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Minimax Brochure

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Complete Fire Protection Systems

from a Single Source
Minimax Chronicle 4

Minimax Overview 5

Sprinkler extinguishing systems 6

Minifog water mist systems 7

Water spray systems 8

Foam extinguishing systems 9

Powder extinguishing systems 10

Permanent inerting 10

Fire detection systems 11

Special fire protection systems 12

Structural fire protection 14

Fire extinguishers 14

Branch solutions 15

Services 16

Adresses 17

MINIMAX Experience

Minimax Chronicle
1902 The company is founded in Berlin by Wil- 1969 Minimax is taken over by Preussag AG
helm Graaff and develops the legendary and merged with SFH.
Minimax conical extinguisher. Employees 1991 The Minimax GmbH with its head office
create the trademark: in Bad Oldesloe and a branch office in
minimum effort, Bad Urach is founded. Minimax GmbH is
maximum efficiency = Minimax the leading company of all fire protection
1905 Minimax acquires the production center in activities of the Preussag AG.
Neuruppin. 1998 Minimax extends the fire protection
1909 Minimax is the number 1 worldwide – with research center in Bad Oldesloe.
foreign companies in Europe and the USA. 2001 Preussag concentrates on their basic
Minimax conquers the world with its pro- business: tourism. Minimax gains a new
ducts – more than 300,000 devices have shareholder with Barclays Private Equity
allready been exported to 28 countries. Deutschland.
1926 The first Minimax foam generators are 2002 Minimax celebrates its hundredth
introduced on the market. anniversary!
1945 Minimax is built up again in West Germany 2003 Investcorp acquires Minimax. Minimax
after the destruction of the administration GmbH and Minimax Holding GmbH
buildings in Berlin and after expropriation merge into the Minimax GmbH & Co. KG.
of the factory in Neuruppin.
2005 The Minimax GmbH & Co. KG bundle their
1953 In Bad Urach near Stuttgart the most activities in the range of the mobile fire
up-to-date German factory for fire extin- protection in a discrete association – the
guishers, fire extinguishing devices and Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG.
extinguishing systems for fire fighting
2006 Industri Kapital acquires Minimax from
vehicles is established.
1958 Minimax extends the factory in Bad Urach.
2007 Minimax expands business in the USA with
1959 The first universal ABC fire extinguishing the acquisition of CFP.
powder obtains its official approval.
2009 Inauguration of new fire protection
1966 The SFH (Selbsttätige Feuerlöschanlagen research centre.
GmbH) relocates its factory to Bad Oldes-
2009 Minimax merges with Viking.
loe in Northern Germany.
1967 The fire protection research centre is
inaugurated with its own “fire house“ in
Bad Oldesloe.

MINIMAXA single source

International complete service provider

Fire is one of the most underestimated of all one single supplier: from simple fire extin-
risks. A fire can break out anywhere – the guishers all the way to the most cutting-edge
important thing is how fast it can be detected automatic extinguishing systems.
and extinguished.
For over 100 years, the Minimax Group has Our quality is tested regularly – for us, a matter
been a firm global leader in fire protection. of course; for our clients and many admission
entities, the guarantee for safe fire protection
Safety through technology: in power stations, solutions which comply with all applicable regu-
paint spraying and wind energy plants, wood lations. Intensive development work carried out
processing, logistic warehouses, server rooms in its own fire protection research centre ensures
and on ships – wherever there is a risk of fire, that the company will continue to develop trend-
Minimax has a range of individual solutions to setting, innovative solutions well into the future.
ensure optimal protection for people, machines, A comprehensive service – from training through
buildings and the environment. As an interna- maintenance all the way to fault management –
tionally active provider of integrated solutions, completes the Minimax offer.
Minimax offers all fire protection concepts from

