An Approach To Design A High Power Piezoelectric Ultrasonic Transducer PDF
An Approach To Design A High Power Piezoelectric Ultrasonic Transducer PDF
An Approach To Design A High Power Piezoelectric Ultrasonic Transducer PDF
DOI 10.1007/s10832-007-9408-8
Received: 25 December 2006 / Accepted: 18 December 2007 / Published online: 17 January 2008
# Springer Science + Business Media, LLC 2007
Abstract Application of ultrasonic waves has been consid- Keywords Ultrasonic transducer . Piezoelectric . Acoustic .
erably progressed during the last decade and piezoelectric FEM analysis
ceramics have had a common use as the driving source of
such waves. However, there is not enough documented
information on design and technology of manufacturing a 1 Introduction
high power ultrasonic transducer. In this paper, an attempt
has been made to analyze the stress produced along the Since Prof. Langevin developed the first sandwich
oscillating PZT employed ultrasonic head by applying the ultrasonic transducer by embedding piezoelectric rings
principles of acoustic wave propagation. Then, based on between two metals and employed it for high intensity
such analysis, general principles of PZT transducer design, vibration, there have been great efforts in modeling and
excited by a DC-biased alternating electrical source, has been formulating such transducers. Of all proposed methods,
derived and finally a typical such transducer has been Mason’s has been found the best in design and analysis of
designed, manufactured and tested. By employing finite PZT transducers. He has offered the Equivalent Circuit
element modal analysis, the resonance frequency of Method (ECM) [1, 2]. Finite Element Method (FEM) is
the transducer was determined and compared with the also the most reliable one for analyzing the ultrasonic
experimental results. It was concluded that, the constitutive transducers [3, 4]. When studying thick high power
piezoelectric equations referred to in most sources and books ultrasonic radiators, Mori et al. [5, 6] innovated a new
are not valid for analyzing the acoustical dynamic stress in method called Apparent Elasticity Method. Using this
ultrasonic transducers. Instead, the analysis should be done method, in investigating resonant frequency of sandwich
with considering the dynamic behavior (elastic, damping and transducers, it was observed that, as expected, resonant
Inertia factors) of the problem. frequency is affected not only by physical and mechanical
characteristic of elements and axial dimensions, but also by
lateral dimensions and cross section of the transducer [7].
Hirase et al. [8] have explained variation of high-power
A. Abdullah (*)
PZT transducer parameters and mechanical losses, in
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Amirkabir University of Technology, particular, in resonant and anti-resonant frequencies and
424 Hafez Ave., they have consequently recommended tuning in anti-
Tehran, Iran resonant frequency for higher quality factor. According to
Powell and Hayward’s [9] findings at a Center for
M. Shahini Ultrasonic Engineering in Strathclyde University in
Mechanical Engineering Department, Toronto University, Scotland, acoustic power of transducer will increase by
Toronto, ON, Canada keeping the axial length constant and adding to the number
of PZT rings used in the structure. However, coupling too
A. Pak
School of Engineering, Tarbiat Modarres University, many PZT layers requires further consideration unless
Tehran, Iran piezo-composites and piezo-polymers are used, which have
370 J Electroceram (2009) 22:369–382
much lower quality factor and accordingly are less sensitive 3 Mathematical relations in piezoelectrics
to the external load. The present study deals with the
general principles of the design of PZT transducers that are Electromechanical equations of piezoelectric materials are
excited by a DC biased alternating electrical source. as follows [10]:
S ¼ TS E þ Ed ð1Þ
2 Assumptions
D ¼ Td þ eT E ð2Þ
For simplifications, the following assumptions have been
made: Where S is mechanical strain; T is stress (N/m2); E is the
Lateral pressure on the transducer is zero and sinusoidal applied electrical field (V/m); D is the displaced charge
longitudinal plane waves propagate axially. Diameter density (C/m2); SE, d and ɛT are physical characteristics of
variation along transducer is also far enough from the piezoelectrics namely compliance at constant electrical field
critical value. Meanwhile, the influence of fillets and (m2/N), piezoelectric charge constant (m/V), and dielectric
chamfers in the corners are ignored. Therefore, lateral or absolute permittivity under constant stress (F/m), respectively.
