Wind Farm Earthing
Wind Farm Earthing
Wind Farm Earthing
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Nick Jenkins
Cardiff University
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Maria Lorentzou*, Ian Cotton**, Nikos Hatziargyriou*, Nick Jenkins**
A windfarm, as any other electrical system, must be earthed to provide a low impedance connection
between the electrical equipment and the general mass of the ground, to provide a reference potential
for electrical equipment in order to ensure the effective operation of protective devices, and prevent
excessive overvoltages and potential gradients that may cause damage to equipment or threaten human
Although the same grounding system is normally used for protection against both power system faults
and lightning strikes, the response to either energisation source is dramatically different owing to the
high frequency components contained in lightning current. Lightning current is considered to have an
average rise time of 5.5µs and a time to half value of 75µs with a peak current of 30kA [1]. This fast
rise time results in high frequency components being injected into the grounding system. The
grounding system inductance, significant in relation to the resistance for a large grounding system,
causes these high frequency components to increase the total grounding impedance owing to the
change in inductive reactance.
Standard methods to determine the impedance of a grounding system based on simple formulae are
unsuitable for windfarms owing to the large distances they span. This paper examines the use of
computer modelling to assess the suitability of windfarm grounding systems for protection against
power system faults and lightning strikes. The transient behaviour of practical earthing system designs
are presented using the general purpose program EMTP (Electro Magnetics Transient Program) [2]
and a specialist grounding software, CDEGS (Current Distribution, Electromagnetic fields, Grounding
and Soil structure analysis) [3].
The grounding of a single wind turbine is normally achieved by placing a ring electrode around the
foundation and bonding it through the foundation to the turbine tower. The foundation reinforcement
bar is also connected directly or via the turbine tower to the ring electrode and will be effective in
acting as a ground electrode since the surrounding concrete can be considered to have a resistivity
equal to that of the surrounding soil (fig. 1). However, in relevant calculations it is normally ignored to
provide a worst case analysis of the grounding system.
Vertical rods or strip electrodes (horizontal electrodes) are often used in conjunction with this ring
electrode to achieve a certain value of ground resistance. A resistance of 10Ω or less (before it is
connected to any other system) is stated in international standards/recommendations as being suitable
for lightning protection purposes.
A wind turbine typically contains an induction machine generator supplying a grounded star
transformer winding at approximately 700V or less (e.g. 630 V or 380 V). The high voltage side of the
local turbine transformer is wound in delta and is connected to the windfarm distribution cable. The
windfarm cable system is then normally connected to a star transformer winding or equivalent at the
windfarm substation. The individual wind turbine grounds are therefore usually connected by the
metallic screen or armour of the main power cable running between the turbines. This has the effect of
reducing the overall site ground impedance to a low value, often 1-2Ω. Where the windfarm is sited in
Figure 1 Figure 2
Lightning strikes to a wind turbine will raise the local ground potential resulting in large differential
voltages between the power cable phase conductors and armour/screen as well as the high voltage
winding on the wind turbine transformer and the grounded case/low voltage winding. This differential
voltage may be able to break down either the cable or transformer winding insulation and damage that
piece of equipment. The lower the grounding impedance, the lower the voltage rise produced by the
lightning strike leading to a lower likelihood of insulation breakdown.
Single Turbine
The response of the earthing system of a small (100 kW) wind turbine situated on the Greek island on
Lemnos for a lightning strike calculated by EMTP and CDEGS is shown in Figs. 3 and 4, respectively.
450 E+2
400 E+2
350 E+2
300 E+2 40
Voltage (V)
250 E+2
200 E+2
150 E+2 20
100 E+2
050 E+2
000 E+2
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
00 E6 02 E-6 04 E-6 06 E-6 08 E-6 10 E-6 12 E-6 14 E-6
-050 E+2 Time/us
BUS001 BUS003 BUS004 Time (sec) Four 12.5m Strip Electrodes One 50m Strip Electrode
Figure 3: Calculation of response using EMTP Figure 4: Effect of short strip electrodes (lower
(transmission line model) plot) in comparison to longer lengths (upper plot)
on reducing the maximum lightning voltage rise
using CDEGS
The computed ground resistance of the above system is 5.8Ω when the grounding system is situated in
100Ωm soil (a low soil resistivity). An energisation current of 1kA at 50Hz results in a maximum
voltage of 5.8kV as expected. Similarly, the injection of a 5.5/70µs lightning wave with a peak current
of 30kA results in a peak voltage of 174kV, the value expected for a purely resistive grounding
When a 50m long conductor is attached to the turbine base, the resistance is now calculated as 1.2Ω.
The same injection of 30kA peak lightning current as before results, however, in a peak voltage of
54kV. This would suggest a grounding resistance of 1.8Ω. This difference is caused by the high
inductive reactance seen by the high frequency components of the lightning wave. This has been
produced by the inductance present in such a distributed grounding system.
If the 50m electrode had been split into four 12.5m sections and attached to the four corners of the
grounding system a lower ratio of inductance to resistance is achieved. The resistance of this
arrangement is 0.98Ω and the peak lightning voltage is 29kV, the value expected when injecting the
current into a pure resistance. By using four short strip electrodes as opposed to one long strip
electrode, the grounding design has been improved.
As previously shown, the use of the earthing system resistance to estimate the GPR at a point
following a lightning strike is inaccurate. This is more clearly shown in the case of two windturbines
connected with strip electrode. As a further example of this consider a system in 1000Ωm resistivity
soil consisting of two turbine bases situated a distance of 100m apart with the grounding systems
connected by strip electrode. The computed resistance of the network is 18.59Ω and the maximum
voltage rise for an injection of 1A at 50Hz is 18.59V.
An injection of a lightning current with peak current of 30kA results in a maximum voltage of 868kV
at the injection point (fig.5). This can be compared to a voltage of 558kV that would be expected if the
same current has been injected into the 18.59Ω resistance. The voltage waveform produced at the base
of the first wind turbine is shown in Fig. 5 along with the waveform expected had the same current
being injected into a pure resistance. Note that the inductance increases the peak voltage and changes
the time to peak.
800 500
300 200
0 0
0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 50.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 50.00
Time/us Time/us
Actual Voltage Predicted Voltage
Figure 5 - Voltage waveform following lightning Figure 6 - Voltage at the turbine remote from
current injection into resistance only (lower plot) the injection point.
compared with impedance (upper plot)
If the windfarm substation is assumed to be at a remote point and the high voltage system is grounded
there, an overvoltage of 868kV will be present between the high voltage transformer winding and the
locally grounded case/low voltage winding possibly leading to damage. The ground potential at the
second wind turbine, 100m away will also rise to a value over 500kV due to the injection of lightning
current, as shown in. The slower time to peak and smoother waveform than that seen at turbine one is
another consequence of the relatively high level of inductive reactance present in the system.
The work was partially supported by the European Commission, under DG XII Non-nuclear energy
Programme, contract nr. JOR3-CT95-0052