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Moby Dick Form 3 (Q&A)

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The novel explores themes of greed, revenge, selfishness and their consequences through the characters and their actions.

When Moby Dick attacked Captain Ahab's boat and dragged him into the sea, leading to his death.

When Pip was saved by Captain Ahab from the ocean but later became crazy.

1) Based on the novel Moby Dick, write about an incident 2) Based on the novel Moby Dick, write about

write about an important

that you think is important in the story. Provide textual event that changes the life of a character in the story.
evidence to support your answer. Provide textual evidence to support your answer.

From the novel Moby Dick by Herman Melville, the From the novel Moby Dick by Herman Melville, an
important incident is when Moby Dick attacked Captain Ahab important event that changes the life of a character in the story
in their attempt to catch the whale. is when Pip was saved by Captain Ahab.
In the beginning of this incident, Moby Dick came to the Pip was a young boy who helped the cook in the kitchen.
top of the water. Then, it slowly swam to Captain Ahab’s boats. One day, one of Stubb’s men broke his arm. Stubb chose Pip to
He swam near the boats for a few minutes. Suddenly, the whale replace the man on the next whaling trip. When they were on
turned its body around and hit the boat hard. It broke and the ocean, a whale hit the boat so Pip jumped out from the boat
water started to come in. The crews got down on the floor of due to panic. Pip was left behind for hours and the water was
the boat and tried to stop the water. Captain Ahab threw a cold. When the Pequod came, Captain Ahab put out his hand to
harpoon and it hit under Moby Dick’s eye. Moby Dick turned help him. Since then, Pip had been a little crazy. When Pip saw
around and Captain Ahab was stuck in the ropes. Then, he was Captain Ahab’s hand, he saw the hand of God. Pip has changed
pulled into the sea with Moby Dick. Captain Ahab died in this because of this event and he always followed Captain Ahab
incident. after that.
I choose this incident because it shows the effects of greed, In conclusion, I choose this event because Pip has
revenge and selfishness. It highlights the aftermath of all the changed and become crazy after this event. This event also
actions Captain Ahab took from the beginning. In conclusion, shows that people can change in a dire situation and can
this incident is very important in the story. become crazy under huge stress.

- Azib and Syawal - Aiman and Ahmad Firdaus

3) Based on the novel Moby Dick, write about the part of the 4) Based on the novel Moby Dick, describe your most
novel that you like the most. Provide textual evidence to favourite character from the story with evidence from the
support your answer. text.

From the novel Moby Dick by Herman Melville, my

From the novel Moby Dick by Herman Melville, the part
favourite character from the story is Queequeg. Queequeg is
of the novel that I like the most is Pip’s story. Pip was one of the
one of the important characters in the story and he is close to
minor characters in this story and he was one of Pequod’s cook.
the narrator, Ishmael. He is also Ishmael’s first friend in
One day, Pip was sent to the sea because one of Stubb’s Nantucket.
men has broken his arm so he could not row. When they were
whaling, suddenly a whale hit the boat and Pip jumped into the Firstly, I choose Queequeg because he is friendly. He talked
ocean due to panic. Pip was very afraid and Stubb left him in with Ishmael in the room and they shared their stories during
the ocean. After a long time in the ocean, Captain Ahab had their first meeting. Secondly, Queequeg is hardworking. You
come to save Pip. Pip was a little crazy when he saw Captain can see his harwork when he worked hard under Captain Ahab
Ahab’s hand. He saw Captain Ahab’s hand as the hand of God. to catch Moby Dick. He also helped to change the leaking oil
After that, Pip was a different person and he followed Captain barrels. Next, Queequeg can also see the future. Queequeg
Ahab everywhere. Starbuck was very angry at Pip because he dreamed that he will die and he asked his friends to make him
thought Captain Ahab as a God. a coffin. Lastly, Queequeg is also a strong and skilled man. He
showed his skill when he threw the harpoon on a dead bird
In conclusion, I like this part the most because it is
floating on the sea. He could also carry heavy barrels.
interesting to see the change of Pip’s character. This part also
shows that a person can change due to circumstances. It also
In conclusion, Queequeg is my most favourite character in
shows how a simple action of kindness can change someone’s
this story because he has many good characteristics to emulate.
He also teaches me a lot of good values and can be a good role

