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Rookie Rugby Skill Cards

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The key takeaways are proper techniques for catching, throwing and receiving passes, maintaining defensive shape, and introducing kicking into rookie rugby games.

To properly catch a rugby ball, you form a 'W' with your hands, keep your eye on the ball, catch it with both hands and tuck it close to your body.

The best defensive shape is a flat line across the field. Players should communicate and work together to maintain the line by sliding and moving as a unit.

Receiving the Pass

5–10 minutes
To have players maintain the continuity of play by receiving a pass from their
teammate and continuing forward.

Learning how to properly catch a rugby ball is very important for player safety
and to keep the continuity of the game.

Step 1: Show players how to properly catch a rugby ball.

• Form the letter “W” with both hands by placing thumbs together and
spreading fingers wide.
• Keep your eye on the ball all the way from the thrower to your hands.
• Catch the ball with both hands while keeping the “W” shape.
• Tuck the ball close to your body near your stomach and run forward
keeping the ball in both hands.
Step 2: Have players practice with a partner by forming two lines across from each other and work on receiving the
ball in a stationary position. Start players closer together before having them spread apart to make the passes more

Step 3: Have players advance from a stationary position by walking, jogging, and running from one end of the field to
the other, completing 10-20 passes each. Help players individually work on receiving the ball correctly.

1. Have players work on receiving the ball from different 1. Make sure players always move forward after
directions. Form a circle around one player and receiving the ball.
provide each player in the circle a ball. Call out
different players to pass to the person in the center. 2. Make sure players are forming the letter “W” with
their hands, away from their chest.
2. Allow players to work on receiving different types of
passes. Have players start five yards apart receiving 3. Always have players call for the ball, even
pop passes and then work up to about eight yards when practicing.
apart receiving a spin pass.
Defensive Shape
To have players work as a team to
prevent the offensive team from
5–10 minutes

The best defensive shape in rugby is a flat line. Flat line

defense is when players are lined up across the width of
the field in a straight line. Players should work together to
keep this line when moving forward and backwards on the

Step 1: Demonstrate and instruct a flat line defense.

Step 2: Have players line up in a flat line defense and

have them jog in every direction as a team in a flat line.
Begin with them holding hands.
Step 3: A great teaching tip is to have players “cross the street” on defense. Be sure players are looking both ways
(right and left) before advancing or retreating to make sure their entire team is together.

Step 4: Encourage players to constantly communicate to keep the flat line together. Some common terms are:
• Use “Up” to instruct the line to move forward
• Use “Back” to instruct the line to move backward
• Use “Slide Left” or “Slide Right” for side movements

1. Set up five different defensive lines up the length of 1. Make sure players are communicating to stay
the field. On the instructor’s signal, have all the together.
players move together as a defensive unit. The
addition of other lines adds an increased challenge. 2. Make sure players are checking their position at all
2. Add in offensive players to challenge the flat line
defense. Have players practice keeping a flat line as
two to four offensive players move up and down the
field with a rugby ball.
Offensive Shape

To have players work as a team to

penetrate the defense and score. 5–10 minutes

A good offensive shape consists of a ball carrier and two

support players forming a triangle on the field. Additional
players will line up in support in a staggered position.

Step 1: Help players understand offensive shape by

placing them in a triangle formation.

Step 2: Have players practice by setting up on the field;

change the ball carrier so they can adjust to keep a good
Step 3: Have all support players move forward to receive a pass. This allows them to attack at a running pace.

Step 4: Have support players attack the weakest point in the defense. The weakest point in the defense is where the
most space is between two defenders.

1. Add defensive players to apply pressure to the 1. Make sure all players work to stay behind the ball
offensive shape. carrier.

2. Make sure that players are communicating with each

other to maintain offensive shape at all times.
Running with the Ball
5–10 minutes
To have players run effectively with the ball in two hands.

Learning how to properly run with a rugby ball is very important for player
safety and to properly develop basic skills.

