Klinefelter 6
Klinefelter 6
Klinefelter 6
DOI: 10.4274/Tjem.2189
Klinefelter Syndrome
Klinefelter Sendromu
Hande Peynirci, Erdinç Ertürk
Uludağ University School of Medicine, Department of Endocrinology, Bursa, Turkey
Klinefelter syndrome is the most common sex chromosome disorder in males. Variation in clinical presentation and insufficient awareness of this
syndrome among clinicians lead to fifty percent of patients remain undetected. Typical clinical features of Klinefelter syndrome are various degrees of
hypogonadal symptoms, atrophic testes and gynaecomastia. However, these typical clinical symptoms may not be present in all patients. Even if serum
testosterone levels are not markedly low, elevated serum follicle-stimulating hormone is a considerable laboratory finding. Definitive diagnosis is made
by karyotype analysis of peripheral blood lymphocytes. It must be kept in mind that this analysis may be normal in rare conditions. Early recognition
of patients during puberty and handling them as soon as possible is important. Testosterone replacement therapy results in increased muscle mass,
bone mineral density and libido. The patient’s mood and self-esteem improve significantly. In general, patients with Klinefelter syndrome are accepted
as infertile, however, assisted reproductive techniques may provide fertilization. Turk Jem 2013; 17: 63-7
Key words: Klinefelter syndrome, sex chromosome, hypogonadism, testosterone
Klinefelter sendromu erkeklerde en sık görülen seks kromozom bozukluğudur. Klinik özelliklerinin değişiklik göstermesi ve bu sendromun
hekimler tarafından farkındalığının yetersizliği neticesinde hastaların %50’sinden fazlası tanısız kalmaktadır. Klinefelter sendromunun tipik klinik
özellikleri farklı seviyelerde hipogonadizm bulguları, atrofik testisler ve jinekomastidir. Bu tipik klinik özellikleri olmayan hastalarda da Klinefelter
sendromu olabileceği unutulmamalıdır. Testosteron seviyeleri çok düşük olmamasına rağmen serum folikül stimüle hormon seviyesinin
normalin üzerinde olması Klinefelter sendromu için önemli bir laboratuvar bulgusudur. Kesin tanı periferik kandaki lenfositlerden yapılan
kromozomal analiz ile konulur. Bu analizin nadiren normal bulunabileceği akılda tutulmalıdır. Pubertal dönemdeki hastaların tanısının mümkün
olduğunca erken konması ve tedavinin başlanması önemlidir. Testosteron tedavisi kas kitlesinin, kemik mineral yoğunluğunun ve libidonun
artmasını sağlar. Hastanın ruh hali, kendine güveni belirgin olarak iyileşir. Genel olarak Klinefelter sendromlu hastalar infertil kabul edilse de,
son yıllarda uygulanan bazı yardımcı üreme yöntemleri ile fertilizasyon sağlanabilmektedir. Turk Jem 2013; 17: 63-7
Anahtar kelimeler: Klinefelter sendromu, seks kromozomu, hipogonadizm, testosteron
Address for Correspondence/Yazışma Adresi: Hande Peynirci MD, Uludağ University School of Medicine, Department of Endocrinology, Bursa, Turkey
Phone: +90 224 245 51 64 E-mail: handepeynirci@yahoo.com.tr Recevied/Geliş Tarihi: 13.01.2013 Accepted/ Kabul Tarihi: 04.03.2013
64 Peynirci et al.
Klinefelter Syndrome Turk Jem 2013; 17: 63-7
is the most common sex chromosome disorder in males. Studies increasing the probability for Klinefelter syndrome (13).
show that the incidence of Klinefelter syndrome in the neonatal During delivery, nothing specific could be observed in infants
period is 1/500-1000 and the prevalence in adults is 1/2500. As this related with classic Klinefelter syndrome. In fact, studies showed
syndrome does not cause premature mortality, the detection of low that congenital malformations such as clinodactyly, cleft palate and
prevalence in adults shows a possible omission of the diagnosis inguinal hernia were seen more frequently in infants with Klinefelter
of Klinefelter syndrome. Calculations show that more than 50% syndrome than healthy male children (14). The rate of congenital
of Klinefelter syndrome patients have not been diagnosed (5). malformations especially increases in Klinefelter syndrome
Klinefelter syndrome has been implicated in the etiology of 11% of patients with a high degree of chromosomal abnormalities. The
azoospermic patients and 3% of infertile men (6). rate of congenital malformations has been reported as 70-100%
in cases with 48,XXYY, 48,XXXY, 49,XXXXY. The most common
Pathogenesis malformation is clinodactyly. This is followed by cleft palate, inguinal
hernia, cardiac abnormalities and radioulnar synostosis. More
Extra X chromosome usually occurs during gametogenesis when
rarely occur genitourinary malformations, such as hypospadias
ovum or sperm carries an extra X chromosome along with the
and undescended testes (10,15).
