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Magnesium in Women's Health and Gynecology: Shawna Tonick, Ozgul Muneyyirci-Delale

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Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2016, 6, 325-333

Published Online April 2016 in SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/ojog


Magnesium in Women’s Health

and Gynecology
Shawna Tonick1, Ozgul Muneyyirci-Delale2,3
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine, New Hyde Park, USA
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, USA
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kings County Hospital Center, Brooklyn, USA
Email: stonick@nshs.edu, Ozgul.Muneyyirci-Delale@downstate.edu

Received 26 February 2016; accepted 25 April 2016; published 28 April 2016

Copyright © 2016 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).

Magnesium is well known in the world of obstetrics for many important uses. It has been utilized
in treating pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, and preventing preterm labor, though it has been found re-
cently that prolonged magnesium administration in pregnant women may result in adverse out-
comes to fetal bone metabolism, resulting in a new FDA warning [1]. Outside of obstetrics, magne-
sium is recommended for treating the arrhythmias torsades de pointes and rapid atrial fibrillation,
treating severe acute asthma, improving migraine symptoms, and for treating dyspepsia and con-
stipation [2]. Many women in our modern society are magnesium deficient due to low dietary in-
take, and low dietary magnesium intake resulting in hypomagnesaemia has recently been shown
to have many deleterious effects. Magnesium’s uses are wide-reaching, touching many areas of
women’s health and gynecology from pre-menstrual syndrome to menopause, PCOS to endome-
triosis, and beyond.

Magnesium, Calcium, Hypomagnesemia, Women’s Health

1. Introduction
Magnesium is the fourth most abundant essential mineral and the second most abundant intracellular divalent
cation. It is involved as a cofactor for over 300 metabolic reactions in the body. Approximately 99% of total
body magnesium is intracellular, with 85% stored in bone; only 1% is found within the extracellular space. Of
magnesium present in serum, approximately 70% exists in the ionized (free) form, which is crucial to multiple
physiologic processes [3]. Of these physiological processes, magnesium is involved in crucial processes such as

How to cite this paper: Tonick, S. and Muneyyirci-Delale, O. (2016) Magnesium in Women’s Health and Gynecology. Open
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 6, 325-333. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/ojog.2016.65041
S. Tonick, O. Muneyyirci-Delale

