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The internship program is an integral part of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA).
Knowledge and learning become perfect when it is associated with theory and practice. This
program creates a unique opportunity for the students to apply their theoretical knowledge
into practice and gain valuable real world business experience. During the program, student
can also realize existing business condition apart from having opportunities to solve the
problem using various analytical tools.
To fulfill this requirement I was worked as an intern in Biopharma Laboratories Ltd. for three
months. I was appointed as an internship trainee in the Head Office of Biopharma
Laboratories Ltd. after facing the viva-voce
I have tried to find out the marketing mix (product, price, promotion and place, people,
process, physical environment) of Pharmaceutical industries in Bangladesh, a case study on
Biopharma Laboratories Ltd.” which is assigned by my supervisor in department. I have tried
my level best to relate the theoretical knowledge with the practical work situation when I
have prepared this report.


Theoretical knowledge gets its perfection with practical application. And Education will be
most effective when theory and practice blends. Internship is designed to bridge the gap
between the theoretical knowledge and real application. Since our educational system is
mostly text based, inclusion of practical orientation program as an academic component is
essential. Bangladesh has a significant number of unemployed educated graduates and most
of them have no internship experience. Normal professional experience to establish
networking system is important in getting a desirable job. In such state of affairs, the report is
done through analyzing the experience of practical orientation related to an appraisal
Biopharma Laboratories Ltd. Pharmaceutical sector in Bangladesh is one of the rising sectors
which start its journey in 1950 in this sub-continent. At present there are more than 200
pharmaceutical companies in Bangladesh and from that company there are thirty to forty
company are in good position in production of pharmaceutical products.

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Broad Objective: To describe the marketing pattern of pharmaceuticals industry in
Bangladesh by analyzing the marketing mix of Biopharma Laboratories Ltd.
Short/Specific Objectives: The report contains the following specific objectives-
To describe all types of products those are produced by Biopharma Laboratories
Describing the pricing procedure and price list of Biopharma Laboratories Ltd.
To describe all types of promotional tools used by Biopharma Laboratories Ltd.
To study the procedure and managing of promotional tools use by Biopharma
Laboratories Ltd. as well as other company.
To describe the distribution system of Biopharma Laboratories Ltd.
To raise possible recommendation and related justification (if required) for smooth
and accurate implementation concerning the marketing mix of Biopharma
Laboratories Ltd.

1.4.1 Types of Study
The study is descriptive in nature because here I have tried to know the products, price,
promotion, place, people, process and physical environment of the pharmaceuticals industry
by the Biopharma Laboratories Ltd. I have emphasized on the practical experience. Almost
the entire report consists of my practical experience.

1.4.2 Sources of Data

Data have been collected from both primary and secondary sources.

Sources of Data

Primary Data

Secondary Data

Primary sources of data

Face to face conversation with the company officers and staffs.
Informal conversation with the doctors, MPO, RMP.
Exposure on different desk of the organization

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Secondary sources of data

Annual report of Biopharma Laboratories Ltd.
Different manuals of Biopharma Laboratories Ltd.
Different circulars of Biopharma Laboratories Ltd.
Brochures of Biopharma Laboratories Ltd.
Unpublished data.
News papers, different textbooks
Official websites.
Bangladesh Economic Review-2008.

Like any other study the limitations of this study is not out of questions. But the following
factors seem to me as the some points of weakness of this study, despite all out co-ordination
from the organization.

It was very difficult to collect the information from various personnel for their job
Another limitation of this report is enterprise’s policy of not disclosing some data
and information for obvious reason, which could be very much useful.

Entrance to every nock and corner of the organization was not possible by me.

