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Name of work: Construction of Access Road from village DHARAM to ADIT T48 at BHIMDASA in connection with Construction of Dharam-
Quazigund Section of Uhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla New BG Railway Line Project.

NIT No. IRCON/1014/J&K.KQ/Access Road_100-104_Zone O/128

It.No. Description of Item Unit Quantitiy Rate (Rs) Amount ( Rs.)

Earthwork in excavation/cutting in all type of soil and rock for

making formation of road,side drains, catch water
drains,causeway as per drawings,prpviding ass lead, lift,
ascent, decent, crossing of nallah/ stream/ river, site claerence,
removal of vegitation groath,heavey grass/trees with
1 Cum 750000.00 159.00 119250000.00
roots,other obstruction etc. including disposal of the same by
the contractor by making its own arrangement for dumping
site,levelling and neately dressed including charges of all
required plant and machineries,labour,blasting, materials etc.
complete in all respect as directed by Engineer in Charge.

Earthwork in embankment/filling with available earth(Excluding

earth) in tranches, foundations, behind retaining wall/breast
wall, road shoulders etc.in layers not exceeding 20 cm of
2 Cum 12775.0 28.00 357700.00
depth. Consolidating each deposited layers by ramming and
watering etc. complete in all respect as per direction of
Engineer In Charge.

Providing & laying in position cement concrete of 1:3:6 nominal

mix(1 Cement:3 Coarse sand:6 Graded stone aggreegate of
40mm nominal size) below/above ground level below RCC
bvoxes, foundation of retaining walls, return wall causeway &
protection works including cost of all materials, lead &
3 Cum 810.0 1552.00 1257120.00
lifts,Mechenical mixing, admixture, formwork,
centering,scafoldings, concrete placing compaction with
mechenical & / electrical vibrator dewatering, curing, levelling
of surface and finishing in all respects as per dreawing and
specification and as directed by engineer in charge.

Providing & laying in position cement concrete of 1:2:4 nominal

mix(1 Cement:2 Coarse sand:4 Graded stone aggreegate of
40mm nominal size) below/above ground level below RCC
bvoxes, foundation of retaining walls, return wall causeway &
protection works including cost of all materials, lead &
4 Cum 300.0 1996.00 598800.00
lifts,Mechenical mixing, admixture, formwork,
centering,scafoldings, concrete placing compaction with
mechenical & / electrical vibrator dewatering, curing, levelling
of surface and finishing in all respects as per dreawing and
specification and as directed by engineer in charge.

Providing & laying in position cement concrete of 1:2:3 nominal

mix(1 Cement:1.5 Coarse sand:3 Graded stone aggreegate of
40mm nominal size) below/above ground level below RCC
bvoxes, foundation of retaining walls, return wall causeway &
protection works including cost of all materials, lead &
5 Cum 53.0 2405.00 127465.00
lifts,Mechenical mixing, admixture, formwork,
centering,scafoldings, concrete placing compaction with
mechenical & / electrical vibrator dewatering, curing, levelling
of surface and finishing in all respects as per dreawing and
specification and as directed by engineer in charge.

Supply, providing , cutting straightening, hooking bending

placing and binding in position TMT steel bars for RCC works as
tempreture reinforcment wherever required as per approved
6 MT 17.0 49500.0 841500.00
drawing and specification and as per Engineer in Charge with
all lift labour, handling, wastage etc. the rates includ cost of
galvanised steel binding wier and other materials & activities.

Random rubble masonary in cement and sand 1:6 mix using

hammer dressed boulders size not more than 30 cms in all
direction,wherever necessary in toe walls,breast walls,Curtain
7 wall, wing wall,embankment slopes,catch water drain etc. Cum 4505.0 1176.00 5297880.00
including cost of all materials and labour with all lead & lift.The
stone should be hard & angular(no round stone/rolling stone
should be used)
Dry Random masonary in retaining wal, toe walls,breast
walls,Curtain wall, wing wall,embankment slopes,catch water
8 drain etc. including cost of all materials and labour with all lead Cum 205.0 627.00 128535.00
& lift.The stone should be hard & angular(no round
stone/rolling stone should be used)

Siggnature of Tenderer/s

It.No. Description of Item Unit Quantitiy Rate (Rs) Amount ( Rs.)