Step 1: Introduce this skill by showing players the correct way to run with the
• Fingers are spread on each side of the ball
• Ball is carried at chest height
• Elbows are tucked in

Step 2: In a small grid marked by cones, have players run around and carry
the ball. Help correct individual form as they run.
Step 3: Demonstrate the skill for players and have them call out when you carry the ball incorrectly:
• Carry the ball below your chest
• Tuck the ball under one arm
• Carry the ball above your chest
• Hold elbows out

1. Create a shuttle game where players run and place 1. Make sure players are holding the ball with two hands
rugby balls at certain cones. when they are running or evading.
2. Have players form one line facing one defensive
player. Have player in line run with the ball towards 2. Correct players if they are carrying the ball too high or
the defensive player. Instruct players to work on an too low.
evasion skill while running at their opponent with the
ball in hand.
3. Incorporate picking up a rugby ball on the run.
4. Use progression number two with an additional
player running with the ball carrier so they can pass
the ball when they get to the defender.
Basic Pass

To have players maintain continuity of

play by passing to a teammate in a 5–10 minutes
better position.

It is important for players to remember a few simple

rules to effectively pass a rugby ball during play. Once
practiced enough, these rules should become second
nature and players will be able to perform a basic pass

Step 1: Show players what a basic pass looks like:

• Run straight
• Hold the ball with both hands
• Look at the receiver
• Pass at chest height in front of the receiver
• Be sure the pass is made laterally or backwards
• Complete the pass and follow through by pointing
hands at the receiver
Step 2: Have players practice with a partner by forming two lines across from each other and passing in stationary
positions. Start with a short distance between players. Increase the distance between lines to make it more

Step 3: Have players practice the basic pass in small groups of 2-6 players going from one end of a grid to the other,
completing 10-20 passes each. Help players individually learn how to pass by correcting their form.

1. Make sure every player passes with two hands on the

1. Have players work on different types of passes in the
passing line that they have learned (i.e. pop pass).
2. Ensure that players pick a target area before making
any pass. They should be looking at their receiver
2. Make exercises dynamic by incorporating running
and know where the ball is going before they pass.
with passing.
3. Make sure players are following through with their
arms when they pass, pointing at the
3. Increase the distance passed.
4. Make sure their arms are straight when they
follow through.
Advanced Passing
To have players widen their offensive skill
set to more effectively move the ball to 5–10 minutes
space and increase continuity on the field.

Spin Pass
There are many different types of passes in rugby, but in youth
rugby the most common passes used are the basic, spin, and pop
pass. Players should learn these passes and when to use them
during play.

Spin Pass
Step 1:The spin pass is used for long distances and should be
practiced by using the following technique:
• Hold the ball in two hands: The hand furthest from the
receiver will be used to deliver the power and should be held Pop Pass
at the back of the ball. The hand closest to the receiver will
guide where the ball moves.
• Move your hands across the body and use the power hand
to apply spin by rotating the hand as you release the ball.
• Follow through—Guide hands will point to the receiver with the power hand on top.
Step 2: Have players practice with partners. Help individuals work to perfect the spin pass.

Pop Pass
Step 1: The pop pass is used for short distances when throwing into the path of a teammate running forward. The technique for a pop
pass is:
• Using two hands, throw the ball up. The ball will be “placed” into the space to the right or left of the passer.
• The ball should be thrown into the path of support player who can run onto the ball to receive it.
Step 2: Have players practice with partners. Help individuals work to perfect the pop pass.

1. Have players work on their spin pass by skipping the 1. Always have players call for the ball, even when
payer immediately next to them, performing a “skip practicing.
2. Have players practice switching the direction of their 2. Ensure players know the differences between each
passes. pass. Test their knowledge during practice.
3. Include defenders when practicing. Have players
complete a specific type of pass when they approach 3. During pop passes it is important that
a defender. players receiving the pass are moving
4. Play Ultimate Rugby, only using a specific type of forward and not standing static.
Draw and Pass
5–10 minutes
To have players maintain continuity of play by engaging the defense and
passing to a teammate in a better position.

