MAN002 FDE InventoryManagementCockpit v3.4
MAN002 FDE InventoryManagementCockpit v3.4
MAN002 FDE InventoryManagementCockpit v3.4
Inventory Management Cockpit
Version 3.1
March 2013
Document Control
Document Information
Document History
Release Section
Version RFC id Reason for change Authors
Date affected
0.0 06.04.2011 Initial version All BTH
1.0 26.04.2011 Data from Info 3.1.5 Report BTH
Records included output fields
1.1 29.04.2011 Input from matching 3.1.5 Report BTH
with ZMM_ALM output fields
2.0 17.01.2012 Updated with all the All LAR
performed during
the FBNL tests.
3.0 01.09.2012 Report All AIH
Bug-fixing (Incident 4.1.5 Report JEC
239884) output fields
3.1 12.03.2013 CR790 Include Currency on RPI
the Inventory tab Inventory tab
(pg. 18)
3.2 14.10.2013 CRQ37377 Do not display LCO
project stock when Inventory tab
it’s 0 (pg. 19)
3.3_1 13.10.2015 CHG0039586 Insert MAT 3.2 Material MLE
description and EQ documents
description on tab (pag. 20)
3.3_2 13.10.2015 CHG0039586 Insert Purchasing 4. Purchasing MLE
document number (pag. 21-22)
Document Approval
Name Project Role Date Signature
Name Project Role Date Signature
Laura de la Arena IT Project Manager AFR 29.04.2011 Sign-off v1.1 by LAR
Laura de la Arena IT Project Manager AFR 17.01.2012 Sign-off v2.0 by LAR
Distribution List
Table of Contents
EBM Functional Design - Report
Inventory Management Cockpit
1 Introduction
1.1 Objective and scope of the document
2 Executive Overview
3 Overview and Scope
3.1 Functional Description
3.2 Scope
3.3 Dependencies/Constraints
3.4 Assumptions
3.5 Security and Authorization
4 Detailed Functional Requirements
4.1 Functional Specification
4.1.1 General description of the logic of the program
4.1.2 AS-IS program
4.1.3 Access
4.1.4 Selection Screen
Description of selection fields:
4.1.5 Report Output fields
4.1.6 General report functions
4.2 Process Flow Diagram
4.3 Initiating Process / Transaction / Program
4.4 Selection Criteria
4.5 Report Layout
4.6 Report Fields
4.7 Main Heading
4.8 Sub Heading
4.9 Totalling
4.10 Sorting
4.11 Page Break
4.12 Stationery
4.13 Existing Sample Reports
4.14 Processing and Operational Considerations
4.14.1 Performance
4.14.2 Processing Type
4.14.3 Batch Requirements
4.14.4 Expected Transaction Volumes
4.14.5 Output Type
4.14.6 Error Handling
4.15 Change Management Requirements
5 Testing Requirements
5.1 Key Business Test Conditions
5.2 Technical Test Conditions
5.3 Risk and Controls Test Conditions
5.4 Testing Considerations/Dependencies
6 Design Alternatives
7 Outstanding Issues
8 Appendix
8.1 EBM IT Design Principles
1 Introduction
The EBM Blueprint is a detailed description of the EBM business processes and
system requirements. It is the key deliverable of the EBM Project.
The EBM Blueprint is the major input for the design of the solution that will support
the targeted business processes. All the specifications that are required for designing
the solution must be included in this document.
The EBM Blueprint will as well support the scope management during the project.
The document will be frozen once it is signed-off by all the relevant stakeholders. If
any additional requirement needs to be added to the project, it will have to be
approved following the established Change Management process.
Version 3 Enhancement:
2 Executive Overview
Two main sources were assessed for the definition of the IM report:
- Developed report in NASC: ZMM_INVENT
- Current ZMM_ALM report in EMEA
Final decision was to copy the ZMM_INVENT report from NASC and adapt it to
EMEA by:
- Enhancing the inventory tabs with the info that is today in ZMM_ALM
- Remove the Warehouse Mgmt information, as it is not used in EMEA
- Add additional business requirements: info-records instead of source lists in
the Purchasing tab, etc.