Research for a fire-proof future

Every year fires claim many human lives, in available for tests. Through integration of a
addition to billions of dollars in assets. In 1967, mobile suspended ceiling, the ceiling height can
Minimax set up the “Fire Research Center”, in be lowered with minimal effort to 2 m.
order to provide new impulses for systematic
fire protection research. Since then, full-scale In addition to this, some 14 kilometres from
emergencies have been staged here in keeping the Minimax Mobile Services headquarters in
with the motto “We have a fire, so you don’t”. Bad Urach, Minimax boasts a fire research
centre stretching 2500 square metres.
The fire hall and the technical centre have been
renewed in 2009. Now, a fire test room with an
area of 320 m2 and a height of up to 15 m is

Minimax Fire Protection Center:

emergency situations

OVERVIEW Sprinkler systems

Sprinkler systems are self-acting fire extinguish-

ing systems having an uncomplicated as well a
safe functioning principle. A network of piping
and sprinkler heads is installed throughout the
areas of the building requiring protection and is
constantly under pressure. Under normal condi-
tions the sprinkler head is closed off by a liquid-
filled bulb. If due to the effects of a fire, the
ambient temperature in the immediate vicinity
rises by approximately 30 °C above the maxi-
mum temperature expected under normal con-
ditions, the glass bulb bursts. The pressurized
extinguishing water then flows through the
piping into the sprinkler head and the resulting
water jet hits the spray plate which diverts the
spray to the areas to be covered. At the same
time the water flow in the piping network trips
the alarm systems. When the fire is extinguished
you replace the sprinkler that was activated and
the system is ready for operation again.

In order to provide effective solutions for the

diverse variety of fire risks, Minimax sprinklers
are offered in a range of versions with special
spraying characteristics. All sprinkler system
components are also available as part of the
Minimax product portfolio.

The different types of systems, such as wet or

dry systems or pre-controlled dry systems, are
adapted to meet specific criteria, for instance
places prone to frost or special risk areas.

Undercover Sprinkler Preaction Sprinkler

OVERVIEW Minifog water mist systems

Minifog is suitable for various applications, Also evaporation of the extinguishing water in
whether for protection of rooms or of objects. the fire captures a great deal of additional latent
Minifog extinguishing technology features ex- heat and at the same time the steam produced
tremely efficient exploitation of the physical impedes the supply of oxygen to the base of the
properties of water. The extinguishing water is fire: The reduction of the oxygen concentration
applied through special nozzles or sprinklers as in the immediate vicinity of the flame zone
a water mist system so that the total surface results in an additional smothering effect. The
area of the extinguishing water is multiplied arrangement of the nozzles and the optimal
many times by fine droplet formation. The droplet formation mean that the base of the fire
water entrains the heat from the fire particularly is still reached even if there are inhibiting fac-
efficiently and so the base of the fire and its tors such as thermal currents or air movement.
surroundings are immediately cooled effectively.

Minimax water mist technology

Minifog for a wide range of applications

EconAqua ObjectProtect mobile PressProtect marine SpecialSolutions

Solutions for
Building Object For manual Solutions for Solutions for
the protection
protection protection fire fighting maritime risks special risks
of presses

Water mist Water mist Water mist extin- Special water Special water Special water
sprinkler systems sprinkler systems guishing units: mist extinguish- mist extinguish- mist extinguish-
for specific risks (with open noz- • Water mist ing systems for ing systems for ing systems,
according to zles) for e.g. extinguishers wood fibreboard Offshore areas, e.g. for
German • Machines • HDL 170/250 presses e.g. • Automatic
VdS CEA 4001 • Paint shops (OSB, chipboard, • Ships parking systems
• Cable ducts MDF and HDF) • Oil platforms • Wind energy
• Large deep fat converters
• Railway

