Wave Propagation in The Soil: Theoretical Background and Application To Traffic Induced Vibrations
Wave Propagation in The Soil: Theoretical Background and Application To Traffic Induced Vibrations
Wave Propagation in The Soil: Theoretical Background and Application To Traffic Induced Vibrations
Geert Degrande
K.U.Leuven, Department of Civil Engineering, Kasteelpark Arenberg 40, B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium
This paper reviews the direct stiffness method for the calculation of harmonic and transient wave propagation
in horizontally layered media. Developed in the early eighties by Kausel and Roësset, this method has become
a standard tool for the computation of the Green’s functions in layered media. As it is based on a superposition
of plane harmonic waves in the frequency-wavenumber domain, it is very useful as a didactical tool for elastic
wave propagation. The Green’s functions are subsequently used in a boundary element formulation to compute
the dynamic impedance of the soil in a subdomain formulation for dynamic soil-structure interaction. This is
illustrated for the case of road traffic induced vibrations, where the invariance of the problem domain in the
longitudinal direction is exploited by working in the wavenumber domain. A numerical example demonstrates
the influence of the soil stratification on free field vibrations during the passage of a two-axle truck on a traffic
tion problems that are invariant (roads) or periodic tractions tsj (x; t) from the second order stress tensor
(tracks, tunnels) in the longitudinal direction. Appli- kj according to kj (x; t)nk . The Green’s tractions are
then denoted as the second order tensor tG ij ( ; x; t).
cation of the dynamic reciprocity theorem to the case
of moving loads allows for an efficient calculation of It will be outlined later how the Green’s functions
the free field traffic induced vibrations. This will be il- can be computed with a direct stiffness formulation.
lustrated in the present paper with a numerical model
for road traffic induced vibrations (Lombaert et al. 2.3 The dynamic reciprocity theorem
2000), that has been extensively validated by means The dynamic Betti-Rayleigh reciprocity theorem
of in situ vibration measurements (Lombaert and De- specifies a relationship between a pair of elastody-
grande 2001). namic states, represented by body forces b1 x; t and ( )
( )
b2 x; t , boundary tractions t1 x; t and t2 x; t and( ) ( )
displacements u1 x; t and u2 x; t . If the displace-( )
2.1 Equilibrium equations _
ments u and velocities u vanish in both states for
In the Cartesian frame of reference, the displacement t tending to 1, the dynamic reciprocity theorem
components of the elastic medium are denoted as reads as follows:
( )
usi x; t . The components of the small strain tensor sij Z Zt
are computed with the following strain-displacement
S 1
t1j x; t u2j x; d dS ) ( )
= 21
+ + b1j (x; t )u2j (x; ) d dV
sij usi;j usj;i (1)
V 1
The equilibrium equations are: Z Z
= t2j (x; t )u1j (x; ) d dS
ij;j + bi
= u
s s
i (2) S 1
where a dot on a variable denotes differentiation with Z Z
+ b2j (x; t )u1j (x; ) d dV
respect to time. In this equation, ij denotes the stress (5)
tensor, s the density of the elastic medium and s bi
V 1
the body force. For an isotropic linear elastic material, In the frequency domain, this theorem becomes:
the constitutive equations become: Z
^ ( )^ ( )
t1j x; ! u2j x; ! dS
ij = sskk Æij + 2s sij (3) S
^b1j (x; ! )^
with s and s the Lamé coefficients.
These equations are completed by initial condi- + V
u2j (x; ! ) dV
tions, Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions, as Z
well as Sommerfeld’s radiation conditions at infinity.
