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The Bank-Specific Factors Affecting The Profitability of Commercial Banks in Bangladesh: A Panel Data Analysis

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International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research (IJMSR)

Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2016, PP 67-74

ISSN 2349-0330 (Print) & ISSN 2349-0349 (Online)

The Bank-Specific Factors Affecting the Profitability of

Commercial Banks in Bangladesh: A Panel Data Analysis
Khaled Mahmud1, Avijit Mallik2, Md. Farhan Imtiaz3, Dr. Nazia Tabassum4
Assistant Professor, Institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka
Lecturer, United International University, Bangladesh
Lecturer, Institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka
Associate Professor, Department of Agribusiness and Marketing, Bangladesh Agricultural University

Abstract: The objective of this paper is to identify the bank specific variables that affect the profitability of
commercial banks of Bangladesh. A total of 15 commercial banks were taken & their financial reports were
analyze from 2003-2013. The study used return on asset as the dependent variable & bank specific variables
like capital adequacy ratio, gearing ratio (risk), liquidity, non-performing loan ratio, operating expense ratio &
bank size as independent variables. Prais-Winsten correlated panels corrected standard errors (PCSEs) model
was employed which removes any autocorrelation & heteroskedasticity problem automatically for the panel
data. The results indicated that size, operating expense, gearing ratio & capital were found to be important
variables that affect the bank profitability of Bangladesh. Other two variables were not important determinants
for Bangladeshi commercial banks. Capital shows positive relation to bank profitability but other three
statistically significant variables showed negative relation to performance. Empirical results suggests that
adequate capital, low risk, efficient expense management & rightsizing lead to greater performance and
profitability for Bangladeshi bank industry.
Keywords: Bank profitability, Bangladesh, commercial banks, panel data analysis.

This paper investigates the factors that influence the profitability of commercial banks of Bangladesh.
These factors are crucial in determining the bank profitability .Banking sector plays a pivotal role as it
ensures efficient flow of financial resources from savers to borrowers. Since banks work as a financial
intermediary of financial system, efficiency & smooth performance lead to economic growth.
Therefore sound performance of commercial banks is what a country needs for healthy economic
By contrast, poor performance of banks can cause problems like bank failure which can demolish the
confidence in banking system & hence cause economic slowdown.
Banking sector in Bangladesh is highly competitive. Recently this sector is going through critical
situations. The major trend has been lower growth in credit, increasing NPL’s& lower interest rate
due to high cost of capital which altogether increase the risk & hence reduce the profitability of this
sector. Since commercial banks are profit maximizer, such risks & inefficiencies can lead to a
lowering of profit which is a major concern for both managers & investors. Due to limited investment
opportunity & bearish stock market in Bangladesh, investors are more concern about the performance
of banks especially commercial ones. Hence this study is expected to provide an important insight
about what factors lead to the performance of banks & how performance of Bangladeshi commercial
banks can be improved.
The second section of our study provides empirical evidence regarding previous studies. Third section
deals with research design, model & the fourth section discusses the empirical findings &
consequences of the results.
There are a number of studies which tested the factors that affected the profitability of banks. The
mostly used proxy for profitability are ROA & ROE. In our study we considered ROA as a dependent
variable indicating profitability.
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Miller conducted a study on USA banks from 1985-1990 & found size of the banks to be inversely
related to profitability. The study suggested that the bigger sized banks suffer from management
inefficiency which might lead to a slowdown of profitability.
Kosmidon (2008) had quite different findings as he found size to be positively related to profitability.
Chirwa (2003) found CAR & ROC to be inversely related. Asset utilization & operating expenses
were found to be significantly related to ROA. Akhtar, Ali, Sadaqat(2011) used panel data from 2006-
2009 for Pakistani banks & found gearing ratio, NPL & asset management to be significantly
affecting the profitability of Pakistani conventional banks.
Khrawish (2011) conducted a study on Jordanian commercial banks over 2000-10 and found that
ROA and size, leverage, capital adequacy ratio, net interest margin and expense management
efficiency is positively related while ROA & GDP, inflation are negatively related. Macit (2011)
conducted a research on Tarkish commercial banks and observed that NPL ratio is negatively related
to both ROA & ROE. Riaz (2013) conducted a study on bank profitability over 2006-2010 & found
that credit risk & interest rate determine the profitability of Pakistani banks.
Obamuyi (2013) conducted a study on 20 commercial banks of Nigeria over 2006-12 & employed
fixed effect model to determine the relationship of different bank specific & macro-economic
variable. The study reported that bank capital, size, interest income & expense management efficiency
and favorable economic conditions contribute to higher bank performance and growth. Camilleri
(2005) found that size was positively related to the profitability of banking industry of Malta. Islam
(2010) examined the impact of bank sizes on bank profit performances using OLS. The study found
that bank sizes and bank profitability were positively related in Bangladesh.
Samad (2015) examines the impact of both bank specific and macroeconomic variables that affect
profitability of Bangladesh banking industry. The study was conducted on a panel data set consisting
42 Bangladeshi commercial banks. The study used bank specific variables such as bank financial risk,
bank operational efficiency, and bank sizes as well as macroeconomic variables such as economic
growth are examined to estimate their impact of bank profits. The paper indicates that factors such as
loan-deposit ratio, loan-loss provision to total assets, equity capital to total assets, and operating
expenses to total assets are significant factors. Bank sizes and macroeconomic variable show no
impact on profits.
The study examined the factors that are specific to bank profitability for commercial banks of
Bangladesh. Since the data set is panel in nature, correlated panels corrected standard errors (PCSEs)
model has been used for analyzing the data. The relationship between Return on Asset (ROA) & bank
specific determinants have been shown here. Portrayal of both the dependent & independent variables
is shown below with their proxies in Table 3.1.
Table3.1. Variable, their Proxies and Symbols
Symbols Variables Proxies
Y ROA (Return On Asset) Net Profit Before Tax/Total Assets
Explanatory Variables
X1 Bank's Size Logarithm of Total Assets
X2 Gearing Ratio Total Debts/Equity
X3 NPLs Ratio Non-Performing Loans/Total Loans
X4 Liquidity Ratio Liquid assets/(deposit+borrowings)
X5 Operating Expense Ratio Total Operating Expenses/Total Assets
X6 Capital Adequacy Ratio Tier 1 Capital + Tier 2 Capital / Risk Weighted Assets

