The Management of DVT - The Autar PDF
The Management of DVT - The Autar PDF
The Management of DVT - The Autar PDF
The management of
deep vein thrombosis:
the Autar DVT risk
assessment scale
Ricky Autar
Editor’s comment
The risk of thromboembolism in orthopaedic patients continues to be significant. This study adds to the evidence
supporting the efficacy of risk assessment tools and in particular the Autar DVT risk assessment chart. In such a
complex area as thromboprophylaxis, evidence about the nature and specifics of risk assessment is never going to be
conclusive and completely trustworthy. However, this work adds positively to previous research.
Ricky Autar
PhD, MSc, BA(Hons) RGN, INTRODUCTION Nordstrom et al. 1992). DVT crosses all clini-
RMN, Dip N, RNT, Cert ED cal specialities (Table 1). DVT is mostly pre-
Principal Lecturer, De
Montfort University, Leicester, Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a silent killer ventable and national and international
UK. (Autar 1996a). It is a serious threat to recovery consensus groups on venous thromboprophy-
Correspondence to: from surgery and is the third most common laxis (International Consensus Statement 1997,
Ricky Autar
Principal Lecturer,
vascular disease, after ischaemic heart disease 2001, NIH 1986, THRiFT 1992, 1998) have all
De Montfort University, and stroke (Anands et al. 1998, Turpie 1997). recommended that hospital patients should be
School of Nursing and
Midwifery, Charles Frears
Data from epidemiological studies suggests that assessed for clinical risk factors and an overall
Campus, 266, London Road, the annual frequency of DVT in the general risk of thromboembolism. Patients should then
Leicester LE2 1RQ, UK.
Tel.: +116-201-3945;
population is approximately 160 per 100,000 receive prophylaxis according to their risk
E-mail: (Anderson et al. 1991, Linblad et al. 1991, categories.
Journal of Orthopaedic Nursing (2003) 7, 114–124 C 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The management of deep vein thrombosis 115
Table 1 Risk level by patient group promptly initiated. Developed through an action
(International Consensus Statement 1997) research process and founded on Virchow’s triad
of risk factors in the genesis of DVT, the Autar
Speciality Incidence of DVT
(weighted mean) % DVT scale (1994) comprised seven subscales
(Figure 1).
General surgery 25
Orthopaedic surgery 45–51
Urology 9–32
Gynaecological surgery 14–22 BACKGROUND
Neurosurgery including strokes 22–56
Multiple trauma 50
General medical 17 The original DVT scale was developed and tested
on a trauma/orthopaedic unit for its consistency,
predictive validity and practical utility. The scale
The Autar DVT scale (1994, 1996b) was de- and a postal questionnaire were used for data
veloped to proactively identify patients at risk, so collection on 21 patients. DVT risk scale was
that the recommended prophylaxis could be used by paired registered nurses to independently
record for seven consecutive days the risk of each Every effort was made to ensure that the sample
of the 21 patients. A correlation coefficient ðrÞ was representative of the clinical population. The
achieved a value of 0.94 confirming the consis- occurrence of DVT was fairly homogenous
tency of the DVT risk calculator. Most patients within the population at large. This homogeneity
assessed for DVT risk fell in the high risk cate- added weight to the claim of generalisability. If
gory and choosing a cut-off score of 16, the DVT the individual subjects are very much alike in all
scale achieved 100% sensitivity and 81% speci- variables, a smaller sample suffices (Crookes &
ficity. Overall, 83% of the patients were correctly Davies 1998). There was little variability in the
classified. However, despite the promising results characteristics of the populations. The fifty sub-
recorded, the study was limited in its ability to jects on the trauma/orthopaedic wards were
generalise findings and represent a population in prototypical of subjects with hip fractures, as
diverse clinical specialities. cardiovascular disorders were to those on the
The objectives of the study were to re-evaluate medical wards (Clagett et al. 1992). Most of the
the DVT risk scale as a predictive index in di- patients on the surgical ward had undergone
verse clinical areas and review its practical ap- major abdominal surgery.
plication. Patients exhibited a wide variability of DVT
risk scores, ranging from the very highest score
of 27 to the lower of 1 for the no risk category.
METHODS Variability was evident in the sample represen-
tation of the various risk categories (Table 2).
