2 Contents
Introduction About GURPS
Steve Jackson Games is committed to full
We live in an increasingly dangerous world that requires increas- support of the GURPS system. Our address is SJ
ingly skilled law enforcement officers. A new breed of cop has arisen in Games, Box 18957, Austin, TX 78760. Please
the last 50 years, risking their lives in crime prevention, hostage rescues, include a self-addressed, stamped envelope
high-risk warrant service, and combating terrorism. They are the men (SASE) any time you write us! Resources include:
and women of SWAT – Special Weapons and Tactics. Pyramid (www.sjgames.com/pyramid/).
GURPS SWAT bridges the gap between GURPS Cops and Our online magazine includes new GURPS rules
GURPS Special Ops, detailing the dangerous, action-packed world of and articles. It also covers Dungeons and Drag-
specially trained law enforcement personnel. GURPS Cops is frequent- ons, Traveller, World of Darkness, Call of Cthul-
ly referenced in this book, and it is strongly suggested that anyone run- hu, and many more top games – and other Steve
ning a GURPS SWAT campaign own a copy. Other books that are Jackson Games releases like In Nomine, Illumi-
helpful (but not required) include GURPS Covert Ops, GURPS High- nati, Car Wars, Toon, Ogre Miniatures, and more.
Tech, GURPS Modern Firepower, and GURPS Special Ops. Pyramid subscribers also have access to playtest
files online!
Disclaimer New supplements and adventures. GURPS
While researching and writing this book, the author spent countless continues to grow, and we’ll be happy to let you
hours interviewing and accompanying patrolmen, hostage negotiators, know what’s new. For a current catalog, send us a
entry team personnel, and soldiers. In today’s political environment, legal-sized or 9”×12” SASE – please use two
some tactics and procedures are best kept secret, and the author has stamps! – or just visit www.warehouse23.com.
made every effort to ensure that any confidential information remains Errata. Everyone makes mistakes, including
confidential. The information found in GURPS SWAT, while timely us – but we do our best to fix our errors. Up-to-
and accurate, does not reflect any secret or confidential material. It is date errata sheets for all GURPS releases, includ-
intended only to provide gamers with an overview of SWAT operations ing this book, are available on our website – see
and tactics, and is to be used for roleplaying purposes only. below.
Gamer input. We value your comments, for
new products as well as updated printings of exist-
About the Author ing titles!
Brian J. Underhill began writing for Steve Jackson Games over 15 Internet. Visit us on the World Wide Web at
years ago. His gaming interests range from miniature wargames to www.sjgames.com for errata, updates, Q&A, and
RPGs to computer games. It is the latter – especially too many hours much more. GURPS has its own Usenet group,
playing Sierra’s series of police and SWAT games – that led him to cre- too: rec.games.frp.gurps.
ate GURPS SWAT. GURPSnet. This e-mail list hosts much of the
Brian is best known as the author of GURPS Cliffhangers and sev- online discussion of GURPS. To join, point your
eral books in the GURPS WWII line. Additional information can be web browser to www.sjgames.com/mailman/
found at his website (www.brianunderhill.com). listinfo/gurpsnet-l/.
The GURPS SWAT web page is at
Page References
Rules and statistics in this book are specifical-
ly for the GURPS Basic Set, Third Edition. Any
page reference that begins with a B refers to the
GURPS Basic Set – e.g., p. B102 means p. 102 of
the GURPS Basic Set, Third Edition. Page refer-
ences that begin with CI indicate GURPS Com-
pendium I. Other references are C for Cops, CII
for Compendium II, CV for Covert Ops, HT for
High-Tech, LT for Low-Tech, M for Mecha, MF
for Modern Firepower, SO for Special Ops, T for
Technomancer, and VEL for Vehicles Lite. The
abbreviation for this book is SWAT. For a full list
of abbreviations, see p. CI181 or the updated web
list at www.sjgames.com/gurps/abbrevs.html.
Introduction 3
Chapter 1:
The Job
4 The Job
The Evolution of SWAT
The earliest special police squads were little more than the elite Firearms Battalion (FB) – colloquially called the
aggressive and independent officers who banded together to “machine-gun squad” or “gunman squad” – a specialized
deal with increasingly dangerous threats using whatever group of officers armed with handguns, shotguns, rifles, and
methods they could find. submachine-guns. The FB patrolled NYC in green trucks, tar-
geting gangs and gang-related crimes. They became the
Strongarm and Mobile Security Unit (MSU) in the late 1940s, and formed the
Stakeout Squad in the 60s. The Stakeout Squad received auto-
Gunman Squads matic weapons and counter-terrorist training in the 1970s, and
the entire MSU was reintegrated into ESU in the 1980s.
In the latter part of the 19th century, in an effort to deal Today, New York’s ESU is responsible for all of NYC’s
with increasing crime, New York City formed officers into SWAT operations (see Emergency Services Unit, p. 14).
small groups called “strongarm squads.” Armed only with
billy clubs, they were tasked with crime suppression activi-
ties, and received special training in teamwork and tactics. The National Guard
By the 1920s, law enforcement agencies faced a new Throughout the turbulent 1960s, police agencies around
threat – organized crime. Prohibition-era gangsters carried the world were facing civil unrest and the growing threat of
dangerous weapons (including the ubiquitous “Tommy terrorism. Some countries used military force when available.
Gun”), and club-wielding cops were no longer sufficient. Others formed national paramilitary police units. The United
In 1925, the New York Police Department formed the States relied on the National Guard.
Emergency Services Unit (ESU). Part of the ESU included In especially dangerous or uncontrolled situations, local
law enforcement commanders had to decide whether to
request support from the Guard – a decision similar to
those made by today’s police before calling in SWAT.
Incident: The Texas Unfortunately, Guardsmen were unskilled in police tac-
tics, often resulting in less-than-ideal incident resolu-
Tower Sniper tions (such during as the riots that culminated in the
Kent State University shootings in 1970).
Shortly after 11 a.m., on August 1, 1966, 25-year-old
Charles Whitman posed as a maintenance worker and wheeled
a trunk of weapons and supplies into the clock tower of the
University of Texas, in Austin. Over 300 feet tall, the tower LAPD Takes
had a line of sight not only all across the campus, but into
much of the business territory surrounding the University. On the Lead
the tower’s 27th floor, Whitman shot a campus worker to death In 1967, the Los Angeles Police Department
as she challenged his right to proceed higher. He then trudged began adopting military tactics and equipment to deal
up five flights of stairs to the observation deck, where he with this new urban warfare. Officers with military
encountered a woman and two children. He shot all three. experience and a detachment of local Marines trained
At roughly 11:30, Whitman opened fire, turning the sur- and advised the department, developing a doctrine for
rounding area into a killing field. Officers from several law applying military tactics and weapons to civil situa-
enforcement agencies responded, but their weapons proved tions. By the end of the year, LAPD had formed
ineffective. Whitman toyed with would-be rescuers, allowing D-Platoon.
them to get close to the wounded before firing on the rescuers
themselves. A handful of officers began commandeering
armored cars from nearby banks to rescue some of the victims. D-Platoon
For an hour and a half, Whitman continued shooting, LAPD’s Daryl Gates suggested that D-Platoon be
pausing only to drink water and eat part of a sandwich. Even- given an easily recognizable name. At that time, SWAT
tually, on their own initiative, and with the help of a campus was to stand for Special Weapons Attack Team – a name
worker, officers Ramiro Martinez and Houston McCoy used that was rejected by his superiors. Gates and D-Platoon
the campus’ underground tunnel system to enter the clock soon modified the name, and the first SWAT team –
tower and make their way to the top. A gun battle ensued, in Special Weapons and Tactics – was born.
which Whitman was hit six times with Martinez’ service Formed primarily as a counter-sniper unit, SWAT
revolver and three times with McCoy’s shotgun. The Texas was soon called upon to deal with hostage rescues, bar-
Tower sniper was dead. He had fired over a hundred rounds, ricaded suspects, and more (see Duties, p. 9). The first
wounding 31 innocent people and killing 15 more. full-scale operation occurred in 1969 against the Black
The Job 5
The Black Panthers The Proliferation
When a pair of Black Panthers (a well-armed, militant
black rights group) threatened to kill a police officer in
December 1969, arrest warrants were issued. The Panthers
occupied a heavily fortified building on South Central Police departments around the United States soon began
Avenue, and they were known to be well armed and willing to develop similar SWAT teams. Many used D-Platoon’s
to kill. SWAT was tasked with delivering the warrants, and organization and doctrine as a basis for forming their own
deployed 40 officers at a nearby building on December 8 at teams; some even cross-trained with LAPD and initially
5:00 a.m. When the team attempted to serve the warrants, the adopted their operating procedures wholesale.
Panthers opened fire with a score of weapons, including a Today, thousands of tactical teams exist worldwide. They
dozen rifles, five shotguns, and even a Thompson submachine use different names (see box, p. 12), and specific tactics may
gun. Three SWAT members were hit and extracted, and a gun vary, but their mission remains the same – the application of
battle ensued that lasted for hours. The Black Panthers sur- specialized methods to resolve dangerous incidents.
rendered after a half-day siege and LAPD SWAT had its first
of many victories.
The Symbionese
Liberation Army
Tactical operations are stressful, and can take their
In May 1974, the team faced one of the most famous
toll on team members. Full-time officers who get called
SWAT incidents in United States history. The Symbionese
out regularly may begin to show signs of fatigue, often
Liberation Army (SLA) was a paramilitary group responsible
characterized by loss of appetite, periods of melancholy
for numerous robberies and murders (including one using a
or depression, short tempers, and so forth. Some depart-
cyanide-tipped bullet), as well as the kidnapping and torture
ments include regular psychological testing as part of the
of heiress Patty Hearst (who was eventually turned to
SWAT programs; many provide counseling to team mem-
their cause in an extreme example of the Stockholm
bers on request.
Syndrome; pp. 38-39).
In game terms, the GM should monitor Fright Check
LAPD discovered that several SLA members were holed
results carefully, and keep an eye on each officer’s actions
up in a small house in suburban Los Angeles. They deployed
during the course of the game. Those who begin to mani-
over 100 patrolmen and 25 SWAT officers to the scene, then
fest dangerous behavior during missions (e.g., acting
used a bullhorn to demand surrender. They then fired tear gas
impulsively, going it alone, shooting before shouting, etc.)
into the house, eliciting nothing but a hail of gunfire. The
may find themselves called before a psychologist to
ensuing gun battle lasted for nearly an hour, until the front of
explain their behavior. If the behavior endangers the team
the building erupted into flame. The entire building was
or becomes chronic, the GM – through an NPC psychol-
enveloped in less than a minute, but EMS personnel and fire-
ogist – would not be out of line to impose limited duty,
fighters could not respond because the SLA continued firing
suspend the officer from the team for further psychologi-
even as the building burned to the ground. In only 10 minutes,
cal testing, or even remove him altogether.
the firing had stopped and the building collapsed. There were
See also Officer Selection Guidelines, p. 41, and Pro-
no survivors.
hibited Disadvantages, p. 42.
SWAT personnel are drawn from the ranks of the police
department and must meet rigid selection criteria and psycho- Metropolitan SWAT
logical testing. A posting to the SWAT team is highly sought
Large metropolitan areas, especially those with heavy
after, and there are far more applicants than openings (see
gang influences, often have a dedicated, full-time SWAT team
Officer Selection Guidelines, p. 41).
(e.g., Dallas, Los Angeles, San Jose, Miami, New York). The
Though specific vary, SWAT teams are typically organ-
teams are still relatively small (LAPD SWAT maintains less
ized on a pyramid-style structure with a single commander at
than 70 full-time officers; many other cities have half that).
the top (usually a captain). The SWAT commander responds
Most departments allow – or require – that the officer’s
with his team and acts as incident commander (p. 20).
tactical gear be with him at all times in order to speed
Beneath him are one or more teams, each directed by a team
response time. Some departments allow their officers to carry
leader (a lieutenant). The team leader may command one or
extra tactical gear, which can be shared with other SWAT offi-
two teams, each of which may be broken down into two-man
cers as needed. Most of SWAT’s firepower is kept under lock
elements (pp. 30-31).
6 The Job
and key (e.g., a shotgun locked between the seats, an MP5
and body armor locked in the trunk).
Full-time metropolitan SWAT teams get plenty of work.
Most will engage in operations on at least a weekly basis;
LAPD SWAT receives a callout almost daily. See pp. 12-17
for some sample metropolitan SWAT teams.
The Job 7
Police Special Response Team, and National Park Service
Federal SWAT Special Events Team.
The U.S. government has a number of federal tactical
teams that operate in a similar manner to municipal SWAT.
But federal teams differ in both the scope of their missions
and in their jurisdiction. Federal teams are generally larger SWAT teams may cover a very large geographic area – a
than local teams, but because they cover a much wider terri- rural SWAT team may have jurisdiction over 10,000 square
tory, they cannot always bring a large number of officers to miles or more! Small SWAT teams may be able to call in sup-
bear. Deliberate actions (pp. 9-10) may involve hundred of port from nearby teams in the event of an especially difficult
SWAT officers, if enough time is available. or messy tactical operation (e.g., maritime takedowns, large
In addition, local SWAT officers generally leave the paramilitary operations, extended sieges). Usually such an
investigations to detectives in the appropriate division (e.g., arrangement is worked out ahead of time, to minimize
robbery/homicide), whereas federal agents may be able to run response time from the assisting team.
their own investigations, expanding the scope of the SWAT Generally speaking, however, SWAT operations are
campaign to cover detailed investigations punctuated by fast undertaken by the team whose agency is executing the mis-
action and deadly combat. sion, regardless of the physical location of the incident. For
Many federal teams exist. Three are detailed on pp. 14- example, a search warrant for a suburban home that is issued
16; some of the less well-known teams include the U.S. Bor- by the county sheriff’s department will generally be served by
der Patrol Tactical Unit and REACT teams, the U.S. the county’s tactical team. A warrant issued by the metropol-
Department of Energy Special Reaction Teams, the U.S. Mint itan police department – on the same house – will be served
by the city team.
The U.S. Justice Department recommends that tactical
teams spend 25% of their time training. Most full-time teams
Team Familiarity
spend closer to 30-40%; part-time teams usually spend less. Teams practice together on a regular basis in order to
Foreign teams fall in approximately the same ranges. learn the subtle nuances of each member’s movements,
Weapons handling, CQB (Close Quarters Battle) tactics, actions, reactions, voice, and so on. Teams that train or per-
and movement drills take up most of that time, with daily, form together for 100+ hours receive a +1 bonus to Gesture
weekly, or monthly drills, depending on the department’s size and Body Language rolls directed toward other members. In
and budget. Other training, such as climbing and rappelling, order to better facilitate such teamwork, most teams use a
is done more infrequently. two-man system, forming the teams into the smallest individ-
Specialized training may be available, allowing SWAT ual unit – the two-man element, or buddy-team.
officers to learn hostage negotiation, triage, sniping and More information on two-man elements, and tactics in
observation, etc. (see p. 45). general, can be found in Chapter 3.
CQB Houses
One of the most famous tools in SWAT training is the
CQB house (often called a “kill house” or “shoot house”).
The size and style of construction varies widely. Many are
made from plywood and feature paper targets (pictures of sus-
pects and hostages) stapled into place. For live-fire exercises,
stacks of discarded tires are often used to form thick walls
(called a “tire house”), or steel and Kevlar may be sand-
wiched between wooden walls. Some kill houses include a
catwalk superstructure, allowing training officers to supervise
simulated combat sessions; pre-mounted video cameras may
be used as well. Kill house training can be done with paintball
guns, dye marker ammunition, or live ammo.
GMs can make good use of a CQB house (and training in
general) by running one or more adventures centered on such
training. This will help players to get accustomed to SWAT
tactics, and can provide plenty of opportunities for roleplay.
Most SWAT teams do not have their own CQB house, but
can usually make arrangements to share training facilities of
larger, nearby teams.
8 The Job
Until the 1970s, police departments were mostly reactive
units, waiting until a crime had been committed before deal- High-Risk
ing with it. SWAT, however, is both proactive and reactive,
dealing not only with crimes in progress, but working on anti- Warrant Service
crime operations, actively looking for trouble before trouble SWAT teams spend the majority of their time serving
finds them. high-risk warrants. Routine warrant service can be done with
a knock and a badge, but in some cases officers may be
gunned down before they reach the door.
Cops, Not Soldiers
SWAT officers are ultimately law enforcement per- The Jacksonville
sonnel, not soldiers. They follow strict guidelines that dic-
tate when and how to apply force of any kind, but Hijacking
especially deadly force. They are under the same restric- On October 4, 1971, two men hijacked an airliner en
tions as “regular” cops, and the GM should not hesitate to route from Nashville, Tennessee, and ordered it flown to
dole out appropriate in-game discipline for officers who the Bahamas. Because it was short on fuel, it was allowed
insist on pushing the limits. to land in Jacksonville, Florida. FBI agents were dis-
The goal of any SWAT operation is peaceful resolu- patched to the Jacksonville airport. The pilot requested a
tion whenever possible. Crisis situations should end in the fuel truck, stating that the hijackers had guns and 12
arrest – not the death – of any suspects, making SWAT pounds of plastic explosives, but the FBI agent in charge
operations especially difficult for the individual officer. refused. After only minutes of negotiation – through the
He must identify threats, order compliance, and attempt to pilot, no less – he radioed the plane with this ultimatum:
resolve the situation (see Room Clearing, p. 36), without “The decision will be no fuel for that aircraft.” He added,
resorting to deadly force unless absolutely necessary. “Passengers, if you are listening, the only alternative is to
See GURPS Cops for detailed information on proper depart the aircraft.”
police procedure. The copilot was sent out by the hijackers to negoti-
ate. He told the FBI that he believed the hijackers were
violent, and might force the fuel-starved plane to fly to
the Bahamas anyway. The agent in charge dismissed the
Emergency Action copilot’s comments. One of the hijackers soon left the
plane to negotiate, but was immediately arrested. He
Emergency actions include responding to bank robberies, was not even interrogated.
barricaded suspects, hostage situations, and the like. In emer- After only 15 minutes on the ground, FBI agents sur-
gency actions, SWAT begins the incident as a reaction force. rounded the plane and tried to shoot out its tires. The
However, when an emergency action persists – such as dur- agent in charge fired several rounds at the tires, and then
ing a drawn-out hostage situation – SWAT may have suffi- ordered his fellow agents to fire on the plane’s engines.
cient time to plan and even rehearse, giving them the edge in Several gunshots rang out inside the plane, and when the
the subsequent assault and allowing them to act proactively, agents finally entered the aircraft, they found the pilot and
not reactively. a passenger shot to death, and the hijacker dead of a self-
Some emergency actions provide almost no leeway for inflicted gunshot wound to the head.
SWAT to prepare. During the 1997 North Hollywood
shootout, for example, three SWAT officers entered the Bank Downs vs.
of America dressed in nothing more than street clothes, bal-
listic vests, and helmets. United States of America
The murdered pilot’s widow sued the FBI for negli-
Deliberate Action gence and was awarded $270,000. The FBI paid $60,000
in damages for shooting up an engine.
A deliberate action is proactive; it is an action that SWAT The court also warned that law enforcement person-
has time to plan and execute on its own timetable. Deliberate nel are “required to exercise the highest degree of care
actions can be rehearsed, blueprints acquired, and sites can be commensurate with all the facts within [their] knowl-
staked-out for days or weeks. At times, however, a deliberate edge.” They also ruled that such care must be exercised
action must be undertaken quickly (e.g., to take down a crim- “in order to insure that undue loss of life does not occur.”
inal while he is at a certain location). The court thus created a legal precedent involving the use
The most common deliberate action is high-risk warrant of force, and established guidelines for use in crisis situa-
service. tions (see Crisis Resolution, p. 20).
The Job 9
SWAT is generally tasked with securing the site and any
suspects. Once the building is safe (see Deliberate Clearing,
p. 34), specialists can search the site and gather evidence.
High-risk warrant service is usually planned in advance.
Suspects are described in detail, the location is closely moni-
tored and photographed ahead of time, and operational details
Good Guys
are very complete. But sometimes a warrant is issued quickly Shortly after 1:30 pm, on April 4, 1991, four
and a suspect must be taken down with little advance notice, young Asian men invaded the Good Guys Electron-
requiring quick deployment with less-than-optimal planning. ics Store in Sacramento, California, and took 40 peo-
Warrant service may need additional, specialized person- ple hostage. Patrol officers secured the building and
nel (e.g., a female officer to search female suspects, a child called in the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Depart-
services representative, an animal handler for aggressive pets, ment’s Special Enforcement Detail (SED). Negotia-
etc). Like other “trailers” (p. 28), such personnel are general- tions revealed a nightmare – the suspects had no
ly not allowed on the premises until SWAT has declared the grievances to settle, no loved ones to negotiate with,
area safe. no serious demands. They were looking for fame and
There are various types of warrants, but to the average an adrenaline rush.
tactical team, paper – the colloquial name for a warrant – is The gunmen’s demands varied every time they
paper. Regardless of the type of warrant, it is SWAT’s job is spoke to SED. They wanted $4 million in cash, then
to secure the building and any occupants, then leave the a helicopter big enough to carry all 40 hostages, then
cleanup to someone else. 1,000-year-old ginseng root. One of them wanted to
GURPS Cops, pp. C93-94, has additional information on fly to Southeast Asia to fight the Viet Cong. Eventu-
warrant service. ally they demanded bulletproof vests, which SED
began trading for hostages.
No-Knock Warrants As negotiations progressed, seven SED officers
crept into a nearby fabric store and down a mainte-
Warrant service usually requires that the serving officer
knock or ring the doorbell and identify himself before enter- nance corridor that connected to the back of Good
ing (called “knock and announce”). No-knock warrants allow Guys. The team drilled a tiny hole in a dividing wall
the SWAT team to enter the site without any prior announce- and inserted a pinhole camera. They removed ceiling
ment, reducing the chances that suspects will flee or dispose panels, climbed over the wall, and dropped unno-
of evidence. As with all warrants, a no-knock can only be pro- ticed into the Good Guys’ storeroom where they
cured through a judge. Sufficient probable cause must be waited patiently for a “go order.”
established to show that a sudden, surprise entry is required to The suspects shot two hostages in the legs, send-
prevent the loss of evidence or flight of a suspect. ing them out to talk to the media as a “message to the
True no-knock warrants are extremely rare; most warrant press.” The incident commander gave the snipers
service requires knock-and-announce. Most federal teams are orders to take any shot of opportunity (p. 62), and the
under more stringent restrictions and must not only “knock assault team was to follow up immediately. When
and announce,” but allow sufficient time for an occupant of one of the suspects opened the front door, a SED
the house to move from the furthest point in the house and sniper fired. In a quirk of fate, the gunman let the
answer the door! door fall shut at that precise moment, and the sniper
bullet struck the metal frame instead of the suspect.
After an initial moment of shock, the gunman turned
Hostage Rescue to the line of hostages and opened fire with his shot-
Most casualties in a hostage situation occur during entry,
The entry team stormed the showroom. Snipers
making a SWAT assault the last resort. The site must first be
and patrol officers in the front of the store withheld
secured and a skilled negotiator should begin work. Assault
fire for fear of hitting hostages or SWAT members,
planning should begin immediately, in the event such an
while the gunmen continued to walk back and forth,
action is necessary.
firing at the hostages. The SED team spotted the
Hostage rescues are dangerous for everyone involved.
shotgun-wielding suspect and exchanged fire, killing
The primary goal of a hostage rescue mission must be to
him. A second suspect, unaware of the SED team’s
ensure the safety of the hostages first and the officers second.
presence, ran directly into their hail of bullets and
The safety of the hostage-taker should be taken into account,
was killed. They moved to engage the last two sus-
but it is the lowest priority of the mission.
pects, and shot them both as well.
Despite Hollywood’s portrayal of hostage situations,
The assault lasted seconds and left three suspects
SWAT teams and hostage negotiators do not trade themselves
dead and one critically wounded. The gunmen had
(or anyone else) for another hostage, nor will they allow a
killed three hostages and wounded 11.
hostage to return to captivity once released.
10 The Job
The suspect’s intent doesn’t change the officers’ actions.