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BIOPHARMA was established in 1973 as limited company. It sailed its new journey in 1999
with the involvement of a group of physicians with innovative mission and global conception.
Biopharma is one of the fast growing pharmaceutical companies in Bangladesh. Biopharma is
now manufacturing more than 150 products including life saving drugs at affordable price
and committed to serving the need of ailing community with products of excellent quality,
safety and efficacy complying the guideline of WHO cGMP and Quality Management
System. Biopharma has gained a leading edge in many important therapeutic groups
including Antibiotics, Antiulcerants, Laxative, Bronchodilator, NSAIDs, Vitamins &
minerals, Cardiovascular and Dermatological products. BIOPHARMA is always committed
to assure the best quality pharmaceutical products and best services to the customers. Our
mission is to serve the mankind, especially the distressed and poor ailing people and our
vision is to be regarded globally as a Quality pharmaceutical manufacturer through the best
quality pharmaceutical products. Bearing this in mind, our technical experts (pharmacist,
Chemists, Biochemists, Microbiologists Analysts and other professionals ) skilled and trained
staffs always try to leave no stone unturned in their professional works by following the US
cGMP, British & WHO GMP guidelines and the guidelines & instructions of the Drug
Administration & Licensing Authority of Bangladesh to ensure the production of quality
medicine. Ever since we at GLP (Good Laboratory Practices) have always been performing
with a strict discipline to follow our professional ethics. By virtue of the highest quality of
drugs, the company has already obtained the confidence and trust of doctors and patients all
over Bangladesh and earned excellent reputations in the market through introducing very
exciting new molecules and dosage forms in many therapeutic areas. We are now producing a
wide range of Biological and pharmaceutical products in different dosage forms and
presentations including tablets, capsules, syrups, suspensions, powder for suspensions,
pediatric drops, sterile creams & ointments and injectable preparations.

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Biopharma Laboratories Limited, one of the fast growing pharmaceutical companies in
Bangladesh, Has been manufacturing and marketing a wide range of pharmaceutical finished
products with strict standard of safety, quality and efficacy to ensure public healthcare
through uncompromising scientific and professional approach since 1999. The company has
sailed its journey with the involvement of a group of physicians, inspired with love for
mankind, with innovative mission and global conception. Since then, the company has been
running in full swing bearing its glory for innovation and ethical practice in pharmaceutical
sector of Bangladesh.

Biopharma’s vision is to play the leading role in the country’s health sector by providing safe
and effective medicine of high quality which will bring benefit to patients through improved
longevity and quality of life.
Biopharma mission is to build strength carefully in important areas that offer the resources
for tomorrow’s business opportunities.
To build customer’s trust as “Quality Company” both in products and services.
To ensure healthy and sustainable growth of the company
To maintain the quality in all areas of operations by continuous development of
Human Resources.
a) Broad Objective
The broad objective of the report is very important to complete Internship report so I
complete my Internship period based on Marketing Mix on Biopharma Laboratories Ltd.
b) Specific objective
The objectives of the report have been given bellow.
 To analyze the existing cost accounting system.
 To analyze the product costing on the basis of ABC
 To identify subsystem of existing cost accounting system (CAS).
 To illustrate the activities of these subsystem of existing (CAS).
 Problems and prospects in implementing Activity Based Costing (ABC).

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 Difference between ABC systems Vs. Traditional costing system



Figure: 4.1: Marketing Mix

3.1 Product Decisions

The term "product" refers to tangible, physical products as well as services. Here are some
examples of the product decisions to be made:
• Brand name
• Functionality
• Styling
• Quality
• Safety
• Packaging
• Repairs and Support
• Warranty
• Accessories and services

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3.2 Price Decisions

Some examples of pricing decisions to be made include:
• Pricing strategy (skim, penetration, etc.)
• Suggested retail price
• Volume discounts and wholesale pricing
• Cash and early payment discounts
• Seasonal pricing
• Bundling
• Price flexibility
• Price discrimination
3.3 Distribution (Place) Decisions
Distribution is about getting the products to the customer. Some examples of distribution
decisions include:
• Distribution channels
• Market coverage (inclusive, selective, or exclusive distribution)
• Specific channel members
• Inventory management
• Warehousing
• Distribution centers
• Order processing
• Transportation
• Reverse logistics

3.4 Promotion Decisions

In the context of the marketing mix, promotion represents the various aspects of marketing
communication, that is, the communication of information about the product with the goal of
generating a positive customer response. Marketing communication decisions include:

• Promotional strategy (push, pull, etc.)