This tab should show the lines per material movements instead of grouped
(as is now). Also some columns need to be added.
3.2 Scope
The scope of this report covers all EMEA OpCos and all Holcim business
3.3 Dependencies/Constraints
3.4 Assumptions
The changes required to adapt the NASC report to EMEA are marked in blue
Selection of all the materials and inventory data which fulfil the criteria indicated
in the selection screen and display it split into the following tabs:
In the selection screen, you can enter the criteria you want to use in order to
delimit the output of the report:
The changes required to adapt the NASC report to EMEA are marked in blue color
Status Code: This code refers to the material master status that set at the client
level for all plants on the “Basic Data 1” tab (“X-plant matl status“
field). To be replaced for EMEA by the “plant-specific material
status” field set on the “Purchasing” tab.
Storage Location: This is the inventory management (IM) storage location of the
Storage bin: This is the Inventory Management (IM) storage bin found in the
material master on the “Plant data / Stor. 1 tab”
MRP Group: The MRP Group is assigned in the material master on the “MRP 1”
MRP Controller: The MRP Controller also comes from the material master on the
“MRP 1” tab
Lot Size: The Lot Size is found on the “MRP 1” tab in the material master.
Plant: This is a REQUIRED field (an entry must be made). The report
can be executed for a single plant or for multiple plants. For
EMEA, to be moved to the top of the selection screen (just after
the “Material”).
Last G/I (Date): By entering a date in this field, only materials that had their last
goods issue posted on this date will be displayed.
Last G/R (Date): By entering a date in this field, only materials that had their last
goods receipt posted on this date will be displayed.
Equipment No.: If an equipment number (or several numbers) are selected, then
the report will only display materials that exist in the equipment bill
of material (BOM). If any material numbers are entered in the
material number selection field, then a message will appear when
you execute the report:
This means that the numbers entered in the material selection will
not be included in the report (unless they belong to the selected
equipment BOM).
Year for Analysis: This is a REQUIRED field (an entry must be made). The year
entered in this field becomes the “Current Year (C.Y.)” for the data
on the “Inventory tab” in the report. The “Previous Year (P.Y.)” will
be the year prior to the selected year.
WM Storage Type:
WM Storage Bin: These two selection fields must be removed, since the WM
(Warehouse Management) functionality is not used in EMEA.
No zero stock lines: Selecting this option will eliminate materials that have zero total
stock (total stock = own stock + consignment stock) from the
“Inventory” tab only (i.e. materials with zero stock will still appear
on the other report tabs).
Ind. for Critical Part: This selection fields must be removed, since it is not used in
Materials w/o BOMs only: Selecting this option will only display materials that do not
belong to equipment BOMs.
Stock levels exceeding the MAX: Select this option to display only materials whose
stock levels exceed the maximum specified level (see the section
below regarding the Basic and MRP data tab for more information
regarding the high stock calculation).
Materials with transfers only: By selecting this option, only materials that have had a
material-to-material transfer will be displayed in the report.
Deletion Flag:
All materials: All materials are included in the report
Deleted materials only: Only materials flagged for deletion will be included.
Active materials only: Only materials not flagged for deletion will be
included. Description to be changed for EMEA to
“Non-deleted materials only”, since “active” does not
mean the same as “non-deleted”.
Once you have update the selection screen with the desired criteria, press the button
in order to list the entries found by the report.
NOTE that the only REQUIRED selection fields are the “Plant” and the “Year for
It contains data from mainly the material master record (basic, purchasing and MRP
By clicking on the material number, the user is able to access to the transaction
MM03 (material display).