Dignitary Protection If the suspect is an immediate threat to another human being,
SWAT is sometimes assigned to protect foreign VIPs, key the team must stop him, but they will always try to use the
witnesses in court cases, or high-profile criminals during tran- least amount of force necessary to achieve that end.
sit. The officers may be uniformed or undercover, depending
on the message the team wants to send. They must provide
coverage at the start and finish of any vehicular routes, and
Hijackings and
snipers may be stationed along the route as well. The ground
team may also travel in a convoy with the dignitary. Typical
Mobile Threats
coverage sites include airports, courthouses, embassies, and Vehicle assaults (p. 37) form a small but important part of
residences. SWAT operations. Generally, a lone hijacker can be neutral-
Presidential protection is usually provided by the Secret ized with tear gas or a sniper shot, but occasionally hostage
Service, but local SWAT teams may assist. situations develop aboard vehicles ranging from passenger
cars to jumbo jets. The situation is treated much like any
hostage rescue (p. 38), but the incident site must be strictly
Barricaded Suspects contained to prevent the target and hostages from going
Barricaded suspects are suspects who refuse to leave mobile. Planes may be refused fuel, roads can be blocked,
their premises, usually after a warrant has been issued. What tires shot out.
may begin as a high-risk warrant service can quickly become Vehicles delivered as part of a hostage negotiation may
a barricaded suspect situation if the serving team (or officer) be altered ahead of time, making a subsequent rescue easier
encounters gunfire, physical barricades, or armed resistance; and safer. The engine may have a radio-controlled kill-switch
see also Tactical, p. 37. or small explosives can be placed near the tires. Even smash-
The best method for dealing with a barricaded suspect is ing a taillight may aid in identifying and tracking the vehicle
to establish negotiations and wait him out. As in the case of should a pursuit ensue.
hostage situations, the earliest parts of the incident are the More information on vehicular takedowns appears on
most volatile, making time one of the SWAT team’s most p. 37.
valuable tools. Other arsenals in the waiting game include the
removal of utilities from the suspect’s house, blaring loud
music non-stop, and launching tear gas into the house.
Budgetary and political constraints often demand a more
rapid resolution to the problem, forcing the entry team to act
sooner than may be prudent. An assault should be called only
as a last resort, when it is clear that non-lethal means are inef-
fective. Practically speaking, however, a negotiator might
only be given 30-60 minutes to talk down a suspect before the
entry team makes its move.
No matter how long SWAT has been waiting, the dynam-
ics of the situation change when the suspect attempts to flee.
The incident commander must make certain that a tight
perimeter is set up around an incident, and that there are suf-
ficient officers on the inner perimeter (p. 19) to defend against
an attempted breakout by a barricaded suspect. More than one
entry team has been caught by surprise as they moved quiet-
ly toward a building, only to have the front door open and a
suspect charge out.
The Job 11
Crime Suppression
SWAT officers may monitor known criminals, question SWAT by Any
informants, stake out buildings, or just ride along with patrol
officers to lend extra support. Such “anti-crime” or “tactical Other Name
patrol” operations are almost always carried out by “buddy Special police teams around the world use a variety
teams” (p. 30) working together both in crime suppression of monikers, most of them acronyms. Though such
and as a two-man assault team during SWAT callouts. teams are collectively called “SWAT” teams here, many
different names are used.
Undercover Work Most revolve around acronyms built on words like
Prior to deliberate actions (p. 9), SWAT officers Special, Emergency, Crisis, Tactical, Tactics, Response,
may be tasked with surveillance of proposed Rescue, Team, Squad, Group, Unit, and the like. GMs can
assault sites. Usually a pair of men in plain- research actual team names for specific cities, or make up
clothes and an unmarked car will drive by, an acronym that sounds authentic by mixing and match-
photographing the building from all angles, or ing such terms.
monitor the site from a distance (see Stake- Sample (actual) team names include SERT (Special
outs, p. C100). Sometimes members pose as Emergency Reaction Team), MERGE (Mobile Emer-
utility workers and the like, to increase their gency Response Group and Equipment), CIRT (Crisis
chances of being ignored by onlookers. Intervention Response Team), ESU (Emergency Services
Officers may also work undercover during Unit), SED (Special Enforcement Detail), TRT (Tactical
dignitary protection duty (p. 11). Response Team), and TRU (Tactical Rescue Unit).
Four large teams and a small, part-time team are detailed
relationship with the Washington
Longview, Washington – State Patrol SWAT team and the
Washington Southwest Regional
Tactical Response Team SWAT Team in Vancouver (about 50
Longview is a mid-sized town in southwest Washington miles south) in the event more manpow-
State with a population of about 35,000 (double that when er or specialized equipment is needed. The men of the
including outlying areas). The Longview Police Department Longview TRT work as full-time patrolmen and
formed the Tactical Response Team (TRT) in 2000, and today part-time tactical officers. They are issued
the team consists of 12 part-time SWAT officers and four police department pagers and are
negotiators, all commanded by a captain. Each team member encouraged – but not required – to be
is trained to handle each team position (from point to rear available for TRT duty even when
guard) providing greater flexibility during call-outs. they are off duty.
The Job
The TRT undergoes specialized training at least once a two 5-man elements, led by an element leader (officially
month, varying the curriculum from month to month: one called a Senior Lead Officer). All LAPD SWAT officers are
session may include hostage rescue techniques, another will heavily cross-trained, with about 25-30% of them qualified as
simulate tracking armed suspects through vast wooded areas, snipers and observers.
and yet another will focus on boat takedowns on the LAPD provides a Crisis Negotiation Team (CNT) that
Columbia River. works closely with SWAT during hostage situations. The
TRT officers carry their tactical gear in heavy bags in SWAT command post (p. 20) is called a Tactical Operation
their trunks while on duty. Specialized equipment (e.g., Center (TOC).
ladder, mauls, tear gas) is deployed in the team’s equipment Team members train about 240 hours a year and receive
van; the van can be used to deploy both men and gear, and extensive fast-rope and helicopter training (including practice
doubles as a mobile command post. in firing from a moving chopper). Physical training for the
All Longview patrol officers (not just members of the team is intense (it is recommended, but not required, that
TRT) carry a Glock 22 pistol (p. 51); they keep a semi-auto players upgrade from Fit to Very Fit). Joining the team
AR-15A2 (p. C64) locked in a gun rack in their cruiser and a requires two years of field experience, followed by a six-
Remington Model 870P shotgun (p. 51) in the trunk. month special training course. See GURPS Cops, p. C27, for
Standard TRT weapons also include the Colt M4A1 assault more information on LAPD.
carbine (p. 53) and Benelli M1 Super 90 shotgun (p. C63). LAPD SWAT favors the Kimber Custom II pistol (p. 51),
H&K MP5A4N submachine gun (p. 52), Colt M4A1 assault
carbine (p. 53), Robar SR-60 sniper rifle (p. 53), H&K PSG1
sniper rifle (used with night vision scope; pp. B209, HT115),
and Benelli M1 Super 90 shotgun (p. C63).
The Job 13
In addition to normal SWAT operations, the ERT assists
New York, NY – the U.S. Secret Service with presidential and VIP functions
Emergency Services Unit and transportation, including crowd control.
Training and selection procedures are rigorous. Once
New York’s ESU is a multipurpose unit trained in
selected, the applicant must attend a six-week training school.
emergency procedures. Its 400 officers fall under the
Team members spend an average of two hours per day in
command of NYPD’s Special Operations Division (SOD).
physical training alone, and must pass a physical agility test
All ESU officers are state certified paramedics, and ESU
three times each year to stay on the team. Because of their
teams are equipped with a variety of tools that normal SWAT
close proximity to special government teams and training
teams are not. Each squad’s equipment truck carries not only
facilities, Washington ERT cross trains with many other
weapons and armor, but emergency medical supplies and
teams, including several federal and military teams.
heavy duty hydraulic equipment like the Hurst Tool (better
Typical ERT weapons include the SIG-Sauer P226 pis-
known as “Jaws of Life”).
tol (pp. C63, SO114), Colt CAR-15 R635 submachine gun
A special tactical team called the A-Team (Apprehension
(p. MF28), Colt M16A2 assault rifle (pp. MF22, SO120),
Team) is made up of ESU officers who rotate through the A-
Remington Model 700 sniper rifle (p. C64), and Remington
Team on six-month tours. Most SWAT operations are
Model 870P shotgun (pp. C63, HT112).
performed by the A-Team. The A-Team is only on duty
Monday through Friday, leaving weekend operations to other
ESU teams.
Service in ESU is voluntary but highly sought after – the
U.S. Federal Teams
U.S. federal SWAT teams differ from municipal teams in
waiting list usually has over a thousand names. To be eligible
that their mandates are often narrower and team size may be
for ESU, an officer must have five years on the job, an
larger. PCs who belong to a federal team may get involved in
exemplary record, and pass several exams. Non-police
higher-profile operations across a much wider geographic
experience – including medical skills, scuba skills, military
area. Most teams work as part-time tactical teams, doing
skills, and construction skills – is encouraged. Additional info
criminal investigations, fugitive profiles and tracking, and
about NYPD is found on p. C26.
other detective work between actual tactical assaults.
The New York ESU uses the Glock 19 pistol (p. 51),
H&K MP5A5N submachine gun (p. 52), Ruger Mini-14 rifle
(p. C64), Remington M24 sniper rifle (pp. C64, SO116), and FBI Hostage
Ithaca Model 37 shotgun (p. 51).
Rescue Team
The FBI Hostage Rescue Team (HRT) was formed soon
Washington, DC – after the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles. The HRT is head-
Emergency Response quartered at Quantico, Virginia, and maintains nine tactical
teams spread across the United States
Team The team spends most of their time running investiga-
In April 1984, the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police tions into federal crimes, rather than deploying on tactical
Department (MPD) created an Emergency Response Team missions (the actual number of HRT tactical missions in the
(ERT). The ERT, together with the Explosive Ordinance Unit last decade can be counted on one hand). Mandated duties
(EOU), form what is called the Special Tactics Branch (STB), include hostage rescue, criminal investigation, and crime
which, in turn, answers to the Special Operations Division scene investigation.
(SOD). Because of their limited deployments, HRT members
The STB is commanded by a Captain who oversees both spend about half their time training, and the other half inves-
SWAT operations (ERT) and explosives ordnance disposal tigating crimes and tracking down federal criminals. Training
(EOU). takes place at Quantico, in a facility considered one of the best
The EOU comprises 11 men – five of which are K-9 han- in the world. Quantico provides not only classroom training,
dlers – led by a sergeant. but an extensive forested range for outdoor operations, indoor
ERT – the tactical team proper – is much larger. It is bro- and outdoor firing ranges, and more than one live-fire capable
ken into two Tactical Platoons of two teams each (named kill house. Members cross-train with other government agen-
Team One through Team Four). Each platoon is commanded cies and metropolitan SWAT teams.
by a lieutenant; each team by a sergeant. ERT teams are larg- Detailed information about the FBI appears on
er than average SWAT teams, comprising seven men each, pp. C27-28.
plus a sergeant. The platoons alternate shifts, with one platoon The FBI HRT uses the Springfield SRP (M1911-A1)
(of sixteen men) on duty during the first half of the day, and Bureau pistol (p. C63), H&K MP5/10A3 submachine gun
the other working the 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. shift. Night operations (p. 52), Colt M4A1 assault carbine (p. 53), Colt M16A2
are carried out using the 3-11 personnel who must remain on assault rifle (pp. MF22, SO120), Remington Model 700
call. All men carry a pager; the on-call platoon members drive sniper rifle (in M40A1 configuration, pp. C64, SO116), and
patrol vehicles home to speed response time. Scattergun Tactical Response shotgun (p. 51).
14 The Job
Waco: ATF Special
Response Team
The Branch The U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms
(ATF) investigates federal crimes, most of which center on
Davidian Compound gun control law violations. They average over 8,000 arrests a
On February 28, 1993, ATF agents attempted to year, with less than a dozen shootings annually. Like the FBI’s
serve search and arrest warrants (for violation of HRT, the ATF’s Special Response Team (SRT) spends most of
weapons laws) to members of the Branch Davidians, an its time training or investigating crimes. Actual tactical
apocalyptic sect, and found themselves in a 45-minute deployment and assault is an infrequent occurrence for any
gun battle that injured 28 agents, killed four, and left six given team. In an average year, the SRT as whole deploys two
Davidians dead. So began an infamous siege that would or three times a week (mostly to serve federal warrants); half
last more than seven weeks. the deployments are dynamic assaults (p. 32). Each local SRT
The Davidians’ Mount Carmel compound, outside tactical team will deploy far more infrequently.
of Waco, Texas, was soon surrounded by more than 400 The ATF SRT uses the SIG-Sauer P228 pistol (pp. C63,
FBI agents, who tried to negotiate a surrender for 51 SO114), H&K MP5A5 submachine gun (fires semi or 2-
days. They blared loud music night and day, encouraged round bursts, p. 52), H&K HK53A5 assault carbine (fires
members to leave of their own will, and even fired tear semi or 2-round bursts, p. 53), Remington Model 700 sniper
gas into the compound, but to no avail (the tear gas can- rifle (p. C64), and Remington Model 870P shotgun (pp. C63,
isters simply bounced off the hardened buildings). HT112).
On April 19, the FBI rammed the compound with an
APC, knocking down walls and breaking holes in the U.S. Marshals Service
heavily fortified compound. Tear gas canisters were
fired through the openings in an effort to force the occu- Special Operations Group
pants to surrender. Instead, around noon a fire started, The U.S. Marshals Service Special Operations Group
engulfing the compound and killing all 80 occupants, (SOG) was formed in April 1971 and performs a variety of
including women, children, and the Davidian leader, functions. The U.S. Department of Justice uses the SOG to
David Koresh. track down and apprehend foreign fugitives for extradition
The origins of the fire have been disputed for years. from the United States and to travel abroad and bring back to
The FBI’s official report claims that the Davidians start- the United States fugitives hiding in other countries (such as
ed the fire; others claim sparks from the tear gas canis- Panama’s Noriega, in 1989). This makes the SOG an excel-
ters are to blame. Even a decade later, investigations lent source of adventure for GMs looking for a truly globe-
continue. hopping campaign.
The Job 15
SOG officers provide security for judicial buildings and
residences; assist local police in crowd control around feder- Foreign Tactical
al facilities; respond to riots and hostage situations in federal
prisons (the Federal Bureau of Prisons has tactical teams as Teams
well); assist in escorting shipments of federal munitions (such Training and doctrine for non-U.S. teams varies consid-
as cruise missiles) to and from storage facilities; engage in erably from team to team and country to country. For exam-
high-threat asset seizure operations; perform high-risk extra- ple, in Britain, where only a limited number of police carry
dition and fugitive retrieval both domestically and abroad; firearms, it takes considerably longer to form a containment
serve high-risk federal warrants; and act as a counter-assault perimeter of armed personnel, forcing armed response teams
team during high-threat vehicle movements (e.g., transporta- to train and act accordingly. Gun control laws in many coun-
tion of judges, juries, prisoners, or individuals in the Federal tries may be stricter than those in the United States; criminals
Witness Protection program). in such countries may have illegal firearms, but most of the
The SOG headquarters is currently located at Camp public will not.
Beauregard, near Alexandria, Louisiana, and includes an On the other hand, over half the homes in the United
extensive 40-acre training facility complete with kill house, States have one or more firearms, increasing the likelihood of
rappelling platforms, classrooms, and firing ranges. police encountering an armed and barricaded suspect. When
The Group includes 62 officers (of which about 10% are they do, it may be a recently fired employee or distraught
female) divided into four teams. Each team consists of a 12- family member, rather than a hardened criminal. Therefore,
man assault team, plus support personnel (such as snipers); U.S. teams train regularly for such situations.
exact team composition varies. About 20% of the SOG offi- Even the nation’s political demeanor will influence train-
cers are sniper qualified. ing and crisis resolution techniques. Authoritarian govern-
The Marshals Service SOG uses the Glock 22 pistol ments will be more likely to put pressure on their teams to
(p. 51), Colt CAR-15 R635 submachine gun (p. MF28), Colt resolve an incident quickly (so the government does not
CAR-15A2 R723 assault carbine (p. C64), Colt M16A2 appear weak or indecisive), while more democratic nations
assault rifle (pp. MF22, SO120), Remington M24 sniper will put greater emphasis on hostage (and team) safety.
rifle (pp. C64, SO116), and Ithaca Model 37 shotgun (p. 51).
16 The Job
The team enjoys good relationships with commercial air-
Berlin SEK and PSK lines and international shipping companies, allowing them to
The police department in Berlin, the capital of Germany, train extensively aboard aircraft and ocean-going vessels. The
is responsible for the safety of three million people. It is the SDU employs two S-70 Blackhawk helicopters to speed
only major law enforcement agency in the world that has both response times.
a SWAT team and an independent counter-sniper team. The The Hong Kong SDU uses the Glock 17 pistol (p. 51),
SWAT team, called the Spezialeinsatzkommando (SEK – Spe- H&K MP5A5 submachine gun (fires semi, 3-round bursts, or
cial Operations Command), is tasked with conventional full auto, p. 52), H&K HK53A5 assault carbine (fires semi, 3-
SWAT operations. The Präzisionsschützenkommando (PSK – round bursts, or full auto, p. 53), H&K PSG1 sniper rifle (pp.
Precision Shooters’ Command) counter-sniper team is a spe- B209, HT115), Remington Model 700 sniper rifle (p. C64),
cial counterterrorist, hostage rescue, and surveillance team, Franchi SPAS 15 shotgun (p. MF21), and Remington Model
sometimes used for dignitary protection. The two teams often 870P shotgun (pp. C63, HT112).
work together.
The PSK was founded in 1972. It is an independent unit
in the Landeskriminalamt (State Bureau of Investigation), and
London SO19
has a director, team leader, and four 10-man squads. Members On August 12, 1966, three London police officers were
are between 27 and 40 years old. gunned down by a gang of thieves, prompting the Metropoli-
Current service weapons include the SIG-Sauer P226 tan Police Service (MPS) to form the Firearms Unit, a special
pistol (pp. C63, SO114), Glock 26 backup pistol (p. MF20), team to train other officers in the use of firearms. Today, the
H&K MP5A3 submachine gun (p. 52), SIG G37 assault car- Firearms Unit has become SO19 and comprises an elite group
bine (SG551 SWAT, p. MF25, CV64), H&K PSG1 sniper of marksmen and tacticians called “Specialist Firearms Offi-
rifle (pp. B209, HT115), Steyr G5 sniper rifle (SSG 69, p. 53), cers.” The team trains at the Metropolitan Police facilities in
and H&K MZP1 grenade launcher (p. C63). North London, and at military bases throughout the country.
To assist SO19, and to improve response time, the MPS
established Armed Response Vehicles (ARVs) in 1991, using
Buenos Aires a fleet of Ford trucks and vans crewed by three police officers
Brigada Halcón in standard uniform. Each ARV is a veritable rolling armory,
and is loaded with weapons, armor, entry tools, medical
The SWAT unit of the Argentine capital, Buenos Aires, is
equipment, and more.
the Brigada Especial Operativa Halcón (Falcon Special
London SO19 officers use the Glock 17 pistol (p. 51),
Operations Brigade).
H&K MP5SFA3 carbine (p. 53), H&K G36KSF carbine
The Brigada Halcón was founded in 1986 as a tactical
(p. 53), H&K HK33SG1 sniper rifle (semi only, p. 53), Steyr
weapons force to assist the police in dangerous situations and
SSG 69 sniper rifle (p. 53), Remington Model 870P shotgun
to perform special operations beyond the scope of the regular
(pp. C63, HT112), and Enfield ARWEN 37 grenade launcher
police department. It consists of five squads with 15 officers
(p. 53).
each. Unlike in many other such organizations, the squads are
practically self-contained, each including two snipers, a
hostage negotiator, a paramedic, an EOD expert, a communi- Moscow OMSN
cations specialist, and an intelligence specialist. Halcón The Moscow City Police Criminal Investigations Direc-
enjoys a close relationship with other countries, and members torate has its own SWAT force, the OMSN (Otyrad Militsii
have cross-trained with many well-known teams in the Unit- Spetsialnogo Naznacheniya, or Specialized Designation
ed States and Europe. Police Detachment). Primarily intended for operations against
The Brigada Halcón uses the Glock 17 pistol (p. 51), organized crime, the OMSN actually faces a wide variety of
Glock 18 machine pistol (p. CV00), H&K HK33SG1 situations, ranging from barricaded suspects to counterterror-
assault/sniper rifle (p. 53), SIG-Sauer SSG2000 sniper rifle ism. The diverse nature of their call-outs is due, in part, to the
(p. 53), Franchi SPAS 12 shotgun (p. HT112), and H&K relatively poor performance of other local SWAT elements
MZP1 grenade launcher (p. C63). and to political friction within the city’s police departments.
OMSN is a full-time force of 110 officers divided into
Hong Kong Special 12-man squads. Their rules of engagement are more lax than
most of their Western counterparts. If a suspect is armed, they
Duties Unit are authorized to use deadly force without warning, even if no
In the wake of terrorist activities in the mid-1970s, the one’s life is in immediate danger; the only time they are like-
Royal Hong Kong Police was tasked with creating a small ly to “knock and announce” when serving a warrant (p. 10) is
tactical team with military response capability. The Special when the target is politically well-connected. As always, the
Duties Unit (SDU) was formed in later 1976, and began safety of hostages and bystanders is important, but it is sec-
working closely with a 20-man advisory group from the ondary to the successful completion of the team’s mission.
British SAS (p. SO42-43). Today the SDU has over 100 offi- Current service weapons include the KBP GSh-18 pistol
cers. The SDU officers are members of the Hong Kong Police (p. 51), Izhmash Bizon-2-01 submachine gun (p. MF29), Izh-
Force and are bound by the same laws and guidelines as reg- mash AKS-74U assault carbine (pp. HT115, SO115), and Izh-
ular police officers. mash SVD sniper rifle (p. SO114).
The Job 17
Chapter 2:
Tactical teams go through many steps before they burst through the
doors, guns blazing. Snipers are put in place, assault plans are laid, nego-
tiators establish rapport – all this and more is detailed in this chapter. For
information on types of SWAT missions, see pp. 9-11. Tactical assault
guidelines appear in Chapter 3.
18 SWAT Operations
For deliberate actions (p. 9), when the team has plenty of
time to train, they can access to building plans, rehearse tech-
niques, and even construct a mock-up (p. 26). The team can The Media
gather intelligence ahead of time, and the team leader can Much has been said about the media’s roll in
request follow-up information as needed. hostage-rescue situations – most of it bad. But television
But many operations occur suddenly and with little or radio stations can be used to broadcast appeals to a
preparation. In emergency actions, the first 30 minutes are the suspect from family or friends, or to guarantee a sus-
most dangerous, since the suspect is the most anxious and pect’s safety (see Incident: Room 809, p. 24).
ready to act. Statistically, the longer an incident lasts, the more For the most part, however, SWAT agencies view
likely it is to end peacefully. the media as more of a hindrance than a help. Television
Initial responders try to slow things down until the SWAT cameras can give away a SWAT team’s location (espe-
team and a negotiator arrive. In the meantime, the first step in cially as they begin a covert entry), and overzealous
any crisis situation is containment. newscasters may give away vital information that the
incident commander wishes to keep from the suspect
Perimeters (such as the death of a hostage).
