Forsuelo Legal Ethics Reporting
Forsuelo Legal Ethics Reporting
Forsuelo Legal Ethics Reporting
(What are the (What are the (Other points you wish
positive impacts of negative impacts to share but cannot be
this policy to the of this policy to the classified as pro or con)
client/ to the firm) client/ to the firm)
1. Privacy and sensitivity CANON 21 - A LAWYER SHALL A is the counsel of B in a It assures the clients CANON 17 - A LAWYER
to the personal PRESERVE THE CONFIDENCE rape case. C best friend the confidentiality of OWES FIDELITY TO THE
information of the AND SECRETS OF HIS CLIENT of B, a work mate of A the nature of their CAUSE OF HIS CLIENT
clients. EVEN AFTER THE ATTORNEY- wanted to know the complaints. AND HE SHALL BE
CLIENT RELATION IS details if A was being
Develops the trust MINDFUL OF THE TRUST
TERMINATED. raped or had consented
and confidence of AND CONFIDENCE
to the sexual activity.
Rule 21.01 - A lawyer shall not the client to his/her REPOSED IN HIM.
B should not disclose the counsel.
reveal the confidences or
details of the complaint
secrets of his client except;
(a) When authorized by the of A to C, even if they are
client after acquainting him of best friends, to protect A
the consequences of the from any harassment in
disclosure; the workplace or to
(b) When required by law; protect her identity.
2. Expertise in handling CANON 18 - A LAWYER SHALL A seeks advice to B for It saves time, effort
cases. SERVE HIS CLIENT WITH a land dispute in which and cost.
DILIGENCE. Proper handling of
knowledge regarding
cases is attributive
Rules 18.01 - A lawyer shall not such cases.
to obtain justice.
undertake a legal service
B should refrain from
which he knows or should It may gauge
handling such cases;
know that he is not qualified to whether a case is
render. However, he may instead refer it to most
within your skills
render such service if, with the competent lawyers
and experience
consent of his client, he can who are
obtain as collaborating knowledgeable
counsel a lawyer who is enough.
competent on the matter.
2. How will you bill your clients? What will be the factor that you will consider in billing your clients and why?
1. Provide you with the details CANON 20 - A LAWYER That is to protect interests Protection for the lawyers
of any costs involved by SHALL CHARGE ONLY FAIR of both parties. that they will be
way of either quotation or AND REASONABLE FEES. compensated on the
estimate and provide services they rendered
Rule 20.01 - A lawyer shall be
regular updated on the and protection for the
guided by the following
costs incurred or in clients not to be taken
factors in determining his
circumstances where the
fees: advantage against
costs are likely to increase
unreasonable fees.
from the original amount (a) the time spent and the
advised. extent of the service
rendered or required;