Water spray systems /Extinguishing water technology

Water spray systems of a fire, the smoke/gas-entraining, cooling and

radiant heat-reflecting effect of a water-spray
If conditions are such that extremely rapid extinguishing system also provides excellent
spreading of a fire can be expected, then protection for personnel.
Minimax water-spray extinguishing systems can
provide maximum safety. Water-spray extinguish- Distribution of the extinguishing water is deter-
ing systems operate with open extinguisher noz- mined by the number, size and spray-characteris-
zles which, in the event of fire, distribute the tics of the nozzles and arranged to suit the
extinguishing water over the entire protected objects and areas to be protected.
area, the quantity of extinguishant needed
being minimal. Spray extinguishing increases the
surface area of the extinguishing water, entrains Extinguishing water technology
the heat of combustion and therefore cools the
Extinguishing water technology is an indispens-
combustible substance. In addition to this cool-
able part of preventive fire protection. Water is
ing effect there is a smothering effect because
the no. 1 extinguishant and as drinking water it
the steam produced impedes the oxygen supply
is also an important resource for our world.
to the base of the fire.
Therefore the specific requirements imposed
on planning and design of systems, which are
Water-spray extinguishing systems are designed
directly connected to the drinking water supply,
for space or equipment protection. In the case
are very high. Minimax extinguishing water sys-
of space protection the extinguishing water is
tems correspond to valid standards as well as
distributed evenly across the whole area of the
the statutory provisions and guarantee highest
fire hazard. The extinguishing nozzles are there-
possible safety.
fore arranged evenly spaced at ceiling level. In
the case of equipment protection systems, de-
After completing all the necessary research,
fined objects particularly subject to fire hazard
Minimax is now ready to put three of its own
are provided with water spray for protection or
products (a compact pressure booster and filling
for preventive cooling. The extinguishing noz-
and draining devices) onto the market under
zles are therefore arranged to be specifically
the 'maximat' brand name.
aimed at the object. For tall objects they may
also be installed at several levels. In the event
Minimax also offers a lot of different com-
ponents of extinguishing water systems, for
example fire extinguishing hose connecting
equipment (wall hydrants), above-ground and
underfloor hydrants and more.

OVERVIEW Foam extinguishing systems

Storage facilities, incineration plants, refineries foam is produced (low expansion foam). If the
or plastics/tyre depots have one thing in com- air percentage is increased, the foam becomes
mon: they pose a special risk. When flammable drier and thus lighter (medium and high expan-
liquids or plastics catch fire, the fire spreads sion foam). The air foam utilizes different extin-
very quickly and toxic combustion gases are guishing effects: cooling, suffocating, separating,
emitted. This results in damages that cost mil- covering, restraining and displacing – each one
lions as well as environmental pollution. Foam alone or together with others they provide a
extinguishing systems are the most effective fire quick extinguishing success.
protection for this risk area.
With a versatile foaming agent range, Minimax
Extinguishing foam is a highly effective mixture offers safe and flexible application.
of water, foaming agent and air. A stable foaming As an exclusive manufacturer, Minimax supplies
agent percentage is added to the water flow sprinklers for the production of low expansion
with admixture devices. The produced mixture is foam. Minimax also specialises in stainless steel
foamed with air in subsequent foam generators. nozzles for low expansion foam extinguishing
The foaming degree depends on the capacity of systems. Perfectly aligned components are
the used foam generator, the foaming agent supplied in line with the individual needs of
and the foaming agent admixture rate. In case clients and according to respective fire protec-
of a low air intake a wet, heavy extinguishing tion requirements.