Large SWAT teams will have a media liaison offi-
Law enforcement personnel must establish a perimeter cer responsible for disseminating information to the
around any incident site. More than one perimeter is usually press. Television cameras (and reporters) should not be
established, but the goal is always the same: keep suspects in allowed inside the outer perimeter (p. 20). At times that
and bystanders out. perimeter is intentionally expanded just to prevent the
Patrol officers may establish an initial perimeter if they media from giving away team movement or sniper
are first on the scene, but eventually much of the job will be locations.
turned over to SWAT personnel when they arrive. Often the media will cooperate with the police,
interrupting their live coverage of an event with a taped
Containment recap or an interview of a police expert, allowing the
SWAT team to make their assault without notifying the
Capturing a suspect – especially if he has taken
hostages – becomes much more difficult if he becomes suspect.
mobile. Not only is taking down a vehicle more difficult and The GM may portray the media as a useful tool in
dangerous, but there is a chance the target may elude police the SWAT commander’s arsenal, or as a perpetual pain
and escape altogether. Therefore, containing the scene is an in his neck. PCs may choose to take media personali-
early priority. ties, cameramen, and so forth, as Contacts, or may have
A containment perimeter may be established ahead of a -5-point Intolerance toward them.
time if it can be done quietly and without notice. In a high-
traffic neighborhood, where local street thugs can use cell
phones to warn their friends, the containment perimeter may Inner perimeter duty can be dangerous, requiring a high
be established at the same time the entry team deploys – sud- level of training and skill. SWAT officers will man the IP
denly and with little warning – minimizing the risk of the tar- whenever possible. Dedicated “perimeter teams” may exist
gets bolting before the team arrives. for this sole purpose. Rookie SWAT officers – whose training
During emergency actions (p. 9), the initial perimeter is and experience is usually higher than typical street officers –
usually established by the responding police officers. They often begin their tenure on the perimeter team. Officers on the
should be replaced or assisted by SWAT personnel as soon as IP are usually armed with rifles.
possible, especially if the suspect is endangering the lives of The inner perimeter should be close enough to the inci-
anyone in the vicinity. dent site for the site to be visible, yet far enough away to pro-
vide cover or concealment. Officers may take cover in
doorways, behind retaining walls or trees, or in nearby build-
Inner Perimeter ings. Knowing what caliber weapon the suspect is using will
The inner perimeter (IP) is the first line of containment. help determine safe levels of cover and distance. The IP must
Inner perimeter officers are tasked with observing the suspect be close enough to the incident site for the officers to visual-
and incident site, and reporting the information to the com- ly monitor the situation. They should be able to see all exits
mand post. They are also the first line of defense should the from the building, including windows.
suspect try to flee, enter a vehicle, or attempt “suicide by cop” The IP is usually the site of last cover and concealment
(p. 11). IP officers may be called upon to deploy tear gas or (LCC; see p. 30), and is often the final staging area for the
smoke, or to lay down cover or diversionary fire during the SWAT entry team. Officers guarding the IP do not act as entry
entry team’s approach. They must also contain the scene even personnel; they continue to contain the site while the entry
after the incident is resolved, in order to preserve the site for team assaults the building.
crime scene technicians.
SWAT Operations 19
Perimeter officers must be fully briefed, and know the In addition, OP personnel function as a backup perimeter
position of friendly personnel to set up safe and effective for the incident, providing a wider ring of containment in case
fields of fire. Like the entry team, they should be briefed with someone slips through the IP.
the suspect’s psych profile (p. 21) and advised of all details of Incident personnel have exclusive use of the area
the operation (e.g., hostages, suspect armament). They must between the inner and outer perimeters. The command post
practice good radio discipline and listen closely for any and the entry team’s staging area are set up there.
changes in information. Likewise, they must immediately
report any changes they themselves witness.
Unless relieved or ordered to do so, no IP personnel
The Command Post
should leave their position. Once the entry team is inside, IP One of the first steps in taking control of an incident is to
personnel do not fire into the site unless absolutely necessary set up a command post (CP). This may be a commandeered
(e.g., an officer or hostage’s life is visibly in danger). room in a nearby building or an entire mobile command post
Any of the templates and specializations found in Chap- dedicated to the SWAT unit (e.g., a remodeled motor home,
ter 4 can be used to represent SWAT officers assigned to the truck, van, or trailer).
inner perimeter. In smaller police departments, with limited The CP is where most of the incident decisions are
SWAT resources, regular officers (p. C45) may be assigned to made. The incident commander (see below) mans the CP and
IP duty. makes strategic decisions regarding snipers, assault teams,
and negotiation tactics. Command post personnel are respon-
Outer Perimeter sible for logistics of the operation, and must secure SWAT
equipment, food, bathroom facilities, items demanded by a
A secondary ring, called the outer perimeter (OP) is hostage-taker, etc.
formed at a much greater distance from the incident site. This The media (and public in general) should be kept clear
second containment ring is usually manned by patrol officers. of the post in order to keep them from divulging important
Personnel on the OP prevent unauthorized personnel information that could be picked up by the suspect (see The
from entering the area, including curiosity seekers, reporters Media, p. 19).
and cameramen, distraught relatives, and non-essential trail-
ers (e.g., EMTs, firemen, rescue workers, forensics investiga-
tors, etc.). Under no circumstances should an OP officer allow Location
anyone beyond his post without permission from the incident Lacking a mobile command post, the incident command-
commander. er must choose a suitable location. Nearby buildings can be
used, but a makeshift CP may also be established outdoors.
The CP should be close enough to the action that the incident
commander (and others) can personally inspect the situation
Crisis Resolution and stay in contact with on-site officers, but far enough away
to provide a measure of safety for the CP occupants. The CP
SWAT teams follow specific guidelines when deal- will generally be established between the inner and outer
ing with emergency situations, especially those involv- perimeters (p. 19), and close to the SWAT team’s staging area,
ing hostages. The incident commander should try every allowing face-to-face communications with the team without
less-than-lethal resolution technique at his disposal, a dangerous or lengthy transit.
unless someone’s life is in imminent danger. A set of The post is for authorized personnel only. Media repre-
guidelines was established in Downs vs. United States in sentatives, distraught relatives, suspect accomplices, and oth-
1974 (see box, p. 9). Those guidelines can be distilled ers, may try to gain access. They are only allowed entry with
down to the following basic steps: the incident commander’s permission, sometimes calling for
1. Contain the suspect and negotiate surrender. security in and around the CP (handled by one or more patrol
2. Demand that the suspect surrender. officers).
3. Use tear gas (or other less-than-lethal weapons) to
force the suspect to surrender. Incident Command
4. Use snipers to neutralize the suspect. While the assault team may be responsible for split-sec-
5. Order a SWAT assault. ond tactical choices, overall guidance of a SWAT incident is
An incident commander starts with step 1 and esca- handled by a ranking police officer (such as a captain) who is
lates only when initial steps fail. When there is imminent the designated incident commander (IC). This officer must
threat of death or serious injury to a civilian or officer, a get an overview of the situation, and choose additional per-
commander (or individual officer) may proceed directly sonnel and/or equipment as needed. He will assemble a staff
to step 4 or 5. of assistants and advisors, including the SWAT team leader, a
Use of deadly force in step 4 is usually limited to hostage negotiator, a public relations officer, emergency med-
cases where lives are threatened. Steps 4 and 5 are often ical or fire representatives, and other necessary personnel. He
undertaken simultaneously, with the snipers supporting may delegate mundane tasks (such as arranging for food,
(or signaling) a dynamic entry. water, and toilet facilities), but should make the important
decisions himself. He must also know when to call in addi-
tional forces such as state or federal police or military units.
20 SWAT Operations
room clearing techniques, gas or flash-bang grenade use,
Tactical Command changes from stealth to dynamic posture, and more.
Prior to entry, tactical decisions are made by the incident Even during entry, the incident commander must still
commander, usually in conjunction with the SWAT team make command-level decisions (e.g., giving a go-order for
leader and/or SWAT officers. This includes choices regarding snipers) unless he has specifically delegated such authority to
entry points, entry style, use of gas or flash-bangs, sniper sup- the team leader.
port, etc.
Once a SWAT entry is actually under way, tactical com-
mand shifts to the entry team. The team leader (p. 28) makes
Support Staff
split-second decisions on the fly, dictating the use of force, Support staff may include public relations officers, com-
munications personnel, psychologists, and logistics coordina-
tors. The size of the staff will vary with both the size of the
SWAT Speak police department and the magnitude of the operation. Sup-
port staff may be called upon to do more than one job at a
SWAT teams, like many military and paramilitary time, and may include both police officers and civilians.
units, use a veritable dictionary of acronyms, abbrevia-
tions, and slang during training and operations. GURPS Command Post
SWAT is likewise full of such shorthand, and while every
effort has been made to introduce each term with its full Equipment
name and description, at times the sheer number of abbre- Administrative equipment should be available to keep
viations can seem overwhelming. information organized and make resolution of an incident eas-
Any SWAT campaign will seem more realistic if the ier. The command post will usually have wall space dedicat-
characters speak in terms of moving to the IP, bringing in ed to whiteboards, blackboards, and/or bulletin boards to keep
a trailer, contacting TOC, or going dynamic instead of up-to-date information available to everyone.
using more mundane terms. To this end, the players and Computers, printers, photocopiers, scanners, tele-
GM should make use of the glossary on p. 62 and the list phones, and radios are common. Dedicated phone lines and
of radio codes on p. C43. a computer link to the police mainframe and Internet may be
Gathering Intelligence
The success or failure of a SWAT operation can hinge two different-colored sheets of paper to make them easier to
directly on the intelligence available to both the hostage nego- identify).
tiator and the entry team. Information must be gathered on
suspects, hostages, the location (both inside and outside the
incident site), and more.
First Officers
Information is usually relayed via radio, or via a runner on the Scene
who delivers a hardcopy. Different people (administrative In emergency actions, much of the basic information can
personnel, support staff, police officers, SWAT officers) may be gathered from the first responders to an incident (usually
be assigned this duty depending on the situation. Intel should police, but occasionally firemen or paramedics). SWAT per-
immediately be forwarded to information specialists to deter- sonnel should debrief the first officer on a scene as soon as
mine its relevance and then passed on to SWAT officers, possible to determine the overall situation, and question him
snipers, and negotiators as needed. The fact that a hostage- thoroughly in order to glean additional details. He can often
taker likes Thai food will be of little help to an assaulter, but provide physical descriptions of suspects and hostages, types
the team’s negotiator may find the info useful. of weapons involved, and an impression of the suspect’s
The incident commander (or someone assigned by him) demeanor.
should brief the officers on the scene with basic information
about the incident as soon as possible. Such information
should include an overview of the situation, indicating the
Observation Teams
Once a team has established a perimeter and the incident
general premise of the incident (e.g., a bank robbery, a barri-
is contained, snipers and observers become invaluable
caded suspect, etc), how many suspects and/or hostages are
sources of information. They can provide information on sus-
involved, who they are, who the leader is, a list of demands,
pect and hostage location, physical activities, and physical
and a profile sheet for every person involved.
descriptions. Some are able to relay entire conversations if
they are adept at lip-reading.
Profile Sheets Observation teams report to the command post, allowing
Some police departments use a standardized form for list- the incident commander to gather and filter information. The
ing suspect information. SWAT teams may have a similar sniper should also connect with the entry team in order to pro-
form for hostages as well (the two forms should be printed on vide immediate information as they breach the perimeter.
SWAT Operations 21
Questioning Hostages The Incident Site
Hostages are in a unique position to provide information
about a suspect or a situation, but they are often confused and Incident locations must be carefully surveyed. A sketch
frightened, and prone to making erroneous statements. The of the interior of a building should always be created. Entry
hostage negotiator may attempt to talk to one or more points must be located (doors, windows, vents, sewers), doors
hostages during negotiations, and may be able to coax bits of need to be clearly marked (including which direction they
information from them via telephone. open, likelihood they are locked, construction material), and
Hostages released from captivity should be isolated and the site should be surveyed for hazardous materials whenever
debriefed. Depending on the SWAT team’s organization, possible. These tasks may be done by team members, police,
hostages may be debriefed by SWAT officers, the incident or other experts (see Who Does What, box).
commander, civilian or police psychologists, medical person- Interior layouts can often be deduced from exterior
nel, etc. A SWAT officer (or more than one) is almost always observations (for example, a high, slim window and a roof
present, but the actual debrief can be performed by almost vent usually indicates a bathroom; dryer vents may mark a
anyone. Hostages should be checked by medical personnel laundry or utility room). GMs should give the basic details to
for injury and overall health and psychological trauma, but the players, and let them puzzle out the interior (use Archi-
such an exam may be conducted before, during, or after the tecture rolls as needed). Tract homes often follow the same
SWAT debrief. floor plan, making a quick visit to a neighboring home
Hostages can provide information such as number of sus- extremely helpful.
pects, description, position, mental state, plans, and overheard When possible, team members or support personnel
conversations. They can also describe weaponry, explosives, should check the exterior for fences, walls, ditches, hedges,
body armor, and barricaded or booby-trapped entries. The dogs, and debris, and locate potential locations for cover and
information may not be 100% accurate, but even general concealment. They should also check the building for any
information (e.g., “they had big army-looking guns” or “they sorts of alarms (including both burglar alarms and fire-sup-
stacked furniture against the front door”) can be extremely pression systems), as well as external lighting (especially any
valuable. with automatic motion-sensors).
The team may throw together a hand-drawn sketch on an
erasable whiteboard, or come up with an elaborate set of floor
plans. Some SWAT teams have Computer Assisted Drafting
(CAD) programs on laptops or in the CP for just such use. A
Who Does What sample sketch appears on p. 32.
During a SWAT operation, there are hundreds of
details that must be attended to, and only a finite amount Building Location Codes
of manpower. Personnel are needed to gather intelli- To speed communication and improve its effectiveness,
gence, map the site, and debrief witnesses; a runner may SWAT teams use a standard code for representing the sides of
even need to be assigned to deliver information to the a building, the floors, and any visible openings.
appropriate members of the SWAT team. A simple code involves numbering the building’s sides
The incident commander (p. 20) must decide who is one through four, beginning with the front and working clock-
assigned to attend to each detail. Since each operation is wise. The floors are counted from the ground up; openings are
different, he may deploy his SWAT, police, and civilian counted left to right. Many teams refine the method, distin-
personnel differently each time. There is no standard pro- guishing doors from windows (e.g., “suspect spotted, side 2,
cedure that can cover every eventuality. Every team has floor 2, first window”).
its own set of operating procedures and every incident An alternate code uses colors to mark sides of the build-
requires flexibility and adaptability. ing (the front is white, back is black, green is left, red is right),
An incident commander may not even know ahead and a numeric code for floors and openings.
of time how many personnel he will have to draw on, Some teams count the floors from the top down; some
especially if the SWAT team has regular police duties. dwellings are split level buildings on a hillside and it may be
The number will vary from team to team and incident to difficult to decide which floor is actually the bottom.
incident, depending on a number of factors: how many Whatever the method, it must be clear and understand-
SWAT officers respond, how quickly they’re expected to able, and known by every team member. For realism and fla-
assault the site, how many regular police officers can be vor, the GM and players should settle on a standardized
spared from their duties, and so on. method and use it as much as possible during the game.
PCs may be required to fill support roles or they may
be able to focus solely on assaulting a site, allowing oth-
ers deal with the minutiae of the operation. GMs should
fill in support personnel to fit their campaign style and the Once a perimeter has been established and the incident
preferences of their players as necessary. contained, surveillance begins in earnest. Snipers, observation
teams, and perimeter personnel gather information visually
22 SWAT Operations
and aurally, using everything from mirrors to sophisticated Multiple microphones can be used to triangulate a tar-
electronic equipment. get’s position, requiring at least two microphones and a suc-
Surrounding and monitoring an incident site can yield cessful Electronics Operation (Sensors) roll at -5. Additional
useful information; sniper teams may spend hours watching microphones beyond the first two give a +1 each, to a maxi-
and waiting. Fiber optic cable (p. 49) can be inserted into air mum of +3 for five or more. Each attempt takes 5 minutes of
ducts and vents, lowered down chimneys, slipped under monitoring, regardless of success or failure. The target must
doors, or inserted into keyholes. be talking or otherwise making a reasonable amount of noise
Microphones may be inserted into a site in much the – anything quieter (such as a suspect that’s simply pacing, or
same manner as fiber optics. Tube microphones (p. 49) are a whispered conversation) incurs a penalty of -3 to -7. (See
specially designed to fit into very tight spaces (e.g., through a also GURPS Modern Firepower, p. MF16.)
keyhole, a bullet hole, under a closed door, or inserted High-tech devices like laser microphones (p. 48) may be
through a small hole drilled by the entry team). used in special circumstances.
Hostage Negotiation
When negotiations begin, it is vital to establish an open
line of communication with the suspect. Existing telephone The negotia
lines may be used, or a dedicated crisis phone (p. 48) may be tor’s task is
the suspect to convince
provided. Outside communications are cut off whenever pos- to surrende
sible (especially if the suspect hopes to say his “last good- harming an r without
yone. The n
byes” before committing suicide). understand egotiator m
the suspect’ ust
The negotiator’s task is to convince the suspect to sur- and desires s motivation
render without harming anyone. The negotiator must under- ; often, the s
hostage tak demands of
stand the suspect’s motivations and desires; often, the er have litt a
his psycholo le to do wit
demands of a hostage taker have little to do with his psy- gical needs. h
chological needs.
The negotiator should establish rapport with the sus-
pect. At times, he may even be able to convince the sus-
pect to surrender as a personal favor. The negotiator
cannot, however, become so attached to the suspect that his
own emotions cloud his abilities. Even hostage negotiators
can succumb to the Stockholm Syndrome (p. 38). can sometimes force suspects to surrender more quickly or
The negotiator should be on the lookout for indications get hostages released in return for restoring them.
that his tactics are successful. Some indictors include a
change in the suspect’s demeanor (reduction in threats and/or Stall, Overwhelm,
demands, rational discussion, increasing willingness to nego-
tiate, an expression of concern for the hostages), the passage and Bore
of deadlines without retribution from the suspect, no deaths or To calm the suspect and give assault
injuries once negotiation has begun, and the release of any teams time to prepare, the negotiator may
hostages. stall for time or overwhelm the hostage-
Negotiations should continue as long as the taker with details. Stalling can be accom-
negotiation team (and incident commander) plished through extended conversation or
believes there is a chance of peaceful resolution. lengthy gaps in which the negotiator must “wait on his
When an assault is called for, the negotiator should superiors” for a decision. Thus, a hostage negotiator
continue to talk with the suspect, distracting him if should never be the senior officer on site. He must be
possible or luring him to a particular area of the able to honestly tell the suspect he cannot make deci-
room immediately prior to entry. Occasionally the sions himself, but must contact his superior. In the SWAT
negotiator is not told of the impending assault, so that he community negotiators do not command, and commanders
does not inadvertently reveal the entry team’s presence do not negotiate.
through tone of voice or word choice. The plethora of details that must be worked out in a
The primary negotiator is often supported by one or more hostage situation are overwhelming, even to the most experi-
assistant negotiators who listen to the conversation, but do not enced negotiator. Forcing the hostage-taker to deal with them
participate. An intelligence coordinator may act as liaison as well can sometimes frustrate him to the point of surrender
between the negotiator and surveillance personnel, and a (or at least distract him).
police psychologist may assist as well. The entire team should Time is on the hostage negotiator’s side. Most hostage-
work together to end the crisis. takers will quickly tire of dealing with the minutiae of the
Site control is important during negotiation. Shutting off negotiation. As boredom sets in, they become increasingly
electricity, phones, heat, air conditioning, and other utilities anxious to end the stand-off and increasingly willing to com-
promise in order to do so.
SWAT Operations 23
It is important to humanize the hostages, referring to
Cincinnati: them by name. It is much harder to threaten, torture, or kill
“Diana” or “Stefan” than “the travel agent girl” or “the guy
Room 809 with the Dutch accent.”
24 SWAT Operations
negotiator as well, will listen in, picking up clues the primary negotiation has deteriorated due to critical failures on the part
negotiator may have missed, and transcribing the primary of the first negotiator.
notes into forms or onto a white board. A third team member Fast Talk: No one likes to be lied to or bamboozled. A
acts as runner, delivering critical information to and from the successful Fast Talk roll will temporarily affect the suspect’s
negotiation team, entry team, and incident commander. Will modifier by -2. If the event is not resolved quickly, how-
ever, he will soon realize the negotiator has tricked him. After
Negotiation Skills 1d×10 minutes, the bonus is lost, and his Will modifier is
increased by +2 instead (making the suspect’s Will modifier
In game terms, hostage negotiators use three primary
skills during a negotiation: two points higher than it was before the Fast Talk began). A
Diplomacy: Used to calm the suspect, request the failed Fast Talk roll resets the suspect’s Will to its original
release of hostages, prolong a conversation past a suspect- value +2d. Fast Talk is almost never used in a negotiation
imposed deadline, and eventually convince the suspect to because of its negative long-term affects (see Trust and Nego-
surrender. It is the primary skill of a hostage negotiator. tiation, p. 24).
Negotiators with a positive Reputation from criminals may Good Luck: A critical success by the negotiator means
be able to add their Reputation bonus to Diplomacy skill he’s hit upon something important to the hostage-taker. The
rolls, depending on the Reputation’s frequency die roll (see GM should roleplay this whenever possible. Reduce the sus-
Trust and Negotiation, p. 24). pect’s Will by -2 instead of the usual -1.
Psychology: This skill can be used to discern the sus- Bad Luck: A critical failure on the part of the negotiator
pect’s motivation or intent, uncover his Advantages and Dis- will reset the suspect’s Will modifier to its original value. He
advantages, determine his current Will modifier (see below), may also cut off communications, launch into an emotional
and to see past the suspect’s words and into his feelings. tirade, fire warning shots, or even shoot a hostage, depending
Acting: The GM may require an occasional Acting role on his mental state and the GM’s discretion.
to help the negotiator ingratiate himself into the suspect’s
good graces. The negotiator should be judicious in his use
of this skill, and avoid telling blatant lies to the suspect for
fear of them coming back to haunt him (see Trust and
Negotiation, p. 24).
is a s po werful a
well nd
To listen m m u nication a
Game Mechanics f co
means o to talk well.
a s ll
for Negotiation influenc e
s tic e Jo hn Marsha
The negotiator may ask the suspect to surrender at any – Chief Ju
time, using a regular contest of his Diplomacy skill versus the
suspect’s modified Will (see Asking for Surrender, below).
The suspect may begin with a very large bonus to his Will for
purposes of this contest, depending on how resolute he is in
his beliefs. Beginning the negotiations with a bonus of +10
(or even more) for the hostage-taker would not be out of the
question! The actual modifier is up to the GM – it may even
be a penalty, if the suspect is already vacillating – and should
be kept secret from the players. The negotiator may be able to
discern the suspect’s current Will modifier through a success-
Asking for Surrender
At some point, the negotiator will ask the suspect to sur-
ful Psychology roll, but this will take some time (1d×10 min- render. The answer is determined with a regular contest
utes of negotiating per attempt). between the negotiator’s Diplomacy and the suspect’s current
As time passes, the suspect’s Will modifier will change. modified Will. If both parties succeed (or fail) at
The negotiator can affect it – for better or worse – in several their rolls, there is no change in the negotiation
ways: process. If the suspect succeeds but the nego-
Time: Lengthy negotiations can wear down a suspect’s tiator fails, the suspect will be disappointed,
will to resist. Once per hour of negotiation, allow the negotia- annoyed, or angered at the request, and his
tor a single Psychology or Diplomacy roll; a success will Will modifier will go up by +1 (or more at
reduce the subject’s Will modifier by 1 point. the GM’s discretion).
Demands: Meeting one of the suspect’s demands modi- Only when the suspect
fies his Will by -1; refusing a demand adds +1. fails his Will roll and the
Rapport: Hostage-takers become accustomed to dealing negotiator succeeds in his
with a single voice, a single personality. Changing negotia- Diplomacy roll will the
tors at any point resets the subject’s Will modifier to its orig- suspect comply with the
inal value. At times this may be a good thing, if the original negotiator’s request.
SWAT Operations 25
Planning the Assault
While negotiations continue – even before the decision is not be 100% accurate and the entry team may face new ter-
made to assault a site – the entry teams should begin prepara- rain regardless of their rehearsals.
tions. The assault plan may begin as a simple set of entry
points and equipment choices, but will evolve as intelligence
becomes available. The plan can be refined and modified
Likely Locations
even within minutes of the time the team is actually sent in.