protein synthesis, adenylate cyclate synthesis, oxidative phosphorylation, cellular energy production and storage,
preservation of cellular electrolyte composition, cell growth and reproduction, DNA and RNA synthesis, and
stabilization of mitochondrial membranes [4]. In addition to its important role in cell biology and genetics,
magnesium is also involved in bone metabolism, regulation of parathyroid hormone (PTH) secretion, nerve
transmission, cardiac excitability, neuromuscular transduction, muscular contraction, vasomotor tone, and blood
pressure regulation. Therefore, magnesium has demonstrated a wide range of possible effects on the human
body that can thus affect women’s health [5]-[7].
While magnesium is a crucial part of human biology, magnesium deficiency is widespread across different
populations, as dietary magnesium intake has decreased dramatically, especially in the western world [2]. Some
foods that are rich in magnesium are dark leafy green vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, fish, whole grains, and
dairy; these foods are often not heavily present in many western diets. A study of dietary intake of magnesium in
US adults showed that women have a lower dietary intake of magnesium than men. Many women are deficient
in magnesium due to both the highly processed magnesium-poor western diet and water softeners and purifiers
that strip magnesium out of the drinking water supply. Furthermore, magnesium intake decreases with age. Of
note, Caucasians have a significantly higher mean dietary intake of magnesium compared to African Americans
[8]. In addition to dietary factors, many commonly prescribed medications can also lead to hypomagnesemia,
such as diuretics (both loop and thiazide) and antimicrobials such as aminoglycosides, in addition to proton
pump inhibitors that may decrease nutrient absorption; all of these medications are frequently in use among pa-
tients. Additionally, many chronic and acute illnesses can trigger magnesium wasting.
Magnesium deficiency may exacerbate chronic inflammatory stress and contribute to conditions such as
atherosclerosis, diabetes, and osteoporosis [9]. In rats, inflammation has been found to occur during experimen-
tal magnesium deficiency; this low magnesium state also induces hypertriglyceridemia, atherogenesis, platelet
aggregability, increased thrombotic events, and increased oxidative stress. It is hypothesized that magnesium
deficiency may affect intracellular calcium homeostasis, linking inflammation and metabolic syndrome [10].
There is an inverse relationship between serum magnesium level and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, an in-
flammatory marker. Decreased magnesium levels are associated with increased metabolic syndrome risk, as ob-
esity itself is a low-grade inflammation process [11]. Regarding the role of hypomagnesemia in inflammation,
adults with hypomagnesemia are found to have elevated CRP levels, while individuals with both hypomagnese-
mia and metabolic syndrome are also found to have elevated CRP levels [12]. The effects of magnesium on ob-
esity are crucial to women’s health, since women are more likely to be obese than men. Higher intake of magne-
sium is associated with lower BMI in middle aged US men and women, further supporting the link between low
magnesium and obesity [13].
Magnesium’s role in metabolic syndrome extends to diabetes mellitus. Higher magnesium intake may reduce
the risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus [14]. Patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes and hyperten-
sion have been found to have poor intracellular magnesium concentrations. Magnesium can affect the role of
insulin in a few ways. Insulin may modulate the shift of magnesium from extracellular to intracellular spaces;
additionally, intracellular magnesium modulates insulin action by offsetting calcium-related excitation contrac-
tion coupling and decreasing smooth cell responsiveness to depolarizing stimuli [15]. Obese individuals with
metabolic syndrome also commonly have low magnesium in serum and mononuclear cells, especially in non-
white patients with insulin resistance. It is hypothesized that this hypomagnesemia may contribute to post-re-
ceptor insulin resistance on cells [16]. Magnesium may have a therapeutic role for diabetics in the future; expe-
rimental trials of 2.5 g magnesium chloride daily has also been found to improve the ability of beta cells to
compensate for variations in insulin sensitivity in non-diabetic women with significant hypomagnesemia [17].
In addition to its role in obesity and diabetes, magnesium intake is associated with reduced mortality from
cardiovascular disease in Japanese populations, especially women [18]. The biochemical basis behind the effects
of magnesium deficiency on cardiovascular health are complex, involving oxidation of lipoproteins and effects
on biochemical pathways leading to cardiovascular damage. Magnesium deficiency has been shown to result in
down regulation of sphingomyelin synthase, along with a decreased synthesis of phosphatidylcholine, and an
upregulation of cereamide synthase and biosynthesis of ceramides in cardiovascular tissue [19]. It is suggested
that sphingolipids act as regulators of extracellular Mg2+ In a low magnesium state, ceramide synthase is upre-
gulated in ventricular, atrial, aortic smooth muscles, in addition to the release of inflammatory cytokines [20].
Phosphatidylcholine is involved in decreasing the lymphatic absorption of cholesterol and is an important com-
ponent of HDL, thus furthering the importance of magnesium for maintaining cardiovascular health. Addition-

S. Tonick, O. Muneyyirci-Delale

ally, low magnesium levels can lead to increased apoptosis of cerebral vascular and peripheral vascular smooth
muscle cells, in addition to an upregulation of certain proto-oncogenes that are also involved in atherogenesis
and hypertension, including activation of the cell cycle regulator NF-κB and an upregulation of protein kinase C
molecultes [21]-[24].