Supplying 8SWG GI wier and making wier net trungers of

hexagonal mesh or sousage with each side 10cm longe
9 Sqm 9000.0 217.00 1953000.00
including all labour and material complete as directed by
Engineer in Charge
Supplying and filling boulders in wier net trungers laying and
tyingthem in position , including all lead and lift( boulder used
shall not weigh less than 15 kg each) all labour and material
10 Cum 2250.0 417.00 938250.00
comlete as per drawing & sepecification and as per Engineer in
Charge. Payment shall be made based on gabions placed at
Providing & laying Non-Pressure type NP-2 class 600 mm dia
RCC hume pipes with collers jointed with stiff mixture of
cement mortar in the proportation of 1:2(1Cement:2 Coarse
11 Rmt 94.0 776.00 72944.00
sand) including levelling,alinging,joining,testing of
joints,charges of tools plant nad machineries,all labours etc.
complete for making pipe culvert.

Laying water bound macadam with specified stone aggregates,

stone screenings and binding materials including screening,
spreding to templets all labour toola/plants/machineirs charges
and consolidation with power road roller of 8-10 tonne
12 Cum 2225.0 141.00 313725.00
capacitycompele(Payment of stone aggregate, screenings,
kankar, moorum etc. to be made seperately) Sab base couse
100 mm thick consolidate thickness with stone aggregate size
90-45 mm or as decided by engineer- in- charge.

Laying water bound macadam with specified stone aggregates,

stone screenings and binding materials including screening,
spreding to templets all labour toola/plants/machineirs charges
and consolidation with power road roller of 8-10 tonne
13 capacitycompele(Payment of stone aggregate, screenings, Cum 1650.0 137.00 226050.00
kankar, moorum etc. to be made seperately) Sab base couse
75 mm thick consolidate thickness with stone aggregate size
63 to45mm/53 to 22.4mm or as decided by engineer- in-

Supply and staking of moorum/red bajri as a binding material

14 passing through 4.75 mm sieve at site including carriage & Cum 1240.0 305.00 378200.00
including all taxes, octori ,royalty etc.

Supply & staking of graded stone screenings & chippings

(Quarry stone) at site of nominal size 11.2/13.2mm for WBM
15 Cum 990.0 602.00 595980.00
including carriage loading / unloading, all kind of taxes, octori,
royality complete.
Supply & staking of graded stone aggreegare( quarry stone) at
site of size 63-45mm/53 to 22.4mmmm including
16 2265.0 602.00 1363530.00
carriage,loading/unloading,all kind of taxes, octori, royality

Supply & staking of graded stone aggreegare( Nalla stone) at Cum

17 site of size 45-90mm including carriage,loading/unloading,all 2800.0 602.00 1685600.00
kind of taxes, octori, royality complete.
Providing Dry stone backing behind abutment.wing wall, Cum
retaing wall, breast wall, cause way, boxea with stone not less
than 15 cm in any direction and not weighing less than 15 Kg
except smaller boulder required for filling voids for all hieghts
lead,lifts,ascents,desents,handling rehandling,crossing of
18 nallahs streams and all other obstructionsl, all labour and 1250.0 658.00 822500.00
materials as complete job as per drawing and specifications and
as directed by Enginner-incharge. note:Payment fo this item
shall be made by stack measurement of boulder and deduction
at the rate of 16% for voids will be made in stack
Total- SCHEDULE A Rs. 136208779.00

Siggnature of Tenderer/s

It.No. Description of Item Unit Quantitiy Rate (Rs) Amount ( Rs.)

