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HPLC Analysis

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Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 41 (2006) 84–88

Development and validation of a gradient HPLC method

for the determination of clindamycin and related
compounds in a novel tablet formulation
Daniel J. Platzer ∗ , Brent A. White
Analytical Research and Development, Pfizer Inc., 7000 Portage Road, Kalamazoo, MI 49001, USA
Received 20 July 2005; received in revised form 13 October 2005; accepted 15 October 2005
Available online 18 November 2005

A gradient reversed-phase HPLC method was developed and validated for potency, content uniformity, and impurity determinations for a novel
tablet formulation containing clindamycin. The assay utilized UV detection at 214 nm and a Waters Xterra RP18 column (4.6 mm × 100 mm,
3.5 ␮m). The mobile phases were comprised of pH 10.5, 10 mM carbonate buffer and acetonitrile.
Validation experiments were performed to demonstrate specificity, linearity, accuracy (i.e., average recovery from the formulation), precision
(i.e., repeatability), limit of quantitation (LOQ), and robustness (i.e., sample solution stability and buffer pH effects on specificity). The assay
was shown to be specific for clindamycin, several impurities, and triethyl citrate, a retained excipient that was present in the dosage form. The
assay was proved linear (concentration versus peak area) for clindamycin and several select impurities over the ranges of 70–130% and 0.1–5%,
respectively. UV relative response factors were determined for the impurities from the linearity data. The accuracy of clindamycin at the targeted
assay concentration was 99.2% (n = 3; precision = 0.12%, R.S.D.); accuracy for lincomycin, a structurally related impurity, was 97.4% (n = 3;
precision = 3.5%, R.S.D.) at 0.1% of the targeted assay concentration. By demonstrating an acceptable degree of precision for lincomycin at this
level, the LOQ was shown to be no higher than 0.1%. The chromatography was virtually unaffected over a mobile phase buffer pH range spanning
0.4 pH units. Sample solutions were stable for 72 h under ambient conditions.
© 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Reversed-phase chromatography; Clindamycin; Content uniformity; Potency; Impurities; Dosage form

1. Introduction This prompted a review of the literature, which showed that

several HPLC methods have been developed over the years for
Clindamycin (including the HCl salt and other forms) (Fig. 1 clindamycin and clindamycin-related impurities [1–8]. Some
and Table 1) is a common antibiotic that is marketed for the of these relied upon ion-pair reagent in the mobile phase to
treatment of certain Gram-positive bacterial infections. Pfizer effect the separation; therefore, they were not considered for this
Inc. recently investigated clindamycin in a novel and proprietary effort because of the inherent instability and long equilibration
tablet formulation. times often associated with such methods. Other efforts were
An in-house method adapted from Ref. [2] was found to be concerned with the determination of clindamycin in biological
unsuitable for use with the new formulation, because triethyl cit- matrices, without regard for related substances [7,8]. Orwa et
rate (a tablet excipient) and degradation product A (an impurity al. attempted to utilize USP [9] and Ph. Eur. [10] methods to
resulting from exposure of clindamycin to one of the excipients, separate clindamycin and related components, with unsatisfac-
formed over time under certain conditions) interfered with other tory results. Instead, they developed a novel isocratic separation
clindamycin-related impurities. that utilized UV detection [11,12]. More recently, the Ph. Eur.
related substances test was changed to an isocratic HPLC method
run under near-neutral conditions [13]. Although this was con-
sidered an advancement over previous technology, we found
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 269 833 6585; fax: +1 269 833 6743. that the degradation product and triethyl citrate were either not
E-mail address: daniel.j.platzer@pfizer.com (D.J. Platzer). well resolved from, or coeluted with, other clindamycin-related

0731-7085/$ – see front matter © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
D.J. Platzer, B.A. White / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 41 (2006) 84–88 85

Table 2
Gradient program for clindamycin assay
Time (min) MP A:MP B

0 75:25
3.5 75:25
18.5 60:40
19.5 60:40
19.6 75:25
24 75:25
Fig. 1. Structure of the clindamycin core molecule.

