Comparison of Physical and Rheological Properties of Plain and Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen
Comparison of Physical and Rheological Properties of Plain and Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen
Comparison of Physical and Rheological Properties of Plain and Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen
Bitumen is predominantly used to construct pavements for roads, highways, and airports. Due to the viscoelasticity nature of bitumen,
it plays a predominant role in the performance of the pavements where temperature and rate of load application have a great
influence. In India, the specifications for bituminous binders rely on different empirical tests which have almost no significance on
their performance characteristics are reported. In this paper, the physical and rheological properties of bituminous binders commonly
used in India, at high and intermediate field temperatures are reported in terms of their performance characteristics. Considering
several factors that affect the behavior of bituminous binders, the effects of variations in temperature, rate of loading and amount of
loading are considered. The changes in the properties of commonly used grades of (60-70) bitumen both unmodified and modified
with crumb rubber have been reported. The Marshall properties and indirect tensile strength ratio are compared for the specimens
prepared at optimum binder content (OBC) for bituminous concrete (BC) grading-2. Crumb rubber modified bitumen shows higher
Marshall Stability, reduced flow, higher ITS ratio and improved rheological properties in terms of rutting.
Keywords: CRMB – crumb rubber modified bitumen, ITS- Indirect tensile strength, TFOT – Thin Film Oven test, DSR-
Dynamic shear rheometer MSCR- multiple shear creep recovery.
IC-RICE Conference Issue | Nov-2013, Available @ 216
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
2.2 Preparation of Test Specimen. Binder samples were placed in thin film oven apparatus for 5
hours at a constant temperature of 163o C. This test simulates
2.2.1 Preparation of Marshall Test Specimens the hardening conditions as would be expected during hot
Marshall Test specimens were prepared by adding 4 %, 4.5 %, mixing operations.
5 %, 5.5 %, 6 %, and 6.5 % of Bitumen. The specimen is
compacted by giving 75 blows on both top and bottom side by 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
keeping the temperature in the range of 110 0 C – 140 0 C. The Investigations are carried out on bituminous concrete (BC
compacted specimens were removed from moulds after 24 grading 2) mix with different types of binders viz,
hours. The specimens were conditioned by keeping them in conventional bitumen (60/70), CRMB 55 and CRMB 60 to
thermostatically controlled water bath maintained at 60º C for evaluate the mechanical properties such as Marshall stability,
30 minutes before testing. Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) and rheological properties of
both aged and unaged binder samples. The observations made
2.2.2 Preparation of Test Specimens for Rheological on the results are presented and discussed in the following
Tests. paragraphs.
A disk of binder with diameter equal to the ossilating plate of 3.1 Physical Properties
the DSR is needed for testing. About 10-20 g of binder at solid
cosistancy is taken and placed in between the parallel plates of The basic tests such as softening point, penetration and elastic
DSR.The thickness of the bitumen binder sandwiched between recovery conducted on plain bitumen are presented in Fig 1.
the spindle and the fixed plate must be carefully controlled by After subjecting the binder sample to thin film oven test which
removing the excess material using knife. The proper simulates the short term ageing, the residue is tested for
specimen thickness (1 mm) is achieved by adjusting the gap various physical properties such as softening point,
between spindle and fixed plate using micrometer wheel. penetration and elastic recovery. The results obtained are
shown in Fig 2.
2.2.3 Thin film oven test (TFOT)
Thin film oven test was conducted for plain and modified
binders for determining the properties after short term ageing.
80 70
70 plain 60/70 60 plain 60/70
1/10 mm/ o C / %
60 CRMB 55 50 CRMB 55
1/10 mm/ o C / %
40 CRMB 60 40 CRMB 60
30 30
20 20
0 10
penetration softening Elastic 0
point recovery penetration softening point Elastic recovery
Fig 1: Properties of binder before short term ageing Fig 2: Properties of binder after short term ageing
It is observed from Fig 1 that the crumb rubber modified penetration. This resistance to short term ageing is pronounced
bitumen shows lower penetration, higher softening point and by reduced evaporation of volatiles in CRMB. The addition of
higher elastic recovery when compared to plain bitumen. From crumb rubber results in hardening of bitumen, the grains of
Fig 1 and 2 it is observed that crumb rubber shows better rubber absorbs some of the oily constituents in the bitumen.
resistance to ageing compared to plain bitumen as evident These grains swollen to about five times the volume are
from lower mass loss (0.2 % against 4.4 % not reported dispersed in the bitumen, which is then harder than, that of the
here),small increase in softening point and small decrease in same type as original (Van rooigen., 1941 ,White oak., 1990)
IC-RICE Conference Issue | Nov-2013, Available @ 217
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Table 1 shows the Marshall properties in terms of various 60 respectively. Though the optimum binder content for
binders considered in the present study. It is observed from the CRMB is slightly higher than that of plain bitumen it shows
Table 1 that Marshall oproperties confirms to the MORTH higher strength in terms of increased Marshall stability and
recommendations. CRMB 55 and CRMB 60 have higher decreased flow value. The stability and flow value indicates
stability and lower flow value compared to the plain bitumen. increased life and service condition and thereby will result in
Optimum binder content was obtained corresponding to reduced life cycle cost.
median of air voids percentage (4.5 %) the OBC for three
different binder is 5,5.1,5.2 for plain, CRMB 55 and CRMB
Stability Flow
Binder type Gmb %VMA % VFB
(kN) (mm)
- Min 14 65-75 Min 9 kN 2-4 5-7
Figure 3 shows the Results of indirect tensile strength ratio 3.2 Rheological Test Results
(ITS ratio), it is observed that there is a marginal increase in
indirect tensile strength ratio for CRMB. The increase in Figure 4 shows the variation of Complex Modulus with
indirect tensile strength ratio results in higher resistance to the temperature, in general the complex modulus of plain bitumen
damage associated with moisture. is less when compared to CRMB 55 and CRMB 60. Among
this CRMB 55 shows higher complex modulus with
temperature. It is clearly observed from the Fig 4 that the plain
90 89.28 bitumen fails (value of complex modulus less than 1 k Pa) at
89 temperature 64 0 C, but CRMB 55 and CRMB 60 are stable.
87.95 But whereas CRMB 55 and CRMB 60 fails at 70 0 C this
88 clearly indicates that CRMB grades are less susceptible to
4 60/70
plain 60/70 CRMB 55 CRMB 60
3 CRMB 55
2 CRMB 60
Fig3: Variation of Tensile Strength Ratio
1 1 Kpa
Addition of crumb rubber resulted in increased indirect tensile 0 minim
strength ratio. Crumb rubber modified mixtures were found to um
52 58 64 70
be less susceptible to moisture damage compared to normal Temperature (º C)
mixtures as indicated by higher retained Marshall Stability,
higher tensile strength ratio and improved stripping Fig 4: Variation of Complex Modulus with
characteristics (S. K., 2004) temperature
IC-RICE Conference Issue | Nov-2013, Available @ 218
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
IC-RICE Conference Issue | Nov-2013, Available @ 219
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
IC-RICE Conference Issue | Nov-2013, Available @ 220