This study is essentially quantitative and longi- All patients recruited to the study had to be
tudinal. DVT is a continuing problem and risk risk assessed within 24 h of admission. The
persists long after discharge home (Scurr et al. choice of 24 h admission was considered timely
1988, Scurr 1990). Patients studied were there- for optimum predictive accuracy when patients
fore followed up for DVT for a minimum period were very dependent due to their acute clinical
of three months. Wasson et al. (1985) recom- condition or surgical intervention with accom-
mend that instruments be tested in more than panying fibrinolytic shutdown (Kakkar & Strin-
one setting to eliminate unusual, practice-specific ger 1990, Merli & Martinez 1987). Fibrinolytic
relationships between the predictor, DVT scale, shutdown is an acute reaction syndrome, fa-
and the outcome, end point DVT. For this rea- vouring thrombi formation (Marsh 1981).
son, the orthopaedic, medical, and surgical spe- Thrombi of clinically significant proportion are
cialities with varying levels of risk by patient present as early as the first 24 h of admission
group (Table 1) were targeted. The Autar DVT (Brown & Neuman 1995). In trauma and or-
scale was originally designed to have universal thopaedic patients DVT often occurs preopera-
application. tively (Roberts et al. 1990). Therefore, DVT risk
The goal of this study was to obtain a large assessment should be undertaken as early as
enough sample to show statistical significance, possible and for those patients who would be
yet be expedient and economical at the same having surgery within the 24 h deadline, they
time. would be risk assessed immediately on their re-
To calculate the power and sample size, a turn from theatre. In the immediate postopera-
priori analysis was undertaken, using the com- tive period, both hypercoaguable state and stasis
puter software G*Power programme (Erdfelder are at their peak (Nicolaides 1990). All patients
et al. 1996) and selecting Cramer’s V statistic to admitted primarily for treatment of acute DVT
determine the power of v2 . Choosing the con- were excluded from the sample.
ventional alpha input of 0.05, a minimum con- Two data collection tools were applied to re-
sidered acceptable power (1 b) of 0.80 as evaluate the Autar DVT scale. The chart was the
default, G*Power calculated a sample of 149 primary data gathering tool. To assess patients
patients were required for the study. for risk of DVT, the paired registered nurses who
Fifty patients were recruited from each of the collected the data simply circled the appropriate
three clinical specialities, irrespective of gender. risk factors and aggregated the score.
Gender as a predictor of DVT is not a significant
factor (Coon 1976, Nordstrom et al. 1992). Any
Table 2 Sample representation of risk
gender-related risk would originate from addi- categories
tional risk factors such as oral contraceptive,
hormone replacement therapy, pregnancy, and Risk categories Number %
of patients
Data were collected by nurses on the ward to High 19 13
which the patient was admitted. The pairing of Moderate 37 25
Low 51 34
nurses allowed for the calculation of a kappa No risk 43 28
statistic to evaluate the consistency of the risk
Total 150 100
calculator with respect to inter-rater reliability.
The management of deep vein thrombosis 117
Orthopaedic trauma 50 8 16
Medical 50 12 24
Surgical 48 8 17
Total 148 28 19
Table 5 Score values of patients with and they do not. Twelve patients were false positives.
without DVT Those who are predicted negative and who do
not have the disease are the true negatives (TN)
present (n) risk score absent (n) and 108 patients were correctly classified. False
negatives (FN) are those subjects who are pre-
0 (0) 1 2 (2) dicted negative for the disease but contracted it.
0 (0) 2 2 (2)
0 (0) 4 7 (8) Twenty-one false negatives were recorded.
7 (2) 5 12 (14) Test accuracy is defined as the number of true
7 (2) 6 10 (12) positive and true negative divided by the number
3.5 (1) 7 5 (6)
11 (3) 8 9 (11) of patients studied (Wheeler et al. 1994). Overall,
3.5 (1) 9 11 (13) the DVT scale correctly predicted 115 patients (7
0 (0) 10 13 (15) TP + 108 TN/148 ¼ 78%) and misclassified 33
11 (3) 11 9 (11)
11 (3) 12 4 (5) patients (22%).
14 (4) 13 7 (8) The sensitivity and specificity of the absolute
7 (2) 14 1 (1) cut-off value is illustrated in the contingency
7 (2) 15 2.5 (3)
7 (2) 16 2.5 (3) Table 6.