2. Premenstrual Syndrome
Magnesium has been hypothesized to possibly play a role in premenstrual syndrome (PMS). The erythrocyte
concentration of magnesium in patients with PMS is significantly lower than that of patients without PMS [25].
It is hypothesized that this is because sex steroid hormones have modulate serum ionized magnesium and cal-
cium levels throughout the menstrual cycle. In the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, there is elevated se-
rum Mg2+ and a decreased Ca2+/Mg2+ ratio. However, at time of ovulation, there is a decrease in serum Mg2+.
During the luteal phase, there is decrease in Mg2+ and total Mg, as well as Ca2+, proposed to be linked to peaked
progesterone concentration. Peak in estrogen concentration is associated with elevated Ca2+/Mg2+ ratio [26].
Changes in these serum cations can affect the various roles of Mg2+, including vasculature, synaptic transmis-
sion, and excitation-contraction coupling. PMS occurs in the luteal phase when there is decreased Mg2+ and in-
creased Ca2+/Mg2+ ratio; it is proposed that women who are already magnesium deficient may be affected by this
cyclical decreased in magnesium.
It has been suggested that many minerals may impact PMS. Limited evidence has suggested that magnesium
supplementation, along with vitamin E and carbohydrate supplementation, may be useful for reducing PMS
symptoms, while calcium supplementation was found to be of significant benefit [27]. A study showed that sup-
plementation with both magnesium alone and magnesium plus vitamin B6 significantly decreased severity of
PMS in an Iranian population, with the most significant benefit from magnesium plus B6 supplementation [28].
Another open-label preliminary study found that modified-release magnesium 250 mg tablet was effective in im-
proving PMS symptoms in affected women [29]. Additionally, magnesium was shown to have some efficacy in
treating menstrual migraines that occur with PMS [30]. However, a case-control study that assessed mineral intake
using questionnaires found that while nonheme iron, potassium, and zinc affected PMS risk, magnesium was unre-
lated to PMS [31]. Additionally, a systematic review of randomized control trials to determine efficacy of 62 herbs,
vitamins and minerals for reducing PMS symptoms found that only calcium had evidence to support use in treating
PMS [32]. Further research is needed to explore the definitive role of magnesium in treating PMS.

3. Menopause
Magnesium is also hypothesized to have a role in menopause, due to the hormonal changes with magnesium
demonstrated above. It has been found that there is an inverse relationship between estrogen concentration and
serum Mg2+ and total Mg. Serum Ca2+ is also found to be significantly elevated in postmenopausal women.
However, the ratio of Ca2+/Mg2+ is not significantly elevated in postmenopausal women, and this ratio is a better
indicator of cardiovascular problems that either cation alone [33]. Emerging research has also suggested that
there is a link between menopausal hot flashes and cardiovascular disease risk, though the mechanisms underly-
ing this association are unclear due to the incompletely understood physiology of hot flashes.
Magnesium has been explored to treat symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes and osteoporosis. Hot
flashes have been found to be associated with a higher HOMA index, a measure of insulin resistance, and higher
glucose levels to a more modest extent [34]. A pilot phase II trial of magnesium supplements to reduce meno-
pause hot flashes in breast cancer patients found that patients who received magnesium oxide had 41.1% re-
duced hot flash frequency/week [35].
In dietary supplementation, postmenopausal women on hormone replacement therapy are often supplemented
with calcium for osteoporosis treatment, yet are not routinely supplemented with magnesium. While calcium has
benefits for bone health in postmenopausal women, low dietary intake of magnesium can be a risk factor for os-
teoporosis [36]. Magnesium homeostasis is important for bone health in addition to calcium, and low magne-
sium can affect bones in many ways, including mobilizing magnesium from the bone, slowing matrix calcifica-
tion, and decreasing bone development, and decreasing bone strength [37] [38]. Additionally, low serum mag-
nesium can decrease the secretion of parathyroid hormone and increase inflammation [29].
While hormonal replacement therapy is a controversial issue in menopausal treatment due to increased cardi-
ovascular risk, it has been suggested that magnesium supplementation can decrease these coagulation risks. De-

S. Tonick, O. Muneyyirci-Delale

creased dietary magnesium intake decreases serum magnesium levels, thereby increasing the Ca2+/Mg2+ ratio
and thus increasing blood clotting risk [39]. A decreased Ca2+/Mg2+ ratio would decrease clotting risks. Meno-
pausal women not being treated with hormonal replacement therapy have been found to have lower plasma le-
vels of magnesium than menopausal women treated with hormonal replacement therapy [40]. Estrogen in hor-
monal replacement shifts magnesium from the circulation to soft and hard tissues. While calcium is often sup-
plemented to treat osteoporosis, this supplementation plus decreased serum Mg2+ can lead to a higher Ca2+/Mg2+
ratio and lead to intravascular coagulation risks. Magnesium also has antispasmodic effects on the smooth mus-
cle of arteries, thus enhancing the neuroprotective effects of estrogen that may decrease with menopause [41].