The draw and pass is an offensive move where the ball carrier runs with the ball
and draws the defense towards them to create more space. Once the defensive
player commits to the ball carrier, the ball carrier passes the ball to a teammate.

Step 1: Begin with a demonstration of the draw and pass:

• Hold the ball in two hands
• Run at the defender and then move to the right or left in order to force them
to defend you
• Look at the receiver
• Pass at chest height in front of the receiver
• Complete pass and then support

Step 2: Have players work in teams of three, rotating between one defensive
player and two offensive players.
Step 3: Have players work to draw in the defender before passing the ball to their teammate. Incorporate critical
thinking - if the defender does not commit, the player continues to run forward.

1. Have players work on the skill in a 3 v 2 and 4 v 3 1. Make sure players are following their pass to get in
situation. support as soon as they are no longer in possession.

2. Encourage supporting teammates to read the actions 2. Make sure players have a straight follow through with
of the ball carrier and react by utilizing the newly their pass.
opened space.
3. Make sure players are throwing the ball to
their target area, which is the receiver’s “W”.
Defense with Flags
5–10 minutes
To have players understand the process of playing with flags and execute
smart flag pulls.

There is a four step process when making a full defensive flag pull. This process
keeps players safe and will help players learn the progressions when
transitioning to tackle rugby.

Step 1: Provide a demonstration that walks players through the four steps:
• Defender removes ball carrier’s flag and yells, “FLAG!” to communicate
the flag pull.
• Ball carrier can take up to three additional steps after a flag pull before
passing to a teammate. Ball carrier then passes to a teammate.
• Defender returns the flag to the ball carrier and then returns to play.
• Ball carrier replaces the flag on their flag belt and then returns to play.
Both players are out of play until the flag is returned.
Step 3: Have players work in pairs to practice the process of pulling a flag. Begin by having players remain stationary
and then advance to walking and running.

Step 4: After each player practices the progressions play 3 v 3 Keep Away Rugby and have players practice real time
flag pulls.

1. Have players play Flag Fury and focus on making 1. Make sure all flags are clearly visible and worn
proper flag pulls. properly.
2. Make sure players are yelling “FLAG!” loud and clear
2. Play Freeze Tag, using flag pulls as the way to freeze every time they pull a flag.
a player. 3. Double check to make sure players are putting their
flags back on correctly.
3. Incorporate flags in games like USA Eagles in order 4. Make sure players always return their
to add a more advanced progression. opponent’s flag before returning to play
and are not throwing flags on the ground.
Ball Familiarization
5–10 minutes
To have players become familiar with the shape and size of a rugby ball.

Describe the rugby ball by comparing it to other sports that kids will know. A
rugby ball is bigger than a football and about the size of a soccer ball. The
shape is similar to a football so that the ball can easily be passed, but the shape
is more round than a football so that the ball can be kicked as well.

Step 1: Have kids pass the rugby ball around and have them pick out
differences and similarities between a rugby ball and other sports balls.

Step 2: Have everyone hold their own ball, instructing them to carry the ball
with two hands at all times.

Step 3: Make a small square space with cones and have players run from one
side to the other, making sure to hold the ball in two hands at all times.
Step 4: On the instructor’s signal, have them all put their balls down and pick up someone else’s, making sure to use
two hands at all times.

Step 5: Have players throw the ball into the air and catch it 5-10 times each.

Step 6: Lastly, have them move the ball around their bodies. Start around the waist and then try under each leg. Make
it a fun contest to see who can perform various skills without dropping the ball during each exercise.

1. If players are older, shorten your introduction and 1. Make sure players use two hands at all times.
have players run in the grid and perform a different
action every time you signal. For example, every time 2. Make sure players are communicating with you and
you blow the whistle, players must move the ball their teammates.
around their waist and feet before finding a new ball.
3. Make sure players are varying their movements.
2. If players are already experienced with a ball, this
skill can be used as a warm-up or conditioning 4. Help players identify the best method for
game. performing each skill.
Go Forward
5–10 minutes
To keep players focused on scoring by developing the instinct to move
forward when carrying the ball.