3.1. Data Collection

Financial data is obtained from the annual reports of 15 commercial banks for the period of 2003-
2013. Data have been collected from each company’s respective websites. The multi-variant
regression model will be used to test the significance of variables on profitability of commercial
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The Bank-Specific Factors Affecting the Profitability of Commercial Banks in Bangladesh: A Panel Data

3.2. Profitability Measures

Return of assets (ROA) is mostly used because of its ability for effective and efficient management in
utilizing the firm’s asset to generate maximum profit. The return on asset (ROA) is a substantial
performance measure because it is directly related to the profitability of banks (Kosmidou, 2008;
Sufian&Habibullah, 2009). The higher the value of ROA, the greater the profitability of banks.
Following equation is derived for multi-variant regression analysis.
ROAi,t = αi,t + β1SIZEi,t + β2GRi,t + β3NPLi,t+ β4LIQi,t + β5OEi,t + β6CARi,t+ €i,t
Here, α = intercept
β1, β2, β3, β4, β5, β6 are coefficients of X1, X2, X3, X4, X5 and X6 respectively
€ = error term
i = firm 1 to 15,
t = year 1 to year 11
3.3. Bank-Specific Factors
a) Bank Size: The bank size is an important determinant of profitability. It can influence the banks
operations internally in either way. The positive relation of bank size with ROA indicates that the
bank has been able to achieve economies of scale which in affect reduces the costs of operation &
hence helps to achieve greater profitability. A negative relation on the other hand indicates a
diseconomies of scale (Chirwa, 2003; Naceur&Goaied, 2001; Kosmidou, 2008).
b) Gearing Ratio: Gearing ratio demonstrates what portion of debt & equity the banks are using to
finance its asset. It is measured by the ratio of debt to equity. Relatively higher gearing ratio
indicates higher liquidity risk as the debt holders might require more rate of return. It represents
high liquidity risk which might lower the profitability. This is a very significant determinant of
credit position as discussed by previous study (Barnhill, Papapanagiotou, & Schumacher, 2002).
c) Non-performing Loan Ratio: Non-Performing loan ratio measures loans in default. Boudriga,
Taktak and Jellouli (2009) found that the profitability of banks is negatively related to the amount
of Non-Performing Loans (NPLs). The greater the amount of classified loan as a percentage of
total loan, the lower the profitability of banks.
d) Liquidity: There is a trade-off between liquidity and profitability. Liquid assets work as a
safeguard against the deposits which might require on demand payment. So greater liquidity means
lesser risk but it also reduces the funds available for lending. So higher liquidity indicates lower
profitability. So a negative relationship exists between these two.
e) Operating Expense Ratio: We will use total operating expenses divided by total assets as proxy
for measuring the operating efficiency (Tarawneh, 2006). Efficient management leads to a
lowering of operating expanse which in turns increases the profitability of firm. An inverse
relationship is expected between ROA & operating expense ratio.
f) Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR): Capital adequacy ratio is a measure of a bank's net worth. It
indicates the amount of fund that are available to safeguard against adverse development. The
relation between ROA & CAR is unpredictable (sharma&gounder 2005). While some research
suggest that the relationship is negative other research suggests a positive relationship.
4.1. Descriptive and Correlation Statistics
Descriptive statistics for all variables under study are reported below. The table shows the values for
mean and standard deviation.