Most assault plans are designed around hostage and civil-
for Violent Crimes
As part of their training, many SWAT teams rehearse at
ian safety. The lives of the entry team are also important, as is real-life locations that are likely to be the site of future crimes.
the safety of the suspects themselves. The goal of a SWAT Courthouses, schools, hospitals, airports, and public transit
raid is not to take lives, but to save them. stations may be cordoned off to allow the team to practice
their techniques. Often such rehearsals are done when the
The Plan building is not being used (e.g., borrowing a local school on a
Assault plans may be simple – especially where time is a Sunday afternoon).
constraint – or detailed. Every plan should cover five primary If a team rehearses at a site regularly, the PCs should be
aspects of an incident: considered to have Area Knowledge of the building equal to
Situation: Information about suspects, hostages, building their IQ. The GM may choose to alter things a bit during the
details, surrounding terrain, etc. This includes floor plans, actual assault – furniture may have been rearranged, doors
blueprints, maps, and photos of suspects and hostages when- may be locked or unlocked, and the suspects may have made
ever possible. modifications of their own.
Objective: The goal of the operation, including specifics
about the use of force. For example, if a hostage-taker holds
a detonator in his hands, the team may be instructed to use
deadly force on him to save the lives of everyone on site.
Tactical Emergency
Execution: A description of how the mission is to be exe-
cuted, including approach routes and entry points, and choic-
Medical Service
es as to stealth versus dynamic entry. Civilian EMTs, paramedics, firefighters, doctors,
Logistics: A list of personnel and equipment to be used nurses, and rescue personnel may receive training to sup-
during the assault. port SWAT teams. These tactical medics (or tactical EMS
Command: A chain of command indicating who has – TEMS – personnel) train and deploy with SWAT, and
authority over the snipers, who is in charge of assault teams, are considered full members of the team. Tactical medics
and so forth. It will include a list of radio frequencies and usually approach with the team prior to entry; they may
radio code names. remain at or near the point of last cover and concealment
(p. 30) or may enter the incident site with the SWAT team.
Site Reports They wear the same protection as other SWAT offi-
cers (helmets, tactical vests, etc.) but are not armed;
In similar manner to suspect and hostage profiles (p. 21), instead they carry first aid gear on their vests and in a
the incident commander (or someone on his staff) should pre- field kit (p. B213). Their uniforms may have MEDIC
pare a site report. The report should give information about written on them, instead of SWAT or POLICE, but are
the building and surrounding terrain, including information otherwise identical. (Use IQ plus range modifiers for
gathered during initial deployment and facts that later come to people trying to distinguish between TEMS and SWAT
light (see Incident Site, p. 22). officers).
Tactical medics’ duties include providing emergency
Rehearsals medical service to civilians, officers, and suspects; ensur-
ing the team receives adequate food, water, and rest dur-
When time permits, the assault teams should rehearse ing extended operations; coordinating quick transport or
their assault plan prior to implementing it. If a similar site can evacuation of injured individuals; acting as liaison
be located (such as in an airliner, tract housing, or an apart- between the SWAT team and other civilian medical per-
ment complex), it may be used for maximum realism. In some sonnel; and monitoring the general health and well-being
cases, a mockup can be created out of plywood at the SWAT of the team during operations. They may also provide
team’s training area. In a pinch, a school gymnasium might emergency medical training to the entry team.
even be used, with a life-sized floor plan mapped out on the In some departments, medics are cross-trained as
floor using masking tape. Whatever the circumstances, teams reserve police officers and are allowed to deploy with a
that practice an assault over and over will usually have better sidearm. Other departments train regular law enforce-
success when the decision is made to go tactical. The GM ment personnel to act as tactical medics instead.
may wish to allow entry team PCs an IQ roll to remember a
certain detail in the heat of battle. Still, the rehearsal site may
26 SWAT Operations
Chapter 3:
CQB Tactics
The tactics in this chapter – though written with SWAT teams in mind
– can be applied to military special ops teams, WWII commandos, or
even bug-hunting space marines. The GM may modify the procedures to
better fit his genre and play style.
CQB Tactics 27
Team Member Duties
The scene is familiar to anyone with a television: black-
armored men bursting through doors, weapon at the ready, as Scouts and
they assault a building, airplane, or warehouse. Although the
assault team should be the last resort in a real-life SWAT oper- Point Men
ation, it is the core of a SWAT roleplaying campaign.
The point man (or “scout”) usually enters the room as
low as possible, allowing his partner to enter directly after
Special Teams him and fire over him if necessary. He is usually armed with
a one-handed weapon (or a light SMG at best), allowing him
SWAT entry personnel are often assisted, not only by to remain armed while mirroring or carrying a shield. A small
command staff, but also by various special teams. Personnel weapon (with a low SS) also allows him to increase the speed
for these teams may be drawn from within the SWAT cadre with which he can bring his weapon to bear when he enters a
itself, from standard patrol officers, or in some cases – such as room.
in hostage negotiation or emergency services – qualified civil- When moving in a large stack (p. 30), the point man
ians may be included as well. sometimes acts as “shield man,” carrying some form of bal-
listic shield during entry (see Tactical Use of Shields, p. 36).
Arrest Teams
At times, SWAT teams may be followed up by a group of
officers tasked with arresting suspects. SWAT will neutralize
Scouts are usually tasked with mirroring rooms, using
the suspects (e.g., handcuff and search them), but follow-up either an actual mirror on an extendable handle (p. 49), or
officers may make the actual arrests. with a fiber optic camera of some kind (p. 49). The “mirror”
Alternately, a single member of the SWAT entry team is slipped under doors, around corners, through ceiling panels,
may be designated as a finder whose job is to locate, identify, or through tiny holes drilled for just that purpose, and can pro-
and arrest a particular suspect. This is especially important vide the team with a pre-entry look at the layout of the room
when an arrest warrant has been issued for a particular indi- and any potential threats. Doing so, regardless of the actual
vidual who may be holed up with several others. The officer mechanism, is called “mirroring the room.”
assigned to this role may be any member of the team.
Once SWAT has secured an area, follow-up personnel
may be called in to arrest suspects, perform first aid, search
rooms, disarm explosives, and so forth. Such personnel are
sometimes referred to as trailers, because they trail the SWAT
team as they progress through a site.
Trailers may be called on even during an assault if they’re
needed, or may be called in after the entire site is secure. In
either case, it is the SWAT entry team’s responsibility to make
certain the area is safe before trailers are requested. Trailers
should never be asked to move through an area that has not
been searched and declared safe by the SWAT team.
Sample trailers include medical personnel, animal han-
dlers, interpreters, and female officers to thoroughly search
female suspects.
Team Leaders
Every SWAT team, regardless of size, must have a com-
mander or leader. Teams are often referred to as elements, and
the team commander is sometimes called an element leader.
The leader of a full-sized entry team is generally a sergeant or
lieutenant, and is often the most experienced member of the
team. His job, however, is not only to act as an assaulter, but
to make command decisions during an entry.
The team leader must maintain tactical awareness, and
therefore will rarely be in the front or back of the team. His
job is to command as much as it is to assault.
28 CQB Tactics
Entry Breachers
When working as part of a two-man element, the scout
is usually the first man through the door. As part of a larger Breaching may be done by the point man, a dedicated
team, he may double as a “key man” whose task is to open “key man,” a breaching team (above), or the rear guard
the door to allow the entry team into the room. In this case, (below). Regardless of who is chosen, door breachers are usu-
he is often one of the last members of the team through, ally among the last to enter the room. Dedicated breachers
since entry is accomplished much more quickly when the should be strong enough to use a ram effectively, and skilled
“key man” opens the door, and the rest of the team immedi- in Architecture to enable them to judge door and doorframe
ately enters. While the team is entering, the “key man” can strength (see Breaching, p. 32).
then ready his weapon and follow them in at the end of the Breachers often carry a shotgun with frangible rounds to
stack. In these instances, to keep two-man teams together, aid in fast door entry.
the scout may open the door while his partner deploys a
flash-bang. Once the grenade is deployed, the thrower can
then ready his weapon as well, entering at the end of the
Rear Guards
stack with his partner. The last man on an entry team is often called the “rear
guard.” His job is to watch the team’s back, walking back-
ward at times to make certain no threats sneak up from that
Entry and direction. Rear guards are often also assigned to act as breach-
ers, and may be armed with a shotgun for that purpose, or
Cover Men carry and use the team’s ram.
Assaulters – a generic term for entry personnel – make up Rear guards are often stronger than the average entry
the bulk of a SWAT entry team. They’re rarely first through team member, and are sometimes tasked with carrying extra
the door, and almost never last. Each man is tasked with cov- equipment (such as spare ammo, grenades, or special gear).
ering a particular area of responsibility (p. 34), including hall-
ways, doorways, stairwells, and other openings. When
entering a room with a balcony, at least one man should be
tasked with covering that area for threats. SWAT teams may have dedicated snipers, or entry per-
Any man can be assigned to act as a “cover man,” whose sonnel cross-trained for that role. Officers on the inner
job is to provide cover for his partner (or the team) while they perimeter (p. 19) often double as short-range snipers as well.
are otherwise occupied. The most common example occurs Players looking to create a sniper character should be
when an unarmed team member is mirroring a room; his part- warned in advance that although the sniper can be an integral
ner must provide cover for him at all times, in case a threat part of any operation, his role in the session may be limited to
suddenly appears. lots of Vision rolls followed by one or two combat die rolls.
The template on p. 43 can be used as-is for a basic SWAT The role of the sniper is often best played by a well fleshed-
entry man. out NPC, letting the players get into the thick of the assault by
being members of the entry team instead.
The Assault
When negotiations fail and snipers have no clear shot, it from hostages. They may help the entry team by continuing
is up to the men and women of the entry teams to resolve the to talk to the suspect even as entry begins.
situation. Assaulting a site is the single most dangerous part of Care must be taken that the element of surprise is not lost
a crisis situation – 80% of all hostage and police casualties too early in an assault. A covert entry (p. 32) puts the team
occur during entry. into position to launch an attack swiftly and suddenly (often
called “stealth to contact” entry). If surprise is lost, the
The Three Elements defenders may have time to gather their wits, kill hostages,
detonate explosives, or put up a tenacious defense.
of Assault Assaults may include multiple teams and snipers striking
from multiple angles. A single countdown, with each team
The success of every assault hinges on three primary ele- assigned to perform a specific action at some point in the
ments: surprise, shock, and overwhelming, violent action. countdown, can facilitate a smooth entry and improve the
chances of surprising the targets. For example, one sniper
Surprise may be assigned to fire through plate glass to shatter it when
the countdown reaches “four,” while a second sniper fires at
Surprised defenders are slow defenders. They may often
the suspect on “three.” On “two,” the assault team throws in
be surprised into inactivity (see Shock, p. 30), or unprepared
a flash-bang, on “one,” door demolitions are blown, and on
and out of position. Negotiators may be able to lure a suspect
“zero,” teams swarm the site.
into a vulnerable position (such as near a window) or away
CQB Tactics 29
Each team may be assigned a “ready number” (usually away from prying eyes (to preserve the element of surprise;
high in the count). The team will confirm that everyone is in see p. 29). A general staging area may be assigned, but the
position and prepared when their number is called. entry team will have a secondary, closer position to begin the
actual assault.
Shock This secondary position, often called the point of last
cover and concealment (LCC), may be along a protected
A person in shock acts poorly. His responses are slowed,
his actions confused. A shocked enemy poses far less threat to alley, around the corner of a nearby building, or in the lobby
an incoming assault team than one in complete control of his of an apartment building. Whatever the case, the LCC must be
senses. safe from enemy line-of-sight.
Teams can achieve shock through speed and sudden Last cover and concealment locations will generally be
action. An assault team bursting into a room unexpectedly or established during the briefing; SWAT team members may be
a sniper suddenly taking off your buddy’s head can force a involved in selecting the locations. Individual departments
stun roll as per p. B122. Even the black, faceless look of most may give the LCC an alternate name, such as a stack-up point,
special ops teams is calculated to create fear in an unprepared launch point, rally point, form up point, or final assault posi-
enemy. tion. These positions are generally used for both safe entry
To better replicate real-life effects in game terms, a GM and hostage egress.
may require a Fright Checks from unprepared suspects. He
may also wish to use the optional rules for Buck Fever and/or Stacking
Bullet Shyness (pp. HT7-8). As the assault team prepares to enter a site, they must first
Physical shock can be brought on by injury (p. B99), and “stack up” – that is, line up and prepare to move in as a team.
weapons like flash-bangs (pp. 49 and C69). Teams will always stack before beginning an assault, and may
restack several times as they move deeper into a building.
Violence of Action During a covert entry, the team should stack at every opening;
they should also stack before mirroring, deploying grenades,
Assault teams must have the capability of dealing suffi-
cient deadly force to neutralize an opponent. Whether they or using a ram.
actually do so or not is irrelevant, but the targets must believe Stacking methods vary from one department to a next,
that the incoming SWAT team can win through sheer force. A and can fluctuate based on a number of factors (e.g., number
single plainclothes ATF agent bursting into the hideout of a of men in the team, direction the door opens, whether a door
white supremacy group is sure to be met with mocking laugh- is open or not, which side the doorknob is on, intervening
ter followed by gunfire; 40 black-clad, heavily armed SRT walls).
agents may give the defenders pause. Once surprise is lost, the team will most likely begin a
The GM should keep in mind that in order to produce dynamic assault (p. 32), and stacking may not always be pos-
sufficient force, multiple SWAT teams may be called upon to sible. Still, officers who simply kick down doors or come
assault a single location simultaneously. He may choose to crashing through windows without waiting for the rest of the
allow the players to control more than one character, or sim- team will inevitably end up reprimanded, fired, wounded, or
ply play the other teams as NPCs. In the latter case, the PCs dead.
will be assigned a particular objective (e.g., a specific floor, Stacking may be done in a single line, along
part of an airplane, a back entry, an outbuilding), while the one side of an opening (called a single stack),
NPC team(s) assault elsewhere. GMs should keep the or in two groups – one on each side of the
players informed of the ongoing action by including radio opening. Terrain and entry style can heavily
traffic or situation reports throughout the PC team’s action. influence stacking tactics (see Entering and
Occasionally, the PCs may be called on to back up out- Clearing, p. 34).
gunned NPCs or assist them in a protracted firefight. Stacked teams will often remain in silent contact, with
each officer laying his off-hand on the shoulder of the officer
ahead of him.
and Stacking Two-Man Elements –
The first few moments of a SWAT assault can be the most
“Buddy Teams”
dangerous. As with all SWAT operations, the entry team fol- SWAT officers almost never operate alone, and many
lows a set of guidelines in preparing for, and entering, any teams employ “buddy teams.” These two-man teams learn to
structure. walk together, move together, breathe together. A single ges-
ture from one to the other – or even a change in body stance
– is often enough to convey an entire idea.
Last Cover and Officers who have trained and operated as a two-man
Concealment team for 100 or more hours receive a +1 to Gesture or Body
Language rolls they make toward one another (in addition to
The team begins their assault as close to the suspect as
the +1 generated by team familiarity – p. 8 – for a total of +2
safely possible. They need to be safe from enemy fire, and
to one another).
30 CQB Tactics
One man usually acts as point man or scout (p. 28), and
takes the lead in checking doors and mirroring (p. 28).
Because he may often have to sling or holster his weapon to
use other equipment (e.g., mirrors, optic wands), his partner –
Snaking and
sometimes called the “point cover man” – must protect him at
all times.
Movement as a team is generally done with the covering Team movement is generally done in one of two
(rear) man resting his off hand on his partner’s shoulder. A ways:
nod of the point man’s head means, “I’m ready to go;” a Snaking. The team forms a single stack and moves
reciprocal squeeze of the shoulder returns the sentiment. single file, with one man following directly behind anoth-
When the covering man lifts his hand from his partner, it is er, often with his free hand resting on the shoulder or
generally to steady his weapon, a gesture that warns his part- back of the man in front of him. Snaking is best used in
ner that he is readying for action. narrow areas (hallways), when covering open ground
During room entry, the point man usually engages the quickly, or when booby-traps may be present. Snake
threat of his choice; his partner reacts, covering the other por- movement is preferred during a covert entry, as it mini-
tion of the room automatically (see Room Clearing, p. 36). mizes the visual profile of the team.
Swarming. Swarming can only be used in areas
with sufficient room. The team spreads out into a loose
skirmish formation, moving as a large group. Swarm
ms le a r n to walk entry is preferred during a dynamic entry, especially
Buddy t ea
e to geth er, breathe when team members must infiltrate a building quickly.
together, m ingle gesture from
Swarming reduces the likelihood of losing the entire
s team to explosives or automatic weapons, increases the
together. A her – or even a team’s ability to bring massive fire into a single loca-
one to the dy stance – is often tion when necessary, and improves forward visibility
bo .
change in entire idea
for each man. Though it may appear uncoordinated and
co n v ey an random, swarm movement and entry must be practiced
enough to time and again until it is second nature. Every man
should still take a specific area of responsibility (p. 34)
– one clear of friendly targets despite the swarming
Four-Man Teams
Four-man teams will usually comprise a pair of two-man Six or More
elements, enabling the team to be split when necessary to Large teams may consist of small-
cover disparate areas or entry points. One officer acts as scout er teams working in concert. For
and is responsible for mirroring and so forth (see Scouts and example, a pair of four-man teams
Point Men, p. 28). As in a two-man element, his partner stacked along a retaining wall prior to
should cover him during such actions. entry creates an eight-man team. A sin-
The third man in the team is charged with covering side gle member still acts as scout. Others
openings and doorways, and covering any second floors and will be assigned areas of responsibility
balconies while entering a room. He is often called on to dis- (p. 34) and be given specific duties (e.g.,
pense grenades and may act as a scout if the team splits into covering openings, setting or disarming explosives,
two pairs. throwing grenades, etc.).
The team’s fourth man doubles as the team’s rear guard
(p. 29), and as partner to the third man in the team.
Four-man teams are very common in Europe. Entry Style
Entry style can be dictated by a number
Five-Man Teams of factors, including terrain, visibility, the
A five-man team is commonly used by many SWAT presence of hostages, concealment and cover,
agencies in the US. It is structured like a four-man team and suspect disposition. Choosing an entry
(above), with the additional man (who takes position in the method falls to the incident commander, but that
middle of the stack) acting as team leader (p. 28). decision may be delegated to the SWAT team commander.
The team may single-stack, or split into a group of two- The team may choose to move into position quietly, using
and three-man stacks as needed. If the team is split, the ele- a covert entry, then “go dynamic” when they encounter the
ment leader will accompany one pair or the other; he should suspects (“stealth to contact”). The element leader usually
never function alone. calls for any changes in the team’s posture.
CQB Tactics 31
Teams usually attempt to saturate the building, covering
The Fatal Funnel all rooms as quickly as possible, but never working alone. The
first room is cleared by the first two men through the door –
One of the most dangerous moments of an entry usually numbers three and four in a stack, since numbers one
occurs when the first officer steps through a doorway. For and two are busy opening the door and deploying a flash-
a single moment, the point man stands exposed and vul- bang. The next pair (five and six) moves to cover any open-
nerable in this “fatal funnel,” isolated from his teammates ings, or continues deeper into the building. The third pair
and facing unknown targets. (seven and eight) takes the next deeper room, and so on. The
The entry officer may be silhouetted against back- door opener and his partner (one and two) fall last in line after
lighting or ambushed from the side; he may encounter readying their weapons, moving deeper into the house as the
multiple targets, or none at all. If he takes fire, he cannot entry continues.
stop his entry to return it. He cannot do anything to dis-
rupt the assault procedure or block the entryway for the
rest of the team. The only proper way
The only proper way to pass through a doorway is to to pass
through a doorway
pass through the doorway. The entry must continue – is to pass
especially at a bottleneck – or casualties are sure to result. through the doorway
. The entry
The point man may return fire on the move, but he must must continue – espe
continue to pass into the room and then follow all Area of cially at a
bottleneck – or casu
Responsibility rules (see p. 34). alties are
sure to result.
Covert Entry
Covert entry – also called stealth entry – is used when
time is not a critical factor. The team makes every effort to
conceal their actions, and their movement is slow and
methodical. Teams search rooms quickly, always covering entrances,
Each team member must make a Stealth roll during a and they neutralize (cuff) all suspects and watch them until
covert entry, which is compared to a Sense roll (usually Hear- they can be taken into custody. The illustration below shows
ing) for each suspect present. The GM may consult the a full-scale dynamic entry into a typical residence by an eight-
Acoustic Signatures table on p. MF16 for increased realism. man team.
Breaching doors can be done in many ways. Use of an
actual key is preferable, but during dynamic entries the “key”
may be a 30-lb. ram. Regardless of the method, the entire
team should be fully aware of the method and timing of the
upcoming breach; breaching operations should never be done
Frangible Rounds
Shotguns may be loaded with frangible, lock-breaking
rounds (p. 52). A specific shotgun is sometimes used for this
purpose, marked in some distinct fashion (e.g., the butt
wrapped in red marking tape) and loaded only with frangible
32 CQB Tactics
The firer targets hinges or locks. Use the rules on p. B125 cover; an officer to actually place the charge; and a shield-
to resolve such attacks. The firer must do sufficient damage to bearing officer to protect the entry team during detonation.
the door to disable the hinges or lock, primarily by destroying Like all door openers, the breaching team will usually enter
the part of the door the hardware is attached to (see Breaking the room last, allowing them time to ready their weapons.
Down Doors, below, for more information on door hit points). Breaching a door may occasionally blow pieces of it into
Standard shotgun shells can be used, but excess damage will the room, injuring occupants. GMs should calculate damage
blow-through the door, potentially wounding people on the from the explosion, subtract the door’s DR and hit points (p.
other side. This is not the case with frangible rounds, since B125), then distribute the remaining damage to the room’s
they disintegrate on impact. nearby occupants (anyone within 2 yards); each target will be
Solid ammunition (e.g., shotgun slugs, pistol rounds) is struck on a 17+.
ineffective for opening doors in this manner. Other breaching Anyone in a room should make a Fright Check at +2, and
methods should be used on heavier doors; frangible rounds may also be Surprised or mentally Stunned (p. B122). Med-
have little effect on objects with DR2 or higher. ical personnel should always be available when door-breach-
ing explosives are to be used.
Using a Ram Explosive breaching charges should not be used where
flammable chemicals are present (such as in a drug lab), on
Rams come in a variety of sizes and weights (p. 48), but
the principle is the same. An officer stands to one side and buildings that store or use flammable chemicals (some facto-
swings the ram to force the door open. In some cases, depend- ries), in situations involving elderly hostages or young chil-
ing on the layout of the entry area, the ramming officer may dren, when hostages are known to be close to the breach
end up visible and momentarily framed by the doorway he point, or on doors or walls of unknown construction.
has just rammed (see Fatal Funnel, p. 32). A sledge-style ram
(p. 48) is available that allows the officer to stand outside the
doorframe if there is room to do so.
The entry team must be careful not to anticipate the Breaking
breacher’s success, not only on sturdy doors but on weak ones
as well. One tactical team found this out the hard way when Down Doors
the door flew inward with such force that it bounced closed Most breaching methods require the GM to know the
again, just as a second officer threw a flash-bang. The grenade hit points of the target door. Typical inner (wooden) doors
bounced off the closing door and detonated at the feet of the have 5-10 hit points. Mobile home doors and the like will
entry team! be at the low end; sturdy apartment doors at the high end.
Metal doors, such as exterior warehouse doors, will have
Explosive Breaching 15-20 hit points. Security doors will have 20+.
Using explosives to breach a door is more dangerous than The GM should use common sense when determin-
other methods, but can speed entry and maximize the shock ing door hit points, adding a few for those in better-con-
and surprise during an entry. A number of door breaching structed buildings, subtracting for those in dilapidated
charges and styles are available (pp. 49-50), but hostage and slums. Additional security measures (e.g., heavy dead-
officer safety should always be a priority. bolts, bars across the interior) will effectively add hit
A breaching team should consist of at least three men: a points to the door for breaching purposes.
cover man, armed with an assault weapon to provide close
CQB Tactics 33
Entering and Clearing
Room entry and clearing form the linchpin of an assault. his observations (usually taking on the nearest threat or open
Procedures and guidelines vary from team to team, but sever- doorway). His partner must make a Body Language roll to
al basic techniques are listed below. react accordingly, choosing a complimentary AOR to cover
The GM and his players should work together to decide the part of the room his partner is not.
the guidelines for the PCs’ team, making certain every mem-
ber knows the rules and follows them during an adventure.