When facing defenders it can sometimes be unnatural for players to keep

moving forward instead of passing or moving backwards to find space. Players
should be taught that moving forward when carrying the ball is essential to
scoring points and keeping the flow of the game.

Step 1: Have players get into pairs of two, with one player holding a rugby ball.

Step 2: Have one player on defense challenge the player with the ball, but
make it a rule that the ball carrier can only go forward even if they think they will
get their flag pulled. Make it a contest to see how far each player can go
without getting their flag pulled.
Step 3: Let each player take a few turns until they are naturally moving forward through every play.

Step 4: Ensure that players are safe by emphasizing that Rookie Rugby is non-contact.

Step 5: Practice one on one evasion drills that will encourage players to move forward instead of running away from
the defense. If needed, restrict playing space by forming a narrow grid and forcing players to stay within the

1. Play a progressive flag rugby game starting with 4 v 1 1. If a player steps or runs backwards, make sure to
then moving into 4 v 2 and 4 v 3. Players will feel correct them right away.
more comfortable moving forward when there are
less defenders. 2. Make sure players are holding the ball correctly as
they run.
2. Have players play a 3 v 3 or 4 v 4 flag rugby game
and make the rule that ball carriers are not allowed to 3. Encourage players to move froward by using
move backwards. simple commands during play. “Run
Forward!” is commonly used in youth rugby.
Running in Support

To have players utilize space and provide

options for the ball carrier. 5–10 minutes

Running to support teammates when on offense is vital to

keeping the game continuous and is the first step to

Step 1: Teach players about offensive shape and

supporting the ball carrier in a triangle formation.

Step 2: Teach players the three key factors:

• Anticipate point of attack
• Stay behind the ball initially
• Communicate your position

Step 3: Have players form a triangle with the ball carrier in

the front.
Have other players remain behind the ball carrier on the left and right sides, completing the triangle.

Step 4: Practice the skill by having players pass the ball and adjusting to the new ball carrier.

Step 5: Add additional offensive players and have players work to get into support.

1. Have players walk through the skill and then progress 1. Make sure players are moving fast to get into support
to jogging and full speed. positions.

2. Add defenders to challenge players to read situations 2. Make sure support players are keeping depth and not
and adjust. remaining aligned with the ball carrier.

3. Have players work in smaller offensive groups so 3. Encourage constant communication that is
they are working harder and more often to get in clear and concise. Example, “I’m on your
support. left; pass now!”
The Wiggle

To have players maintain continuity of

play by evading defenders and moving 5–10 minutes

The “wiggle” is an offensive evasion technique used to get

past the defense. Similar to the Draw and Pass, the Wiggle
focuses on leading the defender one way and then playing
the ball the other way.

Step 1: Demonstrate the “wiggle” to players, indicating its

use for evading defense.
• Step towards defense
• Step to the side of the defense, moving the ball to the
• Step back in behind the defender, bringing the ball
back in front of you
Step 2: Have players pair up and practice the wiggle, switching offense and defense each time. Be sure to have them
practice both directions.

Step 3: Add a support player to pass to after completing the wiggle.

1. Incorporate flags. 1. Ensure players remain in a straight running line after

completing the wiggle. New players tend to drift
2. Advance players to a 3 v 2 game to practice the across the field. Encourage them to keep their
wiggle and other evasion techniques. running lines straight up the field.

2. Ensure players move the ball away from the defense

on the second step.
Uncontested Lineout

To teach players the Rookie Rugby

version of a lineout. 5–10 minutes

Four players from each team will make up a lineout. For the team in
possession of the ball, there will be one player throwing the ball in,
two players receiving the in-bound pass, and one player who will
move the ball away from the lineout. The defending team will match
the offensive teams four players.

Players should not lift in lineouts until they have developed the
necessary skills and strength. Lineouts in Rookie Rugby start as
uncontested. The team that throws the ball in must be allowed to win
possession of the ball.

Step 1: Coach the thrower:

• Spin Pass - Start wit ha basic spin or underhand pass. Call out a
jumper and have players try and hit their target.
• Overhead Pass - More experienced players can start advancing
to throwing the ball overhead. Begin with shorter distances before advancing.