If the maximum stock level has been exceeded then the HIGH STOCK will contain
the quantity by which the maximum level has been exceeded (the difference between
the stock on hand and the maximum level). If the stock level is less than or equal to
the maximum, then HIGH STOCK will contain zero.
The “Overstock” is the value of the stock that is exceeding the reorder point. It is
calculated as: [ Total Stock – Reorder Point) * Material Price ]
* Version 3.1
The field “old matl number” in report ZMM003 is showing a wrong number.
This happens when the program does not find a value for the field
MATNR_OLD in table ZTMM_CONV_MATNR. In this case the report is
showing the same value than in the previous line.
Example in DR1-300:
Execute ZMM003 for material 10000353
This tab displays equipment BOM information for selected materials that belong to an
equipment BOM.
If a material belongs to an assembly, and that assembly belongs to an equipment
BOM, then the material will appear on this tab, and the assembly number will be
By clicking on the material number, the user is able to access to the transaction
MM03 (material display).
By clicking on the material number, the user is able to access to the transaction
MM03 (material display).
By clicking on the material number, the user is able to access to the transaction
MM03 (material display).
By clicking on the order number, the user is able to access to the transaction IW32
(Change order / Change maintenance preventive).
Untill now, on this tab, we only show the info records purchasing data information.
Now, we will include the purchasing data information from the “contracts/agreements”
For that, now on this “Purchasing” tab, will show the purchasing data information
from both (info records and “contracts/agreements).
On this tab, sort all this information (info records and contracts/agreements) by
material number (MATNR).
By clicking on the Purchasing document number, the user is able to access to the
transaction ME33K (Display Contract / Agreement).
This tab displays stock information as well as current year and previous year usage
and receipt information.
We are going to discriminate alternative fuels from the rest of material due to the
particular price calculation.
Column details:
Column details:
- Total goods issue = Sum of all non-cancelled issue and return movement
types: 201, 202, 221, 222, 241, 242, 261, 262, 281, 282, 291, 292
NOTE: Movement type ending in a “2” represent returns to inventory and
therefore those quantities are subtracted from the goods issues quantities
(movement types ending in a “1”)
- Largest goods issue = Largest quantity from non-cancelled issue movement
types: 201, 221, 241, 261, 281, 291.
- Smallest goods issue = Smallest quantity from non-cancelled issue
movement types: 201, 221, 241, 261, 281, 291.
- Average goods issue = Total goods issue divided by the number of non-
cancelled movement types: 201, 202, 221, 222, 241, 242, 261, 262, 281, 282,
291, 292
- Last Good Issue = The date of the last non-cancelled issue movement type:
201, 221, 241, 261, 281, 291.
- Last Good Receipt = The date of the last non-cancelled receipt movement
type: 101, 301, 501, 511, 561.
NOTE: The 301 movement is the plant-to-plant transfer movement. This
movement is considered as a goods receipt at the receiving plant. Therefore,
only the 301 movement with a debit/credit indicator = “S” (debit or increase)
is considered, not the 301 H movement (which occurs for the sending plant).
Good issues:
- 201: Goods issue to a cost center, or cancellation of a 202
- 202: Return to inventory from a cost center, or cancellation of a 201
- 221: Goods issue to a project, or cancellation of a 222
- 222: Return to inventory from a project, or cancellation of a 221
- 241: Goods issue to an asset, or cancellation of a 242
- 242: Return to inventory from an asset, or cancellation of a 241
- 261: Goods issue to an order, or cancellation of a 262
- 262: Return to inventory from an order, or cancellation of a 261
- 281: Goods issue to a network, or cancellation of a 282
- 282: Return to inventory from a network, or cancellation of a 281
- 291: Goods issue to any account assignment, or cancellation of a 292
- 292: Return to inventory from any account assignment, or cancellation of 291
Good receipts:
- 101: Goods receipt for a purchase order
- 102: Cancellation of a 101
- 301: Plant-to-plant transfer
By clicking on the material number, the user is able to access to the transaction
MMBE (stock overview).
