An Analysis of Things Fall Apart
An Analysis of Things Fall Apart
An Analysis of Things Fall Apart
18 February 2018
In Chinua Achebe’s novel Things Fall Apart, the plot follows main protagonist Okonkwo
as he witnesses his society and culture crumble around him with the arrival and settlement of
European colonists and missionaries. In his novel, Achebe presents the reader with many themes,
motifs, and symbols throughout the course of the book. These literary devices touch on many
aspects of the real world, such as the myth of savage Africa or the perils of presenting only one
perspective of an issue. While underlying commentary is provided throughout the book, chapter
25, the last chapter of the novel, is particularly full of allegorical meaning. Within these four
short pages, Achebe takes the European District Commissioner's point of view, and describes his
reaction to Okonkwo’s suicide and how he will record it in the book he has been writing. Within
this transpiring of events, Achebe also wrote in a second meaning. With the final chapter of his
novel, Chinua Achebe addressed subjects such as the foreigner’s idea of Africa, the Myth of
For the majority of the story, Things Fall Apart takes Okonkwo’s point of view. This was
good in the first part of the story, as Okonkwo was a prime example of what a good Umuofian
was supposed to be. He was a proud warrior, a successful farmer, and “was well known
throughout the nine villages” (Achebe 1). While Okonkwo was a suitable vessel for exploring
the intricacies of pre-colonial Umuofia, Achebe would need another character to explore the
to the District Commissioner. With this change of views, the reader is now left to experience the
thoughts of a foreigner in Africa, of a man on the outside looking in. The most important
difference in thinking was that the District Commissioner believed things were getting better the
more the Europeans ingrained themselves. The more European influence and interference to
Africa he brought was the more he “toiled to bring civilization” to Africa (Achebe 208). This is
in direct contrast to Okonkwo, who, as time went on, “mourned for the clan, which he saw
breaking up and falling apart” (Achebe 183). It is though the characters’ ideas are directly tied to
the title of their books: for Okonkwo, things are falling apart, but for the District Commissioner,
the primitive tribes of the Lower Niger are being pacified. It is through Achebe’s switch in
perspective that the reader can witness this contrast in ideas and ways of thinking.
The District Commissioner’s character also draws many parallels to the Myth of Savage
Africa, the likes found in the writings of authors Georg Hegel or Joseph Conrad. The Myth of
Savage Africa is a form of intellectual racism in which one imagines themselves and their culture
superior to Africa, for their idea of Africa is not as an equal, but as a savage, regressive, or
inferior state. Hegel and Conrad believed this myth, speaking of Africans as “natural man in his
completely wild and untamed state” or as “prehistoric man” (Hegel 109; Conrad). The District
Commissioner’s idea of Africa is very much in line with Hegel and Conrad’s. As stated before,
he believed he was bringing civilization to Africa, a land that was previously without (Achebe
208). However, a critical distinction between him and the authors must also be made. Whereas
Hegel and Conrad barely recognized Africans as humans--Conrad going as far as dehumanizing
them to merely stamping feet, loud yells, and whirling hands--the District Commissioner at least
recognized that the native Africans were humans with their own culture and ways of living. The
line “the resolute administrator in him gave way to the student of primitive customs” shows that
the District Commissioner was a “student” of the Africans’ customs. He had enough respect and
dignity to humble himself and be willing to learn another people’s culture, putting it before his
duty as commissioner.
The final paragraph of Things Fall Apart is probably the most dense portion, packed full
of meaning and commentary. The text itself narrates the District Commissioner’s thoughts on
how he would include Okonkwo in the book he was writing. However, there are more ideas that
can be derived from this passage, the most potent of which being the danger of a single story.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie establishes this concept very well in her TED Talk, aptly named
“The Danger of a Single Story” (TED). In her speech, she states that to create a single story,
“show a people as one thing, as only one thing, over and over again, and that is what they
become” (Adichie). What she is saying is that if a person, a culture, anything really, is only
represented from one point of view over and over again, that is the only point of view that one
will take. An example she gives is how she only ever watched the American news coverage of
the Mexican immigration crisis, which gave her the idea that all Mexicans were just healthcare-
fleecing deadbeats (Adichie). Her trip to Guadalajara was a wake-up call to her, showing her that
all Mexicans, all people for that matter, are unique individuals that cannot be covered by a single
blanket term (Adichie). When she speaks of “the danger of a single story,” she is speaking of this
The danger of a single story is very prominent in the final paragraph of Things Fall
Apart. It can be found when the District Commissioner mused how “the story of this man who
had killed a messenger and hanged himself would make interesting reading” (Achebe 208). He
then considered writing either a whole chapter, or, more likely than not, a solid paragraph on him
in his book, The Pacification of the Primitive Tribes of the Lower Niger (Achebe 209). The
danger here comes from the potential audience that would only read the District Commissioner’s
book. If they did so, they would have a skewed view of the happenings in the lower Niger, and
would possess a incomplete, if not flawed, image of Okonkwo. These potential readers would
see him mainly as a man who killed a messenger, then promptly hung himself. They wouldn’t
think of him as a father, a son, a warrior, a leader, a farmer, or a strong, yet ultimately flawed,
human being that Achebe shows him to be throughout the novel. Okonkwo’s life was too large to
ever be well covered in a single paragraph, or even a chapter. Yet with only one story to go off
of, the readers at large will be left looking through a keyhole, never getting the chance to see the
bigger picture.
Chinua Achebe is truly an amazing author, packing the last chapter of Things Fall Apart
full of commentary, metaphor, and allegory. His shift in perspective allowed the readers to
experience the story from a whole new point of view, that of a foreigner. His work touches on
issues such as the Myth of Savage Africa, and the final paragraph of his novel was layered with
meaning, containing an exemplary example of what the danger of a single story looks like. There
is meaning behind almost everything he writes. All in all, the final chapter was the work of
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi. “The Danger of a Single Story.” TED, TED Conferences,
July 2009,