• Advertising
• Personal selling & sales force
• Sales promotions
• Public relations & publicity
• Marketing communications budget

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3. Developing a Marketing Mix

The term "marketing mix" is used to describe how businesses promote their products and
services or how customers learn about a business's products and services.
There are many methods to use. No one method works all the time but all the methods work
some of the time. Developing a marketing mix is not unlike making a cake. Using flour alone
does not make a cake. It takes other ingredients, carefully chosen, blended and handled to
come up with a recipe for a cake that most people will like.
There are lots of methods one has to choose from when thinking about and discussing what
the marketing mix should be. As with the ingredients that go into making a cake, any one
used alone will not do the job. It is the combining and coordination of them that means each
will be more effective than if used alone. To come up with the right marketing mix it may
take trying different recipes until the right mix is found. Each business will have to choose
the methods that are best for them.
When making the choices of what the ingredients are and how much of
each needs to be used to make up the marketing mix, one has to take into
consideration if the customer comes to the business (store, office, web
site) if the business goes out to the customers (mail, e-mail, fax, letter,
phone), or if customers might do either or both
 One­on­One   Print , Radio/TV and Yellow Pages 
 Internet teleconferencing  Advertising 
 In Person, Telephone, Letter, Fax,  Web site 
E­mail   Printed Materials of all kinds 
 Selling Environment   Signage 
 Attire/Grooming   Window, Counter, Shelf Display 
 Public Presentations, Civic   Broadcast Fax and E­Mail 
Activities   Direct Mail 
 Networking 
 Sponsorships 
 Trade Shows 

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4. Marketing Mix Management

In a new market operations were wide open, should a marketer concentrate on commercial
market or perhaps on specified groups of the consumer market. Once he had made to decide
what precisely his offerings are. In raising this issue he has to examine his marketing mix.
The commercial and consumer markets differ significantly in composition and needs.

Marketing mix for different marketers

Elements Customer Commercial
Product Good quality; preferably  Vary with quality; 
links with equipment  computable with existing 
manufacturer; robust  system; professional use 
technically for frequent  reduces technical risks
Place Links with rental or  Willing to search; technical 
equipment sales firms very  knowledge reduces direct 
important; limited  mail worries; outlets 
willingness to search; firms  proving others needs make 
of direct mail or discount  buying easier
Price Low enough to attract but  Low prices, especially if 
not undermine quality  sold through direct mail; 
image; percentage discount  suppliers shops may accept 
for dealer may to be high to  lower margin than 
persuade him to stock this  television shops as it is new 
instead of high priced units line
Promotion Main media plus point of  Direct mail or personal 
sale for quality reassurance  selling to direct accounts
perhaps allied to promoting 
different users or storage to 
increase usage 

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4.1. Pharmaceutical Products:

Pharmaceutical products are those products which meet the medical need of the
customer.Pharmaceutical product is a drug, broadly speaking, is any substance that, when
absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily function.
These products are dosage form containing one or more drugs (medicines) along with other
substances included during the manufacturing process.

4.2 Product strategies of Biopharma Laboratories Ltd.:

Biopharma Laboratories Ltd. has its own production capacity at Tongi, Gazipur to produce
vast ranges of product. They are always conscious about the quality of the product.
Biopharma Laboratories Ltd. always conducts market research to introduce new and
innovative medicine to remedy the disease of people. When they introduce a product then if
the product can cure more than 51% patient then they introduce the product in the market. On
the other hand they study market that which product has highest demand in the market and
also has an increasing rate of demand and also forecast the market that which product
demand will increase in near future.

Biopharma Laboratories Ltd. produce those product that has a good demand in near future,
that has increasing market trends, that may increase the image of the company. Sometime
Biopharma Laboratories Ltd. found that some product has no return or profit and also loss or
low price rather than its production cost but the product has a great demand in market and
also with that product they can make demand of other product and also this type or category
product has a contribution to create a good image of the company. In that situation they never
stops rather continue their production.

Sometime Biopharma Laboratories Ltd. has no contribution on product invention. They just
prepare the product for foreign buyer or product for several organizations. They provide
Biopharma Laboratories Ltd. the formula of production and also the raw material of the
product and they just make it as finished goods following the formula.

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Biopharma Laboratories Ltd. enrich its product list by innovating new and time oriented
medicine in its product list to enter new and potential market and also increase the
international market. On the other hand through new innovation it helps to compete in
pharmaceutical market in Bangladesh. Biopharma Laboratories Ltd. collects all of its raw
material to produce finished products from abroad and for that cost of production is high. If
the raw material is collected from Bangladesh then the production cost of the product will
decrease at the same time the price of medicine will also decrease.