Entire sessions can revolve around simply practicing room
Deliberate Clearing
Teams performing a slow, deliberate search of a building
entry and clearing techniques in a CQB house (p. 8), allowing
will leave no stone unturned. Officers check closets, attics,
the PCs to interact and the players to
under beds, kitchen cupboards, piles of dirty laun-
become accustomed to using proper
dry, behind shelves, even under couch cushions. A
entry procedure.
“deliberate clear” of a 1,500-square-foot home
may take an hour or more, for one man must con-
Area of stantly cover his partner while he searches for hid-
den suspects, booby-traps, bombs, hazardous
Responsibility chemicals, or other dangers.
Every man on an entry team is A deliberate clear (also called a “slow clear”
assigned a specific area of responsibili- or “cautious clear”) usually occurs when serving a
ty (AOR) or area of operation (AO) – a warrant at a building where no one answers, or
section of a room, a hallway, a balcony, after a dynamic entry has been completed. No
etc. – that he is to cover during the building can truly be considered safe and clear
operation. For example, two men enter- until the entry team has taken the time to do the
ing a room will split the room down the job right.
middle, with each man covering half. A
three-man team will likewise be given areas of the room to
cover, or one man may be assigned to watch a balcony, hall- Room Entry
way, or other feature. Though the specifics vary, a handful of more common
Proper coverage of an AOR reduces the chance of friend- room entry methods are listed below.
ly fire and aids in a thorough application of force to every part
of a room. Officers must be careful to enter and cover only
their AOR, and not stray (bodily or by firing) into a team- Buttonhook Entry
mate’s AOR. Walking into another man’s zone of fire is a sure The buttonhook, or fishhook entry is a fast entry tech-
way to get shot. Likewise, firing at a target in another officer’s nique that minimizes silhouette time for entry personnel, lim-
assigned zone may subject that officer to friendly fire. In iting their time in the “fatal funnel” (p. 32). Two men stack on
game terms, anyone in another officer’s AOR should be sub- opposite sides of the entry, each facing the doorway, and enter
ject to the Hitting the Wrong Target rules on p. B117. simultaneously (or very close to it) with each man hooking
SWAT members must exercise extreme discipline when 180° and moving laterally along the room wall (see diagram).
entering a hostile area, for it is not unusual for an officer to Each man’s AOR corresponds to his half of the room.
take fire from an area of the room he is not assigned to cover. Teams using a buttonhook entry will stack in a double
He should not, however, become distracted by the incoming stack, allowing pairs of men to enter, one after another, in a
fire, for turning to engage the target presents many difficul- series of two-man buttonhooks. During SWAT training, the
ties. He may not be able to accurately locate the target by the
sound of gunfire alone; he may begin firing toward his team-
mates as they move to engage; or he may turn his back on a
suspect in his own AOR, leaving the entire team open to
PCs should always be aware of their AOR, and GMs
should not hesitate to dole out retribution when a character
fails to maintain discipline. A single suspect with an automat-
ic weapon can wreak havoc on even the most well equipped
SWAT team if the officer assigned to cover him turns his
Note: During initial entry, the point man is often respon-
sible for the entire room as he steps through the doorway. He
usually chooses his AOR dynamically – that is, he enters the
room, and then moves in the direction of his choice based on
34 CQB Tactics
buttonhook entry has proven the fastest method of getting two
men through a doorway and ready to fire. Cross-Lean Entry
A cross-lean entry is similar to a cross-hook, but the
hooking officer does not actually enter the room. Instead, he
Cross Entry leans his weapon and upper body around the corner of the
In a cross entry (diagram, below), the team forms a dou- entry while his partner crosses into the room proper, allowing
ble stack as shown. Instead of hooking 180° (as in a button- both men to bring weapons to bear and yet providing a meas-
hook), they enter the room one at a time – taking turns – and ure of cover for at least one of them (diagram, below). In
cross into the opposite part of the room from their stack. The GURPS terms, the leaning shooter can be ready with oppor-
advantage to this entry technique is that each man moves in a tunity fire while his partner is still moving, enabling the lean-
relatively straight line, and can often see his AOR prior to er to protect the entry man.
entry (giving a +2 to Vision rolls), enabling him to better clear Multi-man teams can use the cross-lean entry – one man
his AOR than in a buttonhook entry. leans and covers the room while the rest of the team enters
This kind of entry must be well rehearsed to prevent team single file.
members from running into one another. During a cross-lean, the entering men must be careful not
to cross in front of the leaning shooter. He, in turn, must main-
tain fire discipline and cover only his AOR (usually the half
of the room on his side).
Cross-Hook Entry
A cross-hook entry combines the elements of both tech-
niques listed above. The cross-hook is often used when an
entrance lies close to a perpendicular wall, forcing the entry
Slicing the Pie
During entry, weapon movement should be methodical
team to stack up on only one side of the entrance. As with
and smooth. As the officer moves laterally around an obstacle
other entry techniques, the entire team may continue to enter
(a corner, the edge of a doorway), he sweeps his weapon and
the room, one after another, alternating their entry style. The
line-of-sight through the room in a maneuver called “slicing
point man will buttonhook, his cover man will cross, the third
the pie.” As he slices the room, his teammates follow, joining
man hooks, the fourth man crosses, etc. See diagram, below.
in the maneuver and begin to sweep in opposite directions,
covering their own “slices” – their AORs.
CQB Tactics 35
Even when rounding a corner (diagram, p. 35), an offi-
cer must slice the pie, sweeping wide and moving in a lat-
eral arc as he rounds the corner, slowly exposing more of
Tactical Use
his surroundings as he moves. An officer can most safely
round a corner at a distance (at least a yard or so), rather
of Shields
than hugging it closely. This allows him to see more of his Many entry teams use ballistic shields. The shield is
“slice” as he moves, while still using the corner to provide generally carried by the point man (p. 28), who leads the
cover. team in a snake formation (see Snaking and Swarming,
During entry and when rounding corners, an officer will p. 31) when approaching the site.
lean his upper body in the direction he is moving, thereby Room clearing with a shield is handled only slightly
allowing him to see his AOR and bring his weapon to bear, differently than without. The shield-carrier generally
while exposing as little of his body as possible (giving him a positions himself facing the most likely threat location
-3 to be targeted). (e.g., an uncleared hallway or stairwell) while the rest of
the team clears the room. As the team progresses, the
Room Clearing shield man will continue to position himself to cover the
likely threat sites as the team clears behind him (see dia-
Entering and clearing a room is dangerous work. In the gram, below).
heat of an assault, it can be difficult to tell friend from foe, or Because shields do not provide 100% protection
innocent movements from threatening actions. Entry teams against incoming fire, officers do not simply cower
go through an “OODA Loop” – Observe, Orient, Decide, Act. behind them, waiting for the bad guy to run out of ammo.
Therefore, the GM may wish to use the following game When fired upon, even when protected by a shield,
mechanics during room entry. SWAT members will return fire to neutralize the threat as
When a room is entered, before anyone can take any quickly as possible.
actions, the GM must determine whether the SWAT officers Game stats for SWAT shields are found on p. 50.
have achieved any level of surprise (p. B122). Total surprise
is possible when entering the first room and only if the team’s
approach was entirely silent (see Covert Entry, p. 32). Partial
surprise is the most likely result if the targets of the assault are
aware that something is happening, but don’t know when or
where SWAT will enter. If the occupants are ready and wait-
ing, surprise is not possible. Even if the occupants are not sur-
prised, the GM may decide that one or more of them must
make Fright Checks.
Once inside the room, the OODA loop begins:
When a SWAT team breaches a room, the GM makes a
Vision roll (p. B92) for each team member, modified for dark-
ness, smoke from a flash-bang, etc. If they achieved total sur-
prise, this Vision roll is unnecessary – the occupants are
incapable of any action and the GM should give the players a
full description of the room and its contents. In the event of
partial surprise, the Vision roll is made at +5, since the occu-
pants are stunned and slow to react. The degree of success (or Modest Success (made by 1 or 2): As above, but more
failure) of the Vision roll dictates how much information the details about each occupant of the room are clear, including
player is given, allowing him to orient himself: where each person is and a basic idea of what they are doing.
Slim Failure (by 3 or less): The officer gets little or no If few people are present, the officer can tell which are likely
information on who is in the room or what they are doing, but suspects and which are bystanders. Known individuals are
can still pick up on the movement of large objects (a fleeing recognized. In addition to the occupants, the officer also dis-
suspect, a charging attacker, a door shutting, etc.). cerns the room’s basic layout, including furniture, placement
Basic Success. The officer makes out subtler movements of doors and windows, etc.
and finer details, and begins to distinguish friend from foe. Good Success (made by 3 or 4): The officer takes in near-
The fewer people there are, the more he learns about each ly the entire scene, separating friends from foes, seeing who
one. In a room full of people, he will get only a sense of place- is unarmed or who is brandishing a weapon, and noting any
ment and general motion. If there are only one or two people, obvious immediate threats. He knows which occupant to han-
he can make out specific actions, such as someone reaching dle first. He also gets a fuller sense of the room, including
into a pocket, handbag or dresser drawer, as if to ready a details like someone sleeping on a couch under a blanket, a
weapon (or a badge, or a wallet). suspicious lock-box in the corner, or a trapdoor in the floor.
36 CQB Tactics
Great Success (made by 5+): In addition to a full aware-
ness of the scene as described above, the officer spots details
that most people would overlook: drug paraphernalia on a
Tactical Retreats
table, the bulge of a holster under someone’s jacket, or a knife Many times it is in the team’s best interest to retreat
on a suspect’s belt. Situational awareness is almost complete, from their position. The decision falls to the element
and the officer knows how he needs to proceed. leader and the order must be effectively transmitted to
This Vision roll covers only the officer’s initial impres- every man on the team.
sions; it is considered a Free Action and is resolved before any After retreating from a high-risk warrant service
attacks or other actions can be made. The GM may reveal (such as when encountering gunfire from somewhere in
details about the scene in subsequent rounds as the team com- the house – no paper is worth losing a team member),
pletes entry. the perimeter should be kept secure while a negotiator
attempts to talk the suspect out without harm. At this
Orient point, the incident is treated as a “barricaded suspect”
(p. 11), and a new assault plan is drawn up.
Once the officer has observed the situation, his mind
must process the facts so he can “orient” himself – that is, Tactical retreats are almost never an option during
make sense of what he’s seeing. hostage rescue. Once the suspect has been alerted, the
He may pick one target (generally in his AOR; see p. 34) team must continue their operation in order to preserve
and make a Body Language roll (p. CI132) to determine the hostages’ lives, even though doing so may endanger
roughly what that person intends to do next round: flee, draw their own.
a weapon, grab a hostage, etc. Note that all Vision modifiers
apply to Body Language rolls. It is not, however, limited to the good guys. Suspects
watching television may hear the sound of a ram (Observe),
Decide and Act realize it’s their front door (Orient), Decide to resist, and Act
The final steps in OODA involve making a decision and by grabbing a weapon and firing toward the door!
taking action. Officers may choose to use lethal force or
attempt some kind of peaceful resolution.
Non-lethal action often begins with intimidation. Con-
Vehicle Takedowns
vincing a suspect to surrender is resolved with a regular con- The tactical information found in this chapter can be
test of skills (p. B87), using the officer’s Intimidation skill applied to vehicles as well as buildings. Assaulting a bus or
against the target’s Will. Because he is armed and willing to airplane takes training and practice distinct from normal
use deadly force, the officer gets +2 to skill. If the team in the building rehearsals, but whether an officer is rounding the
room outnumbers the suspects, the bonus is +3. corner of a suspect’s bedroom or clearing the passenger com-
If the target also has a readied weapon and is willing to partment of a 747, he must maintain fire discipline, watch his
use it, the officer’s bonus for being armed is canceled out. AOR, and so forth.
(Outnumbering the suspect is still good for +1.) The target’s Detailed vehicle takedown tactics are beyond the scope
Will is also subject to modifiers for recently failed Fright of this book, but some basic guidelines follow.
Checks, applicable Advantages and Disadvantages (e.g.,
Fearlessness, Cowardice), drug use, or anything else that
would affect his state of mind.
Assaulting a passenger plane is a complex undertaking
This Contest of Skills may play out over several turns, and extremely difficult to perform well. Such operations are
during which time the officer can move forward to physical- only carried out by large, advanced teams, specifically trained
ly subdue the suspect. If the SWAT team achieved any level to deal with aircraft assaults. Taking down an average pas-
of Surprise, intimidation is not required. A partially surprised senger plane should involve the use of at least 40 SWAT offi-
suspect, however, may make his IQ roll while being laid out cers, in addition to support personnel (drivers, ladder carriers,
and cuffed. If he is stupid enough to struggle, the officer may snipers, distraction teams, etc). In a recent U.S. assault, over
have to fall back on intimidation or physical assault to finish 100 men were used to liberate a hijacked 747.
his job. Teams must rehearse entry and clearing techniques on
many different types of planes, learning the nuances of each.
Repeating the OODA Loop For example, Boeing 747 and DC-10 doors swing outward; a
SWAT teams go through the OODA process many times 767’s doors are electronically operated and swing up and out.
during an entry. Every time they encounter a new threat, clear Typically, entry will be carried out in multiple, simulta-
a new room, even hear a new noise, they must Observe (by neous locations, using main doors, cargo entrances, and emer-
making a Sense roll), Orient (determine how much informa- gency exits on the wings and cockpit. Ladders are required in
tion they gather based on the roll’s success or failure), Decide, such an entry; rubberized ladders are usually used for stealth
and take Action (both of which are up to the PC). OODA is reasons. Small, lightweight operators are usually tasked with
the basic principle that defines the split-second decision mak- wing and cockpit entries. Stealth rolls while walking on a
ing process an officer goes through during entry. plane’s wing are at -2.
CQB Tactics 37
Distraction is often created by staging an apparent attack was not made by an additional 4 or more, the shot is still
on one side of the plane – perhaps setting off a small explo- treated as a miss, using the Hitting the Wrong Target rules on
sion or flash-bang outside the plane – to draw the hijackers to p. B117 to determine whether anyone else inside the vehicle
one side. Use of flash-bangs inside the plane must be careful- is hit.
ly monitored, due to the presence of flammable items and SWAT officers may need to shatter a window to extricate
close proximity of hostages. the suspect without harming him. Officers may carry a spring-
loaded punch designed especially to shatter glass (p. 48).
Boats Some teams have such a punch mounted near the muzzle of
their assault weapon so they can shatter the window and con-
Hostage rescue operations at sea require highly special-
ized teams and specialized equipment to keep weapons and tinue to cover a suspect at the same time. Once side-window
equipment dry and functional. Such operations are generally glass is shattered, it is easily raked out of the opening with a
assigned to federal or military teams. Assaulting a boat that is gloved hand, and falls into tiny, rough (not sharp) pieces.
currently docked in a harbor may be done using techniques Front windshields are much harder to break and remove and
similar to assaulting a building. such an attempt is rarely made by a SWAT team.
A hostage taker may put his hostages on either side of
him, making it difficult to get a clear shot. In such cases, the
Buses cover men may be able to fire through the front or back
Eight or more men are required to properly take down a windows.
bus. Two officers cover the rear (emergency) exit of the bus
(if any), while two others cover the side windows. One man
approaches the driver’s window to release the door, allowing Dealing with
the remainder of the team (preferably at least four men) to
snake into the bus through the main entrance. Hostages
Once inside, the first two members of the assault team Hostage safety is a priority during SWAT entry. Use of
step left and right, covering the passengers, while the remain- explosives – including breaching explosives and flash-bangs
der of the team moves down the aisle, clearing the bus of – must be carefully monitored, and fire discipline must be
threats. At least one team member should crouch low and do very high. Officers must always distinguish between friend
a search at deck level to make sure no suspects are hiding and foe when entering a room.
under the seats. Hostage-takers may exchange clothing with their
All passengers should be handcuffed and escorted away hostages or try to blend in with them when they realize the gig
from the site until their identity can be clearly determined. is up. It is therefore standard procedure to handcuff
Bus takedowns should be rehearsed using different styles everyone in the room – civilians included – until
of buses (e.g., school buses, commercial buses, trams, light their identities and potential threat level can be
trains). accurately determined.
Hostages and suspects should be secured
Cars before the room is considered safe. They should
The first step in a car assault is to immobilize the vehi- either be “proned out” (forced to lay face down,
cle. This may be done by surrounding the vehicle with other hands behind their head), or at least forced to
cars, through a remotely operated kill switch (in the event of kneel and interlace their fingers behind their head
cars provided to hostage takers), or by using spike strips on and be properly cuffed.
the road. The hostages themselves may even interfere in a rescue.
Unless hostages are present, the car should be hit with Some may attempt to subdue a suspect during entry, more
tear gas; snipers should be used if the target is presenting a often getting in the entry team’s way than being of any assis-
deadly threat. tance. Others will react unpredictably – running from the site
During hostage rescue, car assaults should be performed (and across an officer’s line of fire), diving for cover, or even
with six men. A pair of officers comes up on either side, with attacking the entry team themselves. Such an attack may be
the remaining team members providing cover fire from the the result of confusion and stress; at other times, the hostage
front or back. This allows at least one officer on each side to may feel moved to protect his former captor (especially if he
engage suspects in the front seat while their partners do the is a family member).
same to the rear. All officers should take up positions so that
they do not endanger the other members with crossfire. Stockholm Syndrome
Windshield glass is notorious for impeding and deflect- The Stockholm Syndrome (p. SO130) refers to a psycho-
ing bullets, especially when fired at an extreme angle. For logical bond that can develop between a hostage-taker and his
game purposes, if the bullet’s trajectory is greater then 45° victims. It takes its name from a 1973 bank robbery (in Stock-
from perpendicular to the windshield, the shot is taken at an holm, Sweden) that resulted in a hostage situation. One of the
additional -4; a miss indicates that the bullet has skipped off hostages became so attached to a suspect that she later mar-
the windshield instead of penetrating. ried him!
If the bullet penetrates the windshield (whether from a Hostages may feel dependent on the hostage-taker
direct frontal shot, or a lucky angled shot), but the roll to hit for their health and well-being, and begin to identify or
38 CQB Tactics
sympathize with them; the relationship is sometimes com-
pared with that of an abused wife and her husband.
Hostages who become sympathetic to their captors may
Raiding Drug Labs
even begin to view the police as the enemy. They may shield The proliferation of clandestine drug labs (“clan
their captors, aid them in escaping, or try to hide them in their labs”) has forced law enforcement personnel to deal with
midst. increasingly dangerous situations. Methamphetamines
Negotiators can use the Stockholm Syndrome to their are the most common drug produced in such labs. Other
advantage, engendering a sense of responsibility in the drugs include amphetamines (speed), gamma-hydroxy
hostage-taker, thereby minimizing the chance he will act vio- butyrate (“date-rape” drugs), LSD, and methylene-dioxy-
lently toward the hostages. methamphetamine (ecstasy)
Clan labs can be found in any part of any town. They
Egress may be hidden in rich or poor neighborhoods, industrial
areas, abandoned buildings, residential apartments,
Sometimes the team must make its way out of an incident wooded areas, open fields, town houses, or even vacant
site before the crisis is fully resolved. For example, a team lots. Mobile labs are now springing up in buses and
may rescue a group of hostages and wish to move them to aboard boats.
safety before delving deeper into a building. In such cases, the Police may be alerted to a clan lab in a number of
team will usually exit through the same route they used to ways. For every pound of methamphetamines produced
enter the building, as it is generally safe. in a lab, five times that amount of waste is generated.
At other times, a shorter route may be available to an Entry personnel may spot an abundance of empty cold
alternate egress point – usually designated as such prior to medicine boxes (used for their pseudoephedrine content);
the entry. Such an egress point should be visible (e.g., to empty cans of paint thinner, starter fluid, or acetone;
snipers, observation teams, perimeter personnel) to make propane canisters with blue-green corrosion from storing
certain it is safe. anhydrous ammonia (often stolen from local farmers); or
Egress through a hostile or unknown part of the building discarded coffee filters or glass jars with white or purple
is possible, but should not be done with hostages in tow. If crystals. At times, an odor resembling paint thinner, chlo-
such a move is necessary, the SWAT team will split, with one rine, or model glue may give away a clan lab’s presence.
contingent leading the way and another bringing up the Chemicals used in these labs can cause injury or
hostages and the rear of the group. death on contact (through chemical burns) or inhalation
(such as with phosphine or phosgene gas). Many are
Rally Points flammable; some may even ignite or explode on contact
with air or water.
Rally points (or egress points) are similar to points of last
Entry personnel must therefore exercise extreme
cover and concealment (p. 30), and represent safe locations
caution when operating in or near a suspected clandestine
outside the incident site where teams can turn over hostages
drug lab. Emergency medical personnel, firefighters, and
(and captured suspects) to waiting authorities. Rally points,
HAZMAT team should always be available during such
like LCC points, are designated in advance, usually during the
an operation. Suppressors (p. 51) and gas masks (p. 49)
planning and briefing stage.
should be used whenever possible. Explosive devices
(e.g., flash-bangs, breaching explosives) should never be
Obstacles to Entry used in a clan lab.
Entry teams face more dangers than just the suspects
they’re facing. Darkness can hide treacherous terrain; elec-
tricity (and therefore lights) may have been turned off in the
building they’re entering; motion-sensors may activate lights
as the team attempts a stealth approach; guard dogs or family
pets may alert the suspects or attack the team.
Many obstacles can be avoided through good surveil-
lance and planning, but team members must be flexible and
ready to adapt when their assault is disrupted (see Surprise!,
p. 59). stack of aluminum cans in front of a door can alert the suspect
to the team’s presence.
Booby Traps The first step in avoiding a trap is spotting it. Mirroring
Some suspects may set traps at entry points and bottle- entryways and using deliberate movement can aid a team in
necks, in hopes of delaying, wounding, or killing the entry avoiding traps during a covert entry. Dynamic entries, by their
team. Sample improvised traps might include fishhooks hung nature, are faster, and therefore may not allow for a thorough
at face level in entryways, nails driven through flat boards and search. GMs should keep track of any characters with Danger
hidden under leaves or grass, or razor blades embedded in Sense as they near a trap. Triggering a noisemaking trap will
stalks of marijuana to injure those pulling them up. Even a not set off Danger Sense.
CQB Tactics 39
Chapter 4:
The Officers
No matter how big the gun, how modern the gear, or how elite the
training, it is the men and women behind the badge that make or break
SWAT operations.
40 The Officers
Officer Selection Guidelines
SWAT selection guidelines are strict and testing is rigor-
ous. Certain principals govern officer selection for almost Willingness
every team. SWAT teams are typically comprised of volunteers.
There is never a shortage of such men; the waiting list for
Occupational Skills most teams is usually dozens (if not hundreds) of times
greater than the number of open slots.
An officer’s skill levels – though important – are often
not as important as his more innate abilities. Skills can be
taught; intelligence and willingness to work as part of a team Intelligence
cannot. Nevertheless, most SWAT selection procedures SWAT officers must be able to think on their feet at all
include extensive skill testing, including marksmanship. The times, and mental acuity often carries more weight in select-
primary skills listed in the template on pp. 43-44 can be used ing team members than simple skill levels. The template on
as a guideline when determining character skill levels. pp. 43-44 includes IQ 13; rarely will a full-time SWAT offi-
cer be found with IQ less than 11.
Physical Fitness
SWAT officers undergo regular physical training and test-
ing. PCs should either take Fit or Very Fit, as per the template
Women in SWAT
on pp. 43-44. In the early 1980s, women were finally allowed to
become SWAT officers, mostly on hostage negotiation
and crisis teams. Twenty years later, female SWAT mem-
Teamwork bers still make up less than 0.5% of the tactical officers in
The ability to function as part of a team is a one of the pri- the U.S.
mary requirements for acceptance onto a tactical team. SWAT Statistically, most female candidates fail physical
operations hinge on successful teamwork, and lone wolf training, especially when it comes to upper body strength
agents and rogue operatives have no place in a realistic tests. Women who make it into SWAT must be even more
GURPS SWAT campaign. determined and relentless than men, but it can be done.