Table 1 mixture containing all of the formulation excipients in the proper

Structural information for clindamycin and related components amounts.
Compound name R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Clindamycin CH2 CH2 CH3 Cl H OH H 2.2. HPLC apparatus and operating conditions
7-Epiclindamycin CH2 CH2 CH3 H Cl OH H
Clindamycin B CH2 CH3 Cl H OH H The chromatograph consisted of a Summit System from
4-Desoxy-4-␣-chloroclindamycin CH2 CH3 Cl H H Cl Dionex (Sunnyvale, CA, USA) comprised of a P-680 binary
Lincomycin CH2 CH2 CH3 H OH OH H
gradient pump and ASI-100 autosampler, and a Model 2487 vari-
7-Epilincomycin CH2 CH2 CH3 OH H OH H able wavelength UV detector from Waters (Milford, MA, USA)
set at 214 nm. An XTerra RP18 column (4.6 mm × 100 mm,
3.5 ␮m particle size) from Waters with in-line pre-filter was used
impurities under these conditions. In developing new conditions, for the separation. (The XTerra column utilized a polymer/silica
a method capable of eluting a wide range of compounds of differ- “hybrid” solid support with a C18 bonded phase.) The injection
ent polarities, with excellent efficiency and good band spacing, volume and flow rate were 15 ␮L and 1.0 mL/min, respectively.
was desired. This was considered necessary because of the devel- Except where otherwise stated, 10 mM carbonate buffer was pre-
opmental nature of the formulation and a lack of familiarity with pared by dissolving 1.38 ± 0.10 g potassium carbonate (anhy-
the degradation profile. Gradient elution represented the greatest drous) in 1000 mL of water; the pH was adjusted to 10.5 using
chance for success. concentrated hydrochloric acid. The composition of mobile
This document describes the development and validation of a phase A was 90:10 carbonate buffer:acetonitrile. The composi-
sensitive, selective, and relatively rapid gradient HPLC method tion of mobile phase B was 20:80 carbonate buffer:acetonitrile.
for potency, content uniformity, and impurity testing for the Six to eight milligrams of sodium nitrate was added to each
clindamycin formulation. The method represents an alternative liter of mobile phase B. The gradient program is provided in
set of conditions that could prove useful under certain circum- Table 2. DryLab 2000 Plus® , a chromatography modeling soft-
stances, either as an investigative tool or as an internal release ware package from LC Resources (Walnut Creek, CA, USA)
test, depending on the components and interferences present in (acquired by Rheodyne (Rohnert Park, CA, USA)), was used
the sample. during the development of the separation.

2. Experimental 2.3. Method development and specificity experiments

2.1. Materials and reagents For method development and specificity testing, a resolution
mixture containing clindamycin at about 3.5 mg/mL and smaller
HPLC grade acetonitrile and water were obtained from Bur- quantities of impurities was prepared in mobile phase A. Solu-
dick and Jackson (Muskegon, MI, USA) and EMScience (Gibb- tions of individual impurities were also prepared and injected in
stown, NJ, USA), respectively. Concentrated hydrochloric acid cases where authentic impurity supplies were available. Formu-
and anhydrous potassium carbonate were both obtained from lation placebo samples were also prepared to ensure separation
Mallinckrodt (Paris, KY, USA). Triethyl citrate (TEC) was of excipients from peaks of interest.
obtained from Morflex (Greensboro, NC, USA). The follow-
ing reference materials were obtained in-house from Pfizer 2.4. Linearity
(Kalamazoo, MI, USA): clindamycin HCl (monohydrate) ref-
erence standard, clindamycin HCl resolution standard (a mix- For the linearity experiments, solutions of clindamycin were
ture containing clindamycin HCl and related substances), and prepared at five concentrations, spanning a range of 70–130%
lincomycin HCl (monohydrate) reference standard. The fol- of the target clindamycin assay concentration. Likewise, solu-
lowing authentic samples were also obtained in-house from tions of lincomycin, 7-epilincomycin, 7-epiclindamycin, clin-
Pfizer: clindamycin drug substance, 7-epilincomycin HCl, 7- damycin B, and degradation product A were prepared at five
epiclindamycin HCl, and degradation product A. The Pfizer concentrations, spanning a range of about 0.1–5% of the target
Pharmaceutical R&D group in Kalamazoo provided a placebo clindamycin assay concentration.
86 D.J. Platzer, B.A. White / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 41 (2006) 84–88