4.3 Products of Biopharma Laboratories Ltd.

Anti-Fungal-Drugs Anti-Protozoal-Drugs
Anti-Histamines Anti-Emetic
Anthelmintics Antacid & Anti Ulcerants
Laxative Drug Anti-Oxidant
Vitamins & Minerals NSAIDs
Bronchodilators Expectorants
Anti-Diabetic Drugs Anti Depressants & Anxiolytics
Cardiovascular Drugs Dermatological Products
Amoxicillin BP 250 capsule
Amoxicillin BP 500 capsule
Amoxicillin BP dry powder for suspension 100ml (125mg/5ml)
Amoxicillin BP dry powder for suspension 100ml (250mg/5ml)
Amoxicillin BP pediatric drops 15ml (100mg/5ml)

Phenoxymethyl penicillin BP 250mg tablet
Phenoxymethyl penicillin BP dry powder
suspension 50ml (125mg /5ml)
Phenoxymethyl penicillin BP dry powder
suspension 100ml (125mg /5ml)
Flucloxacillin BP 250 mg capsule
Flucloxacillin BP 500 mg capsule
Flucloxacillin BP dry powder for suspension 60ml (125mg /5ml )
Flucloxacillin BP dry powder for suspension 100ml (125mg /5ml)

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Ciprofloxacin USP 250mg film coated tablet
Ciprofloxacin USP 500mg film coated tablet
Ciprofloxacin USP 750mg film coated tablet
Ciprofloxacin USP powder for suspension
60ml (250mg /5ml)
Ciprofloxacin USP powder for suspension
100ml (250mg /5ml)
Levofloxacin INN 250 mg film coated tablet
Levofloxacin INN 500 mg film coated tablet

Cephradine BP 250mg capsule
Cephradine BP 500 mg capsule
Cephradine BP dry powder for suspension 100ml (125mg /5ml
Cephradine BP dry powder for suspension 100ml (250mg /5ml)
Cephradine BP paediatric drops 15ml (100mg /ml )

Cefuroxime BP 250mg capsule
Cefuroxime BP 500mg capsule
Cefuroxime BP powder for suspension 100ml

Cefixime USP 200mg capsule
Cefixime USP drypowder for suspension 37.5ml
(100mg /5ml)
Cefixime USPdrypowder for suspension 50ml
(100mg /5ml)
Cefuroxime BP 125 mg tablet
Cefuroxime BP 250 mg tablet
Cefuroxime BP powder for suspension 70ml (125mg /5ml )

Cotrimoxazole (Sulphamethoxazole BP 400mg &
Trimethoprim BP 80 mg ) tablet
Cotrimoxazole BP dry powder for suspension 60ml
(SMZ 200 mg/ 5ml & TMP 40 mg /5ml)

Cotrimoxazole double strength
(Sulphamethoxazole BP 800mg & Trimethoprim BP 160 mg ) tablet

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Erythromycin USP 250 mg film coated tablet
Erythromycin USP 500 mg film coated tablet
Erythromycin USP powder for suspension 100ml (125mg /5ml)
Erythromycin USP paediatric drops 15ml (100mg /ml )
Erythromycin USP paediatric drops 30ml (100mg /ml )

Azithromycin USP 250 mg capsule

Azithromycin USP 500mg film coated tablet
Azithromycin USP dry powder for suspension 15ml
(200mg /5ml)

Fluconazole BP 50 mg capsule
Fluconazole BP 150mg capsule
Fluconazole BP dry powder for suspension 35ml (50mg /5ml)
Fluconazole BP dry powder for suspension 60 ml( 50mg /5ml)


Metronidazole BP 400mg film coated teblet
Metronidazole BP suspension 60ml (200mg/5ml)

Chlorpheniramine maleate BP 4mg tablet
Chlorpheniramine maleate BP syrup 100ml(5mg/5ml)


Loratadine INN 10mg tablet

Loratadine INN suspension 60ml (5mg/5ml)

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Domperidone BP 10 mg film coated tablat
Domperidone BP suspension 30 ml ( 5mg /5ml)
Domperidone BP suspension 60 ml ( 5mg /5ml)
Domperidone BP paediatric drops 15ml (5mg /ml )
Domperidone BP paediatric drops 30ml (5mg /ml )
Meclizine HCI USP 50mg tablet
Albendazole USP 400mg chewable tablet
Albendazole USP suspension 10ml (200mg/5ml)


levamisole BP syrup 30ml (40mg/5ml)


