A Notion of Innovation System The Quality We Need It. Adressing The Problem of Blind Spots. EAS & ABG Globelics 2017 Uploaded To The Public
A Notion of Innovation System The Quality We Need It. Adressing The Problem of Blind Spots. EAS & ABG Globelics 2017 Uploaded To The Public
A Notion of Innovation System The Quality We Need It. Adressing The Problem of Blind Spots. EAS & ABG Globelics 2017 Uploaded To The Public
Ernesto Andrade-Sastoque1
Alejandro Balanzó Guzmán2
This paper discusses conceptual reach of Innovation Systems approach (IS) at the core
of innovation policies and discusses concepts about alternative views to tackle the challenges of
epistemic diversity in multicultural countries. This alternative view builds concepts such as
Ecologies of Knowing (EK) and Knowledge, Research and Innovation System (KRIS).
Epistemic diversity – Innovation Systems - Knowledge Research and Innovation System –
Ecology of Knowing – Policy
Ph.D Candidate. Science, Technology and Policy Studies Department, University of Twente. Enschede – The
Associate Professor. Policy, Implementation, and Public Management Results Observatory, Universidad
Externado de Colombia. Bogotá - Colombia
This paper discusses innovation systems in the light of multicultural sociotechnical
landscapes. The discussion is set on the hypothesis that it is the heuristic—and not the object—
what fails when discussing knowledge governance in these countries where the techno-scientific
economic model (Hornidge, 2011) does not play the sole relevant knowledge source. Other
knowledge’ features, roles, sources and societal implications should be addressed as well.
The matter is pressing, for it is known science, technological and innovation heuristics
pose a relevant reference for policy making (Kuhlmann & Arnold, 2001; Lundvall, 2017). In some
contexts, where diversity does not necessarily imply epistemic diversity, this theory-policy
dialogue appears to reflect a smooth coupling, the challenge posing perhaps tensions embedded
on techno-scientific appropriation (Stirling, 2008). Taking the Knowledge Society Seriously (Felt
& Wynne, 2007), a report commissioned by European Union, poses a good example. The report
asks for spaces for deliberation and diversity in the societal relation to science and technology,
but it does not question its relational foundational assumptions: Modernity is a Eurocentric
In other contexts, the theory-policy link looks rather disruptive. Scholar work assessing
innovation systems in developing countries - where epistemic diversity is most often part of the
landscape- refers one time and another to figures of speech such as missing pieces, failures,
deaf dancers and gaps (Lundvall, Joseph, Chaminade, & Vang, 2011). At its best, literature
reflects on national innovation systems, social inclusion and development (e.g. Dutrénit & Sutz,
2014). Common frameworks of development practices are taken here into account (e.g. Sen,
1999), to critically or creatively reflect on possible causalities between innovation practices and
various forms of social exclusion.
None of these approaches take the problem of epistemic diversity into account. Both
literature inform about innovation policies, and innovation policy itself, keep posing a mirror in
which the real object stands at odds. Distance to the object, we argue, risks epistemic violence
as a form of exclusion. Moreover, persistence of this approach might hamper transformative
efforts if it fails to address epistemic diversity. Cummings et al. (2017) note how perspectives on
knowledge within the sustainable development goals, despite its transformational vision, still focus
on a techno-scientific-economic discourse at the expense of what they call a participative-
pluralistic approach. Such an approach, it is argued, would better accommodate the role of
indigenous and local knowledges regarding the nature and implied challenges of sustainable
development goals themselves.