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Table4.1. Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics
Variables Mean Std. Deviation
Return on Assets (ROA) 0.0447 0.0734308
Bank's Size 24.44 1.62
Gearing Ratio 10.96769 7.4039
NPLs Ratio 0.064 0.1235
Liquidity 0.166606 0.2132816
Operating Expense Ratio 4.18E+08 9.25E+08
Capital Adequacy Ratio 0.06812 0.2775
Table 4.2 reports the correlation matrix for all explanatory variables. The results of correlation
coefficients show that none of the independent variable is highly correlated other independent
variable. The matrix show that the relation of independent variables is not well-built, so the problem
of multi co linearity is absent for this data.
Table4.2. Correlation Coefficients
Correlation Coefficients
Variables Bank's Gearing NPLs Liquidity Operating Capital
Size Ratio Ratio Expense Ratio Adequacy Ratio
Bank's Size 1 0.0872 -0.1283 -0.064 -0.0312 -0.0809
Gearing Ratio 1 -0.3299 0.1223 -0.0443 -0.3062
NPLs Ratio 1 -0.0164 0.105 -0.4944
Liquidity 1 0.188 0.0673
Operating 1 0.0615
Expense Ratio
Capital 1
Adequacy Ratio

4.2. Test of Multicollinearity

In order to check the presence of multicolinearity problem in the data set, we have gone through VIF
test. The results are shown below:
Table4.3. Variable inflator factor (VIF) and tolerance level
Variable VIF 1/VIF
Size 1.03 0.975
Gearing Ratio 1.18 0.848
NPL Ratio 1.42 0.703
Liquidity 1.07 0.937
Operating Expense Ratio 1.05 0.952
Capital Adequacy Ratio 1.37 0.72
MEAN 1.19 0.84
The table shows that the VIF for each independent variable is less than 10 (cut off VIF) & so is the
mean VIF. Moreover none of the tolerance value is less than .10 (cut off tolerance statistic). So our
model is free from the problem of multicollinearity.
4.3. The test of Heteroskedasticity
In order to test the problem of Heteroskedasticity, we used the breuschpegan test. The test examines
whether the error variance is constant. The results are:
Breusch-Pagan / Cook-Weisberg test for heteroskedasticity
H0: Constant variance
Variables: fitted values of ROA
chi2(1) = 9.61
Prob> chi2 = 0.0019

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The Bank-Specific Factors Affecting the Profitability of Commercial Banks in Bangladesh: A Panel Data