SCHEDULE B (Bridge works)

1 Earth work in excavation/ cutting in foundation of abutment/return wall/ Cum 6900 473
pier/ side drains/ catch water drain permanent nallah diversion etc in all
classes of soil/ rock requiring blasting wherever required including
dewatening, pumping and bailing out water, strutting back filling the
foundation in layers with ramming & disposal of surplus earth / rock mass
within/outside railway boundary including all lead up to 2 Km and all lift 3263700.00
etc as per drawing & Specification and as directed by Engineering-in-
Charge as a completed job.

2 Supply and filling backfill material of granular material of G.W.G.P.S.W. Cum 5500 119
groups as per IS- 1498-1970 in required profile behind boulder filling of
abutments, wing/ return wall, retaining wall, boxes etc. for all heights
above bed levels as per drawings & specifications and as directed by
Engineer-in-charge. The rate shall also include all octroi, royally, taxes,
leads lifts, ascents, descent crossing of track, nallah, level crossing and
other obstructions, tamping/ compaction whatsoever inclusing all labour 654500.00
and material as per Standard specification and condition of contract as
complete as a complet job.

3 Providing dry boulder stone backing/filter media behind abutments Cum 300 156 46800
wing/return walls, retaining walls and boxes with stone not less than 15
cm in any direction and not weighing less than 15 kg each except smaller
boulders required for filling voids for all heights, lead, lifts, ascents,
descents, handing, rehandling, crossing of nallah streams and all other
obstructions, all labours and materials as complete specification and as
directed by Engineer in charge NOTE: payment for this item shall be
made by stack measurement of boulders and deduction @16% for voids
will be made in stack measurement.

4 Providing any laying cement concrete 1:3:6 nominal mix (1 cement: 3 Cum 30 1942 58260
coarse sand:6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) below/
above the ground level below foundation of abutment, Approach Slab,
retaining walls, return wall and protection works including cost of all
materials, leads & lifts, mechnical mixing, admixtures. formwork,
centering, scaffoldings, concrete placing, compaction with
mechanical/electrical vibrators, dewatering, curing leveling of surface and
finishing in all respects as per drawing and specification and as directed
by Engineer in charge.

5 Providing and laying RCC M-35 grade with 20 mm crushed graded stone Cum
aggregate for abutments & piers for all height above/below ground level
including cost of all materials, leads & lifts, mechanical mixing,
admixtures, formwork, centering, scaffoldings, concrete placing,
compaction with mechanical / electrical vibrators dewatening, leveling of
surface and finishing in all respects as per drawing and specification and
as directed by Engineer in charge. Note 1.
The rate for this item is inclusive of marking of level gauge from top to
bottom of structure as a complete job 2.
The payment for reinforcement steel should be made separately.

a) Footing Cum 400 5301 2120400

b) Sub Structure Cum 830 7126 5914580

Siggnature of Tenderer/s

It.No. Description of Item Unit Quantitiy Rate (Rs) Amount ( Rs.)

6 Supply, providing, cutting, straightening, hooking, bending, placing, and MT 170 37625 6396250
binding in position. TMT steel bars for all RCC works or as temperature
reinforcement wherever required as per approved drawing and
specification and as directed by Engineer in-charge with all lift, lead,
labour, handling, wastage etc. The rate shall include cost of galvanized
steel binding wire & other allied materials & activity.

7 Supply and fixing 75 mm dia PVC pipe of variable length in abutments as Mtr 220 160 35200
weep holes as a complete job as per drawing & specifications and as
directed by Engineer in charge.
8 Providing and laying RCC of 1:2:4 nominal mix (1 cement : 2coarse sand: Cum 120 2437 292440
4 graded stone aggregate 20mm down gauge nominal size) with crushed
stone aggregate in retaining wall, wing wall, return wall & for protection
work etc. for all height & depth with all lead & lift below/above the ground
level as leveling course in side drains, catch water drain etc. including
dewatering, shuttering, leveling of surface, mechanical mixing, placing
and compaction of concrete as a complete job. Use of temperature &
shinkage reinforcement & admixtures & providing weep hole of 100 mm
dia along with PVC pipe as per specification & drawings.