radial modes of vibration are negligible and the problem is If no stress on the piezo-electrics is applied:
Maximum diameter of the transducer is less than a V
S ¼ dE ¼ d ð3Þ
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiof the sound wavelength and the relationship
quarter L
c ¼ Y=ρ can be used with relatively accurate approxima- Since S ¼ ΔL
L , then:
tion (where c is the sound speed in media with elasticity
ΔL ¼ d V ð4Þ
module of Y and density of ρ) [10]. The total length of the
transducer is appropriate to standing waves generation.
Acoustic impedance of air is considered zero so that a
transducer operating in air is said to be unloaded. An 4 Acoustic wave propagation equation in transducer
overall configuration of a sandwich piezoelectric transducer
is illustrated in Fig. 1. Displacement equation of a particle located at a point along
a constant cross section bar material which is at distance x
from the origin of harmonic source at the time t is:
@2m 2@ m
¼ c ð5Þ
@t 2 @x2
Where μ is the displacement from the equilibrium. The
strain developed from the unidimensional propagation of
waves through the medium is obtained by:
S¼ ð6Þ
Average acoustic wave intensity (W/m2) is calculated to
be [11]:
1 1 2
I¼ ρcw2 μ20 ¼ Tc max ρc ð7Þ
2 2
w is angular frequency of vibration in Hz (=2pf ), μ0 and
Tcmax are end point oscillation amplitude and nodal
oscillatory stress amplitude respectively. Average acoustic
power (W) is then derived as:
1 2
P¼ T cA ð8Þ
2Y c max
exceed over fatigue stress limit (Tf) of materials (piezoelectric transducer axis along a cylindrical transducer with the
and bolt) in the nodal plane (Fig. 2(b)). i.e.: length of l/2 is expressed by:
displacement node at the middle of transducer, where the can be achieved by applying only 29.6Vamp (59.3Vp–p) on a
maximum oscillating stress amplitude is Tcmax. single piece PZT ring without pre-stress (as long as there is
Moreover, the maximum oscillating stress amplitude no restriction in feeding such an amount of power from the
occurring in the nodal plane at the middle of the transducer power supply). This fact can best describe the risk of using
is given by: non-prestressed piezoelectric. When n pieces of piezoelectric
are employed rather than a single piece and they are
Tc max ¼ Y m0 k ð12Þ
connected electrically parallel and mechanically serial, the
allowable output power delivered by every PZT ring must be
4.1 Acousto-mechanical analysis of piezoelectric decreased provided that the overall length of all PZT rings
in dynamic condition without pre-load together remains l/2. As the maximum allowable stress
remains the same, the activation voltage for electrically
For a l/2 length piezoelectric, when preload is zero (Toc =0) parallel piezoelectric rings must be decreased, i.e. the electric
and it is excited with a zero-biased alternating voltage, field intensity for a l/2 single piece piezoelectric is; lamp
Tcmax is limited to the allowable fatigue strength of in multiple-piece transducer with electrically parallel activated
V nV
piezoelectric (see Fig. 2(a)). Using Eq. 8 and considering piezoelectric rings is; l=amp ¼ l=amp . Regarding relations 4, 12
2n 2
Tf =20 Mpa, Y=50 GPa and c=4,000 m/s for PZT4 [10] and and 13, the new value for μ0 and Tcmax will be:
β=2 (recommended by author for assuring durable life in
high frequency), the maximum allowable power delivered
by piezoelectric will be approximately 400 W/cm2. From m0 n ¼ mn Q m ¼ Qm ¼ nmQm ¼ nm0
Eq. 12, the displacement amplitude associated with this 2
magnitude of power in 20 kHz is obtained nearly 6.4 μm. It
should be noted that Eq. 4 cannot be used for determination Tc max n ¼ nTc max
of the amount of voltage amplitude Vm applied on electrodes,
as it is for static state. In the theory of vibration, when the
damping ratio is small, the ratio of displacement amplitude in Therefore, the activating voltage must be reduced to amp
dynamic condition to static state is given by reference [12]: in order to keep the same maximum stress as single piece
transducer. This gives the same total power intensity and
¼ Qm ð13Þ the power intensity per piezoelectric ring will be;
where μ is a quarter of the thickness change of PZT piece on I 400 2
¼ W cm :
which DC voltage V is continuously applied and Qm is the n n
mechanical quality factor.
