level. Additionally the CSEW (between 2002 and
2013) and BES-CMS (between 2004 and 2013) data-sets
Individual-level data
can be aggregated to monthly intervals, to observe
Victimisation. Officially recorded crime statistics have finer-grained trends. The key contextual variables con-
long been held in suspicion by many criminologists sidered in longitudinal studies of crime, such income
(Maguire, 2007). Our data incorporates self-reported inequality (measured using the Gini Coefficient)9 or
data on victimisation from the CSEW.6 This records unemployment, are treated and measured as national-
respondents’ experiences, within the preceding 12 level constructs. We have collected over a hundred time
months, of most forms of crime.7 The CSEW also series which are summarised in Table 2.
includes a series of questions on fear of crime, percep-
tions of anti-social behaviour in the local area, confi- Criminal justice system. For comparison against the
dence in the police and attitudes towards punishment CSEW victimisation-data, and also for enabling a
and the criminal justice system. The merged CSEW longer-term view of crime, our data includes official
data-set that we have developed, combining 21 sweeps recorded statistics on crimes for England and Wales.
of the survey that ran between 1981 and 2013, consists Annual data on the size of the prison and probation
of 599,517 respondents and over 150 survey items that population is taken from Home Office Probation and
have been asked in multiple surveys. Prison Statistics England and Wales.
Social attitudes. Our data on public attitudes towards Socio-economic indicators. Data is also included on levels
crime and criminal justice, and many other domains of inequality, poverty and incomes from the Institute
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‘‘burglary’’, ‘‘anti-social
count and rate, economic inactivity, average earnings,
Parliamentary questions
Acts of Parliament
labour disputes and GDP are drawn from official
statistics of the Office for National Statistics
Queen’s speech
Drug addicts
Suicide rates
Public spending
Convictions (total/as % of
Gray et al. 5
compiling of repeated cross-sectional survey data over collated will be deposited at the UK Data Archive at
an extended period of time. As such, we see the current the end of the project (Autumn 2015). New users may
research agenda promoting the usefulness of Big Data utilise or adapt the data as they see fit. For example,
as welcome when it is used alongside (rather than as an others can update the data-set as new sweeps of surveys
alternative to) rigorously designed, sampled and are released to the public, as well as customising it to
collected survey data. In this way we do not, at least answer questions substantially different to our own. In
for the foreseeable future, imagine that Big Data will this sense we hope our data could become a ‘platform’
replace social survey data (which has the added advan- for others to build upon, using for their own research
tage of extending back in time to the 1970s and beyond, projects, PhD studentships and teaching purposes.
enabling long-term trends to be observed in a consistent
way). The next steps for those interested in advancing Declaration of conflicting interests
the cause of Big Data may include, therefore, The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
figuring out how Big Data and existing social survey
data may be integrated in order to combine the advan-
tages of both.
This study was supported by the ESRC in the form of
research grant ES/K006398/1.
An adaptable resource
It is important to acknowledge the limitations to what Notes
we are able to do. ‘Big Data’, no matter how sizeable or 1. The CSEW was originally known as the British Crime
how well-sharpened, is no magic bullet, even if it was Survey.
integrated with social survey data. There are issues 2. The Crime Survey for England and Wales is updated on an
which we are interested in (such as the experiences of annual basis and typically has in excess of 40,000 respond-
homeless people in the 1980s) and for which no data set ents per year, for example.
exists. In sum, the sorts of experiences and attitudes 3. Specifically, age effects represent typical developmental
changes in the life course; period effects arise via cultural
which we are able to analyse with historic data reflect
and economic changes that are exclusive to the study-
the sorts of preoccupations of an earlier generation of period, while cohort effects are the core of social change
researchers. This is a perennial problem for those con- and represent the effects of formative experiences (Ryder,
ducting secondary data analyses (Dale, 2004). 1965).
Nevertheless, we have employed traditional ‘‘small’’ 4. David (2011) defines path dependency as a ‘‘dynamic pro-
data and amalgamated them into what we believe is cess whose evolution is governed by its own history. . .. The
now a vast, broad and dynamic group of data-sets, concept, thus, is very general in its scope, referring equally
with the potential to answer significant ‘big questions’ to developmental sequences (whether in evolutionary biol-
about the effects of specific social and political policies ogy or physics) and social dynamics (involving social inter-
on behaviour and public sentiments over time. It is sig- actions among economic or political agents) that are
nificant that the processes involved in rendering the characterized by positive feedbacks and self-reinforcing
dynamics’’ (p. 88).
data usable were ‘‘small’’, in terms of the manual
5. Documentation for the data-sets is provided online. The
extraction of data and the specific knowledge required
survey data was collected via face-to-face and computer-
for handling survey data where there exists no clean assisted-personal interviews (CAPI).
digital footprint of variable names or contents (i.e. elec- 6. First conducted in 1982, the CSEW was commissioned by
tronic versions of data might be unlabelled or coded in the UK government to measure the ‘dark figure’ of unre-
different ways across time that would lead to errors in ported crime incidents. The survey sampling is structured
automatic processing, without closer inspection of the to be representative of two groups, namely residential
original documentation). Despite such data-sets being households in England and Wales, and adults (aged 16
‘‘big’’ in the sheer scale of data points (with close to years and over) living in those households (Bolling et al.,
three quarters of a million respondents to surveys 2004).
included in our data-sets), their merging and standard- 7. The survey focuses on types of property and acquisitive
isation relied upon traditional methods of manual pro- crime, and physical, sexual and domestic violence.
8. The British Social Attitudes Survey series began in 1983.
cessing to create a resource for large scale data analysis.
It is based on an annual random probability, face-to-face
These data-sets have been constructed to be used by survey of approximately 3000 Britons. The series is
other researchers. Our project is funded by the UK’s designed to act as a counterpart to other large-scale gov-
Economic and Social Research Council (award number ernment surveys such as the Labour Force Survey or the
ES/K006398/1, for more information on the project see General Lifestyle Survey, which provide data on behav- ioural actions and tangible ‘facts’. It has been conducted
trajectories), meaning all of the data which we have every year since 1983 (except 1988 and 1992).
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ation (Yitzhaki, 1979). It is a widely respected measure of Britain. Contemporary British History 26(4): 467–488.
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against men in Scotland. Scottish Executive Central
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