2.5. Accuracy, precision, and limit of quantitation (LOQ) in a sample solution that approximated the initial mobile phase
conditions, which was important for preserving the peak shape
Accuracy, precision, and LOQ assessments were combined of early eluting components.
into a single set of experiments. Known quantities of clin-
damycin and lincomycin were combined with the proper amount 3. Results and discussion
of placebo mix to create three separate samples. These samples
were designed to mimic the tablet formulation, and were pre- 3.1. Method development and specificity
pared in the same way that actual tablets were prepared.
From previous experience it was known that clindamycin,
2.6. Robustness with a pKa of about 7.6 [14], was poorly retained under most
reversed-phase conditions. Ion-pair reagent had been used in the
For the robustness experiment related to specificity, two dif- mobile phases of some other methods to overcome this problem.
ferent 10 mM carbonate buffer solutions were prepared. The pH For this effort, a mobile phase pH well above the pKa was chosen
of one solution was adjusted to 10.3, while the pH of the other to aid retention, and the XTerra column was chosen because of its
was adjusted to 10.7 (this range is ±0.2 pH units from nominal). ability to accommodate high pH mobile phases. It was expected
From these two solutions, four mobile phase solutions were pre- that clindamycin and related components would not be partially
pared. One set of mobile phases (A and B) was prepared using ionized within this range, which is generally required for a robust
the pH 10.3 buffer, while the other set was prepared using the pH separation.
10.7 buffer. A resolution mixture containing most of the peaks After the initial mobile phase composition and column were
of interest was injected onto the chromatograph using each set chosen, DryLab® chromatography modeling software was used
of mobile phases. to optimize the separation. Calibration runs consisting of 20- and
For the assessment of sample solution stability, the clin- 60-min gradient ramps were conducted. A mixture containing
damycin accuracy solutions were stored for 72 h under both the peaks of interest was analyzed, along with solutions contain-
ambient and refrigerated conditions and injected versus fresh ing individual impurities and TEC. Entry of the data from the
standard preparations. calibration runs into DryLab® permitted us to model the effects
of changes in the separation conditions.
2.7. Preparation of tablet samples The conditions chosen for further investigation and eventual
validation (Section 2.2) resulted in the separation depicted in
For the composite tablet (potency and impurities) assay, Fig. 2. Authentic supplies of one of the impurities, 4-desoxy-
10 tablets were ground fine using a mortar and pestle. Grind 4-␣-chloroclindamycin B, were not available to confirm its
containing an amount of clindamycin equivalent to a single identity. However, the small peak at 14.4 min was tentatively
tablet was then transferred to a 200 mL volumetric flask. Fifty identified as 4-desoxy based on the relative size of the peak, its
milliliters of a 50:50 mixture of acetonitrile and 0.1N HCl was order of elution, and its proximity to the clindamycin peak.
added; the flask was capped and shaken vigorously for 30 min. A severe negative baseline slope that started with the onset of
The flask was diluted to volume with pH 10.5 buffer, and the the gradient was attributed to a lower concentration of buffer in
solution was gently mixed. An aliquot of the solution was cen- mobile phase B. Because of solubility limitations, the additional
trifuged and filtered prior to injection. Single whole tablets were buffer required to offset the decline in absorbance could not
also subjected to this procedure for content uniformity determi- be added to mobile phase B. The sloping baseline was largely
nations. This scheme was found to be optimal for both disin- mitigated with the addition of a small quantity of NaNO3 , a
tegrating whole tablets and dissolving the drug. It also resulted practice known as “absorbance matching” [15].

Fig. 2. Expanded chromatography for a mixture of clindamycin and impurities (including TEC, top), and mobile phase A blank (bottom).
D.J. Platzer, B.A. White / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 41 (2006) 84–88 87

Table 3 Based on 3× S/N, the LOD was calculated to be 0.03%.