SWAT officers become closer than family members, and All SWAT positions are highly sought after, and
must trust one another implicitly; their very lives depend on women may be ostracized even when they prove them-
it. One man cannot defend himself from every direction, but selves capable. Treatment by their peers can vary from
a pair of men, back-to-back, may do so. Each man on a team respect to derision, depending on the team (and the GM).
must know that his fellow officers are reliable. The actions of Most tactical gear is designed for men, making it difficult
a single man can result in the death of an entire team. to find uniforms, web gear, and body armor to comfort-
Just as real-life SWAT is a team effort, so too should a ably fit a woman, especially one with a small frame.
GURPS SWAT campaign emphasize teamwork and cama- In GURPS, female characters can be created using
raderie. Unruly players seeking personal glory and cinematic the same template as men (pp. 43-44), but GMs and play-
heroics should be rewarded with the most likely real-life ers alike should bear in mind the difficulties and differ-
result of such actions – usually death. ences mentioned above.
The Officers 41
Advantages, Disadvantages,
and Skills
For tactical teams, certain qualities are more valuable
than others. Likewise, there are some personality traits and Acceptable Disadvantages
backgrounds that make it difficult or impossible for an officer The GM should allow the use of most GURPS disadvan-
to function on a SWAT team. tages, with the exception of those prohibited below. As
always, it is up to the GM to decide whether or not any given
Required Advantages disadvantage will disrupt game play, or would simply not be
appropriate based on his campaign and the team’s makeup.
SWAT officers should almost always be Fit (or Very Fit),
and veterans will have Combat Reflexes (members may use
earned skill points to purchase Combat Reflexes after they are Prohibited Disadvantages
allowed on the team). As with all police officers, they will The following disadvantages should be prohibited in
also have Legal Enforcement Powers and at least one level of most GURPS SWAT campaigns. The list is not exhaustive.
Rank in the police department. Any time the GM feels that the officer’s superiors would
prohibit a particular disadvantage, or if a disadvantage is dis-
Desirable Advantages ruptive to the game, he should disallow it. Selection to a team
requires an exemplary service record; a history of poor con-
Especially appropriate Advantages for tactical team
duct will exclude a character from being accepted in SWAT.
members include Common Sense, Composed, Cool, Fear-
Suggested prohibitions include illegal Addictions,
lessness, High Pain Threshold, Strong Will, and Toughness.
Berserk, Bloodlust, Combat Paralysis, Cowardice, Gullibility,
Illiteracy, Laziness, Megalomania, Pacifism, Paranoia, certain
Required Disadvantages types of Phobia (e.g., Loud Noises), Primitive, Pyromania,
All entry personnel must take a -15-point Duty (SWAT Sadism, Split Personality, and most physical disadvantages
team, 15 or less). Teams that face especially dangerous mis- (e.g., Crippled Leg, Epilepsy, One Eye, etc.).
sions or heavy paramilitary action (especially in a cinematic
campaign) may take the -20-point Extremely Hazardous Duty
instead, at the GM’s discretion.
Desirable Skills
Architecture: Officers can use this skill during assault
planning, to determine interior wall locations, estimate room
Desirable Disadvantages sizes and types, and so forth. Breachers will use this skill to
Sense of Duty, especially to the team, can be especially determine proper placement of breaching charges or estimate
useful to SWAT team members. Some teams may also a door’s hit points before ramming (see Breaching, p. 32, and
encourage traits like Code of Honor and Honesty. p. B59).
42 The Officers
Body Language: An officer can use this skill to determine In return, part-time SWAT officers, who double as patrol
the potential threat level of a suspect, or to predict his next cops, may have more Contacts, and higher skill levels in Area
move (see p. CI132 and Room Clearing, p. 36). It also allows Knowledge, Criminology, Law Enforcement, Tonfa, and
an officer to quickly predict a teammate’s intentions such as vehicle/transportation skills. GMs and players should work
which direction he is about to move or fire when first enter- together to establish a realistic background for each character,
ing a room. Experienced teams may receive a bonus toward and adjust his skills accordingly. As always, the GM has the
one another; see Team Familiarity, p. 8. final say.
Gesture: Teams may communicate silently using simple,
predetermined gestures (e.g., simple ideas like stop, go, look,
suspect spotted, etc). Anything beyond that
requires the use of the Gesture skill (p. B55).
Intimidation: Entry teams use this skill
when shouting for a suspect to surrender dur-
ing an encounter (see Room Clearing, p. 36,
and p. B246).
Tactics: GURPS SWAT follows the guide-
lines in Special Ops regarding Tactics special-
izations (p. SO62). Entry personnel will therefore
use Tactics (Counterterrorism) for most SWAT oper-
Part-Time vs.
In many ways, a SWAT officer is a SWAT officer,
whether he works at the job full time or doubles as a patrol-
man. Full-time SWAT teams generally receive more training
and field experience, however, which means a part-time offi-
cer may have slightly lower skill levels in SWAT-specific
skills and higher skills in other aspects of police work.
Therefore, GMs may wish to impose some restrictions on
part-time SWAT officers, limiting their starting skill levels in
Body Language, Climbing, Demolition, Gesture, Intimida-
tion, Guns (Light Auto), Stealth, Tactics (Counterterrorism),
and Throwing to no more than 1 or 2 points in each skill.
The SWAT Officer templates found below are slightly
modified from the template found in GURPS Cops on p. C50. Required Positional
The versions here take into account some of the new infor-
mation found in GURPS SWAT.
Specialization Packages
As with all GURPS templates, these are optimized for Because SWAT team members often excel at certain
point costs and are more representative of heroic PCs than duties (either through training or natural ability), each SWAT
generic SWAT officers. A fairly realistic campaign can be run officer must choose a positional specialty. The point cost is
using the lower-point template fleshed out to 100 points using already included in the basic SWAT template.
skills only. Characters in a higher point level campaign should Only one specialization may be chosen during character
start with the 115-point template and modify it accordingly. creation. Team members may be assigned new duties during
a campaign, however, and pick up additional skills in other
position specializations using skill points.
SWAT Officer
This template has some variations from the SWAT tem-
Template 90 Points plate in GURPS Cops. Both are acceptable to create a SWAT
The following represents a basic template for a realistic officer; the one here is based on the Cops template, but has
SWAT officer. With five quirks, there are 15 additional points been readjusted to match the expanded SWAT information
available in a 100-point campaign. given in this book.
The Officers 43
Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 12 [20]; IQ 13 [30]; HT 11 Primary Skills: Body Language (M/H) IQ-1 [2]-12;
[10]. Climbing (P/A) DX [2]-12; Criminology (M/A) IQ-1
Advantages: Fit [5]; Legal Enforcement Powers [5]; [1]-12; Demolition (M/A) IQ-1 [1]-12; First Aid
Police Rank 1 [5/level]; plus a total of 10 points cho- (M/E) IQ-1 [1/2]-12; Guns (Light Auto) (P/E) DX+2
sen from Acute Senses [2/level], Alertness [5/level], [1]-14*; Guns (Pistol) (P/E) DX+2 [1]-14*; Guns
Composed [5], Contacts [Varies], Cool [1], Fearless- (Rifle) (P/E) DX+1 [1/2]-13*; Guns (Shotgun) (P/E)
ness [2/level], High Pain Threshold [10], Strong Will DX+1 [1/2]-13*; Intimidation (M/A) IQ-1 [1]-12;
[4/level], or +1 to ST, DX, or HT [10]. Law (Criminal law and procedure) (M/H) IQ-3 [1/2]
Disadvantages: Duty (15 or less) [-15]; and a total of -30 -9/15; Law Enforcement (M/A) IQ-1 [1]-12; Stealth
points chosen from Addiction (Tobacco) [-5], Bad (P/A) DX [2]-12; Tactics (Counterterrorism) (M/H)
Sight (Correctable) [-10], Bad Temper [-10], Bully IQ-1 [2]-12; Wrestling (P/A) DX [2]-12; and any one
[-10], Callous [-6], Chummy [-5], Honesty [-10], of the following required positional specialization
Intolerance [-5 to -10], Nightmares [-5], Obsession packages:
(Promotion, staying on team) [-5], Overconfidence Assaulter (p. 29): Throwing (P/H) DX [+2]-12; plus 4
[-10], Sense of Duty (Team or innocent civilians) [-5 additional points in any primary or secondary skills.
or -10], Stubbornness [-5], or Workaholic [-5]. Rookie Element Leader (p. 28): Administration (M/A) IQ-1 [1]
characters may also choose Post Combat Shakes [-5] -12; Leadership (M/A) IQ [2]-13; Tactics (Counterter-
if they have made an effort to hide it in the past (they rorism) (M/H) IQ [+2]-13; plus 1 additional point in
will need to buy this off soon, however, or risk being any primary, secondary, or background skills.
removed from the team). Some teams warrant Rear Guard / Breacher (p. 29): Architecture (M/A) IQ
Extremely Hazardous Duty [an additional -5 points] at [1]-12; Demolition (M/A) IQ [+1]-13; Explosive Ord-
the GM’s discretion. nance Disposal (M/H) IQ-2 [1]-11; Shield (P/E) DX
[1]-12; Speed-Load (Shotgun Shell) (P/E) DX [1]-12;
plus 1 additional point in any of these skills or any
primary skills.
Scout / Point Man (p. 28): Electronics Operation (Security
Systems) (M/A) IQ-2 [1/2]-11; Electronics Operation
(Sensors) (M/A) IQ-2 [1/2]-11; Lockpicking (M/A)
IQ-1 [1]-12; Shield (P/E) DX [1]-12; Stealth (P/A)
DX+1 [+2]-13; and Traps (M/A) IQ-1 [1]-12.
Sniper: Climbing (P/A) DX [+2]-12; Camouflage (M/E)
IQ [1]-13; Guns (Rifle) (P/E) DX+3 [+1 1/2]-15*; Lip
Reading (M/A) IQ-2 [1/2]-11; plus 1 point in any sec-
ondary or background skills.
Secondary Skills: Armoury (Small Arms) (M/A) IQ-2
[1/2]-11; Area Knowledge (City) (M/E) IQ [1]-13;
Brawling (P/E) DX [1]-12; Electronics Operation
(Communications) (M/A) IQ-1 [1]-12; Fast-Draw
(Pistol) (P/E) DX [1]-12; Fast-Draw (Magazine) (P/E)
DX-1 [1/2]-11; Gesture (M/E) IQ-1 [1/2]-12; Psychol-
ogy (M/H) IQ-3 [1/2]-10; Running (P/A; HT) HT-1
[1]-9; Speed-Load (Magazine) (P/E) DX-1 [1/2]-11;
Throwing (P/H) DX-1 [2]-11; Writing (M/A) IQ-2
Background Skills: A total of 6 points chosen from Cam-
ouflage (M/E); Detect Lies (M/H); Diplomacy (M/H);
Driving (Automobile) (P/A); Driving (Tracked Vehi-
cle) (P/A); Judo (P/H); Jumping (P/E); Karate (P/H);
Languages (Any) (M/A for most); or Speed-Load
(Pistol or Shotgun Shell) (P/E).
* Includes +2 for IQ 12.
44 The Officers
Elite/Cinematic SWAT Negotiator Template
Officer Lens +25 points 65 Points
Increase DX by +1 (which also adds +1 to all DX-based
skills) and add Combat Reflexes. Total template cost is 115 The following represents a basic template for a realistic
points. With five quirks, this allows 15 additional points in a police negotiator. SWAT officers with negotiation experience
125-point campaign. should use the cross-training options found in the previous
With five quirks, there are 40 additional points available
Optional in a 100-point campaign.
The Officers 45
Chapter 5:
The Gear
46 The Gear
Personal Equipment
While many teams give some measure of leeway to indi- $1,295; Holdout+2) to the more modern ATF SWAT armor
vidual officers regarding equipment choice, most SWAT with ceramic inserts listed on p. MF36 (PD 4, DR 35; 14.3
teams provide a basic set of gear to their members. Individual lbs.; $2,100; Holdout-4). The GM should select body armor
team preferences vary, and the GM can either research spe- appropriate to the team and his campaign. Additional sugges-
cific details on a given team, or simply come up with a set of tions and examples appear on pp. B211, C61, HT104, MF35-
guidelines for a fictional team. Smaller teams will work from 36, and SO103.
a smaller budget; large teams may have access to cutting edge Helmets: A typical SWAT entry helmet is similar to the
equipment (see box, p. 48). PASGT helmet found on p. MF34. It provides PD4, DR10,
costs $225, and weighs 2.8 lbs.
Face Protection: SWAT officers either wear a ballistic
Armor face shield as part of their helmet (PD 3, DR 10 to area 5 from
Body Armor: A large variety of body armor is available the front; +3.4 lbs.) or a pair of ballistic goggles or glasses
to SWAT teams, ranging from the all-purpose TL7 Type IIIA (PD 1, DR 4, eyes only; $35, 1.1 oz.). See also p. MF35.
armor found on p. C61 (PD 2, DR 12; 2.2 to 4 lbs.; $320 to Nomex Body Wear: Many teams use some form of
pullover headwear resembling a ski-mask. Most if made of
Nomex, a fire-retardant material that provides DR2 against
Typical SWAT flame damage only ($40, 10 oz.). A full-body Nomex jump-
suit is available to some teams, often reinforced at the elbows
Loadouts and knees ($150, 3 lbs.). See p. HT103 for additional
The following information is an overview of what an
average SWAT team might carry; the GM should modify
it to fit his campaign or model it after a specific team.
A typical team member wears or carries an MP5 (p.
52), CAR-15 (p. 53), or similar assault weapon, with two NIJ Armor
extra magazines; a sidearm (chosen by the department or
by the officer) with two extra magazines; a dark jumpsuit; Threat Levels
a cotton or Nomex hood (below); basic SWAT combat In 1987, the National Institute of Justice developed
armor and helmet; safety goggles, glasses, or a face a set of guidelines to rate ballistic armor (including
shield; a tactical radio with an earpiece in one ear and a shields), helping standardize design, testing, and
foam earplug in the other (p. 49); one or two flash-bang production methods in the United States.
grenades (p. 49); one or two pairs of metal handcuffs Armor is rated with an alphanumeric scale
plus several plastic flex cuffs (pp. C67-68); and a tacti- used to represent its ability to stop increas-
cal load-bearing vest (p. SO105) to keep everything ingly powerful ballistic rounds.
accessible. Threat level ratings range from I
Team members may carry additional gear as needed (offering protection from only the
(pepper spray, p. C69; a backup weapon; a retractable lightest rounds) to IIA, II, IIIA, III,
mirror (p. 49); a small flashlight, p. C67), but SWAT and IV (capable of stopping rifle
entry officers must move fast and silently and should slugs). Armor and shield ratings listed in
never be weighed down with unnecessary equipment. this book (along with GURPS Cops and
When compared to military special forces operators, other supplements) refer to the NIJ threat
SWAT entry personnel pack light; SWAT missions are levels.
short, fast tactical assaults, not protracted stays behind
enemy lines!
Team members assigned specific duties will carry
special gear.
Scouts will always carry a mirror (on some teams, Breaching Tools
every member carries one) and a fiber optic device if one Breaching Hooks: A pair of large steel hooks (about four
is available (p. 49). Typical he will also carry entry tools feet long) that can be quickly attached to fences, barred win-
like a go-bar (p. 48) and multipurpose tool (i.e., a dows, screen doors, etc. The two hooks are attached to one
Leatherman). another by a four-foot length of cable, which is then attached
A shield man will often trade his primary weapon for (via a heavy rope, chain, or cable) to the bumper of a vehicle,
a handgun, and carries a ballistic shield (p. 50). allowing the bars to be pulled off in seconds. An IQ or Archi-
Breachers will carry a ram if necessary, or a special- tecture roll is needed to properly place the hooks; failure
ly marked shotgun (e.g., the butt wrapped in blue tape) results in a partial success, necessitating a second attempt.
loaded exclusively with frangible rounds (p. 52). $100, 50 lbs.
The Gear 47
Chainsaw: A gas-powered chainsaw may be used to cut
through doors, walls, barricades, and so forth. It does 4d cut- Communications
ting per turn with a Reach of 1, and requires a minimum ST of
12. It runs for two hours on a half-gallon of gas. $150, 14.4 lbs. and Surveillance
Glass Punch: A small, spring-loaded punch used to shat-
ter a car’s side window. The wielder simply pushes the tip of Equipment
the punch against a low corner of the window and the glass Contact Microphone: Small, sensitive microphone that
shatters. It only weighs a few ounces (it is about the size of a can be applied to the outside of a window (usually in a cor-
pen) and costs $5. Some teams mount glass punches near the ner) using special contact tape. $700, negligible weight.
muzzle of their assault weapons (see Vehicle Takedowns, p. Crisis Phone: A portable telephone specially designed to
37). Takes one second to ready, one second to use. Requires a be used in crisis negotiation, especially where telephone lines
successful DX+5 roll and a minimum ST of 5 to use. $5, 8 oz. are not readily available (e.g., in a vehicle or an isolated out-
Go-Bar: A multipurpose entry tool used by almost every building). The phone is sturdier than a normal phone, and
SWAT team in the world. The tool is a modified pry-bar with comes in a clearly-labeled flexible case or in a solid box with
a two-prong fork on one end and an angled pry head on the a clear window so the phone is readily visible. A 1,000-foot
other, and comes in various sizes and configurations. Almost cable connects the phone to a small electronic box that can in
all are insulated and spark-resistant, and available in several turn connect to speakers, headphones, recording devices, tele-
colors and sizes. A typical 30” bar (Holdout-4) allows barred phone lines, etc. The phone and case weigh 5 lbs.; the spool
doors to be pried open by winning a Quick Contest of ST vs. of cable weighs 20 lbs. Entire cost is $5,000.
the door’s hit points (see Breaking Down Doors, p. 33); $160, Laser Microphone: Detects vibrations off windows with
11 lbs. A 20” version is more concealable (Holdout-2), but a successful Electronics Operation (Sensors) skill roll. Range
less effective (-2 to ST); $115, 4 lbs. Commonly called a Hal- 1,000 yards. $1,200, 12 lbs.
lagan tool or “hooligan tool.” Probe Microphone: Also called a “push-through” or
Lockpicks: Very few teams use lockpicks during entry, “spike” microphone, this rigid surveillance device is 18” long
preferring to get an actual key from building owners or use a and less than 1/4” in diameter. It has a 1/16” steel tip so it can
30-lb. “key” (i.e., a ram) to knock down the door instead. be shoved through light walls and remains nearly invisible
Also, for teams that choose to deploy with them (e.g., corpo- from inside the room (Vision-8 to spot). It can be shoved
rate teams, cinematic teams), modern lockpicks are expen- through light (sheet-rock) interior walls with a successful ST
sive. An ordinary set is $140; a fine-quality set (+1 skill) is roll; a drill is required to penetrate wood or stone. $850, 1 lb.
$270. The GM should assess a penalty of -1 to -4 to charac- Tube Microphone: Can be slipped under doors, through
ters using the $30 version from p. B213. keyholes, or through a crack in a wall. Similar to a probe
Rams: These specially designed rams are little more than microphone, but requires an existing opening. $400, 1 lb.
large, heavy cylinders with one or two handles welded on.
Many are home made. The ram can be used by one or two
people, depending on its size. They are useless as weapons
(unless the target is strapped to an unyielding surface), and
slow and tiring to use; each ramming attempt takes 2 seconds A Word
and costs 1 fatigue. A mini-ram is $240, 17 lbs., and inflicts
swing+(1d+2) damage; it is barely concealable (Holdout-5). About Budgets
A more standard model is $330, 35 lbs., delivering Most SWAT teams in the U.S. are small, part-time
swing+(3d+1), while a large (typically two-man) ram is $450, teams with limited budgets. Such teams often make do
50 lbs., and does swing+(5d-1). The latter are not conceal- with less-than-cutting-edge equipment in order to fully
able; the heavy ram generally requires a sling (or two men) arm and equip a team, rather than spending large sums
for use. Rams are colloquially called “keys” by many teams. of money on one or two pieces of high-tech equipment.
Sledge Ram: A massive, two-handed maul is available for The GM (and players) should keep this in mind when
door breaching; it can be swung from the safety of cover (by requisitioning equipment. It’s far easier to equip
standing to one side of the door instead of in front of it). It has a dozen men with basic body armor (p. 47), MP5s
a broad head designed to spread the impact of the blow across (p. 52), and Beretta 92s (p. HT123) than put together a
the door rather than simply punching a hole through it. The squad of elite warriors packing P90s (p. 32), night
Sledge Ram does Swing+5 damage, weighs 30 lbs., and costs vision goggles (p. SO110), and encrypted wideband
$350. radios (p. 39).
Sledgehammers: During a dynamic entry (p. 32), assault Only the largest SWAT teams will have access to
teams may use a number of entry tools, including the ubiqui- the best equipment, and the GM must enforce that rule
tous ram (above). But every team has a variety of sledges in order to run a realistic SWAT campaign. Private secu-
available, ranging from small two-pound mauls to a large, rity teams (p. 7) may be well equipped or go begging for
two-handed hammer used to smash hinges, locks, and even gear, depending on their employer.
doorframes. They do Swing+2 crushing damage (or Swing+3
for two-handed mauls) and weigh from 2-20 lbs. Cost ranges
from $25 to $150.
48 The Gear
Entry Team Gear The Dangers of
Earplugs: Most entry personnel wear a radio earpiece in
one ear and a simple foam earplug in the other. Earplugs limit a Flash-Bang
the sound of weapons fire, explosions, flash-bangs, and other Flash-bang grenades (pp. C69, SO118) are Class C
loud noises. In game terms, the use of an earplug and radio explosives and must be handled carefully. Although the
earpiece gives a -1 to all Hearing rolls, but adds +3 to resist damage from the explosion is limited, they are capable of
the effects of flash-bangs (allowing a HT-2 roll). $2, negligi- doing 1d-2 damage to anyone or anything in close prox-
ble weight. imity (1 yard), and are notorious fire-starters.
Fiber Optics: A variety of fiber-optic devices have begun Any time a flash-bang is deployed within 1 yard of
to replace mirrors during entry and assault. Slim fiber-optic flammable material (e.g., carpeting, upholstery, curtains),
cable can be attached to cameras, recorders, view screens, it will ignite a small fire on a second roll of 15+.
eyecups, and transmitters. Vision rolls through fiber optics are Most such fires will burn themselves out or simply
made at -2. A typical “SWAT Camera,” complete with fiber smolder (such as in carpeting), but some may need fire
viewing wand, fisheye lens, and display console costs $450, suppression, especially if given time to spread. Especial-
and weighs 2 lbs. ly flammable material (e.g., curtains, loose papers, frilly
Gas Masks: Teams occasionally deploy with gas masks bedspreads) will ignite on a 14+.
(or “protective masks,” p. SO105), especially when using tear Tear gas grenades (pp. C69-70, SO118) may also
gas or entering a potentially hazardous building where dan- start fires when they explode, but only on a subsequent
gerous gases may be present (like a drug lab). They reduce all roll of 17+.
Sense rolls by -1 to -4 (depending on the model) and make it
hard to understand the wearer’s speech (see p. HT93 for
details). Provides PD 1, DR 2. $160, 4.5 lbs. with case. candela of light – all in about 10 milliseconds – and is used
Mirrors: In the past, every entry team carried a small to stun targets prior to entry. Anyone not wearing ear protec-
mirror on an extendable, often flexible handle, for looking tion and dark lenses may be incapacitated for several sec-
around corners and into rooms before entry. Many teams onds. The victim must make a HT-5 roll to avoid being
continue this practice today, as a tactical mirror is cheap and physically stunned; this becomes an unmodified HT roll is he
readily available; other teams use fiber optics (above) is wearing ear and eye protection. If stunned, the victim must
instead. The process of checking a room is generally called roll at HT-5 (or HT if protected) each turn to recover. On a
critical failure, he remains stunned for 5 turns before he can
“mirroring,” regardless of what type of device is used (see
roll again. Eye and ear protection sufficient to protect from a
p. 28). $20, 8 oz.
flash-bang give a -3 to all Vision and Hearing rolls. Most
Night Vision Goggles: Most civilian SWAT teams do not
flash-bangs produce smoke as a byproduct of the explosion
use night vision goggles, but as technology increases, this
(-2 to Vision rolls within 5 yards of the point of impact for 10
may change. A typical set of TL7 goggles adds +9 to negate seconds) and can set accidental fires (see below). In addition
darkness penalties, but limits vision to a 40° arc in front of to the chance for physical stun, a flash-bang may force a
the wearer. Photoreactive light dampening protects the wear- Fright Check at +2 as well. $40, 2 lbs.
er against the blinding effects of muzzle flashes or sudden Flash-Bang Pole: A specially designed pole (available in
light. Runs for 20 hours on two AA-type batteries. See also various lengths) that allows an officer to mount a standard
pp. CII31, HT94-95, HT102-103, MF14, and SO110. flash-bang on the end, and then trigger it from a switch on the
$2,400, 1.5 lbs. opposite end. This allows the flash-bang to be deployed at a
second-story window, through a pet door, through heavy
Grenades, brush, etc. Also called a bang stick, bang pole, or painter’s
pole. A 12-foot pole (without grenade) is $100, 25 lbs.