Antacid (Aluminum Hydroxide BP250mg + Magnesium
Hydroxide BP 500mg chewable tablet)
(Aluminum Hydroxide BP +Magnesium Hydroxide BP )
suspension 200 ml
(Aluminum Hydroxide BP +Magnesium Hydroxide BP +
Simethicone BP) suspension 200 ml
(Ranitidine USP 150mg film coated tablet Ranitidine USP 300mg
film coated tablet
Omeprazole BP 20mg capsule
Omeprazole BP 40mg capsule

Pantoprazole INN 20mg enteric coated tablet
Pantoprazole INN 40mg enteric coated tablet

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Esomeprazole INN 20mg film coated tablet
Esomeprazole INN 40mg film coated tablet

Lactulose BP solution 100ml (3.35g/5ml) Lactulose BP solution
200ml (3.35g/5ml)


(Vitamin - E BP 50 mg + Vitamin - C BP 200 mg + Beta carotene
USP 6 mg) film coated tablet


Vitamin B - Complex capsule
Vitamin B - Complex syrup 100 ml
Vitamin B - Complex syrup 200 ml
Multivitamin pacdiatric drops ( vitamin B - complex BP +C BP
+Vit- D USP + Vit - A USP + Calcium - D - panto thenate USP )

Multivitamins & minerals tablet

Vitamin -E BP 200mg film coated chewable tablet

Ferrous sulphate BP syrup (200ml/ 5ml )

Ferrous sulphate BP +Zinc sulphate USP + Folic acid BP ) capsule

Ascorbic acid BP 250mg chewable tablet

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(Ferrous sulphate BP+Folic acid BP + Vitamin - C USP + Vitamin B
-Complex BP ) capsule
Elemental Calcium USP 500mg ( as Calcium carbonate USP ) film
coated tablet
Elemental Calcium USP 500mg as Calcium carbonate +Vitamin D
USP 5mcg ) film coated tablet

Zinc sulphate BP syrup 100 ml (zinc BP 10mg / 5ml)


Paracetamol BP 500 mg tablet
Paracetamol BP suspension 60 ml ( 120mg /5ml)
Paracetamol BP pediatric drop 15ml (80mg /ml )
Paracetamol BP pediatric drop 30ml (80mg /ml )

Ketoprofen BP 50mg enteric coated tablet Ketoprofen BP 100mg
enteric coated tablet

Diclofenac sodium BP 50mg enteric coated tablet
Diclofenac sodium BP100mg timed release capsule

Aceclofenac BP 100mg enteric coated tablet

Salbutamol BP 2 mg tablet
Salbutamol BP 4 mg tablet
Salbutamol BP 60ml syrup ( 2mg /5ml)
Salbutamol BP 100ml syrup ( 2mg /5ml)

(Pesudoephedrine BP + Guaiphenesine BP + Triprolidine BP) syrup

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Bromhexine HCI BP syrup 100ml ( 4mg /5ml )


Metformin HCI BP 500mg film coated tablet
Metformin HCI BP 850mg film coated tablet

Gliclazide BP 80mg tablet


Clobazam BP 10 mg tablet

( Nortriptyline HCI( BP 10 mg + Fluphenazine
HCI BP 0.5 ml ) film coated tablet

(Flupentixol INN 0.5 mg +Maletracin INN 10mg )
film coated tablet

Amlodipine BP 5mg tablet
Amlodipine BP 10mg tablet

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Antenolol BP 50mg tablet
Losartan Potassium INN 25mg film coated tablet
Losartan Potassium INN 50mg film coated tablet l BP 100mg tablet
Topical Corticosteroids
XDERM Cream 10g
(Clobetasol propionate USP 0.5% ) in Aluminum tube )
XDERM Ointment 10 g
(Clobetasol propionate USP 0.5% ) in Aluminum tube )
MEXIDERM Cream 15 g
(Betamethasone valerate BP 0.1%) in Aluminum tube
MEXIDERM Ointment 15 g
(Betamethasone valerate BP 0.1% ) in Aluminum tube
Topical corticosteroids
SCAPER cream 15 g
(permethrin BP 5%) in Aluminium tube
SCAPER cream 30 g
(permethrin BP 5%) in Aluminium tube
Topical Anti-infective
NUBA Ointment 20g
(Neomycin sulphate BP 0.5% & Bacitracin zinc BP 500 i.u/g) in Aluminium tube
Topical Anti-infectives with corticosteroids
MEXIDERM-N cream 5g
(Betamethasone valerate BP 0.1% & Neomycin sulphate BP 0.5%) in Aluminium tube
MEXIDERM-N Ointment 5g
(Betamethasone valerate BP 0.1% & Neomycin sulphate BP 0.5%)in Aluminium tube
Topical anti-fungals
ENAZOL PLUS cream 10g
(Econazole nitrate BP 1% & Triamcinolone acetonide BP 0.1%)in Aluminium tube
TERMIDER cream 15g
(Terbinafine HCI INN 1%) in Aluminium Tube.