OVERVIEW Powder extinguishing systems /Permanent inerting

Powder extinguishing systems Permanent inerting

Powder extinguishing systems are permanently The principle of permanent inerting is to per-
installed fire extinguishing systems. Extinguish- manently lower the oxygen concentration of
ing powders are highly efficient and fast-acting the air so that fire cannot break out in the first
extinguishing agents. The sudden three-dimen- place. The Permatec fire prevention system
sion extinguishing effect of the powder clouds offers optimum fire protection when the areas
is due to the smothering effect and the anti- to be protected are not frequented by people
catalytic effect, a chemical intervention in the and have a relatively high density for reasons of
combustion process. Extinguishing powders energy, climate or safety technology. In such
consist essentially of non-toxic inorganic salts, areas the best possible fire protection is the
which are mixed with impregnation and pouring Permatec system: active fire prevention. Due to
agents. The extinguishing powders are used for the controlled supply of nitrogen, the Permatec
fires involving solid, liquid and gaseous materi- fire prevention system keeps the oxygen con-
als and for metal fires. tent of the air in the protected air at a reduced
level. The nitrogen displaces the calculated pro-
portion of oxygen, resulting in a fire-proof
Large-scale powder extinguishing systems atmosphere.
If several rooms and objects are to be protected
by powder extinguishing systems, one central The nitrogen for reducing the oxygen is pro-
powder supply in pressure-proof steel tanks is duced economically by a nitrogen generator
recommended for all areas to be protected. Up directly in the Permatec fire prevention system.
to 4,000 kg of powder can be stored in one The monitoring and control unit of the
such tank. Permatec fire prevention system constantly
controls the oxygen content of the air.

Small-scale powder extinguishing systems

Small-scale extinguishing systems are recom-

mended for objects requiring limited protection.
Such powder extinguishing systems have been
standardized in design and size for a number of
similar objects, which minimizes the cost. Pre-
ferred areas of application are exhauster hoods,
exhaust air ducts, lab experiment facilities, etc.

OVERVIEW Fire detection systems

Fire detection systems are essential components interplay with all other components of the
of a responsible safety management concept. safety concept. Minimax fire detection systems
Each object and each area of use holds special detect fire dangers and incipient fires around
risks and requirements. Minimax provides for the clock.
the optimum detection of fires and the perfect

Fire detectors UniVario industrial detectors

Minimax offers various models of standard fire Minimax has devised a new product Range:
detectors, optical smoke detectors, heat detec- UniVario industrial detectors.
tors, ionization smoke detectors and spark and
flame detectors. With their robust casing and installation tech-
nology, these intelligent, platformbased, micro-
processorcontrolled fire detectors can cope with
Special detectors even the toughest of conditions. And thanks
Minimax special detectors include multi-function to their modular concept and modern signal-
detectors, bypass alarms, aspirating smoke processing technology, these devices can live
detectors and alarm transmitters. up to all sorts of different expectations in an
unusually broad field of application.

Fire detection control panels

Our fire detection control panels span both

standard control panels with line technology
and ring bus panels for networked systems.
With the diverse range of standard and special
sensor technology, all configuration levels from
compact small control panels to the comprehen-
sive large panels can be compiled individually.

OVERVIEW Special fire protection systems

Sensitive technologies, objects and areas need ble protection of human life and material assets.
a special protection scheme. Minimax has the Specially adapted to the individual application,
right solution. Our gaseous extinguishing agents they fight fires with no side effects or negative
are environmentally safe and provide fast, reli a- impact on the protected objects.

Argotec Inertgas fire extinguishing systems

Argotec fire extinguishing systems are the right The 300 bar technol-
solution for protecting high-end systems, sensi- ogy has further in-
tive equipment or valuables that could be dam- creased the cost-effec-
aged by the use of other extinguishing agents. tiveness of the extin-
These versatile systems use argon (Ar), nitrogen guishing gases argon
(N2) or carbon dioxide (CO2) as extinguishants. and nitrogen used in
the Argotec system.
Furthermore, the specially developed Argotec The higher filling pres-
CST (Controlled Suppression Technology) is also sure means that fewer
available. The extinguishing systems are charac- cylinders are required.
terised by their ability to administer the corre- This also reduces the
sponding extinguishing solution in a controlled installation space by
and accurate way. 30 percent.

MX 1230 Fire extinguishing system

Due to its fast and even distribution of The extinguishing agent Novec™ 1230 is unique
extinguishing agent, the Minimax MX 1230 in that it is stored at room temperature in a form
extinguishing system with the extinguishing as compact as water, but extinguishes as a gas
agent Novec™ 1230 from 3M™ is an ideal with no residue and even distribution through-
fire protection solution with many benefits out the entire extinguishing area. Each MX 1230
for protecting electric and electronic risks. fire extinguishing system is configured individu-
ally. The MX 1230 compact extinguishing system
combines all components in one unit.