Explosives, and Pellet Grenades: Special grenades are available that dis-
charge 100+ small rubber pellets throughout the blast radius
Bomb Disposal (15 yards) to incapacitate suspects. The .32-.45 caliber pellets
do little actual damage (1d-3; DR counts double), but they
Ballistic Blanket: A heavy bomb suppression blanket that hurt (impact is not only painful, but leaves welts, bruises, and
can be draped over suspected explosive devices as a stopgap causes swelling). Any damage taken from such an attack is
measure until they can be properly dealt with by an EOD tripled for purposes of shock damage (p. B126); High Pain
team. The blanket is flexible but stiff, and usually lined with Threshold negates the shock effects as normal. $35, 1 lb.
grommets. It can also be thrown over doors or windows, or Tear Gas Grenade: Typical tear gas grenades have a 2-
wrapped around a hostage during evacuation. Provides DR second fuse and emit a quiet pop when they ignite. They
25. At 3×4, the blanket weighs 30 lbs.; 4×6 foot version spew noxious fumes into the air for about 25 seconds, filling
weighs 45 lbs. Both sizes are commercially available for an area three yards around the hex. The grenade becomes
around $1,000. very hot, and may ignite easily flammable material nearby
Flash-Bang Grenade: A flash-bang grenade (officially (see The Dangers of a Flash-Bang, below). See p. B132 for
called a “distraction device” or “diversionary device”) pro- the effects of tear gas, or pp C69-70 for a more detailed treat-
duces over 180 decibels of noise and more than a million ment. $25, 1 lb.
The Gear 49
Breaching Charges: Door breaching charges may be The explosion is less powerful than a normal flash-bang, but
designed in advance to speed deployment. They may consist can be deployed without opening the door. Use standard
of det cord (below) mounted on a frame that can quickly be flash-bang rules (p. C69), but with a limited (3-yard) radius,
attached to a door, or they may be enclosed in a large 3×5-foot and an HT-3 roll instead. $200, 1 lb.
frame (about 4” thick) with pre-mounted adhesive that allows
it to be slapped against a door in seconds and detonated
seconds later. The explosion does 6d damage to the door;
fragments may fly outward, for 1d-2 damage to anyone Shields come in a variety of types, sizes, and strengths.
within 3 yards. Both types can be mounted with a successful Like body armor, they are often rated according to their
Architecture, IQ, or Demolitions roll; a Demolitions roll is ability to absorb damage, with higher numbers (e.g., IIIA, III,
required to attach detonators and actually use the charge. A IV) offering increasing levels of protection (see p. C61 and
typical door-breaching charge costs $350, and weighs 20 lbs. p. 47 for explanations of the ratings). Despite their sturdy
construction, shields may end up damaged during a mission
(shield DR protects the shield, not the wearer; see p. B120).
Damaged shields should be replaced, not reused.
The optional shield rules on p. B120 and CII70 are highly
Despite their sturdy constru recommended for teams that regularly use shields.
shields may end up damaged Note that high-tech shields may be made of TL8
during a mission. Damaged composite materials (e.g., Spectra), trading 10% less weight
for 25% more cost.
shields should be replaced, no Riot shield: Riot shields are lightweight and made of
reused. transparent TL7 high-impact plastic such as Lexan. Most
have a two-piece breakaway strap and an aluminum handle.
Riot shields protect against shrapnel, thrown rocks, and the
like, but are rarely used during tactical entry. Concave riot
shields may be used to body-slam a suspect in an attempt to
knock him down or pin him against a wall. They add +4 to the
Caulk Explosive: Caulk explosives (i.e., demolition Slam maneuver (p. B112) when used in such a manner.
explosive slurry, or DEXS) come prepackaged in tubes or Entry shield: Tactical entry shields (also called “ballistic
syringes designed to apply a 3/8” bead or string of explosive shields”) are made of a TL7 aramid composite like Kevlar.
paste to critical points (e.g., hinges, locks, deadbolts). The They have a transparent window (4”×10” to 4”×18”),
explosive is detonated using blasting caps (p. SO111) or det allowing the officer to see ahead of him at -2 Vision, but with
cord (below), and does 1d damage to each location. Compo- no peripheral vision. The entire shield is rated Level IIIA
nents are packed separately for safety and must be assembled protection, including the viewport. The handle on a medium
in the field, prior to use (requires a successful Demolitions shield can act as a stepladder, while large tactical shields may
roll and 5-Success minutes, minimum one minute). A caulk have a multi-step ladder attached to the rear to aid in window
kit containing enough explosive for a single door (five appli- assaults (+$100, +4 lbs.). Some brands are available with an
cations) weighs a pound and costs $125. integral lighting system that will run for 30 minutes on a
Detonation Cord (Det Cord): This fast burning 1/4” rechargeable NiCad battery (+$250, +4.5 lbs.). A conversion
diameter explosive cord burns almost instantly (some 4,000 kit is available to attach tactical lights (pp. C67, MF12) to
feet per second) and does 1d-2 damage per foot. It can be other entry shields as well.
wrapped around objects (doing double damage), or attached Heavy shield: Bomb disposal units often favor these
to doors and frames to aid entry. It is detonated using a blast- massive shields, and they offer entry teams excellent
ing cap (p. SO111); a single Demolitions roll covers applica- protection against even the heaviest rifle rounds when
tion of both the cord and cap. A 30’ length weighs about a approaching a building or moving down a hallway. Most are
pound and costs $50. too heavy to carry and are rolled on wheels instead; some are
Tactical Blast Strip: A thin strip designed to be slipped multi-part, require assembly, and weigh 150 lbs. or more.
under a door and detonated as a distraction device. Known Because of their size, they function in the same manner as the
under various brand names (e.g., Thunderstrip), this stun pavise in GURPS Low Tech (p. LT117), being treated as
munition is about a foot long and four inches wide, but only cover rather than providing PD to the defender.
about 1/10” thick, allowing it to slip easily under most doors.
Shield Table
Shield Type Size NIJ Threat Rating PD DR Hit Points Weight Cost TL
Riot Shield 36”×20” IIA 3 3 5/30 5.5 $70 7
Entry Shield, Medium 34”×22” IIIA 3 9 7/40 17 $1200 7
Entry Shield, Large 48”×24” IIIA 4 9 9/60 22 $1400 7
Heavy Shield 60”×36” III Spcl 9 18/120 75 $2200 7
Heavy Shield 72”×36” IV Spcl 15 36/240 150 $5800 7
50 The Gear
SWAT teams use a variety of weapons, many of which KBP GSh-18, 9×19mm Parabellum, Russia, 2000 (Hold-
already appear in other GURPS books. The information that out -1): A modern polymer pistol not unlike the Glock-series,
follows provides a detailed look at some of the more common adopted by some Russian SWAT units. An extra-powerful
SWAT weapons in use today; the table on p. 54 is more com- APHC round (p. MF6) with Damage 3d (2) (dividing DR by
prehensive, and includes game stats for weapons described in 2) and Rcl -2 is available.
detail in other books. Kimber Custom II, .45 ACP, USA, 2002 (Holdout -1):
This is a customized version of the Colt Government (pp.
Suppressors C63, HT108). It was adopted by the LAPD SWAT in 2002,
with every officer receiving two; one mounts a Sure-Fire tac-
Many entry teams use suppressed (i.e., “silenced”)
tical light (p. MF12) under the barrel.
weapons during entry to help maintain the element of sur-
prise, and to prevent indoor weapon noise from temporarily
deafening team members or interfering with communication.
Suppressors are also useful in environments with explosive
fumes, such as drug labs (p. 39) or gas stations. GURPS Mod- Ithaca Model 37, 12-gauge, USA, 1937 (Holdout -6):
ern Firepower contains a detailed discussion of suppressors This venerable pump-action shotgun is still used by many
on pp. MF15-17. agencies.
SGT Tactical Response Model 90102, 12-gauge, USA,
1991 (Holdout -6): Scattergun Technologies produces a range
Pistols and of customized shotguns by modifying off-the-shelf Reming-
ton weapons. This model, adopted by the FBI, is based on the
Revolvers Model 870 pump-action shotgun (pp. C64, HT112), and fires
both normal 2.75” shells and the longer 3” Magnum loads
Smith & Wesson Model 60 Chief’s Special Stainless, .38
(Damage 4d+2). It has a tactical light under the muzzle and a
Special, USA, 1965 (Holdout +1): While this double-action
spare rounds holder on the left side of the receiver for six
pocket revolver is mainly intended for detectives and super-
visors, it is popular with SWAT officers as a backup gun. It
has a “snubnose” 2-inch barrel.
Smith & Wesson Model 5906, 9×19mm Parabellum,
USA, 1989 (Holdout -1): A member of the third-generation
S&W pistols, the stainless steel double-action-only Model
5906 caters to those departments requiring a medium-priced
high-capacity 9×19mm gun. The otherwise identical Model
5926 has a decocking lever; the Model 5946 can also fire sin-
gle-action. Late production “tactical” samples (from 2000)
have an integral underbarrel rail for lights and targeting lasers.
The Models 4006, 4026, and 4046 (1990) are similar, but
chambered for the .40 S&W round; Damage 2d+, Shots 11+1.
Glock 22, .40 S&W, Austria, 1991 (Holdout -1): The
Glock is the single most popular handgun in American law
enforcement today and in use by many SWAT teams. It is
lightweight, inexpensive, and safe to handle. Late production
samples (from 1999) have an integral underbarrel rail for
lights and targeting lasers. Other departments prefer the
Glock 17 in 9×19mm (Damage 2d+2, Wt. 2.0, Shots 17+1, p.
HT109), Glock 19 in 9×19mm (Damage 2d+1, Wt. 1.8, Shots
15+1, p. HT109), or Glock 21 in .45 ACP (Damage 2d+, Wt.
2.4, Shots 13+1). The very small Glock 26 in 9×19mm (Dam-
age 2d+1, Wt. 1.6, Shots 10+1, Holdout +1) and Glock 27 in
.40 S&W (Damage 2d-1+, Wt. 1.7, Shots 9+1, Holdout +1)
are popular backup weapons (p. MF20). Some departments
even use the Glock 18 machine pistol (p. CV68).
SIG-Sauer P232, .380 ACP, Germany, 1997 (Holdout
+1): A popular backup weapon of high quality. Its small size
makes it an excellent secondary or tertiary weapon, but its
weak caliber makes it less effective than other SWAT
The Gear 51
Special Munitions
A number of special rounds are available for SWAT flame from the barrel of the weapon (1d-2 flame damage
teams, but their use is closely monitored by supervisors. to anyone within 2 yards). The effect can be terrifying if
Several special-purpose rounds have hit the market lately, used properly, and may require a Fright Check at the
but their use by SWAT is very limited and some are best GM’s discretion. Best reserved for cinematic campaigns.
reserved for a highly cinematic campaign. Box of 12, $70.
See also GURPS Modern Firepower (pp. MF3-10) Frangible Ammunition: Frangible rounds are made of a
and GURPS Cops (pp. C64-67) for additional information mix of powdered metal and plastics or clay and are
on various types of ammunition. designed to break up on impact. Shotguns loaded with fran-
Detergent Marking Rounds: These special training and gible rounds are used to destroy locks, hinges, etc. (see
marking rounds come in a variety of calibers and styles, and Breaching, pp. 33-34). Frangible shotgun rounds give the
are often marketed under the brand name, Simunitions. weapons 1/2D 2, Max 5. At 1 yard, damage is normal; at 2+
They resemble paintballs in their use – that is, they leave a yards, halve damage, double target DR, and apply each die
colored splotch on the target – but are designed to be fired of damage separately to DR. Double ammunition cost. See
from realistic weapons, allowing teams to train with their also pp. C67 and p. MF7.
assault weapons instead of ungainly paintball guns. A spe- OC (Pepperball) Rounds: These paintball-like rounds
cial modification kit is necessary to allow a normal weapon are fired from a weapon called a pepperball gun (similar to
to fire Simunitions – use Armoury (Small Arms)+4 – reduc- a paintball gun) and are filled with Oleo-resin Capsicum
ing the likelihood of a live-fire mix-up; specially designed (OC) instead of paint. Impact damage is 1d-3(0.25) (no
(and clearly painted) mock weapons can also be purchased minimum) and unarmored human skin counts as DR1. The
specifically for this use. Detergent marking rounds hurt target hex is also treated as if it contains tear gas (see pp.
when they hit, but do little actual damage: 1d-4(0.25), 1/2D B132 and C69-70 for the effects of tear gas). This type of
10, Max 200; unarmored humans are treated as DR1. Prices round is less effective than a standard tear gas grenade, but
vary; use 2× normal ammo price. the risk of fire is non-existent. Teams will often use OC
Distraction Rounds: A special, low-yield flash-bang rounds in riot control, firing directly into the crowd with lit-
round that can be fired from any 12-gauge shotgun. The tle risk of injury, or use a glass-breaking round (below)
shell arms itself after ten yards, and then explodes on before launching hundreds of OC rounds through a resi-
impact with a solid object (i.e., anything with DR 3 or dence window. See pp. MF8, 21, and 28 for more on paint-
more). It will not explode against an unarmored human tar- ball guns and ammo. Box of 100 rounds, $50.
get. May be fired through a window or light door (from less Glass-Breaking Rounds: A hard plastic round (Damage
than 10 yards, so it does not detonate), allowing it to be 1d-3) designed to be fired from a paintball gun. It is used to
deployed into closed rooms. Use normal shotgun stats; use shatter windows prior to firing OC rounds into a building.
flash-bang rules on p. 49 with a 3-yard radius of effect and Box of 10 rounds, $7.
HT-3 rolls instead. Does 2d crushing damage and an addi- Smoke Rounds: Specially designed 12-gauge shells
tional 1d-4 explosion damage when it explodes. Box of 12 that fire a blast of smoke from the barrel of the weapon, giv-
rounds, $120. ing a -2 to Vision and targeting rolls into (or through) a 3-
Flame Rounds: These 12-gauge rounds do not fire an yard radius. The smoke dissipates quickly (2d seconds).
actual projectile, but instead throw gouts of sparks and Box of 12, $75.
rather scarce, but standard issue for the FBI SWAT teams
Submachine Guns (Damage 3d+, Wt. 7.8, ST 11, Rcl -2). It allows single shots,
H&K MP5A5N, 9×19mm Parabellum, Germany, 1985 2-round limited bursts, and full automatic.
(Holdout -4): The MP5-series of submachine guns (pp. C64, FN P90TR, 5.7×28mm, Belgium, 1999 (Holdout -4):
HT116, MF29, and SO117) is the single most common This is the latest version of the innovative P90 personal
weapon in use with SWAT teams worldwide. The MP5A5N defense weapon (p. HT116). Extremely compact and handy,
with retractable stock originally developed for the Navy it combines a bullpup configuration with a top-mounted mag-
SEALs is popular with American SWAT teams; the MP5A4N azine and superior ergonomics. The P90TR lacks the integral
is the same weapon with a fixed stock (Wt. 7.2, Holdout -5). collimating sight (p. MF13) of the standard version, instead
Other common versions of the more than 120 configurations featuring three accessory rails (p. MF11) to mount a scope or
available include the MP5A3 (1971, same stats) and the semi- collimating sight, tactical light, and targeting laser of the
automatic MP5SFA3 (1989, RoF 3~); the ATF uses the user’s choice. It is in use with a growing number of American
MP5A5 with a trigger offering only single shots and 2-round and foreign SWAT teams. It fires a semi-armor-piercing round
limited bursts. The MP5/10A3 (1991) in 10×25mm Auto is (p. MF6) with superior penetration, dividing DR by 1.25.
52 The Gear
and integral accessory rail (p. MF11) on the receiver. Some
Rifles teams use semiautomatic variants (RoF 3~).
Steyr-Mannlicher SSG 69, 7.62×51mm NATO, Austria, H&K G36K, 5.56×45mm NATO, Germany, 1996 (Hold-
1969 (Holdout -7): A bolt-action sniper rifle with a detachable out -5): The carbine version of the German service rifle (p.
5-round magazine and 6× scope. MF25) is becoming popular with SWAT units. It has a folding
H&K HK33SG1, 5.56×45mm NATO, Germany, 1971 stock and either a twin optic incorporating a 3× scope and col-
(Holdout -6): An accurized marksman’s rifle, with bipod, 1.5- limator (p. MF13) or an accessory rail (p. MF11) to mount
6× variable scope and cheekrest. British weapons are usually other optics. British units prefer the semiautomatic G36KSF
semiautomatic only. variant (RoF 3~).
H&K HK53A5N, 5.56×45mm NATO, Germany, 1985
(Holdout -4): A very short carbine with retractable stock, pop-
ular with some SWAT and military units (p. SO114). The ATF
Grenade Launchers
uses the HK53A5 with a trigger offering only single shots and Enfield ARWEN 37, 37×112mmRB, Great Britain, 1984
2-round limited bursts. (Holdout -6): The Anti-Riot Weapon, Enfield (ARWEN) is a
Robar SR-60, 7.62×51mm NATO, USA, 1986 (Holdout grenade launcher firing less-than-lethal munitions. It has a 5-
-7): A commercial bolt-action rifle built on the Remington round open cylinder revolving action, foregrip, and adjustable
Model 700 action (pp. C64, CV67, and SO116). It has a bipod stock. The weapon is loaded from a loading gate, but the spent
and 10× scope. cases are automatically ejected. In addition to the plastic baton
SIG-Sauer SSG2000, 7.62×51mm NATO, Germany, in the table, there are a tear gas munition (6-yard radius, effects
1989 (Holdout -7): A bolt-action sniper rifle designed for law as per p. B132), a smoke round (6-yard radius), and a barricade
enforcement, featuring a bipod and 1.5-6× variable scope. penetrator, which can penetrate an auto windshield or 0.5-inch
Colt M4A1, 5.56×45mm NATO, USA, 1995 (Holdout - plywood, and then release a cloud of tear gas (Damage 1d++,
5): The U.S. military carbine (pp. MF26, SO116) – and sev- 5-yard radius). For all rounds, a safety distance of 20 yards is
eral commercial equivalents – has become extremely advisable to minimize casualties, and hits to the head should
widespread with American SWAT. It has a retractable stock be avoided. Production switched to Canada in 2001.
The Gear 53
Weapon Malf Damage SS Acc 1/2D Max Wt. AWt. RoF Shots ST Rcl Hold Cost
S&W Model 5906, 9×19mm Crit. 2d+2 10 3 150 1,850 2.9 0.6 3~ 15+1 9 -1 -1 $850
SIG-Sauer P226, 9×19mm Ver. 2d+2 10 3 150 1,850 2.8 0.5 3~ 15+1 9 -1 -1 $830
Glock 18, 9×19mm Crit. 2d+2 10 3 150 1,850 2.1 0.6 21* 17+1 9 -1 † -1 $980
SIG-Sauer P228, 9×19mm Ver. 2d+1 10 3 140 1,800 2.1 0.5 3~ 13+1 9 -1 0 $800
Glock 22, .40 S&W Crit. 2d+ 10 3 150 1,850 2.1 0.7 3~ 15+1 10 -1 -1 $640
SIG-Sauer P232, .380 ACP Ver. 2d 10 1 125 1,500 1.25 0.2 3~ 7+1 8 -1 +1 $500
KBP GSh-18, 9v19mm Crit. 2d+1 10 2 140 1,800 1.8 0.7 3~ 18+1 9 -1 -1 $350
Kimber Custom II, .45 ACP Ver. 2d+ 10 3 175 1,700 2.8 0.4 3~ 7+1 10 -2 -1 $1,020
† Use Guns (Machine Pistol) and Rcl -4 when fired full-auto.
Weapon Malf Damage SS Acc 1/2D Max Wt. AWt. RoF Shots ST Rcl Hold Cost
S&W Model 60, .38 Special Crit. 1d+2 10 1 120 1,250 1.5 0.2 3~ 6 9 -2 +1 $550
Weapon Malf Damage SS Acc 1/2D Max Wt. AWt. RoF Shots ST Rcl Hold Cost
Ithaca Model 37, 12g Crit. 4d 12 5 25 150 6.8 0.85 2~ 5+1 13 -3 -6 $350
Remington Model 870P, 12g Crit. 4d 12 5 25 150 8.5 1.1 2~ 7+1 12 -3 -6 $450
Franchi SPAS 15, 12g Crit. 4d 12 5 25 150 9.7 1.3 3~ 6+1 12 -2 -5 $700
Benelli M1 Super 90, 12g Crit. 4d 12 5 25 150 8.25 1.1 3~ 7+1 12 -3 -6 $890
SGT Tactical Response, 12g Crit. 4d 11 6 25 150 9.3 0.85 2~ 5+1 13 -3 -6 $895
Weapon Malf Damage SS Acc 1/2D Max Wt. AWt. RoF Shots ST Rcl Hold Cost
Remington Model 700P, 7.62×51mm Crit. 7d 15 12+3 1,200 4,200 13.4 0.3 1/2 5+1 11 -2 -7 $1,200
Izhmash SVD, 7.62×54mmR Crit. 7d 15 10+2 1,000 4,200 10.1 0.7 3~ 10+1 11 -2 -7 $1,000
Steyr SSG 69, 7.62×51mm Crit. 7d 15 12+2 1,200 4,200 9.7 0.4 1/2 5+1 11 -2 -7 $2,500
Ruger Mini-14, 5.56×45mm Crit. 5d 12 10 500 3,000 7.3 0.9 3~ 20+1 9 -1 -6 $600
H&K HK33SG1, 5.56×45mm Crit. 5d 13 12+2 800 3,500 11 1.2 12* 25+1 9B -1 -6 $2,500
Izhmash AKS-74U, 5.45×39mm Crit. 4d 10 6 300 2,500 7 1.2 11* 30+1 9 -1 -4 $275
H&K PSG1, 7.62×51mm Crit. 7d 15 13+2 1,200 4,200 18.6 0.8 3~ 5+1 11B -2 -7 $7,250
Colt M16A2, 5.56×45mm Crit. 5d 12 11 800 3,500 8.9 1 3** 30+1 9 -1 -6 $800
H&K HK53A5N, 5.56×45mm Crit. 4d 10 8 300 2,500 7.8 1.2 11* 25+1 9 -1 -4 $1,350
Robar SR-60, 7.62×51mm Crit. 7d 15 12+3 1,200 4,200 14.8 0.3 1/2 4+1 11B -2 -7 $1,850
SIG-Sauer SSG2000, 7.62×51mm Crit. 7d 15 12+2 1,200 4,200 14.5 0.4 1/2 4+1 11B -2 -7 $2,850
SIG SG551 SWAT, 5.56×45mm Crit. 4d+2 11 9 500 3,200 8.7 1 11** 30+1 9 -1 -5 $1,500
Colt M4A1, 5.56×45mm Crit. 4d+2 11 9 500 3,200 7.25 1 15* 30+1 9 -1 -5 $900
H&K G36K, 5.56×45mm Crit. 4d+2 10 9+1 500 3,200 8.3 1.1 12* 30+1 9 -1 -4 $1,200
Submachine Guns
Weapon Malf Damage SS Acc 1/2D Max Wt. AWt. RoF Shots ST Rcl Hold Cost
H&K MP5A5N, 9×19mm Crit. 3d-1 10 8 160 1,900 7.5 1.2 13* 30+1 10 -1 -4 $1,300
Colt CAR-15 R635, 9×19mm Crit. 3d-1 10 8 160 1,900 7 1.3 15* 32+1 10 -1 -4 $650
Izhmash Bizon-2-01, 9×19mm Crit. 3d-1 10 6 160 1,900 8 2.2 11* 53+1 10 -1 -4 $300
FN P90TR, 5.7×28mm Crit. 3d(1.25) 10 8 220 1,900 6.9 1.2 15* 50+1 9 -1/2 -4 $1,250
Grenade Launchers
Weapon Malf Damage SS Acc 1/2D Max Wt. AWt. RoF Shots ST Rcl Hold Cost
H&K MZP1, 37×122mmR Crit. 1d+1(0.5)++ 10 5 50 110 6 0.5 1/4 1 11 -1 -3 $1,400
Enfield ARWEN 37, 37×112mmRB Crit. 1d-1(0.5)++ 14 6 50 110 8.4 1.6 3~ 5 10 -2 -6 $1,200
54 The Gear
SWAT teams use many different deployment vehicles,
ranging from police cruisers to the workhorse “SWAT van.” Chevrolet Suburban
The trend across the United States, however, is away from
large trucks and vans and toward a faster, more readily K 2500
available deployment vehicle such as the Chevrolet Subur- This SUV is used by various government agencies, EMT
ban. Equipment trucks may be used to haul gear to incident units, firefighters, and utility companies. It is large, uses lots
sites, but individual officers deploy in patrol cars, unmarked of gas, and is capable of crossing most off-road terrain at a
cars, and the like. good clip. It has two roomy bucket seats in the front with a
Helicopters can be used for deployment, and GMs look- large console between them, a middle bench seat capable of
ing for a commonly used chopper good for “skid surfing” can holding three people, and a rear seat capable of holding two
use the MD500 (see GURPS Vehicles Lite, p. VEL61). more. The rear seat can be removed, giving the total rear deck
A patrol cruiser appears on p. C75. a 150 cf cargo capacity, which is perfect for carrying a pair of
stretchers and two paramedics.