- Nasiruddin and Hazem

- Iza and Danieah
5) Based on the novel Moby Dick, write about the 6) Based on the novel Moby Dick, write about a moment of
supporting character who is significant in the story. suspense that happens in the story. Provide textual
Provide textual evidence to support your answer. evidence to support your answer.

From the novel Moby Dick by Herman Melville, the From the novel Moby Dick by Herman Melville, a moment
supporting character who is significant in the story is Starbuck. of suspense is when Captain Ahab is going to die. This event
Starbuck is one of the important characters in the story and he happens towards the end of the story.
is one of the crews on Pequod.
I choose this event because it is very suspenseful. On the
The character that I choose is Starbuck because he is third day of finding Moby Dick, Captain Ahab asked his crews to
family-oriented. He is family-oriented because he still get the boats. Moby Dick destroyed the boats. Captain Ahab
remembered about his family while he worked on the ship. He almost drowned when his boats were broken. Then, Captain
always thought about his wife, Mary who takes their son to the Ahab threw the harpoon and it hit under Moby Dick’s eye. The
beach. Besides, Starbuck is also loyal. He was loyal to Captain harpoon rope twisted around his body and he was pulled into
Ahab although his revenge mission is unreasonable. He went to the sea as Moby Dick swam away. Captain Ahab along with his
Captain Ahab’s room to kill Captain Ahab with a gun but he many crews died in this incident. The only survivor in this
could not do it because he was still loyal to Captain Ahab. Lastly, incident was Ishmael and he got help from another ship.
Starbuck is also brave. He was brave to go against Captain
In conclusion, this event is very suspenseful because it
Ahab’s order to hunt and kill Moby Dick. He voiced out his
shows how the crews die. It was also suspenseful to read about
opinion that the revenge mission is impossible.
Captain Ahab’s final moment when he faced Moby Dick. I felt
In conclusion, we can emulate Starbuck’s positive scared for him as he struggled to survive and fulfil his revenge.
characteristics in our life.

- Amiruddin Amsyar & Fazree Aiman

- Syahirah & Anis Sofea
7) Based on the novel Moby Dick, write about the 8) Based on the novel Moby Dick, write about a quality that
wrongdoing done by one of the characters in the story. you like in one of the characters. Provide textual evidence
Provide textual evidence to support your answer. to support your answer.
From the novel Moby Dick by Herman Melville, the
character I choose is Queequeg. Queequeg has many qualities
From the novel Moby Dick by Herman Melville, the
that I like and one of them is he is a good friend.
wrongdoing done by one character is when Captain Ahab
forced his crews to hunt Moby Dick. Firstly, Queequeg is a good friend because he can have a
conversation with Ishmael despite meeting the first time. When
Firstly, Captain Ahab burdened everyone because he gave
Ishmael first met Queequeg, he thought Queequeg looked
nonsense orders to his crews. For example, he told his crews to
scary with tattoo all over him. However, they had a good
continue to catch Moby Dick even when Pequod have problems
conversation that night and Queequeg shared a lot about his
like leaking barrels. This action burdened his crews very much.
life. Secondly, Queequeg is a good friend because he saved
Queequeg who worked day and night on the barrels became
Ishmael from drowning. At the end of the story, everyone on
very sick after the incident. The barrels were very heavy and
the ship was drowning after the attack by Moby Dick.
only the strongest men could move them. Queequeg had to do
Queequeg waved his hand to Ishmael and his coffin eventually
this heavy work and had to sleep outside at night. This action
floated in front of Ishmael. Ishmael thought that Queequeg
also risks his crews and put them in danger. Due to his
continued being his good friend until the end of his life. Lastly,
stubbornness, he also lost a lot of boats and lost his loyal crews
Queequeg always stayed by Ishmael. There were many
including Fedallah.
occasions in the story where Ishmael and Queequeg are
In conclusion, Captain Ahab is very selfish and he did not together. For example, Queequeg came with Ishmael to test his
care about his crews. I believe that this is the biggest luck to be a crew on Pequod. They also went together for
wrongdoing that a character has done in this story. whaling missions.
In conclusion, Queequeg is a very good friend especially
to Ishmael. Although he has a rough appearance, he is a good
- Danial Hakimi & Iqbal Zahin
man at heart and his personalities remind me of a proverb
‘Never judge the book by its cover’.
- Khairunnisa & Azimuddin
9) Based on the novel Moby Dick, write about one moral 10) Based on the novel Moby Dick, write about the most
lesson you have learned from the story. Provide textual interesting person in the story. Provide textual evidence
evidence to support your answer. to support your answer.