The chi2 value has a probability 0f 0.19% which is less that 5% level of significance. So we reject the
null hypothesis of constant variance. So there is heteroskedasticity problem in this regression model.
4.4. Test of Autocorrelation
There may be autocorrelation problem in the data set due to presence of time element. We derived the
rho value for this model the summery result is given below:
Value of Rho (ρ) Durbin Critical DW Value for Critical DW Value for Autocorrelation
Watson K=6, n = 165 Lower K=6, n=165 upper tail @
statistic tail @ 1% level 1% level
d = 2(1-ρ)
0.6096057 0.78 1.44 1.65 Present& positive

The calculated value for DW test is 0.78 which is less than the lower tail value of 1.44. So we reject
the null hypothesis of no autocorrelation. So there exists the problem of autocorrelation.
4.5. Model Specification& Results
The diagnosis reveals that the model has no multicollinearity problem but the data set is both
heteroskedastic and auto correlated. So we have decided to go for PCSE model which automatically
correct heteroskedasticitty& autocorrelation problem.
Prais-Winsten regression, correlated panels corrected standard errors (PCSEs)
R-squared = 0.2474 Wald chi2 (5) = 42.92
Estimated coefficients = 7 Prob> chi2 = 0.0000
Table4.4. Regression output
ROA Coefficient Std. Err. z P>|z|
Capital Adequacy Ratio 0.0769096* 0.0151416 5.08 0.000
Liquidity Ratio 0.0099462 0.0121165 0.82 0.412
NPL Ratio -0.0384169 0.0396888 -0.97 0.333
Size -0.0082052* 0.0033678 -2.44 0.015
Operating Expense Ratio -1.74E-11* 8.74E-12 -1.99 0.046
Gearing Ratio -0.0008102* 0.0003934 -2.06 0.039
_constant 0.222274 0.0842581 2.64 0.008

*Significant at 5% level
The regression output shows that the overall multiple regression is statistically significant as the chi
squared value of 42.92 gives a level of significance of 0% which is less than 5%. R squared value
shows that only 24.74% of variation in ROA has been explained by the bank specific independent
variables. At 5% level of significance it is observed that capital adequacy ratio, size of banks,
operating expense & gearing ratio is found to be statistically significant. For commercial banks of
Bangladesh, CAR is found to be a significant determinant of profitability. CAR shows a positive
relation to profitability which means a higher level of core & supplementary capital provides adequate
safeguard against potential bank failure which in turn reduces the risk. High CAR also provides signal
to market that the future prospect of the bank is good .It provides a positive signal about market value
& enhance financial performance of the banks. This finding is consistent with Ommeren(2011),
Berger (1995) and Trujillo- Ponce (2012).
The model shows that liquidity is not an important variable for Bangladeshi commercial banks’
profitability. Moreover liquidity shows wrong sign also. NPL ratio is not statistically significant at 5%
level but it shows expected sign in relation to profitability. A negative relation of NPL ratio to
profitability implies that greater classified or under performing loan deteriorates the bank profitability
for commercial banks in Bangladesh. The size variable is a statistically significant variable that
negatively effects the profitability. It implies that the due to management inefficiencies the large
banks are facing diseconomies of scale which reduces the performance. This finding is consistent with