The following storage information is provided for each storage location in which a
material is stored. Both own stock and consignment stock quantities are shown:
● Unrestricted own stock
● Quality inspection stock
● Restricted-use stock
● Blocked stock
NOTE: If a storage location has been flagged for deletion for a material but it still
contains stock, then it will be displayed on the report. However, if a storage location
has been flagged for deletion and no stock exists, then it will not be displayed on the
By clicking on the material number, the user is able to access to the transaction
MMBE (stock overview).
This tab must be removed for EMEA because the Warehouse Management (WM)
module is not used anymore.
By clicking on the material number, the user is able to access to the transaction
MMBE (stock overview).
Every night, an updating program runs to update the Inventory data (C.Y.T G/I, C.Y.L
G/I etc.) in a table, in order to improve the performance of the report.
It ensures that the report is accurate as of the end of the previous day.
However, you can update this data at anytime from the Basic and MRP tab by using
the button (“ZINV” in the NASC program).
As is fields key in Inventory Data report are Valuation Area, material, and valuation
type, with the modification also WBS (project on stock) where the stock is allocated
should to be taken in account.
In the future should appear a new column project on stock with the stock
For some of the rest of the field of the tab , the value should we calculated based on
this new value (some of them are not project on stock dependant).
Actually the report is showing material that doesn’t belong to an Equipment BOM.TO
BE should be show the material but also if the material has been issue (based on the
GI field selection criteria) should show the material document (so the same material
will appear in several lines, one per material document). Another column should be
added indicating the order (account assignment ;order number) if not order number
exits leave it blank. In case than order number exist two new columns should to be
populated (FL and Equipment of the order)
Instead of adding new columns in Material W/O BOM tab is possible to create
another tab with this functionality. (depend on development difficulty asset)
Material 30000021
4.9 Totalling
Described in section 4.1
4.10 Sorting
Described in section 4.1
4.12 Stationery
Described in section 4.1
4.14.1 Performance
See section 4.1.6
Material : 1100228 plant: M118 MAVG price : 1€ in Ztable
Waiting result in ZMM003 transaction ( same as MB52 with enhacement for AFR)
Waiting result in ZMM003 transaction ( same as MB52 with enhacement for AFR)
6 Design Alternatives
7 Outstanding Issues
Issue Description Assigned To Status Impact Resolution
8 Appendix
Interfaces Principles:
- Unique interface design for: data flow, technical requirements, leading system
- SAP is the lead system for master data.
- All interfaces connect over PI system and not directly to the SAP systems
- Security considerations: insecure technologies like FTP are not to be used
- Use of common interface technologies: Principal technology is XML over web
- Sustainability / Fit for future: Legacy systems (like Business Connector for
middle ware) are not to be used anymore.
- Any interface that cannot comply to above principles has to be analyzed and
treated as exception.
SAP Standard:
- Use of standards: keep SAP standards in all areas where / if possible to
ensure we get full SAP support (e.g. transport workflow solution).
- Use latest functionality. Just because it worked in the old version does not
mean we have to replicate it exactly in the same way.
- Avoid system developments where possible and challenge the requirements
(RICEFW – Custom reports, interfaces, data conversions, system extensions;
e.g. new t-codes, custom forms, and workflow).
- If a program needs to be developed avoid “hard coding”.
- User-exits use to be avoided whenever possible. If and when they are used
promote single management across countries and segments.
- Use of common language strategy for all systems (e.g. activate local
language, but do not install libraries).
- Simplification: keep infrastructure components and their interconnection
simple and secure.
- Support packages strategy focused on legal and regulatory requirements (eg
for HRM and B2R).
- Release management strategy focused on maintaining the integrity of EBM
- Develop a robust technical SAP landscape and management to minimize
disruption to already live clusters in EBM environment during Rollouts.
Solution Design:
- Use SAP products whenever stated requirements can be fulfilled with the
corresponding SAP solution (strategic platform).