Linear regression data for clindamycin and minor components Calculations were based on the response observed for the 0.1%
Clindamycin Lincomycin 7-Epilincomycin 7-epiclindamycin linearity sample. This impurity was chosen
Concentration range (%) 70–130 0.1–5.0 0.1–5.0
because it has the lowest relative response factor of all of the
Slope 40177 56143 48793 impurities tested.
Intercept 4194.5 26.106 24.512
Correlation coefficient (r) 0.99997 0.99997 0.99998 3.3. Accuracy, precision, and LOQ
RMSE (or ESD) 279.94 30.401 19.170
STD error, slope 184.12 249.92 172.56 Lincomycin was chosen as the sole impurity for accuracy
STD error, intercept 564.66 19.412 12.241
RMS-X (full fit) 0.006964 0.0005415 0.0003930
and precision testing for two reasons. First, a well-characterized
FR N/A 1.40 1.21 supply of authentic material was available. Second, the clin-
damycin drug substance lot used for the experiment contained
Deg. Prod. A Clindamycin B 7-Epiclindamycin no measurable amounts of lincomycin. Therefore, no correction
Concentration range (%) 0.1–5.0 0.1–5.0 0.1–5.0 was required to account for lincomycin already present in the
Slope 53587 42647 40864 drug substance. For accuracy and precision testing, lincomycin
Intercept −2.5671 −8.2747 −12.494 was considered to be a suitable surrogate for most of the other
Correlation coefficient (r) 0.99999 0.99995 0.99998 known impurities because of their structural similarities.
RMSE (or ESD) 14.738 29.442 14.954
STD error, slope 121.40 249.41 133.83
Table 4 contains the data obtained for the accuracy and preci-
STD error, intercept 9.4097 18.798 9.5484 sion measurements for clindamycin and lincomycin. Acceptable
RMS-X (full fit) 0.0002750 0.0006904 0.0003660 accuracy and precision values at the 0.1% level demonstrated the
FR 1.33 1.06 1.02 LOQ was not >0.1%.

3.4. Robustness
3.2. Linearity, LOD, and calculation of relative response
factors Because other methods have been shown to be sensitive to
minor pH fluctuations, we believed it important to demonstrate
Linearity of detector response (peak area) versus concentra- robustness with respect to moderate changes in mobile phase
tion was evaluated for clindamycin and five related substances. pH. A resolution mixture was constructed containing several
The regression data for all of the components tested are shown components of interest, including TEC. Moderate mobile phase
in Table 3. UV relative response factors (FR ) were calculated pH changes were shown to have virtually no effect on the chro-
for each impurity using the following equation: matography; almost no change in retention times, peak shape,
Simp or column efficiency was noted.
FR = With respect to solution stability, <1% change was noted in
potency values over 72 h for both ambient and refrigerated solu-
where Simp is the slope of the regression line for a given impurity tions. No new impurities at levels equal to or greater than the
and Sclindamycin is the slope of the regression line for clindamycin. LOQ were noted in the sample chromatography.
All impurity concentrations except degradation product A were
corrected for approximate purity. The clindamycin concentra- 3.5. Assay of tablet samples
tion was also corrected for purity. The data shown in Table 2
confirmed the detector response at 214 nm was linear over the Actual tablet samples were assayed using the condi-
ranges tested for all components. tions described in this document. Both multi-tablet potency

Table 4
Accuracy and precision data for clindamycin and lincomycin
Sample no. Clindamycin added (mg) Clindamycin recovered (mg) Recovered (%)

1 596.9 592.5 99.3

2 595.7 591.4 99.3
3 601.7 596.3 99.1
Average (i.e., accuracy) – – 99.2
R.S.D. (%) – – 0.12

Lincomycin added (%) Lincomycin recovered (%) Recovered (%)

1 0.0907 0.0897 98.9

2 0.0961 0.0899 93.5
3 0.0892 0.0890 99.9
Average (i.e., accuracy) – – 97.4
R.S.D. (%) – – 3.5
88 D.J. Platzer, B.A. White / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 41 (2006) 84–88

(composite sample) and content uniformity testing was per- References

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[14] L.W. Brown, W.F. Beyer, in: K. Florey (Ed.), Anal. Profiles
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and Robert Noack (Pfizer, Ann Arbor, MI, USA). p. 396.

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