In high power applications, piezoelectrics with high Qm To increase the power output of the transducer, it is
are used. The magnitude of this factor in such piezoelectrics necessary to increase the vibrating amplitude of the
is very high (more than 1,000) according to the data sheet transducer ends. As this increase directly increases the
offered by most manufacturers [10, 13]. If Qm =1,350 and nodal stress by the same factor, it is mandatory to have a
d=320×10−12m/V for PZT4, the above-mentioned formulas compressive pre-stress on the piezoelectric pieces to keep
suggest that maximum allowable stress (according to Fig. 2(a)) ðTmax Þc bf c (Fig. 2(b)).
J Electroceram (2009) 22:369–382 373
4.2 Acousto-mechanical analysis of piezoelectric Where Zm and Zb are specific acoustic impedance of
in dynamic condition under pre-load matching and backing, respectively. On the other hand,
the acoustic impedance ratio of
In this case, the stress is biased by the pre-stress (Toc; see
Zc Ac
Fig. 2(b)). This results in very good coupling coefficient qi ¼ ð15Þ
and less mechanical loss in various interfaces and therefore Zi Ai
higher efficiency. Since the tensile and compressive fatigue and ultrasonic power intensity gain coefficient
strengths Tf of most piezoelectric ceramics are +25 and
ws l c
−125 MPa, respectively [14], The best pre-stress value Gi ¼ q2i q2i 1 sin2 ð16Þ
seems to be −50 MPa, though consideration for safe cc
operation of the central bolt and mechanical stress must be calculated. i denotes to matching or backing
depolarization of piezoelectric rings should be made. These metallic end pieces, ws is angular resonant frequency, lc is
restrictions force selection down to Toc =25 MPa with β=2, the partial length of piezoelectric stack located between
the allowable cautious stress amplitude is now 37.5 MPa backing (or matching) and the nodal plane and cc is sound
which leads to μo =24 μm at 20 kHz, I=5,625 W/cm2 and speed in piezoceramics. The average power intensity
Vamp =110.6 V. In practice, however, higher voltages are radiated to water (having Zw specific acoustic impedance)
required for such power intensity. Meanwhile, the maximum by each end piece is given by equation:
output power intensity that can be tolerated by each PZT ring
is much lower than the above-mentioned value. The problem Tc max
here has arisen from the overestimation of Qm (=1,350 in Ii av ¼ Gi ðZw Þ=2 W m2 ð17Þ
this example). The magnitude of this factor varies a lot in
different references.1 For accurate determination of the By appropriate selection of material for matching and
power of piezoelectrics, the best is to measure oscillation backing, it is possible to obtain high average-power-
amplitude of manufactured transducer and then calculate intensity radiation in one end and very low average-
the quality factor. The main source of such overestimation power-intensity radiation on the other end. Decrease of Zii
is believed to be ignoring the physical effects of prestress, and lc gives higher gain factor.
structural (hysteretic) damping through the transducer and It is sometimes advisable to make pores and small holes
the viscous or hysteretic losses of the media in contact with inside the matching layer in order to reduce its acoustic
the transducer. In fact, far before mechanical failure, impedance to a further extent. The diameter of pores should
electrical and thermal depolarization restricts the allowable be, at least, of two orders less than the wavelength to
voltage on piezoelectric ceramics. prevent deterioration of coupling properties. In addition,
along with the impedance matching condition, some more
and important factors should be considered in material
5 Material selection for backing and matching selection including heat conduction, machinability, corrosion
tendency as well as mechanical strength of material.