normal sex chromosome. Cases of Klinefelter syndrome developed
Usually, physical findings and developmental characteristics of
due to the errors in the stage of mitosis following the formation
children with classic Klinefelter syndrome are not different from
of the zygote are rare (7). In a study using DNA probes, cases of
normal children. In fact, studies show that the size of the penis and
paternal division errors constitute 53.2% of all Klinefelter syndrome
testicular volume are smaller in children with Klinefelter syndrome
patients. 43.7% of the maternal division error rate, on the other
than those of their peers and they are also taller (16).
hand, might result in meiotic division errors occurred either during
Another feature that can be seen in children with Klinefelter
the first (34.4%) or the second phase (9.3%) (8). Some surveys show
syndrome is problems in learning and cognition. It has been
that the maternal error rate in the first and the second phases
shown that the degree of these problems increases in parallel
may vary proportionally in relation to the mother’s age. In fact, it
with chromosomal aberrations (17). Beside the problems such as
has been shown that the error rate of the first phase increases
a delay in speech and movement, learning difficulties, a delay in
in advanced maternal age (9). Mitotic errors developed after the
reading, abnormalities in cognitive functions like aggressiveness
formation of zygote forms the remaining small proportion (3.2%)
and non-compliance can be seen in those patients. IQ levels are
of the errors (8).
usually normal in classic form but very low levels can also be seen
The majority of patients with Klinefelter syndrome has a 47, XXY
in patients with high malformations (10,15,17).
chromosomal pattern, yet some have numerical chromosome
These features are not usually clinically detectable at prepubertal
abnormalities such as 48,XXXY; 48,XXYY; 49,XXXYY and a
period in patients with classic Klinefelter syndrome. It has been
mosaic-like structures like 47,XXXYY/46,XY. Actually, of all cases
reported that only 10% of Klinefelter syndrome patients can be
of Klinefelter syndrome, only 10%-20% are thought to have a
diagnosed in their prepubertal period (4). The classic clinical features
different abnormality than that of 47,XXY (4). As the number of X
of patients with Klinefelter syndrome start to become recognizable
chromosomes increases, patients show more dysmorphic features.
during adolescence. The most noteworthy feature is the absence
Besides cryptorchidism, more pronounced retardation in sexual
of testicular volume increase during adolescence. Because of the
characteristics, an increase possibility of hypoplastic scrotum,
loss of germ cells and fibrosis in the seminiferous tubules, testicular
symptoms of mental retardation begin to emerge in these patients
becomes rigid (18). These patients, however, usually have normal
(10). In addition to such numerical chromosomal abnormalities, we
development of secondary sex characteristics. Axillary / pubic hair
can rarely see structural chromosomal aberrations as well. Among
development, increase in penis size, increase in muscle mass,
them, isochromosome Xq structural chromosomal abnormalities
beard-mustache development and sound quality changes develop
constitute 0.3 to 0.9% of all Klinefelter syndrome patients (11).
in their usual way. However, due to less than expected level of
testosterone and a delay to reach normal testosterone level, these
Clinical Manifestations patients are taller than their peers. One of the most important
The clinical manifestations of the Klinefelter syndrome may be features of the physical examination is gynecomastia and it can be
due to hypogonadism caused by the disease, or directly due to seen in 50% of the cases (15).
chromosomal abnormalities. Symptoms vary depending on the The most obvious and most persistent clinical feature in adulthood
period of the age of the patients. Prenatally, Klinefelter syndrome is small testicular volume (<4 ml). Onychoid structure and the
can be detected by the karyotype evaluation of the pleural fluid presence of gynecomastia along with different degrees of androgen
in amniocentesis. However, an amniocentesis on suspicion of deficiency are the most typical symptoms of Klinefelter syndrome
Klinefelter is not within the perinatal routine because it does not (9). Table 1 shows percentages of symptoms in adult patients.
show any significant features in ultrasound examination during During this period, patients often present themselves with the
pregnancy. It can only be diagnosed with karyotype analysis if the complaint of infertility. Testicular examination should be performed
pregnant woman has amniocentesis for some other reasons (12). in patients with infertility and if there is a clinical suspicion, a genetic
Studies focused on the maternal period, those examining various analysis should be requested. In patients with Klinefelter syndrome,
factors such as the maternal age, did not reveal any related factor azoospermia is detected with a very high percentage. Onikoid body
Turk Jem 2013; 17: 63-7
Peynirci et al.