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Table 4.1: Monthly sales and advertisement expense of Biopharma Laboratories Ltd
From the above table we find that the sales of Biopharma Laboratories Ltd in 2009, that at
August and September sales has the height position. We can show it figure,

Figure: 4.10: Monthly sales of Biopharma Laboratories Ltd

On the other hand the advertisement expense of Biopharma Laboratories Ltd. also depends on
month to month sales increase and decrease. On the other hand in one month promotional
expenses are not fully expensed some are remained and those are expensed in next month.
With the help of figure we can compare the relationship of sales and promotion expense of
Biopharma Laboratories Ltd.

The Effect of Promotion:

i) Increase product demand
ii) Increase sales
iii) Increase market share
iv) Increase profit

The effect of promotion on sales are shown in the table-

Year Sales Promotional % change due
Expense in sales to Promotion
2011 6800.00 120.12 .80 21.40
2012 7294.47 1463.39 1.07 33.30

Table:4.2 The effect of promotion on sales of Biopharma Laboratories Ltd

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This analysis will give a picture of the competitiveness of this company in comparison to that
of its competition.
Strength of the Biopharma Laboratories Ltd.
A new innovative product and service.
Location of the business
Uses of modern technology.
A proven tract record in defect-free manufacturer.
Expertise in providing consistently good customer service.
Proprietary technology and registered trade mark.
Highly experiences and efficient employees in key areas.
Long term collective learning and managerial know-how.
Reputation of the company.
An Attractive remuneration package and benefits for employee retention
positive work climate and organization culture.

Weakness of the Biopharma Laboratories Ltd.

Biopharma Laboratories Ltd. has weakness in the following competitive field. These
weaknesses are reducing the competitiveness in the battle with the competitors:
Undifferentiated products.
Cost of raw materials is increasing day by day.
Countrywide distribution network is not as strong as competitors.
Sarong adherence to ethics resulting in inflexibilities.
Higher production cost.

Opportunities of the Biopharma Laboratories Ltd.

A market vacated by an ineffective competitor.
Moving into new market segments like international market that offer
improved profits.
Serving additional customer group in the existing geographical market.
Expanding into new geographic markets.

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Strength in export oriented products.

Transferring sector’s skill or technological know-how to a new business or a
new product.
Expanding the company’s product line to meet a broader range of customer
Threats of the Biopharma Laboratories Ltd.
A lot of competitors in the market.
Government regulation on price of drug.
Likely entry of the potential new competitors.
Growing bargaining power of suppliers.
Adverse shift in foreign exchange rate.

Key challenges for Biopharma Laboratories Ltd.:

Defining the equitable way for sharing the economic burden of pharmaceutical
development among the various segments of society.
To discover, develop and successfully market innovative products to cure
diseases, to ease suffering and to enhance the quality of life.
Ensuring that research, development and application of pharmaceuticals are
conducted in harmony with society’s ethical and cultural standards.
Ensuring the humanity continues to benefit from pharmaceutical innovation.
To discover, develop and successfully market innovative products to cure
diseases, to ease suffering and to enhance the quality of life.
To ensure that humanity continues to benefit from pharmaceutical innovation.
To define an equitable way for sharing the economic burden of pharmaceutical
development among the various segments of society.
To ensure that research, development and application of pharmaceuticals are
conducted in harmony with society’s ethical and cultural standards.
Other key challenges include the issues of marketing practices, animals used
in research and development, and accountability for our suppliers and

