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The term Ductile refers to the ability of a metal to undergo deformation before failure or the ability to be stretched in
to wires. Ductile pipes are used heavily in the world today and are key components in the water supply
The underground pipes that transport cities drinking water and the sewer pipes that take away the household waste
are casted from ductile iron because it is more flexible than the ordinary gray ironunder pressure so, it will bend
before it breaks. Different types of ductile iron water pipes photo(2012) is shown below as an example.
Since ductile iron pipes are mostly fitted underground, they have to be manufactured in such a way to withstand
pressure and overcome
corrosion etc. Therefore, these pipes are manufactured using quality standards and have gone various types of tests
before finally launching the product in to the market.
In this report, you will get a brief idea about the manufacturing process of Ductile Iron Pipes that utilizes the process
“casting” for its manufacture. You will also get an idea about the materials used for the pipes, the machines
involved, the tools required, quality considerations andpossible defects that arise during product’s manufacture.
Ductility refers to the ability of a metal to deform before breaking or can be simply stated as the ability of a
component to be stretched in to wires. Ductile iron basically consists of various materials that can be produced to
have a wide range of properties. Adding a small amount of magnesium or cerium to gray iron before casting
produces a distinctly different microstructure and set of mechanical properties.
Instead of forming flakes, graphite still forms as sphere like particles or nodules and the resulting alloy is
called nodular or ductile iron. The image below is shown to get a close view of the graphite form inductile iron.
Photomicrograph Showing Graphite Form in Ductile Iron
The manufacture of iron pipes in the UK has undergone 3 major changes in the last century and these are
summarized below (UK water industry, 2006).
Ductile iron is a development of an earlier cast iron pipe that has superseded due to its many advantages as follows,
· Ductile iron has excellent mechanical properties under the influence of forces, such as high resistance to
tensile stresses and high impacts.
· Above and below ground applications.
· Conservation of energy and low pumping costs.
· Extensive size ranges.
· Assured long term reliability and single rated system.
· Installations and testing are easy.
· Tolerates ground movement.
· Different pressure capabilities and high safety factor.
· Gives constant performance in hydraulics flow.
· Corrosion is less.
· Surge resistance.
Following information shows the typical properties of ductile iron pipe. (Electro steel castings ltd, 2012).
Properties of Ductile Iron Pipe
Advantages Disadvantages
· Greater ductility than grey iron · Similar rate of corrosion to grey iron and steel
· Greater impact resistance than grey iron · Prone to external and internal corrosion
· Greater strength than grey iron · Internal and external protection systems
· Lighter and easier to lay than grey iron
· Limited number of protection systems
· Simplicity of joints available in U.S.
1. Blast furnace.
Blast furnaces are typically in the form of towers in appearance. Furnaces of this type are used in steel making
processes, and it is ideal for mixing charcoals and iron ore together. The extreme heat in the furnace makes it easy
for both of the substances to melt in to an integrated liquid metal.
Blast furnaces are used for the process of iron smelting. Since heat is created by the furnace, it is possible for the
iron to produce iron oxide. The blast of air contained within the furnace helps to intensify the amount of heat
Blast furnaces are typically equipped with drawers at the base that makes collection of slag. Secure doors are
mounted on to the front of the furnace, making it easier for the raw materials to be inserted in to the furnace by a
conveyor belt or a trough. A blast furnace is shown with its major components in the image (2010).
Metal casting can be simply stated as the process, which solid materials are heated to become molten by a furnace
such as a blast furnace and are poured in to a mold cavity that contains a desired shape. When it cools down after a
period of time, the molten solidifies and can be removed from a casting machine.
Centrifugal casting process uses inertia forces caused by rotation or spinning to distribute the molten metal in to the
mold cavity. Centrifugal castings are typically three types,
· Centrifuging casting.
We use true centrifugal casting in manufacturing ductile iron pipes. Ahorizontal true centrifugal casting machine is
shown in the image (2009).
Image (2009)
3. Annealing furnace.
Annealing is simply a heat treatment process. Annealing furnaces are used to change the internal structure of metals
such as to remove coarseness of grain of pipes making it harder and flexible. An annealing furnace is shown below
in the image (2011-2012).
Designing Process
Few years ago, the designing process of iron pipes were all drawn by engineers by hand and all the calculations have
been done manually. This wastime consuming. With the development of new technologies and software such as
AutoCAD, the designing process have been made so easy as engineers and designers could easily design pipes for
the needs of the consumers saving a lot of time. Due to this advance technological breakthroughs, custom made
pipes and fittings are possible and could be designed and manufactured within a short period of time. Various pipe
companies use different software.
Pipespec software
PipeSpecdesign software is a support tool to assist engineers in the design and specification of pipeline schemes.