From the novel Moby Dick by Herman Melville, the most

From the novel Moby Dick by Herman Melville, one of the
interesting person in the story is Queequeg. Queequeg is one
moral lessons that I have learned is we must work hard.
of the crews on Pequod with striking different looks and is a
Firstly, Queequeg worked hard when he worked on the close friend to the narrator, Ishmael.
leaking barrels. He carried and changed the leaking barrels for
3 days straight until he got sick. This shows that he was willing First and foremost, he had unique features. He was ugly
to go the extra mile to ensure that their journey runs smoothly. and he had black lines over his face and body and almost no
Secondly, Captain Ahab also worked hard to catch Moby Dick. hair on his head. He wore a strange skirt and no other clothes.
He did not care about anything else and was willing to risk During his first encounter with Ishmael, Ishmael was quite
everything else to reach his goal. His hard work was strongly intimidated and scared by his appearance. However, he proved
driven by his vengeance and at the end, his crews died due to himself as a good and loyal friend throughout the story.
his selfish acts. Lastly, Fedallah also worked hard to assist Secondly, he could see the future. When he worked too much
Captain Ahab in hunting Moby Dick. He stayed up at night to to replace the leaking oil barrels, he fell ill and he saw the
look for Moby Dick and his work paid off after a few days. His premonition that he will die. He asked his friends to prepare a
action also shows loyalty towards Captain Ahab and he was coffin for him. Lastly, he was friendly and was willing to listen
willing to sacrifice his time to ensure that the mission can be to Ishmael’s life story. This happened when Ishmael shared a
achieved. room with Queequeg the first night Ishmael was in Nantucket.
They became good friends after that.
In conclusion, this story taught me about the importance
of hard work. However, at the same time, this story taught me
In conclusion, Queequeg is a very interesting character
that we should think rationally before pursuing a goal. Although
with many positive values to emulate.
we want to work hard to achieve something, I believe it is
wrong to risk other people’s lives to reach our goals.
- Afif Azfar & Danial Ashraf