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Biopharma Laboratories Ltd. has highly skilled and motivated employee in head office and
also in the field to fulfill the objectives.
Biopharma Laboratories brings innovative and new products by market research.
They produce different types of products like tablet, capsule, syrup, suspension, dry
syrup, cream, ointment, injection and drops.
They use value based pricing for most of the innovative or new products.
For existing products thy use Cost and competitive based pricing.
Maintaining strict quality whatever the cost.
Promotional mixes of Biopharma Laboratories Ltd. include advertisement, sales
promotion, personal selling, direct marketing, public relations, sponsorship, and trade
Field force produces differentiation in the market through strong product knowledge
and skill.
Developing service concept in a highly product oriented marketing approach in the
Conducting clinical trial in the country which is rarely practiced by other companies.
Maintaining strict guidelines for ethical promotional activities investing significant
amount of money to train and develop physicians.
Biopharma Laboratories Ltd. has a technological edge over its competitors.
They use 16 depots all over the country for conventional pattern of distribution.
The location of the business of is also favorable for the distribution of the products.
The distribution patterns of Biopharma Laboratories Ltd. which starts from the
production plants and ends to the departmental store for smooth flow of products.
Finally the marketing mix strategy of Biopharma has created a stronger position in the
market of pharmaceuticals industry.

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Biopharma Laboratories Ltd should look for cost effective sources of raw materials
for minimizing the production cost.
Acquisition of local or global firms to add strong growth.
Biopharma Laboratories Ltd. should presence more in the district town. In some
important rural areas as these markets are still untapped.
Though the products of Biopharma Laboratories Ltd. are cost effective than that of
rivals, still opportunity for institution based sales should be looked into.
More strategies collaboration with other foreign manufacturers is needed to gain
access to technology and resources
Biopharma Laboratories Ltd. should adopt flexible functional policies are needed to
match the changing environment of the industry.
Biopharma Laboratories Ltd. should emphasis on service oriented approach to
overcome price objection by doctors through relationship building.
To further develop and strengthen institution business through innovative product
should continue by Biopharma Laboratories Ltd.

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Biopharma Laboratories Ltd. is one of the innovative and emerging companies in the sector
of pharmaceuticals in our country. It uses different strategies in production like bringing new
and innovative products, for price they set the price according to the cost, perceptions of the
customers or on the basis of competitors’ price which create a sustainable advantage for the
company. Other aspects of marketing mixes are promotion and distribution. Biopharma
Laboratories Ltd. uses Promotional activities like advertisement, sales promotion, personal
selling, direct marketing, public relations, sponsorship, trade show of which is the key
function of the company for selling more products and also gaining a competitive market
share. Under the distribution patterns Biopharma Laboratories Ltd. ensures smooth flow of
precuts that starts from the production plant, or form central warehouse or form the depots
which are situates in the different parts of he country and ends to the departmental store or
ends users. In the marketing mix Biopharma Laboratories Ltd is trying to get a relatively
comfortable path for doing business; of course modification may be needed for adjustment
according to company internal situation.

It is evident that Biopharma Laboratories Ltd. will be maintaining its position and also trying
to gain a competitive market share by implementing innovative strategies in the coming years
as it is demanded by the highly competitive local and global pharmaceutical industry
environment by its innovative and proper blend of marketing mix.

Committed to serving mankind


1. Anals Micle, Marketing of Pharmaceutical Product. (International Edition)

2. Banerjee Dr. A. K. and Nair Dr. R. K., Sales and Distribution Management,

Pragati Prakashan, Meerut.

3. Chowdhury Shawkat Ahmed Distribution Manual on effective management of

distribution system for pharmaceuticals

4. Kotler Philip & Gary Armstrong Principles of Marketing(12th Edition )

5. Malhotra Noresh K., Marketing Research, (5th Edition)

6. Annual report of Biopharma Laboratories Ltd. 2006,2007,2008,2009.

7. Annual Report of Ministry of Health and Pamily Planning

8. Annual Report of Biopharma Laboratories Ltd. 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009.

9. Annual Report of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare 2007and 2008.

10. Asia-Pacific Business Review, Oct-Dec, 2008 by Girish Taneja

11. Bangladeshi-American Pharmacists’ Association Journal 2006, 2007, 2008.

12. Journal of Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Association.

13. www.biopharma.bd.com

14. www.wikipedia.com

15. www.reportBD.com


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