Although the most efficient transmission of acoustic energy Matching and backing layers are recommended to be made
happens when the two contacting media have the same of light and heavy materials, respectively, to magnify
acoustic impedance [16], it is not easy to find a material oscillation amplitude in matching and reduce it in backing
whose impedance is equal to piezoelectric’s. To have a [17]. The output vibration amplitude in an ultrasonic
good material selection for matching and backing the transducer used for wire welding increased by 55 and 90%
following steps are proposed [10, 16]: only by replacing stainless steel in matching with Titanium
To achieve full percent transmission of ultrasound and Aluminum, respectively[18].
between PZT ceramics with specific acoustic impedance In conclusion, the configuration of Aluminum–PZT–
of Zc and metal end pieces, the following equation must be Steel is advisable whilst the combination of Magnesium–
satisfied: PZT–Steel is the most qualified configuration for the
transducer but it is expensive.
Zc ¼ Zm Zb ð14Þ
6 Matching, backing and piezoelectric lengths
(or a whole coefficient of l/2). Since the transducer is not a are approximated to meet the following relationships
single body and consists of several parts with different [21]:
materials and cross-sections along the transducer, the n o
following analytical relationship for one-dimensional
1 cm
3 2fres þ cc
2fres þ cb
2fres hL tot hmin cm
; cb
2fres 2fres
longitudinal sinusoidal plane wave propagation in medium
HB ¼ HB1 þ HB2 0:5HC ; Hc ¼ Nc tc þ ðNc þ 1Þ:tf
is applied [19]:
2tc HB1 ; 2tc HF1 ; LBL þ LBF ¼ LBt ffi lB=4
d 2 m 1 dA dm w2 ð20Þ
þ þ 2m¼0 ð18Þ
dx2 A dx dx c tc is the thickness of each piezoceramics, Nc is the number
of piezoelectric rings, tf is the thickness of electrodes, lB is
The boundary conditions between the parts are: equilib- the sound wavelength in the bolt and subscripts b and m
rium of displacement (continuity condition) and force denote to backing and matching, respectively. Other
(Newton’s third law) of the two contacting media at the references [22] suggest the following rules in respect of
shared plane. Depending on the application and designer’s backing and matching’s thicknesses.
concerns, other considerations can be made to determine all
axial dimensions of the transducer. 1 1 1
HB > DB ; HF1 > DF1 ; HF2 > DF2 ð21Þ
Supposing different materials are used as backing and 5 5 5
matching, and assuming the nodal plane is located For assuring that the pre-stress is applied uniformly on
somewhere between the ceramics, the term qi can be the entire surfaces of the piezoceramics, HB1 must exceed a
defined as: minimum. Charles Mischke has proposed an empirically
developed approach to determine the area in which stress
applied by bolt–nut fastener is almost uniform. Based on
rc cc Ac
qi ¼ his findings, this area is limited to the lines drawn at 45°
r i ci A i
from the corners of the head (Fig. 4) [23].
For electrical safety and for design restrictions, the
In practice, Ai is always greater than Ac. Solving number of piezoceramics must be even. For having a high
equation (18) leads to the following relation applied for power intensity gain factor (Gi) for matching and a very
each l/4-lengthen part of the transducer in resonance: low value for backing, it is necessary to have low lclc=4 and
the wavelength in the ceramic materials is greater than 20 to
30 times the thickness of the ceramics disk or ring. To
ws l i ws l c
tg tg ¼ qi ð19Þ fulfill this requirement and in the meantime to have a high
ci cc power output (higher number of ceramic pieces), the design
frequency of the ultrasonic head has to be selected as low as
where li and ci are, respectively, the length and sound speed possible to permit increase of lc. On the other hand,
of backing (or matching). If the diameter of each part (D) decrease of lclc=4 deteriorates the piezoelectric effective
along the transducer divided by the respective quarter of coupling coefficient keff=k33 . It must be included that, at
wavelength ( l=4 ) is significantly greater than unity, the
effective sound speed
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi of the first mode considerably falls
below c ¼ Y =ρ (which pertains to one-dimensional wave
transmission) and should be modified according to the
references [20].