9 Random rubble masonry in cement and sand 1:6 mix using hammer Cum 1370 1299 1779630
dressed boulders size not more than 30 cms in all direction, wherever
necessary in toe. walls breast walls. Curtain wall, wing wall, embankment
slopes, catch water drain etc. including cost of all with all lead & lift The
stone should be hard & angular (no round stone / rolling stone should be

10 Supplying 8 SWG G1 wire and making wire net trungers of hexagonal Sqm 420 223 93660
mesh or sausage with each side 10 cm long including all labour and
material complete as per drawing & specifications and as directed by
Engineer in-charge.
11 Supply and filling boulders in wire net trungers, laying and tying them in Cum 180 428 77040
position for constructing gabion walls including all lead and lift (boulders
used shall not weigh less than 15 kgs each) all labour and material
complete as per drawing & specifications and as directed by Engineer in-
charge, payment for this item shall be made based on measurements of
gabions placed or location.

12 Drilling holes of 38mm to 45mm dia up to 5mtr deep supplying, fabrication Mtr 280 323 90440
& installing in these holes rock bolts/rock anchors of 25m dia up to 5mtrs
deep including cover plates nuts & washer etc. As per approved drawing,
grouting & use of admixture as a complete job in all respect, cement for
grouting, rods cover plate, nuts, spherical washer & all those materials
required should be procured by contractor at his own cost.

13 Preparatioin & placement of cement/cement sand grout for contact/ Qtl 40 1290 51600
consolidation grouting in pre drilled holes up to a pressure of 5 kg/sqcm
including cost of cement sand admixture pipes etc. & closures of holes as
per drawing & specification & as directed by Engineer in-charge payment
shall be made based on consumption of cement for grouting.

14 Providing & laying cement concrete of grade M-15 mix (1:2:4) in Cum 50 2437 121850
foundation of abutment with 20mm crushed stone aggregate & coarse
sand of approve quality including all lead & lift mechanized mixing placing
& compaction of concrete curing centering & shuttering & finishing with all
labour & materials.

15 Cast in site plumb concrete work of grade M-10 (1:3:6) using 200mm Cum 90 1087 97830
nominal size aggregate using plumbs size around 150mm & 20% of gross
volume including curing & necessary form work with all lead & lift,
material complete as per drawing & specification and as directed by
Engineer in-charge.

Siggnature of Tenderer/s

It.No. Description of Item Unit Quantitiy Rate (Rs) Amount ( Rs.)

16 Providing and laying RCC M-25 (1:1:2) grade with 20 mm crushed graded Cum 10 5380 53800
stone aggregate for kerb including cost of all materials, leads & lifts,
mechanical mixing. Admixtures, formwork, centering, scaffoldings,
concrete placing, compaction with mechanical/ electrical vibrators
dewatering, leveling of surface and finishing in all respects as per drawing
and specification and as directed by Engineer in charge.
Note 1. The rate for this item is inclusive of marking of level gauge from
top to bottom of structure as a complete job 2. The payment for
reinforcement steel should be made separately.

17 Providing & laying of avg. 80mm thick reinforced concrete wearing coat Sqm 80 524 41920
RCC M-25 (1:1:2) Grade including reinforcement of 6 dia MS bar
@200c/c i.e. 2.5Kkg/sqm complete as per drawing.

18 Hand Railing complete as per drawing:

a) 40 NB GI pipe Hand Railing Mtr 70 178 12460
19 Providing and laying RCC M-35 grade with 20 mm crushed graded stone Cum 20 7126 142520
aggregate for approach slab including cost of all materials, leads & lifts,
mechanical mixing, admixitures, formwork, centering, scaffoldings,
concrete placing, compaction with mechanical / electrical vibrators
dewatening, leveling of surface and finishing in all respects as per
drawing and specification and as directed by Engineer in-charge.
Note 1. The rate for this item is inclusive of marking of level gauge from
top to bottom of structure as a complete job 2. The payment for
reinforcement steel should be made separately.

Total- SCHEDULE B 21344880


Siggnature of Tenderer/s

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