4. Oral Contraceptives
Oral contraceptives affect serum levels of magnesium. While there are inherent changes with hormone levels
discussed above, women on oral contraceptives may have changes in nutritional needs. Women on oral contra-
ceptives are depleted of magnesium, in addition to selenium, zinc, and folic acid, and vitamins B2, B6, B12, C,
and E, and may benefit from dietary supplementation [42]. The effect on magnesium is of note specifically be-
cause of the inherent risk of thromboembolic events while patients are on oral contraceptives and the effect
magnesium has on thromboembolic events. In rat studies, rats that received oral contraceptive pills showed re-
duced glucose tolerance, reduced plasma HDL, increased plasma LDL, and increased atherogenic indices, while
rats that received magnesium in addition to oral contraceptive pills showed less impaired glucose tolerance and
less dyslipidemia [43]. Patients on contraceptives have been found to have decreased mean magnesium, zinc,
selenium, and phosphorous compared to control groups. This reduction is proportional to the duration of time
the patient has been using contraceptives. However, patients on contraceptives have also been found to have in-
creased iron, calcium, and cadmium levels compared to control groups. This is important because it may in-
crease a patient’s Ca2+/Mg2+ ratio, which increases cardiovascular risk in patients [44]. Further studies are
needed to explore if magnesium supplementation in humans can decrease the clotting risk associated with OCPs.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is relevant to magnesium because of its associations with insulin resis-
tance, obesity, and metabolic syndrome; as discussed above, low serum magnesium is associated with insulin
resistance. It is unclear if there is a relation between magnesium and PCOS, as different studies have had vary-
ing conclusions. It has been shown that patients with PCOS have lower serum Mg2+ and higher serum Ca2+/Mg2+
ratio, attributes that are associated with insulin resistance, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, and hypertension
[45]. One study showed that PCOS patients specifically with insulin resistance exhibited lower serum levels of
magnesium [46]. However, other studies have shown that serum magnesium concentrations are indistinguisha-
ble between women with and without PCOS, and that while PCOS patients were 19 times greater to have mag-
nesium deficiency, no correlation was found between this decreased magnesium concentration and insulin resis-
tance. After adjusting for calcium concentration, the relationship between magnesium and PCOS was insignifi-
cant [47] [48]. This suggests that calcium concentration is related to PCOS, however, which would affect the
Ca2+/Mg2+ ratio and thus cardiovascular risk factors. A study in which PCOS patients were treated with magne-
sium oxide showed no change in free fatty acids, which if elevated can result in the development of insulin re-
sistance. However, this study used a dosage of 400 mg of magnesium oxide twice daily, while other studies have
shown increased effects with higher doses of 2.5 g of magnesium chloride daily, suggesting that a higher dosage
would be needed to reveal an effect [49]. A study in IVF patients undergoing ovarian hyperstimulation showed
that an increase in serum estrogen was associated with decreased ionized magnesium, and an increase in serum
progesterone was associated with an increase in the Ca2+/Mg2+ ratio [50]. Additionally, while it is well known
that OCPs increase the risk of venous thromboembolism in patients, recent studies have shown that women with
PCOS on OCPs are at a further increased risk for venous thromboembolism [51]. The relationship of increased
VTE risk to magnesium deficiency in women with PCOS should be explored.

6. Endometriosis
Magnesium can also be explored in its relation to endometriosis. Endometriosis has an inflammatory component,
and as discussed above, magnesium is involved in inflammatory processes. Magnesium also has a role in relax-
ing smooth muscle [52]. Magnesium intake from food sources has been found to have an inverse relationship

S. Tonick, O. Muneyyirci-Delale

with endometriosis [53]. One study found no difference in levels of total and ionized magnesium in endometri-
osis vs. control patients, though it was noted that participants in this study were taking various vitamin supple-
ments [54]. Further studies are necessary to explore the role of magnesium in endometriosis further.