Step 2: Coach the jumpers: Encourage players to maintain a low body position while in the lineout. Have them take one step into
the tunnel, bring their far foot in to be shoulder width and then jump straight into the air when going for the ball. He should be an
easy “step-step-jump” motion.

Step 3: Rotate all player so they have a chance to try all positions.

1. Once players are the appropriate age and ability they 1. Coach the lineout effectively and safely.
can advance to contested lineouts without lifting.
2. Create a platform to launch an attack.

3. Lifting takes specific skills and strength and should

not be used in Rookie Rugby games.
Uncontested Scrum

To teach players the Rookie Rugby

version of a scrum. 5–10 minutes

A scrum is formed from two units, one from each team made up of three
players each (Front Row). In each Front Row there are two ‘Props’ with a
‘Strike’ in the middle.

Rookie Rugby scrums start as uncontested and players should not be allowed
to push or drive. The team that was awarded the scrum will roll the ball into
the scrum and should be allowed to win possession.

Step 1: Players should learn the appropriate body positing in a scrum.

Players should keep their back flat, feet and body square, shoulders above
hips, head neutral, and eyes forward.

Step 2: The essential foundation of a scrum is the binding of the front row.
• The strike stands in the middle and places their arms around both
props backs. Their hands grasp the prop’s jersey just below the
• Each prop places an arm around the strike, grasping just below the opposite armpit.
• Players should hold the jersey of the person next to them tightly to keep the scrum strong and stable.

Step 3: Coaches and players must know the engagement sequence and cadence the referees uses.
The engagement sequence will be called out by the referee: “Crouch! Bind! Set.”
• Crouch – Bound front rows lower into position.
• Bind - Props will grasp the prop opposite them on their shoulder.
• Set – The two front rows come together, placing their heads to the left and under the chest of the player across from them, and form a scrum.
• The team in possession will roll the ball into the scrum. The strike from the team rolling the ball in moves the ball backwards with one foot.
• The player putting the ball in will collect it from the back of the scrum and pass to a teammate.

1. Once players are of the right age and ability, they can 1. Develop players capable of working as a collective
advance to contested scrums. unit.

2. Before any engagement make sure that all players are

bound together properly.

3. At any time before engagement, if a front row

player is not ready for the scrum, they
should inform the referee.
Kicking for Rookies
5–10 minutes
To integrate kicking into Rookie Rugby.

There are two main types of kicking in rugby:

Punting – Punting the ball is when players drop the ball and kick it before it hits
the ground.
Drop Kick – A drop kick is a rugby-specific kick where players will allow the ball
to hit the ground before kicking it.

Step 1: Have all players practice the skill of punting during practice. Instruct
players to hold the ball up and down. Have them step forward, drop the ball,
and swing through with their back leg, making contact with the ball.

Step 2: Have all players practice drop kicks by holding the ball up and down.
Have them drop the ball, take a step, and kick through.
Step 1: Starting the Game – The first time to introduce kicking in Rookie Rugby is the start of the game. This allows
kicking to be introduced slowly and allows all players to have the chance to practice their skills. Drop kicks can be
more difficult for children. Start kick-offs with punting until players are ready to advance to drop kick starts.

Step 2: Kick-offs after Scoring – Similar to the start of a game, a kick-off is used to restart play after a try is scored.
After introducing kicking at the start of a game, this is the next progression for kids in Rookie Rugby. After a try is
scored, the team that scored the try will then kick off to the opposing team.

1. Add penalty kicks into games. A penalty kick in rugby 1. Coach kicking effectively and safely.
is when the non-infringing team kicks the ball down
the field and out of bounds in order to get a lineout. 2. Be sure that players understand when kicking should
occur in games.
2. Add kicking during open play into games. Players
should be permitted to punt the ball at any time during 3. Players should not start kicking in rugby until they are
the game as a strategic move. It is recommended that fully ready.
teams are limited to the number of kicks they can
perform until they are ready to strategically make
kicking decisions.

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