OVERVIEW Special fire protection systems

OneU active extinguishing system

Companies are helpless in the event of ope- cabinets with electrical and electronic devices,
rational downtime due to server room fires. for example servers and IT equipment.
Delivery problems and data loss have cata-
strophic consequences for the affected com- With just a few hand manoeuvres, the space-
panies. With OneU, Minimax offers a unique saving OneU is installed in only one height unit
active extinguishing system especially for of 19". OneU is available in various constructions.

Fire extinguishing system MX200

The Minimax MX 200 system with the extinguish- The extinguishing effect of HFC-227ea is based
ing agent HFC-227ea is based on a powerful on heat absorption in the flame and therefore
extinguishing concept for protecting valuable on physical cooling and, to a small degree,
and critical objects. It combines high extinguish- chemical intervention in the flame reaction.
ing effectiveness with no-residue extinguishing, Its excellent extinguishing capacity makes
personal safety and low storage volume. The HFC-227ea the ideal extinguishing agent for
use of HFC-227ea is recommended especially for fast-spreading fires.
risks where speed, weight and space require-
ments are the decisive factors.

OVERVIEW Structural fire protection / Fire extinguisher

Structural fire protection Fire extinguisher

Cables, pipes, supply shafts and ducts, cover- All fire classifications
ings and joints are ideal areas for fire to spread For all fire classifications (A, B, C, D, F), Minimax
quickly. Every duct – even through fire-proof offers ideal fire extinguishers manufactured in
walls, ceilings and floors – can easily become a its very own production plant in Germany.
safety breach. Structural fire protection is there-
fore an essential part of fire prevention. It helps Mobile fire extinguishers from 1-12 kg or litres.
to prevent and limit fires and to secure escape Navigable fire extinguishers from 10-60 kg or
and rescue paths in the event of a fire. Minimax litres.
provides for the compliance with structural fire
prevention regulations. All Minimax systems Foam fire extinguishers
are tested and approved in accordance with
DIN 4102 and conform to the state of the art. Foam cartridge extinguisher
Powder fire extinguishers
To the structural fire protection measures Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers
Water fire extinguishers
Cable fire Stops Water mist fire extinguishers
Cable coatings Fat fire extinguishers
Fire protection coating Metal fire extinguishers
Pipe fire stops Antimagnetic fire extinguishers
Fire protection cladding
The operating and quality features are identical
Fire protection joints in all versions. Those who place particular
Fire protection spray plaster importance on individuality and aesthetics will
find an endless variety of options in our design

Branch solutions

Many branches of industry involve special fire

risks and so present special requirements for
the fire protection concept. With our know-how
and our broad range of products we are the
right partner where individual solutions are

Examples of branches:

Automatic park systems

Printing industry
Paint spraying systems
Historic buildings and museums
High-bay warehouses
Industrial presses
Telecommunications / EDP
Power plants
Silos and bunkers
Machine tools
Wind turbines


Advice / Planning Fault signal management

With its comprehensive planning and services, Minimax provides you 24 hours safety. Statutory
Minimax creates all the prerequisites for keeping regulations generally require constant monito-
damages to a minimum in the event of a fire. ring of fire protection systems. In case of mal-
After visiting the building, grounds or construc- functions, immediate measures must be taken.
tion site, Minimax specialists create customized The Minimax reporting system fulfill these
fire protection concepts. requirements, since all alarm, fault and moni-
toring signals are sent to central location. When
Maintenance a fault message is received, the employees at
the control panel can determine the type of
Regular checks are a fundamental prerequisite,
fault, the location of the affected system, the
so that not only the functioning of your fire
identity of the operator.
protection systems is guaranteed, but also to
maintain your insurance cover at all times.
Based on a previously prepared individual plan
of action, the staff members then proceed to
Architectural fire protection precautions
inform the entities arranged.
Minimax can also arrange for carrying out archi-
tectural fire protection precautions. As for all Training
engineering systems, the proper functioning of
For employee training and the presentation of
the combined architectural fire protection
information to customers, Minimax maintains
installations must be guaranteed at all times.
well-attended training centers in Bad Oldesloe
and Bad Urach.
Improvement /Prevention
So that protective systems still function properly On-site training is also offered upon client
after many years of stand-by service and comply request.
with the state of the art, Minimax service in-
cludes much more than just maintenance.