The nodal plane should be in the flange-shaped part of
the transducer from where the apparatus is gripped and
clamped. Based on the number and the thickness of the
PZT rings applied, the flange can be designed in different
locations. In the case that too thick ceramics have been
used, the nodal plane is preferred to be embedded
somewhere between the ceramics. Most designers, however,
tend to place this plane just beyond the PZT stack where it
reaches the matching mass.
As a good estimation in the process of designing, Fig. 4 Charles Mischke’s criterion in uniform stress distribution in a
different axial dimensions of the transducer (Fig. 1) bolted joint
J Electroceram (2009) 22:369–382 375
low frequencies, the radiated waves are no longer planar dynamic one (which is significantly less), one important
and the right hand side of equation (16) must be multiplied point here is that the bolt should be fine-threaded. Then the
by the real part of radiation coefficient [10]. This real value bolt is less likely to loose under operation.
of coefficient is less than one if the diameter of the radiating For best acoustic matching with the transducer, the
face of the transducer is less than 2.5 lw=4 (lw is sound length of the bolt is suggested to be nearly l/4 [16]. The
wavelength in water in design frequency). Therefore, an empirical data shown in Table 1 can be helpful for assuring
optimization must be performed for selection of resonant a designer upon his/her theoretical calculation. The bolts
frequency. recommended in this table should have the specifications of
DIN912, class 12.9.
If the internal and external mating threads are made of
7 Matching and backing diameters different materials (which is often the case), the threaded
length of the bolt (inch) to be screwed into the matching
Following considerations should be made when determin- can be given by [24]:
ing the diameter of elements: Whole surfaces of PZT rings
must be completely covered by the backing and matching T ut ðexternal threadÞ
masses. Meanwhile, the matching and backing diameters T ut ðinternal threadÞ
must be equal to or less than twice as much as the 2At
piezoelectric rings diameters. In addition, the minimum ð22Þ
pkn ½0:5 þ 0:57735 nðEs kn Þ
possible diameter must be designated in order to avoid
disturbing shear and lateral modes of vibration. In other where Tut is the ultimate tensile strength, At is tensile–stress
words, lDi =4i < 2 should be fulfilled (li is calculated for the area of screw thread (in.2), kn is minor diameter of internal
respective section of the transducer head). Moreover, to thread (in.), Es is pitch diameter of the external thread (in.)
haveqaffiffiffiffiffiffiffigood approximation of sound speed by relation and n is the number of threads per inch.
c ¼ Y=ρ, it is necessary to have li =4i < 1. If the selected
Table 1 Approximate empirical recommendations for selection of the central bolt [21].
Power and LBF (mm) LBL (mm) LBt (mm) Approximate bolt Torque required
frequency range min/max min/max min/max size M (mm) (N m)
10 Designing the transducer power may cause the transducer to vibrate in higher
displacement in unloaded circumstances (oscillation in
Based on what already discussed, a typical ultrasonic air). Nevertheless, the preloading bolt will be more at risk
transducer with the specifications of 3 kW input electrical of failure, the deliverable force of the transducer will
power, 0~1,000 V AC and 22 kHz frequency is designed, substantially fall and the functional efficiency of the
manufactured and tested. For such transducer, the input transducer will become highly sensitive to the loading
voltage variation, typical stress variation at nodal plane of condition [14].