The Navier equations result from the elimination
= t^2j (x; ! )^u1j (x; ! ) dS
of the stress and strain tensors from the equilibrium Z
equations (2) by means of the constitutive equations + ^b2j (x; ! )^
u1j (x; ! ) dV (6)
(3) and the strain-displacement relations (1): V
( + )u + u + b = 0
s s s
s s
i (4) Applying the dynamic reciprocity theorem to two
elastodynamic states, where the first is the unknown
In the following, the influence of body forces will be state characterized by displacements usj x; t , trac- ( )
disregarded. ( )
tions tsj x; t and body forces bsj (x,t), while the sec-
ond is characterized by the fundamental Green’s solu-
2.2 Green’s functions tions uG ( ) ( )
ij ; x; t and tij ; x; t , the representation the-
In the particular case where a concentrated impul- orem of elastodynamics is obtained. In the frequency
( )= (
sive load bj x; t ) ()
Æ x Æ t Æij is applied at the domain, this theorem is written as follows:
( )
source point in a direction ei , the solution usj x; t Z
of the elastodynamic problem at a receiver x in a di- ^( ) =
usi ; ! tsj x; ! uG ^ ( )^ (
ij ; x; ! dS )
rection ej is referred to as the fundamental singular
solution or the Green’s function of the medium (Apsel
and Luco 1983; Luco and Apsel 1983) and denoted as ij ( ; x; ! )^
usj (x; ! ) dS
the second order tensor uGij ; x; t .( ) Z
^bsj (x; ! )^
On a plane with unit outward normal vector n,
Cauchy’s stress principle is applied to calculate the + V
uGij ( ; x; ! ) dV (7)
This theorem forms the basis for boundary integral 3 DISPERSION RELATIONS
formulations. The in-plane propagation of P-waves is governed by
the hyperbolic PDE (11). The time t is transformed
2.4 Decomposition of the displacement vectors to the circular frequency ! by means of a forward
Application of the Helmholtz decomposition u s = Fourier transformation and followed by a Fourier
grad s rot s with a scalar function s and a vec- transformation of the horizontal coordinate x to the
tor function s , for which div s =0
, to the Navier horizontal wavenumber kx , as it is assumed that the
equations (4) results in the following set of uncoupled geometry is invariant in the horizontal direction:
" #
+ dz +
partial differential equations:
d2 s
( +2 )
s 2
kx ! 2 s s (14) ~ = 0
( + 2 )r2 s
s s
s s
( )
The function s x; z; t is decomposed into a
r2s s
= s s
(9) superposition of plane harmonic wave potentials
~ (
kx ; z; ! in the frequency-wavenumber domain.
with r2 the 3D Laplace operator. The longitudinal The solution of equation (14) is equal to:
q potential and ~ (k ; z; !) =
or P-wave is described by the scalar
propagates with the velocity Cp = (s + 2s )=s . It
x IPs e ikzp z
+R s
P e+ikzp z (15)
decouples from the shear or S-wave, that is described where the potentials IPs and RPs refer to incident
by the vector potential q s
and propagates with the (propagating in the positive z -direction) and reflected
shear wave velocity Cs = s =s . (propagating in the negative z -direction) waves. kzp is
the vertical component of the wave propagation vec-
The contribution of the S-wave to the displacement
vector can be decomposed into a component parallel =
tor kp fkx ; kzp gT of the P-waves and follows from
(SH-wave) and normal (SV-wave) to a bounding sur- the following dispersion relation:
face. As we are interested in the response of a hori-
zontally layered halfspace where the vertical z -axis is
+ =
k2 k2
x k2
zp p (16)
perpendicular to the layer interfaces, it is convenient with k = !=C the magnitude of the wave propa-
p p
to choose the bounding surface parallel with the hori-
zontal (x; y )-plane.
gation vector kp . Hysteretic material damping in the
solid skeleton is introduced according to the corre-
For 2D wave propagation in the (x; z )-plane, the spondence principle, using a complex Lamé coef-
dependence on the y -coordinate can be ignored and ficient s ( + 2 )(1 + 2 )
s ips , with ps the material
the following decomposition holds: damping ratio. This results in a complex P-wave ve-
locity Cp and wavenumber kp . Equation (16) enables
us = grad + rot(e ) + rot(e )
(10) to calculate the complex vertical wave number kzp
for each horizontal wavenumber kx and circular fre-
The following set of hyperbolic PDE is obtained: ( )
quency ! . kzp equals kp2 kx2 0:5 if kx kp , which
corresponds to propagating waves in the z -direction.
( + 2 )r2 =
s s s s
s (11)
If kx > kp , kzp equals i kx2 kp2 0:5 and represents )
inhomogeneous waves with exponential decrease or
increase in amplitude with z .
s r2 s
= s s (12) Analogous derivations hold for SV- and SH-waves,
which are also decomposed into a superposition of
s r2 s = s s (13) plane harmonic waves:
The soil’s impedance Ks is calculated from the soil
tractions for the deformation modes of the cou-
0.05 pled road-soil system. A boundary element method,
0 0
based on the Green’s functions in the frequency-
−10 −5 0 5 10 0 5 10 15 20
wavenumber domain, is used for the calculation of
() ~ ( )
y [m] Wavenumber [rad/m]
6 5
a. Homogeneous halfspace.
Rear axle load [N/Hz]
FRF [N/m]
1 1
0 0
^ ( )
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
^( )
Frequency [Hz] Frequency [Hz]
a. hf1 u ! . b. g1 ! .
Figure 7: (a) The vehicle FRF hf1 u for the rear axle ^
load and (b) the frequency content g1 ! of the rear ^( ) b. Layer built in at its base.
axle load.
the y -direction.