Equipment can be stored in lockboxes in the back and
mounted on racks along the sides. A typical load will include
enough personal gear for a four- or five-man team (including
Vehicle Key body armor and assault weapons), and other common gear
(e.g., a ram, breaching hooks, first aid supplies, tactical radios).
The vehicle descriptions list components in the for-
mat described here. Note that components with an Subassemblies: Body +4, 4 off-road Wheels.
unspecified location are considered to be a part of the Powertrain: 175-kW standard gasoline engine (DR5,
vehicle’s body. HP50; burns 7 gallons per hour) that powers the 170-
Subassemblies: The major parts of the vehicle. kW wheeled AWD drivetrain (DR5, HP24) and
The number following each subassembly is the Size recharges battery. Two 2,000 kWs batteries (DR5,
Modifier targeting bonus to hit. HP1); 40-gallon standard fuel tank (DR3, HP20, Fire
Powertrain: Describes the vehicle’s engines and 11).
transmission, fuel type and capacity, and batteries. Occupancy: 1 RCS, 1RS, 3CS. An extra bench seat can be
Occupancy: Each number is followed by an abbre- installed for three more passengers, or cargo space in
viation. CCS is a cramped crew station, NCS a normal back can squeeze in up to seven cramped passengers.
crew station, and RCS a roomy crew station. Passenger Cargo: 325 cf
seats use CS, NS, and RS for cramped, normal, and
roomy positions, respectively. Armor F RL B T U
Cargo: Gives total capacity in cubic feet. Body*: 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5
Armor: F indicates frontal armor, RL right and left, * PD3, DR5 is for standard metal. PD4, DR75 open-frame
B back, T top, and U underbody. Special circumstances “Bumper and Brush Guard” for F, a PD4, DR15 “Skid
are detailed below the armor values. Plate” for U, and a PD4, DR15 open-frame “Roof
Equipment: Grouped by location, these are the Rack” for T for the 175 sf top deck (ladder to top
gameplay-essential accessories of the vehicle; others deck on rear of truck).
will be described in Design Notes, below. Where a
number precedes the module that is the number Equipment
installed. Body: Medium-range (30-mile) receive-only stereo, sound
Statistics: Size is a rough indication of dimensions, system, cellphone, medium-range (30-mile) CB
usually length×width×height. Payload is the sum of the Radio, medium-range (30-mile) two-way radio, bur-
occupants, cargo, fuel, and ammunition weights. Lwt. glar alarm, GPS. Eight 1/4 searchlights (2 kW, set for
is loaded weight. Cost is the full price excluding con- a combined 4yd. radius at 100 yards) on “brush
sumables (food, fuel, and ammo). guard.” Winch (ST25) on open-mount on front
The lowercase letter before a performance rating bumper (can pull 5,000 lbs.+).
indicates a mode of travel; g is ground, w is water. Statistics
Speed is in mph (halve to get Move in yards per sec-
Dim.: 15’×7’×7’ Payload: 1 ton LWt.: 4.8 tons
ond). Accel is acceleration in mph per second. MR is
Volume: 480 cf Maint.: 100 hours Cost: $51,894
the maneuver rating. SR is the stability rating.
HT 12. HPs 200 Body, 47 each Wheel.
Design Notes: A compilation of additional vehicle
gSpeed: 105 gAccel: 5 gDecel 15
accessories and data.
gMR: 0.75 gSR: 5
1/3 Off-Road Speed. Ground Pressure Moderate. Can
climb a 2.5 ft obstacle.
The Gear 55
Design Notes Many are fitted with an emergency services light bar (p.
Surface areas are body 400, wheels 125. Surface is light, VEL27, $50, 0 pounds, neg. power) and some have an emer-
cheap materials. The vehicle has four doors, a removable sun- gency ladder for rescues under fire (p. VEL27, $100, 60
roof between front seats, drop-down tailgate with electric pounds, 3 cf carried externally). Although it is not amphibious
sliding glass, electric locks, power windows, front and rear in the true sense of the word, the V-150 can be driven through
air-conditioning, headlights, seat belts, automatic transmis- flooded streets or across shallow rivers at the listed wSpeed.
sion, top deck for 175 sf storage. One or two full-size spare SWAT teams like the vehicle for its ballistic protection,
tires can be carried (one on the front bumper, one on a swing- fast entry/exit, and low acquisition cost. It is typically not
ing rear bumper mount). Also includes improved suspension used as a general deployment vehicle due to limited seating
and brakes, waterproof, tow hitch in rear, 2 tow pins in front, capacity, but may be called out for special missions.
and snow tires. This example is fitted with large top doors, two-part
doors on each side and the rear, and a hatch in the rear; hatch-
es are included above the driver and co-driver. The lower part
of the two-part side doors folds down to form a step. All of the
passenger seats fold upward under spring tension when unoc-
The driver uses a conventional steering wheel and five-
speed manual transmission (-3 unfamiliarity penalty; see p.
VEL39). Characters use Driving (Heavy Wheeled) or Driving
(Automobile)-2. Note that visibility is poor (-2) from driver
and co-driver stations.
A variant of the V-150 was adopted as the M1117
“Guardian” Armored Security Vehicle by United States Mili-
tary Police in 1999.
The V-150 uses 5.29 gallons of fuel per hour; a full load
of fuel costs $96.
Armor F RL B T U
Body: 6/60 5/45 5/45 5/45 5/45
Wheels: 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3
Body: Bilge pump, GPS, medium-range (30-mile) two-
way radio, winch (24,000-lb. tow).
External: Hitch and pin.
Wheels: Run-flat tires (p. CV00).
56 The Gear
Chapter 6:
and Campaigns
Crossover Campaigns
Specially trained law enforcers can show up in almost
any genre, including GURPS Cliffhangers (think Elliot Ness Covert Ops
and his Untouchables), GURPS Fantasy (elite guardsmen Much of the equipment in Covert Ops can be used as-is
assigned to eliminate bandit hideouts or monster lairs), and for a well-equipped SWAT team, while the more esoteric gear
even GURPS Technomancer (see Special Weapons and can lend an edge of high technology and espionage to a cut-
Thamaturgy info on pp. T82-83). ting-edge or crossover SWAT campaign. A cross-genre cam-
Certain genres are especially suited for a modern-day (or paign can be created, using a specialized police unit that both
near-future) SWAT crossover campaign. investigates through covert means, and then acts on their
information during raids and assaults.
Black Ops Cyberpunk
The PCs in this kind of crossover may be elite operatives
that must face off against a mundane SWAT team, or SWAT Characters in a GURPS Cyberpunk campaign may find
officers stumbling into a conspiracy. Alternately, some of the themselves on either side of a SWAT encounter. High-tech
SWAT rules – especially those in Chapter 3 – can be modified SWAT teams armed with cybernetics and ultra high-tech
and applied to a “normal” Black Ops campaign. firepower will find no end of dangerous missions in the
streets and back alleys of post-modern urban cities. And
low-life street PCs should have their hands full when they
Cops find themselves the receiving end of even a low-tech ram
GMs are strongly encouraged to use GURPS and flash-bang!
SWAT in conjunction with GURPS Cops to create Private security teams are also a staple of cyberpunk fic-
a believable, ongoing law enforcement campaign. tion, and PCs may work for private industry as corporate
Most real-life SWAT officers are patrol officers operatives, or for a private security company sending out their
during most of their shift, and get called in for SWAT team to “protect and serve” anyone who can afford to
SWAT incidents on an occasional basis. Such a pay them. See Private SWAT, p. 7, for more information.
campaign provides both players and GM with
more variety than a straight SWAT campaign.
A linked set of adventures should include Horror
some basic police duties, opportunities for GMs may spice up an otherwise “ordinary” SWAT cam-
investigation, and one or two SWAT call-outs paign by occasionally throwing in supernatural elements
based on the ongoing adventure threat. The Cops from any number of GURPS horror sourcebooks such as
Campaign Plan on p. C128 is an excellent start GURPS Blood Types, GURPS Undead and, of course,
for laying out campaign guidelines; the GM GURPS Horror.
should also include information on the SWAT SWAT/Horror crossovers should focus on the fear of
team organization, procedures, guidelines, train- madness or mutilation, as a team confronts cornered psycho
ing schedules, weapon availability, and so forth (see killers and rippers, until a truly bizarre incident unnerves even
the sample teams on pp. 12-17 for some examples of the most hardened SWAT officers with the fear of the super-
basic team outlines). natural. While mere bloodshed and death may not be new to
a veteran cop, a SWAT team may be completely unprepared Chapter 3 provides many suggestions for CQB tactics
to face something more mind-shattering. Note also that the that can be applied to such teams, or to fully military counter-
“Madness Dossier” background in Chapter 6 of GURPS Hor- terrorist teams like the U.S. Navy SEALs (p. SO30), Delta
ror presents plenty of opportunity for SWAT operations with Force (p. SO28), and so on.
added twists.
AO: Area of operation (see Area of Responsibility, p. 34). LCC: Last cover and concealment. The final staging
AOR: Area of responsibility (p. 34). point for the entry team prior to entry (p. 30).
bang: Short for flash-bang. Also, the act of throwing a mirroring: A generic term for checking a room with a
flash-bang into a room (as in: “Bang the room, then enter”). mirror or fiber optics (p. 28).
bang and clear: A dynamic entry tactic that involves NOD: Night observation device. A generic term for any
throwing a flash-bang into a room, then entering and optics that allow improved vision in low-light conditions
securing it. (e.g., night vision goggles, “starlight” scopes, infrared image).
bounding overwatch: A method of movement where The term is replacing NVG (see below) in military circles and
one team member (or part of a team) covers an AOR while may eventually do the same with SWAT.
another moves: The moving team member then takes up a NVG: Night vision goggles.
covering position, allowing the rest of the team to move, OP: Outer perimeter (p. 20).
effectively trading roles. overwatch: A technique used to search for targets in an
breach point: A potential entry point into a building, effort to ensure team safety. It is, in essence, a Wait maneu-
most commonly a door or window. ver (p. B106) in preparation to engage in Opportunity Fire
breach: To make a forced entry using a ram, shotgun, or (p. B118).
explosives. paper: Colloquial term for a warrant.
CQB: Close quarters battle (p. 8). proned out: A term for suspects laid out on the ground,
CQB house: A specially designed area used to practice face down, hands behind their head.
room entry and clearing techniques: Often called a “kill shot of opportunity: Orders given to a sniper to shoot
house” or “tire house” (p. 8). any suspect he sees.
cover fire: Cover fire involves shooting at a particular sissy killing: Colloquial expression for a sniper shot that
area in an attempt to force potential targets keep their heads kills a target.
down. This allows the firer’s teammates to move from one slicing the pie: A movement technique used when
position to another more safely. It is more common in military rounding corners and entryways (p. 35).
situations than police actions. stacking, stack up: A preparatory maneuver whereby
dynamic entry: A loud, quickly executed entry that two or more entry officers line up alongside a wall or other
often employs distraction devices (i.e., flash-bangs) designed cover prior to entry. Once in place, the team is “stacked” or
to maximize shock (p. 32). “in a stack” (p. 30).
FAP: Final assault position. cf. LCC. stealth to contact: An entry technique used to covertly
fatal funnel: Colloquial name for a doorway (p. 32). infiltrate a building until the team encounters an opponent:
FUP: Form-up position. cf. LCC. Upon contact, the entry usually becomes a dynamic entry.
IED: Improvised explosive device (e.g., pipe bombs, SWAT: Special Weapons And Tactics. Used in this book
booby traps, car bombs). as a generic term for specially trained police, counter-terror-
IP: Inner perimeter (p. 19). ist, hostage rescue, and crisis response teams.
key: Colloquial term for a ram (p. 32). TEMS: Tactical Emergency Medical Service. Medical
key man: Person responsible for opening a door, often personnel that deploy with SWAT teams. Similar to military
with a ram. field medics.
kill house: A CQB house (p. 8). tire house: A CQB house made up of reinforced stacks
kill zone: An area chosen in advance by the entry team of discarded tires and used for live-fire exercises (see CQB
into which heavy fire is likely to be directed: Kill zones House, p. 8).
should be clearly marked on all maps prior to entry. TOC: Tactical Operations Center. Another name for a
command post (p. 20); used by LAPD SWAT.
62 Glossary
that is both informative and gripping. Recommended for any-
Books one looking for information on the FBI HRT or simply for a
Clancy, Tom. Rainbow Six (Putnam, 1998). Fictional peek at the inner workings of a tactical team.
account of an international counter-terrorist team in true Tom
Clancy fashion. Also spawned a series of computer games by
the same name.
Collins, Steve. The Good Guys Wear Black: The True-life There are a number of good “first-person shooter” games
Heroes of Britain’s Armed Police (Arrow, 1998). Autobiogra- on the market today. The following is a sample of those cur-
phy of a sergeant in SO19 (p. 17). Includes descriptions of rently available that encourage (or require) good tactical skills
operations, equipment, and training from 1978 to 1993. or capture the feel of tactical, squad-based operations.
Coulson, Daniel and Elaine Shannon. No Heroes: Inside Rainbow Six (Ubisoft, 1998-present). A series of squad-
the FBI’s Secret Counter-Terror Force (Pocket Books, 1999). based games allowing the player to command an internation-
An excellent look at the formation and operations of the FBI’s al counter-terrorist squad dealing with hostage rescues and
Hostage Rescue Team. other clandestine missions around the world. The series cur-
Halberstadt, Hans. SWAT Teams – Police Special rently includes Rainbow Six, Black Watch, Rogue Spear,
Weapons and Tactics (MBI, 1994). A nice book with some Urban Operations, Covert Ops, and Black Thorn. Based on
good illustrations. Gives an overview of SWAT operations, the Tom Clancy novel.
with anecdotes drawn from real teams around the south- SWAT (Sierra, 2000). Sierra’s SWAT series started out
western U.S. poorly (with photorealistic graphics, but extremely poor game
Haynes, Richard A. The Swat Cyclopedia: A Handy Desk play). SWAT 2 was a third-person strategy game that was
Reference of Terms, Techniques, and Strategies Associated eminently more playable but plagued with poor A.I. On Sier-
With the Police Special Weapons and Tactics Function ra’s third attempt – SWAT 3 – they finally got it right. Sierra
(Thomas, 1999). Hard to find, but loaded with terminology has also recently released SWAT: Urban Justice and SWAT:
and expressions common in tactical operations. Global Strike Team.
Jacobs, Jeffrie. SWAT Tactics (Paladin, 1983). Outdated
and not terribly useful for modern campaigns. Provides a
glimpse of SWAT tactics of the 1970s and 80s.
Television and Film
Jones, Tony L. SWAT Leadership and Tactical Planning 44 Minutes: The North Hollywood Shootout (Yves
– The SWAT Operator’s Guide to Combat Law Enforcement Simoneau, 2003). A FOX movie portraying the February 28,
(Paladin, 1996). A basic look at SWAT operations; useful to 1997 bank robbery and subsequent firefight at the Bank of
beginning GMs, but a little light on in-depth details. America in North Hollywood, California. Stars Mario Van
Katz, Samual M. The Illustrated Guide to the World’s Top Peebles and Michael Madsen.
Counter-Terrorist Forces (Concord, 1995). A slightly out-of- Executive Decision (Stuart Baird, 1996). When terrorists
date overview of CT teams around the world, with special seize an airliner, a tactical team must board it mid-flight and
emphasis on a handful of American metropolitan teams. neutralize the threat. Stars Kurt Russell, Steven Seagal, and
Lonsdale, Mark V. Raids – A Tactical Guide to High Halle Berry.
Risk Warrant Service. (S.T.T.U., 1991/2000). One of many John Q (Nick Cassavetes, 2002). A hostage
books by Lonsdale, exploring the world of small arms, situation unfolds when a common man is driv-
CQB, and paramilitary operations. Raids provides hard data en past his breaking point and barricades him-
and illustrations for high-risk warrant service and other self in a hospital emergency room. Denzel
SWAT operations. Washington, Robert Duvall, and James
Singer, P.W. Corporate Warriors (Cornell University, Woods.
2003). A look at private companies offering specialized mili- The Negotiator (F. Gary Gray, 1998). A
tary services for hire. Recommended to GMs running a “pri- cinematic look at hostage negotiations and
vate SWAT” campaign (p. 7). SWAT operations. Stars Samuel L. Jackson and
Snow, Robert L. SWAT Teams: Explosive Face-Offs with Kevin Spacey.
America’s Deadliest Criminals (Perseus, 1996). Easy reading, S.W.A.T. (1975-76). An ABC television series starring
with lots of real-life examples of SWAT operations. Steve Forrest and Robert Urich; produced by Aaron Spelling.
Thompson, Leroy. Hostage Rescue Manual Reruns can sometimes be seen on late-night television and the
(Greenhill/Stackpole, 2001). A basic overview of hostage res- series is available on DVD.
cue and CQB techniques, but light on details. S.W.A.T.: The Movie (Clark Johnson, 2003). Based loose-
Whitcomb, Christopher. Cold Zero: Inside the FBI’s ly on the 1970s television series, and starring Samuel L. Jack-
Hostage Rescue Team (Warner, 2002). A well-written book son, Colin Farrell, and Michelle Rodriguez.
Bibliography 63
“10-David,” 13. GURPS Cops, 3, 9, 10-13, 43, 46-47, 52, Präzisionsschützenkommando (PSK), 17.
Acting skill, 24-25. 57-58, 60. Profile sheets, 21.
Architecture skill, 42. GURPS Covert Ops, 3, 46, 60. Prohibition, 5.
Area Knowledge skill, 43. GURPS Cyberpunk, 7, 60-61. Psychology skill, 25.
Areas of responsibility (AOR), 34-35, GURPS Fantasy, 60. Quantico, 14.
37. GURPS High-Tech, 3, 12, 46. Rams, 32-33, 48.
Argentina, 17. GURPS Horror, 60. REACT teams, 8.
Assaulters, 44. GURPS Low Tech, 50. Rear guards, 44.
ATF Special Response Team (SRT), 15. GURPS Mecha, 61. Scouts, 44.
Berlin, 16. GURPS Modern Firepower, 3, 7, 12, 23, Secret Service, 11.
Black Panthers, 5-6. 46, 51-52. Small town familiarity, 7.
Body Language skill, 30, 37, 43. GURPS Special Ops, 3, 7, 12, 43-44, 46, Snipers, 44.
Booby traps, 39, 59. 61. SO19, 17, 62.
Breachers, 44. GURPS Technomancer, 60. Special Duties Unit (SDU), 17.
Breakouts, 11. GURPS Undead, 60. Special Weapons and Tactics, 5.
Brigada Especial Operativa Halcón GURPS Vehicles Lite, 55. Special Weapons Attack Team, 5.
(Falcon Special Operations Brigade), Hazardous materials, 59. Spezialeinsatzkammando (SEK), 17.
17. HAZMAT teams, 39. Stakeout Squad, 5.
“Buddy teams,” 30. High Pain Threshold advantage, 42. Stockholm Syndrome, 38.
Camp Beauregard, 16. Honesty disadvantage, 42. Strong Will advantage, 42.
Code of Honor disadvantage, 42. Hong Kong, 17. Strongarm squads, 5.
Combat Reflexes advantage, 42. Hostages, 22. “Suicide by cop,” 11.
Command Post (CP), 20. Incident command (IC), 20.
Common Sense advantage, 42. Inner perimeter (IP), 19.
Composed advantage, 42. Intimidation skill, 43.
Containment, 19. Key men, 29.
Cool advantage, 42. “Knock and announce,” 10.
Covert entry, 32. Landeskriminalamt (State Bureau
CQB houses (“kill houses”), 7-8, 58. of Investigation), 17.
Criminology skill, 43. LAPD (Los Angeles Police Department),
Crisis Negotiation Team (CNT), 13. 5-7, 13.
Crisis phone, 48. Last cover and concealment (LCC), 19,
Diplomacy skill, 24-25. 30, 39.
Downs vs. United States of America, 9. Law Enforcement skill, 43. Support staff, 21.
Duty disadvantage, 42. Lenses, 45. Suppressors, 51.
Dynamic entry, 32. London, 17. Survival skill, 13.
Element leaders, 44. Longview Tactical Response Team Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA), 6.
Elite/Cinematic SWAT Officer lens, 45. (TRT), 7, 12-13. Tactical Operation Center (TOC), 13.
Emergency Response Team (ERT), 14. M1117 “Guardian” Armored Security Tactics skill, 43.
Emergency Services Unit (ESU), 5, 14. Vehicle, 56. Team familiarity, 8.
Explosives, 33. Military Assistance to Law Enforcement Teams, 30-31.
Fast Talk skill, 24-25. Program, 56. Tonfa skill, 43.
FBI, 9, 15; Hostage Rescue Tea (HRT), Mirroring, 28, 49. Toughness advantage, 42.
14. Mobile Security Unit (MSU), 5. Trailers, 28.
Fearlessness advantage, 42. Moscow, 17. Training, 7.
Federal Bureau of Prisons, 16. National Guard, 5. Transhuman Space, 62.
Federal Witness Protection program, 16. National Park Service Special Events “Trojan horse” entry, 32.
Fiber optics, 49. Team, 8. U.S. Border Patrol Tactical Unit, 8.
Finders, 28. Negotiation, 25. U.S. Department of Energy Special
Firearms Battalion (FB), 5. New York Police Department, 5, 14. Reaction Teams, 8.
Fit advantage, 41. No-knock warrants, 10. U.S. Marshals Service Special
Flash-bangs, 30, 39, 49. Noriega, 15. Operations Group, 15.
Frangible rounds, 32. Observation teams, 21. U.S. Mint Special Response Team, 8.
Fright Checks, 6, 33. OMSN (Otyrad Militsii Spetsialnogo Undercover work, 12.
Gesture skill, 43. Naznacheniya), 17. United States, 5, 16.
Gunman squads, 5. OODA (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act), Very Fit advantage, 41.
GURPS Black Ops, 60. 36. Washington, DC, 14.
GURPS Blood Types, 60. Outer perimeter (OP), 20. Will, 25.
GURPS Cliffhangers, 60. Part-time teams, 7.
64 Index
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