piezoelectric and bolt, and piezoelectric and bolt axial
deformations have been given in Fig. 2(b) and (c). 10.2 Stress analysis along the transducer
10.1 Selection of appropriate Piezoceramics With a positive DC biased alternative voltage application
across the PZT rings, dynamic tensile stress resulted from
The intended output acoustical power is the key factor for acoustic wave propagation is added to the compressive pre-
selection of the number of PZT rings required. The stress which statically exists along the whole transducer.
maximum allowable power delivered by each piece of The magnitude of this alternating stress is dependent upon
PZT ring not only depends on the quality of piezoelectric the applied voltage, piezoelectric charge constant, resonance
material and treatment made during its production processes, frequency, elasticity and sound speed of piezoceramics and
but also is highly affected by its dimensions. This power is above all, mechanical quality factor. Equations 4, 12 and 13
commonly said to range from 15 to 30 W/cm2 [21]. PZT give:
rings are available in standard sizes in market and can very
scarcely be found in diameters above 50 mm. This size is Tc max ¼ nY Qm d33 Vmax ð24Þ
chosen in this high power intensity transducer to permit 2c
obtaining the highest possible power by one single PZT Where Tcmax is the maximum alternating stress amplitude,
ring. On the other hand, PZT rings with bigger diameters Vmax is half the peak-to-peak voltage applied on piezoelectric
may cause disturbance by producing lateral shear wave and n is the number of PZT rings employed. Although
modes. Other dimensions such as thickness and inner Eq. 24 is based on some simplifying assumptions, yet it is
diameter are very limited for such a big PZT ring and are quite applicable in mechanical design of the transducer. The
selected as 6 and 20 mm, respectively, in this practice. best and most reliable way to predict the exact amount of
The piezoelectric rings used are known as HYP42 acoustic stress, however, is utilizing FEM and associated
(equivalent to very well known PZT4) supplied from MPI software like ANSYS.
in Switzerland. Other specifications of these PZT rings are The real magnitude of Qm to be applied in Eq. 24 should
listed in Table 2. be calculated by testing the transducer, measuring the
This type of piezoelectric ceramic has low mechanical displacement amplitude and substituting into Eq. 13. For
and dielectric losses. Having a high mechanical quality simplification of the design process, the empirical data
factor, it can be used in high power applications where obtained by BRANSON—the pioneer in ultrasonic industry
oscillation in large displacement amplitude is desired [10]. in USA—are used as an approximation. The displacement
By considering the transmission surface area of the selected amplitude at the front head (matching radiating face) of the
PZTs and taking the output power intensity capability of transducer for 502/932R, 3,000 W, 20 kHz converter which
each PZT ring about 30 W/cm2, one single PZT ring can is very similar to the proposed transducer is measured to be
deliver an amount of 500 W. Therefore, to reach the around 20 μm [25]. In our study this value is taken as the
predetermined overall power of 3 kW, at least six pieces of amplitude of the piezoelectric face. It means that the Gi
such a PZT ring should be used. Applying some more PZT factor of matching given by Eq. 15 is assumed one. Thus,
rings to the transducer without increasing the input supplied by Eq. 13 the mechanical quality factor is estimated to be:
2mo 2 20 106
Table 2 Specifications of HYP42 by MPI. Qm ¼ ¼ 42 ð25Þ
n d33 Vmax 6 320 1012 500
Specifications Value
and from Eq. 24:
Dielectric constant e 1,450
Electromechanical coupling factor K33
Tc max ¼ 36:7 MPa ð26Þ
Piezoelectric charge constant d33 320 10−12 C/N Qm and Tcmax obtained by these calculations are close to
Piezoelectric voltage constant g33 28 10−3 V m/N reality to a great extent. Consequently, the mechanical
Elastic compliance E
S33 19 10−12 m2/N
damping ratio (z ¼ 2Q1 m ) [19] in this transducer will be
Mechanical quality factor Qm 1,350
calculated to 0.012 which is acceptable.