Minimax also offers specific measures and

programs for increasing safety and operational
readiness, and for increasing convenience or
lowering the operating costs of a fire protection

ADRESSES Branch offices /Competence Center in Germany

Head office: Minimax GmbH & Co. KG Minimax GmbH & Co. KG
Minimax GmbH & Co. KG Branch office Hagen Branch office Munich
Industriestrasse 10/12 Gerberstrasse 22 Marsstrasse 5
D-23840 Bad Oldesloe D-58095 Hagen D-85609 Aschheim
Phone: +49 4531 803-0 Phone: +49 2331 2006-0 Phone: +49 89 998898-0
Fax: +49 4531 803-248 Fax: +49 2331 2006-99 Fax: +49 89 998898-295

Region North Region Central Minimax GmbH & Co. KG

Branch office Nuremberg
Minimax GmbH & Co. KG Minimax GmbH & Co. KG Alfred-Nobel-Strasse 55
Branch office Berlin Branch office Apolda D-90765 Fürth
Gottlieb-Dunkel-Strasse 20/21 Heinrich-Hertz-Strasse 10 Phone: +49 911 45002-0
D-12099 Berlin D-07629 Hermsdorf Fax: +49 911 45002-30
Phone: +49 30 700008-0 Phone: +49 36601 9374-0
Fax: +49 30 700008-44 Fax: +49 36601 9374-222 Competence Center

Minimax GmbH & Co. KG Minimax GmbH & Co. KG Minimax GmbH & Co. KG
Branch office Rostock Branch office Cologne Marine
Beerboomscher Weg 1 Heinrich-Pesch-Strasse 5 Fischerweg 408
D-18292 Krakow/See D-50739 Köln D-18069 Rostock
Phone: +49 38457 518-0 Phone: +49 221 54698-0 Phone: +49 381 811237-0
Fax: +49 38457 518-18 Fax: +49 221 54698-70 Fax: +49 381 811237-1

Minimax GmbH & Co. KG Minimax GmbH & Co. KG Minimax GmbH & Co. KG
Branch office Reinfeld Branch office Frankfurt Marine
An der Autobahn 12 Heinrich-Hertz-Strasse 1 Industriestrasse 10/12
D-23858 Reinfeld D-63303 Dreieich D-23840 Bad Oldesloe
Phone: +49 4533 2066-0 Phone: +49 6103 5880-0 Phone: +49 4531 803-0
Fax: +49 4533 2066-99 Fax: +49 6103 5880-180 Fax: +49 4531 803-140