This paper takes a different stance. Rather than drawing on the shortcomings of policy
challenges of innovation systems in multicultural countries it will reflect on underlying rationales
of innovation systems literature, unveiling the reason why it falls short to address epistemic and
institutional diversity. Hence, the paper will follow a basic structure, introducing at first briefly some
limitations of SI concept, while discussing complementary concepts that can to help to understand
better alternative knowledge dynamics and possible post-developmentist performances. It will
introduce the literature from Latin-American critical thought, with the aim to elaborate on what
would be more accurate lenses for multi-cultural landscapes. Consequently it will be presented a
controversy between SI as Policy and SI as heuristic of governance. Secondly it will discuss
epistemic diversity face to the SI concept, and finally a reflection around addressing epistemic
blind spots in SI concept
This might explain why this heuristic expose conflicts when it comes to discuss empirical
realities of so-called developing countries: in such countries, there is place--and a need--for
diversity outside the current contemporary capitalist system. The IS approach is fundamentally
at odds with neo-classical economic theories of growth in such countries (Feinson, 2003), but its
current heuristics are not sensitive enough to address the structure and governance challenges
of countries posing motley socio-technical dynamics based on epistemic diversity. It is a fact that
post-colonial societies describe multi-cultural societies marked by the coloniality’s patterns, and
the reach of this matter should not be dismissed.
Critical thought, building on decolonial and post-developmental scholar work, has come
to a notion of epistemic diversity labelled as ‘epistemologies of the south’ those describing societal
groups in which western rationales are not dominant, and whose forms of knowledge often are
dismissed as innovation and transformation forces. The bottom line for epistemic diversity is that
it appears as a starting point, not as a goal. And that this imperative should reflect on replacing
the monoculture of western knowledge by an understanding of an ecology of knowing (Garcia
Chueca, 2014; Santos, 1997, 2002, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010; Santos & Meneses, 2014). Following
this thread, the assumption behind this paper is that the SI is an incomplete analytical tool to
understand in a realistic way the economic, political and cultural subtract in some societies, and
that further nuances are needed in order to better understand the role of knowledge and
innovation (and policies) in such societies, and it will worth to take them into account for the
possible transformation of the knowledge governance models of the western world.
This approach has had a significant worldwide acceptance within circuits of academics
and policymakers. This acceptance might be oblivion concerning SI roots as a concept. Arguably,
this is a result of the role SI plays as a heuristic allowing to address the intertwined thread of
theory, practices and policy making relationship related to the governance of knowledge and
innovation in territorial and sectoral fields (Hekkert, Suurs, Negro, Kuhlmann, & Smits, 2007;
Kuhlmann & Ordóñez-Matamoros, 2017). This is, acting as a model in which theory, here a
boundary object, becomes a performative object when embedded into policy (Van Egmond &
Zeiss, 2010).
We think the fact that IS is presented as a given object is relevant in the sense that it
simplifies knowledge, innovation and governance dynamics as a set of “snapshots”(Fagerberg et
al., 2009). Some literature shows, for instance, as a collection of metaphors of incomplete objects
missing pieces and functions: in that sense IS appears to play role as a static-useful-conceptual-
construct to think and intervene, activities, capabilities, institutions, and structure of STI
composition of a given object of knowledge government (sectors, technological field, territories).
There are some scholars providing heuristic, but "objectualist" perspectives, such as Kuhlmann
and Arnold (2001); Schmoch, Rammer, and Legler (2006) among others: these works use SI
concept as rather an “heuristic” to understand the governance of the sociotechnical dynamics on
a determined context, and its infrastructures; educational and research systems; knowledge
market; political-institutional conditions; actors who mediate between those “spaces”, and the co-
evolution of all those elements. Here the notion appears to be useful as a tool of thought and
intervention of functions and parts of the dynamics and trajectories of the governance of
knowledge and innovation. Despite this, the work of Chaminade and Edquist (2006) would raise
the case in favor of SI as an imaginaries inasmuch they are difficult to translate into real
policymaking, which is in our opinion more realistic, as well as, is the case of Wicken (2009) work,
who with a historic approach provided a perspective about the configuration of SI as a
juxtaposition of industrial-path-layer. Those perspectives show two different non-instrumental nor
objectualist versions of IS. First one open the opportunity to think in IS as an imaginary shared
way of governance of knowledge and sociotechnical change, it means as a "style of thought", and
the second one, as a socio-historical and technological construction. That opens alternative ways
to analyze and intervene sociotechnical change dynamics in a certaing field, sector or territory.
* Thanks to Marlena Kiefl for her assistant work and the quick review of this working paper.
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