J Electroceram (2009) 22:369–382 377
Table 1 suggests application of M12 for the transducer with According to Charles Mischke criterion (Fig. 4), for the
power capacity of 3 kW. This bolt is equivalent to the USA diameter of 24 mm for the bolt head and 50 mm outer
standard bolt UNF20, 1/2″. Since the recommendations of diameter of the PZT, the minimum HB1 (Fig. 1) is 13 mm
this table pertain to fine and well-treated American bolts, which is greater than twice as the PZT thickness. As there
while there was not such reliance on the Metric bolts in are 6 pieces of PZT rings with the thickness of 6 mm and
Iranian Market, M16×1 with the following specifications seven pieces of electrodes with the thickness of 0.25 mm,
was chosen: the total length, HC, will reach 37.75 mm. In addition, from
Eq. 22 (n=25.4, At =0.276 in.2, kn =0.882 in. and Es =
Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw; DIN912 M16 1 0.604 in.), and by using the specifications given in Table 3,
75; 12:9 the minimum thread length of the bolt to be screwed into
the matching should be 18 mm. Failure of the matching is
To be in the safe side, the prestress on the piezoelectric more costly than that of the bolt. Therefore, it is wise to
pieces was taken −34 MPa (rather than −50 MPa) to assure screw more threads of the bolt into the matching to assure
enduring life of the bolt under fatigue loading. protection of the matching threads against shear stress. The
safety factor of 1.4 will result in the total LBL of 25 mm and
10.4 Static stress in the central bolt thus, the nominal length of the bolt LBT is about 75 mm. As
a result, the bolt will be chosen with the specifications as
In the static state, the tension force in the bolt is equal to the already described.
compressing force in the piezoceramics, i.e.:
Tob Ac 10.7 Materials of backing and matching
¼ ð27Þ
Toc Ab
On the basis of what already discussed, the most common
By substituting the cross section of the PZT and the configuration of Steel–PZT–Aluminum was used in the
tensile–stress area of the bolt (15.06 mm dia.) into Eq. 27, construction of the transducer. Selection of an appropriate
the tension stress of the bolt corresponding to Toc = standard code for steel and aluminum is of great significance.
−34 MPa will be calculated as Tob =315 MPa. St303 or St304 for backing and Al7075-T6 for matching are
suggested as suitable materials due to their good acoustic
10.5 Dynamic stress and total stress in the central bolt properties and acceptable performance in practice [25, 26].
These materials were provided in the present study. The
From Eq. 12, the maximum stress amplitude in the bolt necessary specifications of all the components of the
with Y=200 GPa, μo =20 μm and c=5,800 m/s will become transducer are listed in Table 3.
95 MPa (maximum amplitude of vibration of the transducer
has been assumed to be as the amplitude of the end face of 10.8 Measurement of acoustic impedance of materials
the piezoelectrics). Therefore, the total stress will be 315+
2×95=505 MPa. For the selected bolt (DIN912M16×1, As the exact value for density and sound velocity of
Class12.9), ultimate tensile strength (Tut ) is about materials will be utilized in the design process, these two
1,200 MPa, axial endurance limit for bolt (S' e ) is half of properties were accurately measured for backing, matching
that (600 MPa) and fatigue strength reduction factor (Kf) is and Piezoceramics used.