Minimax GmbH & Co. KG Minimax GmbH & Co. KG Minimax Windhorst
Branch office Bremen Branch office Saarbrücken Branch office of
Finienweg 24 Industriestrasse 27 Minimax GmbH & Co. KG
D-28832 Achim D-66129 Saarbrücken Steindamm 52/54
Phone: +49 4202 9154-0 Phone: +49 6805 9424-0 D-28719 Bremen
Fax: +49 4202 9154-30 Fax: +49 6805 9424-10 Phone: +49 421 63890-0
Fax: +49 421 63890-90
Region West Minimax GmbH & Co. KG
Branch office Heidelberg Minimax GmbH & Co. KG
Minimax GmbH & Co. KG Englerstrasse 20 Marine
Branch office Hanover D-69126 Heidelberg Am Becketal 14
Heinrich-Hertz-Strasse 23 Phone: +49 6221 43418-0 D-28755 Bremen
D-30966 Hemmingen Fax: +49 6221 43418-55 Phone: +49 421 6995538
Phone: +49 511 4206-1 Fax: +49 421 8353816
Fax: +49 511 4206-440 Region South
Minimax GmbH & Co. KG
Minimax GmbH & Co. KG Minimax GmbH & Co. KG Steel
Branch office Kassel Branch office Stuttgart Germaniastrasse 28
Miramstrasse 87 Geb. K Schützenbühlstrasse 12 D-45356 Essen
D-34123 Kassel D-70435 Stuttgart Phone: +49 201 6164-419
Phone: +49 561 95174-0 Phone: +49 711 98271-0 Fax: +49 201 6164-589
Fax: +49 561 95174-40 Fax: +49 711 98271-200
Minimax GmbH & Co. KG
Minimax GmbH & Co. KG Minimax GmbH & Co. KG Special Risks
Branch office Essen Branch office Freiburg Winterhäuser Strasse 29
Germaniastrasse 28 Hausener Weg 6 D-97084 Würzburg
D-45356 Essen D-79111 Freiburg Phone: +49 931 61589-0
Phone: +49 201 6164-0 Phone: +49 761 45564-0 Fax: +49 931 61589-10
Fax: +49 201 6164-211 Fax: +49 761 45564-49

ADRESSES Fire protection center in Germany

Head office: General agency Münster General agency Oberpfalz

Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG An der Kleinmannbrücke 17 Günzstrasse 4
Minimaxstrasse 1 D-48157 Münster D-93059 Regensburg
D-72574 Bad Urach Phone: +49 251 14161-0 Phone: +49 941 56719-2
Phone: +49 7125 154-0 Fax: +49 251 325220 Fax: +49 941 56719-4
Fax: +49 7125 154-100
Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG General agency Niederbayern
Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG Fire protection center Cologne Bahnhofstrasse 61a
Location Dresden Heinrich-Pesch-Strasse 5 D-94469 Deggendorf
Serkowitzer Strasse 29a D-50739 Köln Phone: +49 991 8440
D-01445 Radebeul Phone: +49 221 54698-11 Fax: +49 991 8449
Phone: +49 351 8386660 Fax: +49 221 54698-90
Fax: +49 351 8386688 General agency Würzburg
Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG Winterhäuser Strasse 87
Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG Fire protection center Frankfurt D-97084 Würzburg-Heidingsfeld
Fire protection center Berlin Heinrich-Hertz-Strasse 1 Phone: +49 931 61901-0
Gottlieb-Dunkel-Strasse 20/21 D-63303 Dreieich Fax: +49 931 61901-40
D-12099 Berlin Phone: +49 6103 5880-280
Phone: +49 30 700008-15 Fax: +49 6103 5880-285 Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG
Fax: +49 30 700008-70 Fire protection center Erfurt
General agency Saarbrücken Mühlgarten 10
Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG Am Neuhauser Weg 51 D-99094 Erfurt-Möbisburg
Location Rostock D-66125 Saarbrücken-Dudweiler Phone: +49 361 654544-0
Tschaikowskistrasse 57 Phone: +49 6897 9001-0 Fax: +49 361 654544-10
D-18069 Rostock Rostock Fax: +49 6897 9001-50
Phone: +49 381 2037437
Fax: +49 381 2034857 Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG
Fire protection center Stuttgart
Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG Schützenbühlstrasse 12
Fire protection center Hamburg D-70435 Stuttgart
Osterrade 23 Phone: +49 711 98271-129
D-21031 Hamburg Fax: +49 711 98271-130
Phone: +49 40 251966-0
Fax: +49 40 251966-19 Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG
Location Munich
Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG Marsstrasse 5
Fire protection center Hanover D-85609 Aschheim
Am Pferdemarkt 31 Phone: +49 89 998898-250
D-30853 Langenhagen Fax: +49 89 998898-270
Phone: +49 511 978399-99
Fax: +49 511 978399-92 Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG
Location Augsburg
Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG Ulmer Strasse 160
Location Bielefeld D-86156 Augsburg
Eckendorfer Strasse 101 Phone: +49 821 741744
D-33609 Bielefeld Fax: +49 821 741745
Phone: +49 521 7515-81+82
Fax: +49 521 7515-83 Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG
Fire protection center Nuremberg
Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG Alfred-Nobel-Strasse 55
Fire protection center Dortmund D-90765 Fürth
Lindenhorster Strasse 101 Phone: +49 911 45002-0
D-44147 Dortmund Fax: +49 911 45002-40
Phone: +49 231 985153-0
Fax: +49 231 855533