Klinefelter Syndrome 65
structure seen in these cases is slightly different than those seen Laboratory - Diagnosis
in prepubertal hypogonadism. Unlike the classic presentation of
The characteristics of patients suspected of Klinefelter syndrome
long arms and long legs, the lower extremity is disproportionately
varies according to age groups. The most typical feature is having
longer, in comparison to the upper extremity. Also, the length of
small testes. Usually testicular volume does not exceed 3-4 ml in
the lower extremities seen in prepubertal period is more dominant
patients with Klinefelter syndrome (9). However, in patients at their
and it is thought to be the result of a chromosomal aberration (19).
pre-pubertal period, this feature does not contribute much to the
Gynecomastia, believed to be resulted from androgen
diagnosis. It is very difficult to suspect Klinefelter syndrome at this
aromatization, is thought to be one of the most important symptoms
age group in the absence of other findings.
in adult patients with Klinefelter syndrome and can be detected at
The majority of patients are diagnosed with Klinefelter syndrome
%50 of patients. It is a permanent physical finding and does not
during their puberty period. Delayed puberty is often seen in
change with treatment. In patients with Klinefelter syndrome, due
these patients. In Klinefelter syndrome, the most typical clinical
to psychosocial consequences caused by androgen deficiency;
manifestation is testicles not getting bigger despite the development
character disorders, personality disorders, and behavioral
of secondary sex characteristics. And if gynecomastia is present
problems arise. These patients usually have problems in
as well, then Klinefelter syndrome is most likely the expected
psychological adjustment.
It should be noted that patients without the typical features might
In adult males with complaint of infertility, the possibility of Klinefelter
have Klinefelter syndrome as well. Especially in the majority of
syndrome must be considered as a fact. When consulting a
patients with mosaicism, there are no symptoms to be found. Only
physician, the small size of testicular volume may not be the
25% of the patients can get diagnosed in adulthood. Some patients
patients’ complaint. Secondary sex characteristics and the primary
can be diagnosed at a very advanced age and some surviving
sex functions such as erection and ejaculation are often normal
patients may remain undiagnosed (4).
in patients with Klinefelter syndrome. Especially in patients with
In mosaic forms, clinical features vary widely. Mosaic Klinefelter
azoospermia, Klinefelter syndrome should be investigated after
syndrome cases have variable and less severe phenotypic
reviewing other easily excludable causes.
properties than the classic type. It is mostly depending on where
In patients with Klinefelter syndrome, serum testosterone levels
the tissue with the extra X chromosome is. The most common
usually begin to rise with puberty. Sometimes an increase in
mosaic form is 47,XXY/46,XY. It has been shown that in these
testosterone during puberty may happen a little late than peers.
patients, some tissues have 47,XXX and some others have 46,XY
Serum testosterone level often rises up to the lower levels of normal
chromosomes. Mosaicism, different from 47XXY chromosome
range. Normal levels can be seen in patients with mosaic form,
arrangement, probably occurs as a result of a division in the mitotic
while much lower levels is seen in patients with high-chromosomal
phase after the conception. There are patients showing clinical
defects. In classic cases, serum testosterone levels gradually
signs at various levels as well as patients showing no symptoms.
decrease in time.
Some cases can be diagnosed only by oligospermia or infertility One of the most typical laboratory findings in patients is an increase
problems (15). %14 to %62 of patients with the mosaic form of in serum gonadotropin levels in puberty. Especially, serum follicle
47XXY/46XY have normal XY karyotype in testicular tissue, and stimulating hormone (FSH) level is observed to be higher than
thus spermatogenesis and fertility is preserved in these patients normal in varying degrees. The increase in serum luteinizing
(21). hormone (LH) levels, on the other hand, is lesser. A serum FSH
The bone mineral density of patients with Klinefelter syndrome level higher than normal range with very low levels of testosterone
has been shown to be normal in childhood until the beginning is an important sign for Klinefelter syndrome. In almost all patients
of puberty but in later periods it becomes lower compared to the with Klinefelter syndrome, an elevation of serum FSH is seen in lab
healthy age/sex groups. Hypogonadism was found to be the findings (6,9,20). In patients with mosaic form, serum FSH level
most important cause of bone mineral deficiency. Testosterone
replacement for the risk of osteoporosis should be started early Table 1. Findings and the percentages seen in adult patients with
and must be maintained in long term (22). Klinefelter syndrome
It is known that these patients have 20 to 50-fold increased risk of Findings Percentages (%)
breast cancer than healthy men and %6 of all male breast cancer
Infertility 99-100
cases are among these patients.
This increased risk can be explained by several times higher ratio Small testicles 99-100
of estradiol / testosterone in patients with Klinefelter syndrome than Increased levels of gonadotropin 90-100
normal karyotyped men. Another possibility is the existence of two X
Decreased testosterone levels 65-85
chromosomes that can increase the genetic risk of breast cancer (23).