7. Gynecological Surgery
Magnesium can also serve an important role in preventing thromboembolic events in patients after gynecologi-
cal surgery. Magnesium sulfate has been shown in in vivo experiments to reduce mortality in induced acute
thromboembolismin mice [55]. It has been shown that after cholecystectomy, higher levels of magnesium were
found in patients who did not develop thrombosis of the lower limbs compared to those who did [56]. The role
of magnesium in preventing thromboembolic events in patients after gynecological surgery has not yet been ex-
plored, but perhaps would show similar results.

8. Cancer
Magnesium plays an interesting role in cancer, not only due to the association with inflammation discussed, but
also due to its role in the cell cycle and proliferation, as discussed above [57]. Magnesium is needed to maintain
genomic stability by stabilizing DNA and chromatin, regulating cell proliferation, and act as an enzymatic co-
factor for DNA processing and removal of regions of DNA damage [58] [59]. Therefore, hypomagnesemia
could potentially lead to increasing DNA mutations and unregulated cell cycling. Magnesium has also been
linked to increased oxidative stress [60].
Decreased dietary intake of magnesium has been linked to various cancers. High magnesium concentration in
drinking water has been linked to lower death rates of breast, prostate, and ovarian cancers [61]-[63]. In addition,
an increased intake of magnesium is associated with a decreased risk of colorectal cancer in women [64] [65].
Interestingly, magnesium has been found to modify the effects of certain nitrates in drinking water on the de-
velopment of colon cancer; colon cancer is linked to high nitrate levels in drinking water [66]. This may be due
to the fact that low dietary intake of magnesium is associated with poor DNA repair capacity [67]. An increased
Ca2+/Mg2+ ratio could also have consequences in cancer development in addition to cardiovascular effects. It has
been suggested that an increased ratio could even potentially lead to increased risk for postmenopausal breast
cancer [68].
Additionally, hypomagnesemia is frequently seen in cancer patients, often in the terminal stages [69]. De-
creased dietary intake, GI losses, urinary losses due to medications, chemotherapy, and intrinsic causes due to
malignancy itself may be causes of this [70]. Hypomagnesia is associated with increased mortality rates in hos-
pitalized patients [71].
Elderly patients or patients with kidney disease can’t handle ingested magnesium as well, resulting in hyper-
magnesemia. Side effects of high magnesium levels include nausea, vomiting, lethargy, low blood pressure, low
pulse rate, difficulty breathing, and in extreme cases, coma and death. Even in younger patients with normal
kidneys, magnesium sulfate should not be used at a dose of more than 10 gm per day or for more than one week
without a doctor’s supervision [72].

9. Conclusion
Magnesium is extremely relevant to women’s health issues, with more knowledge yet to come on the relation-
ship between magnesium and gynecology. The levels of magnesium vary throughout the menstrual cycle and are
closely related to the levels of calcium. This is extremely relevant to women, for the ratio of Ca2+/Mg2+ can af-
fect cardiovascular event risk, venous thromboembolism risk, and possibly even PCOS. The contributions of
magnesium to the field of women’s health are far reaching, spanning effects on PMS to menopause. Magnesium
supplementation has shown promise in treating PMS and menstrual migraines, hot flashes, and even decreasing
breast and ovarian cancer risk. The effects of magnesium deficiency on other gynecological conditions, such as
fibroids, uterine polyps, and pelvic inflammatory disease have not yet been thoroughly explored, though could
show promising contributions.

We would like to thank Dr. Burton Artura and Dr. Bella Artura for their generous advice and contributions to

S. Tonick, O. Muneyyirci-Delale

this review article.

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[73] Magnesium Ion. PubChem, The PubChem Project 2016. Web. 9 Mar. 2016.

Magnesium Ion Chemical Formula [73].
Chemical Names: Magnesium ion; Magnesium (2+); Magnesium cation; Magnesium ions; Magnesium, ion
(Mg2+); Mg++;
Molecular Formula: Mg2+.
Molecular Weight: 24.305 g/mol.


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