ADRESSES Worldwide

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Minimax Argentina S.A. MX Systems International Pvt. Ltd. Minimax GmbH & Co. KG
Parque Industrial "Cir 2" 202A - 202D, 2nd Floor, 194, # 03-59/60 German Centre
Ruta Provincial Nº 36, Km 37,5 -- El Pato Arvind Chambers 25 International Business Park
Berazategui. Provincia de Buenos Aires Western Express Highway 609916 Singapore
Código Postal 1893 Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400 069 Phone: +65 65628630
Phone: +91 22-2682 2550
Australia Spain
Minimax Fire Fighting Systems Pty LTD Indonesia Incipresa S.A.
2/19 Cliff Street Minimax GmbH & Co. KG C/Goya, 135-2° Izqu.
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Phone: +61 2 99 777110 JI.H.R. Rasuna Said Block X-5 Phone: +34 913 09 3636
Kav. 2-3, Jakarta 12950
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Deutschstraße 5a Minimax GmbH & Co. KG Phone: +34 917 10 9000
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Phone: +43 1615 6105-0 Vali-e-Asr Ave. Teheran Thailand
Phone: +98 21220 25992-3 Fire Protection Installation Services
Minimax Mobil Services GmbH & Co. KG (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Carlbergergasse 66B Kuwait 220/7-8 Lakeview Condominium Superior
A-1230 Wien Minimax GmbH & Co. KG Building
Phone: +43 1865 8161-0 Safat Bondstreet road, Bangpud, Prakket
P.O. Box 864 Nonthaburi 11120
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Minimax do Brasil Ltda. Phone: +9 65 4343721
Av. Rosa Zanetti Ferragut, 129 Turkey
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Phone: +55 193886 6670 Televisieweg 62 Kat.19 Daire 70
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Czech Republic Phone: +31 365461 600 Phone: +90 212 438 31 43
Feuerschutz-Ges. m. b. H. Seafix Fire Fighting Systems B.V. United Arab Emirates
Bohumil Kafka Van Maasdijkweg 67 Minimax GmbH & Co. KG
Branická 43 3088 ED Rotterdam Villa 13/1, Street No. 5
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Phone: +420 244461 130 Karamah Area, P.O. Box 109169
Poland Abu Dhabi
China Minimax Polska Sp. z.o.o. Phone: +971 2 4461646
Minimax (Beijing) ul. Ogrodowa 27/29
Fire Fighting System Co. Ltd. PL-05-092 Lomianki, Kielpin United States of America
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Fengtai District Portugal Irvine, CA 92614
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Phone: +86 106370-1195 Lda. (Pefiport)
Av. Pedro Alvares Cabral nº 213 Cosco Holdings Inc.
France Manique de Cima 1209 Orange Street
Minimax France SAS P-2710-297 Sintra Wilmington, DE 19801
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Wilmington, DE 19801
Minimax Sisteme Antiincendiu SRL
Great Britain Calea Bucurestilor 170 FLAMEX Inc.
Minimax UK Ltd. 075100 Otopeni - Ilfov Kreis 4365 Federal Drive
Suite 211 Rye House Phone: +40 21 3115148 Greensboro N.C. 27410
113 High Street, Ruislip Phone: +336 2 99-2933
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OOO Minimax Russia Minimax USA Inc.
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Phone: +36 1 481 0321

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Minimax GmbH & Co. KG

Industriestrasse 10/12
23840 Bad Oldesloe
Phone: +49 4531 803-0
Fax: +49 4531 803-248
E-mail: info@minimax.de

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