reported to be 3 for rolled bolt. This results in 200 MPa
endurance fatigue strength. Using the Goodman criterion, Measuring the sound velocity This measurement was made
the safety factor of 1.33 is resulted [23]. in the NDT Laboratory by using ultrasonic equipment
Part name Material Standard code Sound velocity (m/s) Density (kg/m3) Tut (MPa) Tyt (MPa)
for each section through which the cross-section is 11 Assembling the transducer
There are two techniques available to make sure that the
þ k 2μ ¼ 0 desired amount of pre-stress is already applied on PZT
dx2 ð29Þ rings while fastening the central bolt:
μi ¼ C1 sin ki x þ C2 cos ki x
1. Using Torque Meter
The relationship between the tension force made in bolt
dmi and the torque applied on it for fastening is:
Ti ¼ Yi ¼ Yi :C1 :ki :cos ki x Yi :C2 :ki :sin ki x ð30Þ
T ¼ KdF ð31Þ
From the assumptions already made, Y ¼ c2 r is applied
in the above equation for simplification. Applying the where K is a constant factor proposed in references for
following boundary conditions: different friction conditions and is found to be 0.189 in this
case [23], d is the nominal bolt diameter and F is the
μc ðx ¼ 0Þ ¼ 0 tension force in bolt. For having the pre-stress of 34 MPa
μc x ¼ Lc ¼ μm1 ðy ¼ 0Þ; Tc x ¼ Lc :Ac ¼ Tm1 ðy ¼ 0Þ:Am1 on PZT rings, the corresponding tension force in the central
bolt shall be around 56 kN and consequently, the required
μm1 ðy ¼ Lm1 Þ ¼ μm2 ðz ¼ 0Þ; Tm1 ðy ¼ Lm1 Þ:Am1 ¼ Tm2 ðz ¼ 0Þ:Am2 ;
torque to apply such compression on PZT rings will be
ðz ¼ Lm2 Þ ¼ 0 calculated about 169 Nm. Moreover, this amount is advised
to increase by approximately 10% to 186 Nm to compensate
and solving the equation separately for each section of c, the looseness of the bolt after assembling [14].
m1 and m2 and supposing Lm1 =10 mm, Lm2 will be; Lm2 = 2. Measuring the charge generated on PZT rings
57.5 mm and consequently the total length of the transducer Use of torque meter for measuring the bolt torque is not
will become: Ltot =134.7 mm. a reliable method. A better solution is the use of volt-meter
and measurement of the produced charge on electrodes
10.13 Isolating bush resulted from the pre-stress. By using the constitutive
equations in piezoelectrics, the overall charge generated
To avoid short-circuit by probable contact between central on n pieces of PZT rings with area of A and under static
bolt and the electrodes and to keep backing and matching stress of Toc will be given by [11]:
connected to ground, it is necessary to make use of
isolating bushes placed around the bolt shank. Such bushes Qtot ¼ n d33 A Toc ð32Þ
can be made of PVC or Polyamides. The designed
transducer is shown in Fig. 7. This equation suggests that in this case of study, the total
amount of charge is 108 µC.
Fig. 7 Final designed
transducer There are three considerations, which make it essential to
parallel a few μF capacitor with PZTs while fastening the
central bolt and measuring the voltage generated by the
charge: first, without adding such a capacitor, the produced
voltage on the electrodes will reach up to 5,114 V which is
hazardous. Secondly, due to the high amount of voltage
generated, the piezoelectric rings show a very high
stiffness. Therefore, the PZT stack will considerably loose
after being discharged and consequently they lose the
required pre-stress. Finally, the generated charge is so small
and the open-circuit voltage is so high which makes voltage
measurement impossible as the small capacity piezoelectrics
are discharged through the voltmeter resistance. Thus, the
best solution is to reduce the open-circuit voltage to one volt
by a parallel capacitor to provide enough time for accurate
voltage measurement during fastening time. The capacitance
of the piezoelectric is often much less than that of the
paralleled capacitor (21,165 pF compared with App.
380 J Electroceram (2009) 22:369–382
Fig. 8 Measuring the charged voltage on the added 125 μF capacitor Fig. 10 Measuring the impedance characteristics of the developed
just after fastening the bolt transducer using Network Analyzer
J Electroceram (2009) 22:369–382 381
Table 4 Resonance and anti-resonance frequencies for the FEM modeling of the transducer.
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piezo. other Freq. (kHz) from FEM- (kHz) from by network for modal
components modal FEM- analyzer (kHz) analysis
modal (min)
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