The Media Theorist Andrew Goodwin Identifies 6 Key Elements of Music Videos
The Media Theorist Andrew Goodwin Identifies 6 Key Elements of Music Videos
The Media Theorist Andrew Goodwin Identifies 6 Key Elements of Music Videos
The song and album title are also visible. Again this is another
convention we have followed. This allows the audience to know
who’s album it is. The font used also links to the band
For the back cover we challenged many
conventions. However, we did comply to some
conventions. That being the track list. As seen to
your right we decided to make the track list the
main focus of our back cover. By doing this we
allowed the audience to focus on the songs
included in the album, rather than focusing on
any images. This is why we used the same
background pattern instead of inserting an image,
this would take the audiences focus away from
the music. Which is the main purpose of a
digipak- to listen to the music.