The software features five analytical tools that can be utilized throughout the planning and design stages of the
Ductile iron pipes are usually manufactured at a length of 6 meters.Diameters for ductile iron pipes range from
60mm to 2m or 3m. But these values differ according to countries and factory to factory. The image (2013-2015)
shows pipes of various diameters but at same length, that is 6m.
Manufacturing Process
Ductile iron is made from 90% of the recycled iron where production begins in backyards of pipe factories. Old cars
are put in to a shredder that chews them up to bits and pieces, and the shredded metal is analyzed by its chemical
composition and sorted accordingly. It discards the plastics and sells aluminum and copper but keeps the iron and
steel for manufacturing purposes. The factory also gets scrap steel from demolished buildings and other sources.
A crane operator uses an industrial magnet to gather precise amount of steel and iron. See image (2011)
Image showing a magnetic crane carrying shredded metal (2011)
The shredded metals then go in to a blast furnace with coke, a form of coal at 1,500 shown by the image (2004-
2010). The iron and steel liquefy while impurities are carried away.
Image (2004-2010)
Workers then add magnesium to the low-sulfur base iron under closely controlled conditions.When magnesium is
added to the molten iron, the graphite forms in spheres rather than in flakes (Saint-Gobain pam UK,2012).Change in
metal is characterized by the free graphite in ductile iron being deposited in spheroidal or nodular form instead of
flake form as in gray iron.
With the free graphite in nodular form, the continuity of the metal matrix is at a maximum.The formation of a far
stronger, tougher ductile material greatly exceeds gray iron in strength, in ductility, and in impact characteristics.
This turns the metal from ordinary gray iron in to stronger and flexible ductile iron.
The molten iron then travels down a trough in to a spinning mold of a centrifugal casting machine where centripetal
force spreads the iron against the mold walls as shown in image below
A cooling system cools the walls and the iron solidifies within seconds. Then the extractor pulls out an iron pipe
mold to the standard industry length, which is 6m. The image below shows the solidification process
Before each casting, workers insert a round form of a core in one end of the pipe mold. The molten iron fills the void
between the core and the mold forming a flared edge called a “bell”. The core then seals off that end of the mold
preventing molten iron from flying out during the casting.
When it’s time to connect the pipe, installers will fit the bell of one pipe over the other. Then a rubber gas seals the
links together. The casting machine can make pipes of various diameters by changing the mold inside the centrifugal
casting machine.
After the pipe is extracted, the inspectors weigh it and measure the wall thickness just to make sure that everything
meets specifications accordingly.
Then the core is removed from the bell end and since it’s made from sand and plastic resin, the core will disintegrate
Regardless of the size, pipes can be made in different diameters and the casting process is always the same for these
pipes. It takes less time to manufacture smaller pipes as they harden faster because of the smaller surface area.
A freshly casted pipe is around 850 and it cools down quickly after leaving the mold. Such rapid cooling makes the
iron brittle so the pipes go directly in to a gas filled annealing furnace that reheats to about 950 . This alters the
internal structure making it strong and flexible. Acooling pathgraph (2009) is shown to get an idea of the
temperature change with time as the full annealing process of ductile iron is similar to this full anneal curve.
The pipe then runs through a cooling chamber that showers it with cold water. Ductile iron is somewhat resistant to
internal corrosion, but for the sewer water it is less aggressive to corrosion. A variety of internal linings are available
to reduce or eliminate corrosion, such as, Cement mortar and Polyurethane (PUR). Where cement mortar is more
common in manufacturing ductile iron pipes.
To prevent the iron from corroding inside of the pipe, cement is sprayed called cement mortarbuilding up a lining of
1/8 of an inch thick. Then the pipe is spun for a few seconds to smooth out the cement. This seals the surface
enabling the cement to cure over the next 24 hours and it also provides some extra rust protection.
The entire pipe is painted inside and the outside. For external coating, polyethylene, zinc or bituminous coating is
Finally a robot paints a stripe around the straight end of each pipe. This is a depth guideline so the installation crews
know when they insert the straight end of one pipe as far as it can go in to the bell end of another.
Quality of products is essential for a business if it is to succeed. From detailed metallurgical analysis of the molten
metal to tight control of coating and lining applications, procedures have been developed to ensure consistent high
quality of each individual pipe and fitting (Saint-Gobain pam UK,2012).
Iron pipes have been prepared to coincide with the publication of two new European standards covering ductile iron
pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for water pipelines (BS EN 545: 1994) and sewerage pipelines (BS EN
598: 1994), which supersede the former British Standard for such products BS 4772:1988.
Every pipe is pressure tested according to British standard BS EN 545/ BS EN 598 (BSI 2006).
Quality control
During production, each ladle of ductile iron is checked for exact content of magnesium and other elements with a
computer controlled optical emission spectrometer.
The “quality-is-key” principle applies to every stage of the manufacturing process and includes(Saint-Gobain pam
UK, 2012):
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