Art > Eka Kiknadze
It is sad when a person's birth and death are only 27 years apart, especially when these are the short lifetime
of one of modern Georgia’s most significant artists that brought new life to modern Georgian painting, Shalva
Kikodze. The young artist's all-encompassing interest in everyday life expressed itself in many areas: law,
painting, drawing, caricature, cartoons, theatre and stage decoration, book illustration and critique.
n 1914, Shalva Kikodze was admit- France: "You cannot imagine, my dear trangement and sadness appeared, and
ted to the Faculty of Law of Moscow Granny, how precious every corner of a premonition of something tragic beca-
University. From 1916 he spent two Bakhvi is for me. Life here does not allow me apparent in his work, and his artistic
years studying painting in the classes me to think about it often, but when I do, explorations seemed to join the explora-
of the Moscow Higher School of Pain- I am ready to exchange all of Europe with tions of the emotionally lost.
ting, Sculpture and Architecture. When its machines and my studies, for my little In 1921, the works of Kikodze and
he came home to Tbilisi for holidays in Bakhvi – the yard, the gate, the barn…" other Georgian artists were presented in
1916, he began working at the Georgian He went to France with other Georgian Paris at the Salon des Indépendents and
Artists' Society and later became the artists after participating in the 1920 Galerie La Licorne. On 4 September 1921,
organization's Secretary. He participated Exhibition in the Temple of Glory (curren- the artist wrote his last letter to his sister
in the efforts led by Dimitri Shevardna- tly the National Gallery is located in this Aneta Kikodze: "I, my dear sister, got tired
dze to hand over to the public the buil- building). The artists of this generation, of Paris and came to Germany to have a
ding of the Temple of Glory, where the unlike the previous one, had turned their little rest and to see Germany". However,
art gallery was established. In 1917-1918 backs on Russia as they felt they had the trip to Germany was not caused sole-
he cooperated with the Russian maga- more in common with European culture. ly by a desire to rest. By that time, Shalva
zine „Рампа и жизнь“ (Footlights and For the Georgian artistic and academic Kikodze discovered he had an incurable
Life) where he published his sketches society of the 1910s, their national iden- disease, tuberculosis, and needed ur-
and caricatures under the pseudonym of tity was associated with being European gent treatment. "I do not wish anyone to
Shaliko. In 1918 he also joined the first and the development of new art forms know of my current state. So, you have
artistic-scientific expedition organized were being expressed in Georgia as they to keep this a complete secret and never
by the Georgian Artists' Society and the became global. mention what I wrote you anywhere or
Georgian Historical and Ethnographic In his works created in Paris, Georgian to anyone. What would be the point? I
Society to make copies of the Nabakhte- themes that had prevailed before (such left with two lungs and will be back with
vi Church paintings. This artist had such as ‘Gurian Woman with a Jug, "Ajarian one, what concern is it of anyone's how
a variety of interests that developed in so Women in Chadors" and Gurian lands- many lungs I have under my vest?" he
many directions in such a short time that capes) were replaced by Parisian places, wrote to David Kakabadze. However,
one cannot help being amazed. All of his the Luxembourg Garden, the appeal of Shalva Kikodze never returned. He died
work took place during a tragically short women dressed in fashionable hats and in Freiburg, Germany, in November 1921.
period, a mere nine years. clothes of the 1920s and visitors in Bohe- His legacy in painting and graphic art
Shalva Kikodze was born in the villa- mian cafés. His skills and style improved, remains a treasure of modern Georgian
ge of Bakhvi, Guria (west Georgia) on as did the colors and forms, which beca- art. It clearly demonstrates an exceptio-
27 May, 1894. He had a strong emotio- me richer, more expressive and dynamic. nally interesting process of integration
nal connection to his birthplace and his Symbolism made its way into his art and of the Georgian visual arts of the 1910s
country in general. The artist once went the expressionism that had been pre- and 1920s into European modernism, a
to Europe on a scholarship from the Ge- sent before gained strength. However, movement in which Shalva Kikodze was
orgian Artists’ Society, and wrote from at the same time a certain feeling of es- an inseparable part.
56 GEORGIAN NATIONAL MUSEUM Shalva Kikodze, Portrait of Aneta and Gerasime Kikodze. Oil on
cardboard, 1919. Private collection
Shalva Kikodze, "Istanbul". Oil on
canvas, 1920. Private collection
Shalva Kikodze, Portrait of K. Makharadze. Oil on canvas, 1919. GNM - Museum of Fine Arts