Studies have been reported that certain diseases were more Decreased facial hair 60-80
prevalent in patients with Klinefelter syndrome. In studies Gynecomastia 50-75
investigating the prevalence of autoimmune diseases, type 2 Decreased pubic hair 30-60
diabetes mellitus, and leg ulcers; the probability of having these
Decreased penile length 10-25
diseases was higher in patients with Klinefelter syndrome (9,15,16).
66 Peynirci et al.
Klinefelter Syndrome Turk Jem 2013; 17: 63-7
is seen to be slightly higher, while serum testosterone levels are during puberty and dose should be increased in parallel with
usually normal. pubertal development. Depending on the requirements of the
In patients with Klinefelter syndrome, it has been shown that there patient, the frequency of injection can be made in 2 to 4 week
is a mild increase in serum estradiol levels. The cause of this intervals (9). In recent years, depo-testosterone preparations have
increase is thought to be as a result of an increased testosterone been developed, which can be applied with 3-month intervals.
aromatization (20). Yet the increase amount in the level of estrogen As an alternative to injection, there are testosterone preparations
does not support the diagnosis. In fact, estrogen levels can be orally or percutaneously administered. Oral preparations may
normal in most patients. No relationship has been detected rarely have toxic effects to liver thus it is not preferred very often.
between the occurrence of gynecomastia and increase in estrogen. Also preparations applied to the skin in a patch or gel form have
Gynecomastia patients might have high levels of estrogen, while been developed. Studies have shown no significant difference in
no gynecomastia could be detected in patients with significantly efficacy between injected preparations and these other types (26).
higher estrogen serum levels. However, when using gel preparations, a special attention should
Another common laboratory finding in almost all of the patients with be paid against a contamination of the female partner.
Klinefelter syndrome is serious reduction in the number of sperm. It has been shown that testosterone treatment has no effect on
Although the majority of patients have normal ejaculation function, gynecomastia (27). In adult patients gynecomastia does not regress
sperm is rarely seen in the ejaculate. The ejaculate of patients with testosterone therapy. Actually it may even develop despite the
with mosaic form is more likely to contain sperm. Although rare treatment in pubertal patients. If necessary, resection of breast
cases of spontaneous fertilization are published in the literature, tissue should be performed with cosmetic surgery.
spontaneous fertilization is not possible in patients with Klinefelter
syndrome. Fibrosis of seminiferous tubules is seen in the histology Testosterone replacement therapy eliminates all negative effects
of testes (18). related to androgen deficiency but it has no effect on fertility (6).
The definitive diagnosis is made by chromosome analysis of This therapy does not ensure spermatogenesis. There is no
lymphocytes from peripheral blood. However, it should be kept in spermatogenesis in patients with Klinefelter syndrome, thus
mind that this analysis can rarely be found normal. Chromosomal the possibility of fertility is considered to be very low in general.
analysis from skin fibroblasts or testicular biopsy specimens may Seldom in Klinefelter syndrome patients, who had spermatozoa in
show mosaic chromosomal structure. their ejaculate, pregnancies were reported with the help of human
Klinefelter syndrome can easily, quickly and reliably be diagnosed chorionic gonadotropin therapy. However, as the majority of
by Barr body analysis of the buccal mucosa biopsy specimen. In patients are azoospermic, fertilization is not possible spontaneously
studies, its sensitivity and specificity are found as 82% and 95%, or with gonadotropin treatment.
respectively. In recent years, however, fertilization can be achieved with
some assisted reproductive methods in patients with Klinefelter
Treatment syndrome. For this purpose, the sperm detected in testicular
is isolated with the so-called testicular sperm extraction (TESE)
The primary item in treatment is the therapy for hypogonadism.
method and then spermatozoa gets ejaculated into the ovum with
Especially in patients with low levels of testosterone, testosterone
the so-called intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). In Klinefelter
replacement should be performed. For patients in pubertal period,
syndrome patients, publications have demonstrated a 40%-50%
early diagnosis and immediate initiation of treatment is important.
chance of sperm extraction with TESE method, and a 20%-25%
Testosterone therapy provides an increase in muscle mass,
possibility of pregnancy after ISCI (28).
strength-toughness, hair growth, bone mineral density and libido.
Infants, whose fathers have Klinefelter syndrome, mostly have
The patient’s mood and his self-confidence improve significantly.
normal karyotype. However, studies have found that these infants
Untreated patients show a significant increase of fatigue and
have higher rates of chromosomal hyperploidy (29). Hence in
reluctance as well as increased irritability and aggressiveness (25).
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