Whereas in figure 5a the Rayleigh wave only ap-
pears at a single wavenumber k r k R , it now influ-
ences the impedance at each horizontal wavenumber
ky kR . Although not immediately observable on
0 10 20 30 40 50
Frequency [Hz]
figure 8a, these Rayleigh waves propagate in the hori- a. Homogeneous halfspace.
( ) = (
zontal x; y -plane in the direction arcsin k y =k R ) 1.5
increases and the imaginary part decreases to a rela-
tively low value, determined by material damping.
Figure 8b shows the real and the imaginary part 0
0 10 20 30 40 50
Frequency [Hz]
of the soil’s impedance for the layer built in at its
base. At k y =0 , the real part of the impedance be- b. Layer built in at its base.
comes zero at the natural frequencies of a 2D rigid
beam on top of the layer built in at its base. At fre-
quencies lower than the first vertical eigenfrequency 1
tween 9 Hz and 10 Hz) of the vehicle.
8m −4 8m
−0.5 −3
x 10 2
x 10
0 20 40 60 80 1 1.5
Velocity [m/s/Hz]
Distance [m]
Velocity [m/s]
a. Homogeneous halfspace. 0
−1 0.5
−2 0
−1 0 1 2 3 0 10 20 30 40 50
Time [s] Frequency [Hz]
a. Homogeneous halfspace.
Time [s]
0.5 −3 8m −4 8m
x 10 x 10
2 2
0 1.5
1 1.5
Velocity [m/s/Hz]
Velocity [m/s]
0 1
−1 −0.5
0 20 40 60 80
Distance [m] −1 0.5
−1 0 1 2 3
0 10 20 30 40 50
2 Time [s] Frequency [Hz]
1 1.5
Velocity [m/s/Hz]
Velocity [m/s]
0 1
−1 0.5
−1 −2
−1 0 1 2 3
0 10 20 30 40 50
0 20 40 60 80 Time [s] Frequency [Hz]
Distance [m]
Figure 11a shows the time history of the free field Figure 12b shows the vertical free field velocity for
vertical velocity as a function of the distance to the the case of the layer built in at its base. Compared
center of the road for the case of the homogeneous to the case of the homogeneous halfspace, the peak
halfspace. It can be observed that wave propagation particle velocity is much smaller. A cut-off frequency
appears at the first vertical eigenfrequency of the cou- in een horizontaal gelaagde halfruimte. Master’s
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Figure 12c shows the vertical free field velocity Society of America 73, 17–43.
for the case of the layer on a halfspace. At low fre- Hunt, H. (1991). Modelling of road vehicles for calcu-
quencies, the wavelength is large and the velocity is lation of traffic-induced ground vibrations. Journal
lower than in case (a). At frequencies higher than the of Sound and Vibration 144(1), 41–51.
first vertical eigenfrequency of the layer built in at its Kausel, E. and J. Roësset (1977). Semianalytical hy-
base, the frequency content of the free field velocity perelement for layered strata. Journal of the En-
in cases (a) and (c) is very similar. gineering Mechanics Division, Proceedings of the
ASCE 103(EM4), 569–588.
Kausel, E. and J. Roësset (1981). Stiffness matrices for
The direct stiffness method has been reviewed as a layered soils. Bulletin of the Seismological Society
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agation in horizontally layered media. It allows for
Lombaert, G. and G. Degrande (2001). Experimental
the calculation of the Green’s functions, needed validation of a numerical prediction model for free
in a boundary element formulation to compute the field traffic induced vibrations by in situ experi-
impedance of the soil. This has been illustrated for ments. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineer-
the case of road traffic induced vibrations due to the ing 21(6), 485–497.
passage of a vehicle on an uneven road. The numer-
Lombaert, G., G. Degrande, and D. Clouteau (2000).
ical results confirm that the dominant frequencies of Numerical modelling of free field traffic induced vi-
traffic induced vibrations are determined by the vehi- brations. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineer-
cle characteristics, the unevenness profile and, impor- ing 19(7), 473–488.
tantly, the soil stratification, as has been confirmed by
in situ experiments (Lombaert and Degrande 2001). Lombaert, G., G. Degrande, and D. Clouteau (2001).
The influence of the soil stratification on free field
Present developments include the dynamic interac- traffic induced vibrations. Archive of Applied Me-
tion of the incident wave field with structures as well chanics 71(10), 661–678.
as the development of source models for trains run-
ning on surface tracks and in tunnels, but have not Luco, J. and R. Apsel (1983). On the Green’s functions
been treated in the present paper. for a layered half-space. Part I. Bulletin of the Seis-
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