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Chirwa (2003).Managerial implication is that the commercial bank managers should go for rightsizing
of the firms in order to restore the profitability.
The operating expense ratio is statistically significant factors for private commercial banks (PCB) of
Bangladesh. It is inversely related to profitability as higher operating expense leads to poor
management of operations & lowers the profitability. This finding is consistent with Tarawneh
(2006). Gearing ratio implies the risk from leverage. This variable is also found statistically
significant. It is negatively related to profitability as greater leverage leads to higher risk which
reduces the profitability of private commercial banks (PCBs) as depositors demand higher rate which
increases the cost of fund. So in a nutshell, for private commercial banks of Bangladesh, CAR ratio,
gearing ratio, size & operating expense ratio significantly affect the profitability while NPL ratio
&liquidity are not the important determinants.
The objective of this paper was to identify the bank specific factors that affect the profitability of
private commercial banks of Bangladesh. The study was conducted on 15 PCB of Bangladesh over 11
years from 2003 to 2013. The analysis shows that size, capital adequacy, operating expense ratio &
gearing ratio (risk) were found to be statistically significant. While size, operating expense ratio &
gearing ratio (risk) affect the bank profitability negatively, CAR affects the bank profitability
positively. Other two bank specific variables i.e. liquidity& NPL ratio are not important variables for
bank profitability of Bangladesh. Major implication of this study is that relatively smaller sized &
well managed banks which have adequate capital & lower gearing ratio are empirically found to have
greater profitability. Moreover, large firms are more likely to face diseconomies scale which might
think to right size itself to become more profitable. The study did not include macro variables which
might affect the banking sector profitability. So there is scope for further investigation for the banking
sector profitability of Bangladesh. Nevertheless we believe that this study shall provide the regulators,
owners, managers, depositors & other concerned parties an important insight about bank profitability
& enhance the performance thereby.
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List of commercial banks:
1. Al arafaIslami Bank Limited
2. Bank Asia Limited
3. The city Bank Limited
4. National Credit & Commerce Bank
5. Prime Bank Limited
6. Southeast Bank Limited
7. Eastern Bank Limited
8. Dhaka Bank Limited
9. Mercantile Bank Limited
10. Standard Bank Limited
11. United Commercial Bank Limited
12. Social Islamic Bank Limited
13. EXIM Bank Limited
14. United Commercial Bank Limited
15. Mutual Trust Bank Limited
Khaled Mahmud, is Assistant Professor at the Institute of Business
Administration (IBA), University of Dhaka. He is a Fulbright business fellow and
received his MBA from Bentley University, Massachusetts, USA. Prior to that, he
completed his Masters of Business Administration in marketing from Institute of
Business Administration (IBA), University of Dhaka. He completed his under-
graduation in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) from Bangladesh
University of Engineering and Technology (BUET).
He is currently working as strategic consultant at access to Information project of the Prime Minister’s
Office, Bangladesh. He worked as consultant for Bangladesh Police in association with UNDP to
formulate the strategic plan 2012-14 for Bangladesh Police. Prior to joining IBA as a fulltime faculty,
he worked in Standard Chartered Bank as Assistant Manager. He has a very diversified research
portfolio. He published articles related to IT, marketing, finance, human resources, business strategy
and social sciences.

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Avijit Mallik, is Lecturer at United International University (UIU), Dhaka. He

received MBA degree from Institute of Business Administration (IBA),
University of Dhaka. Securing the highest CGPA in his batch. He was
valedictorian of his batch and received gold medal for his academic excellence.
He also has another MBA in finance from faculty of business studies of
University of Dhaka. Prior to that he completed his BBA in finance from the same
He is currently working as the principal investigator of a research project funded
by UIU faculty research grant authority. He is also working as an advisor of United International
University Finance Forum. He has published article on capital structure of Bangladeshi firms. He has
research interest in financial econometrics, market efficiency, behavioral finance, portfolio
management, asset pricing models and he is looking forward to working on these research areas in
Md. Farhan Imtiaz, is a lecturer at the Institute of Business Administration
(IBA), University of Dhaka. Once a pharmacist, Imtiaz planned to change his
career track and received business education from IBA, the pioneer institution
that provides business education in Bangladesh. He did his MBA from IBA,
University of Dhaka. He was the valedictorian and received a gold medal for
being the topper of his batch. Before that, he completed his Bachelor of Pharmacy
degree from North South University, Dhaka. After completing MBA, he worked
for a local commercial bank named Prime Bank Limited as a Management Trainee Officer. Then he
moved to teaching at IBA and conducting Finance major courses and other fundamental courses. He
has a dedicated research oriented academician. He has publication in the area of pharmaceutical
sciences, social sciences, capital market, capital budgeting etc.
Dr. Nazia Tabassum, is an associate professor at the Department of Agribusiness
and Marketing, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.
She completed her B.Sc.in Agricultural Economics and M.Sc. in Agricultural
Economics (Marketing) from Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh,
Bangladesh. She joined as a lecturer in the same university in the year 2007. She
received her Ph.D degree from Chungnam National University, Korea. After
having done her Ph.D she came back and now she is enlightening the students
with the knowledge she has acquired from Chungnam National University. Her
area of research is agricultural sciences, economics, marketing and finance.

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