Ringkasan Pemilihan Material
Ringkasan Pemilihan Material
Ringkasan Pemilihan Material
The Design Process This section offers insights into the several roles that must be
played by the materials selection expert. It also reviews the process and methods that may
be applied to enhance and improve the effectiveness of The design process.
Industrial Design. The industrial design process creates the first broadly
functional description of a product together with its essential visual conception. Artistic
renderings of proposed new products are made, and almost always physical models are
developed. Models at this stage are usually very rough, nonfunctional ones showing
only external form, color, and texture, though some also may have a few moving parts.
Engineering Stages
A design is information. As a product is designed, the information known and recorded
about it increases and becomes more detailed. Though no formal theoretical foundation exists
for identifying specific stages of design information content, some stages are intuitively
obvious (Ref 3) and include:
Stage 1: the product marketing concept
Stage 2: the engineering (or physical) concept
Stage 3: for parts, the configuration design
Stage 4: the parametric design
Guided Iteration
The steps in the guided iteration process, illustrated in Fig. 2, are formulation
of the problem; generation of alternative solutions; evaluation of the alternatives; and if none is
acceptable, redesign guided by the results of the evaluations. This methodology is fundamental to design
Engineering Conceptual Design
The physical concept includes the physical principles by which the product will work
and an abstract physical embodiment that will employ the principles to accomplish the desired
When a product is more complex, it consists of an assembly of subassemblies and parts.
For example, for an automobile, the subassemblies identified might be the engine, drivetrain,
frame, body, suspension system, and steering system. The physical principles by which a
product will work are specified by including sufficient information in its embodiment about
how each of these functional subassemblies will interact with all the others to accomplish the
required product functions
Decomposition is generally used to describe the part of the design process that identifies
the subassemblies comprising a product or larger assembly. That is, in the conceptual design
of an automobile, it could be decomposed into the engine, drivetrain, frame, and so forth.
What is a Configuration?
In complex, realistic parametric design problems, an appropriate criterion function
often cannot be readily formulated to meet the conditions required by optimization techniques.
Nevertheless, sometimes certain subpart of problems can be solved by optimization. This is
called suboptimization.
The overall evaluation criterion in Taguchi's techniques is called robustness.
Robustness refers to how consistently a component or product performs under variable
conditions in its environment and as it wears during its lifetime.
Noise Factors.
The terms noise or noise factors are commonly used for the uncontrollable variable
conditions of environment, wear, and manufacture. Thus another way to describe robustness is
to say that it is the degree to which the performance of a product is insensitive to noise factors.
Control Factors.
Noise factors, which the designer cannot control, are not to be confused with the design
variables, whose values the designer can control. Design variables are called control factors in
the Taguchi approaches. Thoughdesigners have no control over the noise factors, the ranges
over which noise factors vary are usually reasonably predictable.
Conceptual and Configuration Design of Products and Assemblies
COMPETITIVE DESIGN of new products is the key capability that companies must
master to remain in business. It requires more than good engineering, it is fraught with risks
and opportunities, and it requires effective judgment about technology, the market, and time.
Task Clarification
Conceptual and configuration design of products, as depicted in Fig. 1, begins and ends
with customers, emphasizing quality processes and artifacts throughout. Intertwined with the
focus on customers and quality are a number of technical and business concerns. We thus
initiate the conceptual design process with task clarification: understanding the designtask and
mission, questioning the design efforts and organization, and investigating the business and
technological market. Task clarification sets the foundation for solving a design task, where
the foundation is continually revisited to find weak points and to seek structural integrity of a
design team approach. It occurs not only at the beginning of the process, but throughout.
Using the Product. The design teams goes to the locations where their or their
competitor's product is used, and they use the product as the customer would. If
customer tasks can be easily understood and undertaken by the design team, and the
design team is small, then this approach is effective. It is costly, though, for projects
with either large design teams or highly skilled customer tasks that require training.
Further, it does not address the need to document customer needs.
Questionnaires. The design team makes a list of criteria that they consider
relevant to customers' concerns, and customers rank the product on these criteria.
Alternatively, the design team forms a list of questions for customers to answer. The
problem is that what the design team considers most important is not necessarily what
customers consider most important.
Focus Groups. In a focus group discussion, a moderator facilitates a session with
a group of customers who examine, use, and discuss the product. Usually this is done
in the design team's environment, typically in a room with a two-way mirror so that the
design team can observe the customers during the session. This session can be video-
or audiotaped for later examination.
Interviews. Sometimes a design team asks an interviewer to discuss the product
with a single customer, typically in the environment where the product is used by the
customer. Again, the interview can be video- or audiotaped for later examination.
Pemilihan Material
Dosen Pengampu : Sulistyo , PhD
Oleh :
Pratama Eka Putra Sijabat (21050114120090)