- Mazfuzah & Amir Hazwan

11) Based on the novel Moby Dick, write about its main place 12) Based on the novel Moby Dick, choose and write about a
setting. Provide textual evidence to support your time in the story where the characters face their biggest
response. challenge.
From the novel Moby Dick by Herman Melville, the
From the novel Moby Dick by Herman Melville, the main
biggest challenge that the characters face is when Moby Dick
place setting in the story is Pacific Ocean.
came and attacked the Pequod during their final encounter
with the whale.
First and foremost, I choose Pacific Ocean because in
there, the battle between Captain Ahab and Moby Dick began. At first, when Moby Dick came, Captain Ahab was very
Captain Ahab was very happy when he found Moby Dick and he happy and excited. He was determined to kill the whale despite
fought Moby Dick fiercely. Secondly, in the Pacific Ocean, the damage it has done during their previous encounters.
Captain Ahab’s Pequod was broken. It was broken because Captain Ahab told his crews to get the remaining boats to start
Moby Dick hit the Pequod while they were looking for the hunting. They got on the boats and started going towards Moby
whale. Thirdly, Captain Ahab died there. Captain Ahab’s leg was Dick. Suddenly, Moby Dick swam down into the dark water and
trapped in the rope so Moby Dick pulled Captain Ahab to the then the huge white whale came up under Captain Ahab’s boat
deep ocean and to his death. with his mouth opened. The whale closed his mouth on Captain
Ahab’s boat and took it out of the water. Captain Ahab still
In conclusion, Pacific Ocean is the most important setting attempted to kill the whale and he threw his harpoon towards
in this story because there are many events that happened at it. The harpoon hit under the whale’s right eye. However, the
this place setting. harpoon rope got tangled with Captain Ahab’s leg. At that
moment, Moby Dick swam away in panic, dragging Captain
- Ahmad Zulkifli & Khairul Azhad Ahab into the depth of the sea. As a result of this event, all the
crews on Pequod died except Ishmael.
In conclusion, this time setting is when they face their
biggest challenge. This event is a result of Captain Ahab’s
selfishness in getting revenge and it shows that revenge is not
the solution to any problem.
- Ezuan & Firdaus Hairunnizam
13) Based on Moby Dick, identify a lesson that you have 14) Based on Moby Dick, write about the most valuable
learnt and how can you use it in your life. Support your attribute that you have learnt from the story. Support
answer with evidence from the text. your answer with evidence from the text.
From the novel Moby Dick by Herman Melville, a lesson
that I have learnt is do not be selfish.
From the novel Moby Dick by Herman Melville, the most
Firstly, we can learn this lesson from Captain Ahab’s story. valuable attribute I learnt from the story is bravery. This
Captain Ahab was always selfish and too focused on his revenge attribute is portrayed by many characters in this story including
on Moby Dick. He always thought about avenging his loss and Starbuck, Pip and Captain Ahab.
did not care about the wellbeing of others including his crews.
Firstly, this attribute was shown by Starbuck. Starbuck
This can be seen when they encountered the Albatross. The
was brave to go against Captain Ahab’s dangerous order. He
captain and crews on that ship looked haggard after their
was bold in voicing out that hunting Moby Dick is a stupid
journey on the ocean. Captain Ahab coldly asked the crews if
mission. He was also fearless when he convinced Captain Ahab
they saw Moby Dick. The same situation occurred when Captain
to stop to change the leaking barrels for the safety of the crews.
Gardiner asked for help from Captain Ahab to find his son. His
Next, another brave character in this story was Pip. Pip was
son went missing after hunting Moby Dick. Captain Ahab
brave when he helped Stubb to catch the whale. Although he
rejected to help and said that it will waste his time. Another
was only a cook boy, he did not refuse to go whaling. However,
proof of Captain Ahab’s selfishness is he refused to stop to
his whaling trips did not go well when he panicked and jumped
change the leaking barrels. Luckily, Starbuck convinced Captain
into the sea. Lastly, another character that shows this attribute
Ahab to stop for the barrels.
is Captain Ahab. He was brave to hunt his sworn enemy, Moby
There are many consequences for his selfishness. One of Dick, despite losing his leg to the whale. He did not sway from
them is he lost everyone on his ship except Ishmael. Due to his his mission albeit the challenges he and his crews faced
selfishness and obsession for revenge, he risked everyone’s life throughout the journey.
including himself. His selfishness also separated Starbuck from
In conclusion, bravery is the most valuable attribute in
his family. In conclusion, I learnt that selfishness will cause
this story and I have learnt to be brave in achieving my goals in
negative effects in our lives. We might lose people we trust and
risk the people we love.
- Aisyah & Natasha Sofea
- Diana & Uthman

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