3.5 (1) 17 2 (2) The sensitivity and specificity of the DVT
0 (0) 19 1 (1) scale are dependent on the threshold used and
3.5 (1) 20 2 (2)
3.5 (1) 26 0 (0) calculating only one pair of sensitivity and
0 (0) 27 1 (1) specificity results provides only a very brief
100 (28) 100 (120) glimpse of a test performance. On account of this
limitation, the cut-off values of the four risk
categories in the Autar DVT scale assessment
range to P 11 captured 68% of patients with the protocol were also calculated (Table 7).
condition. The choice of an 11–14 score range optimised
The four possible indicators of accuracy were the predictive potential of the DVT scale and a
therefore influenced by the chosen cut-off values sensitivity of 68% was recorded. However, only
and initially an absolute cut-off range of P 15 19 patients (13%) in the high risk score range
was applied. True positives (TP) are those which were identified (Table 6).
are predicted positive and have the disease. Se- Although sensitivity and specificity provide
ven patients were correctly classified as true information about the accuracy of the test, they
positives. False positives (FP) are those who are do not add to the meaning of positive and neg-
incorrectly predicted to have the disease when ative test results. While sensitivity and specificity
Score P 15 A 7 TP B 12 FP 19
Score O 14 C 21FN D 108 TN 129
Total 28 120 148
a 7
Sensitivity : aþc
100 ¼ 7þ21 100 ¼ 25%
d 108
Specificity : bþd
100 ¼ 12þ108 100 ¼ 90%
Cut-off scores High riskP15 Moderate risk 11–14 Low risk 7–10 No riskO6
are conditioned by the knowledge of the disease concomitant rise in NPV (84%). Importantly, the
state, predictive values are conditioned by the PPV of the DVT scale was masked by 50% of the
nature of the test result (Essex-Sorlie 1995). patients who were recipient of some form of
Predictive values were therefore used to known primary venous thromboprophylaxis. In-
measure the frequency with which the DVT terestingly, 39% (11/28) of the patients developed
scale correctly identified those at risk. Positive a DVT at home when active prophylaxis was dis-
predictive values (PPV) are the proportion of continued (Autar 2002).
those testing positive or predicted at risk of
DVT, who actually develop DVT. Negative
Receiver operating characteristics
predictive values (NPV) are the proportion of
those predicted negative that do not have DVT. To further optimise the predictive accuracy of
PPV and NPV for the absolute score are shown the DVT scale, a receiver operating characteristic
in Table 8. (ROC) curve was constructed. A ROC (Figure 2)
Two factors influenced the predictive values of is simply a plot of the true positive rate against
the instrument: prevalence of DVT and sensitivity the false positive rate for the given thresholds
and specificity of the tool. ‘As prevalence falls, (Zweig & Campbell 1993). Using version 11 of
positive predictive value must fall alongside it, and the SPSS package (2001), scores on the 148 pa-
negative predictive value must rise’ (Sackett et al. tients were analysed to plot the ROC.
1991, p. 88). A fall in PPV (37%) due to low The area under the ROC curve for the above
prevalence of DVT (19%) was associated with a plot was calculated to be approximately 70%.
This means that a randomly selected patient postal questionnaire survey undertaken and used
from the DVT group has a higher DVT risk as- to evaluate the practical application of the DVT
sessment score than one from the group without scale. The DVT scale was very favourably eval-
DVT. However, it does not mean that a DVT uated across the three clinical directorates. Its
occurs with a probability of 0.70 or that DVT is design facilitated its application in all the speci-
associated with a positive result 70% of the time. alities without necessitating any modification to
Data extrapolation from Table 6 and the ROC the chart. Items that were not applicable to a
curve affirmed that the score of 11 was the op- particular speciality were simply not rated. The
timum cut-off point and reduced the amount of DVT scale was described as user friendly. There
false negatives. was consensus that it enabled the respondents to
individualise DVT risk assessment in less than
3 min. It purported to complement clinical
Practical application of the DVT scale
judgement and ‘‘reminds us of patients who
A response rate of 88% (22/25) from the paired otherwise might be overlooked’’, thus making
data collection nurses was recorded for the assessment visible.
Haemolytic anaemia has also been previously myocardial infarction does not (Carter et al.
implicated yet, there is no evidence to support 1987). Aptly, this clinical variable has been re-
any direct causal association with DVT (Belcher defined to ‘‘acute myocardial infarction’’ to em-
1993). Early publications linking sickle cell phasise an acute event and its immediate
anaemia and haemolytic anaemia to DVT, due potential for causing DVT.
to increased blood viscosity may have been
speculative (Serjeant 1992). In the absence of
new evidence, sickle cell anaemia and haemolytic CVA and previous DVT
anaemia have been now deleted from the sub- CVA and a previous DVT are very well recog-
scale, as they are of no predictive value. nised high risk diseases in the causation of DVT,
each associated with a risk score of 7 (Autar
1994). The incidence of DVT ranges between
Varicose veins
42% and 60% for CVA (Brunner & Suddarth
Consistent with its high ranking by the European
1992, Kamal 1987). In patients with a previous
Consensus Group (1991) and THRiFT (1992),
history of DVT, the recurrence of an episode is
varicose veins as a DVT risk factor were assigned
between 48% and 68% (Dalen et al. 1986). An
a high risk score of 6 (Autar 1994).
even higher risk was reported by Samama et al.
Recent debate on varicose vein as a DVT
(1993) for patients with previous DVT. There is
covariate is not disputed but challenged in rela-
now a strong consensus that previous DVT
tion to the nature of its association. Several in-
predisposes to the recurrence of the condition
vestigators have utilised varicose veins as an
and is the highest risk factor in the causation of
independent covariate in their predictive indices
DVT (Anderson & Wheeler 1995, Nordstrom
to identify patients at risk of DVT (Clayton et al.
et al. 1992, Samama et al. 1993).
1976, Crandon et al. 1980, Lowe et al. 1982,
Previous DVT is a higher risk than CVA and
Nicolaides & Irving 1975). However, many vas-
is capped at the risk score of 7. CVA is assigned a
cular surgeons (Agu 1999, Campbell & Riddler
revised of 6 and in this way, the small difference
1995, Campbell 1996) are now challenging this
in the risk associated with these conditions is
clinical view. They claim the assumption that
DVT is an independent risk factor is derived
from a lack of understanding of the differences
between the deep and superficial veins of the The DVT risk assessment protocol
lower limbs. This scepticism is evident in a survey
The DVT risk assessment strategy (Autar 1994)
of venous thromboprophylaxis for varicose vein
places patients into one of the four risk catego-
surgery. Only 29% of vascular surgeons consider
ries: no risk, low, moderate, and high risk. It is
varicose veins as a high risk covariate, necessi-
important to identify those at risk and differen-
tating primary prevention (Campbell & Ridler
tiate them from those who are not so that the
limited resources can be targeted most effectively
Current literature on varicose veins is con-
(Anthony 1999, Autar 1998). Hence a no risk
troversial. The studies showing a relationship
category was incorporated into the assessment
between DVT and varicose veins were under-
taken in patients who had major abdominal
In reality, all patients by virtue of admission
surgery and invited criticism. Varicose veins may
for investigation or treatment should be regarded
have coexisted incidentally with major abdomi-
as at risk. A DVT incidence of 11% for patients
nal surgery, advancing age and obesity as addi-
with no risk factors present was reported by
tive factors to cause DVT. In a study of 1231
Anderson and Wheeler (1995). This was evident
patients, Anderson and Wheeler (1995) reported
in the data obtained on the medical unit. Two
a DVT incidence of only 5.8% due to varicose
patients on the medical ward developed DVT
despite having a low score of less than 6, which
The retention of the high risk score of 6 for
placed them in the no risk category. It is there-
varicose veins over predicts risk, is unjustified
fore prudent to err on the side of caution and
and its original risk score is re-graded to 3.
assume all patients are at risk. Consequently, the
four risk categories of the DVT scale have been
Myocardial infarction reviewed to three risk categories (Figure 3). The
Postal questionnaire feedback from the paired removal of the no risk category from the as-
date collection nurses highlighted concerns in sessment protocol places the low risk category
relation to the variable ‘‘myocardial infarction’’. into a wider risk score range of less than 10 and
It was deemed to be ambiguous and inclined to resolves any problem of spurious precision be-
confuse interpretation as either an acute episode tween the no and low risk categories. The other
or a past medical history could be included. In- risk score ranges of 11–14 and P 15 are main-
cidence of DVT in acute myocardial infarction tained to identify the moderate and high
ranges between 20% and 40% but a previous risk categories, respectively. This modified